Girls About Town (1931) - full transcript

Gold-diggers Kay Francis and Lilyan Tashman meet susceptible lonely businessmen at conventions in this ribald preproduction code story. The millionaires lavish the girls with expensive gifts. Francis falls for poor but virtuous Joel McCrea. Eugene Paulette is a copper king who gives Tashman jewelry. His wife reacts not with jealously but by trying to imitate her rival's style.

Subtitles: Lu?s Filipe Bernardes

It's been an evil night.

Isn't it a relief to get away?

All through the show he talked
about nothing but De Moines.

Is that all? I've got a callous on my knees
from my boyfriend's subtle approach.

What I object to is that issue
of AMB stock.

Now, now, gentlemen, gentlemen,
please, no business.

Let's talk everything over tomorrow.
Tonight you're my guests.

And don't forget,

we're fortunate in having the company of two
of the most charming young ladies in town.

And how, what a broom neck!
Chase, you certainly can fix it.

I like that blonde. She's certainly got
a great line of talk there.

Now remember, tonight, no business.

Have you ever seen two of such
all-American total loafers in your life?

I mean to say.

Just a couple of playboys from
the Corn Belt.

You know, I'm getting pretty sick
of working for Mr. Jerry Chase.

What's so tough about it?

We soften up the boys and good
old Jerry puts over his deals.

And we get well paid for it.

Lovely work, if you can get it to do.

Well, I don't like it. Each time it just
gets duller, and duller, and duller.

There are only a few hours left
to the evening.

Oh, there you are, Mr. Webster,
it's so good to see you again.

Jerry, I think your friends are adorable.

As I was saying to my friend,
you know,

you're about as smart a girl
as I've ever met.

Oh, Mr. Webster, you'll make me
all conceited.

You don't come to New York very often,
do you?

Not often enough, I guess.

I'll bet you say that to every
girl you meet.

- No, I don't.
- Don't you, really?

You know, I think there's nothing
so distinguished as gray hair.

We're going to get along all right.

Oh, absolutely.

Everybody calls me Webbie
in Des Moines.

Webbie, isn't that cute?

You know, if you should ever happen
to be there once, call me up.

- I can hardly wait.
- At the office.

Oh, Arthur, dear, Webbie's just asked me
to visit him in Des Moines.

Oh, Simmsy, I want to visit
you that way.

Sounds like a lovely party.

- Let's all go.
- I'll get ready and off we go.

You know, you're the funniest man
I've ever met.

- Don't bother, we're going to take a taxi.
- It's no trouble to drop you.


I want to see my little friend home.

Is this where you live?

Well, I only live in some of it.

How about me coming in
for a few minutes?

- Oh, Webbie, you're so dominating.
- Would you mind?

Mm, I'd love it.


Oh, there's Mother.

- Where?
- There.

The dear thing, she's waiting up
for me. I'm afraid we can't.

Well, good night.

Oh, a big star sapphire.

My birthstone.

Oh, it's just lovely, Mr. Webster,
I just love it.

- Good night, good night...
- Do you like it?

- I love it!
- Good night...


Hello, honey sugar.

Hattie, I'm practically dead.

Help me get out of this thing,
will you?

You poor little sweet lamb,
of course I will.

Where's my little angel Miss Wanda?

- Didn't she get in yet?
- No, ma'am, she certainly did not.

That's me!

Wait! There's Mother.
Oh, I'm afraid we can't.

Sweet thing, she's been waiting up
for me all this time.

- Hey, listen here, I...
- Good night.

Where have you been?

Just being seen home by a
gentleman friend.

He told me was a wrestling champion at
college, and if you don't believe it, look.

My precious man was far
more romantic.

Look what I was talked
into accepting.

Say, you know, Marie...

I'm getting pretty fed up
with all this.

With what?

Oh, this hiring oneself out for the evening.

Listen, baby, are you calling
yourself names or me?

It makes a difference, you know.

What's the matter with you?

Doesn't it make you sick to be pawed
by a bunch of middle-aged babbits?

Doesn't it?

Sure. But there's one thing always
revives me.

Here's yours.

Jerry Chase's autograph.

Five hundred.

Well, someone's got to pay
for this dress.

There, you see?

Now run along and let your Aunt Ella
get her sleep. Go on, beat it.

- Okay.
- Good night.

Good night.



Oh, yes, sir.

Miss Bailey's asleep now,
but wait just a minute.

Miss Marie, Miss Marie,
it's 5:30 in the afternoon.

Mr. Chase.

Oh, send him away.

Mr. Chase, I'd better have
Miss Bailey call you back.

Yes, sir.

I'll have her wake in a minute.

Good morning, Hattie.
Grapefruit juice and some aspirin.

Yes, ma'am, I got it right
here ready.

Oh, can't you let a lady sleep?

O, what a night!

Bless you, Hattie.

Butterfly, what you going
to have for your breakfast?

Bromo seltzer and the evening paper.

- Mr. Chase called.
- Now what's happened?

Maybe those two souls never
did show up.

Miss Bailey calling.
Here he is, Miss Marie.

Now listen, Jerry don't start
blaming me for anything...

this early in the morning.
I couldn't bear it.

Well, it's 5:30 in the afternoon
and I'm not blaming you and, uh...

would you mind telling me just
what you're talking about?

Those two old wrecks we were
out with last night.

If they didn't get home it's nobody's
fault but their own.

Don't worry about them.
They're on their way to Des Moines.

Everything is signed, sealed
and delivered.

Say, tell me something.
How would you and Wanda...

like to have a nice, quiet,
restful weekend on the yacht?

Come on, come on, what's the catch?

It's a Mr. Thomas, from Lansing,

I think you'll like him.

He's rich and handsome.

What's more to the point,
he's generous to a fault.

All right, Jerry, expect us later.

Come on, fireman. Jump into your uniform.
It's a big five alarm party.

I'm not going.

Oh... well...

You won't go, I won't go.

And it's such a gorgeous yacht, too.

All right, I'll go.
What have I got to lose?

Oh, you're a darling.

Come on, Hattie, pack 'em up.

Dinner at eight.
Say, don't forget the yachting pajamas.

- Are you taking two dinner dresses?
- Yes, and a suit of arms.

This chap Thomas is quite
important to me right now.

All right, Jerry, we'll do our best.
Even if it kills us.

Oh, you'll like him.

