Fantasía de juventud (2020) - full transcript

Idea, story, thing,
or false perception of reality...

that only exists in the mind
of those who imagine it.

When I wake up in the morning.

That's when I see most clearly
that I cannot go on like this.

That's when I realize that
perhaps things work differently.

A shower, a good breakfast...

I feel clean
and I start living as a person.

Suddenly it's noon,
and my face is covered with sunshine.

That's the best moment.

Part of me starts to recover
from the punishment of pleasure.

The other senses it coming again...

and is ready to repeat.


My magic hour.

It urges me to live life
no matter where I am.

To drop everything
and go anywhere and do anything.

A desperate war is raging inside me.

It's not nostalgia, it's not anger,
it's not depression, it's not fun,

it's not excitement or desire.

It's nothing of the sort.

It's something else.

It's like the smell of fresh grass
on a sunny morning in May.


My name is Aina T.

I'm an ordinary girl.

And I think that youth is overrated.

What's up, girl?

You're late.

I know.

I've known Adri since we were kids.

We're neighbors
and we live in the same building.

We would always play
on the stairs when we were little.

Where is Clau?

I think she's coming later.


It's just that she still owes me money.

Clau is my best friend. My sister.

I know everything about her...

and she knows everything about me.

What about you?

Did you take the test?


What's your plan?

I'll take the make-up test, I guess.

But for now...


Actually, I'm not really up for parties.

I just go out for the sake of it.

I thought you were staying home today.

No. I couldn't.

Want a swig?


Pol is here...

so the night begins.

I come down the stairs.

I start to feel that sensation
all over my body.

Pol is the boy of my dreams.

Without saying a word,

I let him take me wherever he wants.

The days go by quickly.

The end of the course is near.

For most of us,
this is our last year here.

A moment of indecision and contradiction.

Between the desire to know oneself...

and the personal confrontation
with reality.

A moment to be
everywhere and nowhere.

In the midst of all this confusion,

I'm just trying to be honest.

Simple and spontaneous.

But sometimes I don't feel like myself.

I feel like I'm other people.

That prevents me from seeing myself.

Did you leave with Pol last night?


He'd been hitting on you all night.

Yes, I know.


Then nothing ever happens.

What class do you have next?

Nothing. Literature.

Want to go for a coffee?

Don't you have a test today?

Look what we have here.

The queens of the night.

Shit. I forgot your money, Adri.

Well, don't worry.

You have to buy me a coffee, though.

Where did you end up last night?


We didn't end anything.

Pol and the others are still at Ricardo's.

What are they doing there?

Ricardo's parents are on vacation...

and he has the house to himself.

What a luxury.

I've never been there.

Why don't we go there now?

It's a sunny day, gals.

And there's a pool...

There's a pool!

Math class or spending
the day at Ricardo's house?

Easy choice when you're young...

and you feel spring
dressing up as summer.

However, the only reason I'm here...

is the remote possibility
of running into Pol.

You make me move, you make me dance.

You make my heart beat, beat super fast.

You make me move, you make me dance.

You make my heart beat, beat super fast.

You lift me up, you make me laugh.

Baby, you're the best I've ever had.

You lift me up, you make me laugh.

Baby, you're the best I've ever had.

Listen, Ricky.

Why don't you show Claudia around?

– You'd like that?
– Sure.

Let's go, then.

Damn. You're such a pain, girl.

You disappeared last night.

I sprung out first chance I got.

You could have come here with us.

I know, but I was tired.

No wonder. You haven't stopped in 4 days.

Same as you.

Pol was here too, you know?

I love music but I'm terrible at it.

It's all about getting started.

I know... But I'm just really bad at it.

Music is all about...


Now, that's something I'm awful at.

When are Ricardo's parents coming back?

I don't know...

For me, they can stay wherever they are.

We could stay here.

That'd be epic.

Like a community.

Some clean, others cook,
others make repairs...

Others sleep.

Such a hard-working guy.

Don't tell me about work.

That paper is work enough for me.

Which I haven't even done yet.

