Grace of Monaco (2014) - full transcript

1961. Princess Grace, the former Grace Kelly, has been married to Prince Rainier of Monaco now for five years, they having two young children. Her transition from famed Oscar-winning Hollywood actress from a background as the daughter of a wealthy millionaire owner of a brickworks in Philadelphia to European princess of a small, exclusive and tight-knit principality has been a difficult one, the Monagasques who have been less than welcoming to her in her outspoken American nature. Even in her official charity work as head of a women's committee for the Red Cross, the other committee members largely grumble under their breath about her as their leader. Despite loving Rainier, their marriage is a largely distant one emotionally as he focuses on his role as monarch, now an especially difficult time in the on-going tension between Monaco and France under the leadership of Charles de Gaulle, who would, if he could, annex Monaco back under French control. She has a small entourage of trusted advisers who lead her through the maze of her life, including an American Catholic priest, Father Francis Tucker, currently based in Monaco, and she bringing back into the fold Rupert Allan, who worked as her Hollywood publicist. Despite the unofficial roles of the members of this entourage, Grace has never had official guidance into all that it means to be Princess of Monaco. She has always been courted by the Hollywood community to continue acting, the thoughts of doing so stronger now than ever in her general unhappiness, with a concrete high profile role offered to her by her oft late career collaborator Sir Alfred Hitchcock. She returning to acting would be seen by the Monagasques and probably Rainier as she turning her back on her royal duties. What Grace decides to do under the circumstances takes into account her own happiness, the welfare of their two children who nonetheless will inherit the throne, whether she loves Rainier enough especially in light of an action by France, and whether she sees herself as Princess, and what she can do for the monarchy, the principality, and its subjects in light of her relationship with Rainier.

Cut, great.

That's a wrap, everyone!

Great job, fantastic!


That was amazing!

Nice. Beautiful job.

That was glorious. Thank you.

Grace Kelly, the Academy

A ward winning Movie Star,

born in Philadelphia, USA, is about to

rejoin Prince Rainier III of Monaco,

whose chance meeting with Grace in

Cannes led to a whirlwind courtship,

and a feat no Hollywood leading

man was ever able to accomplish,

winning Grace Kelly's

hand in marriage.

With their storybook romance

nearing its happy ending,

Miss Kelly boarded the liner Constitution

with the rest of the Kelly family,

including her father Jack,

who built a construction business

that made him a millionaire

and an embodiment of

the American dream.

Hollywood royalty joins

Monegasque royalty...

the century's biggest wedding

in the world's smallest state.

Best wishes and presents have

arrived from all over the world,

from kings and queens,

presidents and prime ministers,

movie magnates and millionaires.

Grace Kelly... now Her Serene

Highness, the Princess of Monaco...

has left behind everything she's ever

known for a new life in a new world,

destined to live happily ever

after with her charming prince.

From here you can see the

whole of Monaco, Mr Hitchcock.

Yes, I know.

You are to refer to

her as Your Highness.

Or if you speak French,

you can call her Votre Altesse.

Just Altesse is also acceptable,

but Highness is not. Nor is Princess.

Are you coming or not, Mr Hitchcock?

Remember to nod your head when you

first make her presence, but do not bow.

She's not the Queen of England.

Oh! You've grown so big!

This is for you. First prize of

the Monaco Young Poets' society.


Ma'am, you can't bend down.

Oh... Pardon.


This is the part where I say, "Cut!"



So who's the leading man?

I don't know. Cubby Broccoli just made

a spy movie with some Scottish fellow

he's raving about.

We go into production in spring.

And Universal will

pay you $1 million.

Well, it's not about

the money, Hitch.

It's going to be the role

of a lifetime, Gracie.

Do I look that unhappy?

You look tired.

Where's Rainier?

We rarely see each other.

He er... He works a lot.

We've prepared a room at the

palace for you. You'll stay?

- I have to get back to LA.

- Oh, please!

I'm sorry, I left Evan

alone with Cary Grant.

And goodness knows what

they've done to my Birds script.

How is Cary?

Cary's great.

But his wife still sticks pins

in your effigy every night.

You're still an artist, Gracie.

Don't forget it.


I'm fine.

Doesn't get better than this.


Hey, when I screw a woman,

I'm in it for the long haul, so to speak.

That's what I said to Maria.

Hey, be proud of your scandals.

What else are they gonna write

about when you're gone?

- That's not how it happened at all.

- No.

I was hoping we could talk privately.

President De Gaulle is

worried for French jobs.

We have to do something.

Our treasury is practically empty.

So you steal our taxes...

to pay for all of this?

This is all an image,

Monsieur Denard.

Your president knows that.

This is all we have left to sell.

Madam, did you know you are sitting

on the world's largest penis?

- My bar stools, made from whale's scrotum.

- Ari! Please!

It's all right, Antoinette.

Mr Onassis was joking.

Ari, would you like me

to confiscate your boat?

I'd like to leave now.

You're his sister, you have to stay.

Are any of your

Hollywood friends here?

Uh... no. No. This is

Mr Onassis's party.

He likes to be the biggest

drunk on the boat.

Well, our point is, the British will

always side with the Americans.

Their Atlanticism will be

the end of our culture.

President de Gaulle believes we must pool

our wealth and finance a third pillar,

between the Soviets and

the United States.

