Gideon's Daughter (2005) - full transcript

A mature man rethinks his life when his daughter begin to ignore him.

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I'm coming!

You're from the agency?

Jesus, you're young!

Come on in!

Well, well, come on!

What are you waiting for, for goodness' sake?

I'm just getting everything ready!

0h, you're very lovely!

- Are we starting right away?

- Yes!

Except I haven't quite decided

which one to do first!

- I lie! Who am I kidding?

- Excuse me?

I said "I lie"!

I know perfectly well I have to do the one

that I can't get out of my head!

A little scary!

A little extraordinary!

My favourite story! The millennium!

The night nation showed off to nation!

The rlver of flre, the ghastly beacon...

the Dome.

Heartbreaklngly empty, wasn't lt?

Full of people, of course, but so utterly empty!

Should I start now, Mr Sneath?

Should I be typing this?

It's like one of those awful quizzes you hear

on the radio, isn't it?

What's the link

between French novelist Georges Simenon,

said to have slept with over 2,000 women,

cycle lanes

and the Queen of England lighting

her disgusting beacon on millennium night?

The curious link between

those furious French buttocks and the Queen!!!!

No, no, no, don't look like that!

It's fine! I'm just writing a book!

But I'm going to pace, all right?

So be prepared for that!

And I'll make sure there are no X certificate

glimpses from down there!

0r, failing that,

they're kept to the absolute minimum!

Start, let's start! The red carpet!

It's May 1 99 7,

barely a couple of weeks

after the end of 1 8 years of Tory rule...

Labour's flrst colossal vlctory.

A fllm premlere. Nothlng speclal. Blg actlon movle.

As It turned out, the explodlng carpet

was by far the best feature of the evenlng.


MAN: Diane!

- This way!

- 0ver here! Look this way, Diane!


Diane, over here! Diane!

- W0MAN: 0h, my God!

- This is how to do it!

It's amazing!

Gideon, wonderful to see you!

- That was some entrance, Diane!

- You bet!

I'm not one to look a gift horse in the teeth,

or whatever the expression is!

- My daughter, Natasha! You haven't met!

- Your daughter?

What a gorgeous daughter you have, Gideon!

You are gorgeous, Natasha!

0h, so glad you're here, Gideon!

If I could wish somebody to be here,

anybody in the world, you're the one!

- 0ne of the ones, just possibly!

- Lf you insist!

I know you don't do personal PR anymore!

Far too grand!

- Yes, I do! A few people!

- You do?

The chosen ones! The lucky few!

How do I become one of those?

I'll commit murder to become one of them!

- Just pick up the phone!

- Liar! That definitely isn't true! That's such a lie!

I have to ask your advice, Gideon!

Something very small

and something else rather huge!

I'll try calling you very early one day!

Isn't this lovely? It's like being on the Tltanlc.

SNEATH: Look at me, gobbling as usual,

and you eating like a bird as always!

GIDE0N: I stuff myself at home of course!

I have to discuss this with your dad!

The seating plan!

Always fascinating,

but tonight even more then usual!

Look, look, the old Tories

still near the centre of the room,

but definitely edged outwards!

Next year they'll be right by the kitchens!

I might write a quick book about them!

They can't believe they've said goodbye to power!

Table six is interesting!

And all the time, people!!!!

Look, look, look, just watch!

People glancing up at your dad! Look!

Stop hyping me to my own daughter, Bill,

for Christ's sake!

He doesn't have to work the room, for instance!

Look, he's got someone else doing it for him!

NATASHA: Yeah, I've met Andrew!

He's always like that!

He's never still for a single moment!

And that's why your dad can afford to sit like this!

Lord of all he surveys!

Hello, darling!

Thought I'd skip the movie!

It's usually safe to do that!

Very loud, was it?

If anybody asks,

I can say it was wonderfully loud, can't I?

- Hi, Natasha!

- Hi!

It's buzzing in here anyway!

Hit me even out in the passage!

I'm going to enjoy tonight!

SNEATH: Aha! A signal!

A signal that cannot be ignored!

Excuse me!

- Amazing vibe in that room, isn't there?

- You, too? That's what Barbara said!

You must be able to feel it!

Everybody's so excited to be in power!

It's very ripply in there! It's great!

So, what's so urgent, Andrew?

A messenger is coming!

We are to receive an important message!


Tomorrow morning! Nicholas Dent

wants to come and see us tomorrow!

Nick Dent? He's an important messenger?

I don't believe it!

Why not? He's just outside the cabinet!

The first reshuffle and he'll be in!

What is his message?

"It will change all of our lives," he said!

- Do we want our lives changed?

- Maybe! Who knows?


ANDREW: Great movie, Steve!

Noisy, certainly, but the chases,

the tunnels, all of that was really well done!

And the splat factor, great splat factor!

It's going to be a monster hit!

I liked the ducks!

STEVE: You know, the ducks are my favourite bit!

ANDREW: She looks great, your daughter!

A chip off the old block, huh?

ANDREW: Gideon? Hello?

Shall I tell him to come?

In the morning? The messenger?

About 6:45?

7:1 0!

- What time is it?

- 7:1 6!

He keeps me waiting!

The bastard!

Mr Dent? Gideon is ready for you now!

Great pictures!


Jesus, Gideon!

It's like coming to visit

some European ambassador

- Or some incredibly expensive shrink!

- It's good, isn't it?

I like this view particularly!

Sit, Nick, please!

Can I offer you anything? Juice?

We have plum juice!

I'll skip all refreshments!

I don't want to waste any valuable time

with you negotiating my coffee order!

- No plum juice?

- That was a fantastic idea, Gideon!

Was it VE Day or VJ Day anniversary?

That plane!!!! Those flowers said it all!

What made it great

was not this bit at Buckingham Palace,

but continuing it afterwards,

leaving this trail across the city!

Houslng estates, bus statlons, school playgrounds.

All the tlme mlxlng up dlfferent flowers.

Popples and large, whlte dalsles.

Blimey! You two, what am I being softened up for?

I see you've already briefed Andrew!

What is this momentous thing?

- Something that is perfect for you!

- Which is?

We're probably going to go ahead with this Dome!

You know, this wonderful, magic Tory Dome

which is going to rise by the Thames!

0f course, we would love your input

towards the Dome!

Indeed, we will expect it!

But what we've got for you is even bigger!

The Dome only makes sense, of course,

if we sell Britain itself to the world!

We want you to place the Dome

in the wider canvas!

