Gossip (2008) - full transcript

- ♪ Ride the wind ♪

♪ Or the sea ♪

♪ Bring me home ♪

♪ And set me free ♪

♪ Ride the wind ♪

♪ Into my arms ♪

♪ Life is full ♪

♪ Of empty joy ♪

♪ The tide goes on ♪

♪ Comes in again ♪

♪ No one knows ♪

♪ Just where it's been ♪

- I don't remember this.

- You were just a baby. We came
for my father's funeral.

- Was Daddy with us?
- He carried you the whole time.

Aunt Sandy had to practically
pry you out of his arms.

- ♪ Ride the wind ♪

♪ Or the sea ♪

♪ Bring me home ♪

♪ And set me free ♪

- The sun's gonna get hot. We
got about 10 minutes, all right,

so let's keep it
clipping along. Jo?!

My God, what're
you doing here?

- I should've called first,
I'm sorry.

- I'm not! Ha, ha, ha!

That can't be Maddie!

Remember me? Uncle Lyle?
- I remember your pictures.

- That's the saddest thing
I ever heard.

Come here, gimme a hug.

Aunt Sandy's gonna flip
to see you, Maddie-Lou.

You like fish for breakfast?
- I hate fish.

- Heh, heh, heh, heh!
She's your kid, all right.

- Hey! You'll never guess
who's back.

- Charlie said he saw her
down at the wharf and he said

she looks like hell. Ha, ha, ha!

- So would you if
your marriage fell apart.

- Joanna Johnson always thought
she was too good for this town

and everyone in it. It's about
time she got taken down a peg.

Anyway, she must be
rolling in alimony...

stockbrokers make big bucks.

- ♪ Lately I've been wanderin'
round, lookin' at the world ♪

- Didn't she sign one of those,
uh... what do you call it?

Prenuptial agreement!
I think Sandy told me that.

- Yeah. She used to baby-sit me.
Man, she was hot!

You think she's still that hot?
- Poor thing's probably broke.

Broke and depressed,
that's why she's come back.

You remember... the one who attacked the chemistry teacher?

And ran that shrimper
into the breakwater?

And painted that graffiti thing
on the back of the gym...

- Right! Wasn't she
expelled for that?

- Actually she got
a scholarship,

some arty school.
She took off outta here
like a bat outta hell.

- Good practice. Don't forget
the game tomorrow.

- She's still asleep?

- In my bed. I really need
to get online, Dad,

I got lots of homework.
- Who saved room for dessert?

Maddie, do you like ice cream or
whipped cream on your cobbler?

- Um... Can I have both?

- Watch out, she'll
spoil you rotten.

- Everyone needs spoiling
now and then. Courtney,
go fix your Aunt Jo a plate.

- No, no. No, thanks.
- You have to eat.

- I'm not hungry. Really.
- Chicken potpie, my specialty.

- She doesn't want it, honey.

- Wanna go watch some TV?

- At least have a roll.

So, did you hire a lawyer?
- Ah, jeez, Sandy...

- She drove all night, she slept
all day... we're supposed
to talk about the weather?

- Yes, I hired a lawyer.
- Good for you.
Challenge that prenup.

I don't care what you signed,
the cheater shouldn't get
to keep everything.

- I hired a lawyer because Peter
is suing for sole custody.

On the grounds that I'm
"emotionally unstable."
- What?

He dumps his marriage and
kicks his kid out of the house

and you're unstable?
- He never kicked Maddie out.

He made me leave

because the house was his
"prior asset" and Kimmee

was moving in with him. But he
didn't fight when I took Maddie.

Now all of a sudden
I'm "depriving my daughter
of a safe, stable environment".

This... this came yesterday.

His lawyers are twisting
everything to make me
sound like...

Okay, so I sat and watched
the house, once,

on our anniversary. Does that
make me a stalker?

And that crack about hoping
his brakes fail...

everybody knows
that I didn't mean it.

And as far as "financial
instability" goes, I'm
looking for a job, but...

there's not a lot of demand
for a homemaker with an
Art History degree.

- I bet he's scared
you'll fight the prenup,

so he's using custody to...
- I don't care about the prenup!

All I want is my daughter.

I can't lose Maddie.

- I need some help
at the office.

Clerical stuff.

You can work while Maddie's
in school and have the
afternoons free.

- And you can sleep on
the pullout in the den,

your old bedroom.
Stay as long as you need to,

till you're
on your feet.

- I'm sorry.

I hate to do this to you,
to her, pull her out
of school and run,

but I was just so afraid
he'd take her away.

And she... she needs
a safe place

and I just couldn't think
of anywhere better than...
- Home.

- Oh, my gosh...

You kept them.
- Of course. I love them.

Best thing you ever made.
Except Maddie.

You know, you've still got
some boxes of glass and
tools in the shed.

- What about my silkworms?

The Spellathon? And I'm making
a banner for Math Day.

- There'll be fun stuff
at this school, too.

And anyway, it's
gonna be summer soon.

Maddie, you'll
make new friends.

It's just for a little,
little while.

- This bed has pimples.

- It's the sheets.

It's called dotted Swiss.
It's very fancy.

I think it tickles.

- Stop!

- Don't touch anything.


- Where's my rocking chair?
- At the apartment.

- Where's my bicycle?
- At Daddy's. You know that.

- We didn't bring
anything good!

- We brought this.

Sandy, I'll do that.
- It's done!

It's done.

It'll do.

Now we just have
to reorganize the basement

so we can make room for the
stuff in the closet so you and
Maddie can hang your clothes.

- Don't worry.

This works.


- Ohh!!

- Maddie! Maddie!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Are you okay?

Are you okay, honey? Maddie!
- Ow! Mom, I can't breathe!!

- Oh, my God! I am so sorry!

- No, that's okay,
I'm used to dodging kids.

- Laura, this is
my sister-in-law

and her daughter, Jo and Maddie.

- Hi.
- What do you coach?
- What do you play?