To begin with he's one of the
wealthiest men in Michigan.

- I'm crazy about him already.
- And getting a divorce.

Sounds too good to be true.

No, he's quite presentable, a lot of fun.
Absolutely delightful to party with.

Sounds revolting.

- What is it?
- Mr. Thomas is coming aboard, sir.

Oh, fine.

- I 'll bet this Mr. Thomas is awful.
- Humph.

- How do you do?
- How are you?

- I want Mr. Thomas.
- Take him, Mathilda, he's all yours.

Wait till you see him.

- Hello, Mr. Thomas.
- How do you do?

I'm very glad to see you again, sir.

Well, I'm always glad in giving
all that pleasure.

- Meet my associate, Jim Baker.
- How do you do?

I knew you wouldn't mind
if I brought him along.

Why, I'm delighted.
Delighted to have you.

Let's go inside. You'll both
be glad you came.

Wait till you see what I picked.

I'm waiting.

I want you to meet some
friends of mine.

- Mr. Ben Thomas.
- It's a great pleasure.

How do you do?

And this is Jim Baker,
Thomas's business associate.

- This is Miss Bailey.
- How do you do?

- And Miss Howard.
- How are you?

Well, I'm certainly glad to meet
up with you.

Why, thank you.

- Hello, Miss Bailey.
- Now, no snakes.

Why, you can readily see I have
nothing concealed up my sleeve.

How do you do?

Isn't it funny how a simple little
thing like that can startle some people?

You know, I once tried that false hand
on a woman's battle field.

She probably wasn't feeling
very well, anyhow.

She fainted and fell and hit
her head on a chair.

- You must have nearly died laughing.
- Yes.

This is good, clean fun.

Dinner is served.

Good, I'm starved.

You know, I should have warned you ladies
that Ben is a famous practical joker.

Oh, thank you, Jim.

I'm afraid he is.

Oh, Mr. Thomas, you're just a card.

Well, you ladies will find out
that I'm a very funny fellow.

I'll bet.

Of course, I was born with
a great sense of humor.

I could go on for days amusing you
with just comical little tricks.

Here's something, now look.

Very interesting.

Watch carefully.

- Oh, that is fantastic.
- No, no,no, that isn't the trick.

I'm just warming up as we go along.
I'll bring it back...

Now, here it is, here it is.

I will turn one complete
revolution with the glass...

without spilling one particle of water.

I love that one, do it again.

Where on earth did you find it?

I've never done it before on a boat.

Don't do it anywhere else.

And I thought I was lucky
in winning that Jim Baker.

- You were.
- The man just sits there and says nothing.

Oh, I don't know.
I think he's pretty cute.

But that old firework, if he plays
one more trick, just one more,

I'll spend my party days in Sing-Sing.

Oh, that one, he's at least good
for a laugh now and then.

- But the clam...
- Wait, there's something.

Suppose we swap?

I give you Thurston the Great...

And I give you Strongheart.

I've got a big surprise for you,
when I say ready.

- Now, don't peek.
- All right.

One two, three, four, five,
six, seven eight, nine, ten.


Here I am.

- Oh, that's a comical face.
- It ought to be. I found it in your pocket.

You know, you really are a girl
with a sense of humor.

Oh, Mr. Thomas, you know, that's really
a great compliment from you...

because I think you have a gorgeous
sense of humor.

Well, that's what everybody
in Lansing thinks.

- What month were you born in?
- In June.

- I knew it, at the beginning of the month.
- Yes... Oh, no, the 29th.

I knew it, you were born
in the house of Gemini.

- But...
- Hm-hm.

That's why you're so fond of jokes.
All Gemini people are.

- Is that so?
- Oh...

But that means I must keep
away from you.

Oh, Miss Bailey, what have I done?

Well, you see, people born on your
day are water people.

And I'm a fire baby.

And water overcomes fire.

That means you'd have too much
influence over me.

Oh... is that really true?

Oh, yes.
And another thing.

Gemini people love old songs,

and pictures, and houses, don't you?

That's right. Give me the old-fashioned
thing every time, Miss Bailey.

Oh, call me Marie.

Everybody does.

I'd love to, Marie, if you call
me Benjamin.

I certainly will... Benjamin.

Oh, Marie.

You aren't bored by any chance,
are you?

- Aren't you?
- I'm not yawning in your face.

I apologize.

Don't bother.

Well, there ought to be some way
we can amuse ourselves.

- You want to play backgammon?
- Oh, I don't think so.

- Let's dance.
- No.

Don't go, don't go, don't go...


- Let's have a pillow fight.
- Hey, listen.

I think you're a meanie.

Well, I give up.

Seriously though, my dear,

this sort of thing must get pretty
tiresome after a time.

What do you mean? What sort of thing?

This sort of thing.

You know as well as I do that you're
here as an entertainment for me.

Entertain whomever you're
told to entertain.

I'm not giving satisfaction, is that it?

You're all right.

I'm just asking if the racket
doesn't become a bore.

But... suppose I say that I'm
not a bit bored.

I like you and I want you
to like me.

Heaven knows I'm trying hard
enough to be entertaining.

I should say you're very good
at pretending.

All right.

Well, as long as you're here
and I'm here,

and we both don't have anything
better to do,

why not try a little pretending yourself?

What do you want me to pretend?

Why, pretend that you like me.

Perhaps I wouldn't bore you.

All right, I like you.
What's your name?

- Wanda.
- Mine is Jim.

Let's go.

Well, here I am.

Very pretty.

I suppose as a rule of the game
I have a right to hold it.

OH, sure.

You know, this isn't a bad idea.
How much am I supposed to like it?

Oh, a lot. As much as you can
possibly pretend.

Then come closer.

- Like this?
- Swell.

I've got a better idea.

- Like me?
- Like you? I could love you.


Well, say it. Say I love you.

- I love you.
- Oh, I adore you.

Yes, Benjie, there's no doubt about it.
You have a very passionate nature.

Look at that mount of Venus,

- Where?
- Right there.

Oh, the things I see in your hand!
Benjie, I'm afraid of you.

Oh, don't be that way.

Listen, I have a little present for you.

Why, sugar, you only met me tonight.

And it's in my stateroom.

What do you say we go and get it?

I couldn't. It wouldn't look very nice.

- Now, what do you care?
- Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.

You bring it to my room later
when the others have turned in.

- You bet I will.
- Don't let anybody see you.