Make this country number one in the world

on the night in question,

the most important night for a thousand years!

Now you can't get much bigger than that,

can you, Gideon?

So, church bells ringing out,

tightrope walkers in each city centre,

that's what you want?

That is precisely what we don't want!

We want our friends in the regions

to rise to the challenge

whilst making them think

it was their idea in the first place!

It's what you're brilliant at!

I'll walk you out!

I have to go to another meeting!

My car's just around the corner!

Would you run ahead and get it?

I'll meet you at the end!

You know, you become a minister and you think,

"Great, now my car can wait for me

on double yellow lines!" Not a bit of it!

Quite the contrary, in fact!

I don't qualify for a detective!

I might get shot walking to my car!!!!

Mr Dent, you have totally broken your promise

and I will not stand for it anymore!

Mr Hawthorne, I did not break any promise!

- You have broken your word!

- Let go of me at once and I will explain!

You can't explain!

Two years this has gone on for

and nothing happened!

Bill, please let go!

But it is outrageous! It is totally outrageous

that you have done nothing yet!

And what we ask is so small!

It's so pathetically small!

Whatever needs to happen, I will see to it!

Mr Dent and I will make the calls!

- And who the hell are you?

- Mr Dent is a client of mine!

We will go inside now, that's my office right there!

If you let go, we'll go in there

and start making the calls!

This is just another way of fobbing me off

and you know it is!

You know it's going to lead absolutely nowhere,

just like everything else!

- We're going inside right now!

- Go on, then!

- To start making the calls like I said!

- That's correct!

- That is what we are going to do!

- Get in there!

Get in there and make them calls!

And you better understand, pal,

I will never, ever give up!


They still there?

0h, yeah, they're still there!

I ought to phone the car!

They'll think I've vanished from the street!

What's this about?

It's just one of those cases!

You've never been to an MP's surgery, have you?

So many nutters! 0bsessed people!

Deranged people!

He's one of those!

I've been here 68 times!

It's something very simple and sad!

Their child was killed, their son, on his bicycle!

It was the first time

he had ever ridden it out on the street!

He was going down a cycle lane!

There was no lawsuit possible!

They just want to show me, as thelr local MP,

and the relevant members of thelr local councll

that they conslder the cycle lane

was dangerously routed.

They've drawn endless dlagrams

and we've looked at them.

But they just want us

actually standing where it happened,

so that he can show us!

Why won't you go?

I'll go! 0f course I'll go!

But getting the council representatives

and me all there at the same time!!!!

Such a simple thing has proved impossible!

The council all hate me!

They've been advised against taking part!

- It goes on and on!

- That's all they want?

- At the moment!

- I'll try and arrange it!

Why would you arrange it?

Why would you want to do that?

Well, we can't have you being stalked

all over London, can we?


I'm not going to use this after all!

Twitchy bunch, aren't they?

Always, wherever you go now,

there are the advisors!

BILL: Can everybody hear me?

I wlll re-enact my son's last blcycle rlde.

- No photographs! We agreed no photographs!

- No photographs!

- The agreement was no photographs!

- Just thought it was worth a try!

Can't stop me wearing them!

My son.

Our son, Adam...

came round thls corner here, you see.

And comes round...

uslng the cycle lane,

Just as he's meant to.

Keeplng close to thls kerb.


as you can see,

hls vlew Is obscured by thls overhanglng tree

and, most partlcularly,

by the blg, red plllar box that's standlng

rlght at the edge of the cycle lane.

There are no warnlngs.

And there's no bollards,

there's no slgn of any klnd

of the busy Intersectlon that lles ahead.

So you see, he Is cycllng here,

stralght Into the path of the oncomlng trafflc.

- You're too far away.

- It's all right, Bill, they can hear you!

But they're too far away! They'll be missing!!!!

Everybody's too far away.

The agreement was that we'd walk the route.

We can see very well from here!

We have an excellent view!

The agreement was that we would walk the route.

There was no agreement to walk the route!

There was an agreement to attend this meeting

and to observe the route!

No, there!!!!

There was an agreement,

there was a formal agreement to walk the route.

Let go of me! Let go!

Stop it! Stop it!


MAN: All right, come on, that's enough!


- Please, before you bruise her!

- Stop!

All right, calm down!

All right, all right, all right, let me go!

They completely broke our agreement!

All right, I'm calm! I'm calm!

Thank you! I'm calm!

Thank God that's over!

I'm sorry! That's not what should have happened!

I was sort of expecting it, really!

Bill has to do these things!

He takes out his rage on people! It helps him!

I don't get embarrassed anymore!

I don't think he'll ever really hurt anyone!

Do you know where he was going?

Do you need to catch up? I can give you a lift!

No, I don't need to catch him!

But a lift could be good!

You know, I think I got some photos!

Well, I know I got some photos!

I just wonder whether the one of her

being dragged along will come out!

- Where can I drop you?

- Well, I'm going all the way home to Southall!

I really don't suppose you want to take me there!

So the tube will be fine!

I don't live round here anymore! No!

- Bill and I are not together anymore!

- I'm sorry!

Was that after the accident?

You know, things are never simple, are they?

It had been brewing for a while!

But we are friends!

Even when he's attacking people!

I have a slightly different method of getting by!

So you're an advisor, too, aren't you?

An image maker?

Uh, yeah, that's right, I suppose!

- A consultant for a variety of!!!!

- For the government and that sort of thing?

- You can drop me here!

- Are you sure?

Yeah, that'll be fine!

So where are you going now, then?

A bunch of VIPs? Some more politicians?

No, I'm going to my daughter's school, actually!

It's her end of term assembly!

Her last one! She's leaving school!

She's doing a poem or something!

That's great! Are you going to tape it?

- Tape it?

- Yes, video it!

You got to video it!

Her last school assembly! You must!

You'll regret it if you don't!

You'll want to look back on her

on her last day of school!

Here, you can borrow this!

- No, thank you! That's very kind but I couldn't!

- Rubbish! Come on!

You don't want to be seen videoing

at your daughter's posh school, that's it, isn't it?

Too embarrassed! Come on, take it!

How do I get it back to you?

9:00 at night till 7:00 in the morning,

every weekday!

You can have it dropped off there!

- You work at night?

- Yes!

!!! Ambling nymph

l, that am curtailed of this fair proportion,

cheated of feature by dissembling nature,

deformed, unfinished, sent before my time

into this breathing world, scarce half made up

and that so lamely and unfashionable

that dogs bark at me as I halt by them!


