Für eine Nacht... und immer? (2015) - full transcript

Excuse me is this seat free?

-Of course
-May I?

It didnt crack

-The top...it didnt crack

Where did you buy it from?

At the kiosk in the station

I wouldnt drink it..its not good

No worries..I have a bad stomach anyway

Dont drink it

May I?

If it turns blue you dont want to touch it

Its not okay to drink

I have ginger tea

Did you test it?
Of course

Where are you going?
I am going to Piran

Do you know slovenian?
Only enough to say thank you

You learn quickly
That was vodka

What have you got there in your bag?

Youre holding onto it like its 5 million dollars

Excuse me,I dont mean to be nosy

The bag is only half full of money
The rest is just clothes Don?t worry

Dont worry Im no bankrobber...I play poker

What kind of profession is that?

You can make money but its not mine its for
a client

And what is in your bag?

I can guarantee with our
treatment plant a 1000 hectolitre output

Or even 1100 without adding chlorine or
formaldehyde Potable tap water you know

You know what our biggest problem is
Mrs Schumacher/

every day the plant is open - it costs
us almost 50000 euros

Yes Im aware
Then the only question is when can you deliver?

The italians take 5 days...
-Yes but theyre twce as expensive

Sodium chloride you know
3 months

We can make it

In 2 and half monhs with the TUV done..

We'll think about your offer...its
been very interesting.Thankyou for coming.

Hello honey

Uh oh that doesnt sound good
I messed it up!

I dont belive it
They wont go for it

I should have told them they would get
the plant next week

The Italians will get it
Yes but you work for a prestigious institute

You presented the facts.Dont forget
your good reputation

That may be but the order is lost
Dont be so sure they will call us on Monday Im sure

What are you doing here?

I could ask the same of you

I am staying here

We have something in common then

Is that a coincidence?You knew I was here or what?

So no accident?

You think it was by chance?

Ive no idea
-I always stay here

You can ask at reception if you dont believe me...
Something to drink?

Ja vodka martini please

So,,did you win?
Do you often win?

Then youre a lucky man!

Nothing to do with luck just maths and psychology

Oh,I had a really bad day

How can a woman like you lose?

Not so elegant...I take it back

No but really at my age I am more used to
talking about slip discs...what am I babling on about?
Forget it

What happened this afternoon?

You know what I cant do? Poker....

You want me to teach you?

I believe you have talent
-How do you know?

I wouldnt have drunk the water if you
hadnt provoked me

Its a nine...
Try again

Congratulations you have an ace
-Damn it..how do you do it?

Its nothing to do with looking at the eyes
but instinct and feeling

Everyone can,,try it
I cant do it

Dont overthink it...try it again

Come on say it
-You want to sleep with me?

What so funny?

Hello honey,did you get back okay?I'll be home
at 7,lets go out and eat.Bye

How was Slovenia?
-I thought everyone knew..it was a disaster
-Oh Im sorry

Forget him
Hes such an asshole

Where were you,I looked for you everywhere
-Oh I was just tired

Tonight at your place?

Eva forget the Slovenians...let the
Italians rip them off

Your hands are so cold

No bread,no potatoes,no carrots but otherwise you
can eat what you want

I have a date on Thursday I must lose 2 kilos

Its really simple..All you have to do is look
at the glycemic index

Im in town for 2 days...Wheres your daughter,
I cant reach her

Very nice to see you again Dr Schumacher

He's a good guy the man in the grey jacket?
Yes,a good guy,for sure

I'll wait outside for 20 minutes

Who was that?
That was Pablo,a friend of Leonie

That friend of Leonie's is hot.If I was a bit
younger hed be exactly my type

Do you find him so young?

But youre only 35
Eva thats makes him 10 years younger than me,dont be ridiuclous

All looks good..thymine molecules have all bonded

What are you doing here?
-No idea....maybe you do

Relax okay

You just showed up,you could have called me
I didnt have your number

But you found out where I worked
Yes that was simple

Dr Schumacher writes a specialist article almost every week

I?m in town for two nights and besides the game tomorrow
night I don?t have much to do

Call me

Tom,Im 21 years older than you...
-I dont give a shit

Bring another bottle of wine.White..Riesling

Is it cold?


Try some salad

Whats the matter with you?

We havent echanged more than 5 words all night
Im just still tired

Is it still the Slovenians?

You said you had a problem to make the finishing predictions
a little more optimistic

I had to give it to Dennis

Bertram wanted him
Yes I know.There was nothing I could do


I will go home

I have a headache....I will see you Monday

But only for tonight

What is this poker tournament tomorrow?
Its not a tournament

At least not officially
What is it then?

High profits...high stakes...lots of black money

Will you take me with you? I want to see you play
You will distract me


How much is at stake?
One hundred two hundred thousand

And if you win?
Then I'll quit and go to Panama

What will you do in Panama?
Dont know....maybe breed cattle.The important thing
is to get out of here

Youre kidding me right?

