General Idi Amin Dada (1974) - full transcript

Uganda's dictator, General Idi Amin Dada, accepts a foreign crew's request to interview and film him. He talks to the camera about his outreach to Arab nations, his goal of eradicating Israel, his views on economic policy, and his views of Nixon, Kissinger, and other world leaders. We also see him dressing down his ministers at a cabinet meeting (two weeks after this meeting, the foreign minister, whom Amin criticizes here, is murdered), supervising a war-game simulation of an invasion of Israel, visiting a village, and addressing a conclave of Ugandan physicians.

[ Narrator]
Where the Nile rises on the equator...

is the Africa of the great lakes.

Uganda is half the size of France.

Her ten million inhabitants
have never known famine.

Her agricultural wealth,
her exports of coffee,

and to developing industry...

allow her, for the most part,
to be less and less dependent...

on the outside world.

It was shortly after the independence...

of this former British colony in 1962...

that Lieutenant Idi Amin Dada
became interested in politics.

He rapidly became chief of staff...

and the right-hand man
of President Obote,

whom he overthrew in 7977
by a coup detat.

Obote was unpopular,

and his fall was welcomed
by the population.

He fled to Tanzania
and a reward was offered for him,

dead or alive.

General Amin soon attracted attention
on the international scene...

with his numerous telegrams
to other heads of state.

He called Nixon “my dear brother”...

and wished him a quick recovery
from the Watergate affair.

He congratulated the Chilean junta
when it took power.

He ordered the queen of England
to send the Scottish guard...

to accompany him
to the Commonwealth Conference.

Eighty-thousand Asians
installed by the British in Uganda...

at the beginning of the century...

controlled 80% of the country's economy.

In 1972, after a dream,

General Amin declared the economic war,

which meant, on one hand,

giving 90 days to the Asians
to leave the country,

taking with them the strict minimum,

and, on the other hand,
distributing their business to Ugandans.

Today, the economic war
has not yet been won.

Distribution chains and imports
have been disrupted.

The country's foreign reserves
are at their lowest.

In the capital,
it is almost impossible...

to find sugar, flour,
imported industrial products,

spare parts or matches.

Uganda holds the record
for inflation in Africa.

In one year, prices have risen
from 20 to 50%.

On February 10th, 1972,

to set an example and to combat
budding guerrilla warfare,

General Amin organized
12 public executions...

at the same time
in the country's main towns.

Most observers agree...

that several thousand
Ugandans have disappeared...

since General Amin seized power.

Among the missing:
the vice dean of the university,

the president of the high court,
doctors and former ministers.

In 1973, the International
Commission of Jurists...

published a report denouncing
Uganda as a lawless country,

and it wrote about
the missing personalities:

“There is every reason to think
that they have been assassinated...

by members of the army
immediately after their arrest.”

The whole worlds
are looking at General Amin...

and at Uganda as a whole.

What will be the future of Uganda ?

The people are looking at this.

N' [ Swahili]

I would like to speak as the heavyweight
champion here in Uganda.

[Applause, Cheering]


I am sure I will be in position
even to defeat or defend myself.

But I wanted to tell you this:
As a boxer,

also I am very happy to receive this
as a rugby player...

because I've been a member...

of the rugby team in Uganda.

And I used to play second row.

You know, pushing is very hard
and also wing three quarter.

You should know that
I used to run 9.8 second hundred yards.

This is-
With my speed, with my weight...

of, of getting the ball...

and when you tackle me,
you can harm yourself.

I think you should know this.
But I wanted to tell the boxers...

that the only chance
to defeat the referee...

who are against you...

or against the country,
is to win by knockout.

- [Laughter]
- This is the only thing.

And this is the most important.

You must do everything possible...

to win by knockout.

You must knock anybody
who is sparring with you in the boxing ring.

- This is my last. Thank you very much.
- [Applause]

[ Speaking Swahili ]

[Swahili Continues]

[Amin Speaking Swahili]
Fire !

- [Man ] All the man in.
- Excellent.

All in the heart.

Very good.

I come from very poor family.

I wanted to tell you this.

And when I became bigger,

my father has no money.

I am to work,

digging, and then people
give me some money for food.

And some money I keep it
and I pay my school fees.

And I study through hardship,

not just comfort.

And also I used to-

Then I was taken by force
into the army...

here in Kampala during the war.

And... I went there.
I did not want.

But later on, because of force,

during the second World War,

I was taken to Burma.

And I work there until now.

I went through difficulty.

I go to the rank, from my rank,

from the rank of lance corporal...

up to general now- I became general.

[ Band Stops]

[ Soldier Shouting Orders ]

[ Shouting Continues]

Your Excellence, guard all warmed up.

[ Indistinct 1

Formed up in two ranks,
ready for inspection, Your Excellence.

N' [ Band Continues]

And if they found that
what you are saying, it is not truth,

then they will never listen
for you again.

And that, you will lose
confidence to the people.

But the people likes me very much.

The reason why I am very popular
because I always speak to them truth.

And if I don't have anything
to tell them, I keep quiet.

[Swahili ]

We see the paratrooper school.

