Face in the Mirror (1982) - full transcript
Small scale independent film which bring an honest insight to the subject of teen suicide.
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- Well just try to get
him to join in. Please.
- How? He's boring. He's dull.
The sled.
Ah, Danny.
(police sirens)
(sinister music)
(ambulance sirens)
- Let me drive you to
the hospital Anthony.
- Would you like to give me
some information now, Mr Lowe?
- I'm going to the hospital too, Officer.
- And I'm going with him.
- I'll join you there after I
take some phone numbers here.
Everyone don't leave yet!
We need to get your
names and phone numbers.
So if you just step inside
the church for a moment.
This won't take long.
(sirens blaring and equipment beeping)
(muffled murmurs)
- Could I have your attention?
I realize everyone is tired
and beyond talking tonight.
We would like to get your
names and telephone numbers.
And we will contact you later.
- Well I think these young people
should just forget the whole thing.
They're upset enough as it is.
- Why should our children be harassed
because of the lunatic behaviour
of one disturbed boy?
- Right! It's best they just
put it out of their minds.
- Danny DeMarco may die sir!
We can't just put a boy's
life out of our minds.
- Sir, that is a police matter now.
- Let's get on with it
and get out of here.
- Maybe I should go and be with Mary?
- Myann and Jerry went.
And the pastor will be there.
- Yes. I suppose you're right.
(sirens blaring)
(urgent music)
- Is the patient stable?
- [Man] I got vitals. BP 70 over 40.
Pulse 120. Respiration's 40 shallow.
- Patient's critical. Let's
get in the emergency room.
- [Pastor Billings] Father
we pray for the life
of a boy that is suffering.
We pray that he may have
another chance to know you.
We ask this in Jesus' name.
- Who cares about first place in chess?
I mean, what normal boy cares about chess?
Why can't you win at something important?
I played sports all my life
and I end up with a chess player.
It's all your fault.
You've made a weakling out of him.
- I think it's wonderful
he won first place.
- Do you?
I'm surprised he hasn't taken
up cooking or embroidery.
I bet he'd be great at lace-making.
- [Mary] Anthony, don't!
- I never wanted an
oddball for a son, Mary!
All the other fathers
brag about their sons
and I can't say one word.
My friends all feel sorry for me.
Having a loser for a son.
A loser for a son.
- [Doctor] Let's get some
suction on this patient.
Get some O2 by mask.
- I can't understand how we
missed all the signs, Jerry?
I can't understand why.
There was one day.
I really appreciate your help, Danny.
You know, goodness is
in the little things.
Like helping someone carrying groceries.
"I do not concern myself
with great matters
or things too wonderful for me".
That's Psalm 131, verse one.
I stick to the little things.
- My mother's like that.
But my favorite psalm
is Psalm 69,
verse 20.
"Scorn has broken my heart
and left me helpless,
I looked for sympathy but there was none.
For comforters but I found none".
- Oh Danny, you're dramatizing.
You're too young to feel like that.
- Am I?
- Dear Lord
He told me but I didn't hear.
Forgive me.
- Type and cross match five
units back red blood cells.
Prep for surgery. Stat!
- I'm going over to the hospital.
- I'm going off duty but
Eddie should be there by now.
Sure a lot more calls like
this than there used to be.
- Suicide rate among 15 to 24 year olds
has increased by 300% in
the last 20 years Dave.
- That much?
- That much.
- [Teacher] Suicides are
the third leading killer
of teenagers in our country today.
Many experts believe that it's
the first leading killer because
many teenage deaths are covered up
by doctors who are sympathetic to parents.
Every year in this country, 5,000 kids
succeed in killing themselves.
The number who attempt and fail, 500,000.
Now psychiatrists believe
that today in our society,
1 in every 5 kids suffers the symptoms
of some sort of depression.
A depression that could lead
to death in the teen years.
Can you keep a family together?
Can you bring back a
belief in one creator?
Can you stop the 1,000,000 cases
of battered children that we
get in our country every year?
And can you give these kids back
the self-esteem that's been taken away
from them through the years?
What can you do?
- With God's help, I can try.
