France Inc. (1974) - full transcript

In the year 2222, a former drug dealer is kept in a state of hibernation. Reanimated, he tells his story. Leader in the narcotics market, his situation was prosperous until, during a political change, the government legalized its use.


Museum of Chemistry
France Inc. Foundation

Tuesday, February 22, 2222

I'll leave you.

You lived at the
end of the last century?


The 1970's.

We had discovered
a wonderful word:


available to all.

All out aggression.

And yet, did nobody
try to break out of it?

We'd say "escape"
rather than "break out of it"

And I was most directly
concerned, you'd correctly assume.

For those ones...


we could sometimes
deflect it,

sometimes consume it.

I saw you...
I saw you throw her out.


It's awesome.

The excess.

The spectacle.

Everyone watches everyone.

It's the revolution.

In the end, they
were the pioneers.

They blazed trails for
a great reconciliation.

And you? What were
you doing at the time?

Since I'd eliminated
all my competition,

almost every distribution channel
in France had to deal through me.

New Order - Not Dead

Looks good. The car is there,
everything seems calm.

Hold on just one second!

Let's make sure
no one forgot anything.

Heroin, 45 kilos, 98% pure.

Origin: Josef Sedira refinery.
Two exits: one front, one back.

Pipeline: Marseilles,
Argentina, Paraguay,

Colombia, Bolivia, Panama
Mexico and California.

- Alright, go ahead.
- Ciao.

Stop! Hands in the air!
You're trapped!

It's a mistake!
This isn't my car!

I got the wrong car!

Those bastards!

- Crap!
- Idiot!

This can't be real!

This can't be real!

That's when an era
of strangeness began.

It started with a disagreement
within the board of directors.

One of the most
powerful of Europe.

Thanks to collusion
by a few members,

they secretly
financed my drug business.

No. Impossible.

If the Americans move in to
control everything here on site,

nothing will guarantee
our independence.

We should refuse.

But what can you refuse
to an exclusive client?


What do you mean

Excuse me. Interference...
Radio France Inter.

How long have they been exclusive?

Nothing's official yet, it's a
reciprocal commercial treaty.

They set us up!
A scam to buy us back!

You're exaggerating.
It's a matter of limiting risk.

You can see what
those Americans want!

It's clear what's
behind this all.

"Behind all this."

You spoke of risk of
accidents...which accidents?

Gentlemen, there's
no need for drama,

I propose we delay this
discussion to our next meeting, hm?

Hey, I didn't get an answer.

You'll get an answer,
rest assured.

I was living on the fly,

The idea of owning a real
home always made me panic.

What did you do
with your money?

- I financed a few orphanages.
- Oh? Nice...

Listen! We don't all
deal drugs just for the money!

It can also be a calling.

Good evening.


I'm very worried.

The Americans are
becoming more invasive.

Now it's certain they
want to buy it all back.

Buy what back?

10 or so different corporations.

What does that
have to do with us?

By coincidence, these
same 10 cover our financing.

Don't get upset.

I'm not getting upset.

I control all heroin
imports in France.

I could cut them
off at any time.

They represent
80% of our clientele.

Exactly. They won't
resist a prolonged famine.


Anyhow, we'll need new
capital as quickly as possible,

and that's just not
practical right now.

Ha, well that's your problem.

A few days later, a man they
call the Brazilian contacted me.

He was the Americans'
right-hand man in France.

Orders usually
came through him.

Aww, is this a war or what?

Let us do our job
and it'll be fine.

It'll be the exception
that proves the rule.

What's it to you, asshole?

Always the snappy comeback!

Walking backwards can be learned.

And kneeling with a gun to
your head, want us to teach you?

- No.
- Well.

He's coming!

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

I have unpleasant
things to say to you.

That's alright.
So do I.

He doesn't give a damn.

Go back with the others.

But boss, it's dark, we can't
even see where you are.

Go back with the others.

So there.

I was told people lose their heads
in finance, so listen carefully...

Here's what you'll
tell your friends:

- They're not my friends.
- Business associates, then.

Tell them they can have
playtime with financiers,

But with me
it will be different.

This time they're
serious about a cleanup.

A cleanup...why?

Everything is going fine.

You shoot at the cops,

you make new changes
almost every day,

and you think
everything is fine?

