Fen Dou (2011) - full transcript

Several young people fight for their dreams and loves in a modern big city.

[Adapted from Shi Kang’s novel Struggle]

[Ma Weihao Director]

[Lu Tao and Mi Lai broke up!!! He is dating Xia Lin now!]

[Why? Mi Lai is so rich!]

[Lu Tao is so brave! He dares to say no to his father’s money!]

[I wonder why he did that......]

[Li Chen Dong Xuan Starring]

-Buy my own apartment at twenty-nine,

get married at thirty and set up my own company at thirty-one

[Zheng Kai Li Yuan Starring]

[Zhang Guozhu Weng Hong Wu Jialong Guest Starring]

[Wang Dongfang Hu Rui Shen Fangxi Starring]

[Art Director Xian Yilong] [Image Designer] [Costume Designer Wang Lei]

[Music Producer Luo Jian] [Director of Photography Zhu Zhigang] [Film Editor Liang Guorong]

[Scriptwriter Tang Yaoliang Li Chen Hu Qixia Li Xiaoxue]

-Xiang Nan

I woke up

-Award me

since I greeted you in the morning

-Wake up

-Xia Lin, why do I have to go to work

-Because you have to earn money for me

-I am a talent who can remember forty phone numbers

-You are also an outstanding graduate

of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

-But why do I have to be subordinate to an unqualified business supervisor

who got promoted through the back door

and is capricious in making decisions

I hate to see his face

-Is it time to quit your job

-Yeah, I’ll quit today

-I will always support you

I will fight

against anyone who bullies you. Is that okay

-Boss, I want to take a leave

My wife had diarrhea last night

She is almost in a state of prostration

after having over twenty motions last night

I have to take her to the hospital


Thank you, boss. You are a great man

Okay, bye

Herbal tea

-Xiang Nan, you are a loser

-Honey, I didn’t sleep last night


-Yes, thank you

-Did you enjoy it -Yeah, enjoyed

-Thank you. Thank you




Mr. Zhang

-Young man, you are quite energetic

-Thank you

-Please sign here

-No need to show me your design

Judging from your attitude, I think it will be useless again

-It’s been years since I worked in the advertising circle

These are the worst idea and the worst proposal I have ever seen

How dare you give them to me

-Zhang, it’s your thirty-eighth time to ask me to revise my design

I hope it will be the last time

-It’s up to me whether you have to revise it or not

-You don’t have the right to ask me to do it

because you are bad at designing

-But I am your boss

You can quit this job if you don’t want to do it anymore

I do have the right to ask you to do anything

-Good job. Good job

-The boss wants to see you

-Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

-Did you ask them to do this

I had dinner with my MBA classmates last night

We talked about corporate culture

and we all agreed that it should be innovative, relaxing and friendly

Thank you

-Let’s gather at six tomorrow morning at Xintiandi for the yacht party

Please arrive there on time

-Mr. Zhang, I’d like to take part in the young architects competition

on behalf of our company

Could you seal it for me

-Mind your own business, young architect

-Did you receive the message for tomorrow’s yacht party

-I did. But I can’t manage to go there

-I will wear bikini

-Isn’t it more suitable for the marine theme

to wear the sailor’s uniform of your restaurant

-It meets your fantasy, you little pervert

-I really don’t like that

-What do you like then

-Policewomen, in American style

-Why do you like policewomen

-They are very positive

A beautiful policewoman

catches me who sexually harasses women. Then

Stop it

-Come on, please follow me this way

Today is a big day

for Lu Tao’s friend Wu Xu and I

as well as Xia Lin and Xiaoyun’s friend Doudou

Welcome to the yacht party

-Come on, Let’s go

-My dream city

can embrace different people’s lives

and their dreams

Every household is an utopia

What are you laughing at

-Mr. Lu, there are five hundred words in this report altogether

There are one hundred participants

and I have to interview all of them

Could you shorten yours a little bit


-Just give some tips to young people

How about five words

-Holy crap

-How dare you swear at me


Take some photos before you leave

-You still want to take some photos of me after I scolded you

-You can scold me for my interview

but you can’t question my professional quality

Hold up your trophy

-Guys, the captain just called me

and said that he is in a traffic jam

How about swimming and having some food over there first


-Kiss the trophy

Kiss it

Close your eyes

-Have you used them

-Yeah, they are quite good

-Why are you giggling at Shalü

-She is my boss’s favorite worker

Of course I should be more friendly to her

Besides, we plan to open an online shop together

in which we sell her bags given by her boyfriends


-The dream laughed at by people is much more worth realizing


-A word for young people

-There are eleven words



-Are you having fun


Do you really want to sell my bags in the online shop

-You have lots of bags anyway

Give me a chance to earn some money

-Okay, sixty of the income is mine and the rest is yours

-Great, I’ll run the shop and you can just wait for the profit


-Why did I marry him

-He’s cute

-He’s stupid

-You know, I’m so stupid

It seems that I have a decent house

but actually I am my friend’s housekeeper

-Isn’t it great to be a housewife

-But I don’t like to be a housewife

How about you? You worship Lu Tao very much

-I don’t worship him. I support him

-But you gave up your dream

of studying fashion design in France for him

Isn’t it because you can’t leave him

-When did I tell you I gave it up

I will definitely go to France

-When? Ten years later

-I will do it right now

I will go to France

I will go to Paris

-Xiang Nan

Shall we set sail after the ceremony

-I don’t know

I just sent a text to the captain, but he didn’t replied.