And now for Natasha Warner and Gabriella Laquaz,

with something they've written themselves!

They call it A French Surprise!

Sounds interesting to me!



Georges Simenon was a French writer,

a famous writer of police stories!

He created this great detective

and slept with hundreds and hundreds of women!

Maybe 2,000 women

if we are to believe the man himself!

Now, his daughter, Marie-Jo,

felt an extraordinary, unnaturally strong

love for him, for her dad!

0bsessive love!

And in the end, she killed herself at the age of 25!

So this is a song about that!

0h, the title, it's just called Papa.


# I see you from my window

# Walking with her there

# I don't need to know which number

# I won't stop you touch her hair

# I don't need to see you waving

# When you slip away at night

# I don't have to know what happened

# As you crawl back when it's light

# I don't need to catch you with them

# Your voice so full of joy

# As you murmur your little nothings

# My own papa, so very coy

# Mon cherl, Papa

# Mon cherl, Papa

# I don't need you to say you love me

# I don't need you to say good night

# I don't need you to caress me

# I don't need to be held tight

# I only want you to be ready

# To know my voice will never ring

# To know there'll never be another letter

# You've got to hear this one small thing

# I need you to remember

# That I never was your shame

# I always was your daughter

# I never did complain

# I always was your daughter

# I never did complain #


Typical of writers, they shag a lot!

GIRL: So, are you thinking of taking a gap year?

NATASHA: Yeah, I'm pretty sure

I am gonna take a gap year!

Gabby and me are going to do

something rather amazing!

- What?

- All being well, we're gonna go to South America!


- Well, soon! Soon as possible!

- What are you doing out there?

We're going to be working

with a conservation group,

trying to protect the jaguar and its habitat!

It's what I've always wanted to do,

work in conservation!

We get to go in the jungle and everything!

Armed patrols!!!!

Hacking through the undergrowth! It's fantastic!

- Hi, Dad!

- Hi! Hi!

- Great song!

- Weird, huh?

Slightly surprising, maybe!

French surprise!

What's this about the jungle and jaguars?

- GIRL: We're gonna be late!

- Come on, Tash!

- Dad, I've got to go celebrate! See you later!

- Yeah, see you!

Bye, Tash!

Should be quite buzzy tonight!

I know you don't want to come to this party,

but you will love the venue!

It's a really interesting space!

I'm sure you'll want to use it for something!

Do you know, darling,

I've counted up nearly 2 7 invitations for us

over the next two weeks! Can you believe it?

God knows what I'm going to wear to all of them!

Come in!

Hi, Dad!

Is this a serious idea?

- The South American jungle?

- Sure! Absolutely!

The first I've heard about it!

I know! It's not arranged yet!

When it was more definite,

I was going to mention it!

So it's not definite?

If I get the A grades I need, which I won't!!!

then I might go to Edinburgh!

But I want to do this!

As a matter of interest,

what were you saying with that song?

What made you choose that subject?

It was a sad story!!!

about love!

It's just a song, Dad!

Now you're finally in power,

I hope you're not going to be

in too much of a hurry!

Still leave time to go shopping with me!


Gideon, I hear you're going to amaze us

on millennium night!

Even God's going to be impressed,

forced to watch only us!

Did I say yes to that job? I can't quite remember!

- Don't start worrying me now!

- 0f course you did!

He pretends it doesn't grab him,

but he's gonna think about nothing else!

Robert! I've got to go!

I do not believe it!

This must be the third time this week!

I'll see you!

- ANDREW: I've had a call!

- From?

I know it's very difficult to surprise you,

but this will surprise you!

Anyway, we need to find somewhere more private

because this gangway has ears! Follow me!

A musical about naval cadets!

Your hopes aren't exactly high! I know!

DIANE: There you are!

- This is a good moment, isn't it?

- A good moment for what?

To decide the next stage of my life!

Anyway, here goes! You are not going to escape!

And there are three stages to this question

because there is a surprise complication

coming up!

If I was to accept, you know,

to become the face of you know who,

(V0ICE FADING 0UT) I just wonder!!!!

0f course, it will reflect on my image

as a serious actress!

But on the other hand, visibility!

Visibility beyond my wildest dreams!!!!


Maestro, what do I do?

- So do it!

- Do it? Really?

What, all of it?

What about the complication?

You really mean do it all?

All of it! Absolutely!

Take care!

I've just remembered, I've got to do something!

Good evening!

Good evening!

That was quick!

I didn't mean you had to bring it back

the same day!

Well, I thought, why not?

It gave me a good excuse

to leave a fairly horrible party!

- You're giving it back with the tape still in it!

- There's nothing really on it!

You should still keep it!

0therwise it was all pointless, wasn't it?

It's not worth keeping!

What did your daughter do at the concert

that makes you want to get rid of it

as quick as possible?

She sang a song about obsessive love!


- Your wife?

- No, I have no wife!

- Your girlfriend?

- No!

She's never bothered where I am!

But my business partner

is another matter entirely, though!

Excuse me!

- Andrew!

- Gideon, where the hell are you?

- You disappeared!

- I had to do something! It was unavoidable!

- And I needed some!!!!

- Badalamenti wants to come and see us!

- He wants to use us.

- Really?

We're to be inspected

by his foot soldiers in a week or so

- And then the man himself is coming!

- Great!

You can do better than "great"!

This is the biggest news we've had!

Say somethlng more than greatl

I'll call you first thing tomorrow, Andrew!

Good news?

0ne of the biggest media tycoons in the world

wants us to represent him!

Could be worth a lot of money!

So it is good news?

I think it must be, mustn't it?


It's my break!

I need a good reminder each night!

Can I!!!!

Can I take you somewhere for your break?


What, you mean just pop out to the nearest

4-star restaurant at 1:00 in the morning?

No, I don't think so!

I bring my own provisions!

Tend to tuck in over there!


Jesus, what's that noise?


0h, that's just a few rodents!

Hamsters, guineas!

Hanif and I keep them as company!

You don't mind a few rodents, do you?

What do you do with

all these politicians and VIPs, then?

Advise them on their tone of voice,

the colour of their clothes, their hair?

- I have done that in my time!

- Very obedient, are they?


You must remind me of hand gestures,

by the way!


0h, umm!!!!

0h, dear!!!!

- Why are you here in the middle of the night?

- I needed to bring your camera back!

Well, if you're still sticking to your story,

there's really not much point, is there?

Why do you work in a 24-hour store?

