Ghost Town (1936) - full transcript

Morrell and his henchmen are after the money miner McCall is returning with. They set a trap but Cheyenne Harry breaks it up. When the Sheriff finds Cheyenne with the money he is jailed. Morrell learns the money is at the Sheriff's house and grabs and flees. But Cheyenne has broken out of jail and gives chase.

[music playing]


Coming back, Clem?

Oh, sure.


We're just in time.

There's the old codger himself.

If he goes into that
sing song of his of how

him and his partner McCall
founded Seward or Ghost

Town as they now call it,
and this is the biggest

mine in nine counties,
that they once owned

the bank, the saloon, and
the general store, say,

I'll feel like [inaudible].

Now you shut.

Keep still.

I'll do the talking.


There's a million dollars still
in that mine and you know it,

and it's up to us to
get our hands on it.

All right.


If you gents is here for the
same purpose you was yesterday,

I'll have to give
you the same answer.

The Royal Flush ain't for sale.

And my partner, McCall, he
ain't back from Soledad yet,

but if he was here, he'd
tell you the same thing.

Him and I discovered this mine.

And when she was paying rich,
we built that town over yonder.

I know it.

Shut up.

We owned the bank
and everything in it.

And some morning you're going
to wake up and find Ghost Town

ain't Ghost Town no longer, but
Seward again, a booming town,

and the Royal Flush
are going full blast.

Oh, we believe you.

That's the reason we
want to buy in with you.

Now we're promoters.

We know a good thing
when we see it.

Any fool knows this
mine's a good thing.

Guess me and McCall
ought to know.

Took [inaudible]
thousands out of it.

And if we ever find that vein--



Mr. Rankin!

You've got it.

You got it.

That stuff I put through
assay's well over $1,800 a ton.

W-w-w-w-well it ought to.

That specimen I gave you was
from our first pay streak

which petered out, and which we
ain't been able to find since.

Uh, that was 15 years ago.


Look here, young man.

If you're sleepy, you better
take that hack of yours back

to town and rent yourself a bed.

You'll find a nice soft one
of Mrs. Rose's boarding house.


Mr. Rankin, you'll
have to pardon Blackie.

He suffers from insomnia.

Why, he couldn't sleep no
matter how good the bed is.


Well, that's all right,
but when I'm yawned at,

I always get ringy.

Oh, Mr. Rankin, forget it.

It's all right.

I planted them
charges, Mr. Rankin.

Eight sticks of dynamite.

I'll touch him off first
thing in the morning.

No, I don't like that, Gannon.

Me and the partner has
a rule never to leave

powdered charges in the mine.

We always fires them
just as soon as the man

is clear of the tunnel.

Do you want me to go back
in and said them off now?

No, no, no, no.
[inaudible] you, man.

Maybe you didn't
know the difference.

Go on home.

I'll attend to it myself.
-All right.

I won't make the
same mistake again.

Well, see that you don't.

Mr. Rankin, won't you
take our proposition?

Well take an option on the
Royal Flush here at your price.

With our backing, you can
make a big go of this thing.

It ain't for sale, and we
don't need your backing.

Mack a me'll make a
go of it ourselves.

All right, if that's the
way you feel about it.

Come on, Blackie.

Let's go.

Say, I'm sorry I spoke
out of turn, Mr. Rankin.

But I was so excited I wanted
you to know the good news.

[laughs] That's all right, Bud.

But I didn't want them two
to know we found the vein.

I don't like them, and
I don't trust them.

But you have found it.

Why, that sample I ran
through shows you'll

go way over $1,800 a ton.

Well, Mr. Rankin,
that's high grade.

High grade.

Oh, if we had a little capital.

It may be that's
what McCall'll be

bringing us back from Soledad.

You know, I figured
about $10,000

would put us on our feet
again and make Ghost Town

a real town.


Well, it's a nice
thought, anyway.

Ain't it, Bud?

You bet.

Climb in.

We'll take you as
far as we're going,

down to Rosie's boarding house.

Thanks for the lift.

What did you find out, Gannon?