-Why is the captain’s name the same as your boss’s

-Oh, I texted the wrong person. I’ll text him again

-Isn’t your boss in Singapore

-Yeah, no worry

He won’t know that I am using his yacht without permission

-Without permission

-Wu Xu

if I disappear in the world someday

will you remember me forever

just like those people do in TV shows

-You won’t disappear

I will find you even if I have to search every corner of the world

Do you remember

I have someone in power to help me

-Now I announce that the breaking up ceremony commences

Wu Xu and Doudou, please come here

-Happy breaking up

The next one will always be the best one

-Hello, everyone

-Xiang Nan, have I met your boss


Yeah, that’s him

-Hey, boss

-Xiang Nan, stop there

-Join us since you came here

-You are in big trouble now

-This is my party. Come to me if you have anything

-Who are you

-It’s not important

-Let tell you that no one can leave here

if this can’t be solved

-Let me make a phone call

-You are going to ask for help

-Hey, Wu Xu

-Xiang Nan, you are fired now

-Get him

-Hello, I am Xiang Nan

If you are Lu Tao, please commit hara-kiri

after the beep. Beep

-Did I do something bad to you

-I am unhappy because you got an interview and I got fired

-All right, I’ll treat you to crayfish. Is that okay

-Let me tell you something important

-What is it

-Xia Lin shouted at the sea that she will go to Paris

When will she leave? Do you know that

-I’m home

-How was the interview


-Did you call Xiang Nan? Is he alright

-He won’t die because of it

I want to have a talk with you

I heard that you will go to France

-Didn’t we discuss it before

-We did. But we didn’t reach a consensus

Things are changing everyday

Maybe my fortune will come someday

so I can get a good job

Then I will make a lot of money

and we can go to Paris together

-I am now waiting for your good fortune, aren’t I

-Great woman. I’m sorry to disappoint you

-You complain to me even if I support you

-It isn’t support if you go to France alone

-Can’t I do what I want to do

Have you ever supported me

-I have

Hey, do you know what France is like

There are many handsome guys everywhere

Even a beggar

is as handsome as Alain Delon

Can you resist them

-How can you not trust me

-When it’s daytime in France, we are in the nighttime

When you are at work, I am asleep

If I am asleep, I can’t know what you are doing

We are just boyfriend and girlfriend

Even we are husband and wife

it’s very likely that we will divorce

because of living separately in two different places

-Is our relationship so fragile

-It’s reality

-So I have to stay by your side for a lifetime

-Isn’t it great

-No, it isn’t

-He is unbelievable

When did I say that I will go to France

I don’t know where he heard that

-Not me

I just wanted to ask Lu Tao to get prepared. I think it’s okay

-You are a fool

I just said those words to encourage myself

How could you take it seriously?

Couldn’t you understand what that really means

-She is so rude

-Sleep alone tonight

Let’s go

-What? You got it wrong


Xia Lin wants to go to Bali, not Paris

I am sorry

We are two grown men, so we have needs, don’t we

it’s inappropriate for her to live in my house, isn’t it

-Why do I have to explain it to you

It’s Xiang Nan’s fault for he got it wrong

How could he get it wrong

He made a mistake. Please forgive him

-Sir, these are your beers. Please enjoy them

-Beautiful, come and join us

-I’m sorry. I’m at work

-Get your hand off

-Lu Tao

-Do you know him

-My boss

-What are you doing here

-She is my girlfriend

-Great, have a drink with us.

It’s not a big deal


-How dare you do that


You bastard, how dare you beat him.

I’ll beat you to death

You must have lost your job after you beat your boss

-I don’t care about that job

-Are you happy now

-Yeah, you got fired too

-You were so man when having a fight

Do it yourself


-I didn’t move

-Hands up

-Yes, sir

-Call me madam


It’s been years since I sexually harassed any women


-Good evening

-What’s wrong, Xiang Nan

-Give it to me


-Tetsuo said that there is a economic downturn in Japan

He has to sell this house

-Sell it? Where do we live then

You didn’t inform us earlier.

