Giuseppe w Warszawie (1964) - full transcript

The Italian soldier Giuseppe Santucci, on his way home from the Russian front, during World War II (in 1943), has his machine gun stolen in Warsaw. Afraid of consequences, he stays in Warsaw and occupies a flat of the Polish girl Maria, whom he suspects of stealing weapon. Maria indeed is an active member of the Polish resistance, contrary to her brother, Staszek, a painter, who only wants a calm living. In a course of funny events, Giuseppe falls in love, and, along with Staszek, becomes a hero of the Polish resistance.

Hey, man, General Government.

We are almost at home. There
are no "katyushas", no cannons.

Do you understand
- Italian?

We go home for holidays. All
partisans, all communists...

Everybody get out!

Quickly! Move it!

Quickly, get out on the right side.


Hey, you! Don't run away! What
are you afraid of? Come here!

Get off the track, you idiot!
Get your ass out of the track...

or I'll kick it when I get down.

Miss, would you like to
sit down? No, thank you.

This one, can sleep like a log. If
you, brother, walked form Stalingrad

to Poland, you would sleep as well.

He is so handsome for a German.
Don't worry, you can see him.

You can have your hair
cut for seeing a German

but not for a handsome guy from Sorrento.
Oh, he is Italian. How do you know?

I know everything, missy.

Hey! Hey, stop it!

He looks like he's sleeping but
I can feel he wants my sausages.

He's calling me mom because he
wants me to feel pity for him.

Hey, are you Italian? Si, si.

He wants to take a leak. Are you
crazy? "Si, si" in Italian means "yes".

Italian, Hitler is dead, right? Dead.

Dead, dead. Hey, Mussolini
is dead, isn't he?

He is our boy, let's give
him some vodka. A full glass.

Come on, take it, drink
it. Look at him. Take it.

The Italians are like children,
they drink only wine. Leave him.

Three thousand. Three
thousand, do you understand?

Four thousand.

Hey man, don't make us listen to
this, for God's sake. He's whining!

Quiet, quiet...

So much money. Who will pay you more?

It's a good deal for that piece of crap.

Quiet. Ok, five thousand.

Give me that guitar and fall asleep.

Do as you want but nobody
will give you any more.

Come on, come on.

No, no, in Italian. Yes, in Italian.

What? God damn, your piece.

Oh, leave me alone.

Stop shouting, idiot,

the Germans are rounding us up
and they are going to arrest us.

How can I know. You should
have taken care of it.

They must have stolen it.


Stolen. You should have taken the
five thousand I was giving you and

now leave me alone.

Be quiet!

Take it, take it!

Be quiet, yes, yes, I'll
explain it later. Let's go.

Quickly, quickly!

He is Italian, I'm with this Italian!
Let's go. Your gun is there, go.

Move it, quickly!

Don't worry, there are no partisans
here. That's a pretty girl! He is lucky,

she wouldn't like to
talk to us. Damn Italian.

Stop here.

That's enough. The ride
is finished. Come here.

You go to the barracks. You go straight
and take the second turning on your right.

Do you understand?

Goodbye and give me that gun.
Give me the gun! Do you understand?

The gun I gave you... the gun
I gave you at the station.

Don't pretend you don't
know what I'm talking about.

Give me the gun!

Be quiet, you idiot, the Germans.

Let me go, you gangster.

Isn't this too much display
of love? You're paying miss

and off you go or you get on and we go.

You won't go any further. Hey! Come
back. Give me the gun and come back.

No, no, no, I'm living here,
you're going nowhere! The gun!

Gangster! Al Capone! Mafia!

Good morning, Mr. Kowalski.

Don't push me! You pig, baboon.

None of your business,
do you understand?

Welcome, Miss. Stand up! Hands up! Move!

Your ID. An ID. Here you are.

False. False, of course.
Partisans, bandits.

What's this, my child?
This.. is a pistol.

A pistol. No, this is my pistol!

No, my pistol! Quiet!

MY! Come!

Damn it! Stop kidding, Janek,

for goodness sake. Who is he?

Who have you brought here, you idiot?

He's Italian. I met him on a train. He
didn't want to give me back the pistol.

