Glamour Dolls (2016) - full transcript

Adam and Ben live together, they are close friends, support each other and they like to party. They have a good life, pockets full of money, money that comes from their clients. Ben has his own sweetheart who just moved in with them and doesn't really get along with Adam. Larry, their pimp, has a cabaret show and after a problem with the two lead actors he is forced to urgently find replacements. He offers this opportunity to Adam and Ben and suddenly they are involved in this new world of underground theatre, performing as drag queens. On their road to success, Adam and Ben meet many people from the media industry, journalists, actors, producers, rich and powerful people; everyone is after something. These two guys will go on a journey that will show them how sick, perverted and dangerous it could be to get involved in show business but how tempting and rewarding as well. Showing all aspects of the industry from the underground to the most mainstream areas, from the lower class people to the most powerful individuals; Adam and Ben are about to see it all.

- Damn it's freezing.

- Yeah, it's a bit cold.

- Do I look okay?

- Yeah.

- So my hair is fine then?

- Ben, it's fine.

- Well, it's important you know.

- Your hair?

- I know it's, not my
hair, your hair, too, man.

Your clothes, everything,

we gotta make a good impression.

Hold on, let me have a look at you.

It's my own fault.

I should have done this
before we left home.

- Done what?

- Examine you.

- You don't normally examine me.

- Jacket off.

- Ah, come on.

- You're wearing the same shirt as me.

- What, it looks good.

- On me, and now you're
wearing it too, man.


- I don't think it mad we dress similar.

- So what is it gonna look like

when we get to see this woman tonight?

Don't you think it's
gonna look a bit stupid?

- I think we should be
thinking about other things.

- In fact, you didn't even do this

when we go out for auditions.

- Do what, get dressed?

- Like me.

- You dress well.

- I still think it's
a bit silly, you know.

We're gonna be late.

(doorbell ringing)

- Hello?

- Hello.

- Who is it?

- Hi, we're friends of Larry's.

- Oh, come in boys.

- You okay, you sure?

- Hello boys.

I'm just going to ask this once

and then we are going to play.

What are your names?

- Ben.

- Adam.

- Do I have a shy one here?

- Yeah.

- And one that speaks
when he isn't spoken to.

You two are my sons.

I catch you doing some of mommy's powders

and she is very angry.

But we have some time
before daddy comes home

and you are going to have
to make it up to her.

- So, do you have some
sort of a safety word?

- Whatever for?

The only reason we may have to stop

is if daddy comes home.

I'll be back in a minute.

Help yourselves boys.

- Ah, what are you doing?

You are very naughty boys.

I think you're going to have
to be punished, both of you.

Don't you want to make mommy happy?

- Daddy's, daddy's coming home.

- Isn't mommy good enough for you?

- Adam!


Adam, come here, man.

What the hell?

- Hi.

- Name, age and height, please.

- It's Benjamin Spanner, 27 years old,

177 centimeters or 5'9
and a half actually.

- This guy reminds
me of the previous one.

- We need to find somebody else.

- If it helps, a man like
me keep my whites whitest.

- Maybe we should get him

to try a different delivery.

- This time could
you put more emphasis

on the A in man?

- Even helps a man like
me keep my whites whitest.

- How about a little pause

between whites and whitest?

- Ben.


Sorry, I'm late.

I didn't see him outside and I thought

I missed auditions, so I just, hi Ben.

- Hi.

- Yeah.

So I thought come and see
if you were still here.

I'll just wait?

- Don't bother.

- Sorry, I'll start again shall I?

- No, that's okay.

We've got enough.

So how many we got left?

- Okay, thanks.

- 12 I think.

- Mate, I'm so sorry.

- You should be.

Fuck, I nearly had them.

What happened to you last night anyway?

That cost us a lot of money, you know.

- It was only a washing up advert.

- First, it's a washing up advert.

Then get recognized
with national auditions

and add with a celebrity,
mix in some hard work

and fuck, you're famous.

- Sorry.

- I can't even get fucking started.

- Drinks, I'll pay.

- I'm seeing Gary, you're ringing.

- It's Larry about last night I think.

- I won't be just to say hello.

- I don't think you're
listening to me, Ben.

- I'm sorry, but their breasts,

they're better than yours
and I'm more worried

about my lack of career
than anything else.

And you should be, too.

- We're doing fine.

We can go out and buy
stuff and do our own stuff

on our own time.

- Hey, happy Friday gentlemen,
how you doing, all right?

What can I get you lovely man
whores this evening, then?

- Thanks for that Gary.

You sure you want to tell you mum, too?

I might be able to get up
some business on the road.

- Ooh, is it his time of the month?

- Bad audition.

- And I'm a male prostitute.

- Dream then.

I'll get them.

Same again.


So is there anything you want
me to say to cheer you up?

- No.

- Come on, man, if
you're gonna be like this

all night, I'm going home.

- Just don't know what else to do, man.

I go for auditions and get fuck off.

Nobody wants to read my script.

- But you want to be an actor, right?

This is what you've got to suffer through.

Apart from being a rent boy,
of course, that's all you.

- Pay is decent and it gives
me free time to do my shit.

- It could give you lots
of free time to work

if you get arrested or raped.

Puts you in a cracking mood
for a Friday night, cheers.

So what's new with you?

- Not much.

I started painting.

- Interesting.

- Do you think it's worth me doing this?

- I think the acting,
it's just an advert, man.

You're good.

This is right.

We'll both make it.

- Hey, do you even want
to be an actor, huh?

Listen let's go home, I want to see Gina.

- Gina's at home?

- Yeah.

I gave her a key.

- Since when do you
even like her that much?

- I always have.

- Bullshit, why'd you give her a key?

