Gabriel's Inferno (2020) - full transcript

An intriguing exploration of seduction, forbidden love, and redemption, a captivating and passionate tale of one man's escape from his own personal hell as he tries to earn the impossible: forgiveness and love.

♪♪ (Mozart's "Requiem Mass

in D Minor-Lacrimosa" plays)

Miss Mitchell?


I expect an answer to my

question, Miss Mitchell.

If you'd care to join us.

Is English your first language?

(chuckles, coughs)

Since Miss Mitchell

seems to be carrying on

a parallel seminar

in a different language,

perhaps someone else would be

kind enough to answer my question?

Dante looks into

the face of God and says...

All'alta fantasia

qui manco possa.

Correct, Miss Peterson.

EMERSON: All'alta...


qui... manco... possa.


After the Tuscan Guelphs

defeated the Ghibellines

in 1289 at the Battle

of Campaldino and Vicopisano...

Something funny, Miss Mitchell?

It was my fault,

Professor Emerson.

I was asking

what page we were on.

Hardly an appropriate question

from a doctoral student, Paul.

We began with the first canto.

I trust you can find it

without her help.

And Miss Mitchell?

See me in my office after class.

Sorry about that.

I'm, uh, Paul Norris.

I'm Julia Mitchell.

I'm sorry the Professor

was such a prick.

I don't know what's eating him.

You're new?

I just arrived from

Saint Joseph's University.

And you're here

for your Master's?

Yes. It probably

doesn't seem like it.

I'm supposed to be studying

to be a Dante specialist


So you're here for Emerson?

He's, uh, difficult

to work with.

I'm writing

my dissertation with him.

And there's also

Christa Peterson.


She's his other PhD student,

but her goal is to be

the future Mrs. Emerson.

She just started the program and

she's already baking him cookies.

She doesn't seem to be aware of the

University's strict non-fraternization policy.

Anyway, you better go.

Emerson hates waiting.

It's down here, take a left.

It's the corner office.

Good Luck.

EMERSON: I'm sorry I

didn't call you back.

I was in my seminar.

It's the first lecture

of the year, asshole,

and the last time I talked to

her, she said she was fine.

Of course I wanted to be there.

I loved her, too.

I don't know what time

because I don't know

what kind of flight I can get,

but I'll be there.


Just tell them I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry.


JULIA: "I'm Sorry.

Julia Mitchell."

(phone rings)

Hey, Dad.

MAN: Those Canadians

treating you right?

Yes, they're all pretty nice.

Is everything okay?

Grace Clark died earlier today.

Did you hear what I said?


yes, I heard.

I knew you'd take the news hard.

She was like a mother to you,

and you and her daughter Rachel were

such good friend's in high school.

Have you heard from her?

Um... no, I haven't.

I'm not even sure when they

found out Grace was sick again.

I was over to

their house earlier.

Gabriel wasn't there.

Which has caused...

quite a problem.

Son of a bitch.

Are you sending flowers?

I guess, I'm not good

at that sort of thing,

but I could ask Deb

if she would help.

Ask her to send

something from me.

Grace loved gardenias.

Get Deb to sign the card.

Will do.

Do you need any money?

I'm fine.

I'm sorry about Harvard.

Maybe next year.


Talk to you later, Dad.

JULIA: "Dear Rachel...

I'm so sorry to hear

about Grace. I'm...


Frightened Rabbit.

Paul, hi.

How was your meeting

with Emerson?

I didn't go.


not good.

His office door was closed.

I think he was on the phone.

I left a note.

Let's hope that's

what was going on.

Otherwise, I'd say you just took

your life into your own hands.

Let me know if there's any fallout,

and I'll see what I can do.

Oh, my God.

Excuse me Miss Mitchell,

can you come here for a minute?

Yes, Mrs. Jenkins.

Have you had some sort of

problem with Professor Emerson?

Um, I don't think so.

I received two urgent e-mails

asking me to set up an appointment

to see him when he returns.

Professors normally prefer to

schedule their own appointments,

but he insisted I schedule it

and have it documented

in your file.

He said it was serious.

Can you meet him at 4pm

tomorrow in his office?





Hey, Julia.

Wanna go for coffee some time?

Um, yes, sure.

It'd be easier

if I had your number.


Now, Miss Mitchell.

Give him hell, Rabbit.

Please be seated, Miss Mitchell.

Move the chair.

I won't crane my neck

in order to see you.

Are you a comedian,

Miss Mitchell?

I expect an answer when I ask

a question, Miss Mitchell.

Surely, you've learned

your lesson by now?

Perhaps you're not too bright.