That paper is due on Friday, Adri.

Yeah, I know it's due on Friday.

It's due tomorrow, then.

Tomorrow is Thursday.

No... Today is Thursday.
Tomorrow is Friday, isn't it?

Fuck. I have to go, then.

I have to go.


If tomorrow is Friday I better get going.

You coming?

I don't know...

Guys, I love you
and everything, but duty calls.

Good luck.


Throw out the trash, would you?

Anything else?

Come on, Adri! Remember
you're doing it for the community.

Fuck off, Frank.

– I love you, honey bear!
– Blow me!

There's no way he can
finish that paper on time.

Are you in the same class?

Yes. We're studying
for our admission tests.

If I'm lucky maybe I pass this year.

What do you want to do?

I'm still a bit lost, actually.

I can't do what I want here.

So I'm thinking
about moving abroad next year.

Many people go abroad.

It's the only way.

Yeah. It's getting rough.

Popcorn anyone?

There are moments in my life...

that I don't know if
they were real or just a dream.

Either way, they're still part of my life.


I love the smell of swimming pools.

Everything changes...

except for that smell.

It reminds me that
summer is on the horizon.

Oh, my... We've spent
so many summers together...

I wonder if there is
anything beyond that lust.

Tomorrow will come soon...

and now is already yesterday.

When Clau has flowers in her eyes,

that's because she's hiding something.

Aina told me. How was it?

I don't know what she told you,

but nothing happened.

But you slept together, didn't you?


And you didn't kiss?

Maybe a little.

Just a little?

I don't believe you.
What else? Tell us.

Sometimes I think about
dropping everything and leaving.

To run forever.

I don't know if normal people
have these thoughts...

or if it's just an age thing...

or just me.

In any case, sometimes
I just want to run away.

To run away from the memory
of those nets of melancholy.

To run away from that strange emotion.

To erase the pain...

and depart from zero to infinity.

What's up, girls?

– Fuck, dude...
– Hey, you know you can't rush me.

How are you doing?

Clau just had a date with Ricardo.

You're kidding, right?

And you weren't going to tell me?

I'm telling you now.

You caught a nice toff.

Speaking of money... Clau?


I don't have it.
I'll give it to you tomorrow.

What do you mean you don't have it?

What do you mean you don't have it?

I need it, you know?

What do you think this is?

You bring money to the supermarket, right?

Or do you just say "I'll pay you tomorrow.
I don't have any money"?

Well, this is the same fucking thing.

Always the same story.

It's only money, Adri.

Or not?

This better be the last time, brat.

– The same goes for you.
– Calm down, Adri.

Don't tell me to calm down.
It's my money.

Look, I can give you Aina's part now
and she will pay me back later.

Fine. Give it to me.


Now relax,
it's only money for god's sake.

Alright. I'm out of here.

Are you serious?

You put on this show
and then you just leave?

Yes. I have to go.

See you around.


Didn't you find that weird?

He's always so calm...

I've known him since we were little kids
and he'd never talked to me that way.

I already told you.

I saw it with my own eyes
that day at Rubén's party.

I told you.

I told Laura too.

I certainly didn't see it coming.

The cake thing?

Yes. The cake thing.

What should we do?

I don't have any money.

Me neither.

You know what I have, though?

What can two girls with no money do...

in a city where you need
money to do anything?

The answer is:


I walked to find
I slipped inside a day dream.

In between a place before my time.

And I tried to climb
a staircase made of my dreams.

But I fell down into your arms to find.

I want you to know
all about the things I'm dreaming.

You're never gonna
know 'cause I'm lost with who I am.


Isabel has shaved her head.

I can't believe this.

Who is Isabel?

That girl from 10th grade.

The one who always wears those red boots.

Everything, no matter
how small, has a story.

It's Adri.

No, we're at Aina's.

About to go to bed.

He's asking me about the candy.

Should I tell him that we ate them?

No, tell him we didn't.


What does he say?

He says: "Thank goodness.
Those come with a little gift".

What does he mean by "little gift"?

