Gantz (2010) - full transcript

After trying to rescue a man on the subway tracks, two teens wake up in a room dominated by a mysterious black sphere that sends them to hunt down and kill aliens hiding on Earth.

My mantra is that everyone has a role to fulfill.

We all have different strengths and abilities.

And there is a place where each of us

can realize our fullest potential.

We all have different strengths and abilities.

And there is a place where each of us

can realize our fullest potential.

"Successful Job interviewing" I am confident

that, for me, that place is this company.

Isn't that Kato?

Hey, someone fell...

The express train will be

passing through platform 2...

- The train's coming!

...for your safety, please stand behind the yellow line.

Someone find the station attendant.

Hurry, find him!

I'll do it.

He won't make it in time!

The train's almost here!

Sir, are you all right?

Hey! Are you all right?


Can somebody get down here

and help me? He's drunk.

Hey, get up!

Somebody, please!


You're Kei, aren't you?

Give me a hand!


Hey, get up!

Grab him!

- Kato!

- Than ks!



We have company.

It's Tokyo Tower.

It doesn't open...


What is this place?

A hospital?

Who knows...

Hey... the station..

- We got run over.

- No, you blew me off.


I didn't see you.

That's what I thought.

You wouldn't ignore me.

It's been since grade school, right?

We met three times,

in junior high.

Never mind that.

We got hit, right?

Yeah, we got hit.

Then why are we alive?


You guys too?

I got hit by a car...

- What?

- What is this place?


a 2 bed 1 bath one.

Well, that's one theory.

It's not a theory. I definitely died.

What the...wa...wait a sec...

You guys came here the same way.

Why is she naked?

- Stop that.

- Hey.

You Okay?

♪ It's a new morning. A morning of hope.

♪ Open your heart. Look up to the sky.

♪ Listen to the radio and start the day.

♪ Take a deep breath.

♪ and - a one, two, three!!

All of your old lives are gone.

All of your old lives are gone.

I will decide how to use your new lives.

That's how the cookie crumbles.


Now go. Finish off this guy:


Onion Alien Characteristic:

Stinks Likes: Onions

What's this?

He's breathing...

He's warm...

Is he just sleeping?


There are names on these.

You're right.




Who knows...

Oh, lnamori. That's me.

- Let's take them over there.

- Okay.



- Does this mean it's mine?

- Most likely.

- Do we wear it?

- Maybe...

Miss Kishimoto?

You can probably wear this

Aren't l...dead...?

I don't know, but for now,

you should wear something.

I wonder if it fits?

How did it know

we were coming?

Are these toys?

Pretty heavy for a toy.

- Look, the muzzle doesn't have a hole.

- You're right.

- Hey, don't point it at me.

- But the muzzle doesn't have a hole.

- I said don't point it!

- Sorry.


Never mind.

That doesn't sound good.

What is it?

I remember

being taken to the hospital.

And I think I was

injected with something.

An injection?


I was also in a car accident,

covered in blood,

taken to the hospital and given a shot.

After that, I lost consciousness...

Wait a minute.

It's a hospital,

of course they gave you a shot.

Right...of course.

This is starting to make sense...

We're not dead after all.

We were all taken to the hospital

and given the same shot.

What we're seeing is a hallucination.

A hallucination?

Like a group hypnosis.

Maybe we're all seeing the same hallucination.

That must be it!

Maybe we are a part of

some sort of experiment.

What's going on?

- I'm not sure

- It's a hallucination


Uh...what? W0...

Go now, please.


We're outside?

Guess we made it out somehow.

Think we can go home?

I've had enough.

Wait a minute.

I don't want to cheat so I'll say it,

this is a TV show.

You've entered through hypnosis.

We're not dead. I knew it!

My father is the producer.

It's a new program co-developed

by an American cable channel and Yale.

You know what reality TV is?

Like a virtual version of “ATO”

Never heard of ATO?

American Tryout.

