Genesis II (1973) - full transcript

Dylan Hunt, a scientist, puts himself into suspended animation in a NASA cavern in 1979 to establish if he could be brought back to life in a couple of days to research into extending the process to astronauts. However the cavern collapses during an earthquake and Dylan doesn't recover until the year 2133. During the 154 years he had slept, war has broken out and the world's scientists rebelled against the war-loving military and developed a society known as the Pax, whose goal is to keep the spirit of mankind alive. However there are also the mutant Tyranians who plan to be Nazi-like rulers of the slowly recovering world. Dylan is tricked by the Tyranians who plan to use his knowledge of the past to rebuild their nuclear generator and therefore make their plans complete. Can the Pax and Dylan stop them or will the man from the past destroy the future?...

My name is Dylan Hunt.

My story begins the day on which I died.

My last look at my world

was to be from inside a pressure chamber

at NASA's underground laboratory

in Carlsbad Caverns.

Support system readout, please.

Support system, channel five.

Support system readout good.

Stand by on EEG.

- Stand by on EEG.

- All checked?


Check telemetry, will you?

Ready to go.

Thank you.

Well, it's your last chance, Dylan.

I can still have a girl

waiting here to revive you.

I don't think NASA's ready

for that method yet.

I wish they were.

Good luck.

See you Tuesday.

All systems indicate green.

Pressure seal, check.

Xenon mixture ready.

Begin pressurizing.

Our goal was the development

of a form of suspended animation,

which would allow our astronauts

to make longer voyages

through our solar system.

It had been my decision

that our method was ready

to test on a human,

so it seemed that any risk

should be mine, too.

I had guided the basic research

since being appointed

chief of the project

on February 14, 1979.

I arrived from Washington, DC,

on the newly completed

underground subshuttle.

Perhaps my confidence in our experiment

dated from that trip.

Within five years of developing

a nuclear drilling device,

the subshuttle now bridged

its first continent.

It seemed to me

that mankind's ingenuity

was capable of anything.

We're about there.

Okay. Thanks for letting me watch.

Okay. Thank you.

Oh, remember now,

I want to hold that meeting

as soon as I get back. Yeah.

That's pretty impressive.

Well, at least

the war scare did some good.

They finally recognized

that surface and air transport's

gotten too vulnerable.

Let's hope that with

the Chinese alliance working so well,

you people will soon be out of a job.

I can't say that I mind.

It looks like humanity's

finally growing up.

Carlsbad, six minutes.

Arriving at Carlsbad in six minutes.

Mandenburg subshuttle now arriving.

Baggage handlers stand by.

General John Davis and Dr. Pete Smart,

report to conference room B, red level.

The Continental Defense Command

in Carlsbad Caverns

had permitted NASA to build

our laboratory in a deep grotto,

where constant temperatures

were ideal for our experiments.

By midyear, we had slowed

the aging process in test animals

to the equivalent of less than one day

for every 10 years of sleep.

Our problem in reviving

the animals was solved

when we discovered a strong relationship

between the will to survive

and the need to reproduce.

After the inevitable jokes

over the possibility of male

and female astronaut teams,

massive injections of brain stimulants

were found to work as well.

By every measurement we knew of,

the experiment should have gone perfectly.

What we did not know was that a fault,

a flaw, existed in the rock strata

directly over our heads

and that the slightest ground tremor

would be enough to dislodge it.


Come on! Hurry up!

Let's get outta here!


Primus, I turned something on!

Lyra-a, a light has come on.

When I pressed this here,

a small green light went on inside.

"Nuc bat pow"?

Nuclear battery power.

It had been developed by the year

this rockslide occurred, Primus.

The bolts are freed.

Inside pressure must be

holding the door closed.

Body must have been preserved

by some sort of gas in there.

"NASA Ganymede Project.

Xenon pressure chamber."

Do you see

"emergency decompress“ anywhere?

Yes! “Emer decom." It's on this one.

Let's try the door now.


Perfectly preserved.

He must have been a handsome man.

Primus, the flesh is soft.

He breathes!

He's alive!

We must get him out of here.

Quickly, get something to put him on!

Come on.

He sees me.


many ...days?

I think he's asking,

"How many days?“

He believes that we are of his century.




Who? Where?

He's wondering who we are.

A rockfall buried this whole

section of the caverns.

They gave up looking for you

a long time ago.

How long?

It is the year 2133.