- That's routine.
- Listen...

That's in the past.

Old methods no longer work.

My arrival has nothing
to do with a gang war.

It's no good for your health to
scuffle in every little corner.

So what is it good for?


Sex with your
sister, I'm afraid.

Try to be reasonable.

Nobody wants you out,
they just want your cooperation.

This is an
ambitious operation!

Martians go home!


We'll have to attack
on all fronts at once.

You saw him?

Yes, yesterday.

He's taking it personally.
He didn't even want to listen.

Well then, we'll
take care of him.

Zorro had arrived,

and the waltz of the bigwigs...

was beginning.

It's dry.

Ah, thank you.

Could we have a few
more explanations please?

Is this contract
not clear to you?

- You neither?
- It's clear to me!

Are you familiar with
our folklore madam?

So it's a merger...

But why let ourselves be bought
back so easily by the Americans?

I know I won't sign
such a thing.

I'll wait at home for more
explanations. Miss, please.

Happy signing, gentlemen.

-The young lady is in
the living room. - Ah.


This is worth big money.

Your turn now.

Perfect! Well done!

Now, we can move on
to serious things.


What do you think
you're doing?

We'll need to search your house.
We got a tip. It's not up to me.

We'll work as
quickly as we can.

Excuse me.



Here's a recent photo of the
trafficker arrested earlier.

An industrialist who claims to know
nothing about heroin seized in his home.

Why him?

I didn't even know him.

Exactly. They chose him to start.
Someone who knows nothing.

So he can spill nothing.

Just an example
for the others.

A warning.

And that woman who just arrived?
What is she in all this?

Difficult to know for sure...

She seems rather quiet.

A good mother.

We should kill 'em all.

They asked me for
a meeting tomorrow.

Let's hear them out.

Oh sure! We sit waiting and
they just offer proposals.

Alright, I'll call you tomorrow night.

Why don't you answer him?
He asked you a question.

What question?

I don't know, ask him.
You always act like he's not there.

- That's it, I'd prefer he wasn't.
- I am here!

Listen, you're free to
work with whomever you want.

Plainly, this has
become much too serious.

We can't keep playing
cowboys and Indians.

- Am I a cowboy or an Indian?
- Be quiet.

You didn't understand that
you were asking dumb questions?

Are you trying to scare me?

What are you getting at?

- We trust you.
- Not me.

Don't worry. I'll explain
to him why we can trust you.

Is it serious?

I might be, yes.

Oh my! You shouldn't
get yourself worked up.

About 49 billion francs profit
in the American market alone each year.

Such sums become
incompatible with secrecy.

- Where are we going?
- The machine room.

Can you guess what is
inside these containers?

- Bananas? Dishtowels?
- Dollars.

Bank paper. An exchange
closes, a transfer error...

and this falls into our lap.

So what?
It's not so bad.

Ah, you think so?

Tell me what you would do
with this big pile of paper.

I'd pass it off in Switzerland.

Once it's in Switzerland, then what?

I try to re-invest it.

Until the day when, for whatever
reason, someone asks where it came from.

It can't be helped.
All this money is illegal.

- What if it were legal?
- Say what?

- If this money were legal?
- I don't understand.

Suppose we legalize all drugs.

Legalize? You're kidding?

Not at all.

Prohibition was useful
in its first stage.

Now we have the
means to go further.

And take over control of
it all while you're at it?

The old traffickers are
irresponsible and so inept.

We no longer need them.

Don't count on me
to become your employee.

What a country!

Shouldn't you be in school?


Concerned for my education?

I tried your contract,
don't ask me for any more.

And don't try the
planted packet trick...

Because I'd have
some things to spill!

He's all yours,
good evening.

Good evening.

Get out of my car.
Who are you?

- Start the car.
- No chance.

So? You don't frighten me...

- But you're crazy!
- Easy, just start the car.

Easy! Easy!

Why are you trying to put
new networks into place?

Some what?

Leave me alone!

One: You tell us
your financing plan.

Two: You pack your bags.

Financing plan...what
are you talking about?

Help me. Quickly! I'll die!

Just enough time, if
you talk quickly, of course.

Alright. OK.

That's all, it's all I know.

It's enough.

Hurry, get me to a doctor.

Sorry. That isn't the plan.

He slit his wrists only hours
after the manhunt began.

