Ghost Town Renegades (1947) - full transcript

The U. S. Marshal of Arizona orders his ace trouble-shooter. "Cheyenne" Davis(Lash La Rue)to Waterhole, a deserted mining town, so that he can aid "Fuzzy" Jones (Al St. John), the local law-enforcement officer, in an investigation into the disappearance of Bob Craig (Bob Woodward), a federal surveyor. "Cheyenne" arrives just after two henchmen, Flint (Terry Frost) and "Waco" (Lane Bradford)have ambushed a man named Rodney Trent (Steve Clark)and left him for dead after stealing his papers. "Cyeyenne" and "Fuzzy" take him to "Fuzzy's" shack, where he tells them he has come west to look into an offer from Vince Sharpe (Jack Ingram)fo the land he has inherited in Barton City, and also tells them his daughter, Diane (Jennifer Holt)is on her way to join him. Back in Barton City, thinking they have killed Trent, report to Sharpe, who is dismayed to learn from Trent's papers that he has a daughter, who will inherit Trent's holding when he dies. "Cheyenne" decides that Sharpe must have a good reason for wanting the apparently-worthless land, and he and "Fuzzy" devise a plan of action to find out the reason.

Go down there
about fifty yards.

You never miss,
do you, flynt?

Most times, waco,

you don't get
a second chance
at missin'.

This one's done for.

So is this one--
what do we do
with the bodies?

Get rid of 'em
the usual way?

Yeah, the usual way.

What about all this stuff?

That goes with 'em.

And we'd better
get rid of the horses,

before somebody
starts investigating.

I heard you were
looking for me,
Mr. Jennings.

Looking for you?
I had out a dragnet.

I found out how slippery
the Cheyenne kid is.

My office traced you
from laredo to gila bend, then--

well, here I am in Phoenix.

What do you want, chief?

A job has come up
only you can handle.

Me as the Cheyenne kid,
or as marshal Davis?

It'll probably take
a combination of both.

I don't know
whether you've heard--

Bob Craig, a federal surveyor,

and his assistant
have disappeared.

Isn't he mapping the new road
through barton county?

He was until
a couple of weeks ago.

One of our marshals traced him

to a spot near
the ghost town of waterhole,

but the trail
ended in thin air.

Who's on the case?

A funny old codger
named Jones.

Fuzzy Jones?

He's an old sidekick of mine.

Good, you'll be
working together.

Fuzzy reports there may be
something big back of
Craig's disappearance--

that's where you come in.

You can keep the paperwork.

I'd rather depend on
firsthand information
from fuzzy himself.

You can contact him
in the vicinity of waterhole.

He's posing as a desert rat
prospecting in that district.

That desert rat's gettin'
too nosy for his own good.

Maybe we'd better
scare him off.

That oughta be easy.

What are you
doing around here?


What's that contraption
you got there?

That's a whatchamacallit.

A whatchamacallit?

Yeah, it's for locatin'
valuable treasures

and veins of ore.

You're loco.

There ain't been any gold
around here for fifty years.

Maybe you're right,
and maybe you're wrong.

I figured they must have
missed the mother lode

when they were
minin' hearabouts.

Besides, gold ain't
the only valuable metal.

That thing will locate
other metals besides gold?

Ha ha!

You can't prove it by me,

but that's what
the inventor told me

when he sold me this gadget.

I can tell you better
after I find somethin'.

I think it'd be healthier
if you did your prospecting
someplace else.

This is a free country.

Besides, I kinda like it here.

I said get going!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

That oughta keep him
out of our way for a while.

At least by the time
he gets his nerve back,

our deal will be set.

We'd better get back
to barton city.

Hey, flynt!

Wait a minute!

What's up, Vance?

I just got another answer
to those advertisements

I've been running
in the eastern newspapers.

One of the heirs to
the waterhole mining property?

Rodney Trent--the big fish
I've been angling for.

His grandfather owned
two-thirds of waterhole

when the mine was
running full blast--
Trent inherited it.

You get the deed
to his property,

that'll just about
sew things up for you.

Yes, and he fell for
my come-on.

He's headed out here
to investigate.

( Gunshots )

It's Rodney Trent,
all right.