Twenty-one-hundred and 33.

♪♪ Love, love, everywhere,

everywhere we go ♪♪

♪♪ Love, love, everywhere,

love is what we know ♪♪

♪♪ Summertime, wintertime,

every time of year ♪♪

♪♪ From the hills to the shore,

love is what we hear ♪♪

♪♪ Love, love, everywhere,

everywhere we go ♪♪

♪♪ Love, love... ♪♪




Intravenous, to inject.

Inject an alien substance into his body?

Drug...need drug.

Any brain excitant.


There is nothing like that here.

Help me.

Must. Want to live.

Make me want to live.

Good morning.

Are you feeling better?

How long?

Eight days.

You ask the same question each day.

Don't you remember?

Do you remember being found?

This is the year 21...

Twenty-one thirty-three.

Good lord.

Do you remember how I've cared for you?

Hundred-fifty-four years?

What is this place?

They call themselves PAX,

peace, to fool others.

Actually, they're descendants

of the soldiers who made war from here.

You keep saying "they."


you're not...PAX?

You must promise not to give me away.

I was sent here and pretended to join them

so that I can warn others

who PAX might attack.

This has effects much like

the medicines you called for.

Going through your old medical books,

I discovered how to make their equivalent

from mutated plants my people use.

So they put you in my care.


The bomb?

Then we did have war?

That was long ago.

It's only history now.

What happened?

There are some new forms of life.

But you'll find they're nothing to fear,

unless you fear me.

I'm a mutant.

We Tyranians have two hearts,

greater strength,

superior to humans in almost every way.

You don't say.

As security Primus,

it is my duty to voice my concern, Isaac.

The man from the past

has been in Lyra-a's care for 15 days now.

Yes, I have seen him daily,

and each time I've seen him,

he's grown stronger.

But everything he learns

of us and our world

is from the lips of a Tyranian.

From a fellow member of PAX, Ivan.

Like many others, she left her people,

took our oath freely--

Oh, Isaac, an oath

means nothing to a mutant.

But Lyra-a is only half mutant.

Her mother was as human as yours or mine.

But, Primus, when she lived in Tyrania,

my agents found no evidence

of humanity in her.

However, we owe her our gratitude.

Now, the man from the past is alive.

More than simply a man from the past,

a scientist!

His brain contains knowledge

that would take the world

centuries to discover again.

All the more reason they must be separated

the moment he no longer

needs her care, Isaac.

I must regretfully support

Primus Yuloff in this.

We must remember her people

practice deceit as a virtue

and believe only in the--

Primi! Excuse me, Primi!

The man from the past

is out of his quarters.

He's with Lyra-a.

Communications equipment

from the old military storage rooms.

Deeper in the caverns,

they have armory workshops, gunsmiths.

I'll find a way later to show you those.

Good Lord.

Van Gogh, Botticelli,


It's incredible.

They've looted the whole world.

No one is safe from them.

Well, they sure show a lot

of taste in what they steal.

Lyra-a, when they were wheeling me here,

I'm sure I remember hearing singing.

Children singing.

Perhaps it was a dream you were having.

No one sings here

without being ordered to.

What is the power source?

Your old nuclear generators still operate.

Fortunately for the world,

PAX doesn't fully understand

the principle.



A whole new medicine for you!


Thank God.

And more beautiful than ever.


Every way in or out of here

is watched constantly.

Where are we?

If we're above the caverns here, then...

It's gone.

The highway, the airport!

There's a river now!

Lyra-a, what else is gone?

I mean, how much did the bombs destroy?

Less than it was believed would happen.

For many years of fighting,

each side feared the death bombs

of the other too much.

When they were finally used,

the scientists revolted.

Then, at last, we did show some guts, hmm?

But the ancestors of PAX then took power.

Many scientists were killed as traitors.

Your teachers and technicians

tried to save them,

and a great frenzy of killing began.

Without scientists and teachers,

your machines began to rust,

men began to fight for water and food.

Your great technology had been too--

Too complex, too fragile. I know.

Without oil, the wheels stop.

Without wheels, the factories stop.

Without factories, food transport stops.

Earth isn't finished, Dylan.

It's only different.

In some ways, perhaps even better.

Oh, I was hoping to welcome you

to our century

in a different fashion, Dylan Hunt.

I am Primus Kimbridge, who found you,

and this is Primus Yuloff.

Yes, PAX security chief.