This affair is likely related to the
arrest of another industrialist...

a few days ago.
- Kill the TV, will you?

That's not what I meant.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry.

I'm glad your
reflexes are still sharp.


I don't see what they
all have against drugs.

After all, they only kill
a few hundred people a year,

that's nothing, compared to alcohol, or...
- You don't understand anything...

- It's all marketing.
- What?

Oh right, I get it.

We're seeing the first
results of a vast dragnet.

Security has now been
tightened at all borders.

Let us hope this police
team fishing expedition,

along with their American
colleagues, will be bountiful.

See that? I'm sure...
They seem incompatible...

Good day. Sit down.
We've finished.

That's how it ends,
it won't test well at all.

We can ask the computer,
then we'll know better.

OK, let me know the results.

Yes, alright.
Good day, sir.

What is this thing?

You know, good
commercials are rare.

We need novelty,
especially for what we'll be selling.

You're really on the
side of freedom aren't you?


Yes, that's it.

How far have you gotten?

I've managed to control
almost all of his teams.


Now he'll have to
move everything himself.

And he won't get help.

Careful, don't let up on him.

We'd have no way to recuperate
the imports and refineries.

Don't worry.

Fear is like sex:

It can be used to advantage.

What is it now?

- Is there a problem?
- Tell him to let go, he's crazy!

What happened?

He doesn't want
to buy anymore!

He nearly ran off
while I phoned you.

Of course I did!
He started punching me!

Let him go!

Stop it!

Damn it all! Damn!

Calm down, let him explain.

Why don't you want to buy?

You found better elsewhere?

No, not at all. It's just we'd
rather...the situation was clearer...

What situation?

I sell, you buy, it's quite clear.

Listen, there are rumors...

- Word is you're alone now.
- You're pissing me off.

- Talk with him then...
- No! OK. I'll buy.

Hell, if it was my guys,
they'd wait until I left, no?

Who even knows anymore?

These are not cop tactics.

Then we should get out.

Which car
has the merchandise?

- Third one up there.
- Let's go.

Hey! Wait for me!

What now?

What can we do? We open the
the doors, get in and bust through.

- Sure, we'll all be killed.
- You can stay if you like.

Very good. I hope he'll
get the message this time.

Madam? It's 10 P.M.
the mail is done, may I leave?

Of course, see you tomorrow.

Before, I lived like
a sheep in a herd.

My day-to-day
life was terrible.

- OK?
- It's fine.

Then one day...

And ever since...

At last I am a man.


Sure, but don't you think
it's too...too puerile?

Puerile? Not at all.

In advertising...

Good evening.

Good evening.
How are you?

Not very well.

Remain seated!

This was not very smart.

She will follow
me without resisting.

You're kidnapping her?
But why?

Let's say it's the only
means of pressure I have left.

You really don't understand
a thing do you? Listen to me...

And you'll have to quickly
make up your mind.

Imagine what could happen in
your great country if supply is cut off.

Come on, let's go.

No funny business!

Promise me you
won't hurt her at least.

That'll depend on you.

One second then.

What do we do next?

You, nothing. Let me work
in peace and she'll soon return.

- No funny business!
- You said that already.

- No funny business!
- A bit to your right.

Hello, it's me.

The hysteria has begun.
You may proceed as planned.

The others too.

No, don't worry,
you won't stay long.

See you soon.

Good. Another rape.

Hello? Is this the
number to report people?

Good. There's a strange man
in a car on the street...

His music is so loud
that we can't sleep.

He must be on drugs,
it's not possible!

Yes, General DeGaulle Street.


Oh, damn...


Turn it down you savage!

Stop it.

Turn it off right now!

You called the cops didn't you?

You piece of garbage!

Thank you for calling us.

Pass by the station
tomorrow any time.

It's no problem, sir.

News of the providential capture
of an international drug smuggler...

known as The Brazilian. His arrest,
along with others in a sweeping raid...

Has left underworld
leaders on the run...

Police now hope interrogations
will lead to the kingpin...

of the few who
control heroin in France.


That's our last one.

They got what they deserved.


You think this is good for us?


One: Our financiers disappear.

Two: The Brazilian gets arrested.

Three: Our regular teams are in jail.

Conclusion: Why would
our dealers still trust us?