We haven’t found another place yet

Do you want us to sleep in the street

-Xiang Nan, Xiaoyun, I’m sorry

Xiang Nan

-What did he say

-He said he wants to sleep in our bedroom tonight


don’t worry

You still have me

Honey, if we move here

it will be convenient for you to go to work

-Well, our Xiang Nan has bought a new dictionary

in which there is the phrase “go to work”

When will you look for a new job

-I will do it soon

-It used to be an artist’s studio

It is available

after the artist gave up arts

-What did he do later

-Something more practical

-What is it

-Shush, how much is the rent

-We are friends, so we don’t need to talk about money

-It isn’t a place where people can live

-Hey, honey, listen to me, honey

Let’s take a closer look since we are here

I wonder whether we can get on the Internet here

-Have I ever done anything horrible

Why do I have to live in a warehouse now

-Honey, honey

It’s not too bad

It has its own advantages

I can put a ping-pong table here

Don’t you like playing ping-pong

We can play ping-ping in our house, can’t we

We can also put a basket here

so that our children can play basketball at home in the future

How many people in our country can play basketball at home

Look, there is also a piano

We can play the piano at home when we are free.

How romantic. Listen

The sun is shining and the cock is crowing

Flowers woke up and birds are combing

Magpies are building their nestles

and honeybees are collecting nectar

How can we live a happy life

We should create it through hard work, hey

Let’s see where we should put our bed.

Let’s go

-Number Twenty-nine, Xia Lin


-Xia Lin, listen

The director is half Chinese and half French

It’s your huge advantage that you know French.

Seize this chance

-Got it

-Look after her

Come on

-Number Twenty-nine

-Thank you

Good morning

-Good morning. This is China

You don’t have to speak French

We foreign people all speak Mandarin here

-Hello, I am Xia Lin

-You are Number Twenty-nine

-Yes, Number Twenty-nine

-You graduated from a fashion school

So you must know fashion

-I have developed an interest in it since I was a child

-Little girls like you

think that being an assistant

can make them get into the fashion circle

This is a bad attitude

-I just want to learn something about fashion design

I have brought some of my designs here. Please have a look

-Do you usually do a lot of exercise


-I am a graduate of the department of architecture

who has worked for three years

I believe I am qualified for this job

-Okay, the last question

How much do you expect your salary will be

-Seven thousand five hundred

-Seven thousand

-Six thousand

-Four thousand

-I am okay with three thousand five hundred

[Jingyou Recruitment Desk]

-Thank you

Hello, I am Xiang Nan

-Please make some comments on these online games

-This scene is outdated

The arms are cumbersome

It’s useless

-You have played all of them

-I am good at all of them

-So what do you think are the qualities of a good online game

-A grand world view

beautiful scenes

a perfect economic system

an easy process of leveling up

adequate space after getting the full level

a fierce PK system, a convenient operating platform

various elements for leisure and thoughtful customer services

and avoid plug-ins. The most important one is

a safe account system. It’s better if there is reverse research

so that people who steal others’ accounts can be put in prison

and spent eight or ten years there

Or longer. Or they can be sentenced to be shot to death

-We want you


-Work five days a week

Work shifts and the time isn’t fixed

-Can I work at home


-Lu Tao


Nice to meet you

What are you doing here

-I am doing a secret research

-Nah, you are looking for a job. Let me have a look

Hey, Master Lu also has to look for a job

The world has changed. What have you found

-I was told to wait for the result. Have you found one

-Yes, I have. But I’ve quit it


-You don’t know it

I can’t leave my wife alone at home

She works so hard

I have to do the housework for her

-Good boy

-Who is that girl

Your mother

[Caring mother] [Your biological father Xu Zhisen has come back.

He wants to see you.] [Reply]

-Is Xu Zhisen your rich father in the US

-He wants to meet me

-He feels sorry for you.

Ask him for five, six, seven or eight hundred million

Then we can retire and travel around the world

Are you mad

I am so sorry

Good boy, give me a smile

-Hello, I’d like to go to the human resources department

[Jinting Real Estate] [Lu Tao]

-If you want to be a hundred percent sure to surpass your opponents

what do you need?

Being creative, being a hundred percent creative

Did you hear me


I don’t need you to just hear me.

I need to see you create something, okay

Do it again


-Is he handsome

-He’s okay

-Are you Lu Tao

-Yes, I am the legendary Lu Tao

-We’ve been expecting to cooperate

with a genius designer like you


-Who is he

-He is Ye Lifeng, the manager of Team A

in the project development department

-Which team are I in


-D for diamond

-D for dog

-Hello, I am new here. I am Lu Tao

-Mr. Pan, here he is

-Our new colleague, right


-Great. Welcome. Welcome


-Oh, I’m awake now

-I am Lu Tao, the new colleague

-Pan Anjun

-Manager Pan

-This is the key project our department is going to do

But we need to do market research first

You’d better take some photos first

-Take what photos

-Read it yourself


This is a public place. You should do that at home

-Don’t you have a toilet at your home? Go home

-You pervert, go away

-Anyone there

-What are you doing in the ladies’ room

-I am taking photos

-What photos? Porn photos

-You got me wrong. I am an architect

Our company has a project

called the plan for improving the restrooms in the city. Look

-What can you say now

Go to the security office

-It isn’t my camera. It’s his

-Pervert, pervert

Pervert, security guards

Security guards, don’t let him flee

Hurry up, there’s a pervert

Catch that pervert

Hurry up, catch him

-There were porn photos just now

A man and a woman

-Mrs. Liu, give it to me

He isn’t a pervert. Let him leave

-Yes, Miss Mi

-Don’t tell me

this shopping mall is also run by your family

-Is it impossible, Lu Tao

-Mi Lai, is he Lu Tao

-He broke up with you

and dates your friend

-I don’t think that I was silly

until I see how you look now

What was I thinking about at that time?