That's what Europe must become.

- What should I do about my children?

- About what?

Well, they're Monegasque

and they're American.

Perhaps I should drop them

in the middle of the ocean?

France is stuck in a terrible

war in Algeria, Your Highness.

Many lives have been lost.

The very stability of our

country is under threat.

That means the stability

of Europe is under threat.

One would ask why you are

fighting a war in Africa.

Conflict is often a necessary evil.

Especially in the colonies.

Oh, but colonialism

is so last century.

I suspect one shouldn't occupy

a princess with such... matters.

I was brought up to participate.

My father would have been most upset

to see someone without enthusiasm.

Of course.

It is the American way.

Perhaps if it was the European way,

we wouldn't have had Fascism, Communism

or the need for your

president's third pillar.

This is not America, Grace!

- People don't just speak their minds.

- And why not?

Because that man is the

chief treasury agent...

That man is a bully!

He's the chief treasury

agent to Charles de Gaulle!

The most powerful voice in Europe.

And I need him on my side if I'm

ever to modernise this country.

- So what did you expect me to say?

- Say nothing! Say nothing!

Because everything you

say has consequences.

Not now, Madge. Not now.

Isn't this what you wanted me to

teach Caroline and Albert? Isn't it?

Never be afraid to speak your mind?

That's what you said

you loved about me.

Madge said...

Hitchcock came to see you.

Madge said that?

Yes, he came to see how I was.

He was passing through, and...

It was nice to see him.

I wish you told me.

I'd like to have seen him.

This hospital's been

abandoned for years.

We don't even know if

the floors are sound.

Ma'am, we simply cannot

justify these repairs.

The hospital already accounts

for most of our spending.

How about the palace

gives you an endowment,

and the Red Cross

Committee matches it?

If you pay to expand the orphanage,

the retirement homes will expect you

to do the same, and then the schools.

And you don't have the funds.

My dear Countess, it's really

very, very simple and necessary.

All we have to do is convert this

space into an open dormitory.

And then we put partitions and each child

will have their own separate living area.


Maybe we can vote for it in

our plenary session tomorrow.

But now we must get back,

there's the small issue of the

Annual Red Cross Ball to organise.

But that's not due until October.

It's the most important event

in our social calendar.

Besides, you just don't have the

money for renovations right now.

I'm sorry, Countess, I mistakenly thought

we were here to repair a hospital.

103 new companies registered offices

in Monaco in the last two years.

90 per cent of them

relocated from France.

All of them came for your zero-tax.

And what do you want

us to do about it?

- Stop courting them.

- Oliver, come here! Come on!

- Casinos.

- Come here, now!

That's what I've inherited, Emile.

Good dog!

A playground for French aristocrats.

And that's a problem?

Oh, for the 10,000 people

who live here, yes.

Ordinary people need

schools, hospitals.

We make nothing, we export nothing.

If France is going to drain

Monaco of all she has,

it's not unreasonable to expect

French businesses to pay for it.

We find ourselves at an

impasse, Your Highness.

Because the President wants you to

not only impose income tax in Monaco,

but to pay the proceeds to France.

You want us to pay tax to France?

This is a French protectorate

which has only ever existed

because of French good will.

This is a sovereign nation.

Oliver, come on, boy.

My peers in Paris are not

as understanding as I am.

I'm to return tomorrow

with your full acceptance.

Please work with me, Your Highness.

Does de Gaulle really want

the children of Monaco

to grow up to be croupiers?

Some would say that

would be an improvement.

Some of Monaco's children are

running around like their mother,

the offspring of a

Philadelphia bricklayer.

Let me go.

- Let me go.

- Mr. Pelletier...

May I, Mr. Pelletier?

He slapped a French representative?

Yes, he sent me away,

expelled me from Monaco.

Tell De Gaulle he's becoming

dangerously anti-French.

You've been the principality

priest for a long time.

You must know how complicated

things are here, Tuck.

- Yes, I know, Gracie.

- I feel I made a mistake.

What kind of mistake?

Everything I do or say is wrong.


Do you know how I spent my afternoon?

I was trying to persuade the

good ladies of the Red Cross

that repairing a hospital wing

might just be more important

than... planning a ball.

You're in Monaco, Grace.

I know I'm in Monaco.

What do you think would happen

if I went back to making movies?

What's it about?

A frigid, compulsive thief.

Really? Hm.

But it's a great role.

I'm sure it is.

Have you spoken to Ray about this?

What do you think?

Of course not, it's always...

I don't know, it's always

politics with him.

Ray is never gonna accept

the idea of his princess

going back into the movies,

you know that, Gracie.

After 7 years of conflict in Algeria,

disorder reigns in France.

To consolidate power and

secure her borders,

the government must

finance the war effort.

In its sights, Monaco.

Mr. Denard spoke to the French

this afternoon from the Elysée.

On the orders of the

French President,

Monaco has a 6-month ultimatum

to begin taxing her citizens

and cease her open courting

of French companies.

Unless they stop scheming

to steal French revenue,

and demand that Monaco

become part of France.

Our food, our water, our power,

everything runs through France.

We'd be squashed in an instant.

Ray, you don't have an army.

You're in no position to

hardball the French President.

It's so nice to have a real

family meal for a change.

I only wish I could stay and enjoy it.

