Flammes (1978) - full transcript

Since her childhood, Barbara dreams of the nocturnal visits by a mysterious firefighter.

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- What's wrong?
- I saw the fireman.

Come on now,
what's this all about?

I saw him, he was there,
he wanted to take me with him.

Well, he left.
You can see nobody's there.

- Where did you see him?
- There!

He left with the window pane.

It was just the reflection
of the moon.

Look! You see?
There's nothing here.

You were dreaming.

And a piece of your dream
stuck to the window, see?

If you had waited a minute,
it would have just faded away,

and you wouldn't have
made such a scene.

– What's wrong?
– A nightmare.

– I saw the fireman!
– You were dreaming.

I wasn't dreaming
when I saw him.

Calm down.
This fireman doesn't exist.

He's an illusion, a game
you're playing in your head.

You mustn't take it seriously.

– Anne, say it's true!
– You should know.

Wait a minute.

I'll be right back.

This is your fault! She believes
those stories you tell her.

You're scaring her.

– It's disgusting to use her for...
– For what?

I'm sure you're trying to
become a wife and mother.

Never. I've had enough of that.

Are you serious? You really
think I want to marry you?

I know you. I see
through your strategy.

You're trying to make
yourself indispensable.

I won't fall into your trap.

I know what you're going to say:

that you're only
concerned about Barbara.

You're absolutely right.
I'm very worried about Barbara.

And why?

Because I'm her tutor.
That's why I'm here.

That's why you tell her
such terrifying stories.

All children like to be scared.

She worries me
because she invents

much more than what I tell her.

It would be best if you stop
worrying about her at all.

You're right.

I adore Barbara
but I can't stand you anymore.

This house is suffocating.

I need to leave.

I've had enough! Enough!

Don't shout.
We'll talk about it later.

You can't sleep here.
It's too cold. Come on.

I think Anne is going to leave us.

I know, I heard everything.

You were listening
through the keyhole?

Well, that's all right.

You'd like to have someone
to play with wouldn't you?

You'll have to go to school

until we find someone
to look after you.

School? How horrible!

But you can play
at school as well.

And you're going to have to
start studying, aren't you?


You don't want to
become like them?

Me neither. I never did.

What kind of a look is that?

What are you thinking about?

I'm not thinking of anything!
Everything you say is horrible!

Yes, sometimes.

It's terrible!

But I don't do it on purpose.

Shall I tell you a story?

Not the one about
the fireman, of course.

No, I like the music better.

All right.

I'm sorry, but I've done
nothing this morning.

Except walk in the garden.

If you go on like this
you'll fail your exams.

I don't care.

Me neither.

Maybe he does care, though.

My role here is very strange.

I'm wonder what I'm doing here.

I was hired as your tutor.

I've become an
absurd sort of governess

keeping the absurd silence
which rules this house.

I've had enough!

If you only recognized
the fact that I exist!

I know very well that you exist,
my dear Claire.

That's not true. You've
been ignoring me for days.

In fact you ignore, or try
to ignore, everything

except this fireman you make
love to in your dreams.

You've never dreamt of
making love to a fireman?

Open up!

I know you're in there.

I won't budge until you tell me
why you won't open the door.

Do you hear me?

Answer me!

You're making me angry.

Open up!

Open up!

– You look worried.
– Me?


What about Claire?

Simply put,

she thinks it's time you begin
to do something with yourself.

But some people
do nothing at all!

You yourself don't do much.

You raised me to
only do something

when it becomes inevitable.

And for the moment,
nothing is inevitable!

That's exactly what worries me.

For you, the only thing
inevitable are your collages.

You should be pleased!

I'm not saying that
I don't like your collages.

So what's the problem?

You always whistle
the same tune.

The fireman bothers you—
the idea of the fireman.

Is it just an idea?

What else could it be?

It could be more than that.

An obsession.

You're insane.

And Claire is too.

I can see you've been
talking about me.

What else?
What's your diagnosis?

You know I like your collages,
but that's not enough.

I think you have a
rich interior life,

But that can be
dangerous if you don't

have outside experiences as well.