And if you dont win?
I told you I always win

I could stay here if you want

Just one night,that was the deal


Youre the one woman I could live with
You are such a weirdo

-Because it wouldnt work

Name me one reason why

Ah Dimi,have you seen Mrs SChumacher?
Yes she is sick

What now?

I just want to get my talisman
I thought you always won

Hey they were expensive !
I'll buy a new pair

I'm Tom

Do you always talk so much?

Are you Mommys new lover?

Silly question,obviously you are

Do you know how old my mom is?
Yes why?

My mother is 44.Her uterus is removed.
What do you want from her?

Her money
I earn enough of my own

Doing what?

What are you doing here?

Why didnt you call?
Oh I did.Ten times

Mommy can we talk?

Whats wrong with you.I am not allowed to go
to acting school but you have a 30 year old toyboy.
A poker player!

Twenty one.Tom is 21 years old
-Even better

What do you have against poker?Its very profitable

And what about Hajo?
-Hajo?Who is this Hajo?

Yes the guy is 21 and he plays poker...its all
a bit weird and we have...practically nothing in common..

Thats probably the guy with the books.Go and
open the door...Go !

Hajo...Pablo,we've already met

Where is Eva?
In the bedroom...we made breakfast

Your mother would be happy if you played along...
-Thats bullshit

Thats settled then..we stay for breakfast

And what do you do for a living?Or are you still studying?
Poker,I play poker

Poker,thats interesting.For money?
Yes thats right for money !

And you can make a living?
As long as you win

Honey you didnt tell me Leonie has such
an interesting friend

And where did you two meet?Not in a poker
game right?

Oh stop,we're not really going to talk about that

Why not?
Its a really crazy story

Perhaps it is a bit heavy for breakfast.
What do you think Mommy?

And I have a plane to catch
Where are you off to?

And what are you doing in Panama?
I dont know

And I must take you to the airport right?

Its okay,Ive ordered a taxi
-Then I'll see you to the door

I played poker...in Las Vegas.Years ago.
It wasnt poker,it was blackjack...

Tom! Come back !

You dont seriously think this will work?
I dont know

In a few months he will drop you like a brick
Shut up!

I thought we'd grow old together.I still have
8 years at the Institute.
-I'm sorry

Ok if you need to do this,do it.I have no problem okay?

Have fun with your toy boy
Call me when you get back to normal

I must get up

When do you have to go?
At 8

You really want to know...because of that stupid

The "Hydroscience" made Hajo an offer for South America.
DHe may have to learn Spanish in his old days?

Did you use the bath?
You must take the shower curtain out first.Its stained.

I know
-So why do it?

Its a shower curtain,not a Picasso.
I'll buy you a new one bitch

How long how are you going to keep doing this job?
Until I get tired of it

Car keys?
Dont be so dumb

Just say I can?t do it! Why do I have to be
at every meeting?

But why didn?t you tell me sooner? Of course I?m coming!

Home birth
Home birth?

Oh my God,Leonie's birth lasted 23 hours
and then a C section !

Its okay you can touch her
I havent washed my hands

What does your daughter need?
A hospital !
No she needs you, her mother!

Will you stay here in case something happens?
I am here.You go in there and do your job,everything wil be ok

Its a boy !

Did you see what the fish of the day was?

It was something I saw when you were holding the baby
-Eva please dont..I dont want kids..okay?

How can you be so sure?
I just know.Take me seriously

We missed you at the meeting
I wasnt sick My daughter had a baby

What is it then>
-A boy

I'm not the father

I'll take the fish and you?

Did you really have to?

Did the little boy behave badly?
-Dennis Hofleier of all people,that idiot!

Dont you want anyone to know we're together?
Its hard enough as it is !

What is hard?
The look they given when they know we're a couple

They talk shit
TThey look at me not you,do you understand?

The science department? Me?
-Yes its all decided...department 21

One question

You and me...do we still have a chance?

I must know

I must know before I....before I
-Before what?

Please answer the question!
It has nothing to do with the job

Hajo,I am happy...

Everyone always assumes that things
are going wrong between me and Tom

Eva,open your eyes.10 years from now you'll be sixty
and Tom will find a woman half your age

Where were they?
In my coat

Thats what I was wearing when shopping.
Can I watch TV?

They offered me a head post at the Institute

Everything okay?
Yes I'm just tired

I want to meet your parents

God they're cute
I'm a midwife

Do you drink tea?
Yes black.

They're all home births
Thats what my daughter surprised me with!

Then...you're a grandmother

You're rusty
And you're getting old

Papa let me go!
Not until you say that the woman in the kitchen
is your girlfriend's mother

Give her a chance Papa
You're really serious?

You have it nice here
Yes,but sometimes I wish we hadnt moved out here

But for Tom it was nice...wasnt it?