- I only play with friends.
And we're leaving as soon
as we get on our feet.

- I guess we better become
friends. Laura Lawton.
- Maddie.

That's what I play.

- Nice to meet you, Maddie
Soccer. That's my house
right over there.

- Oh, you bought the old
Lewis place?
- Yeah.

- What did you do with all
those hideous little ducks
and deer and...

- You know, I'm starving. And
the boys are at a baseball game
and I hate to eat alone.

So what do you say, Maddie,
would you and your mom like to...
- Yes, yes! Go!

Take your time! Have fun.
- Great.

- Thanks.

- So, you grew up in that house?
- Yeah.

After my dad died
about 6 years ago,

my mom left and then
Lyle and Sandy moved in.

It's gotta be hard
making room for us.

Sandy's very particular
about her home.
- Oh yeah, I'll say.

She's just like my mother...
a domestic Type A.

Another trait I did not inherit.

- It's just so good
to see you, sweetie.

How's your mom? I sent her
an invitation to the wedding

but she hasn't responded.
- Mom's always good.
What wedding?

- My daughter's getting married
in a couple of weeks.
- You're kidding! Little Zoe?

Wow. To think that Billie
threw me out of here once
for wearing a halter top.

Oh, my God.
Is that Matthew Silva?

I recognize that baseball cap
from high school.
- Yeah. He's a nice guy.

My husband helped him
through probate last year.

Was he really voted
Most Likely to Blend

into the Wallpaper?
- Oh, my God, I forgot
that part. Poor Matt.

What's he doing with Charlie
Crane? That man has the biggest
mouth. My dad used to call him

the Town Crier. I bet he's
having a field day with me.

- Yeah, well, small town. You
gotta expect some idle gossip.

- There's nothing idle about it.
In Camden Bay, gossip's
a blood sport.

- My husband had this darling
legal assistant, Annabelle.

Really sweet, fresh out
of community college.

Anyway, she developed this huge
crush on him, and word got out

and suddenly it was all over
town that they were having
a wild affair.

- Oh, my God... What did you do?
- Oh, I laughed.

I know my husband... he's
the original stand-up guy,

he wouldn't cheat on me.
- So what happened?

- He found Annabelle
another job. But he was
so offended by the gossip

that he wanted to sue for libel.
I said, "Honey, what are you
gonna do,

"sue the entire town?
We know the truth, so let it go.
In a week they'll be lying

about somebody else."
- And were they?
- Oh, yeah.

About me being bulimic.

- Hey.
How was Billie's?

- Frozen in time.

- Oh hey, perfect timing!
You can meet my guys. Guys!

- Oh no, it's your mom!
- Mom, guess what?

Dad owes me ten bucks!
- Again?

I thought I said no betting!
- I plead the fifth.

- Hi.
- Jo, Maddie, this is my son
Kevin and my husband, Scott.

- Oh, my God...
- What, do you know each other?

- Uh...

Yeah, it was Boston U. We, uh...
we had a class together, right?

- Poly sci.

- Talk about a small world!

- She, uh... sat in the back
and slept, if I remember.

- And you sat in the front
and pontificated.

- This is wild!
- Did you know Peter, too?
Jo's husband?

I mean, ex?
- No, no. I met Peter
after college.

Um, it's... it's bath time.

Thanks for dinner.
- Yeah, no problem, anytime.
See you, Maddie.

- What's Boston U?
- Ancient history.

- Wow! We should have her
over for dinner

so you two can catch up.
- It was just one class,
not a lot to catch up on.

- All right. I'm gonna pull
the car in the driveway.

I'll see you at home.
- Okay. Come on, monkey.

- ♪ Maybe I need you... ♪

- Thailand...

Costa Rica...

someplace... someplace
warm and beautiful.

Or some old European city
where I can...

live cheap
and do my art.

- Told you you were
burning up.

- Oh, my God,
that's so cold!

What about you?
Where would you go?

- South Africa.

Apartheid's dying. A lawyer
could do some good.

- South Africa, huh?

- ♪ Making her feel all right ♪

♪ Maybe I need you ♪

- How could this only be
four months?

I feel like I know you.

- ♪ Everything moving ♪

♪ Everyone always tired ♪

♪ Thinking of futures ♪

♪ Everything falls away ♪

♪ Everything changes ♪

♪ Nothing has changed today ♪

♪ Maybe I need you ♪

- You want me
to walk you to class?

It's my first day, too.

- Do you feel sick?
- I've felt better.

- Hey, Maddie Soccer!

- What are those for?
- P.E. Room Six.

- That's my room.
- Well, what do you know!

Here, gimme a hand.

- I'll see you at three, honey.
- Bye.
- Thanks, Coach.

- My pleasure.

Oh hey, I wanna hear all about
Scott pontificating in class!

So, what do you guys
want for wedding gifts?

Matching heart tattoos,
prenuptial piercings? Thank you.

- Nothing.
- Money.
- Tommy!!

- What?
- Tommy, I got stacks of filing.
Come on over anytime.

- Jo, I got a seat
for you right here.

- That's okay, Billie.
I'm already late.

- Jo, I need this
typed and mailed by noon.

- Okay. First tell me
your filing secret.

- Stuff that's happening now
is up front, then comes stuff

happening later, and on back.
- OK, and things that happen,
like, every three months,

like taxes,
where would those be?
- In a box in my office.

I'll get it.

- She's baaa-ack!
Looking good, Jo-Jo.
- Thanks, Nathan.

What can I do for you?
- Well, I've been making a list
since the seventh grade.

But for now,
all I need

is the breaker's delivery order.

But how about after work
we hop in the 'Vette,

go up to Peeler Point
and grab a bite?
- Thanks.

I gotta pick up Maddie.
- Maddie... how is that girl?

I bet she's getting to be
a real fox like her mama.
- She's 10.

- Right.
- Don't you have
deliveries to make?

Tell Sandy I can't
make dinner tonight.

My sister's always trying
to bulk me up like this guy.