- She's my girlfriend.

- Yeah, along with.

- Ah.

- Why'd you give her a key?

- Why not?

- Ben.

- Don't be a morning bitch.


- Getting shit faced every time you

have a bad audition isn't
gonna solve anything.

It's just gonna keep you in that shit job

packing books and DVDs.

- I just want a hug.

- You're pathetic really, aren't you?

(horn blowing)

- You never spend any time with me.

- Well, I went out
because I needed a drink, okay?

- You have to get a proper job.

- I'm fucking trying here.

Yesterday, yes, I know, we
were wrong, I give you that,

but something will come
up soon, something big.

I can feel it, but if
you don't trust me Gina,

I don't know.

- Why are you still
living with this loser

and can't commit to move in with me.

- You leave Adam out of this.

- I'm not sure if I can live with

you if you're gonna be this ridiculous.

- Well, you know I want to do this.

You know about it.

- Seriously?

- Yeah.

- What would you
even do if I moved out?

I don't even think you'd care, would you?

- Of course I care about us.

If you cared about us.

- You can't go on like this.

You have to find some direction,

you have to get him out.

I can't handle this.

- I told you to leave
him out of the situation.

- It's just the constantly
having somewhere there.

We cannot have our own
relationship, nothing.

- Why not?

We have our own room, what the fuck?

- Because he's
just there all the time.

- Just leave him out of this.

- Well, come on,
it's not just him is it?

It's you, you've got to get a new job.

You've got to sort yourself out.

- You know what I want to do.

You know that.

- Packing DVDs, oh,
that's a great career, isn't it?

- Fuck you!

- Sorry, excuse me.

You go ahead and swallow that first,

I'm Jody Birney, nice to meet you.

I don't know if you've heard of me.

- Uh, no, sorry.

- That's okay, I thought I'd ask.

I write for that paper.

- All right.

- Um, can I ask you a few questions?

I'm trying to write this thing.

- What?

- Sorry, this thing on
how actors struggle,

how close they come to making it.

What do the not successful yet ones do?

- Um.

- Come on, it'll be fun

and I'll buy you a muffin.

- Yeah, okay, yeah.

- Okay, so
what you need to be doing

is walking forward and you need to walk

and then we'll get into
the position, okay?

Yep, so ready, what you need
to be doing, two, three.

- Where were you?

I text you ages ago.

- So, is your girlfriend
still living with us?

- No.

She said she doesn't
want to put up with me

in this mood.

- Well, I got some news to
put you in a better mood.

- Really?

Well, let me guess.

A producer came out of the sky and offered

me and you the lead role in my script?

Oh, by they way, he said
he wanted to pay for it.

- No.

- Well, it's not that good then, is it?

- I met a journalist who
works for the Actor's Mag.

- Cross over, walk and pose.

- She wants to write a story on us

and she knows people,
producers, directors.

She can help us.

She can help us get real acting work.

Will you listen to me.

It's worth a try and I hope you're

better not sharing.

- Give me five minutes.

Benjamin, Adam, I'm so glad you could

find time in your busy schedule to come

and see you're employer.

- Ola Larry.

- Hi.

Listen, we were at a call.

- Benjamin, I'm sure you
were, I'm sure you were.

But I just want to know what happened

because you have damaged my relationship

with a very important client.

- It's my fault, I was tired.

- I don't care.

One of you is gonna do
a freebie for me tonight

and preferably one with a working cock.

It's a man.

He's got simple tastes.

He likes to watch, but
believe me when I say

that if you fuck this
one up, I will make sure

that neither of your dicks work again.

Now you two have a wonderful day.

I'll text you the details later.

Show time.

- Hi.

Come in.

I want you to lie on the bed.

- Okay.

- So don't speak please.

- Well, look I prefer if we first.

- Please, don't speak.

I want you to take off all of your clothes

and give them to me.

I want you to touch yourself the way

you want someone else to touch you.

Please leave.

- So what time is she coming here?

- About now?

- She a fit?

- That's really professional.

- Just asking.

- There she is.

- Hello.

- Hey.

Jody, this is Benjamin, the other actor.

- Ben.

- Oh, well, hello, Ben.

I have been interviewing
pretentious directors all day.

Would you like a drink.

No, don't worry, tonight's
on the company's card.

- G and Ts, please.

She is fit.

- Two double gin and tonics,
vodka, orange juice please.


Here we go.

- That's perfect, thank you.

- A vodka and orange makes
the day so much better.

You're a struggling actor, too, then Ben.

- Actor, writer actually.

- Oh, one not pay enough for you?

- Well, art is suffering.

- Yeah, so true.

- Well, you're in the industry,
you know what it's like.

- Yeah, well being in the industry,

there's the occasional
bit of art by accident.

- So, you're telling me
that with all these films

and plays at around, you
don't see any art in there?

- Not as much as there should be.

Why, is that what you want to do, art?

- I could show you some art.

I meant my script.

- Let the interrogation begin.

- So acting is how I express myself.

You got the pen and he can't very well.

I act.

- That has to be one
of the cheesiest things

I've ever heard.

- Oh, you two make such a cute couple.

- That's just him.

- Two double G&Ts and
an orange juice please.

- Listen, I need you to
go home now, all right?

- Oh, fuck you, you prick.

- It's always funny when you talk.

- Yeah, 'cause you want
to try and fuck her.

- Well, no, no, not try and yes.

- What?

We were supposed to make contacts.

- And we have and this way
we can have fun, too, huh?

- Really professional.

- Please, hmm?

- Okay.

- Ah, thank you, I love you.

There she is.

- There you go.

- I'm gonna go home.

I'm drunk.

- Fair enough.

- That's probably a good idea.