We'd better get his body
to waterhole

and put it with
the rest of 'em.

Reach for it.

Cheyenne, you old
son of a sidewinder!

How are ya,

Am I glad to see you!

I really been
havin' trouble.

You're not the only one--
hand me that canteen.

This fella's in
pretty bad shape.

Who are you?

Take is easy.

The bandits--
what happened?

They hightailed it
out of here.

I've got to get
to barton city.

Your wound will have to be
taken care of first.

I've got to get there.

Is there someplace close
we can doctor his wound?

I've been hiding out
in an old shack near hear.

Good, let's go.

I don't know of any reason
why those men attacked me.

I was carrying
very little money.

It didn't have the earmarks
of an ordinary holdup.

You said you
answered an ad

that was seeking to locate heirs
of the waterhole property.

Did you write a letter
to Vance sharp in barton city,

saying you were
coming here?

Yes. I wrote him that

I wanted to look over the land
before selling.

You don't think Vance sharp
had me ambushed, do you?

He seems to be the only one
you contacted.

Do you think his offer
to buy your property
was legitimate?

The figure seemed low.

Sharp claimed
the land was worthless

except to
an eastern syndicate

which wanted to develop it
into small ranches.

Ranches? What in tarnation
would they use for water?

Waterhole was named because

the town has the only spring
in that section,

and that's gone dry.

Is there a possibility
of a new gold strike?

I don't know.

But it's sure someone
wants that property

for something else
besides farming.

And bad enough to commit murder
to get it.

What could they gain
by my death?

I've signed no papers--

you wrote him a letter--
he has your signature.

Names are sometimes forged,

if there are no heirs
to contest the signature.

But I have an heir--
my daughter.

I'm to meet her
in barton city.

And from the reception I got,
I'm worried about her.

Does anybody else
know she's coming
besides you?

Those men who ambushed me
have her letter.

It was in my wallet.

Take it easy.

I've got to get to Diane.

Don't worry--we'll see that
nothing happens to her.

We'd better head
for barton city, fuzzy.

What happened?

We ran into some trouble--

and Trent got away?

We got him, but before
we could get rid of the body

the Cheyenne kid
jumped US.

The Cheyenne kid?
Are you sure?

I've bumped into him before--

he's a bad hombre
to tangle with.

Any chance he might have been
following Trent?

It looked as if he just
happened along by accident.

I got all of
Trent's papers here.

Good. Now, nobody
will be able to
identify him.

Well, this changes things--
a letter from Trent's daughter.

She'll be arriving
in barton city
in a few days.

So there's still an heir
to the Trent property.

As long as she
remains alive.

Too bad miss Trent
won't be able to

enjoy the millions
we're going to mine
at waterhole.

I'd better get over to
the assay office

and tell Watson to hold off
for a couple of days.

You boys come along.

Wait here.

Hey, Watson.

You'll have to hold off
recording that Trent deed.

What's the matter, Vance?

Didn't your sucker
arrive on schedule
to investigate his property?

That part went off
like clockwork.

But we've got a complication--
Trent has a daughter.

You mean we have to
get her out of the way

before we can get
the Trent property.

Obviously--if anyone
squawks about our claims,

those deeds won't bear
too close an examination.

I won't stand for
any more killings--

you're getting US
in too deep!

We're up to our necks now,

they can only hang US once.

But all I've done was to
forge those deeds for you,

the rest was
your responsibility.

You still want your share
of the millions?

I've got a right
to a big share--

it was my idea.

You tipped me off

when the surveyor
brought some ore samples
to be assayed--

without me it
it wouldn't be
worth a plugged nickel.

I've got enough worries
without your troubles,

and I don't like
the Cheyenne kid

showing up at this
stage of the game.

Knowing what happened
to Trent,

I'm afraid Bob Craig
stumbled onto something
and got the same treatment.

Do you think Trent ties up
with what we're after?

You said you traced
Bob Craig to waterhole,

and Trent was headed there--

it's beginning to add up.

That reminds me,

I found this in waterhole.

Look--the initials are r.C.

Could stand for Robert Craig.

Looks like some rough handling
tore it loose.

