Gespenster (2005) - full transcript

Nina, an end-of-teenage orphan with mental problems, starts a new job as a garden cleaner when she meets Toni. They fell in love with each other, but soon Toni starts betraying Nina. In the meantime, Francoise is picked up at a psychic department of a Berlin hospital by her husband, Pierre. After seeing Nina, Francoise believes that she has found her kidnapped daughter Marie, but neither Toni nor Pierre believe her. Nina is unsure about what to think...


Take the next left.


And? Found anything?

How could you?

How should the rubbish get there?

I've cleaned up the whole area.

The whole area!

I'm not an idiot.

You think you're the first
to try that trick.

Fill your bag out of the rubbish bin,

a little nap, then off to breakfast
with your poachings.

You can't fool me.

I didn't do that.

I really did pick it all up.

Now you can really pick it all up.

Are you hurt?

No. It's just my heel.

Did you fiight?

My jacket's torn.

Shall we open the roof?

Won't you be cold?

Hey, she's stealing!

Where did you get the earring?

I found it.

Up on the path.

It's mine.

Forget it. You can keep it.

I'll give you a shirt.

I've got two.

Want to get some breakfast?

Some music?

Is this Gardiner?


It's lovely.

I'm so sorry.


Give me some coins.



Answer! Please! Susanne!


What's your name?



Are you tired, too?

Let's go to your place.
-My place?

We can't.
-Why not?

You see... I live in a...

I hate people who start
with 'You see...'

You see.




Ms Berendt mustn't see us.

What is this place?

I live here.

A home?

No, not a home.
Something like that.

Come here.


Yeah... What I've been through.
It's sick.

Yeah, I'm at some kind of home now.
Some shitty home.


Of course I've got your money. What?

Yes! Okay! I'm coming!

I've got to go.

Where to?

To H&M. For clothes. And stuff.

Can I come?
-No. that's not a good idea.

See, I'm meeting Susanne,
and we have to prepare for a casting.

Anyway, I've got to go now.

Nina, I need the earring.



What are you doing here?

Have you run off?

That's stupid.
They'll send you back to Oranienburg.

Mr Ziegler got sick.


Blood poisoning.

And the others?

They've gone to H&M.
For clothes and stuff.

Why didn't you go?

Didn't feel like it.

Could you apologize to the girl for me?

Explain everything to her.

If she sees me,
she'll just be frightened again.

Do you know where she lives?

The police do. Or the headmaster.

You can give her some money.

Tell her to buy some pretty clothes.

I'm going to burn them.

Don't exaggerate.

I always seem to screw up.

We could redecorate the nursery.

We could use it for something else.

What else?

A guest room?

Or a study.

A study for me?

You've been watching me.


Are you afraid I'll run away again?


Let's go home.

Not yet.

Why not?

I have an appointment.

With Professor B?rger?

About the printers in Poland.

You've already made the appointment?


Last night.

On the way to Berlin?


Where are you meeting?

Downstairs, in the restaurant.

I said you'd come, too.

Could I have some tea, too?

And the men were holding Toni down
and tearing her clothes off.

And I could see she was naked
and she looked at me.


Sort of.

Hey, you've got a bathroom.


Are you busy this afternoon?

-Are you busy this afternoon?


And then we were sailing around
and it was totally boring.

We tacked back and forth
and stayed on the spot.

And there are violent wind
gusts in the Lake ljssel.

And one got us, and we capsized.

And Achim cried and howled and
clutched on to the boat.

And I hung there in my life jacket and...

The water was cold and I was scared...

And then?

And then you came! You and your friend.
You arrived with your boat.

First you pulled the cry-baby
out of the water.

And what's my friend like?

He's called J?rg.

His mother died early.
Father sings opera in Cologne.

Rich - penthouse, housekeeper.

No time for his son, just money.

He pulls my cry-baby out of the water.
And I calmly swim towards your boat.

And you reach down,
very cool, and pull me up.

That's how we met.

And then we became friends.

At castings, you have to tell
a really wild story.

Did you and Susanne think that up?

Susanne's a cunt.

I know...

Ifyou give a present,
you can't ask for it back.

I'm sorry.


The Parks Department phoned.

Nina, I can't keep you here anymore.

Frankly, I've had enough.

I'm tired of standing here,
arms folded,

speaking softly,
trying to get through to you.

I'm sick of it.
Why are you spoiling your chances?

They'll take you back to Oranienburg.

Who's this?

This is Toni.

What's she doing here?

Picking up Nina.

Nina, you're staying here.

I don't think so.

Listen, Nina. I have a friend, a doctor.
We'll go to him now,

He'll write you a note,
and we'll fiix this, okay?

