Green Fish (1997) - full transcript

Returning home and finding his town drastically changed, a former soldier falls in with gangsters.

Let's have some chat lady.

What's going on?


Why you guys bother this lady?

What the hell are you?

We were just chatting man!

Fine then.

You are piece of meat!

Next stop is Musoori.
Musoori station.

Thank you for riding
and have a nice day.

Stop you shit!

-Hey you!


Mom, where does
my second brother live?

How's he doing?

Didn't you see your big brother?
He waited for you for hours.

Here, correspondent Kim...


A housekeeper?

-I think you got wrong number.
-Hand it to me.

Yes, she is speaking.

I'll be right there.

Mom, you serve housekeeping?

Mom, don't do that anymore.

l'll earn you lots of money.

Oh, there was a phone call
for you yesterday.

It was a lady.

Who was it?

How do I know?
I wrote her number down there.

I'm pretty popular, huh?

Hell of girls are looking for me
right after the day l was
discharged from the army.

Nobody answer.

How do you feel after
leaving the army?

Not very good...
I have nothing to do.

How about you?

Well, I'm all
busy fora living.

Here's been changed so much.

This place lost its view
after all those apartments.

It wasn't very good
back then anyways.


Ah, Here comes the egg car.

Buy some Fresh and
sanitary eggs.

Miae! Mi. Ae.

When she will be back?

| see. May | ask...

Wasn't this place
our property once?

There were full of
acacia trees back then.

Think about how you
will earn money!

You should earn by yourself.

Okay. lwill. Sure.

Brother, it was red light!

Ah, damn! I got caught.

Pull to the right!

You should stop here!

Why don't you stop?

Pull to the right!

-If you don't, we will be in a big trouble.
-Stut up!

Pull to the right!
Hey you, Egg truck!

Egg truck! Egg truck!

Oh, Shit!

You violated the signal.
May l have your driver's license?

I'm very sorry about that!

Please let me go...

| live from hand to mouth.
Please let me go.

There's no excuse for
violating the signal.

May l have driver's license?

Please help me.
You know howl live.

I know none about you!
Come on, give me the license!

lfl get tickets
I earn nothing today.

learn less than thirty
thousand won for all day.

And also we are
police family too.

My brother works in
PaJoo police station.

If you don't let me go,
who will you let go?

You look warm-hearted...

and goodlooking...

I will give you five
thousand won, is that okay?

That's all l have, right now.

Please let us go, sir.

Please sir.

Okay, then give it to me.

Thank you very much.

| only have ten thousand won.
So, give me five thousand won
for a change then.

Don't you have any change?

No, what am I gonna do?

I need to have some
money to have lunch.

Okay, give that money.
I will get you some change
from my car.

Really? Thank you very much!

-What the hell?

What are you gonna do?

What do you mean?
I'm gonna get the five
thousand won!

I don't think it's possible.
I say we just go.

No way!
I'm gonna get my money!

Damn bastards underestimated me!

-Hey, just forget it!
-No way man!

Mr.! Give me the money back!
Come on, Mr.!

Mr.! Give me the money back!
Come on, Mr.!


Tell them to stop the car!

Mr. Give my money back!

-You guys cheat on me!

-They are running away.
-Give me the money back!

Stop your car!

Give me the money back!

-Stop your car right away.

Give my money!

Stop! Stop!

They running away. You rat!

Stop the car!

Stop your car right away.
Stop your car!

Pull to the right!
Pull to the right!

Pull to the right!

Pull to the right!

Stop! Stop your car!

Go man!


Blow the klaxon!

I'm back.

What took you so long?

They ask me to stay little
longer because I was late.

Long time no see.

Yes. Long time no see.

Didn't you miss me guys!

Hey you! You!

Stop right there!


Hey! Soonok!
Stop right there!

Why you are running away?

That's right.
Why am | running away.
I did nothing wrong.

What happened to you?

It hurts! Let me go.

You got finally discharge!