Clau and I know exactly
what "little gift" means.

Words are superfluous.

A single glance is enough
to understand each other.

The night is young...

and so are we.

How long do you wanna go out?
I think I need to be safe.

So do you wanna get close to me?

Get away, we could wander around.

Do you think we can go
see the glamour and misery?

So don't wait,
whatever you think about it.

I'm not scared to forget it all.

I feel safe whenever
you're looking at me.

Just lay low in the capital.

Whatever it takes to keep you 'round me.

Don't stop, keep up, I'mma give you some.

Whatever it takes to
keep you by my side tonight.

'Cause when you touch me in the club...

I'm in love.
Say it's true.

'Cause even with her
there's no me and you...

It's okay.

Comin' through.

'Cause being with you
is what I want to do.

Make it stop!

Stop the damn thing!


A permanent sense of guilt.

Every thing I do. Every thought I have.

Every place I go.

Every situation I live...

makes me feel like a prisoner.

I don't know why.

Part of me seems to be wasting time.

The other tries to
hold on to it at all costs.

To be honest, I'm worried about
succumbing to the idea...

that I will never know
exactly what I have to do.

You know I'm thinking of becoming a vet?


I thought you wanted to be a teacher.

Yes. That too.

There's a barbecue at Ricardo's.

Should we go?

I'm tired.

Pol will be there.

Everything tastes like spring.

The days go by...

and Pol is still nowhere to be found.

Everything remains the same.

I remember this.

Me too.

Since this could take a while...

are you up for more vodka?


We'll ask them to bring some
when they're back, then.

Look at the lovebirds.

You got lost in the woods, didn't you?

Shut up.

Let's find out who's next.

Number 5?


You know what you have to do.

Number 7?

That's you.


This is getting interesting.

Don't take too long.

We want to play too.

Poem to myself:

Love blossoms inside me.

My mind overflows.

I can't stop thinking about him.

Why didn't you come last night?

Why weren't you there?

Your absence feeds my desire.

Love blossoms inside me.

My mind overflows.

What do you plan to do, Aina?

The course is about to end
and your attitude hasn't changed.

Not to mention your grades,
which keep getting worse.

You skip class, you don't
submit your assignments,

you don't show up for tests...

I have a full stack of doctor's notes
with your name on them.

Do you really go to the doctor that much?


Don't try to fool me, Aina.

You're not going to
get anything out of it.

Tell me what's going on.

Nothing's going on.

Don't you think it's about time
something happens?

I guess...

But what for?

To be fulfilled...


You are smart.

If you're not passing the tests
it's because you don't want to.

I know, but you don't understand.

What is it that I don't understand?
Tell me.

Forget it.

You think I don't know this feeling?

Believe it or not, I was young once too.

The course is almost over, Aina.
Seize your time.

You know what you have to do.

You might be young,
but you're not a little girl.

Did you get told off by Cubi?

Just a little.

He was pretty soft on me.

Lucky girl!

He's been in a very good mood lately.

He told us the other day
that he is retiring this year.

He's quite old, isn't he?

He's been teaching for thirty years.

Adri! Let me try.

You will get hurt.

Just hold me.

If you break an arm,
I had nothing to do with it.

Such a gentleman.

What's up? Wanna go to the beach?

Aina T. Beach, summer, sunshine...

I can't.

It kills me but I can't go.

Well, I'm going.

Tell Cubi that I'm not feeling well today.

No matter how much
you want to do something,

there's always
that other thing you have to do.

I wish I could go to the beach,

or any other place, to feel free.

No matter how much I write about this,

nothing can't make up for lost time.

Cause what I really want...

and what I really need...

is something that'll make me feel good.

Cause what I really want...

and what I really need...

is something that'll make me feel good.


It's me.

Shit... I'm with Ricardo.

But we were meeting today.

I know, but...

Can I come in, at least?


I think it'll be better if...
I don't know.

Okay, but you owe me.

Stop it!

Unexpected events always
lead to unexpected paths.

Excuse me.

Are you...


What's your name?