- Oh Danny!
I wasn't anything in school either, honey.
Not everyone can be important.
Just take what you can get.
- Dad.
- Well, he was a big athlete you know.
And he's just disappointed that's all.
I mean,
Here, I made your favorite cookies.
- Mum.
- There's no sense talking about it.
Just forget it.
You'll forget about it tomorrow.
(tense music)
- Mary!
- I don't know!
- They're taking Danny
to surgery, Mrs DeMarco.
If you'll follow me, I'll
show you to the waiting room.
- They're moving him now, Officer Brandon.
If you'll just wait a moment
I'll get you the information.
- So, when you feel
like putting down people
that don't know the Lord yet.
Keep Paul's word to the Ephesians.
Chapter two, verse 12 in mine.
"Remember that at one time,
you were separate from Christ.
Without hope and without
God in the world".
What other scripture fits in
with witnessing to others?
- "I was a stranger and you invited me in"
- [Jerry] Matthew 25:35, good Mark!
- "And he has given us this command,
whoever loves God must
also love his brother".
First John 4:21.
- How does that work?
They're not our brothers until
they accept Jesus as their savior.
Are they?
- Yeah, it's bad enough to have to like
some of my Christian
brothers who are creeps.
- [Jerry] Turn to First John,
chapter 4, verses 19 and 20.
"We love because he first loves us.
If anyone says I love God, and yet
hates his brother, he is a liar.
For anyone who does not love his brother,
whom he has seen, cannot love God
whom he has not seen".
- Okay, we've gotta love everybody.
I'll praise the Lord
and love all my brothers
if somebody'll pass the marshmallows.
- I left them in the car.
- Wendy!
- Come one, we need more firewood anyway.
- Well I guess that leaves us
to pick up the paper.
- C'mon Wendy, let's do trash duty.
- I always end up with the rotten jobs.
- I'll help too.
- Is something bothering you Danny?
- Why?
- You seem a little down.
- A little.
- Share, Danny.
That's what brothers are for.
- "I am a stranger to my brothers".
Psalm 69.
- [Darren] Here comes
the marshmallows crew!
- Hey let's pass them over there.
- Okay
- Oh Danny!
Did I just pass on by you?
I meant to get back but I got too busy.
- [Nurse] Surgical waiting
room now. Third floor.
- Georgia, stop that sniffling.
It's getting on my nerves.
This whole thing had
nothing to do with us.
- [Georgia] But I was so frightened.
Darren might have been hurt.
- Well he wasn't!
You'd think the church
would be more careful
about letting a nutcase
like that in a youth group.
I tell you, I'm going
to that board meeting
next week and give it a piece of my mind.
- Come on Mum!
I had to invite that creep but I am not
gonna spend the evening with him.
- Honey, poor Danny isn't having any fun.
- Mother, poor Danny is a drag.
He can't have fun. He's
too happy being miserable.
- Well just try to get
him to join in. Please.
- How? He's boring.
He's dull. He's a sled.
- Don't think about it
son. The kid was sick.
You had nothing to do with it.
Absolutely nothing.
- Mary, Anthony. Let us pray together.
- I don't feel like it, Pastor.
You and Mary go right ahead.
- Mary.
- I can't!
- Such a tragedy.
- Yes it is.
- Have you heard anything from surgery?
- Not a word.
- You just go on up to bed, honey.
I'll bring you some nice, warm milk.
- It was all so scary!
- Don't dwell on it Kim.
Just try to forget the whole thing.
It had nothing to do with you.
You can't be responsible for
someone's mental illness.
- Well you are wrong Danny!
The Bible says "Thou shalt not kill".
That includes all people. Thick or not.
You're just arguing to get attention.
- Yeah he's always trying
to get attention that way.
- You can't always win an argument
by attacking the other person Kim.
Try thinking sometimes instead of yelling.
- I hate you Danny DeMarco!
I really hate you!
- "Anyone who hates his
brother is a murderer.
And you know no murderer
has eternal life in him",
First John 3:15.
- Drop dead Danny DeMarco!
I'll bet you aren't
even really a Christian
so you can just drop dead.