How on earth did
you know I'm here!

Can't you earn money
with some other work?

Don't tell mother okay?

She knows I work in
the some kinda factory.

Now on, I'll earn money
so don't do this kinda work.

It's not that easy.

Let's go.

Here, you keep it!

I don't need any.

Keep it for now.
I know you don't have any.

-Pay me back when you earn some money
-Never mind. I don't need it!

Come on!

-I will pay you back!
-You bet?


Is it News Nightclub?

Is there a lady called Miae?



When she's coming in?


Come on in. Come on in.

News nightclub for adults.
Great girls...


Are you here alone?

Come on in.

Come on in. Come on in.


This way.
Take a sit right here.

May I take your order, sir

Beer and some fruits.

Yes, thank you.

Hey, look...

You lost this, didn't you?

Oh, that's right.

You lost your bag too, right?

I've got your bag.

I called you the number that
I saw on your pocket book.

All right.

Here you are.

You can keep it.
It's my presents.

-Let's go. I'll buy you drink.

Where are you going?

Just ignore them!


Bosebazie Sieddo Samunoie Bazae,
Bosebazie Sieddo Samunoie...

Boss is looking for you.

I'm not going!

Let's go.

Let me go!
You bastard!

You know this won't help you!

I'm not going.


What are you?

My new boyfriend!


Yeap. My new boyfriend!

I like younger man.

Let's go now.

I said I won't go, you crap!

Why you bother someone
who doesn't want to go.

Do you have any lights?

Get in!

It's okay, get in.

Where do you live?

| live in llsan.

[heard you discharged three
days ago from the army.

What are you gonna do now?

Trying to get a job.

Any company you know?

No, I haven't.

Do you have any skills
you are very good at?

No, I haven't.

Honey, you have!
Running I say.

What do you want for work?

What do you want to
be in the future?

Damn you. What the matter
with you young people!

No job, no dreams
and nothing!

Young people should have dreams.

There goes again.

Don't listen to him.
He is a big liar.

Can you drive?

I got my license while
serving for the army.

Here. Tell them I sent you.

Take good care of him!
He's my boyfriend!

Get out!

Get out you asshole!
Conversation's over!

Good-bye, Makdong!


How do you get to know
Mr. Taekon Bae?

ljust know him.

Hi, you left
your car key inside.

-What are you doing here.

There's a car coming in.

Hi, how are you?

May l have the key?

It's okay.
We don't need to.

But, I have to.
Please give it to me.

Such an asshole!
Are you a deaf or something?

Give it to me.

Let them go.

You! Come here.


Come on here!

Can I have a light?


Hey, you come over here!

lam talking to you.

Hey, you come over here!


You know me?

I know you.

Then you should make
a polite bow to me.

Why you don't, you little rascal!

I don't think
we should exchange greetings
each other.

Come here.
Come back here.

What did you say?
Come here. Come here.

God damn it!

Come here, asshole!

Don't call me asshole
you asshole!

What? What did you say?

What the hell are you doing?

You two come here.

You two come here.

Damn Shit!

You bastard!

You were lucky today!

Can't you stop saying shits?

What? Don't laugh.

You shit! If you keep teasing

with your shitty mouse
you'll be dead!

Look whose talking with
that fucking mouth!

Hey, don't give the asshole
some drink!

Don't drink!

It's not yours anyways!

You fucking asshole!

Stop it!

Sit down.


Everything's okay?

Turn some music on!

-Come on in.

Take a seat.

-Want some work?

It's very simple thing.

It's not something like
violating the law,

You know our boss, right?
Mr.Taekon Bae.

He's never done something
that violate the law.

Wanna make money, right?

Go ahead and open it!

Yes, mom it's me. Makdong.

What? Oh, I'm in Seoul.

Seoul. Yes.

I'm fine mom.
l have greatjob here.

Where's big brother?
Does he fall asleep?

It's great.
Yeah, I've got a good job.

Okay. Good night.