If you complete the mission,

you win $100,000.

I wanted to win,

so I used my dad's connections


100 million yen...

Kato, look


Look, it's the target.


The time limit is 20 minutes.

First person to beat it wins.

- For real?

- Wait for me.

I got laid off last month...

100 million, huh...

That was just a kid, right?

Why don't you find out for yourself?

Hold it!

Stupid kid!

Hold it!

Move! Move!

What the hell?

I'll give you an onion...

I'll give you an onion...

His face looks so real.

Hey! Gross!

- Seriously?

- No way.

Go, go! Hurry, go!

Seems like no one is around.

Wait, didn't we just pass here?

"Tama, 5th St."

We're in Tama.

What was that.

I'll go check it out.

Hey, wait...

Guess he's gone.

Where do you live?

I'll take you home.

...I'm going too

Huh? Really?

Corner him!



Where did he go?

Over there!

He's fast.

Turn on the light.

Is it okay to shoot this?

I'll give you an onion...

I'll give you an onion...

I'll give you an onion...


That's it?

It's real.





100 million yen...

So real...


What's your problem?

Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Shoot it! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!

Someone call the police.

We'll be back in that room soon.

The hypnosis is wearing...


Hey, Ka...



It doesn't hurt.


No way...


It's not here.


You're the first one

I've seen use the case.

So close!

But good job

realizing you need the suit.

My treat, take the shot.

I'll let you have the points.

Hurry up.

He killed everyone, remember?

That's the spirit.

You disappoint me.

You'll be dead next time.


It's been a while

since anyone else has survived.

What's going on?

Is this really TV?

Ask Gantz.


That's what it's been called

even before I got here.

Old man, you're safe!

No matter how hurt you are,

if you're alive,

you'll make it back completely healed.

Okay then.

Let the scoring begin.

Kishimoto O Points

Boobs bounced too much

What is this?

Kato O Points Too scared


Suzuki O Points No presence


Kurono O Points

Stared too much at Kishimoto


NiShi 5 Points

Total 79 Points

Only five points?


What is this?

Gantz gives us scores for the mission.

A mission to eliminate

aliens invading the earth.

Who are you?


an alien.

Just kidding.

Don't be so scared.

Stop messing around!

What happened to the others?

They got killed.

Didn't you see?


All the people who died

during Gantz's mission.

That was badass

when that Yakuza's head went flying.

And that guy

who thought we were hypnotized,

his head got squashed like a bug,

and he never knew what hit him.

But I saw something

way better last time.

Why didn't you save them?

People were killed!

You're a hypocrite.

You just don't get it.

You messed with the wrong guy.

Let him go!

- Can you shoot?

- This time I really will.

Start explaining.

What is this place?


Too bad.

Time to go.

A dream?

Isn't this what we saw yesterday?

I don't want to think about it.


the bathroom was out of paper.


- Sorry.

- How did the test go?

"Seeking Eye Witnesses"

"...hit by the train..."

My mantra is that everyone has

We all have different strengths and abilities.

And there is a place where each of us

can realize our fullest potential.

What do you want to achieve

at this company?

Excuse me?

Your goal


No wonder you can't get hired.

Differentiate yourself.

But Kei still doesn't have an offer.

- Kei? What, still no offers?

- None.

He doesn't have any presence.

Companies don't hire those types.

He said he was a hero in soccer.

When he was a kid.

He's the type that fades into society.

Don't listen to them.

My presence is just like air too.

How do you get more presence anyway?

The other day

when I saw my friend from grade school...


It's been since grade school, right?


It's Kojima.

I'm Kojima Tae.


Oota, 2nd St, #34

Kurono Kei Kato Masaru

Thanks for 6 great years!

Friends forever

Kato Masaru

Kei, you're awesome!

Don't forget I saved you.

I won't. We're friends forever.

Akira, you're home early.

It's me.

Oh, it's you Kei.

You decided to stop by.