And you won't get
many of those here.

What do you know
of my experiences?

You're acting like I'm stupid.

That's not what I meant.
I'm sorry.

I think that Claire is
right to be worried,

and I think I should
be worried too.

Come in.

Why didn't you come
down for dinner?

You're angry, aren't you?

Say something!

I'm thinking.

I have a proposition for you.

How about we leave
together, tonight?

That's the last thing
I'd expect from you.

Are you serious?


I've made up my mind.

– It's been a half hour already!
– Not quite.

Taxis here are very slow.

But you have two hours
before your flight.

Don't worry, you'll make it.

I'd like you to keep me up
to date about Barbara.

Call me if you decide
to do something.

Don't worry, she's all right.

As long as she's with Claire
there's nothing to worry about.

And if she's not?

I showed you Claire's last letter.

She says Barbara's very happy.

She might even write me.

But that was two weeks ago.

Two weeks is nothing.

I hope she writes to me too.

You should have called
me straight away.

I didn't want to worry you.

I was worried
without knowing why.

It's odd, I felt
something was wrong.

Something new. It's strange.

I feel that Barbara is nearby.

That she's hiding, spying on us,
like when she was little.

That she'll appear from
one minute to the next.

You've always had premonitions.

They're becoming
stronger and stronger.

They scare me.

Well, I should go.

Paul has become an adorable boy.

I'm sure.


You're right, it's her.

What are you doing here?

I came to get you, as usual.

– It's already the end of June.
– Already?


– We were very worried.
– I've been travelling.

I can imagine.

You must have travelled a lot.

It's terrible, you arrive
just as I'm leaving.

You're leaving already?

Stay another couple days.

No, it's better that I leave.

As you like.

But you could come
with me to the Caribbean.

– Would you like to?
– I'd love to! But...

But what?

It's a bit complicated
for me right now.

Well, if you like, I'll buy
you the ticket. OK?

All right.

You'll write to me?

I will, I promise.

Goodbye, Paul.

– You came home alone.
– Yes.

Claire stayed behind.

She sends you her regards.

That's good of her.

Thanks to her I didn't
worry too much.

I'm not surprised.

Paul, you've changed a lot.

Really? How do you find me?

I think you look very handsome.

And I think you look beautiful.

You'll have a lot
to tell us, I hope.

Later. Right now I don't
know what to say.

You just decided to
come back, like that.

Exactly, just like that.

I'd used up all the money
I brought with me.

I can imagine.

If you'd told me you would
have had fewer problems.

How did you manage?

I made friends. I managed.

And you?

I almost called the police.

The police! How horrible.
You're exaggerating.

I didn't, in the end.

Claire's letters reassured me.

If you'd added a few words
it would have been perfect.

I was going to.

But then I thought it would
be better to come back.

And how long do you
think you'll stay?

I don't know.

I have to think about it.

You seem worried.


I have to think about
what I want to do.

We can talk later.

If you like.

Hello? Is this the fire station?

Come quick!


We can't speak...

We're suffocating!

But— it sounds like
they're coming here.

What's going on?

You called us.

There's no fire here.

You've got the wrong address.

No, it's here all right.

This must be a joke.

You can see
there's no fire here.

But you'll excuse me, sir.

I was called, so
I have to check it out.

Team one— to the left!
Team two— to the right!

Don't you know
it's a serious crime

to call the fire
brigade for nothing?

That can cost you a heavy
fine, or rather your father.

But I didn't call for nothing!

I have to stay with them.

I'll hide you here,
they'll never notice.

You're mad,
of course they'll notice.

– I can come another day.
– When?

How about Thursday?

It's my day off.

And... you can't come
the days you work?

It's too far from here.

Why not Thursday?

Aren't you free?

Of course I'm free,
that's not what I meant.

You don't understand.


All right, Thursday.
Come in through the window.

Is that the only way?
Is it very high up?

You're used to it!
Don't you do it all the time?

You don't like it?

I'm not a career fireman.

I'm a fireman by chance.

But that doesn't interest you.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

You're the first fireman
I've ever spoken to.