Thank you.

I An unworthy son has this sin...

Wow, You have great
talent in singing, sir!

What did you say?
Stop laughing at! Shit!

Sir, sir your song is..

Anyways well done sir.

Sorry, I'm sorry.

Please have drink with me.

Thank you.

Sir, you are really a bad singer.

Every steps and
rhythms are wrong.

Don't ever sing, okay?

I did my best.


Sir, Don't ever never sing
in front of the people.


How can you dare to sing

with such a poor ability?

Alright, I won't sing.

Are you sure?

Can I trust your words?

What the matter with you?

Yeah, yeah trust me
I won't sing again.

If you sing once more,
you are not a human anymore.

Got it? You are a
son of a bitch then.

What? You asshole?

Don't ever sing you asshole.

Aren't you crazy?

What the hell...
Who did this?

Who is this?
Mr. Oh...

Long time no see.

You guys tricked me.

What the hell thing
happened to your hand?

Come on in.

You Makdong,
come sit here.

-How's your hand?
-lt's fine, sir.

How could you be fine
with a broken hand?

You stupid!

Have a drink.

Don't ever do that again.

When you are young

you never know how precious
your health is but,

Don't ever do that.

Yes, sir

He has some guts, sir.

However, everything
worked out by your help.

That asshole try to
ruin my business

Everything's settled now.

That asshole tries to
be a city councilman.

And he begged not to
have a criminal record.

-You said your name is Makdong?
-Yes, sir

From now on,
call me brother.

We are brothers now. You are
my youngest brother, okay?

Yes, sir

How old are you?

Twenty-six sir.

If you are twenty-six then
what year of animal is that?

-l born in the Year of the Pig.

Pansoo, what about you?


Do I really have to say that?

What kinda animal was it?
Don't you know?

Sorry, boss...butl hope
you not to ask me such a thing.

I want to keep it secret.

A secret?

What kinda animal was it?

Boss, what's the matter with you?

You don't know what animal
it was when you were born.

Would you please stop it?

Be honest with me, you
really don't know it, do you?

You're gone too far, boss!

Aren't you...

too nice to him?

We know nothing

about him.

We took a whole year

to call you boss and

-That asshole call you boss already?
-Come here.

You bastard!

How dare you
talking to me like that.

Forgive me, boss

I decide what to do, asshole!

I'm sorry, boss.

Listen up carefully, you all.

Makdong belongs to our family
from now on.

Yes, boss!

Whatever happens I take
care of my family.


Quit working in the parking lot.

Yes, sir.

We have some problem
inside of the club.

And manager wants you to
come down for second.

She's been like that since
one of our guest yelled at her.

She's stock right there
and never comes down.

We have to close it down then.

You take her to come down!

I put up with this crazy situation,
because of your boss!

Who yelled at her?

Who yelled while she
was singing, huh?

I did, you asshole.

She is not a singer.

She is drunk and
messing up the stage!

What a fucking shit!
What's the problem with you?

Fuck you. Fuck you!

Let's go.

-Mr. Makdong?

Do you like yourjob?

Do you like working under
Mr. Taekon Bae.

What happened to your hand?

lgot hurt!

Aren't you get fired if
you are drunk at the daytime?

It's not your business brother.

Are you hungry?
Want some lunch with me?

No thanks.

I think I should go
to your house first.

And have to say
hello to your wife.

Really? Sure, sure.

This is my house.

Here, bring out
some good meat...

Cool bottles of beer.
We'll have drink first.


Can't our family live
all together? Like old days.

We were happy before father died.

You're still naive.

What do we do
if we live together.

We are all busy for
living, anyways.

We live together and
can earn money together!

We can build some factory
or a restaurant.

I thought about it
when l was serving in the army.

Do you think it's that simple?

This drink is too warm.
Don't you have anything cooler?

We can't sell drink,
detective Kim!

Go to some other places.

What's the matter with you?
I'm with a venerable guest here.