Lucky she wasn't home. Sheriff thinks it was probably
just some homeless guy,

a drifter.
- The sheriff is a fool.

This was a local.

- Joanna.

Come sit.
- Yeah,

take a break.
Lyle won't fire you.

- So why do you think
the burglar's a local?

- Because Lenore Riley was
saving up to go to Vegas
and he took her trip money.

- Okay...
- She was hiding it

in her freezer,
in an old TV dinner box.

Now, what stranger would know
to look for $200 there?

It had to be someone who heard
her talking about it.
Someone in town.

- Well, maybe he wasn't looking
for money. Maybe he just wanted

the TV dinner. Was it
the good kind?

With the cobbler and the...
niblet corn?

It's not funny!

- This is pretty.
Did you make this in Art?

So what's your teacher like?

Is she nice?

What's your class like?

- No Silkworms.

Why can't we go home?
Real home,

not the apartment.
I miss my room and my bed

and the suns-and-stars
window you made me.

- I know.

I know. I just don't...

I just don't think it's a good
idea for you to live with Dad

and... Kimmee until
they're married,

and even then I want you
to live with me most... half...

lots... lots of the time.
- Daddy said

that when I live with him
and Kimmee I can have
a puppy. And a pool.

- You promised her a puppy,

Peter. That's bribery.

No, I did not "kidnap" her; I
brought her to visit her family

and my brother needs help
so I'm working here
while she's in school.

You only wanted to see her
on the weekends anyway and
you cancelled most of those!

And now you're taking your trip
to Greece and you wouldn't
see her anyway!

Unless, of course, Kimmee
wants to take her with you.

No, I didn't think so.

No, Peter, I can't talk,
I'm working!

- Wow.

Even more beautiful
when she's angry.
- Oh, grow up, Nathan.

- You know, you better watch
those mood swings, Jo-Jo.

People might start to think
you're... unstable.

- Lyle, can I talk to you
for a minute, please?

- No!
- Did Sandy?
- No!

Well, I don't...

Well, he is her brother.
- Who else knows?

- Since when do you care
what people think?

Especially these people. Look, I
need you to go to Kings Landing.

I'm buying the old Franconi
warehouse and he's got
some papers for me.

Take your time.

And don't pay any attention
to what Nathan says...
no one else does.

The ferry's still
a nice way to get there.

- Now boarding the Camden Bay to Kings Landing.
Camden Bay to Kings Landing.

- Okay, I owe you
an apology,

but you owe me an explanation.

- We don't owe each other

- Come on, Scott!

Why am I lying about us? And how
the hell did you end up here?

- You never said
"Camden Bay."

- You're right, I didn't.
- Because I would've remembered.

- Tickets, please.

- So why didn't you
just tell Laura?

- I don't know, I...

I panicked, okay? I just...

I didn't want to get into it.

- I don't want to lie to her...
- I don't either!

I never have before.

What you and I had
was so long ago, I...

And it's not one of
my favourite memories.

I just...

You're right,
I gotta tell her.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, okay.
But when I'm ready.

When I think the time is right,
I'll tell her.

You owe me that much, please.

- Okay.

- Okay.

You know, I used to drive the
Bay Road to see my clients
in Kings Landing,

until I discovered the ferry.

Now I ride it
every chance I get.

- When I was 10,
I ran away from home.

I didn't know where to go,
so I just rode this thing

back and forth
from Kings Landing

till I ran out of money.

- You were running away
even back then, huh?

- That must have felt good.

- It did. Cheap,

but satisfying.

- I have always regretted

how badly I handled everything
when we broke up.

You were going through hell
and you needed me, and I was...

overwhelmed and young

and I had all these dreams
I wasn't ready to give up...

- Jo, I never blamed you
for leaving me.

It's just how you left.

You just disappeared.
I mean, you don't know
what that did to me...

- I'm so sorry.

- Your daughter's lovely.

- Thanks.

Your son is, too.

- Funny how things work out
for the best, huh?

- Did you ever make it
to South Africa?

- No.

How about you,
Costa Rica?

- The fog's coming in.

- Yeah.

Hey, what's up?

No! When? Did he
break up with her

or did she break up with him?

- Mom, she won't turn
the music down!
- I'm studying!

It helps me focus!
- I have to read!
- It's my house!

- Come on.

This was my hiding place.

One second.

You can sit here and read
until bedtime, okay? Okay.

You won't let me cook,
you don't like how I clean...

- He's in the crease!
- No way! Hey,
that's a penalty!

- Careful. There's lots
of testosterone over here.

- Can't be any worse than all
the oestrogen over there. If
I don't get an apartment soon,

that house is going
to spontaneously combust.

- I run to the cemetery
every morning,

it's a great stress reducer.
You can join me anytime.

- Thanks.

- You know,

I heard an alarming story

about you...

crashing a shrimp boat
into the breakwater?

- Everybody forgets that
I was with the owner's son

when it happened and
it was his idea, not mine.

He'd drunk half a keg
and passed out at the wheel

and I'd never steered a boat.

- Did you really attack
your chemistry teacher?

- Ha! Okay, okay.

He was new, I was an A student,

and he told me there was gonna
be some kind of honour roll
field trip to go see

at night.

So I go down to the tide pools
with my bucket and my net
and my poke-pole,

and it's just me and him,
but I don't get it.

So we start
collecting all these

glowing sea stars and crabs
and clams and things,

and he drops his pants and
exposes his... little neck.

- Oh, my God!

- So I stuck him with my
poke-pole and I ran home.
- Good! Oh, my God!

- I won! I won!
- You always win.

I am going against reality.
- What?

- Yes, and you smell bad.
- No, I don't!


- What are you looking at?

- Oh! Nothing.

Can't you sleep?

- I don't care about a puppy.

- Mabel saw only his back.

He heard her coming and took off
out the kitchen door.

Took all the antique jewellery
she had hid in her grandma's

on the mantle.
- Did you hear?

The burglar hit again,
in broad daylight!

