Gangnam Zombie (2023) - full transcript
Citizens from upscale Gangnam in Seoul start experiencing unusual and terrifying symptoms, devolving into inhuman creatures, leaving only a few survivors with the possibility to make it out alive.
Min Jung, let's go
You son of a bitch
"take it all.
- yes.
fuck you
What's wrong with this cat?
stupid cat
What are you doing?"
We don't have much time
What are you doing there?"
What's wrong with you?
What's the matter, eh?
what are you
Fuck off!
There was a sharp outbreak of pneumonia
This Christmas isn't as busy as usual
despite the fact that two years have passed since the first COVID-19 patient appeared,
we still remain vigilant.
Is everything all right, Doctor?
< i> many people were infected,
we can definitely say that the virus is very strong...< / i>
< i>even in summer, the spread of the virus does not decrease< / i>
this is no ordinary virus at all.
< i>Yes.< / i>
the situation with the virus will not change until it is launched
vaccines and drugs for treatment and prevention
so it is
It's time to go to work.
if the coronavirus continues to mutate, it will create serious problems for the population.
< i> possibly even more than the previous strain.
when did the Virus appear
and can we protect ourselves from this?< / i>
< i>although COVID-19 has been with us for a long time,
However, you need to keep up the Christmas spirit
not bad!
< i>gangnam new station,
next stop San Dan dong
What does he eat?
What's wrong with it?
Here, this guy.
This man suddenly came to my store
and he started eating meat
chewing like crazy.
We need to pick him up
I'm sorry, sir
What's wrong with him?
Is he crazy?
Sir, put the meat down
Come with us."
arrest him!
but he runs away!
requesting a car!
Hold him!"
"hey, Mom.
"there's nothing for you to do in Seoul.
Come back here and find another job.
- The coronavirus is a serious matter.
- Mom
other parents are only happy if their son has a job in Seoul
And you just want me to stay home
is it bad to live with your parents?
Mom, my job is here.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Stop it, Mom.
"You live together already?"
- no. I mean..."
it's not like...
damn it
you broke my phone.
Stop it
"Stop it!"
"Min Jung?"
This is...
Oh, shit.
everyone knows what you're like,
"why are you showing off?"
"Did you put something in the alcohol?"
She'd never drunk anything like this
did you put something in it on purpose?
It smacks of violating the Sexual Assault Act
how did you get to me
are you a prosecutor?
Or A Lawyer?
She's just an ordinary woman...
let's have a good look
who else are you?"
guys, such a cool morning, so quiet and peaceful
all the way?
let's go
you che
is that your boyfriend or something?
All right, just one more time for me
once - no big deal
It's all right.
gleyavnoe good mood
let's smile and go our separate ways peacefully
Well, you'll get it from me!
"it hurts, it hurts.
"does it hurt?"
the brute
cool, huh?
Well, wait, you'll get it right now
Min Jung, are you okay?
not hurt?"
I'm leaving
Min Jung.
Min Jung, how are you?
Maybe I should have taken them to the police station.
Hyun suk, are you fighting gangs now?
should I have passed by?
That's the easiest thing to do
no, it was worth solving everything legally
and if they hire a lawyer, you can go to jail.
but you and the girls have seen everything, and you will testify in my defense
what if the witnesses don't want to be seen?
No, I mean...
are you in a bad mood or something?
Wait, wasn't I cool?
Well, maybe just a little bit.
Min Jung, wait.
Min Jung, what are you doing after work?
Today is Christmas Eve.
What difference does it make, I'll go home and go to bed
why don't you come to the concert with me then?
I have a ticket - don't
I don't want.
invite someone else instead
maybe after all?
I don't want to go with the others
Min Jung, it'll be fun
wait a minute
are you from the sixth floor, youtuber?
It's good that you know me
wait a minute
you have three months ' rent debt
The thing is, I don't get paid yet
That's not my problem
So what's up?
Why didn't you pay the rent for three months?
I don't know, ask my boss instead
Your boss won't return my calls,
apparently avoiding me.
Tell your boss this
if you don't pay this month, collect your money and leave
Yeah, it's a nice day...
Never mind, I'll tell him everything
are you aware that you can't smoke in offices here?
I don't smoke.
what ill-mannered people
If you don't make them pay, I'll cut your wages, too, okay?
Yes, boss.
Min Jung.
This is Dae Hyun.
what is it
today's exclusive-zombie attack
for a member of the taekwondo team
Well, how are you guys interested?
former national team representative
single-handedly defeated a zombie
obviously, his body automatically enters combat mode
Yi Hyun Suk, how are you feeling?