[ Narrator]
On March 70th, 7974,

the general announced,
“With the help of friendly countries,

“Uganda is going to arm
to the teeth to reach...

an international combat level. ”

[ indistinct Chattering ]

[ Soldier Shouting Orders ]

- [ Orders Continue]
- [ Soldiers Counting Off]

As a paratrooper, they know exactly
to jump and be into sections.

JV' [ Soldiers Shouting In Swahili]

This song they do before they jump.

It warm them completely.

I can't tell you, because
it is confidential in any country-

cannot tell you the strength
of the army.

[ Shouting Continues ]

Since I came in power,

automatically Uganda become

not only the armed forces,

but the whole police, prisons,
the whole public.

You see, lion-

Um, lion-
if you don't disturb lion,

it can't do any harm.

And also I like very much elephants...

because it is a sign of liberty...

freedom and it moves freely.

It wants a big space.
This is the elephant.

And this is a sign
you can see in Africa.

There is plenty of land
where it can move freely.

It can eat completely
without being disturbed.

And you find this only in Africa.

And that is why you find
that the wild animal...

have got freedom mostly in Africa.

And, um-

And, uh, this is actually
what I am trying to do...

here in Africa.

The reason why I am very popular,

my policy all over Africa
and every African peoples...

wants freedom for their people.

They have requested me
to tell their leaders...

to give them this freedom...

and same policy as I did
here in Uganda.

Because here I gave...

a completely full
economical independence...

to the people of Uganda.

[ Man]
How many crocodiles here ?

Very man)', Yes-

And this is a very good area
of the crocodiles.

It is a headquarter
of the crocodile, you can see.

You see as it is running very fast.

I think this might be captain
of crocodiles.

Yes. He understand me now.
He's moving.

Very big. Yes.

Yes, very good. Yes.

And we are now going, actually,
to the headquarters of crocodile,

where they lay more eggs-
they produce more children.

We are going now.
And it is very attractive.

And you can see here...
hundreds of crocodiles.

Thousands of hippo, you see ?

Guinea fowls, in there at the edge.
You see ?

Guinea fowls.

And this elephant is very big.

You see ?

And here it is a place
where you can found...

there is more crocodile
than anywhere in the world.

This place.

[ Speaks Swahili ]
We say, “How are you ?”

[ Chuckling]

Very good.

He is eating.

[ Laughing 1

He is greeting me also.

And even this crocodile
is looking at us.

- Can I ask you to move ?
- [ Indistinct Chatter]

Uh ? Oh, we still want to watch it.

[ Speaking Swahili]

- You want me to ask it to move ?
- [ Woman] Yes.

Hey !

You see, it open this...

so that the... ants...

can go into the mouth
and then it eats.

That's why it doesn't want
to be disturbed.

He is sleeping.

And most of them, they lay
their eggs under this places.

Down there.

[ Man] You was telling us
that you think the Nile...

is a link between your country,
Sudan and Egypt.

But for ages, it has been the problem
between the Arabs and the Africans.

The Negroes.
What do you think of that ?

Yes. It has been because
the leaders of Arabs-

before, they were not
revolutionary leaders.

But today,

during my time
as a revolutionary leader,

I want to bring everybody...

in Africa and Arab worlds very closely,

and Asia and Europe.

And, therefore, we,
the revolutionary leaders,

we want to be friendly with all
peace-loving people in the world.

And this is highly appreciated
very much...

by most revolutionary leader in Arab.

That's why you find that, today,
there is more unity...

between Africa and Arab than before,

especially during my tour
of Middle East.

I have toured very many countries,

and I have brought them together
as one family.

You see ?
Elephant is dragged into water.

I think it can't get out.

[ Chuckling]

This is a very, very good
picture you can get.

This is the most beautiful part...

in the continent of Africa.

Used to be called Madison Falls.

But it is now
Kabalega Falls National Park.

That is the one.

And it is a tourist attraction.

I came so close to the Arab...

because Arab found that I am
most influencing leader...

in Africa- in the continent.

And also I am a leader
who speaks the truth.

[ Man]
Did your Muslim religion take part...

into your choice of the Arabs ?

It is not because of the Muslim...

because the people who broke
relationship with Israel-

they are not only Muslims,
they are Christians.

But they have seen the truth.
And everybody listen for me.

And even in O.A.U.,
if I don't speak,

every leader try to ask why,
and I must speak.

Like in a nonaligned conference
in Algeria-

I was not feeling well.
I did not speak.

But 15 minutes
before the conference closed,

I was brought to come and give a speech.

I gave very good speech,

including Castro broke relationship
with Israel after my speech.

[ Narrator]
Telegram sent to Mr. Kurt Waldheim,

permanent secretary
of the United Nations:

“Hitler and all the German people...

“knew that the Israelis are not people
who work in the interest of the world,

“and that is why they burnt
six million Jews alive with gas...

on the soil of Germany.”

This telegram was sent the day
after the Munich killings.

Some years before,
General Amin had undergone,

as had other Ugandans,
paratroop training in Israel.

But I'm trained
as a paratrooper in Israel.

But I have got a very good brain.

And even General Dayan knows
that I am very good field officer.

[ Man]
You knew Dayan very well ?

I know him and-

I know him.
He has been my friend.

He has been giving me dinner,
lunch in his house.

If I go to Israel,
I used to stay with Dayan.

He brings air force band
playing for me.

We stay together.
But I must make absolutely truth.