But it isn't our fault!

Take a trip to Marseilles,
then you'll understand.

What? They refuse to deliver?

I couldn't even find a contact.

Good thing we
grabbed her kid then.

Sure, that's it.

I don't want to go to jail...

- Me neither.
- Then we must do something.

What will we do?

Sleep on it and think.

We can't think any more
than we already have!

- Say...she never sleeps?
- No!

Doesn't eat, doesn't want
to move from her couch...

At night I have to stay here,
it's really creepy to see her

watching me, eyes
wide open in the dark.

They're truly a
special breed of people.

Bah...she'll get used to it.

I hope so...poor kid.


Well, she's nothing in all this,
it hurts me to see her go hungry.

OK, I'm going to bed.

See you tomorrow.

Good night.

What's with you?

What? Hungry? Is that it?

Hungry? Food? Miam miam?

Fantastic! Over here,
we don't feed people hot dogs.

What's going on?

Hey...what happened?

Damn it, answer me!

Oh my god.



Oh my god.

Not sure, maybe
some sort of fit.

What did you do to her?

Nothing at all, I swear!

Then what did you try to do?

Nothing! When I came out,
she was lying over there.

I don't understand.

You don't understand why
she was lying there? Is that it?

But I didn't touch her, I swear!

Go ahead.

What are you waiting for?

I thought you
were cured of this.

I didn't do anything.

Shut up, you're making it worse.

What are you doing?

I'm phoning her mother.



What's wrong?
Are you alright?

As if something could go wrong.

Well then good,
please continue.

I had to decide to
swallow my pride. Damn...

This isn't easy to retell.

It was sweet of you
to buy her a dress,

- but you shouldn't have.
- I know.

It seemed to make her so happy.

Don't you find it depressing here?

Think so? I really like it.

It brings back good memories.

Let's go have a drink.

Why do you drink that crap?

To be full of gas and refreshed
if there's war with the U.S.

You know it gives you cancer?

No. Why isn't it banned then?

Just before he died, Walt Disney,
only great modern U.S. visionary, said:

"Tomorrows' politics can be
boiled down to two things:"

"Prohibit or permit",
and only the weak prohibit.

Who are you exactly?
Where do you come from?

C.I.A., Wall Street or the Mafia?

And you?
Who do you speak for?

We have to enact as quickly
as possible the legalization

of all chemical substances.

What you still call "drugs" here.

What do you need me for?

Any revolution needs a king, and
papers call you King of Heroin.

- Perfect, isn't it?
- That's called a scapegoat.

If you say so.

We'll provide you with
merchandise for a time...

Sell it like you did before.

We're only asking you
to play your usual role.

What could be easier?

- Go talk somewhere else, damn!
- What's with this guy?

If you don't like music, get out!

Bah! It's just accordion.

Good evening.
Let's hurry.

Of course.

Don't spit! Do that
in your own car?

- This is real garbage!
- And prices are double.

What?! No way!

In that case...

Take it easy.

Look out front.

Be careful, they're jonesing
and will do anything for their fix.

I was right to be wary.

Start selling guys out to cops,
then you're capable of anything.

I never ratted on anyone.

Ohh, you're making me sad.

What do we do?

I pay regular price, take the car, and
that's the last time we see each other.

And you hand over your weapon.

- Do I shoot him in the face?
- No. Do what he says.

Then we'll all die.

No, just take it from him.

He understood.

Here then, it's
all there, let's go.

Take it easy now.

No heroics, we're leaving.

What's going on?

You see as well as I do.


What a moron!

Wait for me!

Tranquilizers and stimulants
are already part of daily life

but results are mediocre.

We need a real cure.

The only one possible is joy.
Pleasure. Euphoria.

All these things that are
only dangerous to society

if they're prohibited

We must make quality of life

You're very persuasive.

Yet the government believes
public opinion isn't quite ready.

One question: What to do
when the economically weak

want to taste the
forbidden fruit at any cost?

You're risking civil war.

Maybe. But for the time being...

For the time being?

Listen. Last night a drug
addict was killed in the streets.

This morning we find three
stiffs killed by heroin,

cut with 80% rat poison.

Well, this is what we
must stop right away.

Illegality is disorder.

Excuse me.

Ah yes, put him through.

Tell me, what's this joke?
What did you have me sell exactly?