You look like you're about to fall over.

- Chow, chow.


So, what a shame, huh?

Just the two of us.

- Oh.

You've got a nice flat for
a pair of struggling actors.

- Do you want to see more of it?

- Doing pretty well for yourself?

- Just got that with some luck.

Do you want to see my script?

- Stop it.

Stop it.

- Hey, Jody, it's Ben here.

Hope you're okay.

I'm just calling you
'cause I think last night

we had a little bit too much to drink

and there were things I might have said

about Adam and myself, you know,

what we get out to and I'd
like to clarify for you

a few things if it's possible and

yeah, just give me a call back, all right?

By the way, I had a great time last night.

Okay, bye.

- Is Susan going to be much longer?

- I'm sorry,
Mr. Miller, I don't know.

You can always leave a
message or call back.

- I'll stay holding.

- Hi, guys.

Ah, writing.

I'll stay quiet, I promise.

- Hello.

- Hey, Ben.

I got your message.

Sorry I've taken so
long to get back to you.

- That's quite all right, glad you called.

- Hello, Adam,
sorry to have kept you.

- Hi, Susan, I'm just calling to see

if there are any gigs coming up,

any auditions for me or Ben.

- You've nothing
to worry about Adam,

you're two of my favorite clients

and I promise I am getting you out there.

- Yeah, it's just that we haven't been

getting much recently.

- Well, you know what it's like.

These agencies make their
judgment on a single photo

and there's a lot of guys out there

more recognizable than you at the moment.

- I know, but.

- Are there gonna be any more interviews

like the other night?

- Well, the story isn't over yet.

- Still interested in having
a look at my script then?

- Play your cards right, Ben.

But since you mention
it, there's a new theater

production company having it's launch

at the Valmont Club tomorrow.

You and Adam should come.

Could be some people there you could

pimp yourselves to.

- Isn't there anything else
you can do for us Susan.

- Once again,
Adam, I'm your agent,

you are my client, I will do what I can.

Sorry, Adam, I have to go.

I've got Richie Summers on the other line.

- So, you'll meet me there then?

- You and Adam.

- But mostly me.

- See you tomorrow night Ben.

- Looking forward to it.

- Who was that?

- Someone who's interested in my work.

- Who?

- Well, you know, I've
been sending my stuff out

so finally it got someone calling me back.

Gin and tonic please.

How much?

- It's free.

- Oh, hi, Ben.

- Hey.

- I'll catch up with you later.

- Nice suit.

- Why don't you fuck off?

- Behave.

- Well, he was being rude.

- Oh, you learn to
ignore it after a while.

- Is everyone here like that?

- Most of them, but a lot of them

don't even know why they're here.

- What?

- They're friends of friends.

Anyone will go to
anything for a free drink.

Anyway, where's Adam?

- Ben, where are you?

Call me, okay.

- Well, you know how quiet he is.

Raging party's not what he's into.

- Even if he can meet
people to help his career?

- Well, that's what I'm here for.

- Yes, I want you to meet Peter Thorne.

- Peter Thorne?

- Yeah, he works for Nathan Dowling,

the guy that owns Pedestal Productions.

That's what all this is for.

Be friendly and charming and he might

just want to look at your script.


- Ah.

- This is Ben.

- Hi, Ben.

- Thank you.

Jody here tells me you're responsible

for this little party.

- Yes, I am.

Unfortunately, it's
getting harder and harder

to put on a really unique party in Soho.

So, we thought we'd go for the basics

of free alcohol and food
in a pretentious location.

So, how do you know Jody?

- Well, I'm an actor and a writer.

- Ah, you're squeezing
her for a good review.

I understand.

I try that on with her
every time Nathan and I

put on a new play.

- You and Nathan.

- You know I do all the work.

- Oh, darling, you said that.

- It's the truth.

So, what have I seen you in Ben?

- Well, I've been recently
auditioning for some adverts.

- Oh, I'm sorry, truly
dreadful work for an actor

unless you're on six figures.

- Yeah, well, I'm mostly
working on my own script.

- The whole I can't get work,

so I'll make my own approach, hmm?

It can work given the right positioning.

- Positioning?

- Someone who can invest heavily in it.

And what have you been
up to lately my dear?

Still rubbishing the
futures of Mycom patriots?

- Actually, I'm looking to
get onto a larger stage.

- And another member of the well educated

descends into tabloid journalism.

- Not quite, but it does pay better.

- Hmm.

- Toilet?

- It's just over there.

Where did you get him from Jody?

- Ben, I don't know what
the fuck is going on,

but this is taking a piss, I'm going home.

- Man, it's getting busy here.

- Yeah, one cubicle for
a few hundred people.

Feel sorry for all the girls.

- Mate, you know what all this is for?

- Yeah, some production company.

- Cool.

- Fuck this, I ain't waiting.

- I just thought these things were classy.

Just saw a guy pissing in the sink.

- Be glad that's all you've seen.

I've seen a lot worse.

- If you'll excuse me,
myself and Mr. Downing

must address the masses and thank them

for drinking us dry.

And Mr. Aspiring Actor
Writer, what's your number

in case I wish to inquire
about your script?

- Uh, Jody, uh.

Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Thank you.

- That's okay, you're
helping with my article

if you hadn't noticed.

- So, how about we go home
and thank each other, then.

- Oh, got to stay here and work.

I need to meet the right
people saying the wrong things.

- What about after?

- Afraid not.

- So, what was the other night about?

- The other night was the other night.

I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to find
someone like me, Ben.

Stay here, have a few drinks,

you might meet a few
more people and I'll give

you a call in a couple of
days about the article.

- Hi, Larry.

- Good evening Benjamin.