Nice to meet you, Aina T.

I've read some of your books.

Oh, yes?

I love them.

Don't waste your time reading my books.

You should be reading the nice stuff.
Like Proust or Harry Potter.

Want to sit with me?

I'd love to.

Waiter! Bring me another one.

What do you want to drink, Aina?

A beer.

A beer?

And a beer!

What's a girl your age
doing in a place like this?

Are you waiting for something to happen?

No... I just needed to use the restroom.

And you have to go?

I guess so...

I'll be right back.

How old are you?

Does it matter?



My guess is sixteen.

You're a student?


Good answer.

You like literature?

I think I do.

I enjoy reading and writing.

So, you write?

I've written a few short stories,
but they're terrible.

Would you mind if I took a look at them?


Yes, seriously.

I want to know your fantasies.

Thank you.

It would be an honor if you could read
some of my stories, sir.

Don't call me sir, please.

It makes me feel very old.


It makes me feel a bit uneasy too.

I'm not used to it.

It's not very personal.

Can I ask you something about
one of your books, Fernando?

I guess you can.

There's this passage
at the end of 'Loving you',

when Ramiro is awaiting for his death
in front of king Arises.

He says that he doesn't fear death.

He feels pride knowing
that he's going to die young.

Why? I don't understand.

Even when the character dies,
his youth remains alive.

Ramiro is aware that death
can't take away his youth.

Only time can.

I still don't understand.

Why don't you ask yourself
this question in a few years?

Maybe now is not the right time.

If you can't find the answer then,
you know where to find me.


Aina, are you okay?

Yes, I'm studying.

Your teacher called.
He says you barely go to class.

It's only been a couple of days.
Ask me if you want.

Have you eaten?

No. I'm not hungry.

Sometimes I feel my life is a blank sheet.

Nothing is written on it.

Millions of things
are happening around me,

but my sheet remains blank.

Nothing is written on it.

Seen up close, though,
written words aren't so important.

A book. A poem. A verse.

A kiss on the lips.

Deep down, it's something insignificant.

Like everything else.

Like everyone else.

Like all those tiny people
who walk around like ants.

Where does everybody go?

Where does all this go?

What about me? Where am I going?

What will become of me?

Will I remember
these moments in the future?

Can anyone solve this problem?

I'm a person.

Every day is the same.

All of them are 24 hours long.

Night and day.

Sadness and happiness.

The only thing I don't have
is the only thing I desire.

I'm a person.

What do we have here?

The missing girl.

How do you do?

Have you heard from Clau?

Yes. She's at home.

She'll come later.

What about you, Adri?
Have you finished your paper yet?

I wish.

Please, don't bring up
the subject of the paper.

What's the plan?

No plan.

No rush.

Pascual says he's coming up.

Should we hide from him?

Hey! Where are you going?

I reach you and I freeze.

We're so close...

and yet more distant than ever.

Why do we let this moment
slip away without doing anything?

Why do we let time go by,

knowing that it never stops?

Why doesn't happen
what is supposed to happen?

I'm here.

I can't see you.

I'm parking. Two minutes.

I'll be late. Wait for me, please.

We're in the subway.

Two more stops and we're there.

Spring is coming to an end
and fairs arrive.

Over the years, we've stopped
riding the attractions.

Either because of money or laziness.

Even if the excitement is still there,

now the joy of partying
lies in the most absurd things.

Every year comes to an end...

and gives way to new years
and new generations...

that will take new centenaries.

But in this long-awaited conclusion...

I still don't know where my place is.

I'm unable to decode the message.

– It's out of order!
– What do you mean it's out of order?!

Order, please!


We'll have a... a happy box, right?

Happy box!

A happy box...

A happy box...

Nuggets and...
What do you want for dessert?

– A happy ice cream!
– A happy ice cream... A McFurry.

- – Yes, the regular one.
- McFurry!

I just farted!

– Let's see if I can remember...
– Careful!

Do you want a nugget?

– Yes, I'd like a nugget.
– Nope.

What is this?
Who do you think paid for all this?

