Godavari (2006) - full transcript

Sreeram is a principled chap with an inclination towards politics. With an altruistic attitude he goes out of the way to help others. Seeta is a girl who does not want to confine to home and wants to live independently as an entrepreneur. Sreeram is seriously fascinated by Raji and wants to marry her. But she feels that he is not her kind of guy. Raji's parents settle her marriage with an IPS officer. Seeta meets Sreeram and his relatives on their boat journey from Rajahmundry to Bhadrachalam. The rest of the story is all about how Sreeram and Seeta realize how perfect they are to each other.


Godavari is Iike a sea.
Everybody IoudIy haiI Lord Ram!

Since hundreds of years,
the marriage of Sita and Rama has. . ..

. . .been performed in BhadrachaIam.

Among aII the Ram tempIes
BhadrachaIam has some speciaIty

Because the Iegend has it that,
Sita and Ram spent their time. . .

. . .in Papi hiIIs and surrounding
woods when they were in exiIe

Now we are traveIing there.

To ensure our journey
caIm, joyfuI and pIeasurabIe. . .

. . .everybody haiI Lord Ram once more!

Why are we coming to BhadrachaIam
to see the HoIy wedding of Sita and Ram?

So that my girI's marriage
wouId get fixed quickIy

-What eIse? -To get
transferred to the city.

Have anybody endured the
sufferings Iike Sita and Ram?

Has Ram enjoyed
the royaI Iuxuries ever?

Has any other Goddess faced
the troubIes Iike Sita?

Then why we pray them
to reIieve our troubIes?

Because. . . the moraI of
the Ram's story says that. . .

. . .its not that there shouId be
onIy happiness and not hardships

Whatever the hardships we face
we need to have a companion

Just Iike Sita to Ram
and Ram to Sita.

We shouId face the hardships happiIy. . .

. . .and Iead an ideaI Iife

Now Captain Chinthamani foIIows. . .

Are you the full moon
or a sweet dream?

One moment,
shaII we taIk for sometime?

I want to teII a few things to you.

Any Iove affair?

No, I and my younger sister
are everything for my dad

So shouId I conduct
your sister's marriage?

No. Though we are girIs,
but our dad brought us up weII. . .

. . .giving us education,
job, seIf confidence and everything

So what? -So I want to be
cIose to them even after marriage

Do you want me to stay in your home?

-No, I mean cIose to home
-Ok, you can. No probIem.

-I want to Iook after them weII
-Take care. Who prevents?

Do they have any heaIth probIems?

PIease Iisten to me.

-Ok, Iet us see
-Don't say aII these to dad..

Let us think of it Iater.
Why do you dodge?

Come on.
Leave me pIease.

Oh gosh! It's onIy a dream!

It's aIready dawn for her!

Are you reading or shouting?

ShouId I sIeep or not?

Mom, sister says that I shouIdn't read.

Sita, have you aIready got up?
No, mom, not yet

I am just, waIking. That's aII.

Don't act. Take out the vehicIe.
Let us go to tempIe.

Mom, pIease Ieave me today at Ieast.

Aren't you ashamed?
DaiIy, your father drops me.

At Ieast Iet him sIeep today

Sita, get up.
Go take the bath.

She said bath then says that
it's a Dhanurmasam(TeIugu month)

She wiII say siIk skirt and haIf sari

Its aIready coId.
I can't, it's dangerous.

Must escape!

Mom, I won't take you
if you ask me to take bath etc.,

I woke up earIy in the
morning for the sake of dad

But you are Iaying ruIes!

TeII me, do you want Iift or not?

Sita, today is 1st
Do you know that?

You may have some needs, think about it?

Damn it! DeviI!

Move on.

Be modest!

Mom, wiII you give me Rs.4000?

4000? Why do you
bother about business?

Why don't you marry?

If I ask money, you starts a Iesson.
This is too much, mom.

One fine day my coIIection
wiII become worId famous,

Then I wiII teII you.
-Ok, I wiII give.

Oh God, somehow
I shouId get a good order

And my coIIections
shouId become worId famous

I shouId earn miIIions!

No need. It's too much.

Rs.3000 for Lakshmi,
Rs.1000 for gateman and . . .

. . .Rs.12000 rent for the shop
Give me that much. That is enough, ok!

I did my Engineering in Kakinada.

And did my MS in US.
In our America?

Sir, I need an appointment with CM.
-Why an appointment?

I wiII meet and expIain to him onIy.

Its not Iike that, brother
You need an appointment, I understood.

But I shouId teII him the purpose?

If you teII me, then I'II teII him.

Sir, I Iike poIitics.
My father aIso served the Nation.

I aIso, wish to serve our peopIe.

But, I don't know how to start.

My idea is to join any party.

That's why I want to taIk to CM

You are Iooking funny.

Are aII these certificates true?

After studying so much,
you wish to join poIitics..

..are you mad?

Let's taIk whiIe having tea there

Do you know how to
bring peopIe in Iorries?

Do you know to shout Iouder?

Can you haiI the Ieader IoudIy?

You have to behave Iike a
rogue during eIections. Can you?

ShouId organize strikes and bundhs,
when we are in opposition, can you?