Boss, let's not do this
Guys, I'll be back soon with some fresh news
see you! bye!
Good job.
well done!
yes, you know how to make Christmas Eve unforgettable
Yes, that's how it works
Oh, Min Jung, hi, you stay here
forget about him
you'll get a great shot
come with me and edit everything
Let's go, let's go
Dae Hyun.
Dae Hyun.
Dae Hyun, your nose is bleeding
why are you sprawled out
Get up.
Call 119
What are you talking about?
Hyun suk, my nose is bleeding.
Let's go buy you something to eat
give me some beef?"
Come on."
Wait for me."
Min-jung, you're doing it right
Hyun suk just said a few words
So what?
The reaction is very important.
And then...
here's the part
Can I do a slow mo here?
right here...
your princess is in trouble.
can you save her again?
Dae Hyun, come with me.
The boss.
What's up, asshole?
Dae hyun wants to hold a meeting
and why is that? what is the most important thing you decided to tell us?
This is...
Well, you see
meeting to inform...
we need to discuss the development of our YouTube channel.
That's right, a YouTube channel.
If so, I'm all for it
You guys are doing great
Let's discuss it then
Home page
We have 3,237 Subscribers on our channel.
The highest level of views is 7200
and the lowest is 2300.
and how do we get all this with all this
a silver button, not to mention a gold one?
The annual income is 230,000 won.
we work so hard and that's all we get?
Oh, my God.
Here comes the sun lord!
What a coincidence, Yi Sun-ja.
Okay, let's take a break, check out our income.
what are we going to do next?
What can I do to make it better?
we need to work on the style of our videos
so far, we've been making videos according to your preferences.
but you still need to focus on the preferences of the audience
I came up with a great idea.
You probably know that I was a real star
Come on, I'm back, your TJ.
were you a star?
That was twenty years ago.
I'm just an animal
don't you believe me?
Well, I work, how else to pay for rent
The boss.
how will you pay us your salary?
I already owe you my rent
guys, well, we need to work, fight for success with all our might
Then, you see, I'll give you a salary
And I'll probably fire you
The boss.
You can't smoke here.
don't you have anything else to do?"
all dismissed
Go away, go away
You don't need to go anywhere, do you?
Yes, we go, we go
why are you standing there?
go away
What's wrong with you?
Min Jung.
I have something to say.
just for a second.
what's the matter?
put your hand here
because if someone does,
If they grab you like this, you can break out
Just like that, I broke the asshole's arm
and then like this
just remember this trick
What? What's wrong with you?
why do you protect others, but you can't fight back against the boss?
it's hard to find a new job right now
although this is an unofficial job, I studied a lot,
I tried to get this place.
in addition, what-no experience.
Can't you become a freelancer?
Without experience, who needs me?
editing a video is interesting
If I report my boss for harassment,
I can't work here anymore.
I'll figure something out.
Hyun suk, I know what you want to say.
But I'll handle it myself.
Yes, boss?
Okay, I'll be right down..
Hyun suk, the boss is calling. Hurry up.
Come here and take a look!
That's the guy who broke my phone!
What are you talking about?
Wait a minute, watch the video
click on pause
does he drink blood?
is it an alien or some kind of mutant?
or an alien mutant?
maybe just an ordinary person...
special effects and all that
youtube is full of similar videos
what the hell are you talking about
well yes
It's right next to the office
If we could take a video of this guy, we'd be famous right away
By the way, where have you been?"
I went to the bathroom
Are you guys dating?
No, it's not.
found time to relax, it would be better to shoot such a video
Let's take off our own.
Okay, so what?
hire someone, dress them up
and more fake blood
what the hell are you talking about?
do you want our show to be completely ruined?
how stupid you are to even think about it
I understood
Continuation of the video
Yang-chul, Yang-chul.
I'm here.
I'm in the underground parking lot with the general manager, come here, okay?
Okay, I'll be right there
What are you doing?
Go ahead and work
you're here again
I brought you some water
I'm coming, I'm coming
Yes, yes, I'm listening, clearly, it's urgent
put it there
oh and hard
I'm so tired.
What are you doing?
the authorities are out of place
I just saw him, there he is
No, it's not there, it's out
I think I'm going crazy.
It's hard for everyone right now
water costs only 9,000 won
Three buckets of water per month - 27,000 rubles.
Four months, 108,000.
Do you know how much I would earn if you paid for water?
I told the boss that he would transfer the money to you immediately.
