Girl Gang (1954) - full transcript

A sleazy gangster has a gang of young girls commit robberies and prostitution for him by getting them hooked on drugs.

Come on in, girls,
I'll tell Joe you're here.

Yeah, tell him to hurry,
it's very important.

Hi, kids, what gives?

Ah, just blazing a few weeds.

Yeah, me too.

Gotta revitalize my system.

- You kids joining in?
- Yeah, let's make it

-a tea party.
- Can't do it.

- We're here on business.
- Yeah,

just dragged in a new deal.

Got another car for you.

A real slick job, too.

- Oh, where's it at?
- Outside on the lot, of course.

How many times
have I told you kids

not to drag a hot car out here?

We need money fast, that's why.

Better go down,
take a look at it

before the owner
comes around and claims it.

how'd you kids get the car?

Ah, we just laid the driver
to rest out on the highway.

How many times have I told you?
No rough stuff.

I only touched him lightly.

Yeah, he must've been
the weak type.

Why bother with details, Joe?

We get 'em, you buy them.

Okay, I'll take a look at it.

Jack, come on, let's go out
and look at the car.

- Okay, boss.
- Don't forget,

we want a quick deal.

Just as Jack and I are as snug
as two fleas on a camel's back,

you gals gotta barge in
and take him away from me.

He'll be right back,
he only went outside

to look at the junk heap
we brought in for Joe.

You must be loaded.

Let me have a puff
off your weed.

Go ahead,
anything else you want?

Quit crying,
we'll make it up to you

as soon as we get
some money from Joe.

Joe promised to put me
next to a good deal, too.

Yeah? Tell us about it.

I ain't talking right now.

The car looks okay,
drive it over to Bud's garage

-and come right back.
- Okay, boss.

What, $200?

Why, that's nothing
for that car.

We gotta split that four ways.

We can sell it ourselves
and get four times that much.

Oh, no, you can't,
it's a hot car.

I gotta give it a new paint job

and change the serial numbers
on the engine.

Then, I'll have to
practically give it away

to get my dough out of the deal.

Yeah, and you take
our money back

as soon as we get it from you.

You sure got us
coming and going.

Oh, let's forget
the whole thing.

Tomorrow's another day.

Here's your share,
and let's stop beefing.

This'll just about
last me two days.

Here, take some money,
I want a shot.

By the way,
you owe me eight bucks,

so I'll take that, too.

Well, let's load up
if we're going to the cellar.

Hey, how about me?

When do I get to join
the Cellar Club?

Any time now, Joe tells me
you're being a regular gal

these days.

Yeah, Joe, why not
come along with us?

- You know you're always welcome.
- Sorry, girls,

can't do it,
gotta watch the joint.

You know, you never can tell
when business will drop in.

No sticks for me,
I want another shot.

- Heroin, that is.
- Okay,

I'll have Daisy
take care of you.

Let's have your money,
girls, come on.

All right, on your way,
come on, on your way.

I'm busy here.

Say, Joe, how about
a couple sticks on the cuff?

Sorry, honey, can't do it.

Ah, come on.

You can't be that mean.

Oh, it's you. Hello, Doc.

I'll give you my word.

I'll pay you back just as soon
as I get some money.

Your word don't mean a thing.

As it is, you're getting too
many of these on the cuff.

Come to think of it, you owe me
1 or 12 bucks already.

I can't help it, Joe,
I just gotta have it.

It's got it where I don't
feel these things anymore.

I gotta have five or six a day
to keep me going.

Anyone would think
you're an old timer.

Could be.

How was I to know
it'd get ya so fast?

Say, what's going on
around here?

- Kid parties?
- As if you didn't know.

Oh, I just thought I'd ask.

They're all grown-up kids.

You don't say.

Yes, as a matter of fact,
Joe's educating one of them

right now.

Always kinda makes me
just a little nervous.

Say, ya haven't got
a little drink, have ya?

I guess so,

as long as you don't ask me
for money on top.

Come to think of it,
I could use a little

of that now, too.