Give two cup of tea.

Ignore aII these!

You must know wieIding
the stick, Do you know that?

I don't do aII these things
Why you make fun of yourseIf?

How can you join the party without knowing
these things & expect Rs.15000 as saIary?

TeII me, how much
you can give to join the party?

I think we both have
some communication gap!

TeII me, when you can
give appointment with the CM.

Meet me after 2 months
At what time?

Meet me at 9 AM
Ok, sir!

What did you understand?

After 2 months, that means appointment
with CM on February 12th at 9 AM

You pIease note it in your dairy.
I can remember it

Tea is getting coId, have it

To join in our party,
onIy you shouId give membership fee

We don't give you any saIary
Then I won't join, sir.

Are you mad? First of aII
you don't have the experience

Do you have the support of peopIe?

Can you bring peopIe in Iorries?

Can you organize strikes?

-Do you have any
poIiticaI backup? -No, sir

At Ieast do you have good voice?

Ok, say IoudIy as I say

Come on, say it

Long Iive. . ..
Long Iive.. . .

Look, you can't even shout.

Go. Have you informed your parents?

Why don't you do software job?
Why you need aII this?

They aIso toId me the same thing

The other party peopIe.

PIease sit down.

TeII me your detaiIs.
Name, date of birth. . .

Your caste and pIace?

WiII caII you Iater, sir
TeII it. What is the probIem?

You must teII.
EIse the computer won't agree.

Then you note down in your dairy.

Sir, wiII you give an earIy appointment?
Its very important.

Come after 2 months.
Morning at 9 o'cIock.

At 9'o'cIock I have appointment
with another party. Is 12 PM ok?

I wiII send the cheque by tomorrow.
This time it won't be deIayed.

I wiII caII you again sir.

Lakshmi, see the customers.
I wiII go and get your saIary.

What about my Iife?

Father taIks about marriage
Shop owner taIks about rent.

Lakshmi taIks about saIary
Dress materiaI feIIow taIks about cheque

I don't have a singIe penny

I have to ask mom
even to buy the dress

It's a waste Iife
Stop it

Come aside
Drive aside, madam.

PoIice taIks about chaIIan!
Where is heImet? License pIease

TiII now I had heImet.
OnIy just now. . .

Do you have RC book?

Hair wouId be spoiIed
if I wear the heImet

-My mother arranging
marriage aIIiance for me! -So?

Who wiII marry a girI
with shabby hair?

-What is your name?
-Sita MahaIakshmi.

-What is your father's name?
-Sir, wiII give Rs.50

No, I need 200

Give the key, money is in the bag
Bring it fast.

She has no heImet and RC book
I settIed for Rs.200.

Do you need 200?
Damn you!

Of Iate income tax probIems have risen

If you taIk to the
Commissioner once...

The probIem is onIy
with the new commissioner

Ramu, come here.

-He is Ramu, my nephew
-Cousin to Raji.

-Let's go
-We wiII meet again.

How was your meeting?

AIright, they've asked me
to come after 2 months.

Where do you want me to join?
I wiII teII you when they caII

Why did you throw my doII in a corner?

I thought they may enter the
room suddenIy, so I kept aside

I haven't thrown it, dear.

That's true some Iikings
do keep changing with time.

StiII this is my favorite. Give it

You need not feeI that much.

You are. . .!

How is the hero?
Have you seen him?

How is he?

Did you Iike him?
Father Iiked him very much.

Did you Iike him?
Ignore it. He has come just now.

I don't know.
I don't feeI anything

Why are you tensed?

Did you give the ceII number?

ShaII we have tea?
Now? I don't have mood.

I too don't have mood, that's why I asked

I'II change the dress
and come in 2 minutes. You go.

Did you Iike me, Madam?

Let me see, Mister!

What do your grandma says?
She didn't come to function!

It wiII cause anger.
Ravindra is an I.P.S.recruited

He is a nice boy. Nice famiIy.

They are of Kommireddy Iineage
They are affIuent

TeII her not to see me as a viIIain.

I am not forcing anything
without her Iiking

You don't force.
But, you do taIk against me.

You hurt her feeIing

Isn't it a father's duty to get her
daughter married to a right person?

How much needed, uncIe?

How much needed to
Iook after your daughter weII?

Did you ask what needed?
ShouId have a good job.

ShouId have infIuence in the society.

ShouId have property

What do you have actuaIIy?

I never saw such a
confused person Iike you tiII today

You are just Iike your father

If you have money,
you start donating it

Come, Raji
Do you've at Ieast a Iakh bank baIance?

Wait a minute.

See uncIe, you shouId see for
bank baIance from one who doesn't earn

I don't mind it

If needed, I wiII earn
one Iakh rupees now.

WiII you give Raji's hand to me?

Don't taIk Iike a mad. Go away

Dear, come on.

Mom, we wiII go out and come.

What is it, dear?

You want to Iook after her weII.

But, I say I wiII Iook after
her Iike the fIower

First bring her home safeIy.
We wiII be happy.

Why are you so angry?

Ignore about your dad
Don't you Iike me?

Then how did you agree to see the groom?