My God, an Italian from a
train. I'll go crazy. Look,

she's brought an Italian to a
den. Just before the commission.

Quiet! Quiet! We have to
give him back the pistol

and send him away
immediately. You've gone crazy.

What? This is my pistol.

My pistol... my pistol.
Do you want him to bring

the whole Gestapo here? But...

Don't you know the
Italians? Scream now.

Quiet! Quiet! You Polish bandit!


You are free. Go! Get out!

Pretend you're searching the flat now.
In two minutes you'll join us downstairs.

Maryska! For goodness sake!
Are you out of your mind?

I'll go crazy living with her.

Leave that staff. Who will clean it? And you
- be quiet!

Ok, ok, stop shouting.
If I had listened to you

it wouldn't have done me any
good. Felek, you are the witness.

We'll all have troubles because
of her. Chicken! Yellow belly!

Maryska! Don't do any jokes! I tell
you, since the war started I tell you...

No, that is not the truth.
And be quiet as you talk to me!

No, I won't be quiet! You are a coward!

Partisans! Hands up!
Hands up! Polish bandits!

Get out of here! Damn you! Damn you!

He's killed me. No, I won't play
along. No. You see, it's all your fault.

And you! Be careful
when you hit! You idiot!

Barracks, do you understand?
Straight, left and then the third

turning on your right,
do you understand?

Barracks, left and then the third
turning on your right. Understood?

She is arrested, she is a
partisan! Goodbye. Go! Go!

He hasn't even stepped aside
for one centimeter. Damn Italian.

Who are you? I'm called volksdeutsch.

What's your emblem? A broken cross.

Who has created you? The winds.

What will happen to you? The chains.

You puppy, you jerk,
I'll teach you. Police!

I'm sorry.

Barracks? Go straight.

Hey. hey!

You Italian? To barracks?


Get out of here or I'll kick your ass.

Go, you idiot.

Stop! Your ID! ID!

Giuseppe Santuchi. Where is your pistol?

Thank you, goodbye.

Stop! Come here! Come
here! You damn Italian.

Where have you hidden your weapon?

It's ready. Let's go away!
Don't pretend you're an idiot.

Where is your weapon?

I've said hundreds of times
that these times are not for me.

You are the bane of our family. Even
our grandma has suffered for the freedom.

Two years in captivity with no complaints.

Yes, but at least she visited
some foreign countries.

And I don't want to, don't
know how, and I can't.

Staszek, look!


This is... This is my pistol.

You are right, we have to stay calm.
You have to disarm this bastard at once.

Disarm? What else do you want, miss?

Then, you'll kick him out of here of
course. Yes, I'll kick him out of here.


Staszek, a soldier is walking
around your flat. In my home...

Staszek, my dear, be a man
once in your life. Yes, right.


Remember it for good that
everything has its place

and it means something in
here. Do you understand?

Staszek, don't leave alone
with him. Do you hear me?

Do Alinka want any paste for
cockroaches? I want no paste.

I want no cockroaches. I want no
Alinka! And Military Academy exercises

are on the next floor! I'm sorry.

Remember it well finally! Are you crazy?


How much do you want
for that piece of crap?

I don't know.

For your grandma. For
my grandma. Thank you.

Can we talk? Be careful at
the market. Near the prison

a man wearing glasses
is selling a weapon.

Fiat? Well, it's an unusual
weapon. It doesn't sell well,

problems with ammunition. Listen, we
won't get rid of him in any other way.

It's a scandal.

I'll give you the number
- Fiat 22 015. 22 015.

Number isn't a problem.
I'll remember it.

The German is grateful and let the cat
out of the bag. There is a man wearing

glasses on the square who
want to hawk his machinegun.

He knows him. He is a
guard from Wehrmacht prison.

He is a spook, I'm sure. In
glasses? Tell the guys to keep

an eye on the bastard. The next one?


Ties, ties...

My goddess, only she can understand me.
My God, my dear, it's the death of me.

Since the beginning of the war I have
painted nothing but eyes and horns of deer.

But deer, Cleopatra and
Magdalene sell the best.

You've learned it a bit but
you won't make an artist.

Listen, mate, I swear, try to
understand me, I'm the breadwinner and

I have a juvenile sister, who is...
she doesn't have much in her head

and now this idiotic
Italian mouth to feed.