How venerable he is,
go to some other places.

You are carrying
yourjokes too far.

Do you think I'm joking?
Madam clear this table.

What? What are you gonna
do if you glare angrily.

Are you gonna break it again?

Well, why don't you give
a try like the other day?

And drive every guests away.

Why can't you do it?
Break it again.

what's the problem with you?

Ask this man why I go like this?

I'm sorry
let's get out of here.



-Turn right from here.

Wait here.

Yes, boss.





Come here.

-Sit here.

What do you wanna have?


What do you wanna eat?

Broiled rice cake.

I'd like to have Broiled rice cake.


Do you want to hear my story?

Long time ago.

There was a
black looking bastard.

He received no education

and he got abandoned from
his own parents.

But he tried to survive in Seoul

where he knows none.

He moved sluggishly like
a maggot in excrement.

One day...he was so hungry,

so he
sneaked in to a restaurant

And ate little bit of
sushi and some drinks.

But he was found by
the owner of restaurant

and locked up in jail
for the first time of his life.

Do you know where that restaurant
located? It's right this spot.

Can you imagine what happened
to that black looking bastard?

He is trying to build

new building in this very spot now.

He ground out an oath while
he was locked in the jail.

Wait and see what will gonna
happen to you fucking bastards.

Makdong, what's your dream?


-Who's looking for me?

Hey! Viet Cong!

Who the hell is it?

I'm not sure, but they were
waiting for you for long time

You sure looks
better then before!

That asshole was as
black as real Viet Cong!

His temper was as
dirty as Viet Cong.

That bastard grew up
only with his guts!

-Boss, do you want me to beat them up?
-Hold on.

Long time no see, brother.

I'm deeply moved for
you calling me brother.

I thought you forgot all about me

since you haven't come to see me
while serving a prison term.

I haven't got enough time to go
there since I was busy.

I heard how you've been.

Did you quit from
prostitute business?

Just let me know if
you have nothing to do.
I will help you.

There is something you
have to help me already.

I'm gonna open a new nightclub
just across the road.

And I want your help.

I heard you are a
big man in this town.

Long time ago I had this puppy

which I used to kick
whenever I want to.

And one day this puppy grow
up and became big dog.

But still this dog can't even bark at me.

Do you know why?

Because he is

so afraid of me.

Bye. See you again.


Sir, you know well

how I grew up
in this town, don't you?

It took me ten years to
get rid of all the gangs.

I finally got this place
after the ten year war.

But this Yanggil Kim,
this asshole is trying to

Start to ruin me right after
he released from the jail.

I'm sorry talking about
boring stuffs

while partying for your promotion.

Congratulations sir.
You did a greatjob.

Greatjob? Cut it out.

I worked in police station for thirty years
but I'm only a section chief.

Do you feel the frailty
of human life for that?

-Hey, what are you doing?
-Why don't you sing a song?

Call band in.

Cut the creep out.

I want to talk between
you and me alone.

Yes, sir. Everyone get out.

I want to die right now.

My wife is having an affair.

My son is in college and

We lived twenty years
together but...

What kinda life this is.

Hey, you deacon!
Can't you do it right, asshole!

Hurry up! Dig it fast!

Come on. Hurry up!

That will do.
Stop now and

Take all the clothes off!


Take your clothes off,
you idiot!

Please help me.
Jesus Christ.

-Take your clothes off.
-Aren't you gonna take it off?

Hurry up!

-You have great body there.
-Take it off!

Take your clothes off,
you idiot!

Help me.

Take your clothes off,
you idiot!

You are a deacon in the
church, aren't you?

That's right.

How long have
you been a deacon?

About ten year or so, sir.

And you are having an affair?

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

You should go to hell,
'cause you are such a sinner!

Please, help me. Please!

Oh, God. Help me!

I know you did nothing wrong.
It's all your thing's fault.

This thing is a cause,
this little creep!

This thing is a cause,
this little creep!