Do you Iike me?

Have you Iiked him?

I don't know. It's ok because
I got used to it from the chiIdhood

But I am aIways confused in this matter

That means, you don't Iike me!

You wouId never see me Iike a girI.

Does anybody bring a girI to such cafe?

TeII me.

The tea wiII be nice here. That's why.

If you asked, I wouId've taken
you to a star hoteI instead!

You don't understand tiII I say.

That worries me.

There is no VaIentines day,
no greeting card.

AIways dirty poIitics.

You aIways bIabber
about serving the Nation.

Or you roam saying about music programs

Everybody says poIitics is dirty

But we have the
responsibiIity to cIean it

I wiII do something
for this country on some day.

Keep watching
It's aII Iike the cinema diaIogues!

You don't say one usefuI thing.
That's why father doubts you.

Come, Iet us go.

See, I am a girI! But it doesn't
occurs you to take bags from me

WiII you do it, if I say this too?
Not needed.

Come on

-Raji, what is that message
in the morning? -I won't say.

Is it a secret?
I won't say.

-TeII me. - If you force,
I'II get down from the vehicIe.

Ok, Ieave aII that. ShaII we
go some where and get married?

Aren't you ashamed to taIk Iike that?

Be carefuI. -What happened?
It seems petroI is over.

Don't caII the driver.
We wiII go in an auto.

Your father wiII think that
I haven't taken care of you weII

This is my doubt. If I be with you,
you don't want my dad's earnings

And you don't earn either.

I wiII earn and show. Just for you.

What did you say?

Not this, not that
Everyday is yours!

Like a tide that fall and rise
You are the right choice.

Your country's order is for you!

Get spirited to open the war cry!

You are the 'Today and Tomorrow'!

Oh mind, the victory is yours!

Like a real human fill
the world with brilliance!

Among the stars bright
in the streams of light

lf there is a will there is a way!

Know it now!

The aimless arrow will not...

...reach any target, you know!

Everyday is a lesson for you!

Keep reading while on the move!

But, if you cheat yourself then...

...everything will be waste!

With spring, all the branches...

...will be like singing larks!

lf the lady advances for you
Then it'll be evergreen love!

Even the God became
Rama only for love!

Every life is filled with
puppetry of light and shade!

He is shaking hand deceitfuIIy!

May be tonight!

How come this bIood?

I've been observing since you came.

You are duII
What happened to you?

Mom, don't shout
There was nothing serious

When I was coming
after packing the dresses. . .

. . .a scoundreI heId my hand to stop me

BangIes got broken. That's aII.

You need not do any business
anymore. Be at home quietIy. Its enough.

Over and done.
Have you understood?

I toId you to get married
and you go out to ruIe the pIaces!

Why do we need this aII?
Am I not earning? Why more?

-You be quiet.
You've aIready got BP. -You shut up.

I wiII go and Iock that shop tomorrow

I wiII okay the groom
who saw you a few days back

Don't dare to say any word! Be carefuI!

She gets so angry!

It is onIy our mistake.

We provided whatever she asked

We shouId've sIapped and
warned when she wore the pant and shirt

I'II okay that aIIiance.
The probIem wiII be over.

Ok, first come and have food.
You sit and have your food.

Let her say ok, then I wiII eat.

Why you're aIso adamant Iike her?

Does she onIy gets anger, not me.

I won't eat tiII she says ok

Yes, ok. Go and eat.

I must teII you a deadIy news
What is it?

If I say, you wiII faII down immediateIy
TeII, what it is!

-If your dad hears, he wiII
do a somersauIt. -Say it immediateIy.

First you sit down.
Come on, sit down.

Ok, teII me -CIose your eyes.
-What? CIose your eyes

Ok, teII me

Take it afterwards.
What I say wiII take onIy one minute.

Just a minute, I wiII come soon.

I wiII caII you again.

Now teII me.

In aII these years,
at Ieast for a moment. . ..

. . .did you ever imagine me as your husband?

Is this what you wanted to teII?

Now, Ieave it.
There is no use taIking about it anymore

Engagement got fixed.
Marriage chores aIso started.

Marriage shouId be heId in BhadrachaIam.

What shouId I do
to make you change your decision?

Is it ok if I earn one Iakh rupees?

You think, but you won't do it

It is true.

It is true.

Sita, you may feeI angry.

But, you aIso think
about our responsibiIities

Say something, dear.

First switch off the TV

I am onIy asking you

I don't get fun in scoIding you!

Mom, ask him first to say sorry.
He scoIded me unnecessariIy.

What my pant and shirts did to him?

Ok, I am sorry. Is it aIright?

Why do you shout at me
if somebody does something?

Whatever happens, why do you
Iink my shop with my marriage?

Its not Iike that, Sita. The parents
wiII be with you for sometime in Iife.

Afterwards, that companion
shouId come from outside.

That is from the husband.

He is aIso a maIe!
Who knows if he supports or kiIIs!

Its not Iike that

I am not at aII angry with you, dad.

But, after being born on this
earth, Iived freeIy. . .

. . .did aII the things Iike others. . .

. . .today I had to Iock the
shop because of a maIe!

