Gorilla at Large (1954) - full transcript

At a carnival called the Garden of Evil, a man is murdered, apparently by a gorilla...or someone in a gorilla suit.


That's right, folks!
Five balls for five cents!

That's right!
Five balls for five cents!

That's right, folks!
Five balls for five cents!

Hey, boss!

Got a heater?

Hurry! Hurry!
The show is about to start!

Get your tickets now
for the world's
largest gorilla... Goliath!

See Goliath, king of the jungle!

The world's largest gorilla,

who cost the lives
of 1,000 men
before his capture!

The most bloodcurdling...

the most spine-tingling exhibit
ever viewed by mortal man!

See Goliath, king of the jungle,
in his natural habitat.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, folks!
Get your tickets now!

The big show
is about to start.

See Goliath...
the greatest killer
in captivity...

who lives only to kill!

Goliath... who has
the strength of 20,

as this bar
of twisted steel proves!

Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Get your tickets!

Goliath... the beast
who lives only to kill!

Goliath... the animal
whose gentlest emotion
is hate!

That's Goliath, folks.

He's cooing.

Come in and get your tickets
now, ladies and gentlemen.
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

I'll be inside, Joey. I want to
see you when you get the chance.

Be right with ya.
All right, folks!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Get your tickets now,
ladies and gentlemen!

Folks, this is your last chance
to get tickets for the big show.

The big show is about to start.

How ya doin', honey?
Oh! I need five hands
to handle this mob tonight.

I'll pick you up later, sweetie.
Mr. Miller wants to see me
about somethin'.

Wait a second, Joey.
Oh. Almost forgot.

I forgot to take out
my eating money.

You don't look hungry now.
I'll give it to you later.

All right. Bye.

That's right, folks!
Five balls for five cents!

Hiya, boss.

Well, we hit every paper
in town today.

The Chronicle,
the Daily Review...
all of 'em.

And I got a picture of Goliath
in every one of those stories.

Good work.
Here's the one I love.

"The huge gorilla
at the Garden of Evil...

"is the world's
most terrifying creature.

"It seems to those
viewing the act...

that the one thing
he wants to do
is kill, kill, kill."

Aren't you afraid
that'll frighten them away?

Looks to me like we're
frightening them
into the place.

Oh, well. Suckers
like to be scared.

Okay, Owens. Keep it up.
Right, boss.

Mr. Miller,
you wanna see me?

Oh, just a minute, Joey.








Boy, that really gets 'em,
doesn't it?

I'm taking you off
the barker's stand, Joey.

You-You mean I'm fired?

Oh, no. You're, uh...
You're pretty husky,
aren't you?

Oh, well, I guess.
That's what Laverne said.

She's trying on a new routine.
You're going to be part of it.

You'll find a costume
over in your locker.

Put it on and come
over to the bungalow
a little later, will ya?

Oh, yeah.
Sure thing. Will do.
Thanks a lot, Mr. Miller.


Watch it, Kovacs.

Just because you're
working with one, doesn't mean
you have to behave like one.

How many times have I told you
to keep that door locked?

You want that gorilla
to get out and kill someone?

He won't come out...

unless I tell him to.

Careful, honey.
Well, they ate it up
out there tonight, as usual.

Thanks. You'd better
shorten that slip rope
a little,

or, one of these nights,
the ape will get me.

I had to pull up
out of his reach.
Tell Kovacs.

Can't we get rid
of that guy, Laverne?

He's the only one
that can handle Goliath.

We oughta keep
both of them locked up.

He likes you too.
See you later, dear.

Five balls for five cents,
folks! Step right up!

That's right, folks!
Five balls for five cents!

That's right!
Five balls
for five cents!

That's right, folks!
Five balls
for five cents!

All right!
Everybody plays baseball!

On your feet, Morse!
This isn't
the public library.

Man been in this racket long as
I have deserves a little rest
now and then, don't he?

On your feet!

Any way you want it, boss.

Hey, young fella.
How about a Kewpie doll
for that pretty girl of yours?

Win a race, the Kewpie's hers.
That's all. Twenty-five cents.

Just sit down,
and you're the jockey.

Hey, mister.
How about you?

Your girl likes Kewpies,
don't she?

Three down will get you a prize!

Ladies are welcome.
Only 1/10th of a dollar,
and you win yourself a prize.

Three down will get you a prize.
Step right up.

- Knock 'em down here.
- I got it!

Park is jumping tonight...
except for Morse's concession.

I'm gonna have to check on him.

Caught him using his booth
for a reading room.

Here. Let me help.

That new routine of yours...
it's kinda tricky, isn't it?