Oh, they've struck
it all right.

A pay streak a yard wide.

But don't kid yourselves.

They know what they've got.

--We ain't worried about
what's in the ground.

We're worried about
what his partner's got.

Oh, you mean McCall?

Well, get this.

He went to Soledad
three days ago,

and he's due back again today.

And if my ears
didn't hear wrong,

he's carrying about $10
grand in bills on him.

They've got some funny
idea that they're

going to reopen the
mine and the bank

and the town and
everything on $10 grand.


When we get through looking
at this old codger McCall,

he won't be looking at anything.

You got a gun for me?

Yeah, a .45.



Well, where to?

Go ahead.

I'll show you where we
turn off to wait for him.

Come on, come on,
will ya, Aloysius?

Don't start acting like a mule.

--[inaudible] hemlock,
hold everything.

Say, mister.

You're mighty lucky you
didn't have a rear end

collision with Aloysius there.

You had, he'd a kicked
this old automobile

clean out from under you.


Say, this darned
old tin can has been

mixed up with a lot of worse
things than an ornery mule.

What's the matter?

Can't you handle the critter?

Well, I'll tell ya.

Aloysius only joined me
and Sonny a couple of weeks

ago, we ain't right
well acquainted yet.

He'll be all right as soon as
we get used to one another.

Did you ever try building
a fire under a mule?

No sir, I never did.

But I knew an old
fella did once,

and that mule hauled off
and kicked these [inaudible]

well, up into the hayloft,
and that set his barn afire.

And the sparks from the
barn set his house a fire.

No, do tell.

That's right.

And then the sparks
from his house

went and set the
schoolhouse afire.

Oh, get out.

You're spoofing.

No I ain't.

No I ain't.

I tell you, I ain't.

'Course I ain't exactly
sure of all the details,

but-- well, it all
happened a long time ago.

Maybe we'd better skip it.

Well, gosh almighty,
what the Sam Hill are

you doing down in this country?

Oh, just moseying around.

See, I heard about
this Ghost Town

and thought I'd come
down and have a look-see.

Well, gosh sakes.

Don't you know me?

I'm Jim McCall, the fella
that founded Ghost Town.

Me and my partner, Rankin.

Jim McCall?

Well, you old sidewinder, you.

How are you?


Wyoming [inaudible].

Yeah, wait a minute.

Now wait a minute.

You got the right state, but
you ain't got the right town.


--[laughs] I knew it was
in Wyoming somewhere.

Yeah son, that's right.


Harry, by all that's holy.


How are you?

Good, good, good.

How are you?

Ah, I got it all
figured out for you.

Now he's got to come through
that little pass up ahead.

There's no other way
to get into Ghost Town.

We'll block the road and
that'll make him stop,

and that's when we get him.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Move the car off the road.

Me and Blackie'll fix a trap.

Well, you certainly
picked a swell spot.

I'll say.

Ah, that's just
the piece we need.

Let's grab a hold of it and roll
over in the middle of the road.

Will that do?


And so help me, Cheyenne,
you're coming just in time

to see the last of Ghost Town.

Why, man, think what a fellow
can do with $10,000 cash

right in his hands.

And there's
hundreds of thousands

in that Royal Flush just
waiting for us to take it out,

and nobody knows it
but me and my partner.

Well, you're going to
make old Ghost Town

a real, live town, huh?

You're darn tootin' I am.

I got the $10,000 cash
right there under the seat.

Well, I got to be going.

Rankin'll be worried about me.

Well, so long.

Sonny and me'll be camping
along here somewhere.

Maybe we'll drop
in on you manana.


We'll be looking for you,
Wyoming-- I mean Cheyenne.


So long.

So long.

Well, if this don't stop
him, I don't know what will.

Well, a .45 might.

There's where we hide.

When he stops here, he
won't be able to see us

and we'll get him.

Well, boys.

I reckon this is home.

Is that his car?

Yeah, that's him.

It's working.

He's almost up to it.

Eh, didn't I tell
you it'd work?

Time to lift him, Morrell.