Stay like that.

All right, it's not too high,
I'll climb up.

But leave the window open.

Of course.

See you on Thursday at 10pm.

– Stay!
– I can't. I have to go.

– So, did you find anything?
– Nothing, in principle.

My apologies, sir.
Mission accomplished.

Are you always this quiet?

That visit from the
firemen was odd.

I'm sure you called them,
didn't you?

Admit it, I won't tell anyone.

I liked one of them.
I called him that way.

The tall one with
brown hair and brown eyes.

How did you know?

I saw him.

I even saw you hid up
in your room together.

I hope that Louis didn't notice.

No, I'm the only
one who noticed.

He's very handsome.

I don't know if he's
up for the game.

The game?

I wonder if it'll play out
the way I imagine it.

It never works out
the way one imagines it.

It's always more
interesting, in fact.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

I didn't know that you
understood certain things.

I've always understood.

Do you think I'm crazy?


I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

Good night.

Good night.

Who are you?

A colleague.

He can't come tonight.

It wasn't worth climbing
up here to tell me that.

Why can't he come?

The truth is he has a date
with a very jealous girl.

He couldn't find
the right pretext.

He's at the cinema
but he's very sorry.

He sent me to say
he'll come another day.

That's all?


Unless you want me to stay.

No thank you, I don't.

He told me that
maybe I could stay.

You don't like me?

People usually say
I'm the more handsome one.

You're handsome, but you're
not who I was expecting.

As you like.

It's a pity.

What will I tell him?

Whatever you like.
I don't care.

Are you sure you don't
want me to stay?

Yes, I'm sure!
I want to be alone!

All right, don't get so worked up.

He asked me to get a glove
he left here the other night.

Thank you.


He didn't tell you anything?


He must think I'm mad.

No doubt he's right.

What would you have done?

Oh, I think I'd have stayed
with the blond one.

I don't know.
He's sure to come back.

You can stay with him if you like.

You don't love him any more?

I don't know.

I don't think he'll come back.

I must have scared him off.

– You could try another fire.
– Are you making fun of me?

Absolutely not.

Are you done posing?

You act like you
know everything.

I'm starting to get sick of you.

I had some free time
and I came to see you.

She's become
exasperatingly silent.

What could she be doing,
holed up in her room for 5 days?

Come in.

As you can see,
I'm working on my collages.

I see.

You should rest a
little also, perhaps.


you're becoming impossible with
Paul, with me, even with Marion.

I know, no-one can stand me.

What do you want?

I'd like to know
why you came back.

Because I had nothing else to do,
and I ran out of money.

It wasn't because you weren't
getting on with Claire?

No, everything was
going fine with Claire.

I'd like it if she came back.

Really? Would you like that?

Why not?

Anyway she has
nothing else to do.

Won't you tell me what
happened during those months?

You don't want to answer me.

I told you already,
I had a lot of fun.

You told me nothing at all.

I'd also like to know
what you're doing

locked up in here all the time.

You're living in your imagination.

I told you, that can
be very dangerous.

Why? One can live as one wants.

Can't I imagine what I like?
I don't ask what you imagine.

I want to be alone.
Leave me in peace.

I can't imagine anything
with you here.

As you like.

I'm sorry, I was a bit rude.

Did you hear everything?


Everything I've always loved has
had to be approved by him.

He's not bad.

You escape him,
you're not under his control.

If he knew, he wouldn't
be able to stand you.

Is that why you're hiding me?

Yes. Does it bother you?

No. I like it.

In any case, we couldn't
do it otherwise.

This cake is delicious!

We make it with
oranges in California.

There are a lot of
different ways to make it.

I think that Marion
does it very well.

Yes, it's delicious.

You know, there are some
beautiful places around here.

You should go out and about.

Babara could take you.

Not today.

Do you always live here?

Most of the time, yes.

I travel less and less.

I go to the coast quite often.

I go to London.

It's the only city I can stand.

Do you travel much?

Yes, the idea of staying too long
in one place freaks me out.

I heard that you write
beautiful stories.

Oh, you couldn't
call that writing.