The reason why
I chased them from Uganda...

was because of the economy of Uganda.

Uganda was going to be bankrupt.

That is the reason why
I chased away the Israelis.

- You were friends with Golda Meir ?
- Yes.

Because she used to give me
very good entertainment...

when I go to Israel.

[ Man]
Then you changed completely...

from an Israeli alliance
to the Arab alliance.

I changed from Israeli alliance...

because Israeli are criminals...

and they are not trusted people.

They don't tell the world the truth.

They were taken to Palestine
as refugees.

And then they changed Palestine
to became the State of Israel...

by force of arms...

given to them by Americans
and the British.

[ Man]
But is it true that you said...

Hitler didn't kill enough Jews
during the war ?

[ Laughing 1

Why do you ask me about Hitler ?

The Hitler's problem is now past tense.

Now we are looking forward...

for the future generations
and a future plan.

We are no longer going back to Hitler's.

You see, the war of Hitler-

it was a different war
than the war today.

If I am to prepare the war
against Israel completely,

no, I don't want very many...

army, air force and navy-
just very few.

And I strike inside Israel...

and move people from
the whole border towards Israel.

I think the situation
would be very difficult...

and very different.

[ Man]
Strike from inside with paratrooper ?

With the paratrooper,
with everything, completely.

Yes, because you got to
get there by paratrooper...

and also bombing by airplanes...

and having few squadron of suicide-

these who are determined to be suicide.

And I think
that is already in progress...

and they are practicing.

The suicide squadrons are
already in practicing progress.

I think very many delegations
meeting me now, preparing for this.

And they come to conclusion.
It is true.

You'll find it here.

And this will change the type of battle.

And we can command from here,
not from the battlefield,

but through communication.

[ Man ] And will there be Ugandans
in those battalions ?

I don't know, but any volunteer.

Even France-

French volunteer-
they are welcome also.

But I welcome, I welcome
any volunteer all over the world.

Even Japanese, even Vietnamese...

are there in these squadrons.

But they are now in training.

They are undergoing training now
three months.

This is the pilot.

[ Laughter]

[ Chattering, Applause]

Then go to the Middle East
and visit the war-

see how they are fighting
and encourage them to fight.

This was my decision.

And I enjoy it very much-

having breakfast
with some Syrians and Iraqi-

breakfast in the tanks.

I was very happy-

In October, while I was there,
I was visiting troops. I had my troops.

[ Man]
You had some soldiers up there ?

- [ Amin] I had the navy, yes.
- Navy ?

- Yes. In Alexandria.
- Navy ?

- [Man ] But you don't have navy-
- We have trained.

- Ah, really ?
- Yes.

This is our secret weapon
in Lake Victoria.

[ Laughter]

Marine. Frogmen I think is very good.


[ Man]
In '67, you were on the Suez Canal ?

Yes, yes. But you see, I am only one
who has been in both sides.

During the '67 war,
I was in Suez Canal, on the other side.

And now I am in the Suez Canal
in the other side. I like very much.

First, the armored,

after crossing the Lake Galilee,

reaching the foot
of the Golan Heights,

they are engaged by the enemy...

and the officer...

commanding mechanized battalion...

ask for the support...

by paratroopers and air support.

- [ Woman Speaking French]
- You understand '?

I'm just explaining to you.

And while the armored...

and the mechanized regiment
are being engaged,

the air force gave support...

so that the paratrooper land
by helicopter...

on the Golan Heights
and captured Golan Height.

[ İndistinct Chattering ]

[ Gunfire]

[ Gunfire Continues]

[ Explosion]

- We go because helicopter coming.
- [Man] Okay.

[ Helicopter Blades Whirring]

You film. Film helicopter.

Right now the armored regiment-

they have been engaged
below the Golan Heights.

And the commander
of the mechanized regiment...

requested for the support.

And, therefore, the paratrooper
have been landing,

fighting to capture the objectives.

But air will come
and give them support.

They will be-
To capture completely the Golan Heights.

Another one is behind you.

Here, here, here.

Left. Now advance.

- Advance ./
- Advance !


Here, here.

Victory over Golan Heights.
[ Chuckling]

N' [African ]

N' [Woman Singing In Swahili]

[ Shouting ]

- Good morning.
- [All Together] Good morning.

The meeting is nonconfidential...

because I think that is why
you see here...

there is... the press people.

They are taping
and they wants to make a film...

about the cabinet.

But I have about seven points
which I think...

I should brief you completely...

and tell you to know...

exactly what is going on.

One is this:

All of you,

you are in very high-ranking
governmental positions.

Your duty is not to be very weak.

You must not be like a woman...

who is just weak,

and he can't speak, even talk.

You must be a person who-
to approach everybody as a minister.

You want to know. You must be
concerned to know the problems...

as a minister, as a governor,

as any high-ranking
governmental officer.

This is the one point
which I must tell you.

You must be concerned
in planning ahead for your ministry.

Nobody is to plan for you,

but it is you,
with your permanent secretary. - .

And the whole officer
under your command,

to plan for you,
for your minister, in advance.

Not General Amin to tell you...

that you go and plan this
and this for your ministry.

You should not be like
a ministry of foreign affairs.

I'm speaking not even now
when Otiang was there.

Because some people
who are rotten-

they are there since Otiang
was there and also he's there.

