Fuyu no kappa (1994) - full transcript

ITO Akiko

CHO Bang-ho

Make yourself at home.
I'll put the kettle on.


KUNO Makiko

When will you move to my place?

Whenever. I have plenty of time.

Let's go. I'll take you home.

TANABE Seiichi


It's been a while.

- What is it?
- Forget about it.

Takeshi, I thought you were out.
Hello Tamako.

This is our cousin, Sakeko.
Be nice to her, will you?


Will you have tea with us first?

- Well...
- No, we must go.

Ichitaro, the car keys...?
I'm taking her home.

Thank you.
Let's go, Tamako.


You look funny.
Changed somehow.

SUZUKI Akihiko

Production Design:

Co-Producer: NISHIDA Nobuyoshi
Producer: NISHIMURA Takashi

Director: KAZAMA Shiori


You haven't lost your touch.
- I try.

- One more étude?
- No thanks.


Will all of this soon be gone?
- Uh.

Dad is selling the land, and the
house will be demolished.

I hear they are going to build
old people's homes all over.


We ought to feel relieved.


I'm glad you came to help. We've
no time to clean the place out.

Right, Tsuguo?


I didn't know Takeshi came back.

Haven't I told you?

Takeshi is late.

Yes, he's having dinner
at Tamako's place.

Where are you going?
- I need to pee.

What's the matter with her?

Great, isn't she?

Here Tsuguo, your drive.
- Okay.

Sakeko, you get in here.

Down to the fiver we go...

Takeshi, we're leaving.

Down to the fiver we go...

Let's go down to the river.

A little more practice.
- Yes sir.

What is your new place like?
- Very pretty.

- I'd love to go and see it.
- Me too.

Let's play it once more.

Do you come up here often?
- Only if the weather is nice.

Today is a strange day.


Takeshi and I used to climb up
here a lot when we were kids.


What about Ichitaro?
- What about him?

He was so much older.
Always practicing the piano.

We hardly hung out together.


Hey, Sakeko.

Are you coming?

Do you really enjoy playing
Ichitaro's maid?

I don't care.
I'm free anyway.

You're just as carefree as ever.

- What are you up to these days?
- Me?

I'm not going much since I
dropped out of college.

I'm mighty hungry.
- Me too.

Could eat a horse.

When did you move back here?

Right after Dad moved to his
apartment beyond the station.

About 1 or 2 years ago now.

I was surprised...

I always thought you were living
on the coast with your Mom.

Why didn't you tell me?

You should have told me that you
were coming back.

I guess I just forgot.

Why did you come anyway?

Ichitaro, look what I found.

"First Prize: All Japan Piano
Student Contest."

You can burn all these.

You've seen them.

Give it back.

I burn some each day.

Don't tell anyone.

Dad called today and asked me to
clean out the storage room.

- Is that right?
- I want you to clean it.

- No way. Why me?
- Cause you're free all the time.

Look, my body may be idle, but
my heart and head are damn busy.

For once in your life you ought
to try and be nice to Dad.

You may not get another chance.
- Oh, shut up.

I'll help myself.


Will you pass me the soy sauce?

Something wrong with you guys?

- Why, no.
- Really?

Sakeko, you don't look so happy.
- She's acting weird all day.

That's because he showed me
his funny drawings.

What's this about?

They're dirty pictures,
aren't they Tsuguo?

I'm done eating.

You take better care, Tsuguo.
She's more naive than she looks.

Isn't she, Takeshi?
- You think so?

I'm sorry.

Thanks for washing up.

Go have a bath afterwards.

Are you still mad?
- What about?

Don't worry, whatever it is.

What do you mean?

Just be social.

Lay off.

You frighten me.

Good night.

What is it?
- Nothing.


the bath is yours now.
- Okay, thanks.

What do you want?
- Have you told him?

- Told him what?
- Have you told Ichitaro?

Don't talk nonsense, you fool.

- You'd shut up about my drawings.
- Let go.

I didn't tell anyone. Really.

- You're telling the truth?
- Sure. Simply ask him yourself.

Stop it, or I'll scream.

I'm in trouble if they find out.

Don't tell anyone, I beg you.


Eh... had a nice bath?
- Uh.

What's wrong?


Look, you had dust on your hair.

Good morning.
- Morning.

Good morning.


Yes... yes.

Hold on please.

Hello? Oh, hi Tamako.
Yeah it's me.

Oh really? But I thought you were
in the middle of exams.

You do, hey?

Tomorrow? Sure, I'm free.

What is it, Sakeko?

I saw a scary dream just now.
It frightened me.

I was walking in a pitch dark
forest, or some sort of cave.

There's water running. Suddenly,
this long arm reaches out...

and grabs me by the face.
- That's pretty scary.

I can still feel its touch here.

Kinda warm and soft.
All slimy and really disgusting.

This is how it grabbed me.

Sakeko, I've got to get this done.
Tell me about it tomorrow.

- What?

I need to go to the bathroom.

Sakeko dear, shall I lend you
my secret weapon?

Here you go.
Good luck.

Is Ichitaro working all night?
- Yeah, I think so.

On such a night he loves to get
Masons tea with plenty hot milk.

You must think I'm weird.

I must have been 17 when my mother
brought me to this house.

I was full of anxiety.

Then I heard someone playing
the piano. It was Ichitaro.

Since then I've always heard
the sound of his piano in my head.

I can sense that I'm getting
meaner day by day.

I've no hope, cause I love him.
- Don't say that.

What can I do?
I'm so confused.

Don't ask me, I don't know.

I've never liked anyone that way.

I envy you.