You aren’t good enough for me

-What is so funny

-If it weren’t for me

you would have been taken away as a pervert

by the security guards

How could you be so rude to me

-Mi Lai

we are from two different worlds from the beginning

You are still so shining

but I was almost taken away as a pervert

by your security guards

I’m not good enough for you

-Lu Tao

I was joking just now

Don’t be mad

-I’m dirty. Your designer clothes will be dirty too

-I don’t care

-Mi Lai

I’m sorry

-Hey, what are the features of that person

We just know the nickname online, the lonely cat


-Are you the lonely cat

-Yes, I am

-This is the bag you want

-An LV bag in a Gucci sack

Is it a fake one

-No, we have a credential. Look

Do you have the money with you


What is this red stain

-No one can ensure that a second-hand bag is stainless

Besides, this little stain doesn’t make this bag less beautiful


-Do you have enough money

-Here, six thousand

-Count them carefully

-Miss, do you use this bag yourself

It isn’t very suitable for you

-This is a birthday gift for my boyfriend’s mother

-Hey, why do you have so much money at such a young age

-Are you insane? Haven’t you seen any rich kids

in your life


-It isn’t beautiful

You aren’t beautiful

You are neither beautiful nor satisfying

You are so ugly

This isn’t what I need

You should be covered up. You

-Director, I have prepared what you need

-Wear it

-I quit it


-I don’t know. It isn’t enough

-What is not enough

-Not enough

-Not shinning enough

-Yes, not shinning enough

How about this

-You look pretty

Do you have a boyfriend


-Get to your work

-One, two, three


-When will your wife come back

-She worked overtime. She is heading home now

-I think she is much more hardworking than you

Don’t you think that you completely live off your wife

-No, I don’t. I’m proud of it

-How about working in my uncle’s company

Their group produces ammunition

-Really? Do they also produce nuclear bombs

-Of course

-Where is that group

-This is a state secret. I can’t tell you easily

You have to go to work in a special car with your eyes covered

-Does the driver have to cover his eyes too


-It’s a good place but it’s hard to find it

-Here you are. Please have a seat

-This is the Chinese Baroque

Xiang Nan, it looks like St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome

-Yes, you are right

-Stop it

-So much food here

What do you want to talk with us


Lu Tao, does everything go well in the new company

-Yeah, I have been handling projects about hotels recently

And I will take an internship in the US two days later

-Xia Lin, I heard that you are in the French fashion circle now

-Yeah, I work for a French director now. Well

-Executive director

-My friends are doing pretty well

I really feel happy for you guys

-Come on, I happened to pick up my wife.