Lyra-a told me I'd be meeting you.

All PAX is grateful

for the care she has given you,

but unfortunately now,

she has other duties equally pressing.

I must respect Primus Yuloff's authority.

We have so many questions to ask you.

The first question must be

what Lyra-a has told you of PAX.

Why? Is there something

I'm not supposed to know?

We are naturally concerned

with the knowledge you carry.

You are not unlike a death bomb yourself.

The power of your knowledge

could have great value,

but it could also destroy us all.

We hope you will use it in our cause

once you understand us fully.

I think you'll find

I'm a fairly quick study.

I'm Harper-Smythe.

I have been assigned Lyra-a's duties.

That's a tall order.

There is a girl under that?

What importance is that?

Would the shape of my liver

or pancreas interest you?


I hate surprises.

I know why you ask that.

Because all the people in your century

were ruled by lust.

I thought you were taking over

my nurse's duties.

Lyra-a always tucked me in.

You are a scientist,

and yet you do not understand

that lust destroyed your world.

That is an interesting theory.

It is a fact!

Most of your world's problems

were caused by aggression

between male and female.

Your own Saint Freud warned you about--

Saint Sigmund Freud?!

A weakness which kept even your leaders

from clear thought and wisdom.

Thus, in the end, it was animal lust

that caused your civilization to fall.

J-just how many of you people

feel this way?

Well, a great part of PAX

is of the unisex persuasion.

Outside, of course,

primitives and barbarians continue

in the same old errors.


Well, um, thank heaven I'm safe here.

Good night.

Well, I've had better.

Neither is injured.

Yuloff now suspects why I'm here.

I must leave.

Can you get us both out of here?

If you're willing to risk it.

I was hoping you'd say that.

Where are we going?

To the freest,

most beautiful place on Earth,

if you wish.

My city, Tyrania.

No! No! No!

What are you doing?!

It only fires a dart,

which causes unconsciousness.

So they did go on

to cover the world with it.


The subshuttle is PAX's greatest weapon.

From here, their teams can go anywhere,

attacking and murdering.

Get in. Here.

I'll get clearance for us.



This thing sure puts you away.

This is the PAXer dart they hit you with.

A little hypo.

This doesn't make them seem

very bloodthirsty.

That's only because they wanted you alive.

I've set it to stop

at an old maintenance station,

which is the closest

the subshuttle comes to Tyrania.

From here, we travel above ground.

Can't PAX trace this car to here?

No, I'm sending it on to a siding tube.


Extra horses and pack us some food!

Yes, mistress.


rest while you can.

You need your strength.

Eat this.

We have a long ride.

One of you, bring me my riding clothes!

Who are they?

They breed our horses.

Their ancestors lived in the city

which was destroyed here.

You called the region "Arizona."

It's called the position of respect...

which also makes it much more difficult

for them to put a lance in our backs.

You have much to learn about Earth

as it is now, Dylan Hunt.

Don't be afraid.

It's all right.

Your city of Phoenix

is a fortress now,

controlled by warlords.

It's like the Earth has been

given a second chance.

Blue skies...

clear water, fish, game.

What else?

Much more.

My century has many surprises for you.

Tyrania's nuclear generator plant.

Where's your city?

Well over a day's ride yet.

We're not as fortunate as PAX.

It's beginning to fail.

Perhaps the distance

to our city makes it weaker.

Do you understand such things?

More likely, the nuclear core

elements need rearranging.





You must have been gone a long time,

and yet, no one is surprised to see you.

We would consider that undignified.

Who are they?

They're called our "helpers."

Where do they come from?

Some of them from far away.

It's considered an honor to be here.

These are supplicants who have come here

hoping to be accepted as helpers.

The two are Carolinian scholars.

You'd do well to avoid

the woman's country, Dylan.

Males are tolerated there

only as pets.

The stim.

My people believe it confers dignity.

This is my guest, Dylan Hunt.

He is to be treated as a Tyranian.

Astrid will show you to your quarters.

I must prepare a proper welcome for you.

It was quite simple to win

the trust of most of them,

and I could soon go where I wished.

But when the man from the past

was discovered,

I realized this to be

of even greater importance

than my study of their subshuttle system.

This human could also be a clever trick,

a spy planted here.


I saw him found.

He's a scientist of old Earth

with a knowledge of machines that fly,

of old weapons, and of nuclear fusion.

I will require more time

to win his full loyalty.