I've got it perfectly timed.
There's no danger.

Better not be.
Nothing will happen.

Did you tell Joey?
Yeah. He oughta
be here soon.

That does it.

Thank you.

The man's a bandit
all right, Laverne.

Twenty-two bucks yesterday.

That's about half
what the other boys do,
even on rainy nights.

Yes, who is it?

Well, come on in!

Hi, Mr. Miller.
Did I scare ya?

I'm sorry.
I... I'm here.

For a minute,
I thought you were him.

Honey, Joey's here.

I'm got some business to do.
You give Joey the lineup
on the act, huh?

Hello, Joey.
Hello, Miss Miller.

What do I do in this...
rassle Goliath?

Oh, Laverne will tell you.
See you later.

Hey, you look pretty good.

Turn around, Joey.

The costume does look
quite real on you.

If it's uncomfortable,
you can take it off.
Thanks, Miss Miller.

Since we're going to work
together, perhaps we'd better
not be quite so formal.

Oh. Oh, sure, Laverne.

You mind holding my head?

Say, tell me, what do I do
in this outfit?

Well, Joey, sooner or later,
the novelty of Goliath
is going to wear off.

They're even going
to stop being thrilled
by my swinging over his head.

So I'm going to have
to do something more.

I'm going to fall...
right in the gorilla's arms.

Oh, no, you're kidding.

Oh, no, I'm not.

Well, that's...
that's quite a break
for Goliath.

I'd be willing to trade places
with him to have a beautiful
woman like you fall in my arms.

- That's exactly
what you're going to do.
- Huh?

While I'm working above him,

we'll take the spot
away from Goliath
and dim out on his jungle.

Then Kovacs will
take him away down below,
and you'll take his place.

Then the spotlight
will follow me down
as I fall into your arms.

What a routine.

Then as I scream and struggle,
you hold me up above your head.

We black out the entire arena.

Wanna do it?
Means an extra $50 a week.

That's for me, Laverne.
I'm ready.

Well, then it's settled.

Are you sure
you're strong enough
to lift me over your head?

Yeah, I think so.
Let's try it.

Hey, you're solid.
You got muscles.

Exercise, Joey.

You get that way if you've
worked a trapeze act
as long as I have.

Yeah, I guess so.

Oh. There must be
some kind of a trick
to this.

There is, Joey.
Didn't they teach you judo
when you were in the marines?

Yeah, but you don't want me
to flip you over my shoulder,
do you?

No, but it's practically
the same principle,

only I help you by leaning
against you like this.

It takes most of the weight
off your arms.

Oh. I see.

As far as I'm concerned,
you can pack up and get out.
I'm fed up.

Wouldn't wanna do anything
you might be sorry for,
would you?

The only thing I'm sorry for
is the day I hired you.

A lot of water's gone under
the bridge since then, huh?
Some of it's pretty dirty.

Dirty enough for you, Morse,
but I'm washing my hands
of it.

You'll never get 'em
clean, Miller.
That's enough.

Now get out.

All right.
I'm goin'.

Outta my way, ape.

You'd better go, Joey.
Is there, uh,
anything I can do?

Don't you think you were
a little rough on him?

You know he's a troublemaker.

Sometimes a man can be
pushed just too far.

Good night.
Good night.

Night, Phil.
Good night, Joey.

Oh! Don't do that.

A girl can get scared.
You think you're scared now?
You catch me tomorrow night.

It's gonna mean
an extra 50 bucks a week.
Are you feeling all right?

Never better.
The bank balance is about
to put on a little weight.

I wish I knew
what you were talking about.
Laverne's doing a new routine.

And I'm part of it.
Since when
did she become "Laverne"?

Oh, since we started
working together...
real close together.

Just what are you and Laverne
going to do so close together?

Terrific stuff.
Come on. I'll show you.

The extra 50 a week's
for both of us,
not just for me.

And comin' in
every week, honey,
it's like finding it.

You see, when... when Laverne
does her swing across the aisle
and Goliath grabs at her,

then we dim out on the jungle,
Kovacs takes him down a trap.

Joey. Joey!
Then I move in...

Stay here, honey.

It's Morse.


Okay, he's yours.
Hold for a postmortem.

Here's what we found
on him, Garrison.

Eighteen bucks in his wallet,

a lot of addresses
in that little red book...
feminine gender mostly...

hotel key, handkerchief,
some change...

and an empty gin bottle.

If that's all you want from me,
I'm goin' back to bed.

Just one little
thing more, Doc,
if you don't mind.

He is dead?
Of course he is.

I just wanted
to establish the fact.

And, uh,
if it isn't a secret,
what killed him?

