Galpa Holeo Satyi (1966) - full transcript

Hey elder lad.

Hey elder lad.

Papa did you call me?

Come inside. - Tell me what

you want? l am in a towel.

Get that chawanprash

and a glass of water.

lt has started.

My office going today is doomed.

Hey middle lad.

Why are you calling me? - Give papa

chawanprash and a glass of water.

Ok. You come of the bathroom

fast or l'll late to school.

lf you are late why

did you not get up early?

Am l lazing around from the

morning? l went to the market..

..and made other arrangements.

My school master job has..

..become secondary. Primary

job is the household chores.

This is like communism. One

keeps working relentlessly.

The recognition

will come very late.

Hey youngest lad.

What do you want?

Go and give papa

chawanprash and water.

Hey lad.

The youngest lad is calling

you. Why are you not responding?

l don't like talking to

non-intellectual persons like these.

Hey son.

What do you want?

''Give papa, not your

papa but my papa..''

..l mean your grandpa. Give him

chawanprash and a glass of water.

Everybody is the same.

Will have blame

grandpa for this.

Go and give

chawanprash and water to grandpa.

Grandpa needs water

and chawanprash. - Why/

What is the last bride ding?

l have not seen her from the

morning. Here l am tired of cooking.

Hey last bride.

Don't shout so that whole

street can hear. l am near you.

That l know that you

are at the tip of nose.

What is the royal woman

doing from the morning?

l am bathing your prince.

l have a lot to responsibilities

in this huge royal family.

The retort is

ready on your lips.

One just needs

to just tip it of.

Since morning you are busy looking

after your husband and son only.

Father needs chawanprash and water.

Can't you move your ass and give it.

No l can't move it.

You have given me ten slaves.

Would it not hurt the honour..

..of this royal family if l

work. Go and take this towel also.

Form the morning l am

seeing you stirring that.

Can't you go and give

papa that chawanprash?

Are you deaf. - Why do you

pick up water from the pot?

Go and take it from the tap.

Who will fill up that pot? You?

Here l am dying

doing all these work

Why are you scolding the maid?

How much are you

paying her for all this?

Who pays whom in this house?

Tell her some work

and she puts up a face.

When she asks to be paid for

the work do you smile and pay?

Did you hear that? As if

money is hanging out on a tree.

l know that money does not hang

out on a tree. Don't teach me.

First tell me why you chased

out that servant yesterday?

l can't do all

these work all alone.

Either hire another

person or release me.

Don't threaten us

like this everyday.

ls there dearth of

maids in this city?

Don't abuse us madam.

We are also human like you.

We also have blood..

..flowing inside us like you.

We won't take this anymore.

Where did you

learn all this? - Why?

Don't we have an assassin?

Assassin? - She

means association.

You have also

formed an association?

ls it leftist or rightist?

''Hey, is it leftist or rightist?''

Don't talk to me in that

super language. Talk straight.

Your leader. ls he

leftist or rightist?

l don't know all that. Form now

you have give one an half days off..

..every week. Saturday half and

Sunday full.

lf you abuse us we will also retort.

Stop it? Enough.

A bunch of opportunists

The country's future is doomed.

Couldn't find a better

place to from unions.

Just don't brush it aside brother.

Explain it so that it is understood.

Stop your sarcasism.

That is why l don't talk to you.

You have strange logic and arguments.

What did you say?

Trying to teach me.

Oh elder brother.

This has become a

routine problem.

Hey elder brother. -

Don't shout l'm coming out.

That you have been

saying for the morning.

lf you shout like this then

l shall sit here till night.

Even if that means not

going to the office.

Do that. Sit

there day and night.

Hey brother l have a recording

today. Let me go in first.

Everybody needs to go first. My

school-master's job is not important.

What a nuisance. Your school

is on everyday. But without my..

..background music the

movie cannot be released.

The let your movie be released

first. My school can remain closed

You use the bathroom. l'll

take bath in the open verandah.

Cinema and only cinema.

lt's cinema while sitting.

lts cinema while standing..

..cinema while eating and

cinema while sleeping too.

Cinema has become everything now.

The school is just

a place for politics.

''Wait sir. Let me move out, then

you lift the cloth above your knee.''

What? - l should

also listen to you.

Oh god l am in pain.

Hey wife where are you?

Hell is loose.

Come pour water into everything.

Even into the cooking fire.

Did l do it on purpose.

Some one has fallen down.

The one who has

fallen can get up..

But what you have done will

leave all of us hungry today.

Hey are you hurt.

Yes my waist. lt seems

it is damaged for ever.

Get up. You don't

seem to be hurt so much.

Shut up. You will know

if you are hurt like this.

So you fell down.

Why do you keep jumping

around in this old age?

Now lie down and be an invalid.

Now you will

become a liability and..

..l have to bear it. Already l'm

..finding it difficult

running this family.

lt is all because of you.

Hey son why are you going

inside. l'm waiting here.

l have no time to talk to

non-intellectuals like you.

Don't behave like that.

You should be ashamed

talking like that to elders.

You are all to be blamed

because you don't reprimand him.

ls this a family where each one

is only looking after himself?

What have you

done for the family?

''l have done enough. Do

you get that, enough.''

That l have not

got married and..

..brought in a lot

of children is enough.

Listen. Don't tell me all these

things. My bright career in music..

l don't have a wife

who will lift me up.


What are you saying?

l contribute towards a quarter of

your wages. Lift me against that.

How will come and lift you.

Look at your condition. Your

cloth is not properly in position.

l did a mistake by

not having a family.

Hey did you fall.

Let me help you get up.

Careful son.

My daughters in law

are good for nothing.

Grandpa give me a

rupee to buy some soap..

.. for washing the clothes.

Where will l get money from?

Everything has been taken away.

Go and get that

tin from the shelf.

Here take this.

Put some oil on my head.

Here are some

clothes for washing.

Here are some clothes.

Don't lose anything.

Here are three clothes.

Wash them well.

Two pieces of clothes.

Here take these two trousers.

As the head of this

family do justice..

..or l leave and

you wash these clothes.

That is why no maid last more

than three and half days here.

lt's me who managed to stay

longer. Four and half days.

l'm leaving. You keep my wages

for three and half days ready.

Hey take this from here.

Where is the washing soap.

These clothes have to be washed.

l don't know.

lf you are going to the terrace

then hang out my clothes on the line.