As a mere human, he is, of course,

ruled by his emotions and superstitions.

Then he must be trained

as with all humans.

I am certain he will help us freely

if he feels at ease among us.

I ask that all in Tyrania

must be commanded

to help me convince him of our friendship.


But we must soon see evidence

that he is willing to serve us.

If not, he's to be placed

in training school.

Don't cut it too close, Astrid.

She's done very well.

Shall we serve food now, mistress?

Yes! I'm starving.

Get me my robe.

Please, Dylan, sit down.

I'll be with you in a moment.

Take my hair down, Astrid.

If you don't see a delicacy

you would like, just ask,

and they'll get it for you.

You see?

Our nuclear generator plant

grows weaker with each day.

Repairing it will win you

all Tyrania's friendship.

What continues to trouble you, Dylan?

That they serve us so well?

It's their damned eagerness to please.

They love us,

just as an animal pet

returns love given it.

They're humans, Lyra-a!


are you happy here?

Happy, master?

I was ill and starving until I came here.

They're fortunate humans, Dylan,

and they recognize it.

You! Can I--

I am Isiah, PAX.

Will you keep silent?

I am Dr. Kellum, PAX.

And this is Singh, team communications.

You are the fabled man from the past

who swallowed every lie

his first mutant tried on him.

We've heard that

you're repairing their

nuclear generator tomorrow.


I-is there some objection

to their city having

a reliable power supply, too?

Have you not seen this is evil place?

It was a few doubts that brought

me out looking around tonight,

but I'm not exactly in love

with your anthill either.

So it is true what she told that council.

She used your illness

to keep you secluded.

You saw practically nothing of PAX!

PAX was founded

by people alive in your time,

people who revolted

against the Great Conflict.

They took over the Caverns

to preserve the books, music,

art, and the decent ideals

for when the world might try

to rebuild again.

Then why the secret teams

of agents everywhere?

Are you asking me to believe

you're here infiltrating

good books and culture?!


Let me show you why this team is here.

Move on! Move on!

Faster! Faster!

Move on! Move on!

Oh! Oh!


Slave city beneath city.

Those are new helpers, recently captured.

This is what one PAX team is doing.

Two of us have already died

planning a rebellion.

If necessary, all of us will,

if we can save them

and several thousand like them.


You will find it profitless

to lie to us, human.

Will you repair our nuclear generator?

Yes or no?

Now, you listen to me!

I came into your century ill,

and that's been used against me

very cleverly.

But I'm not sick now,

and I'm getting tired

of being pushed around!

You don't understand what this means.

Tell them you'll join us gladly.

And I've had the last advice

I want from you,

Florence Nightingale.

Training is decreed.

Human, welcome

to the ranks of the helpers.

You will take the position of respect

and express gratitude--

It'll be a cold day in hell

when I kneel at your feet.


That was the lightest pain setting.

There are eight higher.

You will take the position of respect.

The position of respect, human!


I've had to use the seventh setting.

Then the next moment

should be even more effective.

You see?

The stim is capable of pleasure.

Or do you prefer the final level of pain?




Juliano! A new student!


No talk!

You student!

What's happening here?!

Get that man up!

Get hold of him!

Take him to school five!

On with your work!

Don't stop!

You people keep popping

out of the woodwork, don't you?

That stim thing, what is that?

Come from your time.

It uses sonics,

wavelengths that stimulate

the brain's pain and pleasure centers.

We invented that?

Oh, yes.

It was used to control troops

and civilian populations.

Look, training schools.

Just pray that

you will never be inside one.


Back to training school! Quickly!

Do whatever we ask!

Quick. Over here.

Struggle with us!

Is this the human

from the past?

Yes, master.

Harn-n, I will exchange you

three female students for him.

He interests me.

Oh, master, I love you. I love Tyrania.

I thank you for taking me in as a helper.

Janos, Janos, you said that yesterday.

Up, Janos!

Yes, master.

Show the new student

how cooperative we become here.

Tell me. Tell me how else to please you.

Please help me! Please--

It is a helper's duty to find ways!

You must constantly be thinking of ways.

You will find this interesting, human.

No physical injury.

You can't die...

...but you will wish to.


Hiding place is in the storage area.

The others are waiting there.

Well, if it isn't Miss Harper-Smythe.

You oughta wear a skirt more often.

What in the devil are you doing here?