I'm not going back to Oranienburg.

Then I'll have to call the police.


Where do we go now?

I don't know.

Yeah. Right.



Come on.

Do you live here?

Wait a sec.

This won't take long.

What are you doing here?

Can you help me?

You're crazy.

I know some things weren't okay,

and l... and I think...

Don't touch me.

I didn't steal it.

Your mother accused me because
she's jealous.

You know how she is.


Mama, she didn't steal the jewellery.
-ls that what she says?

Then it can't have been her! Get out!

I've come to get my things.
-You're getting nothing here!

Throw her out, Mathias!

Go on, throw her out!

Where are my things?
-ln the rubbish, where they belong.

Where's the phone?
Get me the phone!

Where are my things?
-I said, we've thrown them away.

Yes, Dr. Hausner here.

The young lady who repossessed
our family jewellery...

I don't have your bloody jewellery!

Is trespassing in our home

and threatening us with a weapon. Yes,
that would be good. Thank you very much.

I just want my things.

Try your luck in the rubbish bins.

Toni, come on.
-Oh, another one!

Come on... Toni!

You can put the earring in again.

Yes, we're coming. Thank you.


What reason did you give B?rger
for being in Berlin?

I said I just happened to be here.

What did he say?


I'm staying here.

But you like B?rger.

Come with me.

I'll go for a little walk.

I'll buy some shoes.

Shall I order you something
from room service?

Go on.

I won't be long.

What about this green?

I can't see how my bum looks.

Try them on.

But the green is stupid...

Maybe stripes are better.
-Try it on, okay?

-Yeah. Me, too.


Hey, Nina.

Should I take the skirt?

Don't you like the dress?

Yeah, but it's weird fabric.
-You can iron it.

Yeah. Anyway, I've got this...

Here! You can have it back.

Well, take it!

I didn't even have them on, I swear.

Don't be afraid, Marie.

You have a scar.
On your left ankle.

Your ankle broke.

Eight stitches.

May I see your ankle?

Marie got caught in the swing.
That bloody swing.

I could see how her foot twisted around.

She didn't scream.
She was utterly quiet.

She lay in hospital for 1 1 days.

I sat beside her
for 1 1 days and 1 1 nights.

You have the scar.


Are you coming?

Can I have a moment alone with Marie?

I thought you're called Nina?

I am.

Five minutes.

She's my friend.


You can see she doesn't want to.

I'll explain everything.
But I must see your ankle fiirst.

Do you have a scar?


You have a mole between your
shoulder blades. A tiny one.

Shaped like a heart.

I don't know.

May I look?
-That's enough! Hey!


Nina, come on! We're going.

No, wait.

I want to explain.

We were at the supermarket.
I'd forgotten the milk.

I had to go back in.
I left Marie in the shopping trolley.

I could see her through the window.

I was gone for one minute.

When I came back,
Marie was gone.

One minute.

On the video tapes, you can
see her in the trolley.

Then someone pulls the trolley away.
Out of the picture.

That was the day before her 3rd birthday.

Since then,
I've been searching for her.

May I see your back?

That's enough. She's crazy.

How often do you think
I've seen Marie again?

How many girls in
school yards I've embraced.

At the beach. In pedestrian zones.

Just three days ago...



-Come on! Come!

Stop! It's important! Marie!

Why did you do that?

Because we're hungry
and she's wearing Prada!

She would have given us the money.
-Dear Mama.

You don't believe that shit, do you?

She's crazy.

What do you think,
how many girls she's grabbed.

She said so herself.
-Yes, because I was there.

I just wanted to see if it's a heart.

Is it a heart?

I'll start, okay?

And when I'm floating in the water,
you take over, okay?

You can talk about how boring
it was with J?rg, or whatever.

With J?rg?

Or about the dry clothes you
gave me in the cabin.

You know. How much fun it was.
You with the Marlene outfiit.

I'm really thirsty.
-I'll get you something.


Where is the Lake ljssel?

Nina? Toni? Coming?

So... here.

Relax. Just stay cool, okay?
Then it'll be fun.

Are you still at school?

And she was standing on board and
then I swam towards her.

And then she gave me her hand
and pulled me up.

And...And your boat capsized,
you're saved, and you're...

On this boat...

When did your friendship start?

Right then.


Well, we went down, under the deck...

So we went down, under the deck, and...

And I was completely soaked, right? And
there was a cupboard with these clothes,

Tops with sequins, and...

And we got all dressed up.

I'd like to hear something from Nina.

Did you dress up, too?

And how?

She put on... a dinner suit.
And did her hair.