And this time the lady was home.
- Was she hurt?
- No,

but it's just a matter of time.
Which is why we're having
a meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

- We've increased patrols
throughout town,

but it might be wise to invest
in a home security alarm system.

Nathan, what
are you doing?!

- Camden Bay used to be
a place where you never
had to lock your door,

let alone hide your valuables!
- If I ever track down
the bum putting us

through this grief,
he's gonna feel my wrath

all the way up his...
- Martha!

- What's going on out there?
- Know what I love about
this town meeting stuff?

- The grassroots activism?
The sense of community?
Billie's Bundt cake!

- Yeah, you got it. Actually,
looks like Nathan got it.

- Did you tell Laura yet?

- I tried. I...

just the moment never
presents itself or...

or something happens, or...

I know, the longer I wait,
the harder it gets.

Don't give me
that look.

- What look?
- Your "I'm Gonna Roast You
in My Furnace" look.

It used to always give me
the cold sweats.

Are you still blowing glass?

- Not for a while.
No space or time.

- That's too bad.

I still remember your first
piece... you came out of class

carrying this...
lumpy, malformed

deflated volleyball thing.

But your face
was radiant.

- Oh, my God!
- Scott,

you better get out there,
Martha just took a swipe
at the Sheriff.

- Righto. Camden Bay...
the action never ceases.

- Your brother's a good man.

But your dad, heh, heh!

He was a ball-buster.
He was always fighting me
over territory.

He cut my lines more
than once, I'll tell ya.

But Lyle's a fair man.

- He feels the same way
about you.
- You know,

you're just like your mother:
you're sweet as pie

when you're not
raising hell.

So, uh,
how is Carolyn?

- She's fine. She lives
in Montana now,

she's married to a rancher.
He's a nice guy.

- Anyway, I'll get
the papers.

So, uh, tell Lyle

that my lawyer said
that his lawyer

should have one
last look at that.

- Okay. Thanks.

- That's easy to be done
in a codicil. Mm-hmm.

Okay, well, how about

tomorrow? Great.

I'll see you then. Bye. Hi!

- Hi. Sorry to barge in,
but your assistant's...

- Yeah, she's gone.
Lamaze class.

It's her third kid. You'd think
she'd have it memorized by now.

- I didn't know
you were Lyle's lawyer.
- I'm everyone's lawyer.

It's a one-horse town,
and I'm that horse.

I work for free, for retainer,
for cash, for credit.

This I'm doing for my weight
in sea bass.

Hey, Jo...

Forgive me if I'm out of line,

but, um...

if your ex is suing you
for custody

of Maddie on the grounds
of emotional instability...

- Oh, my God!

Okay, all right!
So I'm angry

and sad and I'm overwhelmed
and unhappy,

and a little overwhelmed,
but unstable?

I mean, do I really
seem unstable?

- Maybe a little? Ha, ha!
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Oh God, don't be. Don't be.

You're fine.

But if he is seeking custody,
you have to start

preparing letters
from family and friends

that testify to
your stability.

Sorry, I just...

- No, not really.
He's just competitive.

It's what I loved about him
at first... when he was
competing for me.

He made me feel

After Maddie came,
he was just home less and less

and he was always at work,
but I loved being a mom

and we were figuring it out...
- If there's anything

that I can do to help,
please just let me know.

- Thanks.

The letters
are a good idea.

Although I already
have a lawyer.

He doesn't work
for sea bass, though.

Fire him.

Ow! Ow!

- Here, let me
help you...


I think I'm
making it worse.


- With, um... with scissors?

- Yeah. Yeah.

- It's okay,
you can just cut it.
- Yeah? You sure?

- Just a little.
Oh, my goodness.
- Yeah.

- Ooh.


Ow. Okay.

- See ya.

- And with the glass
and equipment that I have,
I can start right away.

And I'll still work my hours
at the office.

- What about Maddie? A big old
warehouse is no place for her
to play after school.

- I'll work afternoons.
She has soccer practice.
- Hello?

Oh, hi, Billie.

- I'll give you 60%
of what I sell.

You said you can't retrofit
that building

till fall, so it's just
sitting there empty.

- What?
- I can do this, Lyle.

I need to.
- Where was this?


- What's this?
- Rent. I'm sorry it's not more,

but as soon as I find
an apartment, I...
- You wanna pay me back,

set up your studio.

Make me one of those
fancy doodads.

Yes! Excellent, Maddie!
Right on! Okay, girls.

Bring in the cones!

Whoever collects the balls gets
an extra star on their chart.
Thanks, Judy. Right on.

Hey! Did you see Maddie's save?
Was that awesome?

- It was awesome.
- Hey, you wanna grab
some dinner at Billie's?

- Can we, Mom?

- Sorry, we have big plans
- Okay.

- Rain check, then. Have fun.
- Coach!

How about Thursday?
- Thursday's great!

- What big plans?

- You'll see.

- This is like my suns-
and-stars window.

Is this you with
your hair short?

You look like a boy.

- Hey, that was cool
back in college.

Wanna help me sort the glass?

Come on, I know you do.

- ♪ Maybe I need you ♪

- Oh hey, perfect
timing! You can meet
my guys. Guys!

- ♪ Here in this world on fire ♪

♪ Everything moving ♪

♪ Everyone always tired ♪

♪ Thinking of futures ♪

♪ Everything falls away ♪

♪ Everything changes ♪

♪ Nothing has changed today ♪

♪ Maybe I need you ♪

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Can I try?

- No, honey, it's too dangerous.

You could get badly burned.


Look at that.

That's a really good one. See?
- Then why do you do it?

- Because it's beautiful.
And difficult.

Messing up is easy,

and when you do there's no
fixing it, but when you manage
to get everything just right...

he'll pay it back.

- I thought we agreed,
no more handouts!
- Jo gets free room

and board and money
for shuffling papers...

that's not a handout?

- Look, it's your call.
But he's never gonna learn
if you keep bailing him out.