I have a meeting with Onassis.

What if de Gaulle doesn't

accept your apology?

Then we'll have the shortest

war in the history of mankind.

What happens in a war, Maman?

Oh... Big bad men decide

that they're tired of talking

and so they er...

pull each other's noses.

Someone once asked my father,

"If you could be any monarch,

which monarch would you be?"

He said...

"The Tsar of Russia,

or the Prince of Monaco.

The Tsar, because he knows the

name of none of his subjects,

- the Prince of Monaco...

- Thanks.

...because he knows all of them."

- Why don't you just pay him?

- How?

We could mortgage some of the estate.

It's already mortgaged.

How did it go with the Red Cross?

Will they pay for the orphanage?

The treasury'll put up a share, which

leaves Countess Baciochi no choice

but to match it with her funds.

You're forcing her to do something

other than for her own benefit?

You should see the conditions, Ray.

These children, they can't

live like this. It's appalling.

Well, don't upset her too much, OK?

I need her husband's

political support.

We're running out of money

and he has a lot of it.

Hitchcock offered me a role.

I think it might be

inappropriate to accept it now.

Were you considering accepting?

I wanted to ask you.

Well, if you really can't do without it,

I won't stand in your way.

But would it be appropriate?

I don't want people saying that I'm

running away or abandoning you.

Why would they say that?

The only thing I ask is,

you manage the publicity.


It's a risk. But take it if you must.

I miss it.

I can't stand it, I'll die!

I'll die!

If you touch me again, I'll die!

I can't stand it, I'll die!

If you touch me again...

If you touch me again, I'll die!

I can't stand it, I'll die.

If you touch me again, I'll die!

Gentlemen, I have wonderful news.

I am going to make a film

for Mr Alfred Hitchcock.

And I'd like to introduce

to you Rupert Allan,

my publicist from Hollywood.

Try not to look too astonished.

No Princess of Monaco has ever

taken to the stage before, Altesse.

It's not the stage, it's the screen.

There is a first time for

everything, Mr Delavenne.

Yes, what about your duties,

ma'am, and the crisis?

As your press officer, I don't know how

to present this without causing outrage.

Monsieur Cornet!

I can be a mother and a wife,

and hold down two jobs without the

people getting too upset, can't I?

- But what about the Prince?

- The Prince is very supportive.

As the Minister of the Interior,

it is my duty to protest.

What if the studio

wants to publicise it?

It'll cause unrest.

Mr Hitchcock has

agreed to be discreet.

Yes, they will not publish

until the palace publishes.

Which won't be until

this crisis is over.

Making her return to Hollywood,

her Serene Highness

Princess Grace of Monaco

has accepted to appear

for Mr Alfred Hitchcock

in Universal Pictures' Marnie.


And this is the only

copy of the release?


And action!

I'm gonna be the queen

of the all Western...

Phyllis, the microphone's in film.

We're going to be famous!

- I'm John Wayne!

- No, I'm John Wayne!

- Ha ha!

- Action!

Yes, that's it.

Spare me the indignation, Madge.

- We're just playing.

- Maman is an actress!

One more time before bed. And action!

It's a good likeness, no?


Our readers want to know, how important

has the hospital project been to you?

I think that people have

to work hard enough

to make sure that the standards

for those who aren't as privileged

are no different than

from those who are.

Wherever in the world they may be.

Not everybody is lucky

enough to marry a prince.

Au revoir!

Move back, guys, move back.

Will you let President

de Gaulle's ultimatum

affect your philanthropic

work, ma'am?

Oh, I think we'll all find out it's

been a terrible misunderstanding.

When will you start on

Marnie, Your Highness?

I'm sorry?

Look magazine.

We received a copy of your press

release today from Universal Pictures.

"Princess Grace has

accepted to appear

during her summer vacation

in the motion picture Marnie,

to be made by Mr Alfred Hitchcock

and shot in the United States."

Are you going back to

Hollywood, Your Highness?

No, no.

Hollywood rocked,

and the world as well,

as Academy Award-winning

actress Grace Kelly

has been announced to star in Alfred

Hitchcock's new picture, Marnie.

Fans of the silver screen

are sure to be delighted,

but what does this mean

for the State of Monaco?

No, no, no. Focus on

the bloody birds.


Yes, of course. Put her through.


Hitch! The studio said

they would wait. That...

The press release

came from the palace.

The studio only published a response.

Are you sure?

Yes, I told Wasserman

I'd leave Universal

if there was any monkey business.

It's going to be tricky now.

I'll need some more time.

Can you wait?

Of course, darling.

The world needs Grace Kelly

back on the big screen now.

Hitch, thank you.

"The fact that wife Grace Kelly

is returning to her movie career,

no matter what the reason,

is indicative that in some ways, something

has gone wrong with her marriage."

Why do they write such lies?

Try to avoid what Hedda

Hopper's been writing.

I think she's been after your

obituary for a while, now.

The bigger question... is how did the

release get out from Mr Cornet's office?


Well, I have the only

key to the bureau.

And only one other person

knew where I put the release.

- How dare you, Mr Cornet?

- A mistake may have happened.

There are certain things about

which I do not make mistakes.

Maybe it wasn't a mistake.

Don't play that game

with me, young lady.

OK, that is enough. Thank you.

I really don't think this was an

accident, Tuck. Somebody leaked it.