Don't you worry, honey,
I'll show you

something stronger,
something make you wish

you never seen marijuana before.

- You mean it?
- Sure do.

Well, you're a swell guy, Joe.

I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Oh, hello, Doc, come on in.

Good Doc's always handy
to have around.

Always been competent,
haven't I?

June, I want you
to meet Doc Bradford.

Old saw bones here
is a regular guy.

Oh, we've met before,
haven't we, Doc?

That is, professionally.

You're okay, Doc.

Say, how many bosses
do you work for anyway?

Oh, I get around.

Glad to be of service, you know?

Come to think of it,
you can be of a little service

right now.

- What is it, boss?
- Want you to show June here

how to use the needle.

Why, she's only a kid.

From what you just said,
it seems you've met before,

professionally, that is.

That ought to take her
out of the kid bracket.

That was medical.

- This is different.
- Did I ask for an opinion?

Each day you give me
the dirtiest jobs.

I don't feel like
breaking a kid in on a habit.

The way you talk
anyone would think

you're about to
get your license back.

Well, you needn't bring that up.

That makes me nervous.

And besides,
it's only a piece of paper.

You're getting kinda particular
all of a sudden, aren't ya?

Why pick on me?

You sell that stuff,
why don't you

-show 'em how to use it?
- All right,

give me a clean needle
and I'll show her how it's done.

Mighty handy where you're
carrying your equipment.

I know, I know,
just in case of emergency.

Now, get out,
if I need you I'll call you.

Go on, get out of here.

Is this something really good?

Nothing like it.

First thing you know,
you'll want nothing else but.

For the life of me, Daisy,

I can't see what makes you
hang around Joe.

He doesn't even
pay any attention to you.

His mind's on kids,

like the one
he's in there educating now.

Eh, it isn't Joe
I'm interested in.

Just that hanging around
this joint makes it easy

for me to get what I need.

Too bad, Daisy.

You're a good kid.

Why, I'd even help you
try and break the habit.

It's too late, Doc.

You saw that kid
in there with Joe.

Well, not long ago,
I, too, was listening to Joe

in that same room.

Always be sure and have
the needle as clean as possible.

Now, pay close attention, June.

I'm watching.

Heroin is sold in capsules.

It's a lot more expensive
than marijuana.

When you need it, see me.

I got ya, Joe,
you're a regular guy.

Be seeing ya, Daisy.

So long, Doc.

Hi, Doc.

Here, hold this.

You dissolve it in the spoon
with a few drops of water.

Then, you heat the drug
with a match.

You then absorb it
into the hypodermic,

like this.

Put your leg up on the couch.

You inject the stuff
under the skin.

On a girl a leg is best,
few will get to see

the needle marks.

Well, after that errand
and the long walk back,

I guess I earned myself
a joypop.

You didn't give me
a chance to offer.

As, uh--as a matter of fact,
I had you in mind.

Come on in the kitchen,
I'll fix you up.

What'd they say
over at the garage?

Ah, it's a hot car all right.

They'll have to give it
a paint job real fast

and switch numbers on the motor.

I wouldn't worry about it
if I were you.

Bud's got customers waiting
just for a job like that.

Well, seem to know your stuff,
right in the vein.

Yep, I like my drug
to act faster and work powerful,

that's why I go in
for hitting the mainliner.

Okay, a little
too much water there.

Pour a little of the water out.

Okay, wait a minute.


There ya go.

See you promoted June into
a customer for the heavy stuff.

She'll have the habit
and have it bad

-in no time at all.
- That's not for you to say.

June is a nice kid,
but she'll soon be

as bad as I am,

once you find out
it takes a lot more money.

I wouldn't worry about it
if I were you.

Girls can take care
of themselves very nicely.

A lot more so than men.

You don't have to tell me.

I know it as well as you do.

Say, uh, by the way, Jack,
it's been quite some time

since you brought me
a greenhorn.

I could use a few new customers.

All right, June and I'll have
a couple for you tomorrow.

- I'll go to school kids.
- Do I ask questions?