Everybody is here now


-Xia Lin

-What are you doing? What are you doing

I will charge you money

-So much food

-Doudou, Wu Xu just said

he is worried about you most

among all his girlfriends

-Hey, how dare you say that

-Let me tell you

Lu Tao

You can eat whatever you like,

but you can’t say whatever you want to say

-Handle it yourself

-Handle it, please

-Hello, everybody


-I’d like to tell you some good news

-What good news

-I’m going star in a movie

I have a few lines


I wish you good luck in acting

-What is your role

-The sixth female role

-How much is for one episode

-It’s a secret

-Lu Tao

encourage me

-You should have dreams

so you can have the meaning of life

Yeah, all of us should do that. Go

-Listen, this isn’t a normal bottle of wine

It has a history of over three hundred years

It was salvaged by a Canadian salvage team

from a sunken ship in Strait of Magellan

-No wonder

there is a smell of rotten fish and shrimps

-You can’t insult this bottle of wine

Do you know it has magic

for it has slept on the bottom of the sea for over three hundred years

and absorbed the essence of the nature

If someone writes down his or her wish on a piece of paper

and puts it into the bottle

the wish can come true in one year


-Silly girl, how could you believe him

-He is more reliable than you

-No, he isn’t

I’m sorry

-Let’s give it a try

-Let’s see how the rotten fish and shrimps taste

-Shut up. Bad fortune may fall on you

-Three hundred years

To our friendship



-Let’s write down our wishes

-Come on

-Do you like it

-Let’s go. Go

-Lu Tao, thank you

Your plan for improving public restrooms version 2.0

-Is it approved

-No, it isn’t

-Yeah. Great


-They said your design is pretty new

and creative, but it’s not practical

So they can’t adopt it

-Which part is impractical? I can revise it

-I didn’t ask them about that

-You didn’t ask

Manager Pan

this is our project

How can I work for you if you care nothing about it

-Lu Tao, you are a genius

First, they approved your design

Second, they don’t need us to do it

Thank you very much

-Thank you very much

Lu Tao, don’t be so serious

It’s just a job

-Hello, baby, we don’t need to work overtime

We can go to the seaside at the weekend

-Me again

I’ll pay. I’ll pay

Lu Tao, join us



-Is that Lu Tao

Do you have time? I want to see you

I am Xu Zhisen

I am sorry for being late

-It’s okay

Mr. Xu

you are just late for twenty-seven years

-Take a seat

Do you smoke it

-I can’t afford it


It’s been a very long time since I came back last time

The changes in Shanghai make this city a bit strange to me


But there’s something that has never changed

-What is it

-The mosquitoes in Shanghai

They even can fly into such a good hotel

Did you come back this time because you are retired

and ready to enjoy life

-I have some business here

And I want to see what you need by the way

-We don’t need anything

-Do you need money

I will try my best to help you as long as you ask me to do so


Did my mother tell you

I have uraemia

and need to have a kidney transplant operation as soon as possible


-I need you to donate a kidney to me

If I accept a kidney from someone who isn’t my relative

there will be rejection


-I promise

I will make a will that

I will donate my kidney to you

after I die

-I don’t need anything

I hope you can live to a ripe old age

The economic development of our country needs people like you

-Just like what you said

I am just your biological father

but I have never taken the responsibility as a father

I didn’t even buy you a toy

Can we buy a toy together

Do you know the name of this car

-Do we have to give it a name

How about Father’s Love Number One

-Do you know

life is actually like driving a car

The key is how to control it


You can use driving a car to describe life

I like it

-I think you need a reversing radar

just like that in this car

Sometimes it’s good for you to step back

-What else

-Don’t just work hard on yourself

You should know how to enjoy life

-Mr. Xu

I like the toy you bought me

-Do you

-Because it realized your dream of compensating me

We don’t need to see each other anymore

-Honey, what’s the matter

Honey, look at you

Your work must have been a bit stressful recently

-It will be my first time to take full charge of the launch event tomorrow

I don’t want to make any mistakes

-You are wrong. Even Homer sometimes nods

We are just common people, right

-I just don’t want to be a common woman

-No, you aren’t a common woman

You are my goddess

Come on

-Thank you

Water, I need water. Quickly

-Miss Yang is not only pretty but also helpful

Do you want to work in my company?

I can pay you three times

-No, Mr. Liu, you must be joking

Indeed, Xiaoyun has made this launch event pretty good

But there are still lots of things she needs to learn

-Thank you, Mr. Liu


A man who wants to achieve something must be decent

-Honey, honey

-Xiang Nan

-Your husband

You invited him to come here

-No, I’ll ask him to leave

-What are you doing

-How did you get in

-I told them your name and I was allowed to get in

I haven’t thought that my wife is so powerful

Taste the tea I made for you

Is that your boss

I should say hello to her. I must be polite

-That’s it

-Hello, boss, I am Xiaoyun’s husband

I am Xiang Nan

-You must be on vacation today

-I am on vacation every day

because I am the boss.

-What do you do

-Shopping mall

-Shopping mall

Where is it

-On the Internet

-Excuse me, Yunni, I feel a bit sick

so he came here to give me the medicine.

He will go to work right now

-Wait a minute

Although our company is just a small one now

but it’s hard to predict the future of the Internet

Do you know

our company is going to be listed in Spartacus of the US

-Do you need me to introduce you

some people who help companies to get listed

-No, thanks. I can do it myself

How hypocritical they are

You will be assimilated by them

-I had many assistants

but you are the worst one

-Director, you can tell me directly

what I need to improve

-Because you don’t take me as your friend

-You are my boss

-The boss and the assistant can make friends with each other

-Okay, you are my boss and my friend as well, okay

-Do you know friends don’t shake hands

when they say hello and goodbye

in Paris

They kiss their cheeks

-Of course I know

-Do you want to do it

-Boss, I’m very tired


You should be polite no matter how tired you are


Let me drive you home


-Lu Tao, there is something wrong

Get home in one hour

I’m sure that you can see something unexpected

Remember to calm down

-I’m so tired

-Fortunately I didn’t need to work overtime

Otherwise I wouldn’t have had the honor

to see the in-depth exchanges between

Chinese culture and French culture with my own eyes

To the French director. I bottom up. Help yourself

-Are you okay? What’s wrong

-Alain Delon was so brave

that he dare kiss my girlfriend in front of my house

-It wasn’t like that. It was just a hug

between two friends in order to be polite

-Do you think this is just a hug

-What are you doing?

-Your cheek was on his cheek just now

-What’s wrong with you

It wasn’t what you are thinking about

-Do you like him


-He is so handsome

I’m also excited when I see him

How can you not get excited

-You don’t believe me anyway.