I figure when that
watch fob tore loose,

it was the end
of Craig's trail.

I think you're right, fuzzy.

But I have a hunch
the trail begins
in barton city.

I thought you ran
that old prospector
out of town.

I thought I did.

This time I'll really
give him a working over.

Hold it.

I'm curious to find out
what he's up to.

I'm gonna find out
what he wants over there--
you fellas come along.

I want to check your records
on some mining claims.

What locality?


Won't do you any good--

that property isn't open
to public claim.

I didn't ask you
if it was public property,

I just wanna
see the records.

Did you find something
interesting at waterhole?

That's my business.

Am I gonna see
them records,
or ain't I?

You'll have to tell me
the section number

of the property
you're interested in.

I thought you were told
this part of the country
ain't healthy for you.

I'm feelin'
plenty healthy--

Look out, fuzzy!

Hold it, you tinhorns.

You've got me
all wrong, mister.

This man's a very
dangerous character,

and he came in here
looking for trouble.

I came in here
looking for records,

and these two fellas
jumped me.

We've been after him
for stealing supplies
from our camp.

I never stole nothin'.

Don't you think
it's a matter
for the sheriff?

Next time, I'm gonna
take the law into my own--

hold it, flynt.

Maybe the boys were mistaken
about your friend.

Well, see that the boys
don't repeat that mistake--

it might prove fatal.

Come on, fuzz.

I told you that Cheyenne kid
was dynamite.

Dynamite can be useful--
when properly handled.

( Gunshots )

How she got out of there,
I don't know.

We'd better split up
and look for her.

And since your father
is alive,

I'm stuck until I can prove
that sharp murdered
the other heirs.

Yes, I can see what
a difficult job that'll be.

But surely they must
believe my father's dead.

The fact that
they attacked me
proves it.

Isn't there some way
you can use me as bait
to trap them?

Yes, there is a way
you can help.

Something's spooky
about the way

that girl disappeared
without a trace.

You and your men
are a bunch of
bungling idiots.

I've backtracked
the trail,

and the man
are still searching.

Round up more men
and go over that district
with a fine-toothed comb.

What's the matter, sharp,
lose something?

Why, uh, why, yes,

one of the horses strayed
and the boys are looking for it.

Are you sure? I thought maybe
it was miss Trent.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

But if I lost
something like you,

this whole state
would be turned upside-down.

I wonder if your interest
is in miss Trent
or her mining property.

I've never seen her before

and know nothing
about her business.

You'll know plenty about her
from now on.

Are you trying
to threaten me?

Miss Trent would like to
hire your services
as her attorney.

Is this true?

Yes. I'd like you
to draw up my will.

Your will?

Pardon my amazement,
but you're so young

and look to be in
such perfect health.

I'm surprised you'd worry
about such a document as that.

I'd say this will
is more in that nature
of a life insurance policy.

Miss Trent's life
is in danger.

Why would anyone
threaten your life?

For the same reason
her father was killed
two days ago.

If anybody wants
to get her,

I want to fix it
so they have to
get me, too.

How do you figure
you can do that?

Miss Trent is making me
her beneficiary.

That should transfer
the heat to me
and insure her life.

We would like for you
to get busy

and draw up that will
right away.

With this will
as an ace in the hole,

I'm certain your daughter
will be safe.

It's good of you
to help US this way,

You're helping me and fuzzy
as much as we're helping you.

What's our next move?

I think the next move
will come from sharp.

We'd better go to barton city
where he can find US.

There ain't a sign
of that Trent gal,

we might as well
quit looking.

Stay here with the horses,
I'm gonna see what's going on.

We've really got something
to tell sharp--

Trent ain't dead.

I don't know what
the Cheyenne kid told you,

but I think something's
happened to your father

which is being
concealed from you.

Have you seen him
since you've arrived?


Then you only have
Cheyenne's word
that he's trying to help you.

What are you
trying to tell me?

One of my men told me
that the kid and his partner

are holding a wounded man
prisoner in a deserted shack.

That man may be your father.

But what can they gain
by keeping dad a prisoner?

The Cheyenne kid
might have been trying

to force your father
to make a will
in his favor.

Something went wrong,
and he tricked you
into making one instead.