It'll mean
some more free shots for it.

Oh, don't forget June,
she'll soon be going strong

on the new habit, too,
thanks to you.

Okay, hold on, I'll ask Joe.

Hey, boss, Jack on the phone
wants to know if it's okay

to bring over a couple of dudes.

Sure, tell him to bring 'em over
before they change their minds.


Hello, Jack.

Boss says it's okay.

No, nobody here but Joe and I.

Bring him over any time.


Here's your gang, boss.

Susan wants a shot, um,
I'll take care of her

-in the kitchen .
- Good.

- Jack.
- Hi, boss.

I want you to meet Wanda
and Bill here, pals of mine.

- Sorry we're late, Wanda.
- My pals, too.

It's a pleasure, I assure you.

Wanda and I have been
getting acquainted

while she was waiting for you.

Say, uh, you sure your friends
aren't too young?

They're okay, they're not
too young for you, Joe.

Besides, they've never
tried anything before.

Well, that's just wonderful.

Make yourself at home, sit down.

We've never tried it before.

I'm not afraid,
I'm ready to give it a try.

Well, let's get down
to business.

- You kids got any money?
- Sure, I got money.

Don't worry about me,
I always have money.

My folks, well, I mean,
they always give me

the money I need.

That's interesting to know,
I'll, uh--

I'll mark you down
as a preferred customer.

Here are your weeds.

Just one for Bill and Wanda.

Ah, I almost forgot, beginners.

Take it easy, Joe.

They'll soon be
regular fellas, however.

Just to show you kids
that you're welcome

because you're newcomers,
when you leave,

I'm gonna give you one a piece
on the house.

Gee, thanks a lot, that's swell.

We appreciate it, Mister.

Drop it, call me Joe.

Joe's a regular guy, kids.

Hey, Joe,
I can use a weed later.

How about a joypop?
I think I've earned it.

Yeah, me too, Joe,
I think I can use a mainliner.

Sure, I'll, uh-?
I'll put it on the cuff.

Those things come high.

Be right back.

Let's blaze 'em right away.

But, watch out, kids,
since you've never

tried it before,
you'll hit the ceiling.

Yeah, I'll steer ya
on how to do it.

Hold it, kid, hold it.

Just hold it a second.

Just like
a couple of old timers.

It'll be easier
on the next drag.

Take another puff, it'll help.

Just go easy at first.

Hm, not bad.

I'm beginning to like it.

Oh, just be
a couple of old timers

like us pretty soon.

Yeah, and I wanna join
the sewing club, too.

Kid's got 'em.

Well, they're tuned in
from now on.

Say, how about you fellas?

- I don't see you smoking.
- Oh, don't worry about us.

We've been waiting
for something a little stronger.

You don't say,
I got to find out about that.

All right, you will soon enough.

When the right time comes.

I'm satisfied with this,
it's all I want.

Come on, Jack, let's find out
what's keeping Joe

-all this time.
- Yeah, we'll see ya later, kids.

Take your time, take your time.

Good thing you're ready, Joe,
my nerves are beginning to get

-the jumping jives.
- You didn't think

I was gonna give you a joypop
in front of those dumb kids,

-did ya?
- Before you know it,

those kids won't be so dumb.

Just make sure you don't take
too many of those mainliners.

Only when I need 'em.

I gotta be going,
feel like a million.

Hey, aren't ya
gonna wait for me?

Nah, you better stay
and take care of the kids.

They gotta find their way home.

- Maybe I'll be back by then.
- Yeah, you better stay.

- I wanna talk to ya.
- What about?

About that job
you wanted to go on.

these shots cost money.

Got it all set for you to work
at Brown's Real Estate office.

- That old fossil?
- Easy job.

All you gotta do
is answer the phone

and watch the front office.

Yeah, what else
am I supposed to do?

Nothing much,
just keep borrowing from him

a little each day,
four, five bucks,

enough to pay for some
of these shots you need.

- Sounds boring to me.
- Not for long.

Time will come
when I'll tell you to do better.

That guy's got dough.