Turn off the light! Turn off the light!

You blithering idiot! It's
the war! It's the blackout!

Do you think you can play
jokes on the Germans?

And above all it's so awful, so selfish,

when they hit the tenement house
all the people will die not only you.

You think that they won't kill
you because you're Italian.

They won't recognize you standing
in the window in this shirt.

Err.. even if you had had the uniform...

if you had had the uniform... why do you
sleepwalk instead of sleeping at night?




Have you called me,
brother? What's this?

What? Your only clothes,
sweetheart. Right.

And this pattern? This picturesque
motif? Oh, Jesus! You've painted it.

Maryska, that's enough. Stop
kidding. I'm not kidding.

Don't look so surprised, this is the
lube for your tanks, grenades and bombs.

Staszku! Yes!

Maryska, as long as
it doesn't concern me

you're welcome to do whatever you want.

But if you destroy my
last heirloom clothes I'll...


Hey! Macaroni head! That's the end.

You bandit. Sicilian!

You pig!

What have you done to my trousers? Look!

Right, right, a miracle, miracle.

Maryska! Here you are! It
would be my fault again.

Hey, Italian, dinner is served.

I mean eating. Eat, dinner. Eat.


Come here.

Sit down.

He'll have a nice opinion
about the Polish hospitality.

I won't eat with the enemy at one table.
That's all because there is no man at home.

I told you to kick him out of
here. I haven't brought him here.

Well, let's change the subject.

He told you "bella kwoka"
it's a nice compliment.

"Quoca" not "kwoka" if you had learnt some
Italian you'd know it means "good hostess".

A lady of the house.
For me a dumb housewife.

Good morning, "have the toads spawned"?
For goodness sake! Not at the dinnertime!

Staszek! "The stork has eaten
the tadpoles". We've brought...

Be quiet! Staszek!


Sit down, I'll help you in a moment.

Come, come.

But how are we going to carry
this? Didn't they tell you?

They've told us it's going
to be long but not that long.


I have got so many problems with him.
Take this. Hurry up, we'll leave together.

Oh my God, it's four o'clock.

My trousers!

I'll kill you! Do you
understand? You Sicilian bandit!

You macaroni head.

Staszek, Zosiu, a balloon.

Why do you look like that?
Me? I look like a human being.

Zosiu, I'll go to Italy,
gondolas, Venice, Capri.

That's the life for an artist.
But you can't speak Italian.

Me? You underestimate me.

Zosiu, let's talk.

It's not expensive. No, thank you.

Get out of here! You spook. What?

Get out!

So what's next, Satyr? That's
ok, you're free, you can go.

Run away! The Germans
are catching people!

A German won't spit in our face!

Go dragoons!

Go there!



Come here.

What's this? What?

You damn Italian!

I'm sorry.

Why don't you salute?

Not like that! Like this...

Happy birthday...


What Satyr? I don't know
him. Oh my God! What have you

been doing here? Excuse
me, miss, what do you want?

And first of all...

Now we can talk.

To the bathroom and stay there.

Sorry, I've forgot about the
damned underground. Right.


Where is this idiot? Which idiot?

This Sicilian bandit. In the bathroom.

You damn Italian!
You Mediterranean idiot!

Why didn't you tell me
to salute to the Germans!

Malgosia, listen, tell the surgeon
that we need an immediate operation.

Yes, it's a serious condition.
A mosquito adores caviar.

Yes. I'll tell you in a minute.

In a minute, I can't tell you now.

Is there anything left? Nothing.

It's clear for you that the repository,
the den and you are finished.

I'd advise you to hide somewhere
in the provinces. But I can...

No, you can't. the whole network is changed,
the contacts are finished. Is that clear?

That's an order from the
headquarters. Yes, sir.

Thank you on behalf of the army.

Satyr, damn you, stand up. Go.

No, no. Up.

Professor, you should be ashamed.
I'm not a professor, only Satyr.

It's delicious! I've never
eaten anything like that.

Goodness me, it's delectable.

Maria, Maria, you are ill.
Why you don't eat?

A lot of time you don't eat.
Here you are, Maria.

Eat, please. Maria, please.

Get out of here.