I beg your pardon,

Dr. Emerson?

It's Professor Emerson.

Even chiropractors and podiatrists

refer to themselves as doctors.

Would you stop fussing with that

ridiculous abomination of a bag

and sit in a chair

like a human being?

I'm sure you thought

this was funny.

I can explain...

I'm not interested

in your excuses.

I asked you to come

to the last appointment.

You didn't, did you?

You were on the phone

and the door was closed...

It wasn't closed.

I suppose this was meant

to be funny too?

It's not what you think.

I wanted to say I was sorry,

and it was

for your family, who I...

Leave my family out of it!

I see that you came here on

scholarship to study Dante.

I'm the only professor

in this department

who is supervising theses

in that field,

and since this...

is not going to work,

you'll have to

change your topic.

Find another supervisor

or transfer departments,

or better yet, university.

I'll inform the director of my

decision, effective immediately.

Now if you'll excuse me.

That is all, Miss Mitchell.

♪♪ (Chopin's "Nocturne in E Flat

Major, Op. 9 No.2" plays)

(water splashes)

(tires screech)

You'll catch pneumonia and die.

Get in.

♪♪ (Chopin continues on

car radio)

Thank you very much.

Where do you live?

45 Madison.

It's just up...

I know where Madison is.

♪♪ (Chopin continues)


(keys drop)

Thank you.

I'll walk you in.

One can't be too careful.

Would you like a tea?

May I take your coat, Professor?

Where would you put it?

That was rude. Uh...

Forgive me.

Would you like

English Breakfast or Lady Grey?

English breakfast.

You should change into

some dry clothes.

(Emerson clears his throat)

Why do you live here?

It's a quiet street

in a nice neighborhood.

I needed to be able

to walk to school.

This was one of the nicer

apartments I looked at.

Why didn't you move into

the graduate student residence?

I was expecting to go to

a different university,

but that didn't work out.

Where were you going to go?

Miss Mitchell?



What the hell

are you doing here then?

My father couldn't afford

the parental contribution.

The fellowship they offered

wasn't enough,

and the living expenses

in Cambridge was than Toronto.

I have thousands of dollars

in student loans.

I decided not to add to them.

That's why I'm here.

That wasn't in the file

Mrs. Jenkins gave me.

You should have said something.

This is a terrible

place to live.

There isn't even

a proper kitchen.

What do you eat here?

I cook soup and couscous

on the hot plate.

Couscous is very nutritious.

You can't live off of that.

A dog eats better.

Forgive me. Um...

I don't know what's

gotten into me.

You just lost your mom.

I can't be here.

I need to go.

(knock on door)

When was the last time

you had steak?

Uh, it's been a while.

I'm starving,

and you're

joining me for dinner.

Are you sure Professor?

I thought this...

wasn't going to work.

Never mind that now.



I could change.

But I have one condition.

Let's hear it.

Tell me why,

after everything

you've said to me,

should I join you?

Because Emerson is an ass.

But at least now he knows it.

I'll change.






May I?

Thank you.

Ah, Professore Emerson.

Cosi bello vederti.

Antonio. E 'bello vederti anche tu.

Stai guardando bene.

Grazie, grazie.

And who is this lovely lady?

Antonio, this

is Julianne Mitchell.


Semplicemente sensazionale.

I tuoi occhi sono come

piccole nocciole

al cioccolato.



Sei troppo gentile.

Questo ristorante è incantevole.


Please, this way.


And I have a beautiful

bottle of wine

from my family's

vineyard in Tuscany.

Please don't go to any trouble.

No trouble.

E 'fatto.

How did you come by

your Tuscan accent?

I spent my junior year

in Florence.

Impressive for only

a year abroad.

I started studying Italian

when I was seventeen.

I could order for you.

Thank you, Professor Emerson.

Best not to call me

"Professor" in public.

Mr. Emerson will suffice.


♪ Like the river and the sea ♪

♪ Like the flower

and the tree ♪

♪ Like the birds... ♪


♪ ...and the bees ♪

♪ There's you

and then there's me ♪


Are we ready to order?

Two of your finest and largest

filet mignons. Medium rare.

No, that's too much.

You can take home the leftovers.

I'm sure your couscous

won't mind.

And then I will bring

a beautiful tiramisu,

and an affogato with vanilla bean gelato.


Grazie. Sei troppo gentile.

Why did you start

studying Italian?

It's a simple question,

is it not?


I became interested

in Italian literature.

In Dante and Beatrice.

That's an unusual interest

for a teenager.

I had a friend who

introduced me to them.

Antonio is taken with you.