It's all in my report there,
Garrison. His neck was broken.

There's some deep scratches
on his chest which might have
been done by an animal's claws.

He's been dead about two hours.


You can go back to bed now.

Pleasant dreams.

Now to get back
to our little talk.

You were saying you wanted
to show your girl
some new stunt...

Mrs. Miller had cooked up,
so you brought her in here.

Yes, sir.

- While you were telling her
about it, you saw the victim.
- That's right.

Then you called
the police.

This act... you wear
a gorilla costume,
don't you?

Yes, sir.
What are you
getting at?

Was I getting at anything?

- Where do you keep it?
- Oh, in my locker.


Go down to the locker room.
In Mr. Matthews's locker,
you'll find a gorilla costume.

Bring it up here.
Yes, sir.

I'll show him where it is.
He'll find it.

You know anyone who might have
had it in for you, Miller?

Plenty of people.

In this racket,
everyone's out
to cut your throat.

Was Morse one of them?

Morse probably got drunk,
wandered in here,
and the gorilla got him.

That's all.

You didn't answer
my question, Miller.

You know, Cy,

maybe Morse came in here
after you fired him...

to try to take his spite
out on Goliath.

You fired Morse tonight, huh?

Well, he had it coming to him.

He'd had his hand
in my pocket
for a long time.

I got tired of it.
There's nothing more
to it than that.

Still, it figures, that if he
was sore at you and drunk,

he might have tried to destroy
this valuable animal of yours...

and get killed while trying.

Just one thing doesn't jibe.

According to
the coroner's report,

Morse was already dead
when he was put
on those spikes.

Now, why would a gorilla
want to do a thing like that?

- Where do you keep him?
- Right under
where you're standing.

Suppose we all go down
and ask him.

Kovacs, you got him locked up?

We're coming down.


Does he know
about you and Morse?

No, I don't think so.

You kids goin' down?

Oh. Yeah.

Let's go down.

Is there any other
way into this place...

besides those stairs
and that passageway?

None that I know of.

Was the gorilla left alone
at all that you remember?

I never left him
for a minute
the night I was here.

You were outside earlier.
I saw you.

That was only
for a few seconds,
and Morse was there too.

He was alive then.
You got no right to try
and put this on Goliath.

He wouldn't hurt nobody.



Well, Shaughnessy?
I looked
in the lockers, sir.

I searched them all.
There wasn't
a gorilla costume anywhere.

I'm closin' this park down
until further notice.
What good is that gonna do?

All I know is there's a couple
of gorillas around here,
and one of them's a killer.

So far, there's not much
to go on. Any one of you
could have had a hand in it.

You were all here
when it happened.

Nobody had any
great love for Morse,
as far as I can see.

I don't notice anybody
breaking down and
bawlin' about it.

All I know for sure
is that somebody or...

something gave it to him
the hard way.

So, if any one of you
are planning a little trip,
forget it.

I want you all around here
where I can find you
when I need you.

That's all.

You wait here.

I could kick myself for talking
about your run-in with Morse.

I just wasn't thinking.
Don't worry about it.

You don't suppose that
they think you did it?

I don't know
what they're thinking!

You'd better
get some sleep.
It's been a rough night.

Who is it?
It's me, Owens.

Come in.

How long have you
been out there?

I just got here.

Well, what's on your mind?

Morse never drank liquor.
He had a bad ulcer.

Oh, he was a chaser
and a chiseler, yeah, but...

the guy never touched booze.

He knew it would
kill him.

So that empty bottle of gin
that was found on him
was a plant.

- Why tell me?
- It was a Holland gin...
Van Pyster's.

Not a very common brand.

Van Pyster's
is your brand, boss.

I don't drink that stuff.
I keep it just for company.


By the way, that, uh,
mirror-maze concession
is ready for your okay.

But I guess,
with the park closed down,

why, there's no
great hurry about it.

We'll open again
in a day or so.
I'll get an injunction.

You can look over the maze.
You can okay it.


Tomorrow. I...
I'm dead beat now.

Anytime. You, uh...

You gonna tell Garrison
about Morse not drinking?

Well, it's evidence,
isn't it, boss?

If I withhold evidence,
I'm... I'm an accessory.

Good night.

Look, son,
it's getting late,
and we're a little tired.

Why don't you level with me
so we can all go home?

I got nothin' to tell ya.

I hardly knew Morse
except what I saw of him
around the park.

Must have been a popular guy.

This reads like
a telephone directory.

Rita, Edna, Lena,
Beverly, Audrey...

Audrey Baxter.

Yeah. He, uh...
He got her phone number
from the payroll department.