I am forced to change my career.
That is my worry. That's aII.

May be you can come up
in your career because of another maIe

Why can't you think Iike that?

Thanks. I'II agree when
it happens Iike that.

You have to marry, before it happens!

I don't Iike those at aII,
who does a standard job.

A job, smaII pIace,
chiIdren, retirement pIan etc.,

ShaII I say that we are considering?

It doesn't Iook good
if we didn't repIy anything

Get Iost.

Sita, my dear.
Just think once about Venkat

Sita, think once about Venkat. Think it.

SmiIe is aIright.

FinaI test, If I kiss him,

Its somewhat ok.
Not that much bad!

AII may not get a husband Iike Nagarjuna.


Where is their phone number?

They want the marriage
to be heId in BhadrachaIam.

They have some pIedge to god.

Mom, you went up to
marriage itseIf. Many thanks.

OnIy if everything works out.

Then aII of us traveI in the boat.

Rajamundry to BhadrachaIam.
My friend said, it wiII be beautifuI.

Papi hiIIs! Even yesterday's daiIy
contained the tour package

Dad, wiII the marriage
be heId in hoIidays? -Yes.



Ladies fingers

How much oiI is there?
FuII tank.

-Baburao, how many are there?

Damn it! PIaying cards, cigarette butts!

Do they think it as
Godavari or a dust bin!

Everything must be
cIeaned in 2 minutes.

EIse, I'II get disgraced
before the tourists, you fooIs

Is the boat washed?
Yes sir.

BuIIabbai, has PuIIamma come?
Not yet. Don't know if she comes or not


Madam, rickshaw!

Give me your Iuggage

The groom didn't Iike our Sita.

They say that the girI is very fast.

Why are you Iaughing Iike a monkey?

Why do you question me aIone?

You shouIdn't Iaugh. That's it.

Fathers don't have that right.

Say sorry.
Its aII because of you.

You've Iearned a good Iesson now.

I'II just ask you,
shouId everybody Iike after seeing you?

You simpIy imagine
yourseIf as Queen Victoria!

Yes, I am Queen Victoria.

How can anyone reject this beauty

Did he see me properIy?

I thought I can go to BhadrachaIam
happiIy in boat if your marriage is fixed

ShouId one go after marrying?

Mom, I am going to BhadrachaIam.

Anybody accompanying me?

What are you taIking?
Are you mad?

Let her go.
You go.

May be after seeing deities Sita and
Ram your marriage wiII be heId quickIy

This is not for marriage.
But for me.

OnIy me.
I am going just to escape your annoyance.

As per my wish.

AII aIone, happiIy and freeIy.

Sir, Iet me get in
I said no.

Let me in
Not possibIe.

Put a chair there.
Let me once


-Sir, Iet me get in once. -Push him
into Godavari. -Be quiet, I am here.

Write down the account, 25 carts

Why don't you teII him?
Don't annoy me.

Let me get in. I wiII pay in return trip

What? WiII you return it in this Iife?

By now you have to pay for 7 trips.

This time I wiII cIear aII my debts.
PIease Iet me get in.

Listen, get your parrot
predict your future first!

If you are sure to get weaIth,
then I wiII aIIow you in the boat.

I wiII take it as chaIIenge.

Idiots, tied in the way!

Hey, my baIIoons!

PIease catch them. Move aside.

My father wiII kiII me.
Somebody catch them.

Who is the dog that can not bark or bite?

Who is the dog that can not bark or bite?

Who is that?
Main road dogs

Today is Sunday, Iet me sIeep.

Down with Kotigadu!

AIas! AII dogs in
Rajamundry knew about me.

What a damn Iife?

Dog that can not bark.

Why the practice?
Why rats get afraid?

AII the girIs are
in Iine to woo, damn it!

If I go to BhadrachaIam,
far from these feIIows. . .

I may bark again,
after seeing mother Sita.

Have you seen a red shirt cIad man?
No, I haven't.

What did your parrot say?
It said I wiII face a big Ioss.

Damn your horoscope and Ioss!

Sir, Iet me get in at Ieast
to know what that Ioss is?

I don't have sentiments.
Ask him if you want.

-BuIIabbai, pIease teII.

Has PuIIamma come?
No, she hasn't

Come, Raji

Sit down. You are Iike a dame!

Hi sister, are you fine?

How dare he touch me?

No, how dare he carry?

I wiII teach him a Iesson.

WhiIe you bath in Godavari,
not as you take bath in the home. . ...

Are you going for Godavari, sir?

Its aII right. Let us go.



Come at Ieast to see the Ram.
I got your dresses ready.

Keep quiet grandma.
PIease understand.

I toId you many times that I can't.

ShouId I cry seeing her marriage?

-It wiII be peacefuI
if I go away from here. -Ok, then

You can't go.
Why shouId I stay here?

Ok, bye

Take food at right times, ok?

If you take your medicines correctIy,
then I wiII have my food correctIy

-Take care
-You take care.-Take care

I am caIIing you onIy

Why did you carry me
without my permission?

I couIdn't see you do disco
on the pIank, so I just heIped you

HeIp! Do you think I am a fooI?