These people are never been informed
since the former regimes.

What they know is to educate
people in common man's chatter only,

but not proper educating people...

of the world's
the policy of the government.

This I know direct from international
people whom I've been sending.

They have been informing me that people
have not been educated outside...

to know what actually
is happening here in Uganda.

And this is the ministry
of foreign affair.

This is the weakness
of the minister of foreign affair.

Two weeks later,

the body of Michael Ondoga,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,

was found in the Nile.

He was replaced by a former model,
Princess Baga ya,

who holds a law degree
from Oxford.

And everybody must be removed...

who have got the ideology...

or the mentality...

of the capitalist...

who are no revolutionaries.

I've been informed
by the minister of foreign affair...

before even Ondoga came
that this is good,

this is good, must remain there.

But I found they are rotten completely.

They are the one who have been
putting even “shameful,”

but while our position is very good.

We are not bankrupt
completely in Uganda.

We are very rich.

I don't want somebody-
any minister-

make me good report.

You must only tell me the truth.

This I've been telling you,
and now the truth is coming out.

The false report you have been
reporting to me is now coming out.

Now I am going to second point.

As a minister,

governor, high-ranking peoples...

and the people of the country,

they must love their leader.

This is the point number one.

If you go to any country,
you will find...

that everybody must love his leader.

They must love their ministers.

They must love their governors.

They must love
their district commissioners,

their teachers, their chiefs.

Everybody must be loved.

It is an education to the people.

This is the duty of the minister.

If I see the minister is a coward,

I kick you out of my office...

because I know that you have got
something wrong with you.

I will put some
another person straight...

or any governor or anybody.

This I must make it absolutely clear.

And even whether you hide, you
will be known in the light, completely.

This I must make it absolutely clear.

Whether you hide, you go away,
you will be known, completely.

But this particular second point
is very important.

You must teach people
to love their leader.

This is the only most important.

Like any country.

And the people also
must love their ministers.

But loving-
it is well known in Uganda.

You can't change as a minister.

Number three: determinations.

You people must work
with determinations.

And all other peoples-

you must teach them
to work with determinations.

If I go sometime
even in the ministry of defense,

I will not find even
some commanders there in their offices.

I know this.
I been telephoning several time,

checking with them, I can't find.

They are in their business
in Kawempe, somewhere in Kampala, what.

You must put your contribution.

If I find you not attend cabinet
three times without reason,

you are out of government.

Now, chiefs- Number four.

Chiefs and town agents.

The most important of the chiefs
and the town agents,

if they are to work very hard,

they will help the police, the prison,

the air force, the army.

This include the military police.

They will help you, the ministers.

They will not make even police
very busy...

because they know who is
actually good in the towns,

who is not very good in the town.

If you are to use these people
properly- even the police-

use these town agent properly-

They are being paid by the government.

They are not just working for nothing.

And marketing here in Kampala-

You must tell our womens in Uganda
to pull up their socks.

I want to see that Ugandans
work very hard.

You must not make the womens
of Uganda very weak.

They must get up quickly in the morning.

At about 5:00,
they are already in nakassero,

preparing ready to sell
vegetable and everything in the shop.

If you go to Ghana,
if you go to Nigeria,

you will see that
the whole shops, market, everything.

Is Nigeria.
I think you agree with me.

Everybody agree.
Why not here in Uganda ?

You must tell our women I said...

that the duty of the woman
is the house woman.

He knows how to keep house very well.

If he can do that,
let me make first examinations,

appoint women to be the managers
of hotel, which is done.

Because this is a part
of the woman's job.

If they can keep house very well,

it is exactly like their duty
as a housewife.

If he's well-educated,
he has got that brain,

he is determined,
he can look after the hotel very well.

I want to see a woman
international hotel- very big one.

Must be woman Ugandans,
and I know they can do it.

And you as a minister,
you must back them completely.

If you find any man trying to not
to obey the order and everything,

you can punish that person.

You can remove that person.

You can put loyal people to her
to see that we keep up standard.

I think we are the first
in our country, in Africa today,

who have got many woman managers
than other countries.

We have got how many ?

- Manager woman.
- [Man] Four.

We have got four manager,

and we have got another two
assistant manager.

And another point here I wanted to say.

There is C.I.A. agents through Africa-

African, black Africans-
who are coming here.

And you should know
that spy is criminal.

To be an spy is very bad.

And your case is death,
completely- sentence.

This I must make it absolutely clear.

If I found anybody is a spy,

and any spy is found
and anybody he is coming in this cover-

See, I want you to see
that everybody must be checked-

his poll-tax...

for about three or five years.

And if he is found to be spy,

his case is firing squad.

He must be handed
straight to military police,

must be dealt
with the military tribunal...

because the case of spying
is very serious.

Anybody found is a spy,

his case must be dealt with
with military tribunals.

Once he is confirmed,

even military tribunals
should not waste time...

of making law all day,

discussing about one person
who is a spy.

Must be shortcut.

If minister find him,

don't even report it to me completely-

I don't want the ministers...

should wait anything which he thinks
it is good for his ministry.

He is still waiting authority from me.

I don't want.
Then if that, you are not minister.

You are not making decisions.

A minister is a person who must
make a decision himself,

not to wait for General Amin.