Stay still, asshole.
This is all for you.

Are you suffering for this?

Because of this,
you are committing sin to God

And bother other happy family

And also bothers you.

Stay still, you asshole.

Damn, you dirty bastard.

Which is not an
element of this drink?

Take a guess. Okay?

Number one liquid-fructose,
two dextrin,

three Vitamin E,
four sodium.

-Can you repeat again?

Number one liquid-fructose,
two dextrin,

three Vitamin E, four sodium.

Number three.

-Number three?
-Number four.

Number four? Sodium?

No, number three.

Vitamin E. That's correct.

Now then what is this
drink's license number?

This question is quite hard.
License number...

One 01-01-026

Two 01-01-027, three...


You look you are a pure person.

Who is this?

My father.

You two are look alike.

where is this?

That's my house.

You have this big
tree in your house?

It changed a lot now.

Can I keep this?

I want it.

Sure, you can.

Makdong, have you
ever fell in love?


Not even once?

Haven't actually.

You've never been in love
by now?

Have you ever kissed a girl
with love before?

Tell me.

Not really.


Can lteach you how?

Mr. Taekwon Bae ask me
to come home right now.

What you gonna do?

I will do as you like.

Are you coming or not?

Tell me.

Well, we have to.
Boss said so.


Boss said so.

Let's go.

Did you go for train?

14 Why do you always leave
as you end up going back again?

You can never escape from me,
you know the fact.

I got you a present.

What is it?

Some clothes.

Try it on.


Try it on.
It's really expensive one.

I don't want to.

Why don't you try it on?

I'm sorry for this.

You know! love you,
don't you?

I think l have to visit my house.

Why? Do you have
some problem there?

No. It's my mother's
birthday tomorrow.

Then you should go.

With this,
buy her some presents.

-lt's okay.
-Take it.

Thank you.

Let's drink.

Come on.

Come on drink.

Here, I will treat you.

What's the matter with you?

Stop drinking.

Cut it out.

lfl don't drink today
when can I ever?

You had enough.
Please stop it.

What a behavior!

Do you have to embarrass
me in front of my family?

What did you say last night?

You promised in
front of your son.

Didn't you say you're gonna
quit your job if you drink
one more time?

Do you want to beat you up?

Hit me, hit me!

Hit me in front of
the whole family!

Why can't you!

why don't you hesitate?

Mother. I live like this.
Just like what you've seen.

I'm sorry, honey.

Get off.

Forgive me, huh?

Let me go!

Now, let's sing.

J‘ I don't know why I'm like this.

l spilled it all over!

-J‘ I don't know why I'm like this.
-Get up brother.

J‘ I can't pick it out exactly but...

What is this?

What a mess!

What do you live for?

What are you doing, huh?

What? Did I say
something wrong?

Look at him?
Do you want to live like that?

So? So do you live well then?

Fuck you.

Me? Damn?
Want to die today?

Yeah, asshole.


You guys are so bad.

How could you do this.
Especially today!

Excuse me?

I'm sorry.

What the hell? You bastard!

Dongjoo! Are we ganster?

Answer me! Are we?

No, sir.

Why did you do it, then?

Forgive me boss...

Shut your mouth up!

You damn stupid bastards!

Don't you know who I am?

l'm Taekon Bae.

Don't you know me asshole?

Boss, why can't we fight
back to Yanggil Kim?

Don't we have to cut them
out before they get bigger?

That's the only
way to survive, boss.

Do you know what the life is?

Answer me, asshole!

What do you know
about people?

How do I know
such a thing, boss?

They are the real
fucking bastards!

I know him well.

| go with my own way.
Got it?

Now, Go ahead and
have some fun.

-It's room number 503, sir.
-Room 503?


Can you memorize that?
You have a bad memory.

Hands off!

Mr. Taekon Bae, I did everything
he ordered me to do.

Don't! look like
a well-trained cat, huh?

Get in, are you drunk?

Yeah, I'm drunk.