Oh, no, I'll knock on the door.
- No, no, don't do that!

- Whistle something.
- What do you want me to whistle?

Oh, anything. A love call.

I don't believe I know any
just at present.

How about this?

Oh, not enough passion in it.
More like this.

Small hours.
I suppose everyone's asleep.

How long has it been since
you first kissed me?

Can't look at my watch unless
you move.

Don't tell me then.

How long do you think it's been?

Two hours maybe, maybe two minutes.
I don't know.

I don't know either.

All I know is they've been the happiest
hours or minutes in my life.

All I can say to that is I'm happy too.

I wish that were true.

- It is true, isn't it?
- Sure.

Maybe... maybe it better not be.

- It might grow serious now, you see.
- It's all right with me, sister.

I hate to think of the day after tomorrow.

What's the matter with day
after tomorrow?

Perhaps it'll take you away from me.

Perhaps you'll go back to wherever
it is you came from and...

and I'll never see you again.

What's the matter with coming with me?

Oh... I hoped you'd say that.

And now you've said it.

You can't go back on it either because...

Because I've never accepted that
kind of invitation, mister.

There's no Broadway in Michigan.
- Oh, I hate Broadway. I'm through with it.

At home I get up at 6:30 and I want
a couple of eggs at seven.

- I'll cook them.
- Oh, now I know you're faking.

You're pretty good at pretending, baby.
You almost outsmarted me.


Yeah. You ever heard about that
little game called pretending...

we started a couple hours ago?

Oh, so... it's all been pretending,
hasn't it?

Sure, what do you take me for?

Maybe you think I fell on my head
when I was a baby.

Maybe I did.

- I seem to know how to fall.
- I was on to you every minute.

Gotta hand it to you, though.
You've got great technique.

Come on, let's do it. Let's go back
to pretending. I like it.

You know, you're not so bad
at it yourself.

You nearly outsmarted me too.

All right, come on. And I'll give you
something to buy yourself a nice present...

before I go back to Michigan.
If you play for me.

- I love you!
- I love you!

- Oh, hello.
- Hello.

Just thought I'd... uh...

take a little tour around the deck...

- ...for a change.
- Have a lot of fun.

- I'm awake.
- Well, he sounds all ready.

- Who?
- Oh, Big Ben,

the playboy from the Michigan forest.

He's going around waking people up.

Hey, what's the idea?

Oh, was that you, Benjie?

Who did you think it was?

How could I tell?
You're so clever with your disguises.

Come right out of that water, darling,
you'll catch cold.

Oh, dear, what have I done?
Oh, Benjie, darling, oh...

Marie, you might have beaten me
with that bottle.

Oh, I'm sorry, I was looking
for a gun.

Oh, you poor thing. You must change
your clothes right away.

Awful good to know somebody
thinks about me.

I haven't stopped thinking about you.

You have a birthday on the 29th,
haven't you?

- Aw, how did you remember that?
- I never forget.

I guess I must have some
elephant blood in me.

It's awful good of you
to remember it.

Look! I'm going to give you
a birthday party.

- No!
- An old-fashioned party...

that'll make you feel at home.

Oh, you don't mean it.

Now come on, sugar, and get
some dry clothes on.

Marie, listen. You know, I haven't had
a birthday party since I was a kid.

Oh, Marie!

And what is she gazing at
so steadily?

The water.

- And how are you this bright morning?
- Never better.

Well that's just splendid.

- Can I use some of your oil?
- Sure.

You know, I was curious about that sudden
squall that came up last night.

Just blew our pretty game
right out to sea.

What was your guess?

Well, for a moment I thought
you might have been hurt.

Hurt? How do you mean?

Hm... because, well...

what we talked of wasn't true,
You seemed to...

Oh, my dear man, those tears
were just part of the game.

- Oh, I get you.
- I did it well, eh?


- Where are you going?
- Swimming.

- Can I come along?
- Sure, it's everybody's ocean.

Well, I guess this is far enough.


Hey, where do you think
you're going?

Our first stop is China.

- Say, what is this?
- Let go of me!

Come on back.

When I'm looking for a guardian
I'll give you the job,

but I'm not looking for one today.

Hey, wait a minute.

Oh, go home, you're boring me.

Well, all right.

- Jim!
- What...



Hey, Wanda!


Hey, listen.

- What?
- I was plenty worried.

- Were you?
- Plenty.

Why did you try and drown
yourself for?

- Don't you know?
- No!

Don't you know what's eating me?

Deep in my heart.

And it hurts.

But maybe... maybe...

Maybe what?

Just the way you said that,
for instance.

Maybe you'll like me better
than anybody... someday.

- I do now.
- Oh, will you?

- I do.
- Oh, you've just got to.

I do!

Wait a minute!
Quiet, everybody.

Quiet, I have an idea.

Here's a twenty-dollar gold piece
for the girl who can find it!

Attention, now! Attention!

Now, girls, listen. Let's make
this contest worthwhile.

Now, to the girl who brings up
this little golf ball,

I'm going to give $1.000.

Come on, ladies.

- Come on, girls, are you ready?
- Yes!

One, two, go!

Now try again.

I'll raise it.

To $2.000.

One, two, go!

All right, now, girls, listen!

The third and last time.

To the girl who brings up
the ball, $3.000.


Benjie Wenjie!
Shoot the works!

Here goes!

Here's your ball, mister!

You're out of three thousand grand!

I think your boyfriend's sick.

If you don't think he's gonna pay me
that $3.000, you're crazy.

Come on, Benjie Wenjie, it'll only take
a second and it won't hurt a bit.

- Come on, Benjie, there you are.
- Oh, not just now.

All you have to do is sign your name.
I've filled it in, $3.000, see?

I don't feel well.

When do you expect to feel
better, dear?

I'm good for it.
I'll give it to you later, Marie.

I ask you with tears in my eyes.


Get a load of this.

Now isn't that just my luck?

You know, there's one consolation.

If he's stingy as all that,
it means he's still got it all.

A man like that doesn't deserve
any consideration.

I'm not a gold digger.

Well, not much anyway.

But I'm gonna dig that one
and dig him plenty.

Good luck.

Last night I was kidding about that
emerald, but I mean it now.

I'm gonna have that emerald.

And what's more, he's gonna pay me that
three thousand smackers too.

You know, Marie, there are other things
in the world besides money.