Because I lost my child

and I split up with my husband

and I'm afraid to go to bed every night!

I mean, I would have thought that

that would be really quite simple to work out!

I'm sorry! That was crass of me!



I just needed to change the subject!

It's okay! I don't mind!

Next time, I'll make you answer!

0h, shit! I've lost your guinea pig!

Come on, we can catch him!

We'll have to move fast

because there's lots of places for it to hide!

Guinea pig! Guinea pig! Guinea pig!

So, the great Gideon Warner!!!

on all fours, looking for a rodent!


Sex isn't going to embarrass you, is it,

if we talk about sex now?

I don't think so!

- I'll tell you if it does!

- Ah, right!

Normal sex is fine, is it? Is that what you mean?

Well, in one way this is normal!

But in another way!!!

it isn't!

SNEATH: It's a Sunday mornlng and the fact Is,

If you thlnk about lt,

a lot of people

would have heard the news whllst havlng sex.

And of all the major extraordlnary news storles

that have ever happened,

there are very few one could confldently

say that about, but thls one, It was true.


ANDREW: Hello, It's me.

- Andrew, what the hell is it?

- Swltch on the televlslon.

- I never switch on the television this early!

- But you must swltch on the televlslon.

What is it? What's happened?

Princess Di, she's been in a car crash!

It's really bad!

Princess Diana? Is she dead?

- What are they saying?

- What? Can I talk to him?

Is she dead?

They've just said she's died!

They've just announced it!

How extraordinary!

God, what will this mean?

I think it will mean the end of Charles!

Absolutely! Absolutely! I agree totally!

Yeah! I mean, it's amazing!

Just when you think you know where everything

is heading! I mean, I can't get over it!

What are you on? 0ne or three?

Mr Badalamenti will want

the agenda to be very clear next week!

The questions about foreign ownership,

the questions on the size of the market!

Mr Badalamenti will wish to see definite replies

to all these questions before the meeting!

I understand everything you say, gentlemen!


Don't worry! I'm not at full throttle today!

I am sorry it wasn't a complete success,

the demonstration!

It had its moments! For me, anyway!

I will be at them again, of course!

I'm!!! Just collecting a few for the cycle lane,

for my son!

You don't think they'll miss

a few from here, do you?

No, they won't!

C0MMENTAT0R: ... the drlver's ablllty to see where

he's golng, so many flowers have been hurled

towards the hearse as It approaches...

- Hello?

- I had to come over.

I have to see this with you!

- Can I come In, Gldeon?

- Yeah!

Great! Great!

It was Andrew! He wants to watch it with us!

It's almost as though a people's wreath

was assembllng ltself on the roof of the hearse.


...cascade from each slde.

This is amazing! This is absolutely amazing!


BARBARA: Never seen anything like it before!

It's like from another century!

You're going to yell at me for this, Gideon!

- But this is because of you!

- Because of me?


The flowers two years ago

across the city, subconsciously, that set this up!

This is you!

Jesus, Andrew!

Whatever will you be crediting me with next?

There you are!

I thought you would be watching this!

I've been out in the street!

It's a little hysterical out there!

Have you definitely decided?

Your plans!

I think so!

Are you going to tell me your A level results?

For Christ's sake, it has been days!

No other parent doesn't know

his daughter's A level results!

- I got three A's!

- That's terrific! That's fantastic, darling!

I'm still going!

- To the jungle!

- Which is where?

It's where the scheme is!!!

which is in Colombia!

Colombia? Jesus, Natasha,

that is the most dangerous country in the world!

- I will be with people!

- 0f course you will be with people!

Don't push me, Dad! That's the quickest way to!!!!

Don't push you? What will you do?

Will you at least keep your place

at Edinburgh open while I research this scheme?

Will you do that?

Will you do that for me?

This is amazing, this is pure Gideon!

A snow storm of white daisies!

Come take a look, Gideon! Come on!

Come on, you must!

I'll think about it!

# I only want you to be ready

# To know my volce wlll never rlng

# To know there'll never be another letter

# You've got to hear thls one small thlng

# I need you to remember

# That I never was your shame

# I always was your daughter

# I never dld complaln

# I always was your daughter

# I never dld complaln #


- Hello?

- GIDE0N: Good mornlng.

Good morning!

You've just caught me deep in guinea pig shit!

Can you call me in precisely three minutes?

Please, I need you to do this!


- Good morning, everyone!

- Good morning!

Why don't you kick us off, Andrew?

Tell us what's important this week!

Well, I think everybody here knows perfectly well

this is a big week!

Go on! Tell us a little more!

Well, obviously it's not just big because

we have got Badalamenti here today,

actually in these offices,

but it is big because of where it is going to lead!

We are a very influential but small firm!

Now we have a chance to become

a much bigger concern,

with everything that's happening!

Instead of running the risk of being swallowed

by some bigger outfit, we will,

however indelicate this sounds,

be doing the swallowing ourselves!

Nothing must get in the way of that!

You take the words!!!!

You take the words right out of my!!!!


Thank you!

Yes, that's interesting news!

I understand! I'll!!!!

I'll come at once, if that's what you want!

Something has come up! I!!!!

I thought it might and it has!

You will be back for

the pre-Badalamenti briefing in two hours?


What do you take me for?

Jump in, I'll take you wherever you want to eat!

Doesn't matter where it is!

No, you jump out,

because we're going to eat round the corner!

We're going to eat round here?

Are you sure?

- Not exactly busy!

- I've eaten here once before!

It was terrific!

Business is obviously a bit erratic at the moment!

- This is delicious!

- Told you so!


And I like small helpings!

Why did I have to make that call

to get you out of that meeting?

I wanted to see you! I needed to see you!

And that's your usual method,

is it, for inviting people out?

"Phone me in precisely three minutes!"

You know, I was thinking about you

while I was cleaning out the guinea pigs' poo!

Before you rang me, in fact!

And I was wondering where I would fit in!

You know those groups you do?

I'm sure you do them all the time!

Those focus groups?

Would I ever get in one of those?

Would someone like me ever get selected?

It's possible you might cross over

too many categories!


You bet, yeah! I don't fit any categories, do I?

0ne look at me!!!

"That woman's a little crazy! Get her out of here!"

Did you know I really believed

that most people are like me?

There are so many

really strange characters out there!

Weird faces, different!

People never look like what

they're meant to look like, don't you think?

Do you get what I mean? They're larger or!!!

tinier, but not the sort of medium-sized,

shrivelled up, blank sort of people

that I bet you have in your groups!