You sound like you're at
a splendid little party.

- No, not really.

What's up?

- Good news, the
client from the other night,

he liked you Benjamin and
since you cost the money

for two jobs.

- Larry.

- Benjamin.

- Oh, fuck.

Jesus, man, you should have warned me.

- I want more.

- I know you.

- You don't me.

You don't know me.

Fuck off.

You don't know me.

Get out, get out.

- Ah, you're Richie fucking Summers.

- Ah, finally here Benjamin.

It's the first time
I've had to wait for you

and not Adam.

- Sorry I'm late.

Why didn't you wake me up?

- Where were you last night?

- Okay, I'm assuming as you
two called this meeting,

you are after an update on what
I'm doing for your careers.

- Well, it's been quite a while actually.

- Oh, straight to the point, all right?

The feature we talked about,

the one with the speaking
role for you Ben, gone.

The production ground to a halt.

It's on indefinite hold until
they find some more cash.

And I'm sorry, Adam, there's
been nothing much for you,

but it's as we discussed on the phone.

These agencies look at the photo first

and then call you in for an audition.

I suggest you get some new head shots.

- Susan, we need to talk now.

- I'll call you boys.

- Have you seen this?

- Well, that was shit.

- Don't worry about it.

- Don't worry about it?

Ben, our agent doesn't even care to see us

and what was wrong with
you in there anyway?

Starstruck Richie fucking Summers?

- Listen, no, I don't care about

Richie fucking Summers, man.

In fact, I met someone who does care.

A producer.

- Where were you last night?

- At a launch party
that Jody invited me to.

- Why wasn't I invited?

- 'Cause I wanted to
spend some time with her.

- So, where does the
producer come from then?

- She wanted me to meet him, I mean,

does it matter?

He wants to read my script, man.

- Yeah, well, good for you.

- Adam, it's good for both of us.

Listen, Gina's gonna be in the house now,

so try to smile please.

You're cooking?

- Well, he had a meeting
with his agent again

and he's been writing again, so, I thought

we should mess about.

I'm doing some washing
for you too, so, um,

give you some time to
do some more writing.

Are these yours?

- Yeah.

- Then what the fuck is this note?

Who wants more of what?

Who's this?

Is it her?

- Gina, I don't know where
the fuck that came from.

- Maybe it was someone
from the party last night.

- Party?

- You asshole.

- I can't answer right now.

Please leave a message
and I'll get back to you.

- Hi, Ben, it's Peter Thorne.

We met last night at the launch.

I was wondering if you'd be interested

in meeting me for dinner
to discuss your script.

- Hi, you've come to reach Richie Summers,

for any professional work,

please contact Susan Blackturner, thanks.

- Good evening Ben.

Sorry about the short notice,

but I always like to
capitalize on new ventures.

- No problem.

Thank you for inviting
me to your amazing pad.

- I like to do business
in the comfort of my home.

Take a seat.

Dinner will be ready shortly.


How about some dessert?

- I think I could fit
some more in actually.

It tasted great, by the way.

- It's what a main meal should be like.

Delicious, but should not
make its devourer overstuffed.

There are plenty of things a person can do

after dinner instead
of waddling around like

an overfed pig.

- So, am I gonna get a
chance to show you my script?

- Have patience, it's not going anywhere.

- I just don't get the
opportunity for someone like you

to see my work very often.

- And you just wanted to make sure

that I hadn't forgotten.

I totally understand.

Very well, let's get started.

- So, what about dessert?

- We can have it over here.

- Um.

I thought we were gonna go over my script.

- We are.

There's no need to become agitated.

We'll look at your script.

After you do a little something for me.

- Are you interested at
all in reading my script?

- Of course.

I'll be more interested when you come

and sit down beside me again.

Not even a little kiss?

- Hey, how was last night.

- He's looking at it.

- Really?

- Ah, good afternoon mate.

Hard enough to hear from
you in daylight hours.

Just trying to force a bit of joviality.

- Well, you're usually
doing the salesman bit.

I do need to get in mate,

you shoot beautifully.

- You're in a good mood again I see.

- I don't' know, mate, I'm
just running out of ideas.

I'm nowhere as an actor,
nobody wants to have

a look at my script and I'm
pulling Adam along with it.

- Adam's a big boy, he
can take care of himself.

- He can't.

- What are you, his dad?

If you want to keep trying to be an actor,

then keep trying.

Just don't expect it to be fun.

Or you can get a job like
me and look hard enough

till you find one that doesn't make you

want to kill yourself.

- It's not that easy.

- Yes, it is.

We both know what you want to do.

Come on.

- Hey.

- Hi, Adam.

Come and sit down.

I was just talking to Ben about a job

you guys were going to help me with.

Since you boys have been so wonderful

at answering your phones to me,

I thought the best way to deal with this

would be in person.

- He wants us to be drag queens.

- Both of us.

- Yes, both of you.

- I'm not doing it Larry.

- Oh, Benjamin, I'm afraid you are.

You see I've helped you boys out a lot

and recently all you've done
is help me lose clients.

Besides, you're actors.

You should appreciate the work.

- Even the weird guy.

He seemed fine to me and we're not those

kind of actors.

- Benjamin, you are doing this.

Otherwise, you won't be
getting anymore fucking

work from me.

- It's what you wanted.

- See?

It's what you wanted.

You're doing this.

And if you don't show up,
I'll show you what else

an angry drag queen can
do with her stilettos

besides walk away.

- Come on.

It can't be that bad.

It's acting and we'll
be doing it together.

- Adam, it's not real acting

at least no one would ever
have to see me sell myself.

- Isn't that what acting is?

- All right
people, let's get moving.

- Here they are.

Thanks for coming.