Kate, are you going straight on me?

Hm-hmm, and I love it.

- Oh, gee, it's swell.
- Hm-hmm, I know.

- But it is, honest.
- Did I ever tell you about my operation?

- Say, stop kidding, I mean it.
- Listen, honey, I've heard that before.

I really have you to thank.

By Jove, I've never seen such
a change in a man.

Baker wanted to go home
last night.

There's a bonus for good work.

Jerry, a thousand, aren't you sweet?

You you!

Didn't want to come on this trip, did you?
Aren't you glad you did?

Imagine getting a thousand dollars
for falling in love.

- Where are we?
- Hm?

- I don't know.
- Well, how did we get here?

Don't ask me. I'm not even
sure we're here.

We're in a trance.
Better be careful crossing the street.

Don't worry. There isn't anything else
in the world but us.

Oh, I know. The zoo.

- What's that?
- That's an elephant.

Oh, of course.

Do you suppose he'd mind?

I don't think so.

Would you mind?

He says no.

That deserves lollipops, and candies,
and peanuts and things. Come on.

Come on, Rudolph, there you are.

Isn't he sweet?
That deserves another.

- I want balloons too.
- Here you are.

Let me have some peanuts.
I want to feed the monkeys.

Come on. Here.

Come on.

Do you mind?

They don't mind either.

- Do you ever get tired of kissing me?
- No!

Well, ask me.

- Do you ever get tired of kissing me?
- Can't get enough of it.

Well, that leads right into what
I've got to tell you.


All right, go ahead.

How would you like to marry me?

- Marry you?
- Yeah.

It means we find a parson and he tells
us we're man and wife.

But... what for?

Well, I got to go back to dear old Lansing.
If you want to go with me...

But I'll go with you.
All I need is a ticket.

You don't have to have a parson
for that, do you?

What is this? Don't you want to marry me?
- Yes, darling.

All I mean is...


Well, all I mean is,

you wouldn't be happy there unless
you were married.

Lansing's not New York, or Paris.

You wouldn't have a friend in town.

I'd have to sneak up side streets
to see you.

I wouldn't care but...
you would, finally.

- I wouldn't care.
- Yes, you would.

What's the difference? You must have
some reason against it, haven't you?

Well, I... I haven't lived the prettiest
life in the world.

Oh, and my wife should be
a woman of...

Was that you who just said that?

Listen, if that's the best you can do,
we'll go right out and get you a ring.

No, there's just one more small item,
I am married.


Darling, not that. He isn't
worth a thing.

He's out of the way, he's utterly nothing.

Will he give you a divorce?

Why, sweet, I suppose so.

We'll make him.

- What are you frowning about?
- Oh, I don't like him.

How can you get in touch with him?
You know where he is?

Well, I... I could call him up.

All right, let's do it right away.
Right here.

- I hope you're jealous.
- I might be at that.

- Got a nickel?
- Yeah, here you are.

Thanks, darling.

Triangle 59373.

- You're still frowning.
- Oh, I don't like that guy.

Aw, silly.

Hello... Hello, is Mr. Howard in?

Strange voice.
I wonder who it is this time.

- Hello?
- Hello... Alex?

Alex, this is Wanda.

Oh... hello.

I have something I want
to talk to you about.

It's terribly important.

- Could you come over tomorrow afternoon?
- Yes.

Is 2 o'clock all right?

All right.


Who was it?

You're not jealous, are you?

No, I never was a bit jealous about you.

It was that cousin of mine.

- Cousin Wanda?
- Yeah.

She wants to see me about something.

# Don't you remember #
# Sweet Alice Ben Bolt? #

# Sweet Alice, whose hair so brown... #
# blond... #

# She wept with delight when you gave... #

I thought you were gift shopping.

Now, that's the fountain pen.

And that's the handkerchief.

Say, Hattie, aren't those socks
finished yet?

Just a minute, my little lump of gold.

So you're knitting socks, eh?

Suppose you embroidered those
handkerchiefs too.


Gee, I hope I didn't leave
any labels on them.

Gee, that's cute.

That was a well-dressed cook
we'll wear.

Yes, I'm just an old-fashioned girl
trying to get along.

Come on, Ella, put it down there
and shell those peas.


You're certainly working hard for
that emerald.

Minnie, you don't know how hard.

You know, Benjie, the homebody,
he likes to sit around the parlor...

and sing old-fashioned songs.

While you and your boyfriend
have been going out,

he's been parked here every
night this week.

And I've been sitting on that
there piano stool...

singing Sweet Alice Ben Bolt.

- He didn't take you out last night?
- Oh, no.

He won't go to nightclubs
on account of couvert charge.

He won't buy theater tickets
on account of the speculating.

And the speakeasies charge more than
the ginger ale is worth.

Oh, he's an ingrate if he doesn't
buy you that emerald.

So long since the war I 'most
forgot how to knit.

Let's see them, Hattie.

Looks like one of them is longer
than the other...

unless it isn't one of them's
shorter than the other.

Get them fixed before tonight,
you'd better.

Why not leave them the way they are?
Then Ben'll be sure you made them yourself.

Hey, I'll buy that.
Come on, Hattie, get the cake.

That's the cake you baked?

Certainly. I don't want any merry
quips about it.

But, Benjie is taking me out
to lunch today.

- Woooh!
- You going out this afternoon, Wanda?

- No, Alex is coming.
- Oh, Alex.

I'll answer that, Hattie.

Well, what do I put it on with?

Smear it on with a knife and make
it look rough-like.

Hm, that's the idea.

Are you Miss Bailey?

- Why, no.
- Well, she lives here, doesn't she?

- Yes. Who are you, please?
- I'm Mrs. Thomas.

Mrs. Benjamin F. Thomas.

- From Lansing, Michigan.
- Oh!

And I want to see Miss Bailey.

Well, I'll tell her you're here.
Will you wait in there, please?

I certainly will.

Someone to see you, Marie.

- Who is it?
- A lady.

Must have the wrong apartment.

Come on, Annabelle, make yourself useful.

How do you do?

- Are you Miss Bailey?
- Yes, I am.

Well, I'm Mrs. Thomas.

Benjamin F. Thomas.

I guess you know who I am,
all right.

- Yes, the name is familiar.
- I should think it would be.

You know, I just can't seem
to place you.

Of course I know that Mr. Thomas
isn't married.