We will need a

servant only to hang the..

..washed clothes on

the line for drying.

The maid has left. Will

not come from tomorrow.

What a slippery floor.

What did you say.

Oh sister. - What is it?

The maid has left.

What do you say?

Who will wash all

these blackened vessels?

lt is because of your husband.

He is after them so

much that they run away.

Don't say that sister.

He is busy..

'',,running after me that he has

no time left for anything else.''

Then l'm talking crap. He was

telling her about leftists..

..and rightists and all that crap.

Why does he have to talk all that.. the maid. There are students at

the school to listen to all that.

lf you keep finding fault with

him then we can't stay together.

Please stop

talking lie this always.

Why are you standing there

with your mouth wide open?

Go and wash the clothes.

- No soap.

Don't you know

where the soap is?

lt is in the bedroom closet.

Yes dear. Will l be able to

go to office today or not?

From the morning l'm

seeing only chaos.

''The brother can afford to stay away

from his school, but l can't.''

How did you conclude that l could

afford to stay away from school?

You fell down and were

in pain so l thought so.

Don't make fun. lt is not nice to

laugh at some body who's fallen down.

Also l know that

nobody other my wife..

.. will be bothered if l'm hurt.

l can't use more plates.

The maid has left and l

can't wash all the plates.

Oh hell. ls that so?

The servant left and

now the maid also?

l think we will

have to eat out now.

Hey come sit down.

Will you not eat?

How can l sit on the

floor wearing these trousers?

Where will l find a dining table

for you in the salary you get?

Why wear a dress in which

you cannot sit down and eat.

Don't talk like a non-intellectual.

This is the age of total freedom.

Where are you going.

Will you not eat?

Forget him and get some salt.

Hey youngest daughter in law.

Why do you call her?

She moves like a snail.


That's it. The maid

has also gone away.

lt would be difficult

to stay at home.

Where to find a maid now?

Why do we need a maid

in this high cost of living?

Krishna can do everything.

What the hell are you doing?

l am noticing for a long time that

you are getting on my nerves.

What the hell are you playing

your own tunes for?

Don't you have the notes?

Then why the hell did you

play a tune out of your own?

Have l not

discussed it with you.

Can't you remember

something so simple?

Thinking about the maid sir.

- What?

The maid in our house has left.

Play the tune after me.

No gentleman no. You

have again made a mistake.

You've been working for the last

35 years. Why don't you retire?

You'll also be saved and we would

also be saved. - No l'll be doomed.

lf l retire now then l shall have to

beg on the streets with my family.

Give me one more chance.

l'll not make any more mistakes.

What to do sir. There are so many

problems. - That is problem with..

..all of you. What is

the problem now for you?

ls the wife sick or is it the

servants. - You spotted it correctly.

The last one you said. - That

is your problem these days..

..l prepare my own breakfast..

..and lunch l have outside. -

You are a bachelor and moreover.. are well placed. l can't

be compared with you. - There.. make a mistake.

Bachelor and well placed has

nothing to do with the way you live.

Simplify the way you live.

Do you know how much damage

you are causing to the nation?

What have l done sir? l

don't have a lot of Children.

Only none issue.

No not that. What l mean is.. have blocked your wives who

have potential in the outside world.

lf you don't let them out and

properly canalise their energy and..

..their impetus do you think that the

nation can develop. - But sir would.. not result in shifting the

chaos at home to the outside world.

You can go.

lt is useless arguing with you.

lt's wastage of time.

But my dear young man.

Times are changing fast.

You can't hold them back.

Hey listen to me.

Can you get me a maid?

You can't get a maid. They are tough

to get. l can try for a male servant.

Please try and get me one. l'll give

you money for beedi. - l don't smoke..

..beedi. l only smoke cigarettes.

But l don't want anything from you.

After all one person should be

helping the other. - That's fine

This is not correct. You're teachers.

lnstead of teaching the children..

..You've started fighting with each

other. - Tell him. He is talking..

Like an uncivilized. He says l am an

opportunist. - Yes l still say that

You're not only an opportunist but

also a.. - Listen to him sir.

You're spoiling the students. You're

provoking them against their guardians

''This is not a place for politics.

This is a school. - l know it, sir.''

Every person has his own

ideals and his own opinions.

Who is he to interfere in that?

- l can't avoid interfering sir.

Do you know that they are taking

away even the servants from our house?

What is this? Why should he

try to take away your servants?

Not trying but he

has chased them away.

l do not where he stays

and who are his servants.

Must have not paid them

properly and they must have left.

Why blame my party for that?

- Of course.

l plead to both of you. Keep your

shouting outside the school compound.

Otherwise l would be forced to

report this to the secretary.


l have finalized the

design for that company's tie.

Raw silk tie isn't it?

Change this a little.

The tie is hiding

the figure too much.

Do one thing. Make the

tie thin like a thread.

Will it then look like a tie?

- Make it look like a Texas tie.

Texas tie is not so popular.

Ok let it be

suggestive of a tie.

Tie will be present in spirit and

content. The form may be absent.

One more thing.

The tie is used by men.

How can it match

with a women's figure?

lf l have a few more

designers like you..

..then l will have to wind

up my publicity business.

Think of the

modern times and trends.

Today each and every male

commodity .is being sold on..

..the basis of a woman's figure.

That's the box office appeal today.

This is an era of displaying woman's

figure for any male attention.

ln short this is

an era of triple S.

Triple S!

''Yes. S for Sex, S for

sadism and S for shock.''

Yes shock.

''You also work as a

film critic, isn't it?''

What is your opinion about..

..exposure and nudism.

Do you know what

the latest craze is?

ls their something

which is the latest?

No sir. There are more

things in heaven and earth.

The latest thing

is Shockumentary.


The public have to be given

shock like the shock therapy.

The old timers

might call it obscene..

..and crude. But mark me

they will ultimately rsuh..

.. to see it.

The whole of mankind has

entered a confusing stage..

.. and we shall keep giving

them shock through literature..

''..through painting,

music and movies.''

What is the benefit?

We do not think of the benefit.

We only move with changing

..times matching step to step.

You change the tie publicity.

We cannot avoid showing

the tie so show something.

lt would be more

appealing to show a bare body.

Show the tie somewhere.

Either in her hands or

only around the neck.

Oh come on my queen come on.


Who is that girl?

- That one.

That old man's daughter

- Yes.

A very tough girl. - They are

all like that in the beginning.