You just did it to
woo this beautifuI girI!

WiII you carry her?

I won't.

Whatever it may be
What you did was wrong.

I may faII down or faII in Godavari.

That's my wish.
Why do you bother?

So what shouId I do now?
Say sorry.

-Ramu, adieu your aunt once,
eIse she may feeI bad. -Ok

What is your probIem?
If I say sorry, wiII you be happy?

He thinks himseIf as Megastar!

Thank god, he hasn't boarded the boat!

Ramu, are you mad?
It seems you said you won't come!

She is getting married.
He has settIed it.

How can you be absent
from Raji's marriage for that?

-Aunt, I don't have mood.
I feeI pained. -I too feeI so.

I am coming.ShouId we
break reIations for such things?

Room is nice.
Let me see the toiIet.

ToiIet is aIso neat.
Ok mom, teII me if anybody caIIs.

Here we don't get signaI. Ok.

Move on man.

We might've started
in a short time, do you know?

WiII the Godavari
move without this PuIIamma?

Why did you deIay so much?

Is it so easy to come Iike you,
without any burdens?

What have you decided about me?
Say something, sir.

How many times I shouId say?
Damn it! Get down.

If he is aIIowed, wiII the
government faII down? PIease aIIow him.

PIease, sir.
Ok, get in

If you say, I wiII do anything.

Why you didn't want to come?
Let's go.

Dear, if you do Iike this,
I aIso won't attend your marriage.

Leave me Raji.

Then, I wiII aIso come with you.

I won't marry at aII.

I am teIIing for sure.

Ok, Iet's go.

-Madam, have you seen a
red shirt cIad man? -No, chiId.

If I get in Godavari?
If they catch, it wiII be horribIe.

If I won't get caught,
then I wiII become a hero.

AII these femaIes depend on me
They obey my orders.


Red shirt cIad man is
traveIing in Godavari. Run and catch

Who are you? Leave it,
brother! I've come to see Lord Ram

Shut up

Oh gosh, viIIain
Who are you?

Red shirt cIad man is on this boat
So, I got in.

No ticket?
No, I don't.

ShaII I inform the captain?
PIease, no.

How much change do you have?
I have onIy one rupee.

-Since morning I soId
onIy one baIIoon. -Give it.

Don't see me. If you want, I'II
get you one bone from dust bin

What is this?
Not mine, sir.

Take out the money.
I have onIy 25 paise with me.

AII through my Iife, day and night. . .

. . .I wiII obey you and be a friend

This I promise before aII the kings. . .

. . .-and peopIe in this court. -Friend!

NTR, ok Master.

Today you've escaped. Go.

I won't keep your debt.
I wiII cIear it one day.

I Iost money for you

ShaII we say IoudIy 'Sri Rama' once?

Be carefuI. Rama might have faIIen down

Rama won't faII.
OnIy we go up and down in Iife.

This traveI may give a Iot of
experiences and memories to many. . .

Sister, have you seen
anybody cIad with a red shirt?

I haven't seen.
You haven't!

Instead of standing idIe,
you can fan me.

. . .those who want can read it.
We aIso. . ..

. . .at Ieast for a few days forgetting
your businesses and duties. . .

. . .enjoy seeing Papi hiIIs and
meditate on Sita and Rama.

The Godavari is flowing gushingly!

The paddy field is moving gently!

The blue sky reflected in Godavari!

lts like a silk robe to our land!

She, a goddess who clear our woes!

She, a personification of Vedas!

She met with Sabari and paved...

...the flowery way
to the story of Rama!

Lift up the sail,
Push the oars fast!

Make a straight and sure way!

Like the sharpened look...

Life is nothing but a swim upstream!

Friendships, wedding life chores!

The parrot predicts the future!

The pan cakes being made and...

...the business brisk and profitable!

As if the houses turned as boats!

The enchanting scenes of a home!

The beauty in the locale is being...

...demanded by the watery mirror!

Nothing became short of luxury...

...of our Rama here, in this spot!

ln the procession on the river!

As the lord arrives in the boat!

Mother Godavari's vermillion
come from the shades of chilies!

Lanka's lord Ravana,
gnaws saying he can't tolerate anymore!

The looks convey the
information to the lady, Sita!

The clouds of dubiousness stop
the truth from reaching the eyes

ln the world that's imaginary
the friendly isolations unite!

As the Papi hills dark shades
Which can't be cleansed,!

The smile came on her face!

She, a goddess who clear our woes!

She, a personification of Vedas!

She met with Sabari and paved...

..the flowery way to the story of Rama!

Lift up the sail,
Push the oars fast!

Make a straight and sure way!

Like the sharpened look...

Life is nothing but a swim upstream!

Its him! He Iooks rich,
then why craves for my chips?

He can get it for just Rs.10
Damn it!

He seems Iike a mad?
ShaII I scoId him?

My packet is here onIy!

Mom asked to get Mehindi, PIantains
and coconuts etc. . .

. . .as per this Iist in the next stop.

Why did you purchase again?
Here is the Iist.

A girI ate aII my chips.

She used to take the twice what I take
finaIIy she took the entire packet.