- You can eat here, every meal,
and save on groceries.

Carpool with Lyle and save
on gas. And I'll help you
work out a monthly budget,

something you can stick to.


You're right. Thanks.

- I just got us an apartment!
- Are you serious?!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
- I thought we agreed
you'd stay with me

and save up for
a down payment.

- Congratulations
on the apartment.
- I'm sorry,

but I did get there first.
- Don't worry about it.

- Whoa! Wedding Central!
- Yeah, you wanna help?

- I would love
to help you,

but unfortunately
I have a meeting

in Kings Landing. But
I will steal one of these.

- Zoe, the two of you

are broke enough as it is;
how are you gonna pay the rent?


Hi, Laura.

Yeah, I'll be right over.

- The idea just hit me and
I ran out and bought them...

His and Hers. Am I nuts?
- No! It's perfect for
Tommy and Zoe!

Jeez, and I bought them
a fondue set.

- Oh, Sandy, everybody
loves fondue.

- Sounds like a big one coming
in. I hope the trawler
will be okay.

- And the ferry. Scott's
gone out to Kings Landing and
he never drives the Bay Road.

You wanna call about
the trawler?
- No, I...

I'll see you later.

- Okay.

- That was your idea.

Just like bungee jumping.
- Oh, come on, you loved it.

What about Mexico?
- How could I forget you
water skiing naked?

- That was a bikini.
- Yeah, not much of one.

- What about you and Gus
and that damn fish?

- Oh, my God, that's right!

Do you remember
the cantina?

God, was that really us?

- Is this?

What are we doing
here, Scott?

- I don't know.

- Oh God, I don't
wanna do this.

- Neither do I.
- It's crazy,

after all these years,
to see you again and
to still feel like...

- I know, it's like
no time has passed.

- But it has. We're not the
same, we can't go back.

I don't wanna go back.

- No... of course not...
- Oh, who am I kidding...

I'd love to go back!


I made a huge mistake,

running away from you.

If I could just do it
all over again...

- You think we would
have worked?

- Probably... for a while.

And I wouldn't
have my Maddie.

You wouldn't have Kevin.

- Or Laura.


- Guess what?

- Joanna! Oh, honey...

You look exhausted.
You're not taking that black
cohosh I sent you, are you?

- Mom, what are you doing here?

- I couldn't miss my
goddaughter's wedding, honey.

Billie would kill me. Maddie?

I know it's been ages
since you seen me,

so I'm going
to make you hug me.

Yet. Oh...

I couldn't help myself.

Oh, it must be something
pretty bad to chase you
all the way back here.

Are you seeing a shrink, honey?
- No, Mother.

- Good. It's a waste of money.
No amount of psychobabble

can cure the blues like
a good friend's shoulder,
a bottle of tequila and a...

- Pedicure.
- Pedicure, right.
- Go ahead.

- Can I talk to you?

My God, Laura, what?
- My dad may have
prostate cancer.

- What?

- They're gonna do a biopsy
and a bunch of other tests.

We'll know for sure
in a week.

- We should go... we should
be there with him.
- No, he doesn't want that.

He said, "Now, don't worry
until there's something

to worry about."
Yeah, right.

Oh, God, I can't
handle this right now...

- I'll take care of everything,
all right?

I love you.

- I gotta go get Kevin
something to eat.

- Hello?

- Scott, it's Jo.
Did you tell Laura yet?

- No. Uh...

Her dad may have cancer.

I'm sorry.

If there's anything I can do...

Listen, my mother's here.
She might...

When we broke up, I went home so
depressed I told her everything,
including your name.

- So what, you think
that she's gonna remember?

She tends to have amazing recall
when it comes to things
I wish she'd forget.

if you don't wanna risk Laura
hearing something,

you should probably stay away
from here until my mom leaves.

- Okay.

- My coach says I'm
a great sweeper!
- Sweeper?

What do you use, a broom?
- No, I kick the ball!
Don't be crazy, Grandma!

Did you hear
what Grandma said?

So Grandma, why can't you
stay longer?
- It's roundup season.

We've gotta brand the calves,
give them their shots,

castrate the bullocks. It's
our busiest time of the year.

That's why I have to leave
right after the reception.

- I can't imagine you
castrating a calf, Mom.
- Really?

Turns out, honey, it's a lot
cleaner than gutting a fish.

- Do you ever
miss it here?

- Honey, I had 30 years

up to my eyeballs in chum

and nets and debts.
I am so done with fish,

I can't even eat a river trout.
The closest I can get to seafood

is a Rocky Mountain Oyster.

- Voilà!

- Tada! Well?

Oh, come on! In China,

everybody wears red
to a wedding.
- Even the bride?

- Oh, darling, especially
the bride. None of that
westernized wussy

"virginal white" stuff.
It's all about

heat and fire and passion.

- It's not fair! I've already
given up my bathroom, I'm not
sleeping on the couch!

- Sandy, I'll sleep
on the couch.

Mom can take the pullout
in your den and the girls
can sleep in Courtney's room.

- What? No!
- No, nobody's sleeping
on the couch.

I've already booked
a room at the inn.
- No, Carolyn, I can't let you...

- Sandy, please. Nobody
knows as well as I do

how small this house is.
- Mom, it's the Prayer Chain.

- Hi, Pastor.

Oh, no, not Harold again.
Another bypass?

Okay, I'll pass it on.
- Could you give me a ride?

So, what does
your lawyer say?

- I've been advised to gather
letters saying what a...

good and stable mom I am.

Will you write one?

- Yeah, but...

do you think it'll help?
- Don't you?

- Honey, in order to prove

how good and stable you are,
you gotta be good and stable,

and you can't
do that living here...
- I'm looking for an apartment.

- Jo...

you don't belong here, honey.

Really, you never did.

I understand coming home
till you get things sorted out,

but sooner or later...

- Are you okay?

Hey, are you okay?


- Fran hid her jewellery
in a mattress,

for God's sake,
and he still found it!