Surely you can't be his mother.

I've been his wife for 13 years.

Oh, then you're the former Mrs. Thomas.

I'm the present Mrs. Thomas.

I haven't divorced him yet.

Well, um...

It's awfully sweet of you
to come to see me.

I've come because I...

I want you should stop letting Ben
make a fool of himself.

- Why, Mrs. Thomas.
- That's what he's doing.

He's just making a fool of himself.

And you ought to be ashamed of yourself
for encouraging him.

Why, Mrs. Thomas, what ever are
you talking about?

He gave you $3.000, didn't he?

- Gave me what?
- Some silly bet or other.

He never gave me a nickel.

It says so, right there in the paper.
Right in black and white.

Mrs. Thomas, he hasn't done anything
but take up space around here.

He hasn't even taken me
to the flea circus.

Well, that sounds like Bennie, all right.

Say, why are you so interested?

You're divorcing him, aren't you?

Well, you can't live with a man for
thirteen years and then...

then just suddenly let it...

Bennie and me always got along
real good.

It was just because he was so stingy.

It just got so I couldn't
stand it any longer.

Just the same, I'm not going to let him
make a fool of himself.

Didn't you ever try to cure him?

Cure him? How?

Shame him into spending.

You can't shame Bennie into anything.

Why, all these years he's never even
given me an engagement ring.

And I've talked about it plenty too.

Then after a while he got stubborn.

Then he wouldn't give me a nickel.

He might, for someone else.

What good does that do me?

Mrs. Thomas, I think you're still
in love with him.

Well, I never said I wasn't.

And I think he's in love with you.

Oh, do you?


You know what I think?

If we could make him spend
some real money just once...

- he'd be a different man.
- You do?

Hm-hmm. It's like taking that first
plunge in cold water.

- Who'll push him in?
- Both of us.

You'd take him back if he wasn't
stingy, wouldn't you?


I haven't said I wouldn't.

You know, you know, this drawing room
is awful formal.

- Modern, isn't it?
- Hm-hmm.

Let's go into my bedroom and talk,
it's so much cozier.

- What's your first name?
- Daisy.

- Hm, isn't that pretty.
- I always hated it.

Well, Daisy...

There's an emerald ring
that I'm just mad about.

I want to tell you it's the loveliest...

It's awful silent in there.

It's awful sweet of you
to give me this hat.

Oh, you can wear all my things.
We're just the same type.

Yes, we are, aren't we?

I'm a son of a gun.

- Now don't forget, Daisy.
- Two o'clock.

- And you're gonna be on time.
- I will.

- Wait a minute, here's your hat.
- Oh, that old thing.

Now don't you worry. I can find
my way out myself.

- All right. Goodbye, sugar.
- Goodbye.

Bryant 97540.

Hello, honey, give me Mr. Thomas,
will you?

Yeah... uh-huh.

Hello, Benjie.

Benjie, don't forget we
have a lunch date.

And then we're going shopping...

Hello... hello!
Wait a minute, wait a minute, Benjie.

Oh, just a few things from
the five and ten.


No, no, Mr. Alex, I tell you
Miss Wanda ain't home.

Now, Hattie, I've got an appointment
with her. I'll wait.

She'll be back.

No, sir, I don't expect her
for two or three weeks.

- Hello, Alex.
- Thanks for rescuing me.

Go in there and sit down.
I'll be right in.

Hattie, what's the matter with you?
I told you Mr. Howard was coming.

I don't care. I don't like to see
my little cream puff...

messing around with that rascal.

Now Hattie, there's nothing
to worry about.

He just come around for money.

They's all just alike,
I don't care what color they is.

There comes a time in every
woman's life...

when a man needs five dollars.

Thanks, Hattie. I can take care
of myself.

What's on your mind?
- You know, it's a funny thing, Wanda.

I was just about to call you
when that phone rang yesterday.

Were you? What for?

Well, what do you suppose?

Oh, Alex, haven't you got
a job yet?

Nothing steady. And of course
the family won't do anything.

But why think of the family? You've got
to learn to stand on your own feet.

But I've had a lot of hard luck lately.

Yeah... something you don't know
anything about.

Alex, you've always had hard luck,

Is that what you brought
me over here to talk about?

Oh now, Alex.
Alex, wait. Come here.

Don't let's start fighting again.

Oh, all right.

- I want a divorce.
- Oh?


Why does anybody want a divorce?

Uh-huh... meet somebody you like?


Well, a divorce costs an awful
lot of money.

And I'm absolutely broke.

It won't be any expense to you.
Jim'll take care of all that.

He's rich?


- Quite.
- Well, that would be a help.

That wouldn't make any
difference anyway.

I'm in love with him.

Hattie, what are you snooping
around here for?

Excuse me, Miss Wanda, but how many
are you gonna have for dinner?

Four. The others are coming afterwards.

Yes, ma'am.

Come here, Alex.

What I want to know is...

- Party tonight?
- Birthday party.

- Oh, your new heart.
- No, a friend of his.

Alex, can I get a divorce
without fighting in court?


Hey, I'm not the one to stand
in the way of true love.

Oh... thank you, Alex.

I really do appreciate it.

Not a bit.

Now listen. Let me be the first to
congratulate you on getting rid of me.


Maybe you'll need this.


So you'll attend to everything, Wanda?

I'll let you know.

Well... goodbye.

Prehaps you are interested in this
emerald ring, Miss Bailey,

we've decided to let it go
for $7.000.

Oh, no, we're just looking around.

Oh, isn't it a divine color, Benjamin?
Don't you just love it?

Do you realize what $7.000 on a first
mortgage at 8% would bring you?

Well, I was only looking at it, Benjamin.

That's a ridiculous price.

Oh, Benjamin, I want you to see
this thing. It's superb, look!

Oh, clerk, clerk!
Let me see that ring again.

- Yes, madame.
- Yes, I'll take it.

- What's the name, please?
- Mrs. Thomas.

Mrs. Benjamin F. Thomas.
Burning Hills Hotel.

Not Mrs. Benjamin F. Thomas
of Lansing, Michigan?

Hm, I guess everybody's heard
of Ben Thomas,

or as some people call him,
the copper king.

But what they never heard
is how stingy he is.

- What...
- Oh, Benjamin, is that woman your wife?

I say, he never even gave me an
engagement ring.

I don't believe he'd even have given
me a wedding ring.

only his mother left hers when
she passed on.