Is she a beggar?

Then, you shouId have scoIded her.

I thought that she might be hungry.

I thought that was my packet.
I actuaIIy feIt you were grabbing

I became very angry.
A smaII communication gap, that's aII.

You might have toId me

I won't take risk with girIs.

It is better if I shut my mouth.
I experienced with her.

She is Raji, my uncIe's daughter.
My name is Sita MahaIakshmi.

She is sharp Iike a knife, isn't it?

If hero is Megastar,
then I am Queen Victoria!

BeautifuI river Godavari

The surroundings are more beautifuI.

Nice boat. A trip must be
taken by aII in a Iife time.

In that an amazing person!
I offered hand to shake and said, Sita.

But he saIuted Iike Chiranjeevi
and said Ram, Sri Ram!

Though I grabbed his chips,
he sat simpIy smiIing

I don't know why? Just as with father,
I asked him to say sorry.

-Here it is not avaiIabIe.
-When did he give? -Just now.

There in the rare pIace of the boat!

Take it man

He is teIIing aII about poIice.
He reguIarIy speaks to CM.

Whatever you need in this state. . ..

Raji, even if I ask,
don't teII about him. I get tense.

Sorry, dear!

He is coming. Is it ok for you
if I stay here or shaII I go?

Are you mad? Stay if you Iike.
You need not sacrifice anything for me

Be seated.
Bring the chair.

Not yet opened?

Because I said costIy,
are you saving it?

Many Iike this.
If you Iike. . .

What is it?

You keep taIking. I wiII go.

Brother, I am not a beggar.

Keep it. No probIem.

My baIIoons worth 500 rupees!
I went aside for toiIet.

-That man came
and cut them off. -Who?

I too don't know.
He is cIad with a red shirt.

He is in this boat.
So I just jumped in without a thought

I haven't eaten anything since morning.
The captain is chasing me. . .

. . .because I didn't buy a ticket.

Get down in next stop and go home.
Your parents may be worried.

Mother is innocent. Father boozes
and beats her Iike an animaI.

If he knows that
I Iost Rs.500, he wiII kiII me.

I wiII give you
I won't take aIms, brother.

Swearing on deities Sita and Ram
if that red shirt cIad man is caught. . .

. . .can you teach him a Iesson
and see that my money is returned?

Don't cry. Take this.

...made a habit this swing

lt made us know
your name in our breath. . .

Everybody take Aarti(camphor fire)

You aIso take!

Swing, swing, the holy swing!

Swing, swing, the holy swing!

Oh heart, the victory is yours!

Like a real human fill
the world with brilliance!


Srinu give them chutney.

What do you want?

-Two pIates of pancakes.
-What PuIIamma? -The cake is sourer.

-Are you finding fauIt with
this PuIIamma's cakes? -Just for fun.

Sour cakes wiII be sour onIy.
Bring one butter cake for me.

Are you foIIowing me?

Do you think
your face is so good for that?

Are you a singer?

No, an Engineer.

What are your speciaIs?

Sour cake, bIack gram cake, green gram
cake and ginger cakes. . .

Then give ten sour cakes.
Sinu, pack them.

Sister, he onIy gave me
100 rupees that day.

Are you the one who
gave aIms for my boy?

Yes, it was me. But that was not aIms.
That is for good. . ..

Do we Iook Iike starving beggars?

I gave because he sang weII.
That's aII.

He is my brother.
He is caIIed GhantasaIa of our viIIage.

I wish to make him study
and become Iike GhantasaIa.

If I can't do that,
I wiII change my name.

Is my brother Iooking Iike a beggar?

For you, the order is canceIIed.

You don't deserve to eat
my cakes for your mistake

Go away. It's canceIIed that's aII
I say I didn't mean it. Listen.

At Ieast give to this boy
I give him free. Take it

I am not a beggar.
Just Iike your brother. Keep it yourseIf

Let's go.

Give them.

Give ten sour cakes.
Is it onIy for you?

Take it.
Sinu, cIouds are thick. It may rain!

FIood aIert. Godavari is rising.
Take the dry fish and chiIies inside.

AII go inside.

PuIIamma is getting wet.
Go and heIp.

I brought pancakes.
Come, Iet us share it.

Thanks, I don't have mood to eat.

No mood! Are you kidding?
I brought it for you onIy

Give it to him.
-For me? -Take it.

Kotiga, wait I am coming.

WiII you stop that
damn saIute Iike poIiticians?

A nice girI was trying to shakehand
Then, what is your probIem?

Some how I got used to it
Ok, move.

Come on.

Kotiga, eat.

Don't know when you had food Iast time!

For me who eats Ieftovers,
you gave sour cakes.

You are more than a man.
A dog. No.

You are Iike god.

TiII I die I wiII be
a companion to you.

Did I make a big promise?
Ok, Iet us see when need arises.

Kotiga, what? Have you ever
eaten sour cake in Iife?

Why do you bother?
Mind your own business.

You stupid, who eats biscuits.

Did you caII me fooI? I wiII see to it.
OnIy if you can get free.

Though you are of high breed,
you don't have independence.

ShouIdn't we speak. Go man.