You write very beautiful stories.


I'd like to write.


...I've nothing to say right now.

It's the way in which one
says nothing that counts.

I think Jim has a lot to tell.
The fire, for example.

His whole family died in a fire.

That's terrible!


By the time the
caretakers noticed,

the whole ground floor
was already burning.

I was coming home in my car.

When I arrived,

the whole house

—it was a huge house—

was in flames,

in the middle of the fields.

It was fantastic.

I lost all sense of reality.

I was tripping.

I love fire.


the caretakers told me that my
family had not left, as I thought

but that they had invited
some friends over instead.

They all died in the fire.

And the fire brigade?

They came later,

once it was all over.

It must have been
a terrible shock.

I had nightmares.

I couldn't take it all in.

I still don't know if
I've taken it all in.

That was three years ago.

And the house?

I sold everything.

I was the only heir.

And now I travel,

all the time.

I hope you like it here.

It's very quiet.

Barbara, will you show
your friends their rooms?

I know mine already.

Come with me, I'll show you.

Do you like Jim?

He seems very nice.

He's like a lost child.

I'm very happy that
you've come back.

Me too.

My ex-wife spent a few days
here before Barbara came back.

We spoke a lot.

I think we managed to
understand each other better.

She's an admirable woman.

She used to make gardens.

Apparently she has
just started again.

She made beautiful
miniature gardens.

And big ones too.

This one for example—

she designed it.

Do you live here?

No, I come sometimes
with my mother.

Paul is my half-brother.

Do you think you'll
stay here long?

I don't know.


We were going to tour
the world together.

Don't you remember?

Of course I remember.

Want to come with us?


Well, I'll leave you in peace.

You could at least
have said goodbye.

I left you a letter.

Too short.

We freaked out.

Why did you leave?

I don't know.

I was tired of lying to Claire.

Don't be angry, Jim.

I know. You've
always been sweet,

but it couldn't go on like that.

I was starting to get bored.

And when you started dressing
as a fireman, it was all wrong.

We weren't playing
the same game.

That's why I left.

I wonder if Claire understood.

Do you mean it's all over?

I don't know.

I don't want to play
games anymore.

Not with you.

But with Claire?

No. Not with anyone.

She'll be very unhappy.

So why did you invite us here?

Louis invited you.

Maybe we should leave.

No, Jim, stay. Please.

I'm very happy you're here.



Just don't be surprised
if you don't see me much.

I really need to be
alone at the moment.

I wonder who to play with.

I don't know.

The fireman game makes
no sense, without you.


I brought great costumes.

That's fantastic.



Did you hear everything?




Think I could try with him?

You know I have games too.

Different games.

Do you think I could
play with him?

Give it a try.

I can't advise you.

Until you stop spying on me.


It's Paul.

Come in.

It's her.

How do you know?

I know.

They've become inseparable.

Yes. They're having
great fun together.

You don't play with them.

No, I think they
prefer being alone.

They're right.

I'm not much fun
at the moment.

You're worried about Barbara.

You only think about her.

Before I met Barbara,
before I met you,

I knew exactly what I wanted:

a degree, a career, my friends.

Life in Paris was so different.

Now I don't know any more.

I've changed more in two years
here than in my whole life.

But what am I doing?

Why do I stay here?

You're no longer Barbara's tutor.

You're just here. You're a friend.


She can't stand me.

And you think she
can stand me?

And them?

She won't open the door for
anyone when she's in her room.

I wonder what she can
possibly be doing.

She's dreaming
about her fireman.

I'm starting to worry—
you're right.

It's a real obsession.

Some friends are coming
to dinner tonight.

We should try and
convince her to join us.

Don't count on me.

I'll never be able to convince
her to do anything.

Too bad.

Don't worry.


You can't imagine how important
it is to me that you're here.

I'll try to talk to Barbara.

You're an angel.

It's pointless.

Try for yourself.

You might have more luck.


You're there, aren't you?

What can you be doing?

The Canegards are
coming to dinner tonight.

I'd very much like
you to be there.

At least for coffee.