Hey, give me your hand.

Look how big my hands are.

Sakeko, thank you.

You're finally about to start?

I go out later to get some work done.
You clean out this place.

No way! I have a date today.

Just ask Sakeko to do it.

I would, but she's not in.
Haven't you seen her?

She's probably around somewhere.

Hey, Sakeko!


What the hell are you doing?

Eh.., I'm still sleepy.

What kinda girl are you anyway?

Where's Tsuguo?
- Out to work, maybe.

Hi there! You're back.
- I'm home.

What's the matter?

What is this supposed to mean?

Stop laughing.

Come back here.
- Stay away from me.

What on earth are you two doing?
Tsuguo, let go of her.

Sakeko messed up my painting.

- Oh, I'm the one who did that.
- You see? Bloody fool.

Stop it now.


Ichitaro, I...


Hold it right there. Let's keep
it nice shall we, Tsuguo?

Sakeko dear, put the kettle on.

Sakeko, I've had it.
This is the end.

What do you mean "It's the end"?

I'm off.

Sakeko, will you clean
out the storage room?

What? Me?

Right. You messed it up,
so I count on you.

Silly girl. You're so careless.

You do a lousy first aid.

Let's get it over with quickly.

I'm fed up with cleaning.

Come on, or you'll have
to stand my fart.

Hey, what is everyone doing
from next week?

Ichitaro said he'd be renting
an apartment somewhere.

Tsuguo will rent this single room
across from the station.

And you?


I'll manage somehow,
wandering about.


I'd swear you go back
to your Mom.

You're probably right.

So you'll be apart.

I thought you'd
be living together again.

- Forget it. It's not natural.
- Isn't it?

Where is everyone?

Remember when we're kids...

I used to stay during
summer vacation.

We would go fishing together.
- Uh.

One time we stayed really late.

Suddenly a boy and girl appeared
from the bushes, soaking wet.

They stood there and watched
us fishing, holding hands.

They wouldn't go home.
When I thought about it later...

I found it pretty weird for
them to be out there all alone.

I'm sure they were water imps.

Is that what happened?

I remember we two looked after
the house a lot, same as now.

I was afraid at night and didn't
dare to go to the toilet alone.

That's right. So we would hold
hands and go together.

You're no longer afraid now?

Nonsense. Of course not.

I'm still afraid.

You drive me nuts.

Looks like they're back.

What's the matter?

Come in.

You're freezing.
I'll bring you some tea.

- Yes?

I need to talk to you.

Hey, where are you going?

Where are you going?
- Seen Sakeko and Tamako?

- Sure, down by the river bank.
- Oh, no. Whereabouts?

Why not let them have it out?

How close are you and Takeshi?
- Oh, us? Well...

Close enough to have gone
to the toilet holding hands.

- I'm serious.
- I didn't say you weren't.

- What are you trying to do?
- I'm not trying to do anything.

Why don't you go back home and
quit meddling in our affairs?

Please don't take Takeshi away.
- You don't make any sense to me.

Don't walk away.

It hurts.

The water imp...

Do you mind?

Sakeko, come sit a bit closer.


Come, sit down here.

Now what?

Let's sleep together.

Tsuguo would hate this.

I'm off to bed.

Good night.

What's the matter?


You think water imps
prey on each other?

Stop it.

I'll undress myself.

Want a lift?

I'm going home.

Hey. Someone...


How is he?
- Okay. They say he'll live.

Sakeko, come out to play

Come and play with us.

Sa-ke-ko, come-and-play

Will you marry me?

How to put it? It feels like our
relationship has just started.

How can you say that?

I feel that this is the end.

That hurts.

I have to go shopping.

Come on, I want to play.

Let's play a little longer.

I'm sorry.

I can't play anymore.

Oh, it's you.

I finally found you.

What is it?

I've missed you, ever since you
moved away with your mother.

I've been looking for you
all this time.

I feel the same.

Just a while ago I met the water imps.

They wanted to play again.

Not that story again.

I've never seen them.

Who might that be?
- Oh, it's Tamako.

Let's go, Tamako.
- Go where?

Your place. I'll take you home.

- What, right now?
- Come on, let's go.

Aren't we moving your things?

Now what? What was the point
in my coming here?

- Won't you talk in the car?
- What for? What's the matter?

Let's get inside anyway.

What is it? I'll be back soon.

Who knows?

Will you make it quick?

You'll stay with her
from tomorrow, right?

That's right.

What'll you do about Sakeko?

What do you mean?

- What about Sakeko?
- How should I know? Lay off.

- Then I'll do it.
- What?

I'll ask her to marry me.

Don't be ridiculous.
Have you lost your head?

I guess I have.

But I've made up my mind.
I will marry Sakeko.

Do as you please.

Sakeko, dinner's ready.

She's dogged as the sun goddess
who refused to leave her cave.

Don't know what's got into her.

Give me that.
- What?

Your glass of course.

ITO Akiko as "Sakeko"

CHO Bang-ho as “Ichitaro“

WAKUTA Rijin as "Takeshi"

KUNO Makiko as "Tamako"

TANABE Seiichi as "Tsuguo"

Producer: NISHIMURA Takashi

Co-producer: NISHIDA Nobuyoshi

KAZAMA Shiori & OGAWA Tomoko

Photography: SUZUKI Akihiko

Editing: KAZAMA Shiori

Sound: SUZUKI Akihiko

Translation: Geert van Bremen

Special Acknowledgments to:
Jacinta Hin & Tony Rayns

Director: KAZAMA Shiori

Subtitles with support from:
The Japanese Foundation