Let us see.

l got you.

Why do you scare me?

How long l have been waiting.

l skip college and wait here

and you are coming so late.

What do l do? Finished all the

work but had to massage her.

l was waiting for a

chance to get out.

The moment she

started snoring l came out.

''Oh god, do women also snore.''

No just snoring but full blast.

Shouldn't speak like that about

elders. - What? They only make me.. and abuse me. lf my parents

were alive could they do this?

Let somebody do this

to my sister in law.

She would silence them all.

Here have some candies.

The rush in the

trams and buses..

..and the

tensions in the office.. has become a hell.

Papa it is

difficult without servants.

Why did you chase them away.

- Listen to him.

l did not chase them. Nobody

will work for such low wages

How can they

survive on low wages?

Survival is not out of wages.

Birth and death depends

on divine prepositions.

You have so much money

which you got after retirement.

Give something out of that.

Give you! l will but

only after my death.

lf l give it now

and do not die fast..

..then l would have no money..

..and you all would

have also deserted me.

lf you die half of it

will go for death tax.

Give us something now.

lf l give you now then

gift tax has to be paid.

Talking with you is.. Ok

you have mother's jewelry.

Give that. lt is worth

ten thousand rupees.

What will you do with that?

lt's 22-carat gold.

The government has banned that.

Now it is the age of 14 carat.

What metal are you made of?

Who's that. - Heard that you

are looking for a servant.

l heard that and came.

Will you hire me?

Yes. Krishna call

your sister in law.

Wait. Let the women of the

house come to discuss with you.

Call them it is better to get

everything cleared in the beginning.

''But sir, l would like to

know why the earlier one left.''

How do we tell you why she left?

Krishna manage the vegetables.

Today's servants

have their own ways.

''Ok, what wages would you take?''

We will decide the wages.

You tell the work to be done.

l don't want trouble on that

account later.- How many people.

..are there in this family?

- Nine to ten.

Nine to ten! What

work is to be done?

''Drawing water, grinding

spices and washing clothes.''

All these?

Doesn't anybody do anything

here? - No but you'll have.. problem here. You will

be like a member of the family.

''Does anybody keep their

servants like family members, madam?''

''Listen, l will take

fifty rupees per month and..''

..l will not do

any women's work.

You are thinking

fifty rupees is high.

l am being offered sixty rupees

in Alipore but l'm not going..

..because there are

more family members there.

We find it convenient

to work for a bachelor.

No problem from the women

and the work loan is also low.

We can't pay you

so much. - Wait..

..papa wait. Let me talk.

We can't do without a servant.

Listen to me lad.

We'll pay you thirty

rupees for the first month.

Then depending on your

work we'll give you a raise.

lf l survive this

huge family for.. month then only

will you give me the raise.

You think it over and l'll

get in touch with you tomorrow.

Take that. You list out a

lot of work to the servant.

Will they stick if

you take so much work?

These opportunists

have doomed the nation.

Problem after problem

Papa why do you spent

24 hours in this room.

You should go out

and get some exercise.

Don't shout. Do you

think l'm your student?

Listen this. A good

advice and he gets annoyed.

lts seven in the evening and..

.. l have not even

got a cup of tea.

How can you work

out in empty stomach.

How would l know that

you haven't got your tea.

The school was off at 4 p.m.

l'm returning after two tutions.

l've also not had

anything to eat.

Please give me that container.

l'll send Krishna.

Krishna. See what papa wants.

Brother have you been to the

market or should l have to run now.

You have already started

your drinks. You are great.

Don't talk to your

elder brother like that.

Whatever it be he

is elder to you.

Don't advise me.

lt is not good for the

children that he is drinking at home.

At least he is doing it at

home. lf he would have..

Got drunk and then comes home

and shouts will it look nice?

First look at yourself

before blaming others

lf we disagree in everything

then we cannot stay together.

How can we bring up our child?

Ok then its all right.

lf you can live

anywhere else then go.

lf we had an alternative

then we would have gone. - Yes.

The spirit lamp is off.

Wait. Boil these two eggs.

l'll give half to you.

Where are going? -

to get some water.

Don't go out. That

brother would come to know.

Even if l come to know l

will not ask for a share.

Are you not ashamed of secretly eating

when there is small child at home.

l'm not drinking alcohol

like the elder brother.

l'm only eating eggs. Why

are you furious about that?

lf there would have

been some snacks at home..

Snacks? How much do you

contribute? - Fifty rupees.

For that money you

can't expect snacks.

So l don't eat here. You enter this

house and the problems start.

How does one pursue his career?

Uncle don't fall again.

You are also after me.

l'm your uncle..

..born after your father.

''lf you are after my father,

then who is before him.''

Me. l'm your elder uncle.

But your father does

not regard me much.

Come on go to your room.

Such an alcoholic.

' Once come and

try being my beloved'

' Come and stay by my side.'

Did l send you there for

employment. Couldn't you stick there..

.at least for two days.

- So many persons and..

.. so much work. l

would've died.- Hell with you.

l wantetd you to find

where they keep the money.

You spoiled everything.

lf nobody turns up in a

day or two then l'll go.

Go now. - Now they

will get suspicious.

Has Pintoo had his food? - Yes.

Again bread. l have told

a thousand times that l get..

..indigestion having bread.

Can't you cook some rice? - No.

Do you know how difficult it

is to get rice these days.

How would you know. You

are busy playing that crap.

lt's not crap. - Ok. We are

lucky that America is feeding us.

Brother America gives

us wheat and not rice.

We could have managed without that

also. - You act as if you know..

..everything. How can we manage

without the aid from America?

There are other countries that would

have provided the aid. - Like?

No pint in

discussing this with you.

First understand the difference

between food problem and food crisis.

l'll pinch your ears you monkey.

That's why l don't talk to you.

You always behave like a..

..a school master even at home.

- Stop this and eat.

Finish your dinner

and let me rest.

There is not maid & all these dishes

to be washed. No one would help.

Where you telling that to me?

l wasn't telling you. Why're you

dragging me to a fight? - The way you..

''..said it, l thought it's me. -

Can't help if you think like that?''

Will you stop it.

All these nonsense

From the morning l'm

hearing these complaints.

Won't you allow me

to eat in peace?

Can't sleep also properly because

you'll start playing that instrument.

Keep the windows closed.

The music won't reach you.