- Forget it, Kim dear.
It has nothing to do with you.
- I was pretty sure that Danny wasn't,
well that he never really accepted
the Lord as his personal savior.
We were talking. Just
after witnessing class.
About the first step
toward accepting the Lord.
Confessing your sins.
But Danny, remember Romans 3:23?
"For all have sinned and fall short
of the glory of God".
We have to understand that so
we realize what the Lord has done for us.
- Or to us.
- What?
- Oh Carrie!
Don't you ever find
that sometimes it's too hard?
- Being a Christian?
- Just being.
- I know I have eternal life Danny.
If I didn't have that
it would be impossible.
Like in Romans, 6:23.
"The wages of sin is
death, but the gift of God
is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".
- So?
- So no matter how tough things might get,
I've got the Lord and eternity on my side.
- Carrie.
- [Girl] Hey Carrie, come one.
You're supposed to help clean up.
- What Danny?
- [Girl] Carrie!
- Nothing, nothing.
- I should've forgotten to clean up
and stayed with Danny.
Mum, I never brought up the subject again.
it may be too late.
- Let's ask the Lord's
help about this, Carrie.
We'll pray for Danny.
And for our understanding
of the Lord's will.
- How can you take
their side when you know
how sensitive T.S is about everything?
- He is old enough to know.
- He is too young to have to
deal with things like this.
- Are you always gonna protect him?
He'll adjust.
- If I have to, I'll protect him.
You act like you care more
for those people at church.
- So how do you feel?
- Mother thinks I'm too
young to do anything.
Father doesn't think of me at all.
But you've got to play the game,
if you wanna be somebody.
- Be somebody.
- You know what I mean.
Sure I don't like a lot of
things Darren says and does.
But if I go against him, poof!
There go all the parties.
I end up being alone in the lunch room.
- Like me.
- You can't be alone Danny.
You gotta be in a group.
- Like Darren's?
- Somebody's.
- What about our Christian
brotherhood at church?
- Church isn't where it's at.
- Yeah.
- I mean, I believe and all that.
Doesn't work in the real world, does it?
- Guess not.
- Father,
I faked it
all these years.
I wanted others to like me.
I made others more important than you.
Forgive me.
Forgive me for not giving my life to you.
I know Christ died for me.
come into my heart.
And forever.
- Help us to understand your will.
- Mr and Mrs DeMarco, we're moving Danny
to intensive care from the recovery room.
I'll be taking you downstairs
and then you can see him just briefly.
- Is he alright?
- The doctor'll speak to you there.
- Mr and Mrs Lowe, I'd like
to get those statements now.
Pastor Billings, if you
wouldn't mind coming also.
They've let us borrow
an office downstairs.
- I don't know how
things like this happen.
They're not supposed
to happen in a church.
They're just not supposed to happen.
- But it did Daddy!
I was terrified. I could have been killed.
- Things like this are
not supposed to happen.
- Susan think of how poor
Mary and Anthony must feel.
- They should never have
allowed him to act like this.
- That's right! It's all their fault.
It's all their fault.
- Dawn?
What's the matter? You look a little down.
- I'm just waiting for Kim.
She's at a cheerleader meeting.
- Come on, I'll walk you home.
- No, I promised I'd wait.
- Want company?
- No thanks Danny, I uh.
- You don't wanna be seen with me.
Especially by Kim Stanton and her friends.
- That's not it, I, oh Danny.
Just bug off please.
I don't wanna be mean.
- You're always doing
things you don't wanna do.
- What are you talking about?
- You hate waiting for Kim but you do it.
You're always talking about brotherhood
in Sunday School but
you don't practice it.
You don't wanna be mean but you are.
Especially if Kim's around.
- Mind your own business Danny!
- I just thought we were supposed to care
about our Christian brothers and sisters.
I was just pointing out
- Oh just point yourself
in another direction
and go away. You're right!
I don't wanna be seen
with a creep like you.
I have to be nice to you
in church and that's all.
Danny, go away you're embarrassing me.
- Dawn, I'm sorry you waited.
We have to go over to Betty's
and finish our meeting.