I have nothing else to say

-Xia Lin

I didn’t get downstairs

because I didn’t want to make you embarrassed

-I don’t need you to do that

I don’t need you to do anything for me

and you can’t give me anything

-Now I give you a chance

Go to France with him

Let him help you realize your dream

-Okay, I’ll do it right now

-Go. Go to France with your dream

-You only care about yourself

You have made

your life plan

What about mine

My dream

My life plan

Have you ever thought about them

Do you think all the women

dream of getting married and having children

You still have a rich father

even if you don’t make any efforts

But I have nothing

-I rely on myself

to realize my dream

I don’t need any men

including Xu Zhisen

-Lu Tao

both of us should calm down

-Get up. Get up. It’s time for the meeting

Hurry up, everyone. Go to the meeting room

Mr. Pan called me and said he is in a traffic jam

So I will preside over today’s regular meeting

Let’s read the content of the meeting

Dear colleagues

recently incidents that white-collar workers died young

have happened from time to time

In order to avoid such tragedies

we should strengthen our awareness of our health

We should particularly pay attention to the following points


endure urine

-Give this proposal to me at two o’clock in the afternoon, okay

-Okay, okay

-Excuse me, we need to use this room

Please leave now

-Okay, okay

-Wait a minute

We booked this room first, didn’t we

-Yes, but the development department has an emergency meeting

-We are also in the development department

and we need to have a meeting as well

-What is your meeting about

The rules of health in the office

Is anyone of us in a hurry to have an operation

-Lu Tao, we’d better leave

They are the main force and we are the back-ups

-Look what we are busy with

-Do we have to look down upon ourselves

just because they look down upon us

Sit down


-Yan Qi

What is your personnel number


-Give him a warning letter. Right now

-Give a warning letter to A00001 as well

Right now. Right away

-Do you dare to do that

-Yes, I do

-What are you doing. Let go


Ye Lifeng, listen

The principle of this company says that all is equal here

No one can have privilege or form private groups

This is still my place

before twelve o’ clock

You, you and the rest of you

get out of here right now

-Manager Pan, good job


-I finally did that

I have put up with them for a very long time

I finally stood against them today

-Will they take revenge


Our success is the best way to take revenge on them

I hope you can seal this for me

so that I can take part in the young architects competition

We can prove that we aren’t losers

through our own efforts

-My seal in the my office’s drawer

You can take it

-Xia Lin

-You even live in the company for the competition

You are working so hard

-I heard that you also took part

in the group of homes for young people


-I respect every opponent. See you in the competition


But I have never taken you as my opponent



It doesn’t rain

-My hair dryer is broken

-Then buy another one

-It takes me thirty minutes from my home to the supermarket

If there were an online supermarket in my community

I could have my goods delivered immediately.

It would be very convenient

-Do you see the houses in the opposite

People’s houses were pretty small in the past

but neighbors got along well with one another


I don’t even know whether my neighbor is a man or a woman

Every thing has changed

But I really miss

the days when I could drink tea with my neighbors in the square

-How unlucky I am

It rained after I just washed the car

-The weather changes quickly

So do men

-You are always complaining that Xiang Nan is childish

but it’s better than being arrogant

-If there weren’t any men

would it be the end of the world

-If there would be the end of the world

and we could have next life

I would prefer to be a man

-You love fashion so much

I think you would wear women’s clothes even if you were a man

-If I were a man in my next life

Lu Tao should be a woman

So I could tyrannize him

I’m going to go to Paris

-When did you make that decision

-When I told Lu Tao that I wanted to break up

-But have you got well prepared

Have you found a job there? Do you have enough money

-No, I don’t. Lend me some money

Don’t be scared

-There must be a way out as long as I get there

If I don’t make my mind

my dream will always be a fantasy

-I support you

-Hello, is that one, one, six, one, one and four

I’d like to check the ticket to Paris

on the eighteenth day of next month

Lu Tao. L-u, Lu. T-a-o, Tao

-What are you doing

-Booking a ticket for you

Do you know that

Xia Lin has made up her mind to go to Paris

-Who told it to you

-I read my wife’s messages when she didn’t notice

-You did that again

-She hasn’t talked to me for days

I should know what she is doing

I don’t like you who only cares about your own career

and cares nothing about how Xia Lin feels

-I admit it

But I’m making efforts for our future

-You don’t need to make any efforts for your future

As long as you don’t have so much self-esteem

and call Xu dad

you will have everything

-My family name is Lu, not Xu

-This is Avatar’s age

We can’t simply use photos to attract people

so I have designed a 3D virtual journey

All the audience will feel like that they are in the real places

-I wonder whether we have enough money

-I will discuss it with Manager Pan

-No need to do that

According to the new rule in this company

only one team can be appointed to take part in

the competition of young people’s home

-That’s his team


We have been working very hard for a long time

-Because the company wants to save resources

-Manager Pan, can we persuade the leaders

-Save your breath.