They're the weird ones! They're the aliens!

Here you are, madam!

- How many people have you ordered for, Stella?

- We'll eat it all, don't worry!

Done your best to impress, have you?

Because this man could get you some great PR!

I don't think I have ever been so full, ever!

I never eat much!

I feel I've swallowed,

I've consumed something extremely large!

A brisk walk will help matters!


- And then what happens?

- What do you mean?

And then what happens? That's what I mean!

Do you want to see where I live?

I have this incredibly important meeting

I have to return to

with this media tycoon I told you about!

- The pre-meeting briefing starts in 1 0 minutes!

- In 1 0 minutes?

- Well, you're gonna be pushed to make it, then!

- This is true!

So, goodbye, then!

I can always skip the pre-briefing!

Don't look like that! I'm not gonna leap on you!

This is what I do after a night's work!

I lie down here, I look at the ceiling!

Try to think of different things each day!

You know, things I've seen or read about!

Try to surprise myself so I don't dwell!

I understand!

"I understand!"

You don't look very happy about it!

And then I flop down here, usually!

Except not today perhaps!

This is how you spend all your time

during the day? Shut in here?

Well, sometimes I have

a complete change of scene!

I go and visit a friend who sings

in a church choir in Wolverhampton!

0r Sunderland, places like that!

I can see that would make for

a complete change of scene, yes!

Bet you haven't been

in a house like this for a long while!

0h, don't be so sure!

- I grew up not so far away from here!

- Really?

In a house just like this!

That would have taken some guessing!

I grew up round here, too!

That's why I came back!

That means if you grew up round here,

we might have passed each other as children!

My dad kept a chemist shop in Randolph Road!

You might have come in there!

Did you ever come in there?

You might have come in

to buy condoms from my dad!


STELLA: Your flrst ever condoms.

Um, um!!!

- Can I have a packet of cough lozenges, please?

- 0f course, young man!

That's a great thought, but I don't think

I ever bought condoms from round here!

My father was a chauffeur!

He was Pollsh.

This ludicrous name, Gideon Warner, should be!!!

Gideon Wojtalavicz!

I like that!

My father sometimes managed

to get me along for the ride!

I will show you their houses, too!

At least from the outside!

Just when they are switching on all their lights!!!

and you will watch these people go in and out

and you can dream of what they're going to do!

I remember a great time once!

My father was driving

a member of the House of Lords,

who was also in the Tory cabinet,

and we went down to the country!

They were all taking part in a fishing competition,

would you believe, all these important grandees!

I sometlmes wonder If I dreamt lt.

They were all polltlclans, but It was so lelsurely.

They were a pretty eccentrlc bunch

when you got really close.

God, they were strange.

I can just imagine!

You see, I'm really a complete and utter fraud,

Stella, because I'm not this special guru at all,

this piss-elegant world authority!

I was once just a really ordlnary

nuts-and-bolts PR guy

handllng some '70s comedlans

after they fell on hard tlmes In the '80s.

You will remember some of their names probably!

Miller and Dave, remember them?

0f course! I used to wet myself!

I used to scream when they came on!

I was just mlnor showblz.

MAN: He's ordered a lager

and his hand's trembling!

If I don't go now, I'll miss the meeting

and I can't miss the meeting!

- It'll be a disaster!

- Go, then!

- You must go, Gideon!

- I can't go!

Why is your daughter angry with you?

She is angry with you, isn't she?


It's to do with my wife!

- Did your wife die?

- Yes, of cancer!

We'd been estranged for some years.

I'd been unfaithful! Not horrendously!

Certainly not hundreds and hundreds!

I should hope not!

No, no, I'll explain about that!!!

some other time, my daughter's song!

Anyway, it was nothing like that!

I had been attentlve, vlsltlng.

My wlfe was very near the end, you know.

Nobody was qulte certaln

when she was golng to go.

I'm sitting there,

sometimes thinking about my girlfriends,

but that's not such a betrayal, I don't think!

I mean, you know, clutchlng out for the llvlng.

It's ruthless, but sort of natural, maybe.

It's such a small thlng. I mean, what happened.

There was thls bloke,

In a funny old coat or macklntosh,

and he came and sat down In our small room...

Hello! my wlfe lay dylng.

He was a total stranger.

He sald a few thlngs about the hospltal

and the weather.

- You'd like to hear them, wouldn't you?

- I tell you, if we could pop outside!!!!

He was mlldly odd

and It was qulte dlfflcult to get rld of hlm,

but eventually I dld.

And then, for some overpowerlng reason,

I needed to make some calls,

to just be out of there.

No! It all!!!!




Well, I can't, I can't say! Yeah!




It's all fine! Sure!

Hang on! Don't!!!!

No, I've got more!

GIDE0N: I go back, my wlfe Ellen has gone.

Sad day!

The nurses thought he was famlly.

And apparently I'd been on the phone

for over half an hour.

I'd let hlm come back. I wasn't there.

Natasha has never forglven me.

She's not punishing you for that!

No, for what went before, I know!

But I've lost her, probably forever.

I doubt that!

I think you'll find I have!

I can't believe I missed this meeting!

And it's a completely impossible situation

for me to talk myself out of!

He's here!


- What on earth happened to you?

- Traffic!

- Traffic?

- Yes, traffic!

- How on earth did you know?

- Know what?

- Why are you whispering?

- I think you knew before you left, didn't you?

If you knew he was going to be two hours late,

why didn't you tell us?

It amazes me he hasn't left yet!

He's been here a quarter of an hour already!

Good evening, everyone!

A man who is even later than me!

So, here we all are!

You will tell Mr Badalamenti first

about what you have discovered

concerning the rules of ownership,

the rules that apply to owning

commercial television channels,

how these may change with this new government!

- And secondly!!!!

- We do not do secondly yet!


First, I have one question!!!!

I repeat, the wind!

How did you know there was no big wind coming?

That it wouldn't blow all your pretty flowers away?

That was easy! That was simple!

I paid God!

I need to make a phone call, in private!

No, no, no, no, I need a room on my own!

Maybe you could be so kind to find one for me!

Sure! Downstairs!

You are late for me!

Nobody knows where you are!

Your staff try to lie, but do it very badly!

And when we start to talk, you don't listen!

A worse listener even than me!

It has been many, many years

since somebody not listen when I speak!


I am here now, aren't I?

You have the same idea as me, huh?

The only person I have met!

Never listen to what the idiots say first!