And uh... then we danced, right?

Like Marlene?

Yes. Exactly.

And then, we went out.

And... and then...

And you called yourself
Jean Claude, right?

She looked great.

We danced all night.

This is a waste of time.

How did you really meet?



Say something! Anything!

I dreamt about Toni before I knew her.

It was always the same dream.

It was very early in the morning

and I was walking across a fiield and

I was following a dog.

And I'd always wanted a dog,

but I couldn't have one.

And then there was one.
A little brown one, playing with me.

And whenever I almost
touched him, he ran away.

And then suddenly he disappeared.

And I could hear really strange music.

And I walked towards the music.

And there was a little woods.
A birch woods.

And there was a car there.

The roofwas open,
and the music was coming from it.

And then I heard someone screaming.

And I followed the screams,
into the woods.

And in the woods was a little pond.

And there, I saw a girl.

And there were two men
holding the girl down.

One held her arm twisted behind her back,

and the other had her legs.

The one who held her arm,
he wanted a kiss.

And she fought,
and then he hit her.

And she was shocked,
and then very quiet.

And blood ran down her face.

And the man was naked
and stood over the girl.

And I stood there, I wanted to
do something, but I couldn't.

So... the one holding her arm,

with his other hand he tears
her panties off and...

And the girl is completely naked.

And she's terrifiied and
starts screaming again

and he hits her again, and

then suddenly she looked
at me, stared at me.

And... I just stood there, and...

And I wanted to take a branch
and hit the men, but I couldn't.

I just stood there and watched
the men hurting this girl.

And the whole time the girl
stared straight at me.

She didn't scream anymore.
And she didn't even fiight,

she just let them do what they wanted.

And she stared at me.

That's when I always woke up.

I kept being sent to new foster parents.

Another new school.

And a new class.

And in every class, there's a queen.

And in this class, Toni was the queen.

And she was the most beautiful
queen I'd ever seen.

And she was the girl in my dream.

And everything she did was right.

The way she laughed,
how she sat on the heating,

how she looked out the window.

How she walked across the school yard.

Yeah, and everybody wanted
to be her friend.

And so did l. I wanted to
be her friend so badly.

But I couldn't,
because she never saw me.

Although, once,
she forgot her glove

and I ran after her
and gave it to her.

Then she smiled at me, and walked away.


I want to say,
I thought you were great.

I'm really impressed. Really.
Thanks for coming.

There's a party tonight.
Would you like to come?

There'll be a DJ, and food.
It should be really fun.

See ifyou can come.



Yes. Monsieur Huret, please.
This is his wife.

He's right here.
Just a moment, please.

Pierre, we can't leave.
I've seen Marie.

Where are you?

I've seen Marie, Pierre.

She's afraid. I saw her scar,
she showed it to me.

Where are you?

She steals.
She's a shoplifter..

It's Marie, Pierre.







I'll get us a drink, okay?

I'll be right back.

Excuse me.
May I ask who invited you?


Are you stoned?
I asked you a question.


And the other girl?
-Yes. Both of us.


Wait. Where are you going?

Come on in. He's really fun.

I don't like him.

Can't we leave?

Where should we go?

Come on. Come.

Don't mind him.

Are you crazy?



Why are you still here?

I'm looking for my friend.

You don't get anything, do you?

Why? Where's Toni?

She's gone offwith my husband
for a fuck. Now get out of my house.

I told you to get out! Get out!

Get out!

Where's your friend?


Are you hungry?

Is there any of my money left?

I think it is a heart on my back.

I know, Marie.

Toni saw it.

Is Toni your girlfriend?

She slept with me.
Then she left.

Did you want to go with her?

No. I wanted her to stay with me.

Come on, let's get some breakfast.

What would you like to have?

Orange juice would be great.

As you were born,
and I was nursing you,

the midwife forbade me orange juice.

So you wouldn't get colic.

But I drank it anyway,

and you had tummy ache.

I warmed your tummy with a hair dryer.

It helped a bit.

But you could only sleep in the car.
While I drove.

I drove for three months.

All night.

You lay beside me.
Everything was quiet.

We drove through the night.

After a while,
I wasn't tired any more.

I was wonderfully awake.

Now I'm wonderfully awake again, Marie.

Fran?oise, let's leave.

A little longer, please.

No. Now.

Give her a little money.

I'm sorry.

What's this for?

It's all I have.

I don't want it.

Please, Fran?oise is very ill.

I want to go to my Mama.

Stop it.

I want my Mama!

Stop it!

Stop it. That's enough.

I have the heart - here.
And the scar.

Stop the play-acting!

You're not Marie.

Marie is dead.