Okay, Joe, anything ya say.

You're a regular guy.

Hey, you kids gonna remain here?

- What time is it?
- It'll soon be 7:00.

Joe says he may need the room.

Quit beefing, we're staying.

How about a few more Mary lanes?

- You too, honey.
- Yeah, bring in the crowd.

You better call your ma, Wanda,
so you don't get into trouble.

Tell her
you're having supper with me.

My ma doesn't worry about me.

She has lots of friends.

Wealthy people always
have lots of friends.

Just the same,
you better call your ma.

No, no, you call.

She might believe you.

- I'm dizzy.
- Okay, leave it to me.

I'll tell her.

I wanna thank you for
bringing in the new customers.

You're a swell gal
and I like ya.

Any time you want a favor,
ask me.

Thanks, I'll remember that.

Say, uh,
that Wanda's quite a gal.

You just keep away from her.

- She's too young.
- If that's true,

she's starting early:
Weeds today, shots tomorrow.

Hey, I thought
you were on my side.

I am, I like you.

Say, Mister,
I got a phone call to make.

- Got a dime?
- Out of money?

You don't expect kisses
for nothing.

Come on,
go sit over in that chair.

Come on, come on, come on.

Won't do yourself any good
acting that way.

Be nice and you'll go places.

- Well, you frightened me.
- I didn't mean to.

Don't you worry, Mrs. Johnson.

We're gonna have a swell dinner.

You don't mind?

I thought you were June's pet.

Well, just pet, that's all.

- I'm sorry.
- That's better.


This ought to make us pals.

Gee, thanks a lot.

No, Mrs. Johnson,
there are no boys with us.

I know you won't be lonely,

I can hear you have company.

Good bye.

Oh, it's you. Hello, Doc.


Yep, I can tell,
you're all hopped up.

- You've just had another shot.
- So what of it, Doc?

Be sensible.

- Where is Joe?
- In the room

with a couple of kids.


Hello, Joe.

Oh, hello, Doc.

What's this
frothy little thing?

I haven't seen her
around the joint before.

Oh, this is Wanda,
she's new here.

Had her sticks today
for the first time.

Can't say she's green anymore.

Hello, Wanda, sweet name.


Say, what's this refuse
doing here?

Oh, that's Bill.

For a moment, I thought
the garbage collectors

were on strike.

Say, Doc,

how would you like
a good, stiff drink?

Say, that's what
I come in here for.

Then, how about you and Joe
going out in the kitchen

while I take care of Wanda?

Think we could try
for the Cellar Club soon?

I'm ready whenever you are.

- What about Bill here?
- We gotta include him,

or he and his folks
might make it rough for us.

Okay, I'll talk to Dot
and the other gals.

Say, uh,

would you happen to have
some money you could loan me?

Sure, I can always
talk my folks out of money.

- I'll pay you back.
- Forget it.

It's yours for bringing me here,

but don't tell
any of the others.

Just a minute there,
before you gals

can go any further,
you should know

that there are certain
initiation requirements.

Yeah, I know all about it,
tell her, she doesn't.

You promised I could join
the regular smoke club.

Ah, you're advancing
pretty fast, honey,

but I still don't think
you know about

these certain requirements.

Well, you know I wanted
to belong for a long time.

It isn't quite
as simple as that.

Not many girls
belong to our gang.

You see, we sort of choose them.

- You mean you don't want me?
- Well, that isn't it.

If you make the requirements,
you belong to the club.

Well, all right, what are these
so-called requirements?

Well, you have to
make love to five boys

who belong to the club.

Oh, well, that's easy enough.

Maybe you didn't
quite understand.

I mean, make love
to each one, intimately.

You mean have relations
with five boys?

Oh, I--I don't think I could.

Well, you'll have plenty
of free smokes from the boys,

you won't even know it.

See, the boys are not
all around on the same day.

- Did you do that?
- Sure.

Flo, Jessie, and Betty, too?

Why, certainly,
every girl that's a member.

Well, I'm game, I guess
if you kids can, I can, too.