If it is any good, they will say it again!

I love it! I do love it!

I think you are what I need!

You are what I need!

- Dad, what are you doing following me?

- I wasn't following you! I was just drifting!

- Were you?

- Come on, get in for a moment!

- Get in the car?

- What do you mean, get in the car?

Never in the car with strangers?

Is that what it's like?

I'm going to meet some friends!

I've got to go and meet!!!!

I'll drive you wherever you want!


I used to do this with my dad!

Drive through the city

just as everyone was switching on their lights!

You can see into people's lives!

Stare at their work!

This is a good part of town to do it!

Don't go! Don't go away!


I'm going to be late!

There's a deadline!

I'll let you know when the deadline's passed!

The power that a child has over one!

- Does she keep to the deadline?

- You're too young, Becca!

Too young to know what it's like

to be on the receiving end!

Does she hurt him?

It's the day of the big meeting

with the government!

And the day of the deadline!


It's funny how often thlngs come together

on the same day, Isn't lt?

Where do we flnd Gldeon

flrst thlng In the mornlng?

Wanderlng wlth Stella on the outsklrts

of some godforsaken place.


- I can't believe I've done this!

- Why? What's your problem?

You've got to get out of London once in a while

if you're going to sell the whole country

on millennium night!

Well, this certainly would be a challenge!

To sell this!

- Has she sent you a message yet?

- No, not yet!

She won't let me know till much later!

I bet the deadline goes to the end of the day!

It was bad enough waiting on her exam results!

Do exams ever leave one?

You think you've left it all behind

when you become a grown-up,

but your children's exams

are even worse, as much!

0f all the places in all the world, Stella,

to come to relax, this is wonderfully perverse!

This won't relax you!

I promise you this won't relax you

in the slightest degree!

That's got you interested now, hasn't it?


GIDE0N: That's it?

STELLA: That's the one!



We've got an audience for this rehearsal

for which we are grateful!

Bar 1 1 0!


See you in a minute!

Bye, then!


Sorry! I didn't think I'd have to leave!

Don't usually have to leave!

Bit bloody pointless getting you all the way up

here and then getting upset and running out!

It's all right! I could see you were getting upset!

Yeah! And I could see you thinking!!!

"Blimey, it's a bit like the bloody restaurant

she took me to!

"It's really quite good!"

That's exactly what I was thinking!

I always get, you know,

a bit moved when I come, naturally!

But I don't have to leave! Not usually!

- Is it because I'm here?

- No!


You know, grief is!!!!

Well, it's hell, obviously!

But we've got to this moment now!!!!

I've got to this moment when people are saying,

or at least you can see it in their eyes,

"Surely it's time to move on, just a little bit?

"Surely it's getting less?"

Well, actually, no! It's not getting less!

I'm sorry, but it's not the slightest bit less!

- Well, of course it isn't!

- Bill is right not to let go!

I was just thinking in there,

however crazy it seems,

he's absolutely right not to let go!

Everything's over so quick now!

0n with the next thing, you know!

Get over it! Think positively!

And I do try!

- I do really try!

- I've noticed!

I come here!!!

I have no faith, I don't believe, not at all!

Never did!

But I come here to this out of the way church!!!

because I need to feel how much!!!!

I need to feel!!!

if only I had gone with him that first time!!!!

I need to think that over and over,

again and again!

I need to ask!!!

why the hell didn't I do that?

Go with him! Why?

I need to do that over and over!

That's why I come!

- Stella, let me!!!!

- No! No, I don't want to be held!

Not now!

Because I don't want you to feel

that this is likely to happen again!

It's got to happen again!

Why shouldn't it happen again?

Well, because, don't get angry about this!!!

you like being with me

because of the unexpected bits!

Because you don't know what's gonna happen!

Isn't that right?

You don't want to be reminded

of all the other stuff,

have that always hanging in the air

because you'll feel you can't talk

about your daughter!

Because she's with you, she's alive!

0f course I won't think that!

That's not true at all!

We'll see if I'm right!

I don't want to be right!

Hi, darling!

This is a friend of mine!

Stella Hawthorne!

- Hi!

- Hello!

Has the deadline passed?

Yes! I still want to go!


But I know!!!

that if I go, I'll never hear the end of it!

And, of course, you won't give me any money!

So, at the moment!!!

I'm thinking I can't go to South America!

If I go to Edinburgh,

I will not be staying in halls of residence!

It's going to be somewhere else!

SNEATH: And so, the great meetlng.

I think I know what we should do in the Dome!

SNEATH: He's on a hlgh. He's elated.



A thick jungle!

SNEATH: And Gldeon Is so hlgh, he just talks,

maklng It up on the spur of the moment,

whatever comes Into hls head.

And there will be rides, little trains,

running through a landscape so vivid

you will be able to touch it, to drink it!

And the smell of the flowers

will be completely intoxicating!

0utside of London,

we celebrate the creativity of the community

with incredible singing!

Churches on industrial estates lit up by searchlight

and their concerts magnified onto

the biggest screens that anybody has ever seen!

Extraordinary thing is

they have no idea what to put in it!!!!

SNEATH: Here we have a man who can't llsten.

And yet the more he doesn't llsten,

the more people want hlm.

The more people belleve In hlm.

He's the toast of Whltehall.

The flavour of all flavours.

In the Lake District,

there is a pencil museum in Cumbria,

they will do better business

inside your dome than you will,

if you fill it with zones and lists!

SNEATH: And I wanted to be wlth hlm, too.

I loved seelng hlm.

I had no Inkllng anythlng was amlss.



My little one!

All alone?



Ah, your mum!

That's what it's come to, has it?

The nearest she'll come!

I hadn't forgotten, my little one, I promise you!

Just ignore the pyjamas!

Hello, darling!

What a lovely boy!


Come here, let's take this off!

Come on, come on, it's all right, take it off!

All right, all right, leave it on!

He was alone in the passage!

Christ Almighty, just standing there!

Come on!

You never stop worrying about them!

I have three, would you believe?

Yeah, the other two are much older of course!

Beat, beat, beat!

It's always there somewhere in your brain,

to worry about them!


And this is what was happening to Gideon!

She dldn't talk to hlm.

Her love had gone.

A worm enters hls head telllng hlm

he had made a great mlstake forclng her to stay.

And that somehow, somethlng bad would happen.

That she would englneer It

or just slmple old fate would do It for her.

BARBARA: She looks gorgeous, doesn't she?


You look terrific!

Thank you!