Oh, I think it's dreadful to say
things like that.

Imagine talking that way to a perfect
stranger, and a clerk, too!

I want that engraved.

I want it to say,
"To Daisy, from Benjamin."

Yes, madame.

It's taken me 13 years to get that
from the small-town cheapskate.

Bring all those emerald rings!

You're going to have the very
best in this shop!

- I'll show them!
- Oh, Benjamin!

Bring out anything else
this girl wants.

Let's have some pearls!
The bigger the better!

I don't care what they cost!
The best you got in the place, huh?

I'm good for it!

- Benjie!
- Oh, those look fine on you, Marie!

Now let's have some diamonds!

Let's have some bracelets
and breast pins.

I'm partial to diamonds myself.

And charge it all to me!

Benjamin F. Thomas, Thomas Building,
Lansing, Michigan!

Oh, Benjie, these are too gorgeous!

That ain't all. Let's have
some watches!

Some watches.
Confound it, gold watches.

Oh, Benjie, a watch too?

Yes, girl, I'll show them whether I'm
a small-town cheapskate or not.

- Madame will wear them?
- Yes.


These are going to be engraved too.

Send them to my hotel.

I'll give them to you tonight
at the party.

So Benjamin F. Thomas, the copper king,
is a small-town cheapskate, huh?

I'll have a long gray beard
by the time Benjie gets here.

What's happened to the guest
of honor?

Maybe he forgot it was his birthday.

Swell party, Marie.
I'm having such a restful time.

Hm, I'm so glad. You must come
and see us sometime.

Are you sure you're ringing
Mr. Thomas's room?

All right, I'll wait.

Did you see him?

- Who, Alex?
- Yeah.

Hm-hmm, everything's fine.

- He was awfully nice about it.
- Shouldn't he be?

Oh, now, darling, don't be cross.

He just doesn't exist.

All right, thank you.

- He's disappeared.
- Poor Marie.

And me all done up in my brocade.

- Any news?
- He's not at the hotel.

You don't suppose he's gone
back to Michigan, do you?

No, I can't understand it.
He said he'd meet me here.

I knew I never should have taken
that emerald off.

Don't give your right names!

Anybody here got a guilty conscience?

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday, dear Benjie,

Happy Birthday to you!

- Happy Birthday, Benjie.
- Oh, thanks, Marie.

My own, dear, sweet Marie.

Friends, this is the happiest moment
of my life.

And it's all due to this dear, sweet
little woman.

- Cut your cake!
- Where's the speech?

Come on, Benjie.
Now, Benjie...

this is going to be a real
old-fashioned party.

We're going to drink lemonade,

we're going to dance the Virginia reel,

we're going to play games
and make you feel at home.

- Oh, but I don't want to feel at home.
- Oh, Benjie!

No sir, I tell you! I'm just sick of this
old-fashioned stuff!

I suppose you people think I'm
a back number.

- Why, Benjie, you told me...
- Well, that's all changed.

I've been wasting my life...

and from now on I'm going to travel
with the fastest of them.

See here! Put on those pearls.

Benjie, oh my...

- And that bracelet.
- Why, Benjie, isn't that beautiful?

- And this watch.
- Oh, my watch!

I only wish that Daisy Thomas
was here.

I'd show her I'm no small-town

Look at this.
Your emerald!

And it's engraved, too. And it says,
"To Marie, from Benjamim".

Oh, Benjie, I didn't think you cared!

Come on, everybody, get hot!

Isn't she marvelous? That's more money
than Ben's spent in his whole life.

Excuse me, darling.

- Alex, what are you doing here?
- Nothing.

- I just thought I'd crash the party.
- I wish you wouldn't.

Oh, well, if you feel that about it,
I'll run along.

No, I don't want you to go, but it just
might be a little embarrassing.

What's the matter,
your boyfriend jealous?

He doesn't like you for some reason.

Oh, that's all right.
I'll keep out of his sight.

You won't even have to introduce us.

But aren't you...

Oh Wanda, darling, I want you to get
a load of some real pearls.

- Alex is here, I want to...
- Alex'll keep.

I'll be right back.

Pull yourselves together, darlings.

You know, Wanda, dear, there's
something about real pearls.

They are divine.

Oh, a mere nothing, my dear,
but the best they had in the shop.

I want you to see this emerald.
Isn't it beautiful?

It's lovely. Let me try it on.
Try it on indeed! That's the way I got it.

Do you have a light?


- Have we met each other?
- My name is Baker.

- Jim Baker?
- Yeah.

We have a lot in common.
I'm Alex Howard.

Oh... you're Wanda's husband.

Yeah... You know, I've got
something to tell you.

- It can wait.
- It's very important to you.

Yeah, and to Wanda too.

What is it?

I think we'd better go
in the other room.

Of course you've got to be
very careful, dear.

- Emeralds are so fragile.
- Hmm...

Is that why you don't wear
them, darling?

I wonder what Alex is hanging
around here for.

Oh, Alex!

It's not as simple as all that, Mr. Baker.
You're coming between a man and his wife.

What are you talking about?
She wants the divorce.

Yes, but how? On what grounds?

I've done nothing she can
divorce me for.

Well, didn't you agree
to give her one?

Well, I've changed my mind.

- I feel that I should get the divorce.
- All right, get it.

If that's all you got to say.

Just one more thing.

I'm going to name you as correspondent.

What makes you think you
can prove it?

I could try, couldn't I?

Just a shot in the dark.
Sorry, it won't work.

Still, we can try.


What do you mean we?

Oh, nothing.

Say, where do you get
your information?

From the very best source.

Well, you know, I'm willing
to be reasonable.

I see.

How much?

Ten thousand.

Suppose I were to say never
mind the divorce.

What would you say to that?

I'd still say ten thousand.

I see.

Of course, your reputation
may not be worth that.

That's for you to decide.

Well, Howard, it looks as though
you have me in a spot.

Not at all. I simply need money
and you need respectability.

Fair exchange, huh?

Oh, uh... here's a blank check.

You thought of everything.

- Thank you.
- Now put up your hands.

Put them up!


- Anything wrong?
- Wrong? No, everything worked perfectly.

- Like a charm.
- Jim.

They don't come cleverer than you.
You got them all stopped.

What do you mean? What happened?

- Oh, now, listen.
- Oh, wait, wait!