But my will is valueless,

unless your father is dead.

I don't believe it.

There's an easy way
to find out, miss Trent.

Clint, find Cheyenne Davis
and bring him here.

I don't know why
he wants to see you,
but it's important.

With Trent dead,
there's only one person
standing between me

and the waterhole
mining property.

Remember, miss Trent's will
is made out in my favor.

It could be changed.

I don't think so--
she thinks I'm on the level.

I'll give you till
tomorrow morning
to make up your mind.

Uh, do you think
that phony lawyer

believes that you're
throwin' in with him?

Your guess is
as good as mine,

but we're holding
the trump card
as long as we have Trent.

( Gunshot )

He's asleep.

I hate to wake him up,
but I've got to find out

if he's in condition
to travel

in case we have
a showdown with sharp.



Is he unconscious again?

This time, for good.

Turn around with
your hands in the air.

I wouldn't look
in that bunk, miss Trent.

Hold it, Cheyenne,
we know what your game is.

Lay a hand on that girl,
and we'll let you have it.


you've killed my father!

Believe me,
I didn't.

Save it for the judge--
get their guns, boys.

Nice goin', chey.

Get your hands off me.

We can hide out here
until dark.

What are you
gonna do with me?

Try and convince you

that I had nothing to do
with your father's death.

It'll be pretty hard to do.

Not if I can produce
a guilty man.

But first, to clear up
your doubts of me,

I want you to
have this back.

My will? But I thought--

take it.

You won't need it any longer
to ensure your safety

since this case is ready
to break wide open.

What are you
talking about?

If you'll answer
one question,

I'm sure I can find
the man who killed
your father.

Haven't you played
enough games
with me already?

Someone else dealt
the cards in the game,

and I'm pretty sure
I know who it is.

All I need now
is confirmation.

What do you mean?

Whoever told you
your father

was hidden in the shack
is responsible for his death.

Remember, I didn't tell you
or anyone else

where he was hidden,
all I said was that
he was safe.

That's right--

then Vance sharp
arranged the whole thing.

But you can't blame me
for believing him--

I was hidden in the closet
when you made the deal with him.

He claimed he only pretended
to fall in with your scheme

in order to trap
my father's murderer.

It's going to work--
but not the way he figured.

( Owl hooting )

This place is
startin' to give me

the jumpin' heebie-jeebies--
it's too spooky.

We'll be on our way
as soon as Diane wakes up.

Don't worry--ghost don't
start walking till midnight.

Poor kid's had a tough time,
she needs her rest--

hey! D-D-Did you say "ghosts"?

This is a ghost town,
isn't it?

You know I don't
believe any stories
about spooks--

but I'm still
scared of 'em.

( Mouse squeaks )


First time I ever saw
a 4-legged ghost--
here's your hat.

Relax for a while.

Are you rested enough
to ride to barton city?

Oh, I'm all right.

Fuzzy and I have
some business
to take care of

after we leave you
at the hotel.

Hey...hey chey--

I just saw the toughest hombre
I ever saw peekin'
through this window.

That tough-lookin' hombre
is you--that's a mirror.

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

You take the filing cabinet,
I'll take the desk.

Looks like we've
drawn a blank.

There's nothin'
in the desk...

Seems funny a lawyer
wouldn't have a safe
for his important papers.

You don't suppose he hung 'em
behind a picture, do you?

Look like you
hit the jackpot.

You mean
the jackpot hit me.

Here are letters
from several people

answering sharp's

This one's from
Rodney Trent.

That's all we need
to put a rope around
that lawyer's neck.

You're wrong, fuzzy.

It only proves that sharp
was trying to locate
the waterhole heirs.

But all we have to do is check
if the other folks are missing.

Before sharp can be
brought to trial,

we have to produce
a corpus delecti.

do which?

The bodies of
the murdered people.

Like lookin' for
a needle in a haystack--

I've covered this country
all over before, you know.

I hadn't figured
on looking for the bodies.

Today is the 14th,
isn't it?

It was all day,
unless you want
to be technical,

it's probably
past midnight.

And if today is
already tomorrow,

then tomorrow
is the 15th.

Skip the comedy.