She's going to do it immediately.

I'm finished in the underground because of
you. Get out of my home and don't come back.

No, neither your nor my
memory will follow this order...

I'm sorry.


Flowers, fiancé.

Hans, your hat!

Smolensk! All communists are dead!

All! The German - Italian friendship.

This is my friend, he is a good boy.

You pig! All the Italians are cowards.

Yes, but he is not. He's my
friend. I have to shoot him.

I have only two friends
- you and him.

You are my friends. Now I have none.

This weapon is for the communists.

No, that's ok. I like it that way. You
finally behave like a ordinary woman.

No bombs, no grenades only
quiet, honest work. Staszek,

Yes. I swear, you know more
about socks, then about all that...

And my God, my child, it's peace
and quiet like on holidays in Swider.

And does the Military Academy practice?


Maryska, no underground. You are
finished, you know that the best.

I'm vindicated. What vindication?
What are you talking about?

Quarantine is finished. No
quarantine! I won't let you go!

Nobody will come in! I'm here! I'm here!

I won't let... no! A daisy
has bloomed in the attic.


when it's finished, call me!

A gift.

An arsenal? Have you
found it in Warsaw? Where?

That's the end. Now she's in love.
My God, why don't I have a brother?

Giuseppe... Stasiek... excuse me, could
you go to the bathroom for a second?

I want to talk to Giuseppe. So where
did you go when you left the station?

Staszek, are you still here?
My God, she's head over heels.

Here you are. Have you found it?

Staszek, could you go to the bathroom?

Giuseppe, come here.

This is Warsaw. This is the
station. When you left the station...

Station, trains, quiet, station.

When you left... we'll draw it. Do
you have the pencil I gave you?

I gave you a pencil. A pencil.

A kiss. A kiss? You kiss. Lot of kiss.

Stop kidding, Giuseppe. Did
you go Marszalkowska Street

or Aleje Jerozolimskie?

My love... do you love me? You know what,

Do you love me? We shall go
and you'll show me the place.

Do you love me? Yes a bit. Let's go.

Staszek, to the bathroom.

Staszek, go to the bathroom.

Staszek, Staszek, go
to the bathroom. I know!

Have you heard anything? Some
shooting. It seems to be a cap gun.

I've told them to be careful.

Be careful, there are
four Germans on the corner.

They've stopped. They light a
cigarette. They talk to a shopkeeper.

More single thumps!
What's going on here?

We pretend we are having a party, can't
you see? Yes, yes, very well, more.

I have to talk to you. Oh no, it's
impossible now. You must be crazy.

Now or never. Maryska! All right.

Sit down, please. Sit down comfortably,
Marysia. Make yourself at home.

I have a lecture form the
infantry tactics. Marysia,

Staszek, stop moaning, be
quick. What's the matter?

It can't go on like that. Please
understand. We are learning

from the chapter "the infantry in
attack". Giuseppe can't speak Polish.

We can't understand him. I can't be
distracted. But I sit here 24 hours a day!

But you've always dreamt
about your own room.

Maryska, I swear, one day I'll kill you,

the handsome Italian and
all the students! Be quiet!

Sit down!

Don't even think about it! You're not even
sworn in! Me? Be quiet? In my own home?

No! It won't be like that!

Beside all, I have to leave even
if the world would come to an end!

And I have to tell you something.

I'm the breadwinner.

I feed you, the Italian and the army.

That's enough! Stop
talking about the army.

Mar... You can go. Even now.

But he is wearing my clothes, Maryska!
Yes, he is! Should he be wearing

an enemy army uniform? An
instructor of the Underground

Military Academy? I'm not crazy yet. No
problem, but there are no eggs, carbide,

bread, flour and money.

Stasiek, I swear.

We go through "the street fights" chapter
and then do whatever you want.

Please understand, it's
about discipline, the program...

What program? The
program must be fulfilled.

Calm down, Maryska. Come on, Stasiek.

They're calling me.
Sweetheart... I'm here!

Be quick... Maryska!

Badoglio government has surrendered!

As we have announced, the government of
Marshal Badoglio betrayed us and signed

the capitulation of the Italian
Army to the British and American Army

who entered the Italian territory.