That's a girl.


Go, man!


I'm scared.

I hope nothing goes wrong.

Don't you worry one bit, honey.

Doc Bradford's
on our payroll.

Yeah, we see that he gets
a bottle every so often.

We're well organized
if you ask me.

Guess I'm not as tough
as I thought.

Here, honey,
smoke this.

It'll calm
your jumpy nerves.

Gee, thanks.

Come on, jerk, I didn't
come here for nothing.

I gotta be initiated.

Oh no.

- Oh no!
- Yeah!

Oh no.

Oh no.

This is beginning to cost me
six and eight bucks a day.

I need money
and I need it bad.

I'm desperate, Joe.

I didn't know I was gonna
graduate to this stuff.

They all do, honey.

Well, what about that job
at Brown's Real Estate?

I'll talk to you
about it right now,

but first you need a shot
to sort of calm your nerves.

I know I've got the shakes, Joe,
but I haven't any money.

Don't let that worry
your pretty little head.

I'm not gonna charge you.

I thought we were pals.

Do I have to see Brown today?


Nah, it's too late today.

You can see him tomorrow.

Here's the six dollars
you wanted.

Remember, Mr. Brown,
it's only a loan.

I promise to pay you back.

That makes $18 in three days.

You won't have much coming
when pay day comes.

I have so many bills to pay.

It's just terrible
being a poor working girl.

I'm only glad to help.

You're a nice girl, June.

Why thank you, Mr. Brown.

I could be awfully good
to you, Mr. Brown.

I'm just full of loving.

I bet you could too.

Say, about $50 worth?

You're talking about money?

Oh, let's call it a loan.

I still have bills to pay,

and you'll get
your money back.

I wish I knew
what those bills were for.

You already owe me $30.

You mean I'm only good
for $30?

No, honey,
I didn't mean that.

But this will make it $80.

Please don't, I...

I'm already
falling in love with you.

I'll get the $50 later.

No, I won't play that way.

I want it now.

I see what you mean.

I'll get the money
from the safe.

I'll go now.

I want to pay
some of those bills.

But I'll be right back.


Close the front door
as you go out.

I want to stay here,
rest a while.

You thief.

I'll have you arrested
and locked up for this.

Go ahead, Mr. Brown.

Pick up the phone.

And I'll yell rape.

Okay, you win.

But don't you ever
come around here again.

Hi, Joe.

About that girl, Joe,

you know, we just didn't
seem to get along.

You know how it is.

This your gun?

Why, what's the matter, Joe?

Anything wrong?

We just dropped in
to return your gun to ya.

The one June used
to get away from ya

after you raped her.

Oh, we know all about it.

You can even ask Doc here.

You know Doc.

Yes, I do.

Maybe we should talk this over
sort of privately.

This is just
a common shakedown,

that's what it is.

Call it what you want.

With me, it's plain business.

The least you say,
the better.

The girl is the victim.

That gun is the evidence.

And I as the physician
am a witness.

I see it now.

I was framed before that girl
ever came here to work.

All of a sudden,
you're getting smart.

Okay, boys.

This is all the cash
I've got,

unless you want
to take a note.

Save your notes.

Cash is what I asked for.

- Hey.
- What is it?

What's the matter with him?

He's taken an overdose.

Where'd he get
all this stuff?

He stole it from Joe.

Is he okay?

He's dead, I tell you.

What should we do?

Let's get him out of here
in a hurry.

Hello? Police?

He's still got a weak pulse.

Call for the ambulance.

For months,
gangs of these kids

have been holding shindigs
at night,

the old warehouse
by the siding

five blocks from here.

The setup is ideal.

Maybe so, but why pick
Sunday morning for the job?

It's ideal.

It's on a somewhat deserted
highway on a Sunday morning.

Besides, all of Saturday's
receipts are on hand.

We caged the station already.

I don't think I can make it,
not on Sunday morning.

- Why not?
-'Cause my folks

make me go to church
on Sunday mornings.

Ha, what do you know?

A reformer amongst us.