- Why would they do this to me?

- This isn't about you, Grace.

Somebody is using you to light

a fire under Ray's problem.

This is all about how

de Gaulle reacts.

Why does everything have

to be so complicated?

Listen to me.

In 15 minutes, Ray is going to ask de

Gaulle to come to the negotiating table.

If he even suspects there's

a French spy in the palace,

he's going to reach into the phone and

punch de Gaulle right on the nose.

Is there anybody on your

staff you trust unequivocally?

Phyllis. I hand-picked her.

All right, get her and conduct

your own investigation.

At all costs,

Ray mustn't be troubled.

Ray mustn't be troubled by what?

Altesse was wondering whether

we should fire Mr Cornet.

It seems the Press Department's rather

messed up the Hitchcock announcement.

Well, I did say it was a risk.

You did say you'd manage it.

You should see to the children.

- Hold on tight, Oliver!

- Giddy up!

Come on, push!

I got you!

Giddy up!

Hey, Mommy, look at me!

Everybody in!

...a ball in the middle of the pool.

You're gonna dive in and get it.

The first one to catch

it is the winner.

- Yes.

- Off you go.


Here we go.


I told you to stop doing that.

You'll hurt yourself!

Come here.

- Thank you, sweetheart.

- Yes?

- There we go.

- Sure.

- Look happy now.

- Cheese!

Look at me! I'm swimming!

- Mommy!

- Over here!

Christian, get your cousins

and get ready for lunch. the next film by

director Alfred Hitchcock.

Here are a few reactions to

the American plans of former



Grace Kelly.

We're in a crisis and she's

leaving for Hollywood!

She'll never be one of us.

She's not from here.

What if the princess

must kiss another man?

They do that in films.

Oh, just ignore them.

You're married to my brother.

Family is all that matters.

Your children...

you must protect them.

Nothing else.

It doesn't ever get easier, does it?

This is supposed to be

a summer break! Oh...

Politics is never on

vacation, Miss Callas.

Oh, please, it's been two hours.

And they are still holed up in there.


I noticed you've got stables.

Why? Do you ride?

Do I ride?

- Grace!

- Grace!

- Grace!

- Grace!

Do you know Ari tried to get

me to quit singing, huh?

He did?

But I'm an artist.

Who can't expect to be

adored and left alone.

Who can't hide.

Who can't give up.

I haven't given up.

I know.

Grace Kelly can quit.

Princess Grace can quit.

But what's inside...

Mr President, I've already

given our allegiance.

We'll match your French rates.

What your companies want to

do after that is up to them.

No! You will tax all of Monaco.

You will pay the proceeds to France.

That's not negotiation,

that's... extortion.

You've made a fool of me.

How will it look to

Kennedy and Khrushchev?

We noticed you gave

Rainier an ultimatum

and all I read in the newspapers

is that Grace Kelly is

going back to Hollywood!

You agree to my terms by tonight, or I'll

send Monaco back into the Dark Ages.

What happens now?

He waits until tomorrow

and executes a blockade.

And we are not in the UN,

so we have nobody to turn to.

Why don't you call Kennedy?

The Americans are calling

it a French matter.

OK, so let's make it more than that.

You have European neighbours.

They can put pressure on de Gaulle.

Let's make Monaco's security

a threat to Europe.

Arrange a summit.

Make them choose sides.

Bring Rupert Allan to

work exclusively for you.

You seem very eager to send

Europe into war, Mr Onassis.

I have investments to protect.

And you, you have the

Princess by your side.

A damsel in distress, huh?

Some would say she's more

hindrance than benefit.

Then maybe it's time you

brought her into line.

Hey, come on, man, you're her

husband. Take a firmer hand.

It's all just so unfair.

Antoinette, we don't talk

state affairs over lunch.

My love, your stepmother's right.

Let's forget our troubles

for an hour or two.

Who put out white lilies?

I did.

Oh, white lilies are only supposed

to be for funerals, Grace.

Well, I asked Madge and she said

that it would be acceptable.

I only said white flowers, ma'am.

- I didn't say white lilies.

- Madge,

you knew they only had lilies

when I placed the order.

I suppose your hair

was Madge's fault too.

What time? 7.30?

My hair?

Who told you to cut it that short?

I'm not gonna hang

around much longer.

We are still in 1962, right?

The year has nothing to do with it.

What? I think Grace's

hair looks very elegant.

- It looks dreadful.

- It's the model look.

- She's a modern woman.

- She isn't. She's the Princess of Monaco.

Oh, come on, Ray! You can't be

the great moderniser one minute...

Call Hitchcock!

Turn him down publicly.

We'll make a show of how

happy you are here.

That you're permanently

retiring from acting.

- Why? Because de Gaulle says so?

- Because I say so.

- That's not your decision to make.

- I'm your husband.

I won't do it, Ray.

I didn't make you marry me.

- I didn't make you come here.

- Ray, this is absolutely...

What is it that Hollywood

can give you that I can't?

Ray, it's just a movie.

You were just an actress.

Have you thought that this

might not be about a movie?

Have you? Have you thought that de Gaulle

is looking for any excuse to take Monaco?

Even if it means turning

you against me?

Have you? No! Because you

don't listen and you don't think.