No it is heard even if the windows

are closed. Please don't play it.. l've to correct some school

papers. - lt is also a profession.. the school teachers job of

yours. Not a toy that l'm playing.

What you do is primitive.

Most back dated.

''You play background music for the

movies, isn't it? The big directors..''

.. avoid background

music totally. - ls that so?

''Probably you know better. -

Yes, they may be still using ..'' in Bengali movies but they

don't use it continental movies.

What? - Continental.

Who doesn't use it?

They are famous

directors of the modern cinema.

They are all young and they..

..give new things in

very movie they make.

They hide nothing.

They expose everything.

Even nudity.

Stop it lad. Your father is

here. You have no regards for us.

At least give your father some respect.

- They don't give in the continent.

You work in a publicity firm.

How did you know all this?

One should read

to know all this.

That day at the coffee house..

- Nobody seems to be bothered..

..about an eighty year old

man living in this house.

That day you

wanted all my money.

What blood flows inside you.

Since we are your children

obviously it's your blood.

This house doesn't appear to

be mine. Looks like a hostel.

All of you talk so much crap.

No discipline at all.

You go inside papa. l'll

send your dinner inside.

You are yet to send it.

You're also useless like your..

..those useless

husbands of yours'.

Why are you standing here. Can't

you hear your father calling us..

..s useless. Why don't you go and

give him his dinner. - There is no..

..bread left. - So what. Why

can't you make some for him?

Have your hands broken

of or are they tied up?

Go and feed the old

man and wash the dishes.

No maid and this

demon like family.

Sister l heard that

you need a servant.

Yes. You wait and l'll call..

..everybody. They

are all sleeping.

Sleeping? What is this?

lt's already six.

This is the best time to work.

l think that l'll have

to stay longer here.

''You wait, l'll wake up

everybody. Grandpa..''

..wake up. A servant has come.

Who's that?

Look there a person has come.

Let me call the others.

Who are you?

l'm Dhananjay. Heard

that you need a servant.

Listen my sons and

daughters in law.

Come and see who has come.

What happened?

He says he is

ready to work here.

You wait papa.

Don't be desperate.

Just because we

don't have a servant..

.. should we

hire anybody we get.

We should inquire and then hire.

Papa you surprise me.

Where are you coming from?

Do you know anybody here?

l know everybody but whether

they know me or not is doubtful.

Do you have any certificate?

Those with whom you've worked..

..before. Any letter from them.

- Letter? Oh yes. Here it is.

PC Roy. Who is that?

Acharya Prafulla

Chandra Roy of..

..Bengal science college.

He died long ago.

Oh no he is still alive.

ln every Bengali's heart.

You stop that brother.

Hey what work do you know?

__ Everything sir.

That everybody says. Later they

say they can't do this and that.

Once l have come to work

how can l refuse work.

Are you not a schoolteacher?

How did you know?

l have seen you going to school.

l notice everything around me.

Since you are a teacher you must

be aware of Swami Vivekananda..

..and his teachings

that work is worship.

Stop all this crap.

Where are you coming from.

At present from Sashasram.

From a cemetry. No its Sashram.

The place which gives peace

When peace descends

then everything is fine.

When there is no peace then..

- Don't even say about it.

We are dying without any peace.

Will there be any peace here?

Why not. lt would if we try.

''No, never. There can't

be any peace in this house''

Stop it papa. All useless talk.

Do you know cooking?

''Yes. Bengali, English,

Chinese, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi..''

We don't need all that. Tell

us what Bengali dishes you know?

''Everything. Pulses,

Gravy and other dishes.''

Different types

in the same dish.

Can you cook spinach.

That's simple. l'll cook

some thing different for you.

''Take some cauliflower, the

middle portion. The left leg..''

..of the lamb some six green chilly..

.. and some oil.

We don't eat much of meat.

We prefer fish.

That's fine madam. Fish can be

cooked in a variety of dishes.

Can you cook fish in curd?

Haven't had it for ages.

That's simple l'll also treat

you with a similar dish one day.

A very special dish.

What? - A very

special fish delicacy.

Fish cooked in mustard.

l have never

heard of this before.

Does everybody hear everything?

Cooking is actually an art.

Like other arts here also

there is constant improvisations.

Different sauces and curries.

Different ingredients

and different tastes.

l'll give you a special sauce.

Made of olives and mustard.

Very tasty.

Pregnant women like it a lot.

Why pregnant women? l also

like it. Prepare that once.

l have not had good

food for a long time.

Don't say that papa. l'm

preparing whatever l know.

ln fact l'm only

doing that the whole day.

l have never got out of

the bondage with the kitchen.

Don't say that.

The place you work is

the place of pleasure too.

Hey sister he has

already started lecturing us.

lt is not a lecture

but the blunt fact.

Suppose l make you the mayor

of this city. Can you handle it.

No isn't it? So wherever you

are show your efficiency there.

What wages do you expect?

What do l tell you sir.

You decide about it.

Start from twenty rupees.

- You said twenty?

How is that possible? Such a big

family and such high cost of living.

Then you tell us what you want.

Pay me twelve rupees.

Will it be a problem?

- No not at all.

You start work.

Take him inside and show

him the work. - Come along.

Come here.

Show me the place

where l'll stay.

l'll keep these and start work.

Krishna now uses that room.

You can use that. Krishna

will stay below the stairs.

l think she is

not your daughter.

Yes she is my husband's

younger brother's daughter.

Are both her

parents dead? - Yes..

..they have dumped her on us

and are comfortable in heaven.

ls that so?

Let me take your

things to your room.

Why help the servants sister.

Let me get fresh. Have you

bought the things for the day?

Hey this is very slippery. Some one

will fall and break his head.

You said it. Every day some

one or the other slips and falls.

There seems to be a

problem for you cleaning it.

There is a problem getting a sweeper

into the house. So it remains.

Can l get some coconut kernels?


lt is over there.


Look now it is all clean.

You can jump and dance

and nothing will happen.

Look at me.

What is the matter? Will l

have to go out for a cup of tea?

He is shouting

early in the morning.

Let the new servant

be shown around first.

Just wants a chance to yell.

Don't talk rubbish. Do you know its

already half pas six? - So what?

People around must have

already had a cup of tea

You can make your tea

like you boil your own egg.

Don't worry l'll do that.

You shut up. We can't

control our youngsters these days.

The youngsters of today

will not get married..