He's never offered me

an affogato on the house.

I like him.

He's kind.

You blossom under kindness,

don't you?

Like a rose.

♪ Like the fire

and the ice ♪

♪ Like the virtue

and the vice ♪

♪ Like the verdict

and the plea ♪

♪ There's you

and then there's me ♪

♪ Like the wealthy

and the poor ♪

♪ Like the battle

and the war ♪

(no audible dialogue)

♪ Oh, the one that

asks for more ♪

♪ Is bound to end up sore ♪

The fuck?

Julia Mitchell?

Is that you?


(both laughing)

I can't believe it's you.

You, too.

Rachel, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry for everything.

About your mom and...


I got your email,

and the gardenias you sent

were so beautiful.

You remembered

they were her favorite.

How's your dad?

He's... so lost.

We all are.

That's why I'm here.

Why didn't you

tell me you were here?

I wasn't sure I'd be staying.

The first couple of weeks

have been really, um, rough.

Rachel, we need to go.

I'm making a home cooked meal,

and you're coming over.

I'm sure Miss Mitchell

has other plans.

Miss Mitchell? Julia's been my

best friend since high school.


I forgot you two never met.

Regardless, your attitude

is a little bit much.

Do you wanna do me a favor and

remove the pole from your keister?

Why don't we meet for lunch instead?

I'm sure The Pro...

Your brother wants you

all to himself.

He's Gabriel.

What is going on

between you two?

Rachel, she's my student.

There are rules.

She's my friend.

I say screw the rules.

Can someone please tell me

what's going on?

Gabriel Owen Emerson,

were you an ass to Julia?

You two will just have to

kiss and make up.

I'm only here for a week,

and I expect to spend

lots of time with both of you.


RACHEL: I... cannot believe

I just ran into you.

So I tried it,

and I applied it to my head,

and, of course, it did work.

So, a week later,

it grows back this big.

So, my first day of seventh

grade, I had a cowlick.

Which was the best idea

I'd ever had.


Gabriel, want to give Julia the

grand tour while I start dinner?

I'd like to show you something.

Your study is so...


That's my favorite chair.

Put these on.

This is one of my most

precious possessions.

A shrunken head of

a former grad student?


Is that Botticelli's

original Dante and Beatrice

and the fixed stars of Paradise?

Sadly, no.

That would be beyond the reach

of my small fortune.

The originals date from

the 15th century.

These reproductions

are from the 16th century.

I didn't know copies existed.

They were probably done by a

former student of Botticelli's.

Botticelli prepared

one hundred illustrations,

but only ninety-two

of them survived.

I have the full complement.

I went to see the originals

when they were on loan

to the Uffizi Gallery

in Florence.

Where did you get these?

Why aren't they in a museum?

They aren't in a museum because

I refuse to give them up.

And no one knows I have them

but my lawyer,

my insurance agent,

and now you.

RACHEL: Gabriel,

stop boring Julia with your antique crap,

and get her a drink.

Hey, what is going on

between you two?

Why is he acting so weird?

And why didn't you

tell him who you are?

I thought he'd remember me.

He doesn't.


what are we having

with the wine?



I'm so sorry.

Stop. Stop!

Stop, woman! Stop!

For God sakes.


You'll shred yourself

to ribbons.

This way.

Hold out your hands.

You don't listen, do you?

You don't do what you're told.

This is going to sting.


(hisses through her teeth)

I'm so sorry.

Accidents happen.

Is she all right?

Yes, but she hates couscous.

All right, then I'll make

Rice Pilaf instead.

There's something

you need to know about Julia.

I shouldn't know

anything about her.

She's my student.

Her friendship with you already

presents a conflict of interest.

She's been broken, you jackass.

That's why I haven't

seen her in a year.

She's finally

crawled out of her shell,

and you're

forcing her back in there

with your arrogance

and condescension.

So just cut it with

the Mr. Darcy, Mr. Rochester,

stuck-uppity bullshit.

Treat her like the treasure that she is.


(telephone rings)

Ugh, it's Aaron.

I've been trying to

get 'em all day.

Hi. I'm good. You are not

gonna believe who I ran into.

Did you know Rachel

got engaged this summer?

That's wonderful.

Aaron's great.

She ended

the engagement last week.

They're still together, but...

she doesn't feel like planning a

wedding now that Grace is gone.

That's why she's here.

To get away from it all.

I know the feeling.

Were you ever going to

tell me who you are?

You let me make

an ass out of myself.

I would have treated you

better, if I'd known.

Really? Would you?

And found some other

grad student to rip apart?

If that's the case,

I'm glad your anger was directed at me

and not anyone else.