We were sent here to tell you--


Collins was sent also,

but he was killed in a Blythian ambush

this morning.

Collins. Good man, good team leader.

We were sent here

to tell you to forget the revolt,

to use all your efforts to find Dylan Hunt

and get him safely away from here.

Forget human slaves?!

They can't order that!

Two of us have already given our lives

to get us this close to the revolt,

and now Collins.

How close?

We are ready just as soon as we can locate

where the mutants store their stims.

Well, then, I'm not goin'

anywhere, gentlemen.

The Tyranians getting

a dose of their own stims?

I wanna see that.

Listen to me, Dylan Hunt.

If PAX orders us to forget

the revolt and get you out of here,

then that's the way it will be!

PAX doesn't own me, doc--


A revolt is not possible now.

Lyra-a saw me crossing

their mall this morning,

and I'm sure she recognized me.

Only a glimpse of her,

but I'm certain it was

a female I knew at PAX,

which means she's either with a PAX team

or joining one here.

Any helper who finds them

will be rewarded with a mate

and a week of stim set for pleasure.

You'll have them before dark, mistress.

About six months ago,

I was using this very same circuit--

What am I talking about?

A hundred and 54 years ago.

PAX has good communications equipment

from your century, Dylan.

Cavern storage was ideal for electronics.

Sundown in three hours.


All right, then. It's time to leave.


if you'll just give me a few more minutes

with this equipment,

I'll have it ready to--

We need this time

to get through the tunnels.

You come.

Singh tells me you were

a white Comanche warrior, Isiah,

a leader of your tribe.

But I am a PAX now, and sworn to obey.

Did you swear to forget

everything you know

about tactics, about warfare?

The Tyranians will be watching every exit.

They know your team is here,

and you know they want me.

We need the revolt as a diversion!

We must leave.

Now, look.

I never met anyone in my life

I wanted to fight less than him.

But I promise you, I will.

That's how strongly I feel about this.


the antenna is directional now.

Now, the other receiver can be adjusted

in exactly the same way.

And with enough stims stored together,

we'll pick up a signal

from 30 or 40 meters away.

Are you certain of all this?


You, there!

What's that you've got there, helper?

He brings me

an ancient device I wish to study.

Get up!

Did men of your century

acknowledge debts, Dylan?

I've saved your life twice now.

You also lied to me about PAX.

What do you want from me this time?


my human half doesn't want

you broken in training.

What does the Tyranian half want?

I need the status here

that you've cost me.

Repair our nuclear generator.


And I'll help you escape


Lyra-a, this device says you lie.

Do you think I'm a fool?

That's one of the old radios used by PAX.

But it has other uses

your century hasn't learned.

I'll prove it to you.

Tell me your name.

Lyra-a, of course.

No signal. Spoke the truth.

Do you love Tyrania?


Do you love me, Lyra-a?

Don't be a fool.

It mistakes a...a small interest.

But I'm incapable of feeling love

as you understand it.

Oh, Dylan...

I don't know.

But I can't love you.

I'd be human then.

I'd be weak and foolish, like them.

That's why I'm superior.

I know self-interest

is the natural order of life.

My own welfare must--

It's much stronger now.

There must be

a pressure plate somewhere.

We don't have time to look for it.

Perhaps it pivots.

Hmm. Looks like it opens along here.


Hope you're as strong as you look.

Get a grip here.

In here.

Move along!

In here! In here!

Kneel down! Hurry, hurry!

Kneel down!

I'll get the others, master.

You, back there! Move, move!

Go ahead, go!

Go on, go on!

Move along! Go, go!

Don't stop!

Don't stop! Move, move, move!

Hand those out!

Here, take this!

You'll be the master now!

Here, take that!

Take this!!

Take it!

Here! Take it!

Try to understand,

you outnumber the mutants 10 to one!

You can be free!

Here! Take it!

Go! Go!



Get clear of the city!

You're free! Run!

Get clear of the city!

You're free!

Run! Keep moving!

Something's got them running.


They're between us and

the old Phoenix station, Dylan.

Is there another w--

That leaves only the maintenance station

where Lyra-a brought you in.

Very bad. Tyranians know that one.

It's risky.

They know you'll come in this way.

Does not feel good.

There's way in from side.


Get down!

It's an ambush!

They're getting away!

After them!

Hurry, Isiah!

Close it!

It's locked from inside!

I can save your life a third time...

if I can talk to you privately.