He might recognize my voice.

Stay where you are.

Reach for it!


I knew he'd fight.


We got him.

Yeah, what good's
it gonna do us?

Who's that guy down
below shootin' at us?

I can't see him.

Ah, we take no chances.

What are you gonna do?

Let that $10 grand get away
from us, after me, getting this?

Come on.

Come on, fellas.
Let's get down there.

We still got a chance of
getting that $10 grand.


Get down there,
[inaudible], and see

if you can find any dough.

Guy Gannon steered us wrong.

The old [inaudible]
hasn't got a dime on him.

Look what I got?

What I get out of it
is I'm getting shot up.

Oh, well, keep still.

We'll get you to a doctor
and have you fixed up.

There wasn't a thing on him.

Is he dead?

Looked like it, to me.


Well, come out,
let's get out of here

before somebody
finds him a blames

us for the slug that got him.

Say, do you know what I think?

Oh, shut up and get in the car.

I'll do the thinking.

My-- my money.

My-- my money.

Now don't you worry
about your money.

I'll take care of that.

You fellas seem to
be in an awful hurry.

Say, what's the matter?


Where can I find the
sheriff around here?

Over to his house.

There ain't nothing much for
him to do 'round here now.


I'll tell him.

Come on, get over
to Rose's house

and get that hand of
Blackie's fixed up.

Where's the sheriff's house?

Just around the
corner, 100 yards or so.

You can't miss it.


Hey, Henry.

You haven't seen anything of
my partner Mack, have you?



No, he ain't come through yet.

Was you looking for him today?

Why, he should have
been here hours ago.

You don't suppose
anything's happened to him?

Oh, he's all right.

What could happen to him?

I don't know.

Maybe plenty.

Oh Rose?

Oh Rose!


What is it?

[SHOUTING] Come here, and
don't ask so many questions!

What's the matter?

You been hurt?

No, just a slug
nipped me, that's all.

Let me see it.

Everything worked
out just you said.

The old guy comes walking from
Soledad, we tried to stop him.

Some bird butts in at
the party and I get it.

They didn't get a
look at you, did they?

I don't think so.

Well, if they did, we better
scram out of this town.

Don't be in such a hurry.

We didn't send you here
three months ago to open up

a boarding house for nothing.

Now things are
going as we planned.

When we check out of here, we're
going to own the Royal Flush,

and we're going to pay
for it with the dough

that that old codger
was carrying on him.

You'll see.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

His hand doesn't
look good to me.

Let me go get a basin for it.

We don't need all
you fellas in here.

All right.

Go ahead, Mr. Morrell.

You'd better come on
in too, Mr. Rankin.

Mr. Gannon here will
explain it to you.

My partner and myself
being strangers,

we got the directions
all mixed up.

Howdy, Mr. Blair.

That's Mr. Hawkes, and
this is Mr. Morrell.

He's already
introduced himself.

Well, I met him when they
came up to talk to Mr. Rankin

about selling the Royal Flush.

But Rankin refused to sell.

They picked me up
on the way to town,

and I told them I knew
about some other properties

that they might be
interested in looking at.

We headed down to look
at the old Aurora.

We heard some shots.

Morrell here turned
his car around

to see what it was all about.

All we could see was old man
McCall streaking it for dust,

apparently being hit.

We couldn't see the fella
through the shootin'.

Nah, we couldn't see him,
but I got one of the slugs.

Well, it was mighty
nice of you gentlemen

to take a chance like that.

Well, we'd expect anyone
to do that to us if we

were being held up and robbed.

How do you know
it was a robbery?

Why, we just naturally
assumed that it was, especially

after we followed
the car and we found

old man McCall laying
alongside with his pockets

turned inside out.

No sign of the
fella that did it?

No, I ain't worried
about the money, Sheriff.

I'm worried about Mac.

Is he dead?

I don't know.

We couldn't see from
where we was at.

He was laying down at the
bottom of a big ravine.

We didn't want to take
any more chances ourselves

of getting shot at, so we
headed back for town, let

you folks know what happened.