This doesn't change anything.

I am glad you're

Rachel's friend, but...

you're still my student,

which means that we need

to be professional,

and you will be careful how you

speak to me now and in the future.

Yes, Professor Emerson.

I have a bad temper,

I can be destructive.

It would be inadvisable for me to lose

my temper around someone like you.

Wrath is one of

the seven deadly sins.

I have all seven.

Somehow, I doubt that.

You're only a magnet for mishap,

while I'm a magnet for sin.

Sin isn't attracted

to a human being.

It's the other way around.

Not in my experience.

Sin seems to find me even

when I'm not looking for it.

I'm not very good

at resisting temptation.

Hey, Rach! I'm here.

What happened?

Gabriel is what happened.

Is he hurt?

(chuckles bitterly)

Oh, he's fine.

He's been here

less than 24 hours,

and he's shoved my parents,

made my mom cry,

and sent Scott

to the emergency room.

It'll be okay.

It's not okay, Aaron.

Gabriel shoved Scott

into a table.

Scott's not just

gonna forgive that.

My mom's

in her room, hysterical.

I can't even be here

another second.

I'll check on your mom.

My family is so broken.


(door closes)

You're a bit late for the show.

You're hurt.

You're cold.

Thank you.


Ever have a beer before?

Then I'm glad I'm your first.

What are you doing here?

I was invited to dinner.

I guess I ruined that.

Will you tell me what happened?

Will you tell me why

you haven't run away yet?

You smell like vanilla.

It's my shampoo.

It wasn't supposed

to be like this.

I didn't mean...

The prodigal son returns...

More like demon.

The demon Gabriel.

JULIA: You're all

the Clark's talk about.

Maybe Grace invited you over

because she knew

I needed an angel

to watch over me.

The sun is setting.

Would you like to go for a walk?

Have you ever held a boy's hand?

Then I'm glad I'm your first.

You're very quiet.

Talk to me.

I promise I won't bite.

Why did you come home?

I lost something.

And you're trying to

find it here?

What I lost is lost forever.

I came home for money.

I was...

I was fucked up even before I

destroyed everything and everyone.

Before you ever arrived.

This is it.

This is paradise.

You'll catch pneumonia and die.

You're Beatrice.

Who's Beatrice?

Dante's Beatrice.

Dante was a poet.

And Beatrice was his muse.

He met her when she was young...

and loved her from afar

his whole life.

She was his guide

through Paradise.

I'm writing a book about them.

There's a famous painting

by Henry Holiday.

You look like his Beatrice.

Your family loves you.

You should make up with them.

They aren't my family.

Not really.

And it's too late anyway.

You haven't had dinner.

For you, Beatrice.

Have you ever

looked up at the stars

with a boy lying next to you?

You're beautiful, Beatrice.

My brown-eyed angel.

I think you're beautiful, too.

Have you ever been kissed?

Then I'm glad I'm your first.

Open your eyes.


What are you thinking?

About how I waited

for you for so long,

and you never came.

It's okay because

you're here now.

Apparuit iam beatitudo vestra.

That's pretty.

What does it mean?

Now your blessedness appears.

But it should be

"Now my blessedness appears."

Now that you're here.

For the rest of my life,

I'll dream of hearing your

voice breathe my name.

Do you have to leave?


but not tonight.

Will you come back?

I'll be thrown out of

Paradise tomorrow, Beatrice.

Our only hope

is that you find me one day.

Look for me in Hell.

What's this for?

Aren't you going shopping

with Julianne?

It's Julia.

And no.

She's working on a project

with a guy named Paul,

and then he's

taking her to dinner.

Angel fucker.


Take it.

Buy something nice

for your friend.

Gabriel, I know

you have money to waste,

but jeepers, this is a bit much.

She carries a loathsome

excuse for a bookbag.

Spend the money on

buying her a decent briefcase,

because if I see that bag one more

time, I'm going to burn it.

Okay, I'll buy her a briefcase.

I'd rather buy her shoes.

- Shoes?

- Yeah.

She likes pretty things.

She just can't afford them.

She's pretty cute, huh?

Spend the money on

whatever you like,

but you must replace

the book bag.

I have an account

at Holt Renfrew.

Oh. I'll buy her

something fabulous.

Should I add lingerie

to the list?

How old are we?

Do you like her, like her?

She's my student.

Should I tell her that the

briefcase and shoes are from you?

Are you crazy?

I could get fired for that.

Someone will jump

to the wrong conclusion,

and I'll be hauled in

before the judicial committee!

Why are you wound so tight?

Are you having girl troubles?