Do you understand?

See? He thinks i'm
alone with my dreams.

He thinks I'm mad.

He thinks he can
control my madness.

If he only knew you were here!

I don't like this situation.

I'm tired of being
hidden all the time.

I like it.

I've never met anyone like you.

Me neither.

I imagined you though.

Me too, I dreamt of you.

But what's happened to me?

Since I met you, I've
done nothing at all.

I stay here all the time.

I'll end up a ghost.

We could leave together.

That's madness.

So we can go on seeing
each other like this.

That's even crazier.

I've already been
warned by the station.

Next time, I'm fired.

I know it'll happen soon.

Where could we go?

I don't know.

Far away.

Shall we?

Maybe if we go, we'll lose it.

If you're not a fireman,
it won't make sense anymore.

Maybe I won't like you any more.

We can always pretend.

What else can we do?

We can't stop.

Why don't we sign
an agreement,

like a contract,
between the two of us.

You think we have to?

I don't know, but
let's do it anyway.

I'd have loved to see Barbara.

Me too.

You could call an ambulance.

I didn't think you
were so cynical.

I mean that you give too much
importance to Barbara's whims.

She won't stay locked
up in her room forever.

She'll come out eventually.

Of course she will.

I agree with Jim. Barbara can
stay in her room if she likes.

You always agree with Jim.

You're making fun.

But she could be
slowly going mad.

You're the one who's going mad.

You look scared.

You've lost weight.

Your eyes are hollow.

You look like a ghost.

You look fantastic.

Don't mind him.
He's exaggerating.

We're very happy to
see you, Barbara.

I'm very happy to see you too.

We all wonder what you've been
doing up there all this time.

I'm not going to tell you.

I'm sure you'd be scandalized.

We thought you
weren't coming down.

But anyway, we've
decided you're adorable.

Oh yes?

Do you come to this part
of the country often?

Excuse me,
I think I'm going to...


What's wrong with her?

– Leave it to me.
– She's fainted.

It's not serious.
She'll be fine.

Do you feel better?

What happened?

You fainted.

You should lie down for a while.

We'll talk later.

I'd like to faint like that,
but I've never managed to.

Do you want some whiskey?

No thank you.

I want to talk to you, seriously.

Me too.

I think I'll go to America,

as you suggested.

It's a very good idea.

And the Caribbean?

I don't know.

I'll write to mother.

How did you come to this decision?

I need a change of air.

I can't go on living like this.

And I don't want to go
to boarding school.

I'd rather stay in a hotel.

I'll write some friends though.
You can't arrive all alone.

– When do you want to leave?
– As soon as possible.

Anyway, it's good that you've
emerged from your silence.

I've been very
worried about you.

I know.

I've been worrying
about you, too.

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

I'd like to change,


Maybe I'm already changing
without realizing it.

What a life!

One never gets to
know oneself fully.

In fact...

Maybe I'm just tired
of living alone.

You could stay with Claire.

Do you think she'd want to?

It's extraordinary,

I'd like to marry Claire.

It's old fashioned.
I know I'll feel ridiculous.

I'm not quite sure myself.

I'm sure she'll be very happy.

She's hoping for it.

Do you think so?

We were so happy,

you and me.

So happy...

Good night.

Good night.

Come in.

Ah it's you.

I don't know
what happened to me.

Was it ridiculous?

Not at all, it was great.

You did this.

I saw strange things,

like in another world.

But I don't remember.

I think it was you,
in the arms of a fireman.

It was cold,


You both disappeared
into the snow.

Now I understand.

Wait under my
window at midnight.

Hide behind the bushes.

You'll see him climbing
into my room.


What are you doing here?

You're not well.

Did I scare you?

It's you! You!

Yes it's me.

I found this costume
in Jim's room.

I put it on to make
Barbara laugh.

It's you.

I love you.

Now we must leave right away.

Here we are, we're almost there.

It's beautiful.

What are you thinking about?

You look absent.

It's like a fairy tale.

– Are you scared?
– A little.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

No, my love. It's nothing.

Bruno Sarabia, Nathaniel Draper