That's enough for us to go on.

Now, let's see if we
can find the fella

that did the shootin'.

You'd better come
with us, Gannon.

Glad to.

You ride a horse, Gannon?

Oh, I used to.

I guess I could
again if I have to.

All you fellas can come along.

I might need help.

[inaudible] horses?

Help me get them over
here at the stable.

Mine's over at the stable.


That should be all right if
blood poisoning doesn't set in.

Yeah, you would think of that.

We let the law men get started.

We'll trail them in the
car and see what's up.

If you'll take my
tip, you'll stay here.

Now listen to me, Rose.

I'm running this outfit.

That $10 grand didn't
vanish into thin air.

The fella that butted into our
party, he must have found it.

Come on, Blackie.

All right, you fellas get some
horses over at the feed barn.

We'll catch up to you.

You seen anything of an old
fella and a rickety old car?

Why, yes.


Well, he's overdue in town
and his friends are getting

kind of anxious about him.

We found the car wrecked and
blood stains all over him.

Since it was
reported he was last

seen being set on by
someone with a gun in it

and, though maybe you
might have heard the shots

and could tell us
something about it.

Well, now that you
come to speak about it,

sheriff, I did run into
an old fella this morning.

You see, my new
[inaudible], Aloysius

there got stuck in
the road, and they

held him up for a little while.

But he told me his
name was McCall.

McCall's my partner, mister.

And as the sheriff just told
you, we left his wrecked car.

He ain't nowhere's around it.

Nor his body, either.

What's happened to him?

All right, heist him.

Frank can take his gun.

Bud, you take a look-see
through his outfit.

I reckon you're the bird
we're looking for, all right.

What's your name?

Oh, I'm sorry Sheriff.

I plumb forgot my cardcase.


Where'd you come from?

I just rode in from the north.

Folks up there call me Cheyenne.

Cheyenne Harry
Morgan is the name.

Hey Sheriff!

Look at this.

Them's ours.

Them's our bills that
poor McCall was carrying.

I figured we'd
find something if we

hunted through this outfit?

Where'd you get
this money, mister?

I found it Mr. McCall's
automobile after the shootin'.

You see, sheriff,
there were three fellas

on foot trying to hold him up.

I cut down on him with my
saddle gun and drove them off.

It's no use, mister.

That story don't hold water.

That was three people
saw you do that job,

and I was one of them.

Oh, is that so?

Then how come you and your two
friends didn't drive me off?

We did, but you got
away on your horse

there before we could stop you.

Your story sounds
fishy to me, too,

so you'd better get
aboard that horse of yours

and we'll side you into town.

We got a heap of mighty
embarrassing questions

I'd like to ask you.

OK, Sheriff.

Oh, say, sheriff?

Do you mind if I give my
old mule here a bait of corn

before I go?

See, I might not get back
in time for his breakfast.

Yeah, I reckon it would be
some time before you get back.

Well Sheriff, kind of looks
like I'm under arrest, huh?

Not to give you a short
reply, but you are.

And I'm going to charge
you with the murder

and robbery of old man McCall.

Well, I don't see how
you're going to do that.

You can't have a murder,
sheriff, without a corpse.

You ain't got a corpse yet.

I'm going to start
looking for one

just as soon as I
get you locked up.

Come on, now.

Don't let us waste any time.

Let's tear this thing apart and
see if we can find that money.

Well, I give up.

That money ain't in
this camp nowhere.

-I got it.

-You have?
-Yeah, sure.


The sheriff's been here.

See all those horse tracks?

If that $10 grand was here,
the sheriff's found it.

Let's go find Gannon and
see what he knows about this.

So this is Ghost
Town, huh sheriff?

You got a jail, too, huh?

Yes, and a [inaudible]
tight one, too.

If you have any jail
breaking ideas in your head,

you'd better forget 'em.

Oh, say, sheriff?


You ain't gonna leave my horse,
Sonny, tied up here all night,

are you?

Oh, I'll have one of the
boys take care of him.

Hey Bud?

Yes, sir?