- Jim, what did Alex say?
- He said plenty.

- But what, tell me.
- I'm telling you you're brilliant.

But you're wasting it now
because you've lost a sucker.

Oh, Jim... Jim!

You know, I'm worth a lot more
than ten thousand.

Why didn't you marry me
and get a hundred?

- You gave him ten thousand?
- Oh, what a gift. With all my love.

You'll split it, huh?
Five apiece.

- He blackmailed you.
- Nothing, dear. Just a little settlement.

More of a friendly little agreement.

Maybe you won't have to split.

Maybe you're still so close
it doesn't matter who has it.

How dare you speak to me like that!
How dare you!

Ha, she still thinks I'm hooked.

Well, I'm not.
So run along and meet your pal.

Left, pause.

Hey, Ben, I want to see you.

- What, what about?
- Come on out and I'll tell you.

I'll be right back, Marie.

Come on, Marie!

- Wanda, what on earth has happened.
- Oh, I don't know.

Everything's mixed up.
Alex blackmailed him some way.

- Jim?
- Yeah. Ten thousand dollars.

How could he do a thing like that?

He must have known what Jim
would think.

I'm going to go to Brooklyn.
He's living there with some cheap little...

I'll get that money.

- Or he goes to jail.
- I'll go with you.

No, darling, it's my fight.

I want to get that ten thousand dollars
if it's the last thing I do.

- They're just a couple of rubes, Ben.
- There's no doubt about that.

You haven't even got a gold brick
to take back as a souvenir.

You know, it's my wife that did it.

She had me so mad I was spitting fire.

I bought enough jewelry to open up
a jewelry shop.

Took you for plenty, huh?

Plenty? Fifty-two thousand five hundred.

Well, I lost ten thousand.

And my faith in women.

What does that add up to?

There ought to be some way
of getting that stuff back.

- Can't the police help us?
- So they can make us both look foolish?

We'll be in the papers, huh?
Like that divorce thing of mine.

Hello, Wanda.

- Didn't get very far, did you?
- What do you want?

I want that money you got
from Jim Baker.

I can't give it to you.
I need it.

- I've got to have it.
- Want me to have you arrested?

- What for?
- Blackmail.

I may as well be in jail as broke.

I tell you I'm desperate.
I've got to have that money.

Not only me.

Oh, I know. The woman who answered
the phone the other day.

No, this time it's different.

You give me that money back
or I'll send for the police.

You've wakened Mrs. Howard.

I think she'd like to see you.

Come on in.

How are you feeling, dear?

Who's that with you, honey?

This is Wanda.

Oh, yes. Cousin Wanda.

Alex has been telling me about
your being kin folk.

And how you're the only relative
he's got that's tried to help him out.

Help yourself to a chair, honey.

- Is that what he told you?
- Yes.

I just made him tell me where
the money was coming from.

Do draw up a chair and sit down.

Well, I don't think I can stay very long.

You haven't seen the baby,
have you?

- Nurse!
- Oh, here she is, Mrs. Howard.

Oh, please, may I?

Certainly, cousin Wanda.

Isn't she pretty?

Oh, yes. Yes, she's lovely.

You don't know how sweet Alex has been.

Always trying to cheer me up
and make me laugh.

He's the dearest thing in the world.

Aren't you, honey?

Yes, yes, of course.

- You mustn't tire yourself.
- Don't go yet, honey.

Oh, you must take some rest,
Mrs. Howard.


Goodbye, cousin Wanda.

Good luck.

You're even lower than I thought.

You see the spot I'm in?
Oh, give me a break.

Give me until tomorrow before
you do anything.

- Baker won't miss that money.
- Don't worry, I won't do anything.

You mean that, Wanda?

Of course I mean it.

You think I could...

hurt those two?


I'll tell you the truth.

If you only let me cash that check.

I need that money. Just until I can get
back on my feet and pay it back.

What do you mean tell me the truth.


We're divorced.


I got it two years ago in Mexico.
I thought you knew.

But when I found out how rich
this Baker was...

Well, I was desperate. I had
to do something.

So you're gonna let him keep
that money, huh?


It isn't any too much for what
they have ahead of them.

Well, I suppose that finishes
you and Jim.

You know I'll have to pay him back
that money, somehow.

- Why?
- I've just got to.

Oh, don't be a fool, Wanda. That money
doesn't mean anything to Jim.

It does to me.

I see what you mean.

Well, babe, I've got $50.000 worth
of junk on me, take your pick.

Darling, I couldn't do that.

- Don't be silly.
- You know...

I hate to say this, but...
I want you to give those back.

- You're crazy.
- Oh, I know it sounds selfish.

But if you don't,
Jim'll think I'm in on it.

Oh, baby, but after all the work
I put in it.

Oh, I've got no right to ask it,
but Jim thinks we work together.

Even if I did, look.

Wanda, tell me, where are you gonna
get the ten thousand?

I don't know, I've got some
jewelry to sell and...

And some clothes...

Well, you couldn't raise three grand
on the whole outfit by tomorrow.

We ought to get something out
of this ermine coat.

Those second-hand vultures are
pretty mean, you know,

Why couldn't we get Winnie, and Dot,
Ann and have a sale?

Not bad. We'll try to squeeze a few
pennies out of those belles.

Now let's see, what have we got?

- Oh, here's the sable scarf.
- That cost seven thousand.

Yeah. And these three dinner dresses.
None of them copies, either.

- What about that sea gown?
- That's yours!

Oh, I've got a lot of junk
I'm sick of anyway.

There's that gold toilet set.

Winnie'll buy that, she's mad
about that.

Yes, and so are you.

Oh, I'm sick of it.

But, we could keep it for the last...

and maybe we can get the
ten thousand without it.

I can't try to tell you what
a pal I think you are.

Don't do it.

I'll tell what a fool
I think you are.

Now then, girls, be patient, will you?
Be patient.

- Am I late?
- Not for you. Sit down.

Now girls, it's all very simple.

We need ten thousand dollars.

Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute!

Don't go, please!

Wait a minute, you're going to get
something for it. We're selling out.

Everything on that table's for sale.

Now come on, it's no gag. There's beautiful
things that you've always wanted.

- How much?
- Any reasonable price.

- Why not have an auction?
- That's an idea.

- Sold to the highest bidder.
- Here!

Thanks! This will be great
for keeping order.

Well, quiet!