That bastard made me to drink.

Do you know what he said?

He said Yanggil Kim and
Taekon Bae is all trash.

That asshole prosecutor
is really smart!

-Get in.
-Let me go!

-Let me go!
-Get in.

I hate you. Let me go,
I don't want to ride with you.

Let me go!

Get in.

Don't touch me.
I hate to ride with you!

I'm sorry.

It's all my fault.

You go alone.
I won't ride with you.

I don't want it,
fucking asshole.

I've gotta go.

Where do you think
you are going?

Come here.

Don't you wanna fuck with me?

Just tell me. lwill.

I do such a thing for everybody,
and why not for you!

Boss bbazie, Sieddo Samunoi bazae.

Boss bbazie, Sieddo Samunoi bazae.

Lie down.

My body is not really clean.

Is it all right with you?


Yes? Yes, sir

There's a gloomy feeling going
around here. Something's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

Hold on. Drive a car
backwards! Backwards!

Stay still.

Hey, Viet Cong Viet Cong,

Yanggil Kim boss
says hello to you.

Where are you hiding assholes!

Asshole, you bastards.

I'm sorry...

about distreat boss.

I'm very sorry.

I think there was some

but I will make it clear.

Sure, I understand.

Now among puppies,

Some doesn't know whether they
are from a mongrel or a good dog.

A mongrel doesn't know what
it is and act like a good dog.

Then we have nothing
to do but one thing.

Then you should tell that
it's from some mongrel.


What did you say
what your dream is?

Living with my own family,

running a small restarurant.

That's good.

To make dream come true,

l've climbed from the bottom
to the top here.

It wasn't easy at all.


You didn't zip up.

-Are you kidding me?
-Look, you really didn't!

Boss, Boss!

-What's the matter?
-A call for you.


Turn the music off!
Turn it off!



Is that you, big brother?

It's me, Makdong.

Is mom there?

Where is she?

Yes. I'm fine. I'm okay.

Don't hang up.
Don't hang up. Don't.


Do you remember?
Red bridge, Red railway bridge.

We used to go fishing

when we were young.

You know I once went there
to catch a green fish and

lost my shoe
so, you and brothers

searched for the all day long.

And Soonok, she got stung
her buttocks by a bee

so, second brother was
making fun of her.

Big brother, do you
remember back then?

Can do you
remember back then?


Have you had a meal?

No, I haven't
but I'm all right.

How old are you again?

Twenty-six, boss.

-What happened to him?
-Just shut up!

Bosebazie Sieddo Samunoie Bazae,
Bosebazie Sieddo Samunoie Bazae

Bosebazie Sieddo Samunoie Bazae,
Bosebazie Sieddo Samunoie...

We've got our customer.

Come on in.

Get off!

-Meal is available?
-Yes, come on in.

Come on in.


Come in.

The place like here can be
better than any others.

Whould you please order?

What's so special here?

Everything's good.

What's youngyangtang?

Something good for body.

That will be good for you.

What is that?

Dog soup.

If you don't like it
then have some chicken soup.

It's our domestic.

Is it really domestic?

Sure. We caught it right here.

You can see if you want.
We can show it to you.

It's okay. It's not necessary.

Why don't you have a look at later.
We can hardly trust anybody these days.

So, you want chicken?

Yes, I do.

Chicken soup for two?

-Whata chubby!
-Good choice, huh?

Give me the chicken.

What took you so long to
get here from market.


Where have you been?


Was it good?

Yes. It was pretty good.

Do you live in those
apartments over there?

Yes. We just moved in.

Then often stop by
we'll treat you with best service.

It looks nice to have old
pictures under one frame.

You think so?

I like the idea.

-Good bye.
-Good bye.

-Good bye.
-Good bye.

Haven't we met before?

Well, l have no idea.

What did you do before?

I worked for the government.

You look pretty
familiar to me.

-Good bye!
-Good bye!

Thank you!
Have a nice day!