Everybody tip-toes around you while you

blow this way and that with indecision,

too afraid to say how you really feel

and too paralysed with the fear you

might just be in over your head.

- Oh!

- Oh!

Are you all right, maman?

♪ Ebben

♪ Ne andrò lontana

♪ Come va l'eco

♪ Della pia campana

♪ Là fra

♪ La neve bianca

♪ Là fra le nubi d'ôr

♪ Laddove la speranza

- ♪ La speranza

- Do you believe in fairy tales, Tuck?


I believe in "happily ever after".

When I won my Oscar, do you know

what my father told the press?

"I always thought it would be her sister

Peggy because anything Grace could do,

Peggy could do better."

Deep down he was furious.

That I'd rather be an actress

than be his ticket in.

Every achievement...

was a disappointment.

So I never thought that living

with Rainier would be any easier.

Well, of course it isn't any easier.

- But he does love you.

- Oh...

He loves an image of me.

Do you love him?


What happens if I get a divorce?

Well, I...

I think we both know that you'd never

be able to come back here and...

Your children would suffer the most.

They are heirs to a

European throne, Grace.

And add to that the fact that you would

have been a failure as a Princess.

I don't want to say no to the movie.

I don't.

Well, don't.

Let's see what happens...

There's consequence.

When people dream of

marrying royalty,

they very rarely comprehend

what it really means.

And you have to add to that

a culture that's one million miles

away from anything you know.

I know.

I know very well.

I've been here 15 years.

And you're still here.

This is a heartless kingdom.

Ray needs me and he needs you.

It doesn't feel that way.

You scare him, don't you?

You give a damn, and you're forcing

him to step out of his uniform.

He's just not ready yet.


I don't know how I'm gonna

keep living with him.

I don't know how I'm gonna

spend the rest of my life

in this place where I can't be me.

And who is that?

Grace Kelly, movie star?

You invented her.

You learned a certain kind of walk and

you perfected a certain kind of accent.

And you did it beautifully.

But now you're just a housewife

with two bratty kids

watching a rerun of your wedding day.

It's not why you came here, Grace.

You came here to play the

greatest role of your life:

Her Serene Highness

Princess Grace of Monaco,

Duchess of Valentinois,

and 137 more titles

that come with it.

God help you.

You make it sound so easy.


That's a fantasy.

That's a fairytale, Grace.

It's not real life.

And it's not real love.

Real love is... is obligation.

At some point every

fairy tale must end.

But you mustn't do this for

your father or for me,

you must do it for yourself,

Ray and the children.

Kelly residence.

Hello, Ma.


My goodness.

I thought about you last week.

Do you remember our Labor Day

weekends at the Jersey shore?

Of course I do.

The Ocean City barbecues.

Do you remember that?

Wh-When Daddy tried to teach Kell-Bel

and I to spit watermelon seeds, and...

And I managed to spit

farther than Kell-Bel did.

Your father hated Ocean City, dear.

Are you all right?

I've been reading some worrying news.

Did you get my letters?

Of course. I've been telling

everybody your stories.

Did you really meet General Franco?

Why didn't you write back?

What would I have to tell

the Princess of Monaco?

You're not seriously thinking

about coming back, are you?


You know what your father

would have said about this.


You're not an actress

any more, Gracie.

He'd be spinning in his grave.

I was just hoping we could

have a normal conversation.

Gracie, dear,

you're a Philadelphia girl

who did far better than any girl from

Philadelphia could ever dream of.

And I think...

Mommy, why are you crying?

Cos speaking with my mother

makes me happy, silly.

See you next week.

- Thank you, Father Tucker.

- Thank you.

Oh, my goodness, Madame,

in my humble home.

Count Fernando D'Aillieres,

at your service.

A marriage in crisis...

A princess far away from

home faces challenges

that are usually

impossible to overcome.

Well, that's very reassuring, Count.

I'm a protocol expert,

not a marriage counsellor.

But my duty is first and

foremost to Monaco.

Well, the um...

the customs, the history,

the protocol...

I want to know it all.

You mean you're not

familiar with them already?

Nobody gave me a handbook

when I got married, Count.

It's not just a question

of knowing it. I...

Well, really, I want to become it.


Count, public opinion is

completely against me.

The people of Monaco don't

see me as their Princess.

I made a commitment with the whole world

watching, and for the sake of my children,

I will not be called a failure.

He's raised wire across

the entire border,

his warships are stationed

on the edge of our waters

and we've been cut off

from Nice airport.

We have perhaps two months before

we run out of essential supplies.

De Gaulle's running down the clock.

Do you think he'll invade?

By October.

Which means...

Whatever we have up our sleeve,

we'd better pull it out fast.

Where have you been?

The Vatican is hounding

me over this crisis.

I've had to reassure His Holiness

that you are still in control.

How's Grace?

Why don't you call on her, Ray?

I wouldn't know what to say.

I feel awful, Francis.

Well, if it wasn't for this Hollywood

nonsense, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Ray, come along,

just talk to the woman.

You're nothing but silent and angry.

I don't know how... I don't

know how to speak to her!

You know I've never been

good at this sort of thing.

She's your wife.

Well, that was your idea.

You vetted her. I needed a Princess.

She gave up her way of life for you.

- Whose side are you on, Francis?

- There are no sides, Ray.