The Italian surrender is a disgusting
betrayal of Europe done by Emanuel III

a lying puppet king and his...

People! Help!

The German Army is totally in control
of military situation in Italy.

The Italian army doesn't exist.

This is the worst betrayal ever
written about in the history.

Fuhrer said: the betrayers of the
Italian nation will be given a lesson...

Long live Italy! Viva Italy!

What do you want? The end of the war!

I don't understand. He's lost the war...

No, no, no I need to do my
business. People! People! I... Polish

from Skierniewice... People! people!

Watch out! The Germans! Are you nuts?

So, Giuseppe Santuchi, you
don't understand German?

No, Captain!

How much did you get for
your weapon? No, Captain!

Listen Giuseppe Santuchi, do you want
to come back to your military unit

and be shot there? or do you
want us to deal with you here?

No.. holidays...

Yes, Sir.

Tell him that he is a deserter and
he'll be shot at the Military Court.

But he has to tell us first,
we have special methods here,

that even the Italian couldn't imagine.

No, this is not Italian! This is bull
shit! We speak German. This is not Italian.

Quiet you pig! I keep you
here so you don't have to fight

at the front line and you can't
speak Italian? Stop, stop! Come back!

And you tell me that you can speak
Italian better that the Italian!

But Captain! Be quiet! I send you to
the front line with the next train.

Captain, they have stolen my
weapon on the train. Soldiers!

Why hasn't anybody
stolen my gun? Shut up.

Do you know what they do with the soldiers
who have been disarmed? You dump pig!

Captain, holiday, no weapon, Rome...

You damn Italian, you
civilian, stand up!

A gun is for a soldier like a wife!
He sleeps with it, eat with it.

A word of honor...

I'll shoot myself but first
I'll shoot you, bandit!

I'll shoot you later. Take him away. I'll
talk to him later, you Italian bandit.

But we'll speak German. Go!

My God!


What's the matter?

What's wrong?

Does it hurt so much? Sit down.

Sit down.


Lie down.

It must be appendicitis. Aunt
Wisia died because of that.

I'll bring you some tea and a medicine.

Who did you sell your
gun to? I didn't sell it.

Yes, right. Come! I go myself!

Dinner! Go! Sour milk! Delicious!

I know one house... we can go there...
it will take us two hours... a girl.

I am married. I have four children.

Four children and one
wife, this is a problem.

She wants me to send her money.
Others send gold, rings. And me?

Where should I take the
money from? From my wage?

Dinner! Stand up! Dinner!

I'll go to the market and ask
Zosia if she saw Staszek,

and we'll meet at Zbozowa Street

at 2 o'clock. Repeat:
"Zbozowa at 2 o'clock"

"Zbozowa street at 2 o'clock".
That's fine. We can't go out together...

There's the war.

Do you have the food coupons?

Good morning, Sir Kowalski.
Good morning, Sir.

Yes, these are the ones we need.
Kowalski's gone crazy about hiding.

Last week he dressed up as a child. He
was wearing shorts and had a lollypop.

Santuchi! Get up!

Captain Kiszke is
waiting for you. Maryska!

He wants to talk to
you. But he's very angry!

Quickly! Go!

You are here, you damn Italian! You pig!

I have one hour. Let's
do something. What?

Weapon business. An hour is
too much, we have to do it now.

What's this? A machine
gun and "parabellum".

That is a piece of shit.
What are you doing? Come back!

This is not in my interests.
I don't have any money.

Let me go, damn you. I'm sorry.

What's the matter? Let's go. I have to
get some weapon. Business is business.

Speak German. I don't understand you.
I need to shoot. Do you understand?


A street, only one soldier. You...

The Germans? Why not?

Holiday, house, money, children,
luxury. But why me? It should be you.


You. I don't know the Germans. They
are pigs for you. You should do it.

Me? Goodbye. With my
hands? I don't have a gun.

Take that.

The money is for you. Yes, for me.

Stop! Hands up! Man!
What's that? I have a

wife two children and an old father.

Stand up, turn round and go home.

Not good, once again. We try again.

You are stupid. My gun!

Stop! hands up! What are
you doing? I have a wife.

The barracks? Straight? No, here.

Stop, hands up! Go! Help!

In the German uniform?
Did he speak German? Where?