The subshuttle door is closed!

The door-control circuit, it's missing!

Isiah, see if you can

force the doors.

Unbolt this door!

Try it! I've got to hear

what she has to say!

Don't trust her, Dylan! Don't believe her!

Unbolt this door!

You know what will happen

to them if they're caught.

What do you want?

The power station.

Or this time, my people

will destroy me, too.

Again Harn-n! It's beginning to give!

All right.

With this, your friends can escape.

Be ready to close the door.

Bye, Lyra-a.

Thank you.


No! No! Dylan, no!

Harder! They're getting away!

As we know, six days ago,

the man from the past, unfortunately,

agreed to repair

the Tyranian nuclear generator.

But he agreed to help them

in order to save the lives

of the team who rescued him.

Because of this, Dominic was asked

to immediately dispatch

a second team to the area.

Primi, I have just received

a report from that team.

I'm afraid it's much worse

than was feared.

They have discovered a missile site,

which, with full generator power,

they will be able to use against us.

These missiles are capable of

carrying a bomb...

designed to penetrate and destroy soldiers

who once fought from here.

We have a few weeks, perhaps,

before they learn to use them.

No more.

Forgive me.

I have a matter to investigate.

We must make immediate plans to get

all our people to safety.

- Where is it coming from?

- The Tusconian station.

But very erratically.

He'll never stop at that speed.

Emergency stop.

I wondered if it could be you.

Thanks for stopping that thing.

The fact you are safe pleases us.

Primus, you do know what I did?

We've had a complete report.

Primus Kimbridge and the council

are most anxious to meet with you.

Please get in.

On the way, let me show you

a PAX you haven't seen yet.

Our young are breaking away from

the old unisex beliefs.

Would it surprise you to know that PAX's

stern security Primus approves?

It was our dream

to preserve the best from the past.

Let the worst be forgotten.

There's so much more.

Our new form gymnastic ballet,

artists who paint with light,

new poetry.

The libraries, the paintings...

the ideals you people represent.

I'm very happy I had a chance to save it.

Save it?

By using the warhead I found there.

When I realized they were studying it--

You said you had a full report.

Didn't your sentinel's see the flash

this evening?

Primus, I set a nuclear warhead

on a delayed fuse,

it should have lit up the whole sky!

The sentinels reported nothing.

But that's impossible!

I thought you were showing me all this--

Show you what we have to lose.

The mutants needed their generator

repaired not for their city,

but for an old missile site

they have discovered.

Well, that's exactly what I'm talking

about, it should have blown--

Can we check with your sentinels?


I can't believe it.

I don't understand

what could've gone wrong.

- I'm going back.

- You escaped from there twice before.

- If they capture you this time--

- I've got to save what you have here,

it's my only link with my world.


We're all very pleased you're safe,

- but also very frightened.

- Primus, I've gotta go back.

He tried to set off the warhead

at their generator.

But something went wrong.

Your only chance now is if I can blow up

that missile silo.

I'll need a team.

First, you must understand a few things

about PAX.


Uh, she said she was going back

to the city.

If she was being honest with me,

she's safe.

Dylan Hunt.

There's a question we must ask you.

Did you take lives?

Couple of technicians, certainly.

More, if they were there

hooking power to the silos.

There were thousands of lives at stake,

right here!

If we trade one life for 1,000,

couldn't we justify 100 for more?

Perhaps 10,000 for still more?

That same reasoning destroyed your world,

Dylan Hunt.


I've just saved everything

you've fought over 150 years for.

If you join us, Dylan Hunt,

you must swear to give your life or

any of our lives rather than take another.

Well, I'm not sure I've got

that kind of guts, Primus.

We all must this time.

Forgive me, Primi.

We heard there were so many stars

visible tonight

- and my little brother--

- Yes. Yes, yes.

Beautiful, they should be enjoyed.

It's the shock wave!

Don't be afraid!

It's only the wind.

- You see?

- It's all right.

It's just the wind.

Don't be frightened.

- It's all over now.

- I'm frightened.

It's all over.

Stop crying, now. It's all over.

It's all right.

All right.

Only the best of the past.

I hope I'm up to it.

How are you as a guide, Harper-Smythe?

I'd like to see more of PAX, now.

Do you like children, Dylan Hunt?

Why, is this a proposal, Harper-Smythe?

- Of course not.

- Pity.

Bet you've got a great pancreas.