And, by the way, what are with

those photos in your bedroom...

I am not having

this conversation.

Don't bark at me.

I'm sorry, okay?

Just... just don't

tell her it's from me.

She wouldn't accept them

if she knew.

She... she hates me.

Julia is not the type

of girl to hate anybody.

She's far too

forgiving for that.

But you're probably right.

She probably wouldn't accept charity.

Tell her it's for

a backlog of Christmas presents.

Or tell her it's from Grace.

PAUL: I'll show you

the Dante collection,

then my study carrel

which is next to it.

Well, not mine.

Emerson shares his with me.

Here it is.

Pretty impressive, right?

The carrel's just down here.

Can I ask you

a personal question?

Why didn't you go to Harvard?

I overheard Emerson

asking Greg Matthews,

the chair of Romance Languages and

Literatures at Harvard, about you.

He was wondering why they

didn't have enough funding

for their grad students.

He sounded pretty pissed.

He was checking up on me?

Of course.

Well, from what I could hear,

Matthews said to

send you back for your PhD.

Said you were highly ranked

in their admissions pool.

So, if it isn't too personal,

why didn't you go to Harvard?

I couldn't afford it.

I didn't want to come here.

I had no other choice.

I was hoping to finish

my MA quickly

and go to Harvard next year.

If I win a larger fellowship.

I can relate.

You should use

this carrel for studying.

Emerson is rarely here.

I'll give you my extra key.

Emerson hates me.

He won't like this.

I insist.

Please, Rabbit.

Thank you.

Do you like Mozart's Requiem?

Not really.

Emerson ruined it for me.

He was playing one track from the

damn thing over and over again

while I was cataloging

part of his personal library.

Lacrimosa, Lacrimosa,


I couldn't take it anymore.

It's so damned depressing.

I love Mozart's Requiem,

and Lacrimosa

is my favorite part.

Uh, I've got tickets

to a German film on Saturday.

Wanna go?


Is it subtitled?

Good, because I only know

how to swear in German.

♪♪ (Mozart's "Requiem Mass

in D Minor-Lacrimosa" plays)

(no audible dialogue)

(knock on door)

♪♪ (Mozart's Requiem continues)

(telephone rings)


Hey, Julia.

Got any plans tonight?

("Requiem" stops)


Hi. Yes.

Um, tonight? No plans.

Good, I want to go to a club.

You know I hate those places.

I can't dance,

and it's too loud.

It's so funny that you say that.

Gabriel said almost

the exact same thing.

Gabriel would come with us?

He isn't happy about it,

but he didn't say no.

I have nothing to wear.

Hmm, I happen to know a certain

delivery was made today.

That was you!?

Do you like everything?

It's too much.

I can't accept it.

The shoes are...

Julia, please.

I'm so happy that

we're friends again.

Apart from running into you,

and getting a chance to

get close to Gabriel again,

nothing good has happened

to me since my mom got sick.

Please, just think of it

as a belated birthday present,

and early Christmas gift

from me and my mom.

Thank you, Rachel.

Ok, so we're gonna pick you up at 9.

Be ready. Bye!

Gabriel, Julia is gonna come!


- Ethan.

- Mr. Emerson.

This is my sister Rachel

and her friend, Julianne.

Julia looks so beautiful,

right, Gabriel?

Really, really gorgeous.

Please, Rachel,


Isn't she beautiful?

You both look fine.

So, how was your date with Paul?

It was really nice.

Are you gonna see him again?


Tomorrow he's taking me

to a double-feature

at the Film Festival,

and then afterward,

to Chinatown.

Is he cute?

He's handsome and kind.

He treats me like a princess.

Angel fucker.


What will it be ladies?

We'll have two Cosmos.

You'll love them.

A double shot of Laphroaig

25-year-old, neat, please.

And a small glass of

spring water, non-sparkling.

Only you could make

a drink pretentious.

It's single malt whiskey.

I'll let you try it

when it arrives.

RACHEL: We're gonna dance.

♪♪ (dance music plays)

I can't dance in these shoes.

Just move your body.

You look great, by the way.

My brother is an idiot.

She's with me.

I was fine.

And he was nice.

He put his hands on you.

We were dancing.

I tripped.

I didn't hear you

asking me to dance.

That would rather defeat

the purpose of watching,

don't you think?

I promised you a taste.


I insist.

Let me feed you.

I can feed myself.

Of course you can,

but why should you...

when I'm here to do it for you?


That's awful!

It tastes like a campfire.

That's the peat.

It's an acquired taste.

You might decide it's a

taste you want to acquire,

once you've tried it

a few times.