I swear,

right after work I'm getting me
a safe like Billie's got

down at the diner.
- It's not that hard
to break into a safe.

They got this, like,
ultrasound gadget

that helps you break
the combination.

- Yeah? How do you know that,

- I saw it at Radio Shack.

- Isn't it interesting how
these burglaries never started

until Joanna Johnson got here?
Everyone knows she's broke.

- Half the town's broke,
Charlie. And Jo saw the burglar.
She found that jewellery.

- So she says.
- Her mother was there
and saw him, too.

- Oh, yeah, and no mom
ever lies for her kid, right?

- Hallelujah, payday!

It goes in the slot

above the name.
- Oh yeah, sorry.

Here, Charlie.

- So Joanna, lucky break,

you running into the burglar
last night. Now you can tell
us all what he looks like.

- It was dark, I couldn't
really see his face.

- Interesting.

- Going to the wedding?

- Yeah.
- On the ferry.

- Are you going with anyone?

- No. Do you wanna go together?

- Well, uh... yeah.


- Okay.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Laura, I... I heard about your
dad. I hope everything's okay.

- We'll know in a few days.
Until then I'll be working
on my bleeding ulcer.

- So, can we have pineapple
pizza? Dinner? Thursday?

- Honey, I don't think

Laura really
feels like...

- Actually, I could really use
a pineapple pizza right now.

And a really big glass of wine.

We were sick of the city,

and we wanted to raise Kevin
someplace he could slog
through creeks

and climb trees and come home
with mud in his hair and frogs

in his pockets.

And then I saw the ad
for the P.E. teacher

and we visited the town
and fell in love.

- So Scott's okay practicing
small-town law?

- I think years ago he had big
dreams of saving the world,

defending the defenceless...
You know, superhero law.

But, um... when
he was in college

his dad died suddenly. There was
something wrong with the estate

and the will was a mess and
his mother couldn't handle it,
so he had to drop out

and fix everything.
He grew up real fast.

And then when he got
back to school,

the experience had changed him.

You know, what he does,
the bread-and-butter law,
it might not be glamorous

but, um... it sure makes
people's lives a lot easier

when their world
falls apart.

- So, no regrets.

- I don't know.

I know he loves me.

There was this girl in college
who broke his heart,

and then there was me.

he wonders
what he's missing.

And then there are
the rumours.

- What, about Scott
and that assistant?

- About Scott and you.

Hey, it's Annabelle
all over again...

People here love twisting
something innocent
into a scandal.

- Can I tell you something?
- Okay.

- I've never met a man
who loves his wife
as much as he loves you.

- Thanks.

Gee, I must be great company.

I'm so scared about my dad

that I can't
think straight.

Nice catch, by the way.
- I almost had a floor model.

- What happened?
- The burglar hit Mrs. Fish.

- He hit her?
- He robbed her...

took her coin collection.
He didn't hurt her.
- Did anyone get a look at him?

- Terence saw some guy speeding
on a bike down the road
when the sheriff came.

Wearing a rain poncho.
- He could've had a gun

hidden under there.
- Or he could just be a guy
out for a bike ride.

- Don't tell me they've hit
poor Louise Fish!

- Jo, are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.
It's just a little close.
- Yeah.

- Carolyn, these are
our neighbours, Laura
and Scott Lawton.

- Hey there.
- Hello, how are you?
Nice to meet you.

- Hi there, nice
to meet you, too.
- Lawton...

Are you related to Isaiah Lawton
over in Kings Landing?

- Uh... no.

- No? Oh.

- Um... Laura, I gotta go help
Kevin with some fractions,

he's going crazy.
- Okay.
- Very nice to meet you.

- I'm gonna go in and
check on poor Louise.

- I'm gonna talk to the sheriff.

- It's nice how you and Laura
hit it off. And Scott too.

Nice. Funny that you went
to the same school

and you didn't know each other.

- Boston U is larger than
Camden Bay, Sandy. There are
thousands of students there.

- Everyone sleeps in the same
dorms and apartments,

drinks in the same pubs.
Maybe you had some of
the same friends.

- If you have something to say,
just say it.

- Don't lie to me.

I've opened
my home to you.

I defend you
when people talk.

If you've got some good reason
for hiding something, fine.

Just don't lie to me.

Mom, come on!

- I'll be right there.

- Hey! That's for the caterers!



- Billie? What happened?
- Damn burglar cleaned out
the safe!

Now how am I going
to pay the caterer?

- Oh, Billie...
- Carolyn!

He took everything!
- Oh, shh...

- And he hit my baby!
- Oh, Billie! Shh, shh...

- She's got a shiner coming up
like an 8-ball! On her
wedding day!

- Oh, honey, we'll fix it.
Laura, you know Charlie Crane?

- Little man, big mouth?
- Bingo. Tell him what's
happened here,

make sure you let him know
that all the money's gone,

and beg him not to let
anybody else know.

- Oh!

- Matthew Silva.

You look very handsome.

- What happened to your cheek?
- I was attacked by a reluctant

Ladies and gentlemen, can I
have your attention, please?

Please join me in welcoming
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Palchek!

- Yeah, Zoe!
You're gorgeous, girl!

- Nobody messes with our Zoe!

- Kiss her, Tommy!

- You're a man
of hidden talents.
- Not hidden. Just quiet.

- Can you teach me?
- Sure. Just get
some more paper.

- Come with me.

- That boy still
has a crush on you.
- We're just old friends, Mom.

- Dad? Hey, what's going on?
Any news?


Great. Yeah.

I'm at the wedding. Okay, I'll
call you later. Love you too.

- We got paper for everyone.
Coach Laura! Come and see!

- Psst, hey! I just talked to
my dad. He's okay, no cancer.

I'm so glad.

- So, this is the
Arts and Crafts table?
- You're not just a neighbour,

you're Maddie's coach, too! Oh!
- Not only that:

Jo went to school with Scott.

- We just had one class

- Still, some coincidence.