..but have all the related fun.

lf you talk like this

about young generation then.. will get the

respect due to an uncle.

Sir the tea is ready.

Come have some tea.

You have still not

brushed your teeth?

Ok have it without

brushing your teeth.

Here give it to everyone.

Here is the milk for your son.

Let me give tea to the old man.

''Sir, here is your tea.''

So early!

lt's not early. lt's

already quarter to seven.

From tomorrow l'll give it you early.

Have it. Wait l'll give you a massage.

Where did you get the

things to prepare this tea.

Why everything was

in the Kithchen.

The madam has stocked it with

everything. What shall l cook today?

The vegetables have

been bought but the fish.

..has to be bought now.

- Let it be.

We'll eat vegetarian food today.

From tomorrow l'll do the shopping.

What's in that? - These?

These are my cooking tools.

This is for mutton.

This is for chicken.

Tell me what this is for?

For the sweet dish.

We have got all these

things but not so nice.

Where did you get these?

That is a strange experience.

l was in the Himalayas.

There was snow on all sides.

The lake was in the middle.

l met a lady there.

ln fact the goddess of food.

She told me to get the

divine lotus from the lake.

She said she would make

a sweet dish out of that.

She took a small ladle..

..and made a sweet

dish out of that lotus.

After eating l pleaded to

her to give me the ladle.

She gave it to me.

l melted that ladle

and made all these.

Like you make jewelry.

'No wealth is more precious than

the gods name. Chant his name.'

You take bath. The lunch

will be ready shortly.

l am not comfortable

with that man. - No fear.

He will not stick long

sustaining your torture.

Don't talk rubbish. What

torture do we do? Let me also hear.

Forget it. Don't start a

fight before going to work.

Let me take bath or else that

brother will get inside the bathroom.

Sir. Your hot water. l'll

leave it inside the bathroom.

They way he is working he

will cook in ten minutes.

l'm scared. Hope he is not

some wizard or black magic.

You have to find

some fault or the other.

Don't bother me. Go and get

my clothes from the terrace.

Sir. Here are your

clothes and the towel.

Keep this with you.

You are an artist.

You should not bother about trivial

things. lt will affect your art.

Are you pulling my leg.

What are you saying sir?

l am your servant

and you are my master.

l can't believe this.

Always people have been

making fun of my music.

So l am not able to believe you.

l thought of making a

great career in music.

But nothing has been achieved.

Don't be dejected sir.

You concentrate on your

music and l'll look after you.

What are you doing.

l'm writing an article

about movies. Don't disturb me.

Shall l get you something

to help you be comfortable.

No. l'm not writing

about Bengali movies.

lts about foreign

movies like Truffau etc

You can find a lot about the subject

you are writing in this magazine.

What is this?

Where did you get it?

l got it while working for

a famous movie director.

Both national and international

magazines used to come there.

The wife used to give it

to me for using in the oven.

Do you have more of these?

- Yes a lot of them.

Please give it to me.

l can use them.

Take your bath.

The meal is ready.

All the madams. Please

sit down for the meal.

You can eat together with the

males and chat while eating.

What do you mean? -

What is wrong in that.

lt will be fun seeing

all of you eat together.

Let me feed the old man first.

Here please help me.

Sir l have brought your meal.

The meal? So Early?

lt's impossible.

lts god to eat early.

- l also wanted that..

..but they never

gave it to me early.

l see that you have given me some

milk. - lts good to have some milk.. your age. - l know

but they never gave me.

Come now and eat it.

Oh this the betel nuts

for you. l have pounded it.

See how much you take care.

My wife was also

like this. - Ok have it.

That is always

like that. Eat slowly.

How many dishes has he made.

Every dish is superb.

l haven't had such a

meal for a long time.

All of you enjoy and eat it.

Give me some of that mutton.

lt's not mutton sir.

Today its vegetarian.

That is green banana.

Surprising. l also

thought that it is mutton.

''Why not, you are

an intelluctual.''

Banana has iron..

..and mutton has protein. So..

Stop that. Let us eat

peacefully at least today.

After ten minutes he came. He

came with that smile for which..

..the great actor is famous and

said did l keep you all waiting.

l said that it was

no botheration at all.

l asked him as to what he had

to say about his fans in Bengal.

With a serious face he said

that he respected them very much.

What modesty?

l was thinking that l'm sitting

before the great actor of Bengal..

..and he being so great did

not show it at all and was.. modest and so simple.

That wonderful smile

and great personality.

..gave the surroundings a different

look. - Like you have Uttam Kumar..

''..popular today, during

our times it was Durgadas.''

l've seen a movie of his.

''Pahari Sanyal,

Durgadas and Chayadevi.''

Durgadas acted so

well in that movie.

What are you telling mama..

..nobody can be more

popular than Uttam Kumar.

'Six boys tried to

climb the tree.'

Who? Alok. What

are you doing here?

Oh mother.

l'm doomed. You said everybody

is chatting. Let me run away.

What the hell do you think

coming here? - Catch him.

Catch that boy.

Catch that rascal.

You come here. What were

you doing with that boy?

''You little rascal,

we'll break your bones.''

What do you think you are

doing? - She needs a good thrashing.

We'll reach her a lesson today.

Sir. They are all

thrashing Krishna together.

She has made a mistake and is

getting punished. She deserves it.

Maybe there is no mistake.

Could have been just

chatting with one of her friends.

You feel it is not correct.

- l think it is not correct.

''But if you think it is

correct, then it is all right.''

After all l'm a servant in

this house. - No. Not at all.

You ar right. Let

us go and settle it.

What do you think that

this is your father's house?

You think you can do

anything you like?

Who gave you the

authority to beat her?

She was with our

neighbor Alok inside a room.

What she's done

is nothing wrong.

She can sit with ten

others if she wants.

You come here.

How did the old man gather

so much courage suddenly?

Let my husband come

l'll set this right.

Le my husband also

come l'll report this.

No madams. He is old and must

have lost his head. Forget this.

lf he has lost his head let his

sons put him in a mental asylum.

You are the senior most woman in the

family. You should not talk like this.

You shut up. All big talks.

Go and do your work.

What work do you want me to do?

Shall l get you some tea?

l don't want anything. l will

not eat anything in this house.

l will also not eat anything. He has

the audacity to insult us like this.

Get lost

- Go away from here.

Sister Krishna don't cry.

''Don't cry. You don't

gain by crying, Now get up.''