They don’t have confidence in you guys

But the idea of virtual journey is pretty good

Maybe we can use it

-It’s our idea. You can’t copy it

-Can you accept this decision

-We will have another chance

-Mr. Xu

can you help me

I want to lend some money from you

-You need to go to France with your girlfriend

-I will return the money to you


you just want to solve all the problems with money

I’m sorry

-I have never begged you for anything since I childhood

-Great. Keep doing that

-Can’t you just help me since you are so rich

-The reason why I don’t give you money

is that you not only give up your goal

but also deprive Xia Lin of her right to strive for her goal

Make good preparations for the competition

-Mr. Xu

what if I call you dad

-I don’t have any experience in educating children

but I really want to compensate you

I think people should get up by themselves after they fall down

When I was a kid

my father told me about that

-Don’t leave

-Why are you so drunk

-Stay by my side

-What’s wrong

-This is for you

-Lu Tao, don’t

-I can’t bear this anymore

I think I can do anything

but I can’t do anything at all

I have tried so hard

because of you

But if you aren’t here

where should I go


you are the smartest man in the world

so you can solve any problems

-But I can’t even have you stay by my side

Okay, I will leave everything here

and go to Paris with you

-Lu Tao, you know

having a relationship doesn’t mean

that two people should be tied up to each other

Both of us have our own way to go

-But I need your support

-I need yours too

Isn’t it great that we support each other

I’m sure you will succeed

I believe you

-You left this yesterday

Let’s go

I succeeded in persuading them to give you a chance

but we only have twenty percent of the money



You have to win

I did that at the risk of losing my job

and my dignity

-Mr. Pan

I love you so much

-I love you too

-Twenty percent

Is it enough


-What surprise you have prepared for me

-I tried my best this time

and figured out how to expand our online business


Look at this

It was sold at ten yuan

But if it is added the flashing lights

it can be sold at three hundred. Isn’t it awesome

-Put them away right now

-Yeah, it can’t be seen by others

otherwise they will copy my idea

-Please tell me who will wear this bar with flashing lights

-You don’t understand

When the lights on, there will be heat

It must be popular because of the effect of thermal expansion

-Throw it away


I do it for our family

I don’t want to see you work so hard

-I work hard for you

Throw it away


I threw it away

-Please leave now

-What’s the matter

-Doudou went to the audition with me

She was sick

and suddenly fainted

-Brain tumor

-Where is Doudou

-She is doing the examination now

-Xia Lin


how is she

-Are you her family members

-Doudou, we are all here

-You can tell us about it

-The tumor is oppressing her cranial nerves

so we can’t perform an operation

-I am going to take part in a competition two days later

I hope you can go to see me

-Lu Tao

promise me

you must win

-I promise

-Am I going to die


-I’m not afraid of it

because I know you can ask someone in power for help

-You will be okay

You can go home now

I will stay here

-Let me stay here to take care of her

-Are you okay

You can’t even take good care of yourself.

How can you take care of others

-One of you has to take part in a competition

One is going to go to France

One is striving to be a business woman

All of us are busy except me

-What do you mean

-What do I mean? I’m telling the truth

Am I wrong

-You have never been right

-You are always the right one.