Now, there's the protocol office,

the chamberlain,

the aide-de-camp

and of course your

lady-in-waiting, Madge,

the Prince's inner circle.

Now, you must know exactly where

to place each of these individuals

in the pecking order

because almost every single one of them

makes a profession to flatter and deceive.

So, how will I know who to trust?

You won't.

You're the Princess in

Europe's oldest court,

the target of all those hidden agendas

that come with such a privilege.

It's another role for you to play.

Thank you.

For almost a thousand years,

Monaco has stood as a

symbol of personal liberty.

The House of Grimaldi has been

responsible for protecting that ideal.

Since 1297.

Francesco Grimaldi...

Known as "Il Malizia",

"The Cunning One".

Very good.

...and his men captured the fortress

protecting the Rock of Monaco

while disguised as Franciscan monks.

Louis XIV tried to take

Monaco, but failed.

French Revolutionary

forces actually succeeded,

but only until 1814,

when Napoleon was driven out.

Monaco, protected by the oldest of

weapons, guile and determination.

- Good boy.

- Now, you.


Mademoiselle Paget, French professor,

et Madame Leclerk,

your movement teacher.


The red dress...

Rosalie's red dress is ravishing.

Your Highness, you have

to be careful with your "R".

It's at the back of the tongue.

Rrr... Rrrrah!

- Rrrah!

- Go.

- ...Est ravissante!

- Ravissante!


Pompeux. Be careful: pompeux.


- Le pas Pompeux.

- Le pas Pompeux.

The thrill of this moment keeps me

from saying what I really feel.

You see, you look like

a nervous schoolgirl.

When you move, you expend

energy, you lose control.

You must centre.

Let me show you.

You centre, here.

Economy of breath. Serenity.

The Germans say they'll only attend

the dinner if the Italians do.

Get Fanfani on the line.

What? Now? I've got London.

- OK.

- Pad re, from America.

Mr Allan, can we invite

people during the blockade?

Sure. Hey, de Gaulle can't stop foreign

envoys from entering the country.

You've been a father

figure to both of them.

Which is why they must

not find out I have to leave,

especially at such a time.

Onassis has persuaded the Prince

to host a state reception for our

European neighbours next month.

He plans to make a case for

military support against de Gaulle.

And she needs to be ready by then.

This isn't just about a

marriage, is it, Father?

Well, I'm afraid it is.

Without their union,

Monaco is finished.

How is she doing, Fernando?

She lacks confidence.

She sells seashells

by the sea shore...


So difficult!

- Oh!

- Please...

Try again, Madame.




- May I help you, Madam?

- Your Highness!

I need to see you right away.

I think she's onto me.

Yes, but I can't come to you.

I can't leave here,

they'll know something's going on.

Phyllis, how do I look?

Great. You look great.

What does she want?


- Your Highness.

- Princess.

Would you like a little

something to eat?

Never before have

journalists seen a princess

breach the protocol imposed

on persons of her station.

Unless it's a new

American-style publicity stunt.

Is it a dress rehearsal

for Hollywood?

Is she practicing a

scene for Hitchcock?

So many questions...

What does she think she's doing?

If we can get the media on our side,

we can turn public opinion

against the French.

De Gaulle doesn't give a

shit about public opinion.

But he does care about

what the Americans think.

Hello, sir. Your papers.

I'll arrange for you to

cross the western border.

Go ahead, sir.

The road passes through a pine-forest.

I'll meet you by the small cross.

You'll have to pay more.

Any idea who you're speaking to?

Money is not a problem.

She's meeting with a

French private detective.

She's working for someone.

Do what you need to do.

I think we have some talking to do.




You really shouldn't be reading

my private mail, Gracie.

Who is that from?

Who is it from?

Six years ago,

I promised you a new home.

And I've done what I set out to do.

I've asked the Vatican for

a new post in the States.

I'm going home.

And you're just...

You were just going to leave?

You weren't gonna tell me?

Ray doesn't need me any more.

Neither do you.

I do need you.

I'll always need you.

Madge is betraying us.

She's working for someone.

I don't know who else is involved.

You can't leave me.

I'm a bad priest here, Gracie.

Maybe I can be a good priest now but

at least I'll be home where I belong.

- And you belong here.

- I can't do this without you.

If your family is to survive, you need

to give them an ideal they can protect.

And you need to do it alone.

Dear God, we thank you

for the food before us.

We thank you for the family beside us,

we thank you for the love among us.


How have you been?




I suppose that's what happens

when you live in a big palace.

Yes, one can get lost for days.


Shall we?

At the state dinner,

Ray will need you by his side.

If Madge is betraying us,

she will not be acting alone.

My family...

my country, has known conflict.

And we've chosen to reject it

because that is not the

future of Europe, gentlemen.

The future is... business,

for the sake of business.

Not for the sake of government

and certainly not for the

sake of de Gaulle's empire.

If you value your liberty,

then you too should understand that.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is

for men of conscience to remain silent.

If de Gaulle is giving

me the choice...

What she wants is impossible!

And what's more it's dangerous for Italy!

Please wait, please...

Defending Monaco means

declaring war on France.

- Excuse me.

- Yes, of course.

Bad news. Somebody just

tried to kill De Gaulle.

Oh, my goodness! What happened?

French right wing is claiming

responsibility over Algeria.

It's going to be impossible

for Ray to get any support.