Wipe your tears.

Tell me what happened?

Alok will not

talk to me any more.

Yes he will.

Tell me what is the matter?

Saw that new servant

in the halder house.

Saw him and also made inquiries.

lt appears that he is

more cunning than us.

He belongs to our profession.

- How did you make out.

Only a thief can

recognise another one.


- Who is that?''

Listen - Don't hand me over to

the police. - Listen to me first.

lf you are so scared then

why did you start it at all?

What did l start? -

Going to a girls house.

You should have the

guts to do such things.

How can you be a coward?

Who said that l am a coward.

Don't tell me all that.

l don't care for anybody.

''There, you are

talking like a man.''

Come l want to talk to you.

What is the matter?

Why are you on the bed?

Has the servant

left again? - No.

Then what is wrong with you?

Sent me to my parent's house.

You have been to your parent's

house for the last 15 years.

We even don't know

whether they Are alive or dead.

Don't play the fool with me.

Now go from here and let

me stay alone for some time.

Yes. l am the fool out here.

l am not from such a family

that your father will insult me..

..and l will bear it all

and still hang around here.

Do something about it

or send me somewhere.

Don't shout. Tell

me what happened.

Sir. Your soda and some snacks.

''Madam, your tea. - Soda?''

This is country liquor.

How will soda go along with

country liquor. - What's wrong..

..have it. You'll like it.

Have your drinks..

..with some snacks. You

won't have indigestion.

Why should l bear the

insult and stay in this house.

lf we can't stay separate then

you stay here. l'll take my son and..

..go to the streets. - Don't be

foolish. Going to the streets with..

..your son. You must be crazy.

Do you know anything

about the outside world?

''Sir, tea for you.

Tea for you too madam.''

You take this madam.

Milk for the son.

Have some snack

along with your tea.

Then l'll give you a high tea.

Couldn't make anything special.

Something simple but tasty.

See and learn. - You see..

..and you learn.

What are you doing?

When wll you boil that egg

and when will you eat it?

Why am l here?

Why have you hired me?

Sit down and eat this.

Some simple but tasty snacks.

What are you eating

boiled eggs daily?

Correctly said. You are my wife.

l have a responsibility

towards you. - what concern?

What right has papa to

insult you like that?

No. This needs to be protested.

''Yes, l should protest.''

Will none of you

protest against this?

Hey brothers..

..such an injustice on my wife..

..and none of you are

coming froward to protest.

Ok never mind.

l'll go alone.

Why did you insult my wife?

After all she is

your son's wife.

They were

beating up your sister.

Why did you have to interfere?

Picking up

unnecessary arguments.

Have you jointly

come to fight with me?

Has anybody in this

family ever worked together?

Have we dome anything jointly?

The elder brother

will speak for his wife.

l will speak for my wife.

Now listen to me.

Whatever l have done is correct.

lf you don't like

it you can go away.

Dhanajay. - Yes sir. -

Massage my back dear.

See how he insulted us. - Keep

dancing to your wife's tune.

You also came dancing

to your wife's tune.

You are so old but..

..your body is still in shape.

So smooth and robust.

We had a discipline in life.

Yes we were very disciplined.

Press here. - Yes

as hard as iron.

Why don't you go out for

a walk in the morning.

l'll catch cold.

No sir. l'll dress you up

warm and give you a cup of tea.

You go for a walk.

l'm getting the

confidence hearing you.

'Who l am and who's son l am''

'the world in very strange''

'Where l have come

from and where l shall go''

'The company of good

people would provide salvation.'

' the pride of youth and

the material possessions.'

'shall be lost as the

appointed time comes.'

' the pride of youth and

the material possessions.'

'shall be lost as the

appointed time comes.'

'This whole world

is his creation.'

'One has to bow before him.'

' The life has to

lived as destined.'

'' The rest is all an

illusion to be avoided.'

' The life has to

lived as destined.'

'' The rest is all an

illusion to be avoided.'

' The company of good

people is the only method.'

'Of transporting this

soul through this life.'

' The company of good

people is the only method.'

'Of transporting this

soul through this life.'

' The eight

directions and the seven seas'

'' The sun and all this universe'

''' Neither me, nor

you nor this world.'''

' Nothing is

permanent or worth lamenting'

' Nothing is

permanent or worth lamenting'

Fine. You are lucky brother.

You have got such a person.

We'll everyday for

chanting the god's name.

''Of course, you are welcome.

- Grandpa tea.''

Give. You give it

and l'll also give.

Krishna has grown up a lot.

l haven't met you for the

last ten to twelve years.

Though we are neighbors.

This Dhananjay has

brought about this change.

My grandson Alok talks a

lot about your family.

Says that there cannot

be a person like you.

Does he say that? Send him.

l would like to meet him.

''Krishna, Distribute the

contents of that container..''

.. amongst everybody here.

l'll get it sir.

Krishna. Oh Krishna.

You seem o be busy hearing the

songs there. Don't you have any work?

l will go there in future.

You will not go there! Enjoying

the pampering of your grandpa?

Have you brought the clothes

from the terrace. - Here it is madam.

l have ironed all of them.

Yours and the sir's

clothe; all of them.

Shall l get you some tea.

No. Where is my tobbaco.

Here it is madam.

Good quality tobacco.

Shall l get you some tea. The

afternoon nap became a little long.

You will feel

better if you have tea.

l said no. Don't bother me. Go and

find out from my daughter in law..

..she might need something.

Being a mother why are you

still angry with that child.

You have punished her..

..for her mistake already.

''The tobacco is good, isn't it?''

Alok gave it.

Now l'll get some

tea with ginger in it.

Then give me also some tea.

Sleeping at odd times

the body is feeling stiff.

l'll get it without dealy.

Did you also sleep

in the afternoon.

What else to do.

l'm getting bored.

No work do to do at all.

Eating and sleeping and

again eating. Getting fat.

Ramu get some tea.

Big brother have

some tea and go.

''No brother. The tea at the office,

l don't like its taste at all.''

The tea that l have at home you

should taste it then you will know.

As if l walked with a mug

of hot water to darjeeling..

..and tea leaves

dropped into the mug.

So fresh.

Here l have checked it all.

Just sign them and send them

ln this old age you

are working so hard.

l warn you. Don't call me old.

l'm only sixty years old.

Have you finished typing

the draft agreement. - No

l'm doing it slowly.