- Laura, I was gonna go to the
gift table. Wanna come with me?
- Thanks,

but I'm gonna stay here, I
think, and make a paper crane...

or a brontosaurus...

or maybe just a rutabaga.

I'm not very good at this.

How do you do it?

- Oh, my God!

- So you came
with Matthew Silva.

- To give people something
harmless to talk about.

You can't be jealous.
- I know. I can't.

- Jo, would you like to dance?
- Sure.

- So, your husband's a lawyer?
- Yes, but don't hold that
against him.

- And he graduated
from Boston U?
- UMass, actually.

He dropped out of Boston U
after his father died.

- Look what
Aunt Sandy gave me.

- Wow! That is
some fancy purse.

- Look at all the stuff
it can hold.

Want to see pictures
of Mom in college?
- Oh now, darling,

don't go showing embarrassing
pictures of Mom without
her permission.

- Look at Mom
with short hair.

She's standing with a funny guy
and a surfboard.

- ♪ I'm off to places
I've never been ♪

♪ To see faces I've never seen ♪

♪ Baby, this restless heart
is gone ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm the rebel kind ♪

♪ I wanna be just like
James Dean ♪

♪ Yeah I'm the rebel kind ♪

♪ And baby I'm just
living out my dream ♪

- Can we go?

Can we go? Now?

- Did I do something wrong?
- You look tired, Jo.

Not sleeping well?

Guilty conscience
will do that to you.

- I should've known. Stop
spreading rumours about me.

- All I know is where there's
smoke there's fire...

and fires can't help but spread.
- This is none of your business.
- No?

We've had a crime spree around
here since you showed up.

People are losing their
savings, their valuables.

Nobody feels safe anymore...
that's my business.

It's everyone's business.

- Wait... you think
I'm the burglar?
- You're broke,

you know this town
inside and out,

and you live with a damn
watch captain who knows
everyone's secrets.

Everybody here knows
everybody's secrets!

- You okay?

What happened?
- Why the hell did I come here?

What was I thinking? These
people will never change.

They'll never
let me change.

- Laura.
- Laura, it's not what you...

- Let's go.
- What about Dad?

- Let's go, honey.
- Maddie...

- Sandy will look
after her. Come on.

- What's going on?

- She's the girl! She's the one!
- Yes.

I just... I thought that
if I could keep the past...
if it stayed in the past,

it would be better for everyone.
- But it didn't!

It's next door!

And it's not the past
anymore, is it?

You think I didn't hear
the gossip?

I chose to ignore it

because I wanted to believe you.

I wanted to think it was like
that thing with Annabelle.

Now... I can't help

but think that was a lie too!
- It wasn't a lie.

- No, don't! Please, don't!

Don't! Just...

just get out.

Get out.

Get out.

- I remember when you came home
from school so depressed.

It was a shock to have you home,
but then bawling about some guy

who it was your choice to leave
anyway... That was Scott?

Aw, you should have
told me, sweetie.

I would have kept
your secret.

All right, maybe not.

But I would have tried to help.

- I'm not having an affair
with him, Mom.

- Are you sure?

Sometimes a secret can seem
an awful lot like an affair.

Trust me, I know.

- Did you see the way
she looked at me?
- Laura?

- Maddie. Laura, too... Jeez...

I just wanted a safe place
for her while I figured out...

I mean, I just thought,
What could be better
than Lyle and Sandy's?

I just hate that
my daughter thinks

I'm a screwup.

You were such a rock for me.

- Why?

Because I stayed put in
that hell of a marriage?

The only reason I stayed
was because I didn't have
the guts to get out.

But sweetie, you always
had guts to spare.

Whatever you wanted to do,
no matter how difficult it was,

no matter how unpopular,
you went ahead

and did it.
At least you used to.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Well...

There's this heifer... she's
about ten times bigger than me,

but if I start to shout
or swagger about,

she runs for her life.
- Peter is not just swaggering
and shouting, Mom.

I mean, he's already
taken away my marriage,

my home, my lifestyle...
- I know that, I know.

And you're wise
to take him seriously,

and I will write
that letter.

But that's not the point,
though, is it?

I mean, you can't stay here.

So you've got a choice:

you can come to the ranch for
the summer, you and Maddie,

or you can go back to where
your friends are,

where her friends are,

get yourself whatever
kind of job you can,

get your stuff out of storage,
furnish your tiny little

and just get on with your life.

Sweetie, that's the only way
you're going to keep Maddie.

And I'm not talking
about custody, either.

- Where have you been?

- I took Mom to the airport.

She says she'll call
when she gets home.

- "Don't lie to me." That's all
I asked, and that's exactly
what you did.

- I'm sorry, and I'll explain,
but right now I'm beat,

so I'm just gonna take Maddie
and we're gonna sleep
at the warehouse.

- The warehouse? I'm not
letting you sleep in some
rat-infested warehouse.

- It's not rat-infested.
Let's go.
- No.

- Honey, don't argue. Let's go.
- No!

- She can stay. Would you like
to stay here, sweetie?
- Sandy, don't.

- You wanted a safe, stable
environment for her. This is it.
This is why you came here.

Why would you take her away
from it when you have nothing
better to offer?

- Come on, Maddie.

Maddie! Maddie!

- Jo?


You okay?
- What are you doing here?

- Laura kicked me out.

- Oh, God. I'm so sorry.

- I was, um...

hoping that maybe you could
talk to her.
- Me?

- Yeah, well, she won't listen
to me at all right now.
And you guys,

you hit it off so well,
you might have better luck.

- That was before I became the
friend who screwed her husband.
- We never did...

- It doesn't matter!
Everybody says we did,
everybody knows we did,

so we did!

- Where's Maddie?

- She's with Sandy.

She wouldn't come with me.

- Know what we need right now?
- Witnesses.


- Laura.

I don't blame you
for being angry, but
if you could just listen...

I wanted to tell you,
but I promised Scott
that I'd let him do it.

Would you just stop
for a minute, please?