How dare you?
I wiII teach you. . .

Damn you!
You rascaI!

Where did you study engineering?
In Kakinada.

Do you know one Venkat?
He did MechanicaI course.

He gone to America.

That Iean feIIow. I know him weII.
He was my cIassmate there.

He aIways used to refer my notes.
We were in same coIIege even in US

He became fatter there.
By the way, how do you know him?

Have you been to US?

WiII you go again?
No, I came permanentIy.

What do you do here?
I want to join poIitics.

Is it a joke?

Is it to earn weaIth?

I wish to serve the peopIe.

Just now you did. But you got scoIded!
PoIitics is aIso the same.

Even if you
do nice things you'II get brick bats!

Raji aIso says the same.

May be that's why
she is marrying Ravindra.

Do you Iove Raji?
Don't know.

Don't know?
Then why you wanted to marry her?

Its a personaI issue.
Is it ok if I don't say?

You are eating my cakes.
Is it not my personaI one?

Ok, I don't know

whether it is
Iove or not, but I wanted to marry her

See, right from my chiIdhood,
I never thought of marriage.

Because Raji was there.
GirI means Raji onIy for me.

Whether she wears
skirt and haIf sari or a sari

Or writing an exam, or sIeeping or

even if she is angry, I Iike her.

I thought she wiII be
my Iife companion.

You can do some
other job just for her.

If I change for everyone,
then what is my identity?

Won't it be pain-fuII to
see her with Ravindra?

Yes it wiII be.
But, I have to manage it.

She is happy, that's enough.

What are you doing here?
Grandma caIIing. Come fast.

-Sour cakes.
It's nice, wiII you eat? -No.

Sita, wiII you see my marriage saris?
I wiII come after sometime.-Come on

Its very nice,Come fast.
I am coming

What is the matter?
You used to saIute everyone

Why did you shake hand
with her?What is it?

The drippings and the pores of veil!

Blaring cool gales brings rain!

The fish in the lake are like...

...cute babies playing on hands!

Sprinkling around water drops!

The rain, like the small showers
with fancy sounds...

...makes us completely drenched!

The lightening moving from
cloud to cloud is flirting!

With the blinking eyes!

Like the heat in the forest
and mild scorching flame!

The showers and breeze came
together to sway us gently!

As the children and grown ups
frolic and fun in the down pour!

ln the house boat and hiding
the youth share tender love!

During the tiny stops, secret,
coquetting calls form damsels!

The comings and goings are
controlled by the lord himself!

When stream become Godavari
Then life is upstream fight only!

Sunshine, rain , hillocks and
valleys became a difficult game!

The swelling waters and soft
moving breeze came pleasantly!

She, who gave tasted fruits
that ripened lady is Sabari

ln the rain, in the shower,
it's a perpetual swaying!

The drippings and the pores of veil!

Blaring cool gales brings rain!

The fish in the lake are like,
cute babies playing on hands!

Sprinkling around water drops!

The rain, like the small showers
With fancy sounds makes...

...us completely drenched dearly

The lightening moving from
cloud to cloud is flirting

With the blinking eyes

Like the heat in the forest
and mild scorching flame!

This is engagement sari
This I bought casuaIIy.

I can use for any occasion

This is marriage sari.
How is it?

This wiII suit you very much.

Wear it for a party.
You Iook very hot.


Ravi sir is waiting for you on the deck.

TeII him that I wiII come
in just 10 minutes.

Ok, madam.

Wear this and go.-Ok

Sita, you Iook at the saris.
I wiII just come back.

Sir has sent this.

He sent this aIso.

Take this madam.

I think your hero is very romantic

You said 10 minutes
and he sent a gift every minute.

See it
Yes, Sita.

He is very fond of me
I am aIso

He wiII Iook after me weII.

But that thing is missing in my cousin

Today is fish festivaI.
That means, festivaI of fish!

Prawn fry, MugiI curry,
soup with macrognath

And Godavari speciaI, gravy with HiIsa,
HiIsa curry and HiIsa soup

Even seIIing goId, you must taste HiIsa.
Says,. . . PuIIamma.

Then its your wish.

Brother, Raji is coming.

Do you have speciaI tabIe?
There sir. Sit there.

Ravi, it might have been
better had we sat with others

There must be some
difference between us and them.

One more thing.

I didn't Iike you dance in rain
with the common peopIe yesterday

Its ok with your cousin.
He doesn't have any job.

But you are my fiancee.

We shouId treat the peopIe accordingIy.
Don't feeI that much!

What wouId you Iike to have?
Fish fry and rice.

Here the fish soup wiII be nice, try it.

Raji, what we eat, with whom
we move and how we behave. . .

. . .in aII that we shouId maintain a IeveI.

This sari is nice on you.
You are Iooking sexy.

Oh heart, the victory is yours!

Like a real human fill
the world with brilliance!

PIease somebody heIp.
Are you mad?

WiII you commit suicide
just because a girI rejected you?

A boy has aIso rejected me.
Your Iean friend Venkat.

But I didn't die for that
Come out. Don't behave fooIishIy.

Why are you shouting Iike that?
Go and mind your business.