Take this gent's horse
over to the feed barn,

and take mine over to
the house and tie 'em.

I'm using him right away.

Sure, sheriff.

Thank you, sheriff.

Don't you think we'd better go
back to the mine, Mr. Rankin?

No, sin.

Not until I find out what's
happened to my partner, McCall.

All right, Mr. Cheyenne
Harry Morgan, there she is.

Well, I must say I've
never been in a better one.

Bed all made up
and everything, huh?

Yep, always aim to please.

Anything else I can do for you?


Ain't you've done
enough already?

Well, I'll tell you
sheriff, there is something.

Yeah, what is it?

Oh, I don't reckon you'd it.

What is it?

Weill you let me out of here?

Ah, we don't do business
that way in Ghost Town.

Oh, say, sheriff?


I would like a drink of
water if you could spare it.

OK, you'll have it.

Thank you.

Now, just what
have you been up to?

Your dad sent me over to
the feed barn with a horse.

I just came back from
riding in his posse.


Sure, we rode out
after a murderer,

and we just brought
him back, too.

Who did he kill?

Poor old McCall.

Oh, how terrible.

You want me to come in
and tell you about it?

Oh yes, do.

Oh, poor Mr. McCall.

Here's what you asked for.

Well, thank you, sheriff.

Say, I sure hate to be a
pest, but I'm awful hungry.

You ain't an old boot or
something I could chew on,

have you?

Roll yourself a smoke
and I'll send you

over something from the house.

Thank you.

And they found
the car all wrecked

down at the bottom of the
gully, but that's all they know.

Bud tell you about
old man McCall?

Yes, it's terrible.

I don't know if the man I've
got locked up is the right one

or not, but I'm
going to find out.

Bud, I reckon I'll
have to ask you

to stick along as my deputy,
at least for tonight.

I'll be glad to.

I guess I'd better put this
money away for safekeeping.

There, that ought to be OK.

We may need that for evidence.

Your job will be to stay here
on guard until I come back.

Oh, wait a minute.

I forgot.

You'll have to
take a pan of grub

over to that hombre in Cheyenne.

But don't get too near the cell
door when you hand it into him.

Just hand it in and come
right back here, understand?

Yes, sir.

I'll keep my eyes open.

All right.

Billy, you hustle up some
grub out there in the kitchen,

and be quick about it.

Yes, daddy.

All right, kids.


Well, I'll get him something,
but I don't know what.

Well, a fella in jail isn't
very particular about what

he gets, as long as he gets it.

I guess you're right.

For the love of Mike,
where have you fellas been?

Covering up our tracks.

Where'd you think?

Yeah, a perfect job.

Shot full of holes,
not to mention my hand.

Say, are you sure the sheriff
didn't get that package

of dough to old man Rankin?

He had a right to.

He's old man McCall's partner.

Listen, didn't I tell you
I've been with Rankin ever

since coming with the posse?

I just left him, and I
told you the sheriff just

rolled out of town.

Well, then it's a cinch that
dough's in his house somewhere.

Is that girl there alone now?

Say, there's an idea.

Not a chance.

The kid's with her.

You know, Bud, from the mine.

All right, big boy.

We've got to lay our hands
on that dough tonight.

You figure it out.

That kid is not so tough.

Maybe we could, uh--

There you are.

Now don't spill it.



I'm not going to
stay here alone.

Why not?

With all that
money in the house?

What are you worried about?

You know everybody in this
town but that Cheyenne fella,

and he's in jail.

I know, but--

All right, then.

You take it over and
put it through the bars

to that Cheyenne fella.

And I'll stay here and
keep an eye on the money.

You're not afraid, are you?

I'm not afraid of any man
if he's locked in a cell.

That's a girl.

If you aren't
back in 10 minutes,

I'll be over with that rifle.

Here you are, mister.

Why, thank you.

Thank you, miss.

You're gonna spill.

Say, it looks like you'd
have to let me out of here

to eat it.


There you are.

The girl just took some
grub over to the jail.

The kid's in there alone.

Let's bust in there now.

No, wait a minute.