Will you really end your
marriage over a bunch of lies?
- You wanna talk lies?

Every moment that we shared
together that you didn't
come clean, Jo, was a lie.

Why should I believe you now?
- Because I have nothing
to lose!

That first night,
if I'd told you

that we'd been lovers
in college, would you have
taken Maddie under your wing

like you did? Would you have
wanted to be my friend?

- That's no excuse.

- You're right.

- Are you in love with him?

- I was crazy about him
in college.

When his dad died,
he asked me to go with him,
to stay with him,

and I'd only known him
a few months and...
- Are you in love with him?

- Completely honest, okay?

I was always glad to see him.

I loved it
when we talked.

It was exciting, and sweet,

and maybe it was
a kind of affair.

Oh, come on, haven't you ever
had that with someone?
- No!

- Laura, don't do this!
We didn't sleep together!
We could have, but we didn't...

because he's so
crazy about you!

- What are you doing here?
- I forgot my shawl.

What are you doing here?
- Cleaning up.

Chairman of the Fisherman's
Association, part of my job.

- Charlie? Jeez.

Well, I guess if there's anyone
who knows where to find anything
in this town, it's probably him.

- Just tell the sheriff
you found those where
his truck was parked.

It'll be enough for a warrant,
and then I'm sure they'll
find more. But do it now,

before he's long gone.
- Okay, I don't get it.

Why me?
- Well, if I say
Charlie's the burglar,

it'll just look like I'm trying
to get him back for accusing me.

Besides, after last night,
no one's gonna believe
anything I say.

- Yeah, that's
for damn sure.

Although nobody puts much stock
in me, either, you know.

I'm just Sandy's flaky
little brother.

- Well, you won't be anymore
if you help catch the burglar.

Hey, Dad, it's me!

Hey, Dad.
- Hey, bud.

- What smells?

- I hope it's the Brie, not me.

What are you doing here?
- The game? Remember?

- Yeah, yeah.

I got the tickets right here,
I just... I thought we...

- Kevin, honey, do you have
spending money?

- Dad still owes me ten bucks
from our last game.

- I'm sure he'll pay up.

Here's a change of clothes
and a slicker. They said
it might rain.

- I am so sorr...
- You better hurry.
You might miss the game.

We'll talk at home.

- Dad, hurry, we're gonna be
late for the game!


- Hey, guys.

I wanna take Maddie
for the afternoon.

I'll have her home
for dinner, okay?

- Thought we were getting
ice cream.
- We will.

- I didn't bring a book.
- Good. Come here.

I remember when I was making it,
I thought, "She'll wake up
to coloured light

for years and
years and years."

I'm not sure where
we'll be from now on.

But we'll be okay.

I think you need some coloured
light to take with you,
to hang in your window

wherever you are.
I don't have everything
we need for a casting,

but I thought we could make
something new. You know,

make something
together. Okay?

All right, put these on.
I've got mine.

Very cool.

All right, I'm gonna turn this
on... Remember: you can't get
anywhere near it, all right?

It's very, very, very hot.

Pick a colour, okay?

- We had deputies checking out
his locker, the trawler,

the Fisherman's Hall...
Charlie took off in such a hurry

he left stuff stashed
all over the place.

They found a stack of mail
from some sports fishing
outfit in the Bahamas.

Guess he was working on
his own retirement plan.

- Did Martha know?
- Evidently not.

She's damn angry, too. Not that
Charlie was the burglar,

but that she was
the last to know.

- Hopefully the police will
catch him before she does.

- You know the craziest thing?
Nathan is the hero.

How that halfwit figured it
out... He even gets a reward.

- Great. Now he can
pay back what he owes you.
- Pff! You want odds on that?

- Here's the key
to the warehouse.

And here's your doodad.

- Um... This is
the custody letter.

And this is the job reference. I
elevated you to office manager
and chief supply clerk.

- Thanks.

For everything.

Matt, I'm sorry
about our... date.
- It's okay.

I kinda thought it was
too good to be true.

- You're a great guy.

I know it's hard to leave home,
but in a different town...

This place labelled us both
a long time ago.

No matter what we do,
I'll always be

That Damn Johnson Girl
and you'll be...
- Most Likely to Blend

into the Wallpaper?

- Take care.

Did you have fun on
your last day of school?

- I made cookies.
Do you want to come in?

- No, thanks. I just came
to say goodbye.

- You're leaving.

- You've been so generous.

I'm sorry I lied to you

and embarrassed you.

I'm so glad that Maddie has
an aunt who loves her enough

to make all the sacrifices
you're willing to make for her.

We're both lucky to have you
in our lives.

You're ready to go?
- What? Wait a minute.

- Please, Maddie, let's
just get in the car.
- Joanna...

- No, Sandy.

Your home is wonderful, but
it's not her home. I'm her home.

And even if things
are rough right now,

she's my daughter
and she belongs with me.
- Of course she does.

And I'm sure, in time, that
will happen. But right now,

I think it's important
that you just quietly...

- Mom!

Bye, Aunt Sandy. Love you.

After 40 years
of knowing someone...

And I mean knowing...

- Martha, I'm eating.

- To find out he's been
lying all along!

A lying, deceiving snake
in the grass!

- Yeah, I'll tell her! Bye!

- But I have to admit,

deep down inside, I always felt
something was a little...

- Joanna Johnson just left town.

I'm not sorry,
between the reception

and sneaking around with
Scott... Though it looks
like Laura believed her.

- Laura's a fool.

- Oh, Martha.
- Don't "Oh, Martha" me.

Anyone with half
a brain could see...

Carlene! Guess who left town
with her tail between her legs?

- ♪ Ride the wind ♪

♪ Or the sea ♪

♪ Bring me home ♪

♪ Set me free ♪

♪ One star ♪

♪ Steady in the morning light ♪

♪ It's where we are ♪

♪ Here to weave in tight ♪

♪ We'll keep it ♪

♪ In our sight ♪

TTE inc.