You can only inform me what you are doing,
what has happened.

I feel very happy-

Because if I am to make a decision
all the time, I will be very annoyed.

If you are not well-briefed,
come back to me.

Telephone me at 5:00 or midnight.
You telephone me.

Some minister been telephoning me.

I been answering them.

My telephone is simple.
If you telephone me at 2241,

whether at 3:00 in the morning,

I get your telephone, I speak to you.

And if you want a briefing,

I can brief you completely
until you understand.

And when you go there,

any reporters wants to ask you
about Uganda,

I think you are well-equipped
with all informations.

You can brief them.
You should not fear.

You should not say,
“No, it is not my duty.”

If you are that,
you are not Ugandans.

And if I am to get this,
you are not minister at all.

N' [Swahili ]

[Chattering In Swahili ]

[ Helicopter Blades Whirring]

[ Narrator]
As with many other scenes in this film,

the people's welcome
in a small garrison town...

was specially organized for the film.

[ Cheering, Clapping]

[ Cheering, Clapping Continue ]

I am not completely communism,

and I am not capitalism because I-

Even very many leaders ask me
to join that part.

That part I don't want.

I am only leader
who is alone completely...

and following on only Uganda.

And this is how we want.

We want just to be free
and also friendly...

to the capitalism people,

friendly to the socialism people.

But we are not going to adopt anything.

But we only choose what
is the best from capitalism,

from communism, we put in our,

our policy of the country.

And this is what we found better.

We are not following
any policy at all.

[Speaking In Swahili ]

[ Crowd Responds In Swahili]

[Swahili Continues]

[ Cheering, Applause]

[Swahili ]

[ Soldier Shouting Orders ]

[ Soldier] Seven, eight, two, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight !

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

[ Counting Continues]

Very- Very new gun.

- From guerrillas.
- [ Man ] Guerrillas ?

This captured when we were invaded.

[Narrator] The general has already
re viewed these arms several times.

They were captured during an attack
in the autumn of 1972 from Tanzania,

by former President Obote...

- accompanied by a few hundred men.
- This submachine gun.

Relations with Tanzania have been uneasy
since Amin seized power.

He dreamt of getting,
by force of arms,

an outlet to the sea
taken from Tanzania.

Your Excellence,
all these were captured...

by our chiefs as our troops
were being trained.

These are homemade.

So I think that's how you can
explain about that. Your Excellence.

Telegram sent to Julius Nyerere,
President of Tanzania.

“I want to assure you
that I love you very much,

“and if you had been a woman,
I would have considered marrying you,

“although your head
is full of gray hairs.

But, as you are a man,
that possibility does not arise. ”

[ Man] It was then that you sent
this telegram to Nyerere ?

What was this ?

[ Laughing 1

- I think you read my telegram.
- Yes, what was it ?

Was it to make fun of him ?

Because I love him very much. Yes.

He did not reply me.

He kept quiet.

[Wailing ]

I lead the country on my best way,

how I want them to be lead-

according to my democracy,

according to my knowledge...

and according to my thinking...

what is the best way of leading them.

And then I lead them
according to that way.

[ Man] There's direct contact
between you and the people ?

And the people. Yes.
No middle man.

- N' [ Swahili]
- [ Clapping]

[ Amin ]
I have 18 children.

[ Narrator] Idi Amin
had four wives and has 18 children.

He has just repudiated three of his wives
for not being revolutionary enough.

[ Speaking Swahili ]

Ah, you see ?
This one is very rough.

- Yes.
- [ Woman] How old, this one ?

- This one ?
- This one is one and a half year old.

And this-

- And Omonga.
- We have no preference.

This has been to Paris.
He has been to Soviet Union.

And this is still not yet in school,
and this and that.

[ Swahili]

[ Woman]
It's difficult to educate 18 children ?

- Not very difficult.
- No! difficult ?

[Swahili Continues]

I have 12 boys...

and six girls.

[Child crying 1

This the one girl and six boys.

I am very good marksman.

[ Laughing 1

But I like children very much.
Yes, they are very happy.

[crying 1

[Swahili ]

- That's very good.
-[ Man ] Maybe we could sit down there.

With you ?
[ Swahili ]

But you can't see the sun proper.

- You want interview me ? Yes.
- Yes.

[ Narrator] Every evening,
there is a news broadcast...

in four languages on television.

The slightest event concerning
the president is reported.

[ Reporting In French ]

During a press conference with French
journalists held at the Entebbe Palace,

His Excellency President Amin
announced that he was in possession...

of a manual detailing
all of the Israeli plans.

[ French Reporting Continues ]

Mecca and Medina should be today...

under the control of the Israelis.

But because they lost the war
in first five days,

they couldn't continue even further.

And that is why it stopped.

But their aim
is to capture Mecca and Medina.

All the holy places
all over the world...

should be controlled by the Israelis.

This is their aim.
I have got these books with me.

And I am sure, after we finish here,

I will give you the copy of the book.

But you reading my copy today, here,

and you give it back to me...

because, if Israeli find it,
they will buy the whole copy.

And they don't want the people
in the world to see this book.

I will give you. It is here.

Uh, it is a book of the Israelis...

which is the teaching of the elders
of the Israelis- of the Zionists.

[ Narrator]
The book is a fake,

published in 1901
by the Russian secret police.