She... She told me
he'd been annoying her.

I warned,
if he didn't lay off, I'd...

- Break his neck?
- Yeah, words to that effect.

What would you do if some guy
kept bothering your woman?

I don't know. I'd...

Well, she's not really a...

Look, you and your girl
knew Morse how long?

I told you. Only as long
as we've been here.

And I also told you
Audrey and I just
took these jobs for the summer.

I wanna go back to law school.

We're trying to save enough
money so we can get married.
Is that a crime?

Marriage isn't, but murder is.

Although sometimes
I think it ought to be
the other way around.

It's time we all got
some shut-eye.

You tired?
Why, no, sir.
Anything you want done?

Think you can keep
your eye on things
for a few hours?

Certainly, sir.
Not getting sleep
doesn't faze me.

I've stayed awake as much as...
You always been
this alert, Shaughnessy?

Always on my toes, sir.

Well, get off 'em.
You're a cop,
not a ballet dancer.

Come on, son.
I'll drive you home.

Well, Matthews's story checks.

He was a captain in the marines,
got shot up some in Korea.

Gave him a medal.
They sent him home
last March.

His girl's just a girl.
No record.

But I got plenty here
on Miller and his wife,

Morse and that
publicity guy, Owens.

You oughta have a field day
goin' through this stuff.

Oh, and, uh,
the ape's handler, Kovacs...

very interesting about Kovacs.

I haven't got time
to wade through all this.

Can you give me a rundown?

Except for the two kids,
the rest were all
with the Wrightman Brothers.

It's a circus outfit
that went bust
a few years back.

Owens was in publicity.
Morse ran concessions.

Now, he was a bad one.

He was a chaser,
a petty larceny ganef.

Strictly small-time.

But his killing was big-time.

He finally made the grade.

Well, Miller and his wife
did an aerial act with...

Miller did?

He and Laverne,
a guy named Kewpie...
Kewpie Adams.

Then one night
about three years ago,
there was an accident.

Kewpie took a 50-foot dive
from the top of the tent...

right into
a front page headline.

Fell off a trapeze, huh?
He was between trapezes.

Miller was supposed
to catch him.

Miller didn't,
and there was no net.
I see.

Inquest report was "accidental
death during the performance
of a dangerous act."

Does a gorilla
figure in any of this?

He was pretty easy to handle
till somebody fed him
a loaded banana.

Yeah. Loaded with arsenic.
Kovacs pulled him through.

Then Miller bought him
for nickels when the Wrightmans
went out of business.

I guess that's it.

It's time I got over
to the park.

Oh, what's this interesting
dope on Kovacs?

He was Laverne's first husband.

She was married to that goon?

He was an important
animal man at the time,
way up in the chips.

Then after a while,
Miller came along and
took her away from him.

Miller was prettier
than Kovacs.
Hit Kovacs hard.

I can see how it would.

If you weren't lookin',
I'd swipe one of these
Kewpie dolls.

I'm blind as a bat, Joey.

Thanks, Slim.

That's for you 'cause I'm late.

I overslept.
I kept calling you
till 3:00 this morning.

Where were you?
Well, Garrison and I
had a heavy date.

He didn't take me home
till long after
my usual bedtime.


We've got $200 in the bank.
That's enough to get married on.

And starve cozily
right after the honeymoon?
We're gonna stay right here.

As soon as the park reopens,
there's that extra 50 a week.
That's what I'm afraid of.

It's gonna be hard
to give that up, isn't it,
when the time comes.

You think I got park fever,
that I might forget about
going back to school?

Well, it could happen,
Joey. I...

I just don't want it
to happen to us.

If we left now, it wouldn't.
I couldn't leave now
even if I wanted to.

I gotta stick around here
till this mess is cleared up.

pointing the finger at me.

It's kinda up to me to point
that finger somewhere else.

Wouldn't it be somethin'
if I handed him the killer?

Joey, be sensible.
Keep out of this.
How can I?

I'm already in it
up to my gorilla suit.

Besides, look, when I
get back to law school,

I'll have all this practical
experience behind me...

right here on the ground floor.

Law in the raw.

Where are you going?
Joey, I'm serious
about this.

I'm just as serious as you are.
You stick around,
and you'll see.

Well, you do
whatever you please.
I know what I'm doing.

I'm quitting.


It's me, Laverne.

Oh, come in.

You look as if you lost
your best friend.

You're pretty close.

Come in, Joey.

Well, Audrey's leaving,
and she wants me
to quit too.

I'm sorry, Laverne.
I hate running out
on you like this.

But you could get somebody else.

A lot of guys
would jump at the chance.