Come on in and I'll introduce you

to the rest of the cast.

Everybody, this is Ben and Adam,

our new Belle and Lavelle.

- Hey, nice to meet you, man, Jose.

- Hi, Becky.

- Okay, boys, why don't you come

and have a look at the changing rooms.

You can have a look at
your glamorous outfits

and change into something
more appropriate.

Jerry, do you mind coming with.

You can tell our boys all
about our little show.

- Thank you.

- Jose, afterwards I want
to see you in my office.

- So you want us to
get changed into those?

- Not yet Benjamin.

Look, just put on something light.

We'll run a few basic routines so you boys

can get used to the show and
then we'll really work them.

We've only got a couple of weeks

to replace those cunts that left.

- I'll wait outside.

- Show a little enthusiasm.

- Why?

You have to lose a candle to be in the

West End stage, you know.

- We are in the West End.

- You know what I mean.

- The script's fun.

Reminds me of us.

- Well, no, it's not us, Adam.

And you can't call that a script.

- And what would you call it then?

Because if you've managed
to write something

more successful, I'd love to hear it.

Or maybe you can use your years

of rent boy and advert audition failures

to steer me to the heights of your career.

Any other complaints?

- He is a writer.

- Well, writer, any ideas?

- Maybe.

♫ Looked at my watch and
it's a quarter past ten

♫ My phone ain't ringing,
no texts, no pins

♫ So I'm here thinking you have

♫ Somewhere better to be

♫ 'Cause you ain't here with me

♫ You must be busy because
you ain't even called

♫ I've left you several messages

♫ I'm waiting at the bar

♫ One shot of tequila ain't enough

♫ To wash my troubles away

♫ I don't know I might say

♫ All the excuses

♫ Can't buy me diamonds and pearls

♫ But I don't care

♫ I thought you were my man

♫ And I was your girl

♫ So don't test my patience

♫ Don't keep me waiting all night

♫ You always let me down

♫ The way you treating me ain't right

♫ Don't tell me what I wanna hear

♫ You're always messing with my mind

♫ Don't test my patience

♫ Don't keep me waiting all night

♫ Hey, who do you think you are

♫ You ain't some kind of rock star

♫ 'Cause I gave you everything

♫ Yeah, and in return you
gave me nothing, nothing

♫ I tell you who I am, yeah

♫ I'm the best thing you've ever had

♫ 'Cause I cooked and cleaned for you

♫ While you watched TV

♫ You won't never find
another girl like me, yeah

♫ All the excuses, yeah

♫ Can't buy me diamonds and pearls

♫ But I don't care

♫ I thought you were my man

♫ And I was your girl

♫ Don't test my patience

♫ Don't leave me waiting all

- Fuck.

♫ You always let me down

♫ They way you're treating me ain't right.

♫ Don't tell me what I wanna hear

♫ You're always messing with my mind

♫ Don't test my patience

♫ Don't keep me waiting all night

♫ Don't feel my trouble

♫ I hope you see

♫ 'Cause what you
could've had here with me

♫ Don't feel my trouble

♫ I hope you see

♫ Just what you could've
had here with me, with me

♫ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♫ Don't test my patience

♫ Don't keep me waiting all night

♫ All night, all night

♫ You always let me down

♫ The way you're treating me ain't right

♫ You know it just ain't right

♫ Don't tell me what I wanna hear

♫ You're always messing with my mind

♫ So please, please, please

♫ Don't test my patience

♫ Don't keep me waiting all night

(suspenseful music)

- Hey, writer, your changes
better not fuck up the show.

And please have fun, it'll help.

- My legs would look better, no?


- Ladies and gentlemen, queens and kings,

tops and bottoms.

Good evening and welcome to the

Glamour Dolls Cabaret Show.

We have returned with
a new and improved show

and a new and improved Belle and Lavelle.

- I am but a lonely boy
with no other life to lead

I long for some glamor and some pizazz

to have both women and
men look at me and wonder

how did he get so wonderful?

- I am sorry, but, I overhead
what you were saying.

I am currently on the path
searching for those things

that you spoke of.

Come with me.

Together we will be stronger.

- But what if I don't want to?

What if it's just confusion?

- Wouldn't you rather be
confused and fabulous?

Come on, take my hand.

♫ I've been broke and back

♫ My tears have stained the ground

♫ Shipwrecked myself more times

♫ Than you could ever know

♫ I've sold my life,
my class, wasted years

♫ I won't get back

♫ You have beaten me in the past

♫ But there's something you should know

♫ I've used this time to figure out

♫ Where I'm wrong

♫ And I'm back with a message for you

♫ With my newfound freedom

♫ A little expression

♫ All of my ambition

♫ I cannot be wronged

♫ 'Cause I'm a glamour doll

♫ I know you have to know my name

♫ It's obvious that I'm your fantasy

♫ And in pursuit of all your needs

♫ Seems true enough that
I could be your dream

♫ But damn this place

♫ Get your thought upon me so I can make

♫ My dreams affect on you

♫ Just have faith

♫ That all of this is real

♫ And call my name

♫ The Glamour Dolls will hear you

(applauding and booing)

- Put
your clothes back on.

- He didn't mention anything
about the other night?

- Nope.

Must have been really hard, though.

- Why?

- He just didn't say anything, left.

He's been getting really
fed up with things recently.

- With being an actor?

- With everything.

- What about you?

- I don't know, I'm trying to help, but.

- Do you still want to be an actor?

- I don't know.

Don't know if I was ever good at it.

- Anything you'd rather do?

Ben told me what else you two do.

- Oh.

Anything else he tell you?

- Nothing I really wanted to know.

I'm not gonna use your
childhood in the article,

I don't need it.