Millions of copies were printed.

It was required reading in
the schools of the Third Reich.

When asked if it was true that
the Israelis wanted to poison the Nile,

General Amin replied that
they had indeed wanted...

to do so while they were still
in Uganda.

[ Reporter Speaking In French ]

They can poison the water-
River Nile- from Uganda...

so that the people who will be drinking
in the other end, they will die.

General Amin remarked that
the plans of the Israelis...

were even more disgusting
than Hitler's against the Jews.

[ French Continues ]

it has been the true on my side.

Because some people dream
which is not the truth.

But I dream the truth.

I dream, when I was still...

just none, nothing, completely,

I will be the army commander.

I am commander of the highest man-

commander in chief of the armed forces.

I dream I will be the head of state...

and the most highest
head of state in the world-

when I was just none-
and it became truth.

I dream completely in Karamonja,

in August the fourth,

at about 5:00 in the morning,

that, if you take decision now...

and remove the whole noncitizens...

who are being milking
the economy of Uganda,

this is the only chance Uganda will get.

You must take immediate actions.

I left the place without breakfast,

and I went and declare economic war.

And it is true.

Today, the people
in Uganda are enjoying.

This is the truth. I dream about,

before end of 1975,

Arabs will win the war.

[ Man] I think I read did you dream
people were trying to kill you ?

I dream, but it was impossible.
They couldn't do it.

Because I know exactly-
I dream that in-

I know exactly when, how,
what time I am going to die.

This I know.
And which year and which date.

All this I know already,
and it is a secret.

I have said this clear.

Yes, I know. That is why
you find me, I am not a coward...

because I know exactly
how I am going to die,

following all
what has been happening.

And I know exactly.
And I can know, sometime,

what will happen
in the country or to me...

in the next few hours or few days.

I know this exactly.

And I know exactly that
who will be making something...

against me very soon.

I can notice him straight.

And he can get punishment
from God straight.

Because I work only according
to the God's instruction.

And I know exactly that
who will be making something...

against me very soon.

I can notice him straight.

And he can get punishment
from God straight.

Because I work only according
to the God's instruction.

It is voice of God,

and it is not me just speaking,

but it is the truth
and it is meaningful.

And if you are to follow de Gaulle,

he was a very great leader.

Napoleon- very great leader.

Mao Tse-tung is very great leader.

And... this leader whom I'm saying-

- Very great. Who is another you said ?
- Qaddafi ?

Qaddafi is very popular,

whether the people in the Arab worlds
in some way are against him.

It is impossible, like me.

Here it is impossible.

We already put foundation stone of our-

how strong we are in the worlds.

And the people understand.

And even I am still fighting...

for the whole black people
all over the worlds-

in Caribbeans,

in Negro Americans,
all over the world,

which I am still fighting for them.

And they respect me very much
and very highly.

And they were taken to America
as slaves- those people.

They did not want to go there.

And this is their country,
but they were taken by force.

Therefore, nobody should
remove them from there.

They must get independent in America,

and they must control the Americans.

The black people in America...

must be the president of
the United States of America-

must be the secretary of state,
like Kissinger.

They are more brilliant...

than the Dr. Kissinger.

Kissinger is not very intelligent.

Kissinger always go
to the weakest leaders.

He never go to Qaddafi.
He never come to General Amin.

He fears us. You see ?

This is what Kissinger is going.

He goes only
to the weakest leaders.

Because he know there is
the strongest leaders in Uganda.

And he will never go to Uganda.

- [ Woman] They are afraid of you ?
- Yes.

Because I speak the truth,
and I know their mistake.

I know their mistake,

and I know how to teach
the America their mistake.

[ Narrator] On speaking of the Americans,
the general said...

that he had in his possession
certain equipment they used...

to spy on the Russian
and Chinese embassies.

[ Reporting In French ]

He noted that President Nixon
wanted to export Watergate to Uganda.

And you see, this is the mistake
of Nixon- of Watergate.

He was bringing in Uganda,

taping all embassies-

Chinese embassies, Russian embassies.

All this problem was brought by-

[ Man]
And that's why they left-

because they got afraid
when you discovered the thing ?

That is right.
They run away from me.

And I say that how can 250 million...

run away from only General Amin ?

That I am very powerful than Americans.

I have no Phantoms.
[ Chuckling ]

- [Man] But you have MIGs.
- Hmm?

I have a brain.

Because I discover
their mistake in advance.

Because my brain work
in advance than them.

When I come out,
we have to capture this port.

Eh ? Everyone must reach this port.

- [Man ] We are diving.
- I am not diving.

- Just a jump.
- If you dive down, we cut you.

You must jump here
and then start this straight.

Ready ? You do now.
You give us green light.

[Man ]
Give us the time too. Ready ? Go.

Very good.

[Chattering In Swahili ]

[ Laughter]

I won.

I have seen the whole African-
how they suffered,

including my father and everybody.

- I know this very well.
- [Man] Can you tell a story ?

- Hmm ?
- Can you tell a story with that ?

- I will just give you simple.
- An example.

People used to carry British
on their heads.

British used to send-
They make something like a stretcher...

and put chair on top.

And then they used to carry
British for miles and miles.

This is African carry.

And they used to dig holes
and everything.

They used to carry
when the British was here.