It's been a while.

I'll be leaving soon.

How's the job hunt going?

Okay, I guess.

Akira already got accepted to college.

You should work hard too.

There isn't even a house anymore.

"Oota, 2nd St, #34"

"Tama, 5th St, #16"

Excuse me...

Do you remember me?

Hey, this...

When I woke up,

I was still wearing it.

I tried going to Kato's house...


I wanted to talk to him about the other night

and see if it was real.

But... I guess he moved.

The address was from 10 years ago.

I see.

Should we go to the police?

I don't think they'd believe us.

Probably not.

I'll walk you home.

Um... I have a favor to ask...

- What is it?

- Can I stay with you tonight?



Are you sure I can use the bed?

- Go ahead. Please.

- I'm sorry.

But sleeping on the floor

might hurt my back.

- I can sleep on the floor.

- It's okay. Please use the bed.

But are you sure

you don't need to go home?

My boyfriend's stuff is there.

So you live together.

We just broke up.

He's living with someone else.

Oh, I see.

I didn't know what to do

so I cut my wrist.

I wasn't serious though.

You committed suicide.

And when I woke up,

I was back in my room.

I couldn't go into the bathroom,

I was afraid I'd see

my bleeding corpse in the tub.

What's that?

Kato's jacket I borrowed.

I really want to see him.

I want to say thank you

and give this back.

It's a planner.

Maybe his address is in it.


Probationer Kato Masaru

He was in juvie?

- Stop it.

- But his address was on it.


I remember hearing

that he didn't go to high school.

It shouldn't matter.

Well, I remember

he had problems at home.

A drunk father. Kato probably...

Kato is not like that.

How do you know?

He's such a kind person.

I wish I had met him sooner...

Then you wouldn't have died?

Kidding, sorry.

I'm turning the light off.

Kato Masaru



Not going to bed?

In a bit.

Same as last night. Bad dream?

Ayumu, go to bed.

Don't sleep in.

You'll miss breakfast.


♪ It's a new morning. A morning of hope.

♪ Open your heart. Look up to the sky.

♪ Listen to the radio and start the day.

- Guess this is everyone for tonight.

♪ Listen to the radio and start the day.

♪ Listen to the radio and start the day.

♪ Take a deep breath.

♪ and - a one, two, three!!

All of your old lives are gone.

I will decide how to use your new lives.

Now go.

Finish off this guy:

Tanaka Alien Characteristic: Sunny

Disposition Likes: Boom box

Get it now?

Gantz has scanned us

and knows everything.

We can't escape.

No matter where we are,

we get called every time.

Every time?

We have to go through that again?


Long before I arrived,

many people were brought here to fight,

were killed, then replaced.

Many died. But I survived.

Why didn't you tell us.

If you'd explained,

no one would have died.

You still don't get it, you hypocrite

They were decoys, right?


I knew we thought alike.


Aliens let down their guard

when they're killing people.

Start talking.

Explain how we can all survive.

Stop depending on people

and think for yourself.

This suit...

Yeah, we need to wear the suit.

See you later. Good luck.

Grandma! Grandma!

How many more times is this going to happen?

- I'm not sure.

- But please put this on.

That case.

Go now, please.


Where are you? Grandma!

Ryota! Ryota!





Ryota, it's all right. I'm right here.

It's all right, don't worry.

I'm here. See.

What's that?


He's in trouble.

The suit died!

Help me.





Can you hear me?

Hang in there!

100 points...

100 points? What happens

when you get 100 points?

Get 100...and bring me back to life.



Move, I can't shoot!

I can't.

Stay away!



Hey, hey, hey!

Wait, wait, wait!

That hurts.


Sorry, got you first.


Kei? What happened to Kei?

What happened to Kei?

Hey, answer me! What happened to Kei!


You're okay.

I'm alive?

Okay then.

Let the scoring begin.