I doubt it.

And by the way, I'm a big girl.

I can look after myself,

so unless I ask for your help,

please leave me be.

Nonsense. Your naiveté

is hard to hide.

What's that supposed to mean?

Do I need to

spell it out for you?

You blush like a teenager.

And I can sense your innocence.

It's more than obvious

you're still a virgin, so...

stop pretending

to be anything else.

Especially in a place like this.





- Whoa!

- Sorry.

No problem.

Ladies bathroom?

Oh, it's on the other side.

Damn it.

Nah, I'm sorry,

I'm having, um...

text trouble.

Julianne, right?

Um, it's Julia, actually.

You don't happen to

speak Italian, do you?

I saw you came with Mr. Emerson,

so I kinda figured...

- Yes.

- Would you help me text something to my girlfriend?

She's Italian.

I'd love to impress her.

Gabriel's Italian is much better than mine.

You should ask him.

Are you kidding?

I don't want him anywhere near my woman.

So would you?


Mr. Emerson.


Why did you

give him your number?

He lives with a woman.

And now he's calling you Julia?

That's my name, Professor.

And I didn't give him my number.

I was helping him.

Dance with me.

Not a chance in hell.

Don't be so difficult.

I'm just getting started being

difficult with you, Professor.

Watch it.

Why don't you just stick

a knife in my heart

and get it over with?

Haven't you hurt me enough?


Am I so evil?

I have no wish to hurt you.

Will you do me the honor

of dancing with me?

I've been

a giant stronzo tonight.

Mi dispiace.

One dance.

♪♪ (Spanish jazz song plays)

(singing in Spanish)

I don't think

this is very professional,

us dancing.

I'm not being professional

at all with you tonight.

I only wanted to dance with

the prettiest girl in the club.

Don't make fun of me.

I'm not.

Your face is familiar.

Are you sure Rachel

didn't introduce us?

But you do

remind me of Beatrice,

from Holiday's painting.

Isn't it funny that you own it?


Your dress is lovely.

And those shoes are...


Rachel and Grace

are very generous.

Unlike me.

I never said that.

I was hungry and you fed me.

That was generous.

Promise me you'll tell me

if you're starving.

I won't let you starve.

I promise, but I'm okay.

I've had my fill of steak and...


I'll speak to the department

about increasing

your fellowship.

Really, I'm fine, Professor.

Thank you.

It's all right.

You can say it.

I was...

if you ever need someone

to talk to...

About Grace, I mean.

Not that it would be

very professional,

but I'll be around.

Um. Yeah, that's all.

Julianne, that's

a very kind offer.

Thank you.

I don't like to talk about

certain things,


I'll keep that in mind.

I've never danced

like this before.

Then I'm glad I'm your first.

What's wrong?

You have to stop

buying me things.

I may have picked it out,

but Gabriel's actually

the one who bought it.

What? Why?

Just open it.

It's Italian.

We both know you

and Gabriel have a thing.

For Italy.

I was not supposed to

tell you it was from him.

He would kill me if he

found out that I told you.

I don't need his charity.

It's not charity.

He hates your knapsack.

I have a lifetime guarantee.

I can just go get a new one.

This is way too expensive.

It's not like he's gonna

miss the money.

Professors don't make that much.

Julia. Gabriel's,

like, super rich.


So, you know my parents adopted

Gabriel when he was nine?

My mother found him wandering

a hospital in Sunbury.

His mother had just died.

Pneumonia, I think.

He was poor and starving.

My parents adopted him

after his family rejected him.

I'm so sorry, Rachel.

I didn't know.

So, a few years ago,

his biological father died,

and for some reason

left him a huge inheritance.

I think he's trying to

stick it to his old man

and spend the money faster

than it accumulates interest.

Gabriel pretends to be whole,

but deep down he hates himself.

I did tell him

to be nicer to you,

so I think his behavior

will improve.

He ignores me, mostly.

Uh, don't you notice

how he stares at you?

He does?

Gabriel has been

on the outs for so long.

He's finally letting me

back into his life.

If you refuse this bag he's

gonna know that I told you.


Okay. I'll take the bag.

For you.

Good. If you want,

you can pretend it's another

birthday present from me.

I don't really celebrate

my birthday anymore.


Have you heard from him?

Not since I changed my number.

I could run him over with my

car for what he did to you.

I wish Gabriel had taken

a page from your book

and learned a thing or two about

how to deal with heartbreak.

Can you watch over him for me?

If you see him start

to act strangely,

or if he gets

in trouble, call me?

With our mom gone,

I just... I worry about him.


I am so glad that you're around.