- Thanks.

- Well, it's none of his
business or anyone else's.

- Do you like him?

- That's a direct question.

No, do you?

- Hey, honey.

You ready for this evening?

Sounds like we've got a huge
crowd out there tonight.

Love word of mouth, love it.

- I want to speak to you about something.

- About what my sweet?

- I was wondering if I could skip tonight.

- What?

Hang on, has this got anything to do

with the romance going on?

Don't worry about that my boy.

That won't last.

- Well, no.

- Oh, fuck.

- What?

- Larry, I need to talk to you.

- I already know.

- No, Larry, I mean this.

- Oh, no.

- Guys, have you seen
the people out there.

We got photographers and everything.

What, I know, I look good, don't I?

- I'd like to apologize to
my wife and my children.

I no longer wish to keep
my actions a secret.

When I saw the picture of
the boy I've been seeing,

I took it as a sign to
confess all to my family.

- Hello, Peter.

Are you watching the news?

- Me and my family, my time
that we richly deserve.

Thank you.

- So I'm a gay rent boy,
drag queen struggling actor,

whose ex-girlfriend took
his erectile dysfunction

as a sign that something was wrong.

- So, does that mean we're not
doing the show tonight, then?

- No.

We're doing the show.

Well just imagine the publicity.

This is your fault.

If you don't perform, I'll kill you.

♫ Call my name

♫ The Glamour Dolls are here

- We want more,
we want more, we want more,

we want more, we want more,
we want more, we want more,

we want more, we want more, we want more.

- Man, I'm so ready for a fucking party.

- I'm a go home.

- No, why?

- I'm just not feeling up for it tonight.

- What the fuck is wrong with you?

- Can't we just go home and
finally celebrate making it?

- Well, no, just us isn't
much of a celebration.

- Ben, come on.

♫ I'm a glamour doll

- What the fuck are you doing here?

- That was brilliant.

Men in sparkly dresses
don't usually do it for me,

but come here.

Seriously mate, that was great.

You entertained me.

- And how long you're gonna
rip the piss out of me now?

- Oh, I haven't decided yet.

- Well, you can fuck off in
the same place you came from.

- Yeah, I think I will.

I'll let you ladies get dressed.

Thanks for inviting me.

- Hey, sorry.

I just wondered if Adam
was coming out tonight.

- No, I'm just not feeling up for it.

- Come on.

- Are you okay?

- Your mate didn't seem too happy.

- Oh, he'll be fine.

- Think he's jealous?

- I don't think so.

- Because my man's playing.

- Right now to have
the chance to get back my life

and to get me and my family some time

that we richly deserve, thank you.

- Hello?


- I came to give you back your keys.

- Look, I'm sorry.

But what you did was.

- Oh, you selfish fucking prick.

- Stop.

What the hell?

- I fucking supported
you, looked after you,

helped you and you're a fucking hooker.

You could have caught anything.

- Well, apparently I
couldn't get it up with you,

so I had to.

- Maybe your boyfriend next door

will put up with your shit.

- Who needs a drink?

How are you baby?

- Long story.

- Here he goes.

- Guys, now we all know
that the last few days

have been a trial, but we've
come through it unscathed

and if anything more muscular,

firm and rounder than before.

This is the best cast that have ever

put on the Glamour Doll wigs

and I'm glad that it's
you that has achieved

success for us all.

The tabloid sex scandal
helped a little bit,

but thank you all.

Drink party and carry on.

- Good boy Adam.

Come on Adam, take it away.

- Hey.

- Hey, slut dog.

Guys, get a room.

- Didn't know your face looked that bad.

The makeup covers that up well.

How'd it happen?

- Well.

The night it all came out,

I had so many photographers around me

and me and Becky were just going through

and I just turned around
to see how many there were

and it's like what in my face, man.

And I didn't even realize and as soon

as I began and what?

- I thought Gina beat you up

for being a selfish prick?

- What?

- Yeah, no, no, she called
you a selfish prick,

then there was lots of
shouting and banging.

You were screaming a lot, man.

I mean, it was pretty bad.

You were screaming like a little girl,

you know it's true.

- That's not what happened.

- Hey, lover's quarrel.

- It is what happened.

And Gina's right, you know.

You are a fucking selfish prick.

- Yeah, he is.

- Fuck you.

- This party's dying.

- What is wrong with you lately?

I mean with everything?

A little bit of fame, we get money,

we both have girls who like us.

People like our acting.

What else do you want?

- You see, selfish.

- How is that selfish?

We got what we wanted.

- It's always what you wanted.

It's what you want and fuck me.

You even told Jody about me
just so you could fuck her.

- Told her what?

We eat together, we work
together, we share a fucking

dressing room together.

- You fucking asshole.

How else would she know
that we were rent boys, huh?

- What are you doing?

- Why with them and not with me?

- Hey, man, Becky wants to play.

- I'll be there in a second.

- So you'd rather have that, that?

- Yes, yes, because she's.

Go and fuck Maddie, she wants you.

- What you say baby girl.

- Are you sure you want to do this?

- What was that?

What the fuck was that.

- Ah, it feels good.

- Oh, yes.

- Do you like it?

Are you happy now?

- Oh, yes.

- Do you like it?

- Yes.

- Keep it down.

- He likes to make noise.

- Is this what you want?

- No.

- Are you happy now?

Do you like it.

- Yes, baby.

- No.

- Are you thinking of my white tongue?

- Yes.

- No.

- Are you thinking about my cock.

- Oh, God, yes.

- Fuck.

- You know you want more.

- Yes.

- Oh, yes, oh.

Oh, God.


- It's okay.

I'm done anyway.

Oh, yeah.

- Fuck.