Not so fast.


Say, this is pretty good grub.

What's your name?

Billie Blair.

I'm the sheriff's daughter.

Dad told Bud to bring it over,
but I decided to come instead.

Bud, huh?

Who's Bud?

Your brother?

Oh no, he's just a
friend of mine and dad's.

He works over at the mine
for Rankin and McCall.

So Bud works for
Rankin and McCall, huh?


Well, I-- I got to go now.

I'll bring you your
supper tonight.

Just a minute, miss.

Say, I-- I want to talk to you.

There's something
you ought to know.

Now Gannon, you know this kid.

He's worked with you
long enough to trust you.

Suppose you go up
the front's door.

He'll let you in.

Blackie, you sneak
around to the kitchen door

and take him from behind
as he's talking to Gannon.

I'll keep my eye on
the outside here.

So what do you think of that?

That McCall isn't dead?

He wasn't the last
time I saw him.

But he will be if we don't get
a doctor up there mighty quick.

Where have you got him?

Oh, I hid him.

Is in a safe place, too.

Say, who is those two
fellas that-- they

ride around in automobile.

Oh, you must mean Mr.
Morrell and Mr. Hawkes.

Blackie, they call him.


Yeah, that accounts
for two of them.

But who's, uh, who's the
other fella from this town

that goes around with them?

No one.

Mr. Gannon's been
showing them around.

He works at the mine with
Bud, but he's just showing

them some mining property.


You got it.

Now you've hit it.

Morrell, Blackie, and Gannon.

Those are the three
that got Mr. McCall,

and that's the reason I've
got to get out of here, miss.


Who is it?

It's me, Gannon, Buddy.

I got to see you right away.

Oh, come on in.

It's about the money.

Listen, I just left
Rose's boarding house.

I heard those fellas
Morrell and Blackie

plotting to crash
in here, kidnap

Billie, and steal that dough.

Yeah, well when
they do come in,

they'll get a warm reception.

Reach for it.

Drop that gun.

Don't you understand, honey?

Blackie and Morrell came
to this town to get old man

McCall's money.

You don't need to
worry about that.

It's over at our house
and Bud's guarding it.

It's over at your house?

Why, isn't your dad there?

No, just Bud.

And I'm going over there
and join him right now.

No you ain't.



I hate to do this, miss.

But you'll be safe here than
you will in your own house.

Let me out.

Now I'm going after
Morrell and Blackie.

You'll be sorry for this.

Maybe so, miss.

But this is the safest
place for you right now.

I think that dough's
in the bookcase.

Maybe it's in the clock.

Break it open and find out.



It's over there on the bookcase.

Look in the books.

I got it.

Come on, let's get out of here.
Hurry up.

Out through the kitchen.

All right, kid.

All right.

They got the money.

And you're out of jail.

Say, where's Billie?

Oh, Billies all right.

Nothing's has happened to you.

Come on, now, I'm
here to help you.

Snap out of it.
Come on.

Did you get it?

I'll say we did.
Pile in.

Let's scram out of here.

I'm not running away.

I'm going to come back
here and square accounts

with those three birds.


Meanwhile, you go
on up the street

and let Billie out of that cell.

Then get a doctor
and take him out

of the tunnel on the west
side of the Royal Flush mine,

you understand?

Your friend Mr. McCall there.

Now come on.

I'm going to get that
money back for you.

I'll do anything I can.

Gee, and my first
day as deputy, too.

Losing that money.

Well, come on son.

Then let's get going.

Wait a minute, son.

Where's my horse?

Over in the feed barn.

You can see it right from here.

Now listen, you
go on up to jail

and let Billie out,
then you two kids

get a doctor out to Mr. McCall
if it's the last thing you do.

-Yes, sir.

I'll take a shortcut.

-Billie, are you all right?
-Oh, yes.

Of course.

What'd he do with the keys?

They're over there on the desk.

Any luck?

Not a sign of anything.

All right.

Sure is a mystery what that
fella did with McCall's body.

Fellow in Cheyenne
sure did a good job.