- What is this?

How will it do if you are so

slow? - l'm having a headache.

Get up and go out in the

open air. Let me do it.

Sit down.

What is the matter? - Which

matter are you talking about.

Everything is upto date.

The files..

..account books and everything.

You are taking everybody's

work. What is the matter?

lf there is peace of mind

then there is an energy to work.

l think that some one is..

..inspiring you. -

You are right sir.

Who is the perosn..

.inspiring you.

Have you found a

new girl friend?

Oh god. Playing with a top early in

the morning. Then why wake up early?

You told me to

wake up early. - yes..

..but then you must study.

l don't like studying.

Then do some drawing.

l don't like that also.

Then sing that

song l taught you.

'The eyes says wake up.'

'Sleep do not come anymore'

'lf this life is lost then

it does not come back again.'

Have some tea and if you

feel have another nap.

'Remember that in

this world it is tough.'

'Dream to make a

heaven out of this earth.'

Get up. How late will you sleep.

Have l got to wash the streets..

..that l have to get up early?

Some body singing in our house.

lsn't it Pintu? - Yes

the servant has taught him.

''Get up, sleeping

like a sick man.''

Let me listen to the song.

'Why are still lying down.'

What you got and what you

lost; think about that.'

Hey come on wake up.

l have brought your tea.

Get up. A house

wife sleeping so late.

Tea has been served? - Yes

Give me. - Take it.

Who is singing? Sounds

like Pintu.- Yes it is Pintu.

Dhananjay has taught him.

Who else sings in this house?

That Pintu has

such a sweet voice..

..even l did not

know being his mother.

Let us do some work.

lf this life is lost then

it does not come back again.

Such ancient words

Such simple words.

l never knew it

but Pintu knows it.

lf this life is lost then

it does not come back again.

Did you understand it.

We should do some good work.

You are right.

l have to do some work.

This wretched servant

wouldn't let me do any work.

How can just sit

and eat at this age.

What are you doing uncle.

Smoking like a non-intellectual.

Why are you not

playing your music.

l was planning to do that.

Why don't you play some Bach?

Some symphony of

Bach.The children would love it.

Bach? - Yes. - You want to

listen? - Yes. - Sit down.

l'll bring for a walk

every morning. - Will you not.. wasting your time.

- Not at all.

Which class are you in?

- l'm in the college..

Good. - Krishna can also come

with us for the morning walk.

They wouldn't let her.

They make her work

from the morning.


How are you liking

your morning walk? - Good.

l told you. You carry on with your

walk. l'll get the shopping done.

You work in that house. - Yes.

What is your plan

tell us in detail.

What is there to tell in detail?

You must have already understood.

Have you found something worth?

l haven't found it yet.

We have found it but

can't get inside the house.

You will get in

when the time comes.

Didn't l tell you that only a

gm can recognise another gem.

But you cannot get way

alone with loot from our area.

Can l do that?

Ok come along. - Where?

Come you'll know.


Boss he has come.

''The cot in which the old man sleeps,

underneath that there is a box.''

Open the door on Friday night.

Not Friday but Saturday.

That night is good.

They would be sleeping..

..well since it would be weekend.

Today is Saturday.

- Can do it today.


Commission? - ten percent.

Twelve and half percent.

Ten percent. -

Twelve and half percent.

Nobody bargains with me.

They are happy..

..with what l give.

- Twelve and..

..half percent.

Let us finish the

job and then decide.

Sister now you get up.

l'll wash the rest of it.

No let me do some work.

You carry with your work.

This life will not come back.

lsn't it sister. - Yes.

Please let me also do some work.

You are not used

and will fall sick.

Listen to her. Your

uncle kept me in..

..a golden cot to sleep all day.

Listen to her.

What is this. This is not fair.

When there is a

servant why should you work.

Never say that again.

l warn you.

One person will do all the

work and we will just lie down.

That's right. You

cut those vegetables.

That l will do. - You?

Why you think l can't do it?

Madam then shall l attend

to the sirs. - Ok do that.

But don't go inside the kitchen.

Why you say that? You

better teach us cooking.

The sirs enjoy your

cooking very much.

''Let me iron it for you. - Labour is

a perishable commodity, Dhananjay.''

lf you don't work then you

lose the capacity to work.

You are right.

Very wise words.

What are you thinking?

About music.

The director has asked

me o compose something.

lf the music does not have depth

the heroin would refuse to act.

Start with the basic tunes.

- what? - The basic tunes.

No dialogue.

l got it.

l got it.

You gave it to me.

What did l do. lt

was all done by you.

Your brother is correct.

What did he say?

That given an opportunity you

would have been a great musician.

Can't believe it. They have always

made fun of my taste fro music.

Oh no sir. That is not correct.

He always praises you. He

was telling the other day..

..that he did not marry thinking

that it would cause problem for us.

Did he say that? - Yes.

- No l don't believe you.

''Sir, don't tell him

that l told you. - Ok.''

Why should l tell him?

You do one thing.

For both the sisters in

law and the daughter in law..

..get three cinema tickets.

l'll pay for it.

What about Krishna? - Yes l

forgot her. Get one for her also.

l feel that you

leave Krishna today.

You take them with you.

That's ok. l'll take

Pintu also with us.

Sir. You should free your

wife today in the afternoon.

When have l held on to

her in the afternoon?

Your youngest brother is

taking all the ladies to a cinema.

Can't believe it.

Younger brother spending money..

..and taking them to a cinema.

What are you saying? You

know what he said now?

Must have cursed me. - No he

said that you may be harsh..

.. outside but you

are very soft inside.

lf he needs he could

have topped the school.

Why is he so

considerate about me suddenly?

After all he is

your younger brother.

He knows that you love him.

He is a good lad.

Has a nice heart.

Poor thing never got an

opportunity in life. What to do.

Hey Dhanajay.

Look at this thing

My boss was after me and he..

..was bent upon

getting me retired.

Now they have

written to me that..

..they are giving me three

years extension.- That is good news

What good news. l

have been saved.

You took care of our family and l got

peace of my mind and worked hard.

Don't tell this to my brother.

He will feel jealous.

Not jealous but

he will be pained.

Why will he be pained.

He was telling the other day.


- don't tell him l told you.

No l will not. Tel

me what he said.

He said that he will not

let you work any more.

He has worked

all along his life.

l'm there The other

brothers are there

Can't we run this family?

l can't believe this.