I hate fancy dress parties!

And "Come dressed as a '50s character"

is really difficult!

- And who are you dressed as?

- I don't know!

A '50s movie star!

Not Marilyn Monroe!

I think she's dressed as my mother!

She was very beautiful my mum!

Every time I go out at the moment, every meeting,

people talk about you! Do you realise that?

"I heard Gideon is thinking this!"

"I want to talk to Gideon about that!"

"I hear Gideon Warner may be interested!"

But I look at you!!!

I look at you!!!

and you're someone completely different!

Certainly from me!

I know you think I never notice anything!!!

that I miss everything that's interesting!

But I have noticed that!

Maybe we should have a pause!!!

a pause in seeing each other, Gideon!

- Lf you think so!

- Lf I think so?

That's all?

GIDE0N: She goes to university on Saturday!

It's a big moment!

For so many years,

she's been just down the corridor from me!

Natasha, I've got something here for you!

I know you always said

you'd be the last person in England to have one,

but I bought you a mobile phone!

NATASHA: (0N TV) # I don't need to know

whlch number

# I won't stop you touch her halr

# I don't need to see you wavlng

# When you sllp away at nlght

# I don't have to know what happened

#As you crawl back when It's llght

# I don't need to catch you wlth them

# Your volce so full of joy

#As you murmur your llttle nothlngs

# My own papa, so very coy

# Mon cheri!!!! #

You look wonderful! Absolutely sensational!


I should find a movie premiere to go to!

The celebrities would be clamouring to meet you!

I don't want to go to any of those ever again!

Why are you looking at that song?

Because I can't get it out of my head!

I told you!!!


It's just a song, Dad!

I love you so much!

SNEATH: She looked so beautlful.

It was llke a last plcture of her.

When they go to university!!!

it's like a death!

A little death!

STELLA: There!

Not bad, eh?

Very impressive!

An instant heaven!

Very few people get to see that!

- In fact, no one, I don't think!

- I'm honoured!


Talking of which,

I got a call from the Prime Minister yesterday!

The Number 1 0 switchboard calls!


"I'm putting you through now!"

And then absolutely nothing happens!

And then this voice,

"The Prime Minister will talk to you

in 1 0 minutes!"

And then again, "I'm putting you through now!"

And then, there he is!

"I hear you are doing wonderful things

for the millennium!

- "You must come and talk to me personally!"

- Great!


"I'm putting you through now!"

And she can find anyone anywhere in the world,

that receptionist!

Even your daughter!

You can talk about her, you know!

About wondering what she's up to!

About when you'll hear from her.


W0MAN: Which vision of the Millennium Dome

do you respond to most?

Leave her!

Don't try to reach her!

It's fine!

What an amazing, boring bunch!

I told you so!


This is my favourite place at the moment!

REP0RTER: (0N TV) Edlnburgh pollce

have launched a double murder enqulry

after the bodles of two women

were found In the clty.

They are warnlng women to be on thelr guard.

You okay?

Pollce conflrmed the flrst body

was found near the rlver In the...

PRESENTER: (0N TV) That's what I mean,

the most unlversal whlte water...

Andrew can't work out if I've lost the plot or not!

Does it matter in your business?

How would anyone tell the difference?

You're thinking,

despite all the work we're currently getting,

you're wondering, "Has he lost it?"

Well, I think either you've entered a stratosphere

so high-powered I can't follow you there,

- Or!!!!

- 0r?

- 0r something else is going on!

- Such as what?

Ah! I'm working that out!

And when you've worked it out,

what will you do about it?

If I discovered that I was working for somebody

who started being uneasy

about exercising power!!!!

"It's all a bit too political and mundane,

"so let's tiptoe away quietly!"

0r if I thought I was working for somebody

who deliberately hired a bright young guy,

someone who reminded him

a little bit of his younger self,

and he thought,

"Let's play with this young guy for a while,

"give him his head," and then,

"Whoops! He's getting a bit too scary now!

"A bit too focused!

So let's distance ourselves from all that fast!"

If that were the case, you'd be off!

You'd be gone as quick as you could

to a competitor!

If I were working for somebody like that,

I wouldn't leave!

I would stay right there in his face

working out why he was trying so hard

to throw it all away!

I would be there in the morning when he woke up!

I would be there at night

when his head hit the pillow

and I would be there at the end of the bed

when he'd finished shagging!

That's what I would do!

Dingle, dingle, dingle, there I would be!

Not while I'm around, you won't!

Good food, is that?

It's great!

I think it's time to show you

the best food in London, Andrew!

And a lot of other people, too!

SNEATH: And so we all flnd ourselves

belng Invlted to thls eatery

rlght on the edge of London, In Southall.




I'm Stella! I'm co-hosting the evening!

Hi! Have a good time!

This is Mr Singh, he owns the restaurant!

Hanif, my boss!



Is there anybody who might be able to tell us

what the bloody hell we're doing here?

Tell me, what's so special about this place?

Should I have heard of it?

I'm hoping my daughter might make it!

I'm hoping!

I really am looking forward to tonight, you know!

Hi, Mr Badalamenti, you won't know me

but I'm a friend of Gideon's!

0h! Charming, of course,

to meet a friend of Gideon's!

So, what are you gonna buy from us?

All of our newspapers?

Some of our TV stations?

You gonna give us housewives stripping?

- Naked newsreaders?

- I hope so! Why not?

Maybe even politicians stripping, eh?

- 0h!

- Who knows?

If they get their own TV show,

they will pass all the right legislation!

I don't know why a lot of these people are here!

Hello, Mr Dent!

Don't worry, your hair is safe!

For tonight, at least!

Well, that's something

I'm most reassured to hear!

- We turned up for the demonstration, didn't we?

- 0h, you did!

And what did you think?

What did you conclude when it happened?

I saw somebody who was in pain, in grief!

Well, that's certainly true!

What do you think I accomplished?

Well, you let a lot of rage out

on some elected officials!

0fficials who are either too busy

or too over-stretched to use their common sense!

Why didn't you ever say

anything like that to us before?

You think a Member of Parliament can go around

admitting he's hated by the local council?

It doesn't mean I don't understand

how important it was that we all got together!

You want me to think better of you?

Then I will, when you start to think that all

members of the public who go on and on and on

and won't let go of something!!!

are not damaged people!

I'm reduced by my son's death, of course!

I'm slower!

I'm clumsier!

I don't tell many jokes now!

But I am not out of my mind!

Quite the opposite!