Now he barely pays us a visit

Do you live in Munich?
Yes I live in Neuhasem...I have a house

We've lived together for 4 years

I thought you lived alone

No,I pay rent just like Eva

And where did you meet?At the casino?

No...on the train

So you dont play then?
No..Tom tried to teach me but no chance I'm afraid

That makes you sympathetic Eva
I can read you like an open book

Perhaps not so my son
-Please dont do this

And you want to know what I read...
Leave her alone

I read dear Eva that you're not right for my son...
Do you want to know why?

Not because my son wont have kids with you,and my wife
wont have grandchildren

And not because I think you are too old for him

No,thats not it.Its solely...you Eva

How was the weekend?
-Next question please

I must show you something
What is it?

You're the first to know

You're getting married
Ja !

Keep it to yourself..we'll make it official next week

You wanted to talk to me Hajo?
Yes, want a drink?

Bertram called me
-Bertram?You want to talk to me about Bertram?

The board wants to rethink the scientific management proposal
What?Thats crazy

I dont believe you
Maybe its something to do with you and Tom

What has it got to do with me and Tom?

You know how the board is
No obviously I dont

Bertramwould like to chose another candidate with more...
More what?

He wants someone with more stability
Stability?Is that what he said !

He wants stability on the team and he thinks
Tom is a loose canon...
Thats a load of crap !

You know how they tick the boxes
No I dont !
Youre not out of the race...

And?Who did he propose?
Dennis Hofleiter

By the way thanks for the invitation
What invitation?

Tom whats going on?
A party

I made 400000 with a transaction today! We?re celebrating

We were going to go on to Charly's.You got home early

Then go to Charlys !
It doesnt open for half an hour

I want everyone gone within 30 minutes
I live here just like you !

30 minutes Tom !

Get dressed,the party is over
Youre kidding
Yes I am kidding...Out !

You can crash with me if you want?
No its good...Ben has a couch

Mommy I have left 2 bottles...one in an hour,the
other a little later.I dont know when I'll be back

Where is Morton?
Are you serious or what?

Morton is back in Berlin..we're not together
-Sorry,I didnt think.I havent slept since Tom left..

Have you called him?

Did you leave a message?

it worked for me!
You weren?t there for a babysitter the other day, so I
called him to leave voicemail message.. he called back

Tom was here? What did he say? What did he say about us?
Mommy! Stop! Stop!

Yeah, Tom was here No, we didn?t talk about you guys
He just spent two hours watching Anton, okay?

Hajo,this is my wife Verena
Please to meet you

Has there been a decision?
No idea..ask bertram

My God you frightened me! What are you doing here?

The board asked again about the private circumstances....
What did you say?

That as far as I know you were not involved

Let?s start with a "How are you doing?"
! Great! Thank you! I?m great....and you?

I missed you Eva

Where were you?

Do you really want to know?

Only if its important for us
It isnt

You know Tom,its terrible to fall asleep without
you and even worse to wake up without you..

Same for me

I love you Eva..Ive understood that in the
last few days

Do you want to marry me?

I thought you'd never ask

I am quitting
Have you thought this through?

Nothing?s decided yet, and I would really like
you to take over this!

You know how to use tactics to push me...and
I dont want Dennis
Oh fuck Dennis !

Why are you giving up?
I am not giving up...but when my provate life
is more important to you than my competence..

What do you mean you?
Hajo,I want my peace..we're a normal couple

Try this one
I cant get married in white

Its not white...its off white
Its ridiculous at my age!I want to wear it later
So unromantic!

Leonie we're getting married to get some peace.
Ive never cared about that before.
-I dont believe you

At least put it on...for me...please

Can I help you?
I wanted to ask..do we know each other?

Is tom in?
No hes at he gym...do you want to give him a message?

No I'll come back later...

Tell Tom he's going to be a father

Whats up?
Fanny was here

Call her

Calm down Fanny,I will come right over

It was nothing with Fanny
Youre going to have a child with her..

Yes okay but it has nothing to do with us

Hello Mama....look what granny bought me

I invited Simon over..he says he will be
so happy to see you

You dont have to set me up

You want to stay alone?

I dont need a man.I'm good.I dont want someone
who wants to be taken care of...by me.

There?s nothing between us" "I don?t want to talk about it anymore"
Fanny and I share the guardianship that I can do alone!
Is this yours or mine?

The child could have happened to you with any man"
Yeah, maybe!
There?s no other woman for me! Do you understand?

I brought you flowers but the nurse at the desk took them
from me They have very strict rules here

Wake up

You can?t just show up here! She won?t want to see you
when she wakes up..she can?t handle that you understand?

Funny what happens to someone in a coma" I?ve been dreaming about
him all the time Can you say that? Dream?

Not once of Hajo or your father...Always Tom

I can stay here tonight
No I am perfectly okay
You shoudnt be alone

Why were you there?

I wanted to apologize

What for?

I dreamed about you in a coma
You were always there in my head

I was there

I want to grow old with you

Im alreay old
Must you always have the last word?