You haven’t done anything wrong

-I did do something wrong

My biggest mistake is that I married you


-Xiang Nan

Yang Xiaoyun, you must be strong


-Xiaoyun, can I drive you to your office

-Xiang Nan gave this to you

He is at the airport now

-Honey, I told you

I have an uncle who lives far away

He has a tea plantation in Xinjiang

I called him and told him

that I will go to find him

I asked him to make me a manager there

This is the logo I designed for you

When you can buy the herbal tea named after you

I will come back

I will definitely become a husband who you can be proud of

at that time

You won’t have to get up so early and work late into the night anymore

You won’t have to support our family alone

I promise you

-Let’s go

-He doesn’t answer the phone

-Xiang Nan

Xiang Nan

Do you really want to leave me


-Because I need to earn more money

so that I can give you a better life

-But I am not happy now

I don’t want to be a business woman

I won’t complain that you are a loser anymore

I just hope that you don’t leave me

Let’s make our life better together


Let’s go home

-I lost my shoes

Can you carry me home

-Our design accords with young people’s lifestyle

Five square meters

can make a small world for everyone of them

in which they

can work, live, study and gain entertainment

-Good job. You didn’t miss one word

-You can make it

-Yan Qi

the seats for my family

-We’ve got them


-Excuse me, these are VIP seats

Please sit in the back row, okay


-So rude

-What did you say

-What do you want to do

-I’m asking you

Watch your mouth

-You are rude, aren’t you -Forget it

-How dare you say that? I won’t forgive you

-So rude


-Welcome to Project 2.2

Every architect has three minutes

-Thank you

-Let’s welcome the next competitor

-I think all of you

have seen our design

with your own eyes

Our goal

is to make a dynamic community

for young people

in this charming city

this fashion city

Five square meters

can make a small world for everyone of them

My design is the home for young people

in your mind

-Why is his speech so similar with yours

-They copied our idea

-Oh, dear, game over

-Let’s welcome the next one

-Cheer up

The most important thing is that we have made our efforts for this competition

-I want to ask all the young people here one question

What is your dream

Is it an apartment of two hundred square meters downtown

or a job with the annual salary of five hundred thousand yuan

or the achievement that your name

is in the Forbes list

one day

I respect everyone’s dream

But it’s inevitable that we lose something

when we strive for what we want

such as







-Some chose to give up

but they still want to find what they lost

in the end

Some haven’t gained anything

but they have to leave this world

with nothing in their hands

Life is changeable

just like the process of our growth

We strive for our dreams

after we graduated from the college

We work very hard

but we gradually become indifferent

and complicated

There is no way that we can live in a dormitory at the university again

where roommates encourage

and support one another

in spite of making fun of one another

But this is exactly what we need most

Our design originated from this idea

which can help young people gather together again

so that they can support

and accompany one another

when they strive for their dreams

Thank you

-Good job, Lu Tao

-What a wonderful speech

What a wonderful design

-Did you come here

to tell me that I won the first prize

I won’t accept the success you give me

-What you said

not only insulted me

but also insulted your design

-So you didn’t do that

-Of course not

But I have a gift for you

Father’s Love Number Two

I want to find what I lost

Go to France with Xia Lin

-Maybe it’s because you are my father

It’s the first time that I think

you are right

-I bet you haven’t thought I will come here

-You still care about him

Lu Tao is a lucky man

I really admire him

-But I admire you

He only loves one woman most

That’s Xia Lin

-But I have to share him with other women at any time

I feel stressed

-In order to reduce your pressure

how about giving him back to me

-Okay, if that’s what he wants

-I really hope that Lu Tao can win. I mean it

See you later




-Xia Lin

-Guess who I met just now


-An old friend

-Xia Lin

I have a present for you

but you have to promise me something

before I give it to you

-You want to exchange gifts with me

Okay, name it

What do you want

-Go to France and make your dream come true

I will stay here

and continue supporting you spiritually and financially

Are you going to cry

-What happened to Doudou

made me realize something

Having a dream doesn’t mean that I can be selfish

or do things at will

or give up my love


-So I’ve decided to stay by your side

and support you

-Will you wear it

-Is this a proposal in your style

-I’d like to hear a promise in your style

We will get married

when you come back from Paris two years later

-Why do you insist on sending me to France

-Because I don’t want to lose you

It’s also my dream to realize your dream

Two years

will be the best test for both of us

Do you dare to take that challenge

-What did you do? I didn’t tell you I dare not do that

-Then wear it

-I should leave now

-I will wait for you

-I will fight against anyone who bullies you

Is that okay

You are the smartest man in the world

so you can solve any problems

My dream

My life plan

Have you ever thought about them

[Two years later]

-Your idea will become a reality soon

Do you think you are luckier than other people

-I am lucky and hardworking

-How about giving us a slogan

-Being confident and cherishing what you have

-Mr. Lu, can you say a few more words

-Chief editor

-The dream laughed at by people is much more worth realizing

-Long time no see

Please use this sentence


Last question

Who do you feel most grateful to

-Xia Lin

-Xia Lin, how long will you stay here this time

-I will leave tomorrow

for Paris first and then Milan

-Do you think

-Our designer Xia is becoming cooler and cooler

-And she looks like a successful business woman

-If Xia Lin is a successful business woman

I am willing to be the man who supports her

-You finally know what to do

-I don’t know what I said just now

-Yes, you do

-I feel very happy

to see all of you have your successful careers

Let’s drink now

-This is my private collection

I think it’s time to open it today

-Wu Xu

wanted to do mine clearance in Iraq


-Xiang Nan

wanted to drink tea with his wife every day

-Lu Tao

wanted to become an outstanding architect

-This is mine

I hoped I could quarrel with Xiang Nan forever

-Xia Lin

It’s a great dream

She hoped everyone’s dream could come true

It seems that all of us have made our dreams come true

except you

-Not only me

-She hoped

her friends could remember her forever

-I really miss the days I spent with Doudou


-I’d like to tell you some good news

-What good news

-I’m going star in a movie

I have a few lines

-Congratulations, Doudou

I wish you good luck in acting

-What is your role

-The sixth female role

-How much is for one episode

-It’s a secret

-Lu Tao

encourage me

-You should have dreams

so you can have the meaning of life

Yeah, all of us should do that. Go

-Xiang Nan, what about you

-I don’t know how to say those things

I love my wife and my wife loves me

I wish you could become the best actress of Oscar

-Okay, give me the award now

-Make a speech to tell us how you feel


-I am so excited

I am particularly grateful to my friends

I know

they will always be by my side

even if the whole world doesn’t trust me. Come on

-So touching

Lu Tao, what do you think about it

-Stop it

[Lu Tao finished his first work at thirty-two in Huaqiao County of Kunshan City]

[Ma Weihao Director·Scriptwriter]

[The End]