Now, nobody in Europe

will cross de Gaulle.

Gentlemen, gentlemen,

please calm down.

- Ari?

- What?

- We're done for.

- What are you talking about?

What happened?

It's over, Grace.

Louis XIV failed to take Monaco,

Napoleon failed to take Monaco,

de Gaulle will fail to take Monaco,

no matter what happens here tonight.

Stop drinking, you need to

keep your wits about you.

- So you're going to support us?

- That's not quite clear yet.

You have to make it clearer.

We have to decide tonight.

No one will help us.

If only Rainier wasn't so pig-headed.

What choice does he have?

Give de Gaulle what he wants.

I can bring de Gaulle to the negotiating

table. He's not that unreasonable.

But Rainier won't listen to me.


Maybe you can talk

some sense into him?

Before we lose everything!

You've done very well tonight, dear.

Now Robert wants you

to meet a few people.

Everyone is anxious to meet you.


What is that?




What is this?

Did you tell Antoinette to

meet with de Gaulle's people?

Where did you get these?

Madge hired a detective.

Your sister made a deal with

France to deliver Monaco.

In return for taking the throne.

Leave us, please.

You want me to accuse my sister?

They're trying to topple you, Ray.

Her son is next in line.

That makes her regent.

My own sister.

Why are you still here, Grace?

Because we have children together.

Because I still love you.

And I refuse to let somebody

take my family from me.

So what happened tonight?

They all walked out.

The assassination attempt has

stopped the whole process.

And when de Gaulle rolls his

tanks through Monte Carlo,

we'll have lost everything to France.

Oh, Ray.

I don't know what to do, Grace.

I'm your wife...

for richer or poorer.


what's the worst that can happen...

we lose a stupid old throne?

Who cares?

We buy a nice farmhouse

in Montpellier.

We watch each other grow old.

Hand in hand.

This... This wasn't

what I wanted for you.

Grace, I...

- I know.

- I never meant for you to be unhappy.

I know.


Hitch? It's me.

Did I wake you?



I've reached my decision. I've...

I've thought about it and...

you'll have to find somebody

else to do the role.

Is everything all right, Gracie?


Yes, everything's fine.

I'm sorry.


good luck.

Just remember, darling...

don't stand too close

to the edge of frame.

Thank you, Hitch.

Tuck's gone.

I know.

If I had a solution to our problem...

Would you let me try something?

Like what?

Will you let me try something?

We can't let her think

we're at her beck and call.

Hello, ladies!

Thanks for coming on short notice.

So sorry to trouble you.

Our country needs you,

and there's no time to waste.

Yes, but why?

We need to get the ball

back on track for October.

Oh, le bal!

I am a princess after all,

n'est-ce pas?

You think we can throw a party

a few days from an invasion?

Come on!

Start shooting!

Where are you going?

To Paris.


Lisbonne... Madrid...

Vienne... Copenhague...


Oslo... Washington...

La Valette... Saint-Marin...


Please, stand aside.

- Stand aside.

- Everybody, leave room.

Grace Kelly!

Photo, please, Miss Kelly, over here!

There's Grace Kelly!

What about Marnie?

When does the shoot begin?

I spoke to Mr Alfred Hitchcock a few days

ago and I informed him of my decision.

I will not be returning to Hollywood.


I left Grace Kelly behind

when I married Prince Rainier

and that has not changed.

Now, I will hopefully be

focusing on my family

and my humanitarian work.

This is Countess Baciochi.

She has an announcement that she

would like you to listen to very closely.

I'm pleased to announce

that on 9th October,

the Prince's Palace of Monaco

will host the Annual Ball for

the International Red Cross.

- Who's going to attend?

- Everybody, I hope.

Has President de Gaulle been invited?

What is this invitation?

All of Europe has turned

their back on him.

- Thank you so much.

- Your Highness...

Au revoir.

Turned their back on Rainier...

Not Grace.

The Princess needs to see you.


Family is all that matters?

So what did de Gaulle promise you

to sell out yours, Jean-Charles?

Was it money?

The throne?

That's preposterous, Grace.

"Altesse" when you address me.

Where's my brother?

Ray, this is a terrible


Then tell me it isn't true.


This is not what it seems.

- I just...

- You just what? Hm?

You are to leave Monaco

and you are never to return.

You can't banish me.


- It was decided...

- I will not!

She will not tell me what to do!

It was decided by

council this morning.

And how long do you think

that you're going to last here?

Long enough to see the back of you.

But before you go, you will

perform one final act of state.

And why would I do that?

Because if you do,

I will make sure that your

son is taken care of.

Are you absolutely sure?

The Red Cross means a

lot to her, Mr President.

She's keeping herself

busy, that's all.

Do we have Rainier

where we want him?

Oh, he's just about ready

to agree to anything...

including handing over

Monaco's sovereignty.

Good. Your loyalty to France won't

go without reward, Jean-Charles.

Thank you, Mr President.

Shouldn't we shun this ball?

If America supports Monaco,

things will get complicated.

I've survived an assassination attack.

I'm not afraid of an actress.


call Rainier and tell him that...

I accept his invitation.

Kennedy has sent his

defense minister, General.

McNamara's here!

Mr McNamara! This way,

sir, for the Chronicle!

Mr McNamara?

Sir, one for the camera?