- Oy, get off my bed

you pair of degenerates.

- Besides, this
is all new to everybody.

I'm the same Richie Summers as before.

- Well, let's see what the

mirrors have to say.

Right after the break we'll be back

and we'll talk about this
last person in your life,

a young actor named Benjamin Spanner.

- We were really drunk last night.

- Richie Summers here today

with us here in studio,
we'll be right back.

I haven't slept yet either.

Too much coke last night.

Listen, Ben, I'm sorry about last night,

about all of it.

- It's okay.

You couldn't help it.

- Yeah.

- Hello?

- Hi, Ben, it's Peter Thorne.

- What do you want?

- I read your script Ben.

So did Nathan.

- Nathan?

- The owner of
Pedestal Productions.

Your recent brash of fame forced us

to at least take a look.

- Yeah, well, and what
would I have to do for it?

- Nothing.

We'll leave that incident
as the proverbial

water under the bridge.

Just come and see us.

- So this would be a genuine meeting?

- Yes, at the
office and everything.

- Where?


- Ben.

- Hi.

- Introductions.

This is Sara Lott, co-producer
with Pedestal Productions.

- Hi.

- Apologies, Nathan can't be here today.

He's busy working abroad,

but we do have him on conference line.

Are you there Nathan.

- Yes, Peter, I'm still here.

Hello, Ben.

Glad you could make it.

- Can I get
you a coffee, espresso?

- Sure.

- Susie, can I get an espresso,

double espresso macchiato,
a skinny chai tea latte

and a soy hazelnut cappuccino for Nathan.

Not too hot.

- Now, Ben, tell me what do you know

about Pedestal Productions?

- Um.

- Well, what you should know
is we predominantly produce

very hip, very savvy
cutting edge new plays.

Like have you seen our co-production

in the West End Lela Says?

- No, I haven't.

- Oh, great.

Wonderful new playwright.

You must see it Ben.

He could be the next Dopard,

we'll get you some tickets.

But we're also looking
at producing something

with a bit more of a
popular appeal about it.

- Which is where you come in.

- You and your play.

- I saw your Glamour Dolls play, Ben,

and noticed some
similarities in the script.

I take it you wrote that, too.

- Yes, I did.

- Understand Ben, I'm
just checking in on you.

I mean your current brush with celebrity

might afford you some marketability,

but it doesn't necessarily
mean you're any good.

- I totally understand that.

- We believe the current
hype surrounding you

will help gain your place and attention

from an audience that may not usually make

it to the theater, tabloid readers.

- We're tabs.

- Girls with magazines,
shit like that Ben.

- We want you to sign
your script over to us.

You'll get a third at the box office

and you'll get a co-writing credit

along with Nathan and Peter.

They're going to have
to tweak it a little.

- Throw in some of that drag queen stuff

and something about outing a famous actor.

- We could even get Richie Summers

to play the part himself.

- Oh, Peter, that would
be a fucking sensation,

wouldn't it?

Let's just throw this shit to the wall

and see if the fucker sticks.

- I've told Nathan and Sara
about your acting ambitions.

To seal the deal as it were,

we're also willing to
offer you a minor role.

- Well, that sounds amazing,

but I also have a friend.

- A friend?

- Yeah, you see, this
script is about myself

and Adam and I always hoped both of us

could be in it together.

- Ben.

This is a professional environment.

It's not a business where we go around

offering jobs to our friends.

Seriously, Ben, we're already making you

a generous offer.

A co-writing credit, a
role and not to mention

all the publicity that
a production like this

is bound to generate.

- Ben, you've got some trash publicity

for a scandalous story.

We're just suggesting that
you make use of that attention

whilst you still can.

- It's a good deal Ben.

You should take it.

- Hey.

- Hey.

We need to talk.

- Yeah.

Yesterday didn't go so well.

- Not about yesterday.

Um, my play is gonna be made

and I'm gonna be in it.

- Cool, man.

I'm sorry.

- Small part, but I'm in it.

They want me to sign off
by the end of the week

so they can start Monday.

- Monday?

- Yeah.

So no more drags after the weekend.

- Yeah.

You won't like being in heels.

- Listen, I tried to get you a part,

but they didn't go for it.

- It's all right.

You were the actor anyway.


- So visit us mate.

Well, you know the usual stuff.

So I'm just gonna pop in your details

as your user name.

Password, whatever, THYT,

you can change that later anyway.

Uh, teas and coffees just down there,

help yourself.

I'm just down the corridor but if you

need help just pick up
the phone and dial 375

and that should be me, cool?

See you later.

- See you.

- Cheer up.

- We're gonna go clubbing.

- Clubbing.

- Welcome to the club.

- Well, I was feeling a bit nervous,

this is the first thing for me.

- No, don't feel nervous.

- Wait till you get the
swing of things, you know.

I mean that.

- Guys Larry asked me to be here and I.

- Thank you.

- Well, you've been working for it.

- I'm gonna try it on.

- Grow up.

- Whatever.

- Adam.



- Come on, cheer up.

You're part of Pedestal Productions now.

- I know.

- You should be very happy.

I'm just gonna whip you off completely.

But it's okay darling.

- I know you've always fancied him.

- He's so cute.

- You are such a cat.

- Just 'cause you want him.

- What difference does that make?

- Come on, cheer up.

- Come on, that's it.

Big smile for daddy.

- This is the big time.

- Hey, there's a little thing
known as excess, you know.

- Shut up Jose.

You know I need it to stay awake.

- Larry, he's doing it again.

- You're the sensible one here.

What should I do?

- Dump him.

Plenty of actors have drug habits,

but they don't all fuck up their lines

on a regular basis, come in late

and generally don't give a fuck.