Yes, I'm sure they would,
especially now.

Sit down, Joey.

I've gotten
quite a few offers for the act
when the season closes here.

With the new finish,
I know I can book it solid.

And that extra money would mean
quite a nest egg for you...

if you did it for just a year.

No. I'd lose Audrey.

Nope. I'm goin' back
to school.

You don't have to make
your decision yet.

Oh, look, I'm not
a performer, Laverne.

I'm... I'm just a guy
who's gonna spend
the next few years...

sweating out a law degree.

I'll tell you what.

I'll... I'll stick with you
the rest of the summer,
if you want me.

I want you.

We can talk about this later.

Right now, I think we could
use a little rehearsing.

Okay. I'll go change.

Laverne, I know this is
none of my business,

and maybe I shouldn't
be asking, but that beef...

that beef your husband
had with Morse...


There are a lot of things
you don't know about.

Maybe someday
I'll be able to tell you.

I'll be ready in a few minutes.
I'll see you over there.


Let him go, Laverne.

There's nothing to worry about.

He's just a nice kid.

And by the time summer's over,
he'll be gone.

I wonder.

Are you starting that again?

I was about to ask you
the same thing.

Don't be silly.

Every time
a new partner shows up,
you go into the same routine.

I was a new partner myself once.

Then why don't you tell Joey
the deal's off,

that you're too jealous
to have anybody come near me?

I'm only warning you.

You really ought to warn him...

about how accidents happen
to partners.

Remember Kewpie?


Hey. Where you goin'?
To get his food.

Okay, but make it quick.
I'm supposed to keep
an eye on you too.

Hey, what do you
feed him?
Bananas, apples, grapes.

Oh, you do, huh?
Bring me some too.

He don't drink coffee,
does he?
Well, of course not.

Well, I do, so get me some.

Audrey, what are you doin' here?

I'm quitting.
Who do I tell?

Oh, never mind.
I'll tell him.

So you're fed up, huh?

Well, so am I.
Maybe I'll join you.

This is sure a rotten way
to make a living.

I told a man that
just a little while ago.

Then you'd better
get him outta here
before he gets in too deep.

This whole racket's a phony,
just like that sucker trap
over there.

Once you're in,
you can't get out.
I know.

Here's Garrison.
I wanna talk to him.

Turn out the lights,
will you, dear?
Oh, sure.

Hey, Sergeant.
You got a minute?

Well, I have some information,
but, uh, it's just for you.

I'll meet you at the Garden.

You mean the gin bottle
was a plant.

Keep talkin'.

Come to the point, Owens.
You've got an idea
who did it, haven't you?

I've got more
than an idea, Sergeant.
I know who did it.

It's Audrey!


Go that way.

Miss Baxter!


Audrey! Pound on the wall.
Pound on the wall
so I can find you!

Miss Baxter!

Where are ya?

- Owens, have you found her?
- No, I haven't.

How do you get outta this place?

Run your hands
along the mirrors.
You'll find an opening.

Maybe it'll lead
to where she's...


What happened?

- Goliath.
- Let her go, boy.

Let her go.

Is he... Neck's broken.

Yeah, he's dead.

- Where's the girl?
- Sergeant Garrison, in here!

I just found her.
I think she's
coming to.

- Where did he go? I...
- I was in here...

He came...
Oh, it's all right, miss.
You're okay now.

See that she's taken care of.

Round up everybody.
Tell them to meet me down at
the gorilla pit on the double.

Garrison wants you
at the gorilla pit.

Where'd you find this?
Well, I don't...
I don't know.

Wasn't here a minute ago.
I went to the mirror
to comb my...

When I turned around,
there it was.

Just walked in, huh?
I don't know. Uh...

Owens has been killed.
Owens killed?

Oh, and your girl
got knocked around
a little bit too.

Is she all right?
Tell me.
She's okay now.

What happened?
You know as much about it
as I do. Come on.

Oh, and bring that with you.

Well, let's go.

What are you
doin' in there?

Uh, waitin' for some
bananas and grapes.
Get out!

Mmm, and some coffee.
How did you
get in there?

I, uh... Well, sir, um,
come to think of it,
I-I don't know.

I was lookin' at
the gorilla in the cage,

when he comes at me
from outside the cage.
Well, how did he get out?

Well, uh...
Uh, h-he didn't get out.

There was another gorilla,
I think.

Get out.
Oh, yes, sir.

Where's Goliath?

Uh, he was here
the last time
I seen him here.

Phone headquarters. I want
a search started for that ape,
and I want him found.

If they can't
round him up alive,
tell 'em to kill him.

Where have you been?
Out getting Goliath
his food.