- I wanna take a picture too.

- Now, hold on.

Let me through, here, let me through.

Highness, picture over here, please.

Grace, Grace?

Your Highness. Thank you, thank you!

- Princess.

- Princess.

We love you, Princess!

Stand round here, please, Grace.

♪ O mio babbino caro

♪ Mi piace, è bello, è bello

♪ Vo' andare in Porto Rosso

♪ A comperar l'anello

♪ Si, si, ci voglio andare

♪ E se l'amassi indarno

♪ Andrei sul Ponte Vecchio

♪ Ma per buttarmi in Arno

♪ Mi struggo e mi tormento

♪ O, Dio!

♪ Vorrei morir

♪ Babbo, pietà, pietà

♪ Babbo, pietà, pietà

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome

your host for this evening,

the President of the

Monegasque Red Cross,

Her Serene Highness,

Princess Grace of Monaco.

We are truly touched that

you would all honour

our tiny corner of the

world with your presence.

Goodness, we've, well...

We've had a spot of trouble lately.

When I was acting in New York,

my uncle, a wonderful playwright,

told me that I should pray.

The same prayer, every night.

That should I ever... should I ever

make it, I would never be ungrateful.

That should I ever be in

a position of influence,

I would have it in me

to use it for good.

Now, some of you ask,

why did I leave Hollywood?

Well... I left because...

because I fell in love

with a charming prince.

A man who has inspired me to see

the world with enough compassion

that I may want to do something about

all of the unfair things that I see in it.

And that is why we are

honouring the Red Cross.

A force for good that is...

that is very close to my heart.

One of my dearest

friends once told me...

"that when people dream

of marrying royalty,

they rarely comprehend

what it actually means.

It means...

It means having to choose.

And... I chose the House of Monaco.

It may not seem a noble

place, it may seem...

Well, it may seem pompous and

it may seem circumstantial,

and... I may not speak

its language and...


It frustrates me at times, but...

it's my home.

And these are my people.

And they are good people.

And they're trying to do what's right,

in their own small corner of the world...

in the best way that they know how.

And those of you who are married

will know exactly what I mean.

Maybe I'm naive but...

I believe in fairy tales.

I do. I believe that they can

exist if we really want them to,

if we are prepared

to work hard enough.

I believe that the...

that the world will not always

be full of hatred and conflict if...

if we're willing to sacrifice enough.

And that is what...

That is what Monaco means to me.

And in a way that is why...

That is why I am Monaco.

I have no army, I...

I wish ill on no one.

I bear no resistance to

aggression, I just...

I'm here.

I'm here doing what I do,

trying to make a little difference in the

world in the best way that I know how.

But it wouldn't be real life,

or it wouldn't be the fairy tale,

if there wasn't someone trying

to destroy it, or crush it,

simply because it doesn't please them,

or simply because they can.

And I know some of you think

it's their right to do so.

But I don't think anyone

should have the right

to crush happiness or

beauty when they see it.

Well, it's...

It's not how I was raised.

And it's not the world

that I wish to...

It's not the world I

wish to be a part of.

I would rather that the...

that the tanks roll through my lawn,

I would rather that the

bombs fall on my house

than know I live in a world

where love doesn't conquer all.


Because I believe in love.

And... I believe that it's love

that has brought us here tonight.

And it's love...

It's love that will make us put

away our guns and our politics

and our fears and our prejudices,

and it's love that will

eventually make everything right.

And that is why tonight I

am going to celebrate it,

and I'm going to be

willing to defend it.

And I hope that you will all do

the same in your own way...

out there in your own lives.

American Aphrodite...

You're not really gonna drop a bomb

on Princess Grace, are you, Charles?

I love you.

Long after I'm gone,

long after the House of

Grimaldi has fallen,

the world is going to remember

your name, Your Highness.

You are the fairy tale...

the serenity to which we all aspire.

And peace will come when you embrace the

roles you have been destined to play...

devoted mother, loyal wife,

compassionate leader.

Up against the task, larger than

yourself, you will overcome your fear.

Those that preceded you

will be forgotten.

Those that follow you will be inspired

by your strength and endurance.

For no matter where

you are, in years to come,

they will continue to whisper

your name: The Princess Grace.

"For all one can wish for in

life is a place to belong,

to love and be loved without doubt,

without judgment, without condition.

This will be my fairy tale."

♪ I found an ocean in your eyes

♪ And seeked an island in your arms

♪ But now it's time to go

♪ And time flows like tears

♪ I know all golden days are gone

♪ Dry is the fountain of our love

♪ But still I see the

prettiest of your smiles

♪ Lingering over me

♪ But now it's time to say goodbye

♪ Time flows like tears

♪ Sweet love,

it's time to say goodbye

♪ Let's make ourselves disappear

♪ I'd like to see you one more time

♪ Before you take my heart away

♪ Consider this a

kind of last goodbye

♪ To these unforgotten days

♪ But now it's time to say goodbye

♪ Time flows like tears

♪ Sweet love,

it's time to say goodbye

♪ Let's make ourselves disappear

♪ And if you ever change your mind

♪ It'd be fine

♪ And if you ever change your mind

♪ It'd be fine

♪ Together

♪ And time flows like tears

♪ Time flows like tears

♪ Time flows like tears

♪ Let's make ourselves disappear