And the Africans,
when they make a mistake,

they used to be beaten by canes,

completely, by the British.

[ Woman]
You should like to see Mr. Heath ?

I would be- I will never talk
to anybody from Britain...

if Mr. Heath himself
does not come to me here.

Yes, here in Uganda,

because I declared
economic war in Uganda.

And I will see him
in command post. Not anybody.

If Mr. Heath does not come,
then it is not my problem.

It is up to him.
It is up to him now to beg me.

If he doesn't beg me, it is up to him.

Because I am the one
who has got the money.

I am not going to borrow money from him.

Even I don't want, I am getting
millions of shillings.

Uganda is getting
from selling their crops...

and everything every years.

British now, actually-
They are in chaos, as you know.

Their economic is in chaos, completely.

I think if I am really British,
I could run to France...

and ask the financial
and assistant in France.

It is just your neighbor there.

You should help them.
Like, I am very far away from London.

But I am helping them. I am collecting.

I am appealing for everybody
in the world to assist the British.

We made a collect
of over 43,000 shilling.

[ Woman]
And what Mr. Heath said ?

- Mr. Heath ?
- About this collect.

Uh, he said-

He hasn't replied me yet.

- He hasn't ?
- Yes.

I am very annoyed.
I am waiting for his reply so that-

I have requested him for airplane...

so that I can send the food.

Because some people donated
food lorry of vegetable.

Three tons to be given
to the friends in Britain.

But he hasn't send airplane yet.

[ Woman]
But maybe it will be deteriorated ?

I don't know. It is up to him...

because I had sent on the very day
they donated the food.

I have very many friends in Britain.

It is only the problem
I had to put to them.

That is why they have more problem.

You see there ? I'm trying to help.

Even myself,
I donated 10,000 shilling...

from my own saving
to Save the British Fund.

We have opened the fund here-
Save the British Fund.


I wanted to... make...

special language
in black America of African...

because I wanted to...

brainwash them
from British colonials.

And I wanted to make them
understand one language in America.

I might introduce Swahili...

to all black American...

to understand this language in America.

[ Man]
You laid the stone of a foundation...

of a new broadcasting station.

Which country will it cover ?

It will cover including France.

Including everybody,
I think, in Europe,

in America, in Soviet Union,
China, everywhere.

It will cover-
So that in all Africa...

people will listen
for radio broadcast...

from Uganda, direct.

This is very important.

[ Man]
Will you speak in English or-

No, it is going to be Swahili,
English, French, Arabic.

This is four official language
will be spoken.

English, French, Arabic and Swahili.

[ Bats Screeching ]

[ Man] Would you accept
some Palestinian hijackers...

with their hostages in Uganda ?

- The Palestinians ?
- Yes, l read in the papers...

they were asking to be sent
to Uganda or to Libya.

If they are sent here,
I would welcome them.

Because we believe in peace.

And that is why
in the United Nations...

they have already passed...

one of the agenda...

that the Black September
should be treated...

as prisoner of war,
but not as the criminal...

because they are fighting
for their cause.

So you will put them in prison
if they come here ?

I don't know whether
I will put them in prison,

but I know how I will keep them.

But they are welcome.

- [ Woman] In Uganda ?
- Yes.

If they want to come to Uganda,
they are welcomed in Uganda.

They have got a representative.

[ Narrator]
Having expelled the Israelis,

General Amin installed
the Palestinians...

in the former Israeli embassy.

[ Woman] But the people
in some planes are innocent.

But you must not go in the airplane...

which is belonging to Israelis,

to Portuguese, to South Africa.

If you use these airplane,
then it is up to you.

You must choose because the airplane
is booked in advance.

You must know this.

It is not
Black September's mistake.

It is the people's mistake...

because they are the one who choose
what airplane they should fly in.

You must fly in Air France.

You must fly in East African Airway.

This is very good.

[ Laughing 1

N' [ Swahili]

[ Narrator]
Faced with fines or imprisonment,

the naked tribesmen of Karamonja...

are forced to wear clothes.

Women are forbidden to wear wigs,

trousers or miniskirts.

General Amin has planned
to group together...

the idle and unemployed
and make them work in cooperatives.

You can actually educate people
through traditional dance...

how to make very good garden like this.

It will be in the song.

When you are singing,
people are watching.

You talk about the flower. You must
make very good garden in your house.

You must have house with big latrines.

Make it clean. People will understand.

“Oh, this song has got meaning.

I must go and make this.”

And you must boil the water
before you drink...

because you might have disease
in the stomach.

You are helping doctor.
You understand ?

You must work hard.
You must produce more foods...

for export, for selling
to get more money...

and for your self reserve
in case of dry season.

Hot sun.

You will have a reserve food
in your store.

You will not die from hunger.

N' [African Drumming ]

[Shouting In Swahili ]

[Swahili Continues]

[ Laughter]

[ Laughter, Applause]

N' [ Band ]

[ Soldier Shouting Orders ]

You are all right
for your communication ?

Yes, sir.

[ İndistinct Chattering ]

That's very good.

As a pilot, you must know...

your all techniques within the aircraft.

You must know map reading
very well, completely.

You must be ready to go and fight...

in any part of Africa...

which is still under
imperialist domination...

if you have been directed to go...

with other forces
of the O.A.U. members.