Money transfer?
then there is no problem
Okay, okay, let me walk you out
come here
your boss is lucky to have such fast employees
transfer the money!
Good, good
See you.
Is he gone?"
get back to work
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Oh, shit.
if you don't have enough money, why order water?
I don't have a penny, but bring him some water, what a jerk
and how should I earn money?
I should have told him everything
What a smell!
They don't pay rent, but they've made a mess of it
what do you do?
I beg your pardon
The janitor isn't here today
if there is no cleaner, then clean it yourself
excuse me
because of people like you, housing prices are falling
although, where can you understand the problems of normal people
Hey, you!
why are you so quiet?
what's the matter?
have you completely lost your fear?
aren't you ashamed?
I beg your pardon
That's it, I'm sorry, it's your joint. You need to pay for mistakes
What are you doing?
What's wrong with you?
What are you doing?
Well, do something!
Is anyone here?"
I'm listening
Don't let anyone out! Close the door.
got it
Close all the doors!
What the hell?
anyone there?"
anyone there?" open it
here it is good, normal
and this part
what the fuck
all right
anyone there?" open up!
Please open it!
Open it soon!
What happened?
what's the matter?
There's a monster in this building! The monster!
so they would have called the police, why did they come running to us?
I can't call the police!
if someone finds out about this, prices will drop completely, you can not call the police!
and what kind of monsters are there?
I don't know
The monster is he, he, the Monster!
What should I do
Let's just do this, you catch the monster, and I'll pretend
that you don't owe me anything for the rent
Look, there are witnesses here
I know.
why did you agree, you never know what kind of bridge there is
Let's go and find out
I feel in my gut that this will bring a resounding success to our show
let's record a report
That's right, let's go
are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Well, open it already!
Help me!
It's a zombie.
It's a zombie
We need to take it off!
We must leave!
real zombies
I need to call the police.
Boss, give me the phone.
you can't call the cops!
What do you mean?
You are welcome!
you need to post the video first, and then call
the video came out right!
forget about the video! We need to call the cops
this will make us all stars!
This is the key to our Glory!
Dae hyun! Dae hyun!
We need to save Dae hyun
We need to help him
Dae Hyun is there.
you pushed him to save your ass!
Let me go!" Who do you think you are?
what a scum you are
stop it
Come on, we need to call the police
No way! Please don't do this!
I need to sell this building.
If anyone finds out about this, I won't rent out any more rooms
Please help me, don't call the police!
Wake up now
did you see that a man was eaten there?
What's that got to do with me?
Why is this happening in my building?
It wasn't my fault.
No. my building!
It's a building!
That's all I have!
go away
Damn, he's coming.
Help me! Help me!
Come on, Min Jung.
Min Jung, are you okay?
Hyun Suk...
Hyun suk.
Where are you, Hyun Suk...
Min Jung, are you okay?
did you see something?"
There is no...
so, what do we do now?
first let's go to the office and get in touch with the outside world
then we'll find a safe place
and how to get to the office?
If we go out, the monsters will attack us.
Don't worry. I'm a taekwondo champion.
I will protect you.
do you believe me?"
Damn, we can't fight our way in there!
No way.
We can... we can...
Dae Hyun.
Dae Hyun.
Dae hyun!
Just hold it like this.
If you get caught, do this
then so
Just do it.
Dae Hyun, wake up!
Dae Hyun.
Dae hyun!
Dae Hyun.
Dae hyun!
Please calm down
He's not Dae Hyun anymore.
Quickly, let's go
You can't call from here
it's blocked here
The landline doesn't work either.
Min Jung.
Okay, we'll figure it out
Is he dead?"
I don't know.
We must leave
Everything seems to be clear
What'll we do?
let's go
Min Jung, let's go
Min Jung, over here
I'll distract them
you stay here
What are you going to do?"
Do not be afraid
I'm the champion, remember?
Hyun Suk!
Hyun Suk!
Hyun Suk, are you okay?
get it
Min Jung
hyun suk
Hyun suk, how are you?
did you get bitten?"
it looks like that
Min Jung, go away
How am I going to leave alone?
have to
I'll become a zombie
quickly leave
We'll figure something out, we'll go together
Let's leave together
don't be silly
just go away
I really wanted to go to the concert with you
Since I don't have much time left,
Can I give you a hug?"
everything is fine
Now go away
there's no need to stay here too long
I'll walk you out
this... plug-ins?
did they bite you?"
I... just..."
Then let's go together
oh, shit
are you coming or what?"