Rat poison? Three guys are dead now.
How does that make me look?


Not before tonight.

Alright, see you later. communication...

...nothing works in this damned...
...nothing works!

My god, it's...
dial tone withdrawal.

Will you give me a dial tone?

Will you give me a dial tone?!!

Hey? You think this is funny?


So? You can't seem
to stop playing at war?

Give me time to learn.
My first time selling rat poison.

If I'd warned you,
you wouldn't have sold it.

Ah? You think?

Rest assured, from now on,
it will all work automatically.

We've already
centralized everything.

And what do we say?

You want me to say "thank you"?

That would be polite, no?

Listen, you gave us no gift.
This was in an unbelievable mess.

I live by a personal code.

In the end,
I really like you.

- Me too, we're alike.
- Not at all.

I can be replaced.
Nothing depends on me personally.

You're much too modest.

Any outfit depends
on its leadership.

You'd have preferred losing to
someone stronger, eh?

Nothing is so bad if it leaves
someone to respect. Is that right?

I don't understand what...

Damn it.

...the pass goes up the right side...

...oh, that's incredible...

...yes, penalty on the field...



It isn't safe to
stay alone at night,

in an isolated place.

Bring him over this way.

- I'll leave him on the couch.
- Good idea.

Why do you laugh?

I spit even better
than you do.

That's true,
you're improving.

- Know what's in this?
- I don't give a damn!

It's what I bought from you.

What you stole, you mean.

Oh damn!!!

He sells rat poison but
still dares to talk back.

Rat poison?

Ever seen someone
with poison in his veins?

But I didn't know!

Worst thing is,
that's probably true.

Someone's trying
to ruin our reputation.

And they're succeeding.

Haha, you're funnier than I am.

Maybe so.

Say, maybe he'd
like a snack too?

I'm trying to get information.

You're chicken.

Well...I need my revenge.
Let's go!

We could sterilize
it for him first?

Understand...our image with
our clients...the ones we have left.

Shut up, let me die in peace, damn!

As you wish.

Hello, paramedics?

Another victim of
the killer heroin...

With this growing massacre,
the public is demanding answers...

To see more clearly,
we've gathered a panel of experts...

- Gentlemen, the floor is yours...
- My children, the question now is not...

how to fight
against drugs, but...

For a parrot chorus,
this is better than opera!

You know quite well,
overproduction is out of control.

We need to sell other things
besides material products.

It's urgent that we
work less, pollute less...

Most importantly, pharmaceutical
industries promise to pay for daycare,

and hospitals for
the worst drug cases.

That's enormous progress.

What have alcohol producers
done to help alcoholics?

Not much, truth be told.

So you see?

There he is.

- Your card.
- What card?

It's Saturday, you
need your weekend card.

Weekend card?

Ration card, if you prefer.

Rationing what?

Anti-traffic jam rationing.

You're only allowed
one weekend a month.

No card, then you
must turn around.

Someone always trying
to beat the system, eh?

Don't back up!

Take the service exit.


And this is why the youth
wish to live communally...

Yes, and this recalls the
monasticism of early Christianity,

which was itself a rebellion.

Chemical experience then
doesn't necessarily lead to revolt?

Timothy Leary said, "LSD is the
blessed host of modern times."


Then we'll hold a referendum.

"Yes" or "No" to legalization.

You've adopted the
common sense solution.

The only one possible, really.

Thanks to you,
I can go home now.

I was going to suggest that.

We Europeans really, really,
value keeping our independence.

Someone's here.
Is that the guy?

Hello, how's it going?

Don't go! We're alone.

Stop! We need you!

Thanks, I know that.
Courtesy of you, by the way.

No, that's all over.

Doesn't seem so,
since you're back.

Easy, let me explain.
I was used just like you.

Except you were
with them against me.

I was with no one.

They needed me
for a short time.

They wanted it to look like
a break down around you.

That you were isolated.

That's why they asked
to put me in jail,

promising to release
me right away.

They were happy
to be rid of me.

You're a hero!
You can be our figurehead!

Leave me alone!

No, you fought alone against
chemistry, and then gave up, bravo.

Now you should get hip.
Get with the program.

We need your experience
just like we need his.

Listen. We're putting together
a protest movement against...

The legalization of
maximum capitalist profit.