He's not here to eat it.
What have you done with him?
I haven't seen him.

What's wrong, Sergeant?

I decided to throw a party,
but your ape bowed out.
Where is he?

Sergeant Garrison,
I've gotta see my girl.
Where is she?

She's over at the park hospital.
She's all right.
You can see her later.

I found him
in the locker room
with this.

Said it just walked in
while he was changing
his clothes.

I found it
in front of my locker.

I... I was dressing,
and while my back
was turned, somebody...

Somebody got in my room
and put it there.

All right. So it sounds fishy.
Anyway, that's how it happened.

- I've been a cop longer
than you've been a liar.
- I'm not lying, Mr. Garrison.

Why should I?
Maybe because Owens
was just killed by Goliath...

or by someone
wearin' that monkey suit
you just brought in.

- Someone? Meaning me, huh?
- Well, let's look at the facts.

Morse makes a pass
at your girl and dies.

Owens was with her
just before he got bumped.

And I tried to kill
my own girl too?

Maybe you were tryin'
to scare her so she'd
stay away from other men.

Well, you better make yourselves
comfortable, because we're gonna
be here for a long time.

And I'm gonna ask a lot
of questions, and I'm gonna
want a lot of answers...

straight answers.

Everybody relaxed? Good.

Miller, will you
please step down?

You stand behind him, Matthews.

This'll take you back
to your marine corps
training days.

Miller's the enemy,
and you're supposed
to take care of him.

Show us how you do it.

- I don't get all this.
- Do as I tell you.

Use pressure.

I can't. If I do,
I'll break his...

- Let him go, Matthews.
- Sorry, Mr. Miller.

Miller, what did you do
this morning?

I got up about 9:00.

Joey came over
to the bungalow
pretty early.

I heard him telling
Laverne he would
like to quit.

You didn't tell me
anything about that,

No, I didn't, Mr. Garrison.
Audrey insisted on it.

We even had a little fight
about it. I didn't
tell you that either.

I'm holdin' out on you.
Looks bad, doesn't it?
What do you think?

How did Garrison know
so much about all of us...
Kewpie, the inquest?

It was in the papers, remember?

Can I see her?
I don't know, Mr. Matthews.
It's pretty late.

She may be asleep.
I'm not asleep yet.
Let him come in.

All right.
You can go in.

Uh, Audrey, honey,

I'm sorry I'm late.

I'd have gotten here sooner,
but Garrison wouldn't let us go.

How do you feel?

Well enough to leave here
this minute...
if you'll go with me.

Of course I will.

Oh, Joey.

I've been tormenting myself
for hours that... that maybe you
didn't want to leave because...

because you didn't
love me anymore,
that maybe Laverne...

How do ya like that?
I'm gonna marry a dope.

Hand me my clothes, honey.
They're on those hooks
over there behind the screen.

We'll pack and get started
back east by tomorrow morning.

I don't want to stay
here a minute longer
than I have to, Joey.

Honey, I can't leave.
Well, you just said
you'd come with me.

I thought you meant,
to take you home.

Listen, Audrey, I...
I'm in a spot.

If I try to beat it now,
Garrison'll throw me in jail
before we get to the bus depot.

Joey, I'm sorry, but... Well,
if you'd listened to me
this morning, you wouldn't...

I know.
I should've, but I didn't.

Now I'm stuck.
But can't Garrison understand
you're not a murderer?

I'll go see him.

No, honey.
You stay out of this.
Joey, you'll just get in deeper.

I know you can't help it now,
but isn't there anything
we can do?

Joey, if...
If I'm in the way,
I can leave.

Oh, honey, it isn't that.
It's just...

They must have found Goliath.

Be right back.
Excuse me.

You seen him, Shaughnessy?

Well, what do ya know?
It never was that ape roarin'.
It was only a phonograph record.

What was it?
Just one of the cops playin'
disc jockey. What hap...

Where is she?
Gone. Right after you left,
she put on her clothes and left.

Nothing I could do about it.

The whole thing's simple.
All it takes
is a little brainwork.

If all it takes
is a little, then you've
got what it takes.

I could figure
this mess out for Garrison
if I got some sleep.

If you hadn't have fallen asleep
in the cage, we wouldn't
be lookin' for that ape now.

All right, knock it off.

I got ideas about this case.
I'm lettin' you
all waste your time.

Then, when everything
seems hopeless,

up pops Shaughnessy
with the missin' ape.

I wish you'd pop soon.
I'm dead on my feet.

Soon as I get a few things
ironed out in my mind, things'll
start poppin' all right.

The ape that can
outsmart Shaughnessy
just ain't been born.