Well, come on.

Let's head back into town.

Who's that fella over there?

Why, jumpin' Jupiter, that's
the fella I had in jail.

Someone's behind us.

I just saw him
drop into the road.

I'm not worried
about a single rider,

but what's that
he's got behind him.

Well, that's the law,
as sure as we're here.

All right Rose, I've got it.

You back the car around
and head around that road.

You'll find the west
end of the diggings,

the end of the tunnel.

We're going through.

We'll meet you there.

Make it snappy.

Wait a minute.

I'll get a flashlight.

We've got him, boys.

Frank, you and Jed come with me.

The rest of you boys,
head for the west side

and block the other
end of that tunnel.

OK now, Frank.

Keep your eye open.

You bet.

You think you can
handle him alone?


It's much easier to take him
right on through the tunnel

right to his own cabin.

All right.

I'll get out to my
rig and meet you there.

Take it easy now.

I'll be all right, doc.

OK, Mr. McCall?

Uh, sill feel kind of shaky.

But you can't kill an
old gutted rat like me.

Did you hear what
the doctor said?

If it hadn't been for that fella
Cheyenne, you'd a been a goner.

Heh, heh.

He certainly patched me
up all right, didn't he?

He's as good as a doc.

Take it easy.


Wait a minute.

I got a lantern
stashed here someplace.

Wait till I find it.

Here it is.

I'll keep this flashlight
in case lantern goes out.

Look out now, and
don't touch that.


It's hot.

What do you mean?

That plunger connects with
a bunch of dynamite that'll

blast this place to pieces.

We'll never get through
here if it exploded.

Let's keep moving.

Gee, we're going to be
out of luck in a minute.

This candle's almost out.

Well, we're through
the bulkhead and back

at the Royal Flush again.

Wait a minute, I
just remembered.

I got a couple of candles
sticking in a crevice

about ten feet beyond
that bulkhead door.

You'd better hurry
up and get them

before your light goes out.

Now, take care of yourself.

Don't worry about me.

Wait a minute.

Do you see what I see?

Why it-- it can't be.

Put that flashlight on it.

You, you-- I can see you.

It can't be.

Why, he's dead.

Well, if he ain't,
he soon will be.

Now, wait a minute.

He hasn't seen us
and he isn't dead.

We're in the clear.

You ain't kiddin' me.

I saw him dead.

That's his ghost!

Blackie, what's
the matter with you?

Hello, gents.

What's your hurry?

We're in no hurry, mister.


May have taken one
of the side tunnels.


They don't lead anywhere.

I found one, all right.


Can you make it?

Yeah, I'll get along all right.

Take it easy.

Eh, that's all right.

[inaudible] Come here.


I warned you, Cheyenne.

You got the wrong
fella, sheriff.

These are the men you want.

Just a minute!

I want to talk to you boys.


How you feeling?

Fit as a fiddle.

You know, if it hadn't been
for that fella Cheyenne Harry,

I'd be deader than a hoptoad.

Yeah, and if it wasn't
for him, we'd still

be as poor as church mice.

You know, him touching
that plunger when he did

and uncovering that vein,
well, it's made us rich again.

And Ghost Town a
thing of the past.



[TOGETHER] Come in.

-Hi, gents.


I mean Cheyenne
Harry, how are you?

Well, I just come in
to say goodbye to you.

-You're leaving?

You're leaving us?

Yes, sir.

I'm heading south.

I'm going down that
Rio Grande country.

And I want to-- I
want a little loan.

I'd like to get about
a hundred dollars.

Uh, well, uh, what kind of
security can you give us?

We're bankers now, you know.


Can I get $100
without any security?

Ha, ha.

You're darn tootin' you can.


Here's your hundred dollars.

Thank you, thank you.

Come to think of it, gents,
I have got some security.

But the only trouble
is with my security--

has to be fed twice a day.


Well, what you giving us?

Well, I'm giving you Aloysius.


You know, my mule.

He's tied outside.


So long, Mr. Rankin.

So long, Mr. McCall.

[engine starting]

[music playing]