Compulsory heroin,
planned excess, it's crap...

Who is this guy?

Go get the car.
I'll talk to him.

OK, but if he's stubborn,
he can go fuck himself.

We're just proposing using
your name to your advantage.

What advantage?

Taking your place in
an emerging market.

Nobody can afford
to compete with them!

Sure, we just need to
choose our terrain.

The counterculture!

Ever heard of it?

- So have we decided?
- That guy pisses me off.

Be quiet, he's the son
of a high-placed official.

He can be useful.

Come, we'll show you our plans.

You can be very certain...

When a government
says to take it to the limit,

they're talking heroin of death,
they're thinking genocide!

Careful! They want to
inject napalm into our veins.

Hippies! Yippies!
Marginals from all countries!

Unite! Remain outlaws!

Our drugs are not their drugs!
Our heights not their heights!

Fly! Fly ever higher!

Don't get bogged down in shit
by their sterile syringes!

Chemical War has been declared!



And how will you
broadcast this?

Listen to this:
Chemical Needs - A First Accord

We announce the creation of
an international committee,

led by an American woman,
a pioneer of legalization,

a woman from the race
who influenced an entire era.

Here we go. They found
a woman for the times.

But of course!

That's what we'll do!

We simply kill her.
We take out their heads.

We make an example of her,
to show the world our existence.

It's the best publicity possible.
Plus, I really feel like it.

She disrespected
me too much.


This is my first public speech,
I won't talk too much about myself.

- You know me.
- Louder!

I was a trafficker,
I no longer am one.

I was an outlaw,
I decided to remain one!

My past you can read in newspapers.
But you won't read the lesson I learned:

We must unmask them
before it's too late!

Today, I want to destroy
the image of me they created.

Our image too!

They called me "gangster" to
have you believe they were against me.

When in fact, I was
working directly for them.

- And they could remain "honest folks".
- We are all the underworld!

We are all the underworld!
We are all the underworld!



The French no longer need
to risk their lives on roads.

At home, in front of
their TVs, in all safety,

Chemistry will bring
intense, enriching joys.

This use of chemicals by powers
is no more no less than fascism.

Leisure civilization
must become a reality.

Yes to legalization!
Vote Yes in the referendum!

When people are asked to answer
"Yes" or "No" things become complicated.

- What are our means of action?
- Any means.

He showed us the way.

Provocateurs scream "Death!"

Legalization's goal is
actually an end to the underworld.

The referendum "Yes"
is a "No" to disorder.

Their final goal is control
of society via pharmaceuticals.

Stop material growth!

No to anti-angst pills.
Down with anti-revolt shots.

Let's return to spiritual values.

Let's build a society that
satisfies men's fundamental needs.'s...fundamental...needs.

Good. I'm going to bed.
See you tomorrow.

OK, I'll check the proofs.
This must go out tomorrow.

- Oh, it's you. Going home?
- Yes, yes.

- You want me to walk you?
- No, don't bother. 'Til tomorrow.

Major screw up!
Oh shit!

He's been kidnapped!

- What? Who?
- Him!

- Some guys threw him in a car.
- See who it was?

They didn't look like cops.

fancy car and everything.

Damn it, I think
I know what this is.

Oh damn!

Hello? Give me
extension 22 please.

Hello? Yes? Ah,
good evening unworthy son.

Yes, that's right.

Don't worry, we're
not going to eat him.

There. He just walked in.
Want to speak with him?

As you wish.
Good night unworthy son.

Ah, call your mother some day,
if it's not too much hassle.

- Pleasure.
- What's with these procedures?

- Please sit down.
- No thanks, I'm in a hurry.

- As you wish.
- Why did you kidnap me?

First to congratulate you,
and then to make a proposal.

We'll help you.

We want to give you the means
to continue on a larger scale.

We'll need people like you to save
the revolutionary image of drugs.

To sell a product,
we must make it exciting.

If they're not illegal, drugs risk being
thought of as dish soap or toothpaste.

You want me to work for you?

We need opposition,
using taboos quickly wear thin.

My god.
My god! My god! My god!

And I guarantee, you'll
remain completely free.

- What if I refused? Publicly?
- Fantastic!

It's a great idea
to begin your campaign!

So we'll pretend to accept,
and wait until we're stronger,

- then hop! We'll overtake them.
- You...