Everything is changing.


Everything is upside down.

I look upon my city.

I don't know why,
but every time we go up the hills...

the city looks smaller.

I feel the wind.
I feel the perfume of summer.


The feeling is back.


I don't want this to end.

I'm home alone.

A song comes through the window.

I can't stop replaying
the same moment in my head.

I try to hold it with resolute love...

because I don't know
If I'll ever feel the same again.

So, we have two groups here.

The first group are the derivatives.

Then, there's the second group,
which we must...

Girls. Can you put
your phone away and listen?

The end of the course
is almost here and you'll be lost.

If you go on like this
I'll have to take them away from you.

Okay... Where were we?

Ricardo organized a costume party...

to surprise Clau
and celebrate her birthday.

When friends celebrate their birthday
or remind you of their age,

you suddenly feel
as if it was your birthday too.

My best friend. My sister.

The only person that listens to me...

and has the ability to
straighten me out with just a smile.

Clau is getting older.

Tonight we're all going to
get a little older too.


I wanted to tell you so many things...

Your face, your nose...

Have you seen Pol?

I think he's with Saray.

What's the matter?

Michael doesn't want to dance?

I'm tired.

Want a sip?

Got a cigarette?


I think I'm going to buy a pack.

Can you bring some ice too?
I think we ran out.

Sometimes I don't know
if I'm special or stupid.

I can't wait any longer.

I need something to happen...

but nothing ever happens.

I don't know what I want.

I am frustrated by everything and nothing.

I feel sad and happy at the same time.

I am amazed at myself and my environment.

I always expect a lot from others,

and sometimes I forget about myself.

I can't wait any longer.

In life, you can't deal with anything

unless you deal with the truth first.

Let's take a break, girls!

I guess you're here to talk about Pol.

I know he's not going to tell me.

I just wanted to ask you
if you're together now...

or if something happened.

Yes, we're together.

We have been seeing each other
for around two months now.

Pol told me there was nothing
between you and him.

There's nothing between us...

It's just that I'm in love with him.

Thanks for telling me.

You're very good. Keep it up.

Last year. Last day.

Last test.

You prepare
your whole life for this moment...

and when it comes you feel as if
everything had happened in a flash.

My sheet is still blank.

Nothing is written on it.

No before or after.

No answers.

If such things exist at all.

Here we go!

Take hope as we're floating
through the sky.

I want you to know all about
the things I'm dreaming.

You're never gonna know
'cause I'm lost with who I am.

And I know that time
is wasted for true imagination.

So leave it all behind us now.

I want you to know all about
the things I'm dreaming.

You're never gonna know
'cause I'm lost with who I am.

I want you to know all about
the things I'm dreaming.

What are you doing, sister?
Are you up?

I hope you are.
I'm at the park and I thought...

We could meet up if you feel like it.

I don't know...

Please, get back to me.

Excuse me.
Have you seen a blond girl?

No, I'm sorry.

You're in 11th grade, right?

Yes. How do you know that?

I've seen you in the hallway.

What's your name?


My name is Aina.

I knew that too.

Aina T.

Let's go, Pau!

I have to go, Aina.

See you around.

What's wrong?



What's the matter?

He left me.

What happened?

I don't know...

He texted me today saying that...

he needed time for other things.

You had a fight?


I don't understand.

Let it go.

Young love.

You come and go as you please.

A perfume that you will never forget.

Feelings sprout up inside you, dear.

For the first and last time.

When young love fades away...

you know it's forever.

As everything advances,
I stop for an instant.

My moment.

I feel as if life was just an echo.

Everything is ephemeral.

I realize there's only
one beginning and one end.

Nothing ends. Nothing concludes.

Everything goes on.

In the end, time will erase us all.

As if we were perfume or music.

But as long as I exist,
you will exist too.

And this feeling will remain with me.

In my essence. In my being.

Nothing ends as long as we exist.

Everything goes on.

Perhaps one day a tear
will fall from our lost gaze...

and we'll be surprised to see that
we don't advance in vain, my friends.