Yes sir it is true. - Brother.

Did you not take bath today.

First you finish then l'll go.

You have to go along way.

That does not matter.

You go first.

No you bath first lt would be

convenient if you get out early/

The rush in the

bus would be less.

No l'm elder and l'm

asking you to bath first.

You are old and need some time.

l can rush to work.

Don' bother for me you go first.

Don't you have college today?

No grandpa.

Let me massage the oil.

No l'll do it. - What

is wrong if l do it?

What is wrong if l do it

Both of you do it.

Will you come today afternoon?

- No

You come here. All of

them are going for a movie.

Who is going to the movies?

- Both the aunts and my sister in law.

You won't go? - lf everybody

goes who'll stay with you?.

Take me also.. the movie one day son.

Sure. Tell me

when you want to go?

Why do you scare me.

She calls me and is asleep.

l was reading.

You have all sort

of excuses. Get up.

You have no mind to study l can

understand. - How do you say that?

l know everything.

l'm not a fool.

What will you do inside

the house. Let's go out.

lf someone sees us. -

Forget it. Let them see us.

l don't care if they see.

Grandpa will protect us.

Why are you so scared.

However long we talk

it is never satisfying.

You did all the talking.

l couldn't say anything.

You do your talking

the next time we meet.

''Oh Krishna. Krishna,

what are you doing?''

l was studying auntie. -

Oh studying. Ok study.

How was the movie? - Nice.

lt made us cry as well as laugh.

l'll pick up the clothes and go.

l'll do it auntie.

You go and rest.

No l'll do it. You

continue your studies.

Sir. Sir.

l am doomed brother Dhnanajay.

The aunts have come back.

Not only the aunts but the uncles

are also back. Today is Saturday.

How do l go now.

Jump the wall. You are a male.

Ok. - Sir.

l want to know something.

Do you really like Krishna.

Will you keep her happy?

What are you talking

brother Dhannajay.

Good. Today is Saturday.

Meet me tomorrow

early in the morning.


Those are my Jewels. l

bought it for your mother.

l will not give it to

anybody as along as l live.

lf you don't like it

then you can leave.

Then do as you like it.

Keep it with you.

We'll bury it along

with you when you die.

Fine what belongs to me

will go along with me.

l have seen such a

father in my life.

Wouldn't you ever listen to

some good advice? Don't you..

..ever feel that you can't

get back this life? That those

..jewels would be of

better use to your children.

Which children are

you talking about?

Today l'm alive

because of Dhananjay.

There is not point in

being alive like this.

Why are you trying to explain to this

man. He is abusing you in return.

You saw it. He will lose it one

day and then he'll understand.

That would serve him better.

Whatever you say l will

not give those jewels.

l will not surrender my

security. Dhananjay. - Yes sir.

Take it out. - What is that?

Drug for putting

everybody to sleep.

Will sleep like a log.

Take that out.

Well done. Now you go and

meet me tomorrow at my den.

Sir. Wait.

Where is my commission? -

Come to my den tomorrow morning.

l have another tomorrow

morning. l want it now.

You want it now?

- Yes all of it.

Everybody seems to be

sleeping long. What is the matter?

Dhannajay. Oh Dhananjay.

Papa. Get up.

Oh god! Theft. Thief!

Hey brothers come here fast.

''Dhananjay come here. Papa,

get up fast.''

We have been doomed.

- What happened?

Happened my head. See for

yourself. We are doomed.

All of your

mother's jewels were here.

What do we do now?

Keep it all with yourself then..

..this is what will happen.

What happened? Why are you

shouting? - We are doomed.

All our mother's jewels have

been robbed. - Where is Dhananjay?

We are doomed. All the

jewels have been robbed.

What did we gain when we had it?

What are saying? lt was

worth ten thousand rupees.

Ten thousand or

twenty thousand.. was not useful to us. lt is the

same whether we have it or it is lost.

Very correct. Now he will have

a heart attack because of this.

No he will not. The old man

is not attached to anything.

But those jewels were

worth a lot of money Dhananjay.

Nothing to worry sir.

lt is better you have donated.. rather than sitting on it.

He said it.

He was just

sitting on those jewels.

You shut up.

What wrong did he say.

You could have made..

..some arrangement

before this happened.

What arrangement?

Give to you all?

Yes. At least your sons

would have used it.

Now the robbers are enjoying it.

Yes l already warned him.

Did l not tell him yesterday?

Yes but it fell on deaf ears.

You are annoyed with me.

What do you think

l should have done.

You should have given us the jewels

and we would have looked after you.

Now you are telling this..

..but earlier l was

totally neglected by you all.

All of that valuable

jewels have been lost?

''Listen auntie, you

have not lost them.''

This is the jewel box. -

Here it is. - What a surprise.

Here is your jewel grandpa.

See whether

everything is intact or not.

Where did you get it son? - Caught

the thieves and took it from them.

You caught them? -

Something like that.

Bless you dear lad.

You are brave.

May you live long!

Like this show bravery

in serving the country.

You are the

future of the country.

Keep talking brother.

You oration is really good.

l can talk a lot. But in life..

ln life!


Hey eldest son. - Yes papa.

Take these jewels and give

me freedom to seek salvation.

Salvation from the

worldly attractions. - Me?

No cannot take responsibility

of these jewels at this age.

Younger brother you

take care of these.

Me? l am a school master and l can't

handle this burden. Younger.. you keep it with you.

l'm a bachelor. What will l do with

these jewels? Sister in law.. keep them.

- Me and jewels..

''..Oh no, l can't keep it.

Sister you keep it''

l am very careless

let your son keep it

An intellectual cannot be involved

in materialistic things. You may..

..keep it if you want.

Why do l need jewels when you

are there. Let Krishna keep it.

Now all of you are happy?

Where is Dhanajay? - Here.

He was here. - Where did

he go. - l saw him just now.

''Go and find him. - Where did he go?

- Surprising, he was here now.''

Look upstairs.

Hey Dhanajay where are you?

Where did this man go?

l suspect that he has left. l can't

find his luggage. - ls that so?

Dhananjay has left. -

What are you saying?

He did not inform us at all.

He has not even taken his wages.

We can send the wages to his

address. - Do you have his address?

How sad. Didn't

even take his wages.

Oh brother Dhannanjay. Stop.

Why are you leaving?

My job is over.

Will you not come again.

lt will not be necessary.