It took only 50 idiots applauding,
for you to lose your head in all this.

- What does this mean?
- What does this mean?

It means if they
paste us in all the

newspapers and
on TV we're fucked.

You understand?

Are you stupid? You want to stop
when we can take a big step forward?

Take a social promotion, you mean?
Co-opted movements cannot grow.

So then?
What will you do?

Self-immolation in
Place de la Concorde?

- Perhaps, yes.
- You're doing what they hoped.

They're hoping we'll help them.

Helping them isn't giving
your blessing, in the end.

You're just a piece of shit
fucking rich daddy's boy.

Back to work.

This shitty referendum
is the day after next.

Here we go, at this moment
across the country, polls are opening.

We'll begin with breaking news:
The RALF, the Revolutionary Addicts...

who paradoxically waged a passionate
campaign against drug legalization,

has just disbanded.

Now a few scenes
of the voting in France.

New communiqu?: The RALF has now
become RAF: Revolutionary Addicts Front

"This is only the beginning!"

Excuse me...We thank the voters
for their frank, overwhelming "Yes".

The new law will be put to
the Senate in the coming days.

Our apologies, the RAF leader refused
comment saying only, "TV is for idiots."

- Did you clean it after?
- Well, yeah.

Oh, don't take
that harried tone.

- If you don't, then I have to.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Dad?
- Uhh?

When can I shoot up too?

- You know, it's not a good habit.
- You're one to talk.

But I know what I'm doing.
I can quit at any time.

- I've got willpower.
- Willpower! Ah...

Stop needling me, will you?
Just watch your TV!

Hashbang: The hash of
guerrillas of the future!

The hashish of savage rebels.

- Hey, don't smoke it all!
- Leave her alone, she needs this.

This sucks! I'm sure
she's just faking it!

Will you be quiet?!
Calm down OK?

Oh! More shooting!

Here's part 2 of our series on the
troubled, heroic time of Prohibition.

Can Queen Heroin stand up
to Prince Amphetamine?

Good, very good. Buddha
butt-fucking Papa Mao.

Bernadette of Lourdes naked.

Millet's Angelus.

What's this tranced-out tribe?

- Australian aborigines.
- Really?

Well very good. Very good.

It will be tough to decide
between these great ad ideas.

- Well that's your job.
- True, it is my job.

If I had to rely on you idiots,
we could put the key under the mat.

Aww, why say that?
That's not very nice.

You're mocking me.

Don't get upset.
You don't like our ideas?

Ideas? You dare call those ideas?
Buddha, Angelus, aborigines?

Why not add pop music?

Or environmentalists?
That would be a new twist.

Listen, you shouldn't
belittle us like that.

My god.

The most demented horoscope writer
wouldn't want brains like yours.

- I don't need to listen to this.
- Stay there!

Can't deal with guys
who think they're boss.

Stay there I said!

Stay there!

Stop it!

- Stop, you're hurting me.
- Let go of him!

That guy's a menace,
they should lock him up.

- What's with you?
- I don't know, I'm burned out.

- I'm sick of this stupid job.
- Relax then, take a vacation.

- Yeah, he can go get cured!
- Leave him alone!

No, he's right,
you're both right.

I'm going for a break.

Orchestra seat.

Move out, old fool!



Can't read the sign?

It's truly a world where
we can't travel in peace.

Stay home and watch TV
if you want peace and quiet.

Yeah right.

The rules are for everyone.

Hey there!

Stop that!

Police! I was right
to keep an eye on you!

Graffiti's prohibited by Law 42.

Ah!...Well then...

- That will cost you!
- I don't have any money!

Then you can
explain at the station.



Even in prison they
wouldn't leave me alone.

A few years later
they came to get me.

Seems I was a unique example
with many tales to recount.

They must enjoy hearing my talks
because they made it so I can't die.

I even missed out on that.

They wouldn't let me die.

Even today, they keep me in formol
so I can speak when someone wishes.

God damned chemistry!

The film you have just seen was
brought to you by Cool Hero Heroin.

The first mint heroin.

Cool Hero...It's really...Wow!

In memory of
Jayne Mansfield

Subtitles: eunoia
(KG - SC - FreakyFlicks)

Subs dedicated to Radio McGill
No Committee 1986