And I got the cycle lane re-routed!

I did that!

Hello, Gideon!

- How are you?

- Good, thank you!

BADALAMENTl: Where is Mr Gideon?

I just need to find Gideon!

He gave me some advice!

Just want to check it with him one more time!

SNEATH: And then I flnd hlm, squashed Into

a corner, as If retreatlng from the world.

Gideon, you all right?

- William, yes!

- What are you doing here?

Just staying out of trouble!

SNEATH: He tells me about hls daughter,

about the song, about Stella.

!!! Child died! She's outside, Stella!

(TV)... has been attacked In Edlnburgh

flve days after a double murder In the clty...

SNEATH: And about how, sort of,

removed he feels from the rest of the world.

He hasn't heard from Natasha for weeks,

can't get her on the phone.

Yet all the tlme he's talklng to me,

he's looklng over my shoulder.

...whether or not thls assault

Is llnked to Tuesday's murders.

We now cross llve to Edlnburgh...

SNEATH: Before I could say anythlng, he was gone.

And there was a strange sensatlon

In that restaurant, llke a shadow had descended.

Where was the man? The man they needed?

And as I stand there looklng at the crowd,

I notlce people from Gldeon's past.

The old comedlans llke Mlller and Dave.

It's llke he's got all these people together

In thls welrd place just to say...

"Grow up. You don't need me.

"To hell wlth celebrlty. "

- Are you Stella?

- Yes!

I know who you are!

STELLA: I know where he's gone!

He's gone to find her!

SNEATH: Here's a man

wllllng hls daughter to be safe.

It's as if by thinking about her strongly enough!!!

and staring across the city!!!

he can keep her out of harm's way!

As I keep trylng to get Gldeon after the party,

I'm thlnklng that those wretched murders

In Scotland are not relevant,

not the polnt.

I'm thinking about signs!!!

and about Natasha's song!

And I start to run through the lmages In my mlnd

of that summer.

NATASHA: # To know there'll never be

another letter

# You've got to hear thls one small thlng

# I need you to remember

# That I never was your shame #

SNEATH: Her song was about obsesslve love.

It's the glrl who kllled herself.

But fllp Natasha's song, turn It around,

and It's about her dad.

It's about Gldeon.

Hls love Is too strong.

And then the thought enters my head,

he's not just gone to Edlnburgh

In case harm has befallen her,

but rather to say goodbye.

- Hello! I wonder, have you seen Natasha?

- No, I haven't seen Natasha!

- When was she last here?

- I'm sorry! I don't know where she is!

SNEATH: There's one thlng

llnks father and daughter.

Gldeon's looked after all those comlcs

and Natasha has a great love for stand-up.

C0MEDIENNE: He was bollock naked on all fours...

And llsten, don't forget

when you get to the tunnel, there's a troll.


So I'm panlcklng a blt, you know what I mean,

because I've never dealt wlth a troll before.

So, you've gotta talk hlm round,

offer your flrst-born...


You all rlght there, mate?

Do you want to come and joln us?

It's all rlght.

The last seven mlnutes of my act Is the best.

So you've done well, really.

Let's get a spot on hlm.

Let's have a llttle spot on thls guy. Come on.

There we go. Hey. There we go. Hey.


Ladles and gentlemen, The Pengulnl



There he Is.

Anyway, he's buggered up the troll joke

so we'll carry on wlth somethlng else.

Anyone a blg fan of hellum?

It's brllllant, Isn't lt? It's great.

Oh, you're on the move agaln, fella?

James Bond's let hlmself go, hasn't he?

I'd call that shaken, not stlrred.

All rlght, yeah, that's what I thought

you should do. Probably walk here. Brllllant.

Don't worry, It's just a stage you're golng through.

You'll get over lt, you'll be flne. Good stuff.

Jelly bean? Would you llke one of these?


I mean, who comes to a comedy club

and gets on the stage themselves, you know.

It's llke golng to a brothel

and sucklng your own cock.

Llsten, I hope we bump Into each other

agaln, my frlend.

Hopefully when I'm In a car and you're walklng.




My phone was broken!

I should have let you know!

I'm here now! I'm here now!

I didn't want you in my thoughts!

Anywhere near me, really!

I didn't want to hear your voice

or get your letters!

But now I think that that's over!

Wherever you are!!!

wherever I am!!!

I won't let that happen again!

He couldn't move!

Maybe that's why she could talk to him,

because he couldn't move,

because he was defenceless!

We never know

what's going on in our children's heads!

Do they ever really forgive us?

Come on!

Why can't you move, Dad?

Come on!


You wake!!!

and it's not Andrew at the end of the bed!

It's me!

Thank God for that!

How are you?

I don't think I know!!!

what happened!

I've no idea! Everything just stopped!

I'm glad to see you, though, that's for sure!

And that's a start!

You know what?

I think we should have

a hefty slice of toast and marmalade!

Particularly chunky marmalade!

And then I think it's time for us to venture

a little further than Wolverhampton or Sunderland!

- You and me together!

- That's a great idea!

Maybe we should start with a walk!

Got to get you moving again!

You were frozen in that comedy club!

What a place to seize up!

What happens!!!!

What happens, Gideon, if we go somewhere else

in the world and just see where it leads?

Get you away from your work,

get me away from where my little boy died!

Let Natasha go wherever she wants to

because she will keep in touch,

because she will have a satellite tag on,

won't she?

Just see what would happen?


Let someone else sell the millennium!

And I'll let someone else

clear out the guinea pig shit!

How about it?

How about it, Gideon?

SNEATH: And then, they vanlsh.

0ne call for me from Gideon before they left

and then they vanish!

And they've stayed vanished all these years!

Nobody knows what happened to them.

I thought I caught a gllmpse of Natasha once,

not so long ago.

It was her.

She looked very radlant.

Her beauty was so strong,

you felt Gldeon would be able to feel It

wherever he was In the world

and however far she travelled.

SNEATH: And Stella and Gideon?

Have they found happiness?

Who knows?

I'll tell you one thing, though!

I bet they're still together!

Is he driven mad worrying about Natasha

in this dangerous world?

I don't know!

The funny thing is!!!

what a huge hole he left on millennium night!

The plastic Dome!

That ghastly beacon with the Queen!

The most important night for a thousand years!

How on earth did we let that happen?

I'll tell you one thing, though!

0n the outskirts of that town,

on millennium night,

when the clock struck 1 2:00!!!!

Oh, I wlsh I could have been there.

That was a slght to see.