You can be his guardian angel.

So, Paul seems nice.

What does the "V" stand for?


You, uh, promise not

to tell anyone?

Of course!

It's Virgil.


You're studying to become

a Dante specialist,

and your middle name is Virgil?

Don't laugh.

It's a family name.

After my great-grandfather,

a dairy farmer from Essex, Vermont,

who I can guarantee you

never read Dante.

I think it's a beautiful name.

Little Rabbit.

Isn't this cozy?

Slumming with M.A.

students, Paul?

Two coffees, Christa?

Pulling an all-nighter?

Oh, you have no idea.

One for me and one for Gabriel.

Oh, Professor Emerson to you.

You've never called him

Gabriel to his face.

I dare you to do it

the next time you see him.

You dare me? Funny.

After our meeting, we'll probably

head over to Lobby for drinks.

He likes to go there after

work to, you know, unwind.

You're not his type.

Excuse me?

I said, don't believe the hype.

As if they'd let you in.


That's enough Christa.

I just meant you have to pass

some kind of

standard I.Q. test first.

And from what Gabriel says,

you're not very bright.

Oh, really?

And what else does Gabriel say?

Paul. Miss Mitchell,

you're looking smart, as always.

Miss Peterson.

Now, where were we?

I'm sorry.

I should never have kissed you.

It's okay.

I've wanted to kiss you

since the first

day I saw you, but...

Julia, the kiss doesn't

have to change anything.

Just think of it

as a moment between friends.

Would that make it better?

You've been nothing

but nice to me.

I'm nice to you

because I want to be.

Don't feel obligated to do

anything you don't want to do.

I'll be your friend

no matter what.

And if one day, you want more...

I'm not ready.

I know.

(sighs) Looks like Emerson's

giving Christa hell.

You should have given her hell

for how she talked to you.

I try not to lower myself

to her level.

I like to think goodness can

expose evil for what it really is.

Not that I think I'm good.

I don't think I'm good.

I'm not making any sense.

Of course, you're making sense.

We talked about this

in my Aquinas seminar.

Evil is its own punishment.


"Dear, Miss Mitchell,


you are the recipient

"of the M. P. Emerson Bursary

in the amount of $5000

per semester."


Shh, Julianne.

Julianne, it's just me.

What are you doing in my carrel?

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

I borrowed Paul's key.

I'm so sorry.

I'll get out of your way.

I'm sorry.

Julianne, it's all right.

You're welcome to be here.



Are you ok?

What happened?

I think you grew light-headed

when you stood up too quickly.

It's warm in here.

I don't mind you

using the carrel.

I'm glad Paul offered it.

Is he here?

He's at Princeton

presenting a paper.

Ah, yes, that's right.


That's a fine briefcase

you have.

Thank you.

There appears to be

something alive in it.

May I?


Oh, this is, um... nice.

R? Who is R?

It's a nickname.

Why not B?


Have you had dinner?


Join me?

Are you sure?

I am not the kind of person

who makes idle invitations.

If I invite you to dinner,

then I'm sure.

Now, are you coming or not?

You can talk about

your thesis proposal.

Thank you, Professor.

♪ So, in time ♪

♪ The color fades ♪

Their Caesar salads

are quite good,

as is their Neapolitan pizza.

But they're quite large.

Are you the type to share?

I mean, would you share with me?

Or order whatever you like.

Perhaps you don't like

pizza and salad.

I'd like to share with you.

Thank you.

Are you cold?

Thank you.



So, let's hear it.

I see the wheels turning

in that little mind of yours,

so out with it.

I can't accept these.

What makes you

think they're from me?

You can accept them.

And you will.

I don't think this is very

professional, Professor Emerson.

It looks like

you're trying to buy me.

Buy you?

If I wanted you at all,

I certainly wouldn't

have to buy you.

Watch it.

I meant...

you are not the type of woman

who could be bought, are you?

Why do you do that?

Provoke me?

I don't. I'm not...

You are my professor.

And your best friend's

older brother.

Can't we just be

Julianne and Gabriel

for an evening?

It might not

seem obvious to you,

but I'm trying to be human here.

You are?

You wish to be professional,

then act like it.

Accept the bursary,

like a normal grad student,

and be profoundly grateful.

I don't want to play Héloise

to your Abelard.

I would never seduce a student.

Then thank you.

Never be ashamed to accept a gift

when there are no strings attached.

Grace used to say that.

(cell phone vibrates)

Paulina, what is it?

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

I gotta go. I...

The waiter will

pack up your meal.

Good night, Julianne.

I'll see you on Wednesday.

If I'm still here.