The first item is this beautiful
square-cut diamond.

The price is $5.000.
What are my offers?

- A hundred.
- Who made that low crack?

- Five hundred.
- Oh, stop fooling.

- Fun's fun, but we need some money.
- Fifteen hundred.

That's better but not enough.

Come on, Park Avenue penthouse,
make it two thousand.

- Who, me?
- I don't mean your Aunt Ella.

- All right.
- All right!

I got two thousand, I got two.
Who'll make it twenty-five?

Do I hear twenty-five?

Say, have I got to give this thing away?

Oh, come on, let's have another bid.

Now, for the second time,
am I bid twenty-one?

For the third and last time...

- Sold.
- Maybe I haven't enough money in the bank.

Sit down and write a check.
If I had your money, I'd go straight.

Now then, girls, just a moment.

Get a load of that.
Look at that divine sable scarf.

Winnie, you ought to have it. Really, you're
the only one that can wear it.

Look at it.

- Nine hundred.
- Nine hundred! Who'll make it a thousand?

- A thousand.
- One. Do I hear two?

- A thousand fifty.
- Say, don't give me any fifties.

How about three?

Hey, Winnie, don't let Anne get it.
Freeze her out.

Three thousand.

I think Marie's trying to sell it to Winnie.

Three thousand. Anyone else?


Say, why don't you stop?
You're just running the price up.

- Why don't you?
- No, now, girls, let's be friends.

- Who'll give me thirty-five?
- I will.

You're just being mean.
You know I want that scarf.

- So do I!
- Why should you have it?

I made the first bid, didn't I?

- Four thousand.
- Oh, take it!

Oh, don't let her get it so easily.

Bid five thousand.
She'll probably quit.

- I won't.
- Let her have it.


Now wait a minute, girls.
Girls, wait a minute.

Here's something no nice girl
should be without.

Look at that divine ermine coat.
Isn't it beautiful?

Come on, model it, Wanda.

Isn't that lovely? How much
did it cost, Wanda?

I don't know, it was a present.

Well, it's certainly beautiful.
I'm mad about it.

Well, it's a nice coat, but everybody's
seen Wanda wear it around.

Oh, that's nothing. I was going
to buy it myself.

All you got to do is put
a sable collar around there.

Put some sable cuffs on it,
you add three skins in there...

and sort of wrap it around you.
It'll give you the most marvelous...

- Dot, wait a minute...
- You'll look much better. You need a long, slim...

- Do you want to buy it?
- I'll give you four hundred.

- Four hundred?
- Not enough.

Four, Four, I got four.
Who'll make it five?

- Come on, girls, five.
- I can't afford it.

See? Nobody else wants it.
You'll have to sell it to me.

Not unless I get three bids.

All right. Four hundred and five.

Four hundred and ten.

Make it five and I throw in
the dinner dress.

- Okay.
- Sold!

- Come on.
- Come on, girls.

Now, the next thing is this very
valuable toilet set.

All in one impressive case.

It's been an ornament of mine
for the last six months and...

I'd certainly hate to part with it

Marie, we won't have to sell it.

We have enough.

Sale's over!

Hattie, get the ladies their
hats and sticks.

Good afternoon, ladies.
Glad to see you.

Come in.

Count it!

- What's that?
- That's the money I stole from you.

- And why give it back?
- Oh, just the mood I'm in.

My moods are funny that way. Sometimes
I steal, and sometimes I give it back.

So you've been borrowing from
your friends to pay it back.

Doesn't matter how I got it.
You wouldn't understand anyway.

Are you gonna go on pretending
you're hard?

Seems to me you started all this
pretending a week ago.

I stopped a week ago.

Wanda, I don't know how
to tell you this...


Here's your $3.000.

- Did you bring the jewels?
- Why, no.

Now listen, I don't want any more
arguments about this.

I want them back.

You know that I never intended for you
to keep them in the first place.

You know there was over $50.000
in jewels there?

Why, in all my married life I never spent
that much money foolishly.

All right. If I give those things back, do
you promise to give them to Mrs. Thomas?

Why, certainly I will.

I'll give them to her
the first time I see her.

- You Indian giver.
- Now, Marie...

Don't they look divine, Benjie?

You know... you know...

Benjamin meant for you to have them all
the time, it's just that he's so bashful.

- Did you, Bennie?
- Why, certainly I did, Daisy.

Just a miracle. I wouldn't have
believed it possible.

I want to have a good long
talk with you, Marie.

Now, don't you go with her, Daisy.

I want to find out how you do it.

Now Daisy, listen, you carry
on like this...

and the first thing you know
you'll just turn out to be a...

another one of those girls about town.

Well, I don't know why I shouldn't.

No wife of mine is going
to do a thing like that.

Marie, you tell her what
a terrible life it is.

I'll bet you I'd like it.

Now Daisy, listen, one fool
in this town is enough.

You don't know how to tell me what?

Well, about last night.

The way I acted.

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think of
anything except how rotten I was.

You meant every word you said.

I would have believed anything
last night.

- Because I was jealous of him.
- Of Alex?

Oh, I hated him because you'd
been his.

I took it out on you.

- But you did believe it.
- For a moment, yes.

Can't you... forgive me?


I see.

Then you're going back
to your husband.

Heavens no, we're divorced.

- Divorced?
- Yes, two years ago.

- Then there was nothing at all in the way?
- Nothing.

- I only found out about the divorce lately.
- Oh, come here.

- Let me go, I hate you.
- Now listen...

I won't listen, I hate you.

After all the torture you put me through,
I'll never forgive you, never!

I won't take no for an answer.

Your heart's been set on it
right from the first.

- Oh, Daisy, I just couldn't take it.
- I want it you should have it.

We're the same type, you know.

Well, I'll leave you and Benjie alone now.
You must have a lot to say to each other.

Say, what's the matter?
Can't you two just stay mad?

Jim and I are going to live
in Lansing, Marie.

- What time does the train leave?
- Five minutes after we're married.

I'll help you pack.
Come on.

Circle 71633.

Of course, Daisy dear, you won't want
to wear them on the train.

Now, I want them back first thing
when we get to Lansing.

Oh, absolutely. But I don't want you
to look gawdy while we're travelling.


Hello, Jerry?
Jerry, this is Marie.

My telephone number is still the same.

But from now on I work alone.

Subtitles: Lu?s Filipe Bernardes