Stop! Hands up!

Run away, you damn bandit!

Be careful, come.

"Mauser", a piece of
shit. Not good price.

Look here.

Yes, this is good.

Stop, hands up! What's the matter?


I was walking here and there
were tree Germans in uniforms.

Those are they.

We met a group of people in German uniforms.
They were disarming the German soldiers.

What? There was some shooting.

Fight them! Shoot at them!

Have you really seen Staszek?

Staszek is a hero.

A hero?

You must be joking.

Good morning, You are
given a decoration for

meritorious service and
gaining several guns,

grenades and other kinds of
weapon from the enemy.

Didn't you recognize Janek? He
arrested me when you came to us

for the first time. See?
He didn't recognize you.

Good morning. Giuseppe Santuchi?

Yes. Who are you?

It's Wiktor's order. The
Underground War Tribunal.

Three days ago in a tram... Which number?

It's the secret of the court. A patrol
of the Underground Army soldiers,

who were going on a military
operation was disarmed by deceit.

By deceit, sure! They were
robbed. Our investigation proved

that he was the one who stole the guns.

He was dressed up as an
Italian soldier. Do you confess?

Do you confess?

They were dressed up in German uniforms.

Yes, we have to introduce some
marks for the Underground soldiers.

White and red armbands or little
eagles, here will be the best.

This is not a discussion for
us to have. The Army Tribunal

sentences you to death. Stop kidding.

Yes, but not from us.

Shoot! Shoot! All bandits!

You'll tell all that to the Commander.

Who are you shooting at?
You idiot! They are Polish!

To civilians, to Polish people?

Giuseppe, Giuseppe, don't be afraid! This
is us! You idiot, who are you shooting at?

At your own people?

Shoot! Shoot now!


Sta... Staszek!

Staszku, for goodness sake,
what has happened to you?

Where have you been? I
was walking in the forest

and picking up mushrooms.
There is shooting in the city.

There are many Germans killed. I'm sure
they're arresting people. Haven't you seen?

No, they aren't. I
haven't seen anything.

Italian, give me back
my clothes, right now.

Have you heard that? I'm sick of that
uniform. Staszku, all that on your own...?

What? Yes, me. there's some
more left on the stairs.

Are you nuts? I have always
said that we would all

be lost because of him. Have you
walked with all that through the city?

No, no I've flown.
Jesus! A million of spooks

have seen you! We're lost. Maryska,
it's all your fault, yours and his!

I wanted to keep out of
this and I didn't manage to.

Daisy? Listen, there is some food for
the canaries. With the old stock it

may need a truck. Immediately.
Immediately! I'm waiting. Yes. Yes.

Giuseppe! We have to pack this quickly.
The boys will be here in a moment and

Gestapo as well.


Who are you, bandit?

I'm from an infantry regiment.

What? East front line!

You! Walter Botke from 3 company.

Shoot him! And you?

Waldemar Miller. Execution.

Otto, execution too?
No, East front line.

Thank you.

Captain Kiszke, welcome.
East front line, general?

No, execution.

"Are the canaries hungry"?


Giuseppe, my dresses! Quickly! Quickly!

Be careful!

Not, this one. That one.

Staszek for goodness
sake! Staszek! What?

We're running away! It's going
to be hell here, in a moment!

I'm staying.

Have you lost your mind?
We have to go! Stasiek!

I need piece and quiet.
Suit yourself. Goodbye.

Stasiek! Maryska!

Giuseppe! Giuseppe! Catch her!

Get out! Round up the house! Quickly!

There's nobody at home.

Who, the hell, is this?

Open! The police! Jarek, stop kidding.

These are not the times for an artist.

Stop! Stop! He can't control it. Brake!

I don't have brakes.

Password, password!

"The canaries have eaten a stork",
or something like that.

Not good, not good.
Tomato sauce very good.

Take that.

No, no I can't, thank you. No, no
that's not for me, I'm a dreamer.

There are some more
paintings I'd like to paint.

I'll walk in the forest,
paint, work romantically.

The canaries have eaten a stork.

Men! Help! The Germans!
Men! Alarm! Alarm!

I don't know how to shoot!

If I had found it earlier
there wouldn't be all that mess.