- Hey, Ethan.

- Hey.

First of all, thanks for helping me

with my girlfriend the other day.

I scored major points.

Glad I could help.

I could use your

help again, though.


Give me your cell.

- No, actually, it's Mr. Emerson.

- What?

Ok, so he's inside, super drunk.

He does not do well

with getting cut off.

I need to get him into a cab,

so maybe you can come inside,

persuade him to leave?

I'll try.

He's with one of his students.

Yeah, not sure

what I can do about that.



Are you kidding me?

Don't they teach you how to

carry a tray in waitress school?


Miss Mitchell.

To what do I owe

this unexpected delight?

Can you help me get a cab?

I need to go home.

Of course.

Anything for you.

And I do mean anything.

But first, a drink.

I already have one!

Does it pair well with couscous?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't

make fun of your poverty.

It's past your bedtime.

You shouldn't be

in a place like this.

Time to get me home then.

JULIA: Okay.

After you.

On second thought, I can walk.

Then I have time

for another drink.

No! Let's go.

(elevator dings)


You picked me up,

you naughty little kitty.

I didn't pick you up,

I'm dropping you off.

And if you keep this up,

I will drop you.

Good night, Professor.

I've lost my keys.

But I've found my glasses.

I feel sick.

Come on, Professor.

Let's get you to bed.


What's so funny?

You, Miss Mitchell.

You're taking me to bed,

but you haven't even

kissed me yet.

Don't you think

we should canoodle first?

I haven't even had

a chance to pet you,

you naughty little kitty.

And you're a virgin, aren't you?

You've never canoodled

a day in your life.

I'm taking you to your bedroom

so you can sleep it off.

- Now come on.

- Then kiss me good night,

and I'll go to bed

like a good little boy.

Please don't hurt me.


Beautiful Julianne.

Sweet like candy.

I'm sorry, Julianne.

I'm sorry I was a bad boy.

It's all right.

Come on.





(vomiting continues)

Are you gonna be

all right for a minute?

(Gabriel grunting, retching)

(Gabriel panting)

Gabriel, you've

thrown up all over yourself.

Do you want to

stay like this or...

Let me.


Please don't leave me.

I'm not going leave you.

Sleep now.

Ti amo, Dante.

Eccomi Beatrice.

(cell phone vibrates)



Who the hell is this?

Who's this?

It's Paulina.

Put Gabriel on.

He's, um,

indisposed at the moment.


Listen you little slut,

roll him over and put the phone

in his hand, I'm calling from...

Please call back tomorrow.

(hangs up)


You found me.

You remember?

I thought you had forgotten me.


I missed you so much.

I should have waited.

I love you.

I love you so much, it hurts.

"I'd given up hope,

until you looked

"into my eyes last night

and finally saw me.

"Apparuit iam beatitudo vestra.

Your Beatrice."

What the hell are you doing?


I asked you a question!

What the fuck are you doing

in my clothes?

Don't you remember last night?

No, thankfully I don't!

And get the fuck up

off that floor!

Don't you dare speak to me

like that, you lousy drunk.

Who the fuck

do you think you are?

I should have let

Gollum have you!

I should have let you

fuck her brains out

in front of everyone

on top of the bar at Lobby.

What are... What are you

talking about?

Hau ab! Verpiss dich!

How did you learn

to swear in German?

Bite me, Gabriel!

What are you doing?

What does it

look like I'm doing?

I'm getting the hell

out of here before I take

one of your stupid bow ties

and strangle you with it!

Who's Gollum?


I saved you from fucking her!

Did you and I have sex?


In your dreams.

That's not an answer.

Of course you would have to

be drunk to want to fuck me.

Who said anything about fucking?

Whatever happened,

consider yourself lucky you don't remember.

Julianne, just please...

tell me... tell me

I wasn't rough with you.

You didn't hurt me.

You wanted someone to put you

to bed and keep you company.

You were actually

more of a gentleman last night

than you have been this morning.

I think I like you better

when you're drunk.

Julianne, I think

very highly of you.

You're beautiful,

you're innocent and sweet.

But what happened

last night can't happen again.

I apologize for kissing you.

Oh, that?

I'd forgotten all about it.

It was nothing.

I'm just glad I didn't hurt you.

You hurt me.

You hurt me.

Why did you sign the note

the way you did?

You begged me to come after you.

To look for you in Hell.

Well, that's exactly

where I found you,

and you can stay there

for all I care.


You were my first kiss.

I fell asleep in your arms

in your precious orchard.

Beatrice, wait! Wait!

Wait! Beatrice!

I'm not your Beatrice anymore.