All right, tone down.

So what?

You tell your folks
you're going to church

early for a change.

I guess so.

I don't know
what the world's coming to.

Folks just want to run
your business.

Well, let's go over
the plans once again

so everybody knows
just what to do.

Yeah, and I expect every one
of ya to make good.

Remember, you all owe me money,

and I want it before you get
any more stuff from me.

Okay, tell us once more
about tomorrow morning

-and we'll be all set.
- You drive to the gas station.

When you get there,
the boys get out.

You order gas.

While the attendant's
gassing the car,

you walk around
and make with the conversation.

And I go to the station office
and work over the register.

Right, and by then
the boys will have walked

out of range
of the gas station.

- I get ya, boss.
- I got it, Joe.

Then I go around
and give the station attendant

the old sucker routine.

It'll work.

Good morning, ladies,
what'll it be?

Make it about 1 gallons,
big boy.

Got a phone I can use?

Sure, out here
or right inside the office.

Say, handsome, it must be
pretty lonesome out here.

Can be lonesome,
all right,

especially this early
on a Sunday morning.

Sounds interesting.

Stay right where you are,
big boy.

I mean business.

The kid'll pull through
all right.

Thinking of
kicking the habit.

They all talk that way,

but they generally come back.

Some pusher gets to 'em
sooner or later.

We picked up a peddler
the other day.

Had 1 ounces
of heroin on him.

This man's had
over 100 arrests.

He peddles narcotics to take
care of his own addiction.

He would,
without a doubt,

shoot heroin
into the radiant veins

of your 15-year-old daughter,

and would then send her
into prostitution

to supply the money
for her addiction and his.

Are we doing anything
about it?

Well, we got the information
we wanted here.

The kid says the fella
that supplies him the dope

goes by the name of Joe.

Come on, Doc,
get that bullet out.


First I gotta know
how this happened.

Oh, we held up a service station
and muffed the deal.

Never mind the details,
remove the bullet.

Look, I'm a respectable doctor,

even if I haven't
got a license.

I can't stick my neck out
for nothing.

Besides, I gotta get paid
for a job like this.

Here's the money
we got from the job.

85 bucks.

It wasn't worth
the trouble.

- Let me have it.
- I'll take that.

I want to see you get started
on that bullet first.

You'll get your money.

Well, don't stand around.

Tear her blouse off.

You, get me some hot water.

And you girls,
leave the room.

I can't have women around.

You mean to tell me
that Doc's gonna operate

on that filthy,
dirty kitchen table?

Ah, control yourself.

Get out of my way
or I'll slug ya.

You can't go in there,
it'll be over in a minute.

Take it easy, Doc.

I'll do the worrying.

Here, give her one
of these tablets.

We'll make sure she doesn't
get up and holler.



Ooh, where's my instruments?

Listen, I'm telling ya,
I heard Wanda's voice.

Oh, you don't hear anything.

Here, boy, bring them
instruments here quick.

Put them right here.

Look, all I promised to do
is to remove that bullet.

The rest is up to you.

Just do your stuff, Doc,

and see that
there are no mistakes.

We have to work fast, boys.

Hand me that clamp.

What's taking 'em so long?

Ah, quit worrying.

Wouldn't surprise me
if this operation

was just another boner.

What do you mean?

Just another dead patient.

Why, you low-down tramp.

What's going on out there?

Oh, the girls
must be in trouble.

- I'll go and see.
- No, you don't.

Stay right there.

There it is.

I tell ya, Doc,
it don't look good to me.

Oh, she'll come out of it.

Doc, I tell you,
she's out cold.

Hey, let's break it up.

Hold it.

What's going on here, surgery?

Removing a bullet without
first notifying the police?

Get your hands off me,

Why, the girl's dead.

Which one of you removed
the bullet?

The doctor did.

We'll soon find out.

Where's the doctor?

He ran out
when you guys came in.

He won't get far.

We've got the building surrounded.

Come on, we're gonna
take all of ya in.

That's the end of him.

Might as well
call the coroner.