Now that's for sure.

You've waited
a long time for this,
haven't you, Kewpie?











♪♪ ♪♪


This isn't another one
of your goofy stunts,
is it?

Why don't you
get wise to yourself?
This is an inside job.

Just somebody tryin'
to throw us off the trail
of that gorilla.


The joint's
goin' crazy.
We better get Garrison.

Don't shoot.
I can handle him.

Goliath, back to the cage.

Come on.

It's all right.
You're okay now, Laverne.
Kovacs has him.

I heard the excitement
in the park. I woke up.

I remember
wondering what it was.
Then I dozed off again.

Next thing I knew,
Goliath was reaching
in the window.

Tell us what happened
before then.

I was asleep
until my husband came in.

He was upset,
made himself a drink.

I got up, and we had a talk.

When we finished, he went out.
I went back to bed.

I suppose I've got
to tell you everything.

Well, under the circumstances,
I would think so.

He said that sooner or later
you'd realize that...

Joey wasn't involved
in the killings.

Then he said something else.

He said that the faces
keep haunting him.

Whose faces?

Morse's, when he was
lying on the spikes,

Owens, with a broken neck...

and Kewpie Adams, as he fell.

Kept seeing the dead men, hmm?
Did he tell you why?

Because I killed them.

Better tell us about it.

- Morse was blackmailing me.
- Why?

He knew how Kewpie Adams died.

Go on.

That fall in the trapeze act...

wasn't an accident.

The newspapers called it one.
Of course, they weren't
as close to it as you.

Owens got it too.
What about Owens?

Owens knew the whole thing.

Okay, take him in.

Wait a minute, Sergeant.
You gave me a bad time.

Sure I was rough.
I had a job to do.

But now everything
is wrapped up,
I love you like a son.

And anytime I can do
anything for you,
just... yell out.

When they black out the island,
Kovacs takes Goliath down.

Then I climb up the tree
to the platform.

- Sounds good, Joey.
- Shall we try it?

Okay. Get set.

Now lift me.

Well, I guess I wasn't ready.

Am I doing
something wrong?

You're trying to use
physical strength
instead of leverage, Joey.

I'll show you how
to do it, Joey.

Okay. Thanks.

Oh. I got it now.

Hey, that's pretty good.

Put me down.
Put me down!

Let me down!

Joey, make him stop.

What are you tryin' to do?

It's all right now, Laverne.

It's all right.
He's gone.

He meant to kill me.
He meant to kill me.

don't go on tonight, please.
Let's... Let's call it off.

We can't.
I'll be all right.

Joey, we've gotta
be very careful.

Do you think he'd try anything
with the act on?

You saw how he tried to kill me.

Laverne, why don't you fire him?

I'm afraid to.
Afraid to?

I was married to him once.

I don't believe it.

He was a big star then.
He created the act
I've been doing.

The mirror maze
was his idea.
He drew up the plans.

I'm afraid I treated him badly.

When I finally realized
I didn't love him
and I left him for Cy,

he went all to pieces.

And look at him now.

He hates everyone...
especially me.

Why don't you go to the police?

Tell them what?
That my ex-husband
plans to kill me?

I haven't any proof.
But I... I saw him
up there on the platform.

I'll go see Garrison.
No, Joey. Don't.

Maybe I was just upset,
imagining things.

I'm not quite sure
of anything anymore.

I'll see you later.

How can you sit there shaving
that ugly mug of yours while
a woman's life's in danger?

It may be ugly to you, pal,
but my wife's crazy about it,
and my kids like it.

I'm pretty fond of it myself.
Mr. Garrison,
you got the wrong man in jail.

We got a thousand wrong men
in jail. You know why we got 'em
there? 'Cause they done wrong.

If there's one thing I hate,
it's a wisecrackin' cop...

especially when
he pulls stuffy cracks
in a stuffy room like this.

If you'd open your minds and
your windows, you might be able
to see a little more clearly.

Miller couldn't
have killed those guys.

I'll prove it to you.

Get Miller up here.
Hey, what do you think
you're doin'?

Wait a minute. You said
you loved me like a son.

Anytime I needed help,
I should come to you.
Play along with me.

I didn't expect you
to bollix up the works.
We got a confession from Miller.

Look, before I went
into the service,
I read a little law.

I-I hope to make that
my life's profession.

You see, there was this case
of the People versus Ragnelli.

This was in Finchley's
Criminal Law and Procedure.

Ragnelli was a hood who
confessed to the garage holdup
and killing of a man,

and the cops sent him to jail.

They put him away
for manslaughter.

Then a little while later,
they picked up
one of the gang...

who admitted
the killing that Ragnelli
was in the clink for.