Kishimoto O Points

Looked at Kato too much

Kato O Points Looked at

too much by Kishimoto

What do these scores mean anyway?

Suzuki O Points You there?


Shiraishi O Points There you are


Kurono 7 Points Total 7 Points


I did it.

Total 7 Points

Only 93 more to go

Get 100 points...


What happens when you get 100?

Choose from the 100 Point Menu

1 O0 Point Menu Erase your memory and set

you free Resurrect a person from memory

Be freed...

We can bring back those who died?




You answered.

It's me, Tae.

We have class together.

I'm calling for the first time.

Where are you?


Kei, do you read manga?

Yeah, some.

Do you like them?

Kind of, I guess.

Don't laugh.

I'm writing a manga.

About what?

What do you think?


It's a hero-based story

but a girls style manga.

Pretty awesome, huh?

Just a normal boy like you

is chosen to be a superhero...

Like the old me.


It reminded me.

When I was a kid

I stood up for the kids who got bullied.


Yeah. I reunited with one recently.

But I bet he doesn't remember

that I stood up for him.

Guess a hero has to keep fighting bad guys.

It's okay for the weak to run.

I'll protect them.


I'm returning this...

Did you see my brother?

I did but didn't say anything.

I didn't know how to explain.

Kato, what's going on in that room.

Are we dead...

...or alive?

When I got to that room,

I thought I finally died.

I wanted to die.

But now, I want to live.

It's because I met you.

You saved me.

- That's why...

- I was in a juvenile hall.

I killed my father.

My father was a drunk

and beat my brother every night.

I wanted to save him.

But I couldn't save anyone.

I couldn't stay with my brother.

That's why I can't leave him again.

Sorry, I didn't mean to...

I'll take you home.

In the Shinagawa district of Tokyo earlier this month...

...there was an explosion fire at the Yashio parking garage,

The police suspect that the fire was caused

by gas leaking from a car that caught fire.

But the cause and source of fire remain unknown.

Police are also investigating any links

to the various reports of unexplainable destruction...

...throughout the city including the Tama area...

You seem tired lately.

You should skip work today.

If you need, I can work too.

Stop that. You need to study.

Something's bothering you.

No, it's not.

Lately, I've been having bad dreams...

Many people get killed and die

but I can't do anything...

I can't save them.

Good thing it's a dream.

You're right.

I've been having dreams

that you go somewhere and don't come back.

But I'm not scared.

You're the one in trouble without me.

Can you cook?

- Ayumu.

- Yeah?

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm right here.

I know. I'll take that.

My mantra is...

...that everyone has a role to fulfill.

We all have different strengths and abilities.

And there is a place where each of us

can realize our fullest potential.

It's time. It's time.


I'll definitely come back.

Is it happening again?


Listen, everyone.

Here is a gathering of those passing to heaven

and those going to hell.

This place is where the dead gather

to be lead into either path.

Yes, now Buddha shall judge us here.

Characteristic: Ill-tempered

Alien Big Likes: Quiet Places

Everyone, you are not dead yet.

So please fight together so we can survive.

I will explain as much as I know.

First, wear the suit inside the case.

We have experienced this before.

You must fight even if you don't want to.

Do not be deceived.

He is the symbol of temptations.

You are being tested.

Please believe me.

We can all survive this.

Please put on the suit.



Kato, it's useless

trying to explain to first timers.

Kei, don't you want to save them?

- Then I'll do it alone.

- You'll die just like that kid.

I'm not like him.

Don't worry.

I'll protect you too.

That doesn't matter.

I just don't want any more people to die.

Kato, are you serious?

Sounds like you just want to go home.


I guess he was right.

So you are just a hypocrite.

I didn't mean to...

What's a guy from juvie think he knows.

Take your hand...

off of me!


Stop it you two.

You must be kidding...

Where's Hitomi?

She was just here.

You better put on the suit.

Please believe in him.

- Wow...

- Are we in Ueno?

So real...

Is that...