- You're a harsh girl.

- So are you.

Even you know that sacking him

is like shooting a puppy.

Do you want me to do it?

Do you want me to pull the trigger?

Splatter blood and fare
all over the dressing room.

- Don't worry, honey.

I'll take care of it.

I'll put my pimp face on.

- Hey, Adam.

Sorry about the play.

- What do I care about the fucking play?

- Can I walk you home?

- Why?

- I promise not to touch you or anything.

I get that you still miss Ben.

- Why?

- I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have mentioned that.

- Not everything is about him.

- Okay.

- Just go home Maddie.

- Adam.






- What's up?

- Well, I don't know if
you're aware of this,

but the numbers for the show haven't been

what we call stellar.

There have been a few more empty seats

than we would have liked.

- Still when it's full run, though.

- It was almost six weeks, Ben.

And the longevity of your
name didn't do as much

as we anticipated.

- People still like the show.

Isn't that important?

- The reviews were average,

but you've no need to
get defensive about this.

- So is this really what you wanted

to talk to me about?

- Well, actually, we were wondering

if you could provide us with
a synopsis and treatment

for another project.

- Not a script?

- It would be easier for
us to just go through

a brief outline at this stage.

- Okay.

So, what's the pay like?

- Pay?

I'm not buying or signing
anything from you Ben.

We're simply interested
in seeing your next idea.

- What about a part in it?

- I guess that would be the
proverbial bridge we cross

when we come to it.

- Right.

- Oh, don't be so downhearted.

Be grateful we're willing
to look at your work

over the over hundred we get in.

And don't forget the rep party tonight.

- I think I'll give it a miss.

- Hey, this is
Adam, leave me a message.

- Hey, Adam, it's me, Ben.

Listen man, I want to talk to you.

Just calling to catch up.

It'd be nice to see you, all right?

Give me a call back.


- What the fuck, St. Peter,

is this why you invited me?

- I need some young hairless meat.

Head down towards Long Acre.

- No, Peter, I'm taking you home.

- Oh, you owe me for all those

drunken orgy celebrity stories I gave you,

it's the least you can do.

- I'm not having you and some rent boy

fuck in my car.

- Then drop me off.

- Adam.

- Oh, I'll take that.

- Peter, get out of my car.

- Fine.

I'll search for my own.

- Adam.

Adam, wait, I know it's you.


You're not.

- I need the money.

- I'm sorry.

- For what?

- Sorry for fucking up your life

with a certain article.

- I already knew I was a rent boy.

- I'm sorry for
not calling for months.

- You can apologize for that.

- I just thought you and
Ben were pissed at me.

- It was Ben more than me.

I just kind of missed you.

- Why?

- We talked.

- Look, do you want a lift home?

What happened with Ben?

You know I had to ask.

- Not much.

Did his play, move out.

I missed a call from him earlier.

- Did you call him back?

- No.

I don't give a fuck about him.

Oh, God.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Adam.


There's a little thing
known as excess, you know?



- Why are you still

living with this loser?

- Adam.

I need you to go.


- I get that you still miss Ben.

- I love you.

Ben, Ben, Ben.

You two are my sons.

Please ask mommy.

She is my girlfriend.

She is my girlfriend.

I love you.

Because I want to spend
some time with her.

I need you to go home please.

- Larry?

- Hey.


How are you?

How's the play?

Come here and tell your
ex-pimp all about it.

- Hi, Larry.

- How are you bitch?

- I'm doing okay.

Just finished my last round.

- How did it go?

- They asked me for another one.

- Well, congratulations.

Looks like you're doing well for yourself

since leaving little old us.

- I had to.

For my career.

- No one is judging.

- How's everyone?

- Well, big star still care?

- Fuck's sake, Larry.

- Wow, your ass is as tightly
wound as your boyfriend's.

- Funny.

- What is with the attitude boy?

If anything, I should be hating you.

- Just busy and tired.

How's Adam anyway?

- Don't know I'm afraid Benjamin.

We sacked him a few weeks ago.

- Adam?

You sacked Adam?

- We had to.

He was ruining the show.

He built up quite an attitude.

- Didn't you think he needed some help?

- Yes, Benjamin, but we are not therapists

here at Glamour Dolls.

We're a business.

And wasn't that your job?

- What was I supposed to do?

- Go see your friend.

Go now.

Just go now.

Surprise him.

It'll be fun.

- Bye Larry.

- Tell your boyfriend I said hi.

I'll text you the address.

- Hello?


- Hello, who?

- It's Ben, who else?

- Ben.

- Listen man, I'm sorry.

I've been busy with Pedestal
doing that shit, you know.

Are you there?

Are you okay?

- I'm fucking so in love.

- Listen, I saw Larry
and he told me everything

about what happened.

Adam, are you there?

- Yeah, I've been busy.


- Dude, you're not making any sense.


- Fuck.

- Adam.

- Yeah.

- Adam.




Adam, it's me Ben.


Adam, are you okay?

Adam, what the fuck is going on?

Hey, Adam.

Adam, open the door.







Look at me.

Look at me.




No, no, no, no, no.



No, no.

No, no, no, no, no.



No, no, no.

- So have you read it?

- Why would I want to?

I know what happened.

- Yeah, but do you know
what really happened?

- This is some crap, you know.

And yet I need a book
to make me feel worse.

- Make you feel worse?

- We both know why he killed himself.

- Yeah, but it's not what it says in here.

- What?

Did I drive him to it?

- No, actually you self-absorbed prick.

It was an accident.

- Bullshit.

- It was your flatmate.

You should know better
than me what he was doing.

Read the book.

Meet your sales target this week

and I'll let you borrow it.

- Fuck you Gary.