He confessed 'cause
he liked jail, huh?

He loved this one.
Saved his life.

You see, the guy
who'd actually done the killing
was gunning for him.

He went to jail
so he could save his life.

Oh, hello, Mr. Miller.
Come on in. Sit down.

Sergeant, do you...
Do you mind if I take over?

Well, that's what
you've been doin' so far.

Go ahead.

Well, Mr. Miller,
everything's fine at the park.

You probably know, we're
reopening the show tonight
with a new act.

Expect a big crowd.
Whew. Man, it's hot in here.

You mind opening that window,
Mr. Miller?

Guess it's stuck.
Still having trouble
with that arm, Mr. Miller?

Nothing wrong with my arm.

What are you
drivin' at?
Wanna try it again?

Who's runnin' this case...
you or him?

It's his right one.
His right arm's on the blink.

It's a trick.
You got it fixed.

I don't know what this is about,
but I told you I killed Morse
and Owens, and I told you why.

When I did that judo on him, I...
Don't listen to him. He doesn't
know what he's sayin'!

He's sayin'
you can't open a window.
Or break a neck.

Better tell us
about that arm,


I... I broke it.

Never did heal right.

I was all washed up.

had to give up the act.


Laverne went on without me.


He couldn't break
a matchstick with that arm,
let alone a neck.

And you think he confessed
to crimes he didn't commit
because he was afraid.

Of whom?

Miller took Laverne
away from Kovacs.

What about Morse?
Morse called Kovacs an ape.
I heard him.

Well, where does
Owens come in?
I don't know.

Let's just say
that Owens was onto him.

So you mix 'em all together,
you add 'em up,
and it comes out...

Simple arithmetic,
isn't it?

Or do you want more proof?
Let's have more.

All right. You got lost in that
mirror maze, didn't you? You had
to break mirrors to get out.

Anybody... Anybody'd get lost
there unless they'd drawn up
the plans for it.

Now the maze was Kovacs's idea.

You want more?
Go ahead.

Who does a guy hate worse
than the man who took away
his woman? The woman.

Oh, my gosh, she's down there
alone with him right now.
We gotta get there quick.

Even quicker...
The show's ready to start.
Well, come on!



The act's ready to go on.
What'll I do?

You get down there,
go along with it.

What if something happens?
In front of all
the customers?

We'll be inside.
We'll keep an eye on her.

You bring the cops
with ya?

What makes you think
cops are here?

When are they gonna
make their arrest?

I don't know
what you're talkin' about.

There's something wrong here.


It's the kind of stuff
Laverne uses.

That's funny.

♪♪ How'd it get in here...

♪♪ unless she were wearing it?

♪♪ Oh, no. It's impossible.
Their necks were broken.

A woman...

A woman...
couldn't do it...

unless she knew judo.

Besides, what'd she have
against them?

- Well, say something, Kovacs!
- You're sayin' it all.

But Morse wasn't
blackmailing her.

Or was he?

- Why?
- For killing Kewpie Adams.

She dropped him, not Miller.
She was tired of him,
and Morse knew it.


Did Owens know?

And Miller...

Miller confessed
to save her skin.

The... poor guy.

Must be almost...
Take Goliath down.

They'll be blacking out on him.

Take him down!
She's got it
coming to her.

♪♪ Are you crazy, Kovacs?

♪♪ Goliath hates her.
He'll kill her.

Oh, please. Take him down!


Laverne, don't drop!

Quite a show.
Looks like the real thing.

Now lift me.

- Goliath! Drop her!
- That's Matthews down there.
It is the real thing.

Get Kovacs.

Open up.

Put her down, Goliath!

Get the rifle.
You come with us.

You come with us.
Keep your eye on him.

Take enough men to circle
the area and clear it.
Keep the crowd back.

I want rifles posted all around
the roller coaster. Tell them
no shooting until I order it.

Here he is.
He can do it.
He can handle Goliath.

Get that ape down here
with the girl.

Get her
down here!
Whatever you say, Sergeant.

Goliath! Let her go!

Not that way!
Shut him up, or he'll drop her.
Get him outta here.

Get down from there!

Want me to go
after him, boss?
Too late.

Don't go any higher!

Get the fireworks man over here
with everything he's got.

We're gonna use fireworks!

Tell the girl!

Laverne, can you hear me?

- Joey.
- We're gonna try somethin'.

- If he lets go of you,
can you hang on?
- I'll try.

- Set 'em off!
- Here they go!


Laverne, get ready.

The minute he lets go...
Keep sending 'em up!

Hold it.

Get ready.

Let him have it.