That's the thing that showed up on the ball.

Everyone, please listen.

You won't be able to believe what's about to happen.

Something horrible.

But if we cooperate no one will die...

What's this?

Run! Run!


Let's surround it. Then shoot.

Kei, move!

I said I can handle it!


Kei, move back!

- Kato, get everyone out of here!

- You can't do it alone!

-I got it!

- You can't!


Can't complain now.

That's not good enough.

- People died...

- Because you didn't run.

Next time, be sure to hide with everyone.

I can handle all the enemies.

Aren't we going back to the room yet?



Is she dead?

There's more.

Kei, behind you.

Thousand-armed Buddha.


I'll go.

What do you think you're doing?

- You shouldn't move.

- I'm fine.

You haven't changed.

That's why you were the coolest kid.

I always wanted to be like you.


You're right.

Maybe I just want

to make sure I can go home.

Maybe I'm a hypocrite after all.

Take care of him.

Kate .

You attacked us first.


You killed my friends.

I want revenge.

Run, Kato!


you have to go back...

to your little brother, right?




and your friends...

I will destroy you all.



I can...l can do it!





Kato, it's over.

I knew you could beat it.


Don't die on me!

We'll be back in that room soon!

Thanks to you...

I can go back to my brother.


Hey, Gantz! Hurry up!

Kato, don't die hang in there!

I'll be waiting. I'll be waiting!

Okay then.

Let the scoring begin.

Hold...hold on.

Kato isn't back.

Okay then.

Let the scoring begin.

Kurono 13 Points Total 2O

Points Only 8O more to go


show me who died.

Bring him back...

bring Kato back!

100 Point Menu

1 Erase your memory and set you free

2 Resurrect a person from memory

You mean fight and bring him back...

1 O0 Point Menu 1 Erase your memory and set

you free 2 Resurrect a person from memory

fight until 100 points...


I can't...


Um, I wrote the next chapter.

Sorry, I'm not in the mood

to read your manga today.

Did...something bad happen?

The other day when you read my mange,

you seemed happy but...

Um... I know it sounds wierd but

but for some reason, you scared me.

I'm always watching you so I can tell.

I'm sorry, that's a little creepy, right?

Something fell...

I want my hat!

No, the train is coming.

- My hat!

- But the train is coming.

- I want my hat!

- What to do...

- I want my hat!

- I told you, the train's coming so...

What to do...

- Thank you.

- Here.

Thank you so much. Say thank you.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

The express train

will be passing through platform 2.

For your safety,

please stand behind the yellow line.


What're you doing!

Get back up here!



Don't die!

I'm sorry.

I care about you.

I think I love you.

So, please, don't die.


Are you Ayumu?


My mantra is...

...that everyone has a role to fulfill.

We all have

different strengths and abilities.

And there is a place where each of us

can realize our fullest potential.

That is why people must work hard

to manifest their strengths...

...and utilize their abilities to the fullest.

I want to live, and go home.

I want to see my girlfriend.

You have someone waiting?

Then let's all live and go home.

May I join too? I'll follow you.

If you lead, we can make it.

We're not dead yet.

If we get 100 points...

we can even bring back the dead.

1 O0 Point Menu Erase your memory and set

you free Resurrect a person from memory

So please believe in me and fight.

P It's a new morning. A morning of hope.

D Open your heart. Look up to the sky.

P Listen to the radio and start the day.

P Take a deep breath.

D and - a one, two, three!!

Let's go!

Kazunari Ninomiya

Kenichi Matsuyama

Yuriko Yoshitaka

Kanata Hongo


Ayumi Ito

Tomorowo Taguchi

Takayuki Yamada

Original Story by Hiroya Oku

(SHUEISHA Inc./ Weekly Young JUMP)

Written by

Yusuke Watanabe

Music by

Kenji Kawai

Production Company:

Nikkatsu Studio

Planning & Production: NTV

Directed by

Shinsuke Sato