This is the one of the things.

But you are still to go
for another intensive training.

You are to go for another...

fastest airplane than this one.

You are to go.

Only one pilot,
if he is to do his duty properly,

he can really make a big destructions.

And also, as a pilot,
when you are going to fight,

you must not think...

that you are going back to the base.

- [ Laughter, Applause]
- But you must fly while knowing...

that you are going
to complete your mission.

But if, God bless you,
you go back- back to the base.

[ Laughter Continues ]

[ Shouting Orders]

[ Narrator]
Amin gets ready to face...

a much more critical audience
than his usual audiences.

It is a gathering of the capital's
eminent physicians.

[ Man ]
Indulge a private practice...

and to fight the economic war.

There has been growing concern
in the public...

about some doctors
who have located surgeries...

and others who have located
private businesses...

have been spending most
or a lot of their time...

and much of their attention...

was increasingly being drawn...

to their businesses
in their private surgeries.

[Amin] First, I would like to thank you
for what you have been doing.

You have been doing very well.

And to be a doctor
is not very easy thing,

right from the time you have been born.

Because you went through difficult-

through primary schools.

And you have been very intelligence.

You pass your primary school.
You went to secondary schools.

You pass.
You went into higher school.

You pass.
You proved to be very intelligent.

And that is why
you have been selected...

to be a doctor.

I know this very well because
I come from very poor family.

I know how...

the person can come...

right from the village level...

up to the top standard of the doctor.

It is very difficult.

And don't spoil that chance.

When you have reached this standard,

what you should do-
you should practice more.

You should specialize...

in some more fields...

so that you will be able to help...

and assist the people in the country.

And, as a doctor,
you must be very clean, very smart.

You behave very well like a person.

And also, you are not too drunk.

You are the one
who should advise the public.

You should advise General Amin
not to drink.

-[ Laughter]
- This is very important.

This is the most important,

because if a public learn...

that you are a drunkard,

- automatically they lose confidence.
- [Laughter Continues ]

And even they can say that,

if I am going to get operation
by that doctor,

he is a drunkard,
he will not do anything good for me.

And they will completely refuse.
I am telling you sincerely.

And it is true. I must be frank
to you and tell you this.

Because, also, to drink
and over-drunk- it is not very good.

- You will not even enjoy more.
- [Laughter Continues ]

Because you will not even have sense.

But if you drink very little,
you feel very happy,

very proud, and you talk to your people.

That will be- I'm just advising you.

- [Applause]
- [ Laughing ]

If I am a commander of operations-

I wanted to fight...

in Lugasi sugar factory.

- I just giving you this.
- [Laughter Continues ]

Okay. There is enemy there.

What I want to use- air force.

What I will ask-

I will call the engineers.

I will call the pilots...

and talk to them.

Can you, from this base and this base-

can you reach Lugasi,
come back without refilling ?

Yes. How long can you fight there ?

Give me timing.

This technicians will be in position,

advising before I give any order.

And they tells me completely everything-

how long they will be there
and how long they will fight...

and what is the number
of the enemy and all this.

Then I write all this,

discussing with the technician.

This is like a public service commission.

When they want to recruit the doctors,

they come to you, you advise them.

But it is your duty as a doctor...

to advise them properly...

and your duty as a doctor...

to advise your representative...

who can represent you
or myself or him properly...

so that when he takes,
he brings the points...

concerning the medical field
in the cabinet to me,

I have a full report...

submitted to me,

not only by him,

but by you, the technicians.

Because you know
the whole technical problem.

Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen.

[ Applause ]

You have any points to tell me ?

Yes ?

[ Man] Your Excellence,
I'm quite happy to have heard...

that you are quite ready...

to be listening
to the senior doctors.

Not only the senior doctors,
but the young doctors of the hospital,

for the lives of the citizens
are in their hands.

In Uganda,
the Uganda Medical Association...

seems to be the main spokesman...

for every doctor all over the country.

The president of our association-

[ Narrator] In Uganda, only Amin
is allowed to be called president.

[ Laughter]

You leave him to speak.

- I withdraw the title-
- I am- I-

I am General Amin.

[ Laughter Continues ]

The chairman of our association,

who is a very active person,

who lam sure was not concerted
about these rumors...

which have been floating around...

about the private surgeries in town.

So much so that he was-

and ourselves caught unaware...

of what is happening.

With due respect to the minister,
Your Excellency,

and your technicians in Entebbe,

I would like to tell you
that our chairman...

is quite fluent with the problems
affecting the doctors...

on public health.

I would, therefore,

request you, kindly and humbly,

to keep him in mind...

whenever there is any big problem...

that concerns a doctor,

if you take off
your permanent secretary...

and if you are assistant
immediate to him,

the next man to consult. . .

Should be the chairman of
the Uganda Medical Association.

Thank you very much.

I like this type of frank discussions.

And it is very good.

Um, I am sure...

that I informed
the permanent secretary...

I will be addressing...

the senior doctors...

within three days.

- JV' [ Afr/can Drumming ]
- [ indistinct Shouting ]

[Chattering In Swahili ]

N' [Swahili ]

N [Swahili Continues]

[ Narrator]
After a century of colonialism...

isn't it in pan' the formed image of ourself...

that Idi Amin Dada reflects ?