Don't taIk Iike a mad. First come out.

I am having a nice swim.
Why do you foIIow and annoy me?

Am I foIIowing you?
Are you swimming happiIy?

Aren't you ashamed? WouId anyone
jump in river at night and swim?

Again you are shameIess

You're showing your muscIes
before a girI, wear your shirt.

I was very shaken, do you know?

I wanted to caII aII
and stop the boat itseIf.

Thanks, you didn't do that.

Why do you create probIems unnecessariIy?

You seemed heartbroken the restaurant

Seeing it anybody wiII get disturbed.

Many peopIe reject in Iife

Some join and some get separated.

But we don't keep on
worrying about those gone

I know aII this.
WiII you stop now?

There are so many
girIs better than Raji

And you wiII meet them aIso

One minute.

Now, teII me.

I wont teII you.

Are you feeIing
simiIarIy about your Iean Venkat?

That is not the topic.
Its my personaI matter.

I got it now.

Why don't you feeI
this as my personaI thing?

So pIease stop it
and mind your business.

Whatever it may be.
You were drowning in Godavari and. . .

. . .I rescued you.

You must thank me.

Why shouId I say?
You onIy came and shouted.

Made a nuisance.
I never asked you

You must teII.
I won't teII

You must teII.

Yesterday sorry, now thanks!
Am I here for your service?

It became a big joke
to this girI. Go and cry.

WiII you say go and cry?

Oh, god I can't understand girIs.

I won't move at aII tiII
that monkey comes. Is he coming?

Won't he?

What if he doesn't come?

Coming Iike a thief.
Now he wiII say thanks.

Won't you move from here?

I forgot what and why to say?

WiII you have a tea, my treat.

Does he think that I just
accompany him wagging my taiI!

I am Sita MahaIakshmi.

Does anyone caII you as
stubborn fooI in your home?

How do you know?
Some inteIIigent guess. That's aII.

Then what? I caIIed for tea
because you are standing in coId

But you are haughty!

Yes I am .

Because I don't Iike your
damn face, tea and invitation!

That's aII. Ok.

Why sister Sita didn't come so far?
I don't know.

Not pIanned anything for breakfast.
It wiII be nice if she comes soon.

Don't know when she wiII come!

-Wait here.
I wiII come soon. -Ok, brother.

They might have fought
because they are human.

Master doesn't have any
PubIic ReIations skiIIs

He beIieves that useIess feIIow Ramu.

He can't even get the
sour cakes in the boat.

If he foIIows such a man. . .

. . .then what about a foIIower Iike me?

This is caIIed dog's Iife. Damn it!

Please give me some food, if you have

lt will be the best to
have fish soup or prawn fry.

Who is this?

Why are you duII? Haven't had
breakfast? -Master didn't give.

Why? What happened to him?

I predicted his future.
He is angry because it is not happening

He is tensed. It shouId
happen before we reach Iord Rama.

ReaIIy do you have confidence?

Are you a cheat or genuine predictor?

100o/o correct. ShaII I teII yours?
No, not needed.

Wait I wiII see if any
fruits are there in the waste bin.

AppIe ok, or do you need onIy guava?

There is no choice for
you as you are in a cage.

My Iife is better.

Sita, open the door.

What happened, Sita?
What happened?

Be carefuI.

She is having fever.

I don't Iike your. . .

. . .damn face, tea and invitation

Yesterday we fought.
Then why did you enter my room?

Yesterday we fought.
Then, why did you enter my room?

Get out. PIease get out.

You have fever. You feII down.
I Iifted you up. That's aII.

I wiII take Ieave
Sit here without moving.

I don't want. -Are you mad?
Eat quietIy and have the medicine

I won't take what you brought,
I wiII get them again. Go away

No, I won't go untiI you
eat and take medicine

Do whatever you Iike

Ok, be seated

I shouId go to bathroom.

You aIways repair it,
working it since 10 years.

What sir, what is the probIem?

Motor shouId be repaired
There is no water.

TiII I say, don't go to bathroom etc.,

Do you need heIp?
No, I need water.

Is it ok if I bring?

Then,. . .

Sita, I must appreciate
your parents for enduring you.

How do you feeI?

WiII you have tea?

Has your anger subsided?

My father never
refuses anything we ask for.

That's why, I became a bit stubborn.

I get over angery
But I become normaI soon.

A bit stubborn?

Thank god, I just remembered
and came to you. . .

. . .eIse you might had
stayed the whoIe night there.

You Iook nice whiIe in anger, Sita.

Biting those naiIs, cursing. . .

I came to thank you
after remembering that

Let me see if any of your naiIs Ieft?

Big danger is averted
Its because of you onIy

She was wearing sari
bit Iow and appeared sexiIy

You became fIat and
turned into a broken heart Iike Devadas

I onIy toId her the combination
and how to wear.

Don't feeI too much

Might be. But a sari
gets beauty from who wears it

You are a girI onIy. You don't
Iike it if I praise another girI

I've seen 100s Iike her.
My profession is Iike that.

If I wear that sari
you need not jump into Godavari.

You die of heart attack.

Leave it.
You are a waste feIIow. Go away.