According to this letter,
there's another sucker
due in on the 15th.

If sharp has prepared
his usual welcome,

we'll have all the evidence
we'll need.

Are you Luther Johnson?

Yes, what do you--

is this a holdup?

If we were after your money,
we could take it right here.

Let's get out of sight.

I have business
in waterhole--

that's what I want to
talk to you about.

Didn't you answer
a blind ad

and get a reply from
Vance sharp of barton city?

Yes, he offered to buy
some property of mine.

I wasn't satisfied
with the deal

and decided to
investigate for myself.

You don't know it,
Mr. Johnson,

but we saved your life
by stopping you here.

Saved my life?

Why should I be
in any danger?

You're one of half dozen suckers
who fell for sharp's come-on.

I have nothing to lose
if I don't accept his offer.

Nothing except your life.

The others felt the same,
and now one of them is dead

and the rest
are missing.

Sharp evidently figures
that murder is cheaper
than buying your property.

Then my hunch that property
is still valuable is right.

Considering the risks
sharp is taking,

the stakes must be
plenty high.

Have you proof that
he's back of all this?

No, that's where
you come in.


Yep, and it's liable
to be dangerous.

I'm with you--what do you
want me to do?

We'll start by playing
a little game of tag,

and I'm afraid
you're going to be "it".

I spotted flynt and his men
just over the hill--

are you sure you want to
go through with this?


Then get out in the road
and get set.

All right, fuzzy,
start shooting.

( Gunshots )

This is a piece of luck.

The Cheyenne kid
don't know it,

but without these
he won't be able to
cut into our game.

We lost 'em.

They might circle back.

Get him out of here,
and then report back
to sharp's office.

We'd better leave our horses
and sneak down the back alley.

Come on, horse.

Lay him down here
till I open the trap door.

Well, fuzzy,

we'll find what's left
of Bob Craig and the others.

That's why the trail
ended here in waterhole.

There's still plenty
of business to finish
in barton city.

Tie those men up,
we'll take 'em with US.

Now that we've recorded the deed
to the Johnson property,

there's nothing left to do
but find the Trent girl,

then start to develop that
new vein at waterhole mines.

But what about
the Cheyenne kid?

Flynt reports he's
still in the vicinity.

There's nothing
to worry about.

That was just a last try
to cut in on our deal.

It paid off, sharp.

What kind of
a game is this?

"Follow the leader"
if you're referring
to what fuzzy's got in tow.

Come on in, fuzzy.

Sit down!

Now, if you're talking about
your own game, it's over.

You're all under arrest--

I'm taking you to Phoenix
to stand trial

for the murder of Bob Craig
and the others.

It's was flynt's fault--
Johnson wasn't dead.

Shut up, you idiot!

You can't pin anything
on me, marshal.

Nothing but
a mail order
murder racket.

With Johnson's testimony,

there's enough evidence
to convict you,

with one exception--

and I'm gambling that
I'll find out right here

why that waterhole property
is so valuable.

I'm not mixed up in this--
you can examine my records.

Everything is open
and above board.

What I'm looking for
won't be in the open.

Hey, chey--this office
ain't got no safe either,

but it's got
a filing cabinet.

You're right, fuzzy.

See if it's got a trick drawer
like the one in sharp's office.

I'll betcha this is
all we need
to wind up this case.

Exhibit a in the Phoenix court.

I'm not connected
to these murders--

it was Vance sharp's
whole scheme,

he made me
forge those deeds!

Why, you dirty squealer!

Hold it, fuzz!
We need him alive.


( Groaning )

So you could expect
waterhole to boom again

with this new gold strike.

We certainly have
a lot to thank you for.

Well, Bob Craig
deserves the thanks

for discovering
the new vein or ore,

and his disappearance
brought fuzzy and me here.

Why don't you stay on--
to see that law and order
is maintained.

Well, you might,
if anyone could.

But I'm too restless
to stay put very long.

Besides, fuzzy
will handle things here

while I'm in Phoenix
for the trial.

That's right, you can
depend on me to stick to--

looks to me like
you're stuck with the job.

So long, folks,
maybe I'll be
through again sometime.

At least I'm leaving you
in good hands.

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