I'll pick you up tomorrow.
It's not my fault.
It's not my fault!
- Well it's certainly someone's fault.
And you'd better look into it.
We can't have Wendy involved in
this kind of thing again.
- Mmhmm
- All I can say is, no
matter how it works out,
I do hope they have sense
enough to leave the church.
I mean after all, it would
make everyone nervous
just having them around.
(laughter and chattering)
- Oh no, Danny you dummy!
Look what you've done!
You've ruined my dress.
- Do you have to get attention
at someone else's expense, Wendy?
- You're always clumsy Danny DeMarco.
- Not that clumsy, Wendy Jacobs.
- Thanks
- Here Wendy, let's try to get that out.
- That was a truly Christian act.
- Drop dead!
- What's the matter honey?
Not enough mayonnaise?
See what it's done to her?
I hope those people pay
for upsetting our girl.
I really hope they pay.
- Danny.
- I don't think he can
hear you, Mr DeMarco.
You realize, he may not.
- You asleep?
- No.
I'm confused.
- Was Danny? I mean, is he a good friend?
- I tried to be friends with Danny
and tonight, he was
like a stranger tonight.
- I thought you were going to go to sleep
and talk about it in the morning.
- I was.
But I can't sleep.
I think I need to talk about it.
I don't know where to start.
Things were going wrong for
Danny long before tonight.
- We've got all night.
Start where you want to.
- It was always so hard to talk to Danny
because he had a giant
inferiority complex.
He kinda was bothered being
a super athlete or something.
You gotta move it Danny, my bus was late!
- Kim and Darren will have
made the decisions anyway.
- Hey we have just a big a voice
on the committee as they do.
Forget your complexes for a while
and just worry about
doing the Lord's work.
We'll be witnessing to a lot
of little kids at the children's festival.
And why, that's what's important.
- Mark, I don't wanna be in the committee.
- Danny, Darren and his personality
shouldn't have anything to do
with what you do for the Lord.
Don't let him get to ya.
- It's not that. I don't wanna
witness to those little kids.
I can't
- But as a Christian, we're supposed to.
- I said I don't want to Mark!
Darren's got nothing to do with it.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push.
Well look, we'll skip the meeting
if you want to and talk.
- I gotta go.
- Well I'll go with you.
- No, you go to the meeting. I can't.
- Danny!
- I can't!
I'm not a good liar.
- Danny!
I just stood there like a dumb bird
calling his name
when i should've run after him.
He wasn't a Christian.
That's why he couldn't witness.
He couldn't talk to those little kids
because he didn't believe himself.
He needed someone to witness to him.
And I let him go and went
to a meeting instead.
- Did you talk to him later?
- I tried a few times.
Before the meeting last
night, but not too hard.
Because I was busy with homework
and the festival and all that.
He didn't show up to the festival
so I was surprised to see him
at the meeting for the committee.
- We have had some encouraging reports
from some of the parents whose
kids came to the festival.
- [Mark] I didn't get to say hello even.
Because Jerry was talking.
- If you obeyed the Lord, and brought
the little children to him.
- [Mark] Danny deliberately
put a chair between us.
- Any problems?
- [Kim] Kids can really
ask some hard questions.
- [Mark] I tried to smile or
something to make him welcome
but he just watched Jerry
with a funny look on his face.
- For the Holy Spirit will teach you
at that time what you should say.
Didn't he come through for you?
- Sure,
but well what about First Peter 3:15?
- Who can answer that?
- Well, we're supposed to study
the scripture all the time anyway.
When we get a question, I guess,
the Holy Spirit leads us
to give the right answers.
- If we listen to him, and don't panic.
- Huh?
- Well, I mean sometimes we feel
that we have to give a perfect answer
because it all falls on us.
- I still don't get it?
- When we're doing our best for the Lord
it's in his hands, isn't it?
We aren't supposed to
get our own egos into it.
- Ah, Mark's making excuses.
He took so long with some of his kids,
I'm surprised he had any takers at all.
- [Kim] A little jealousy there Mark?
- I think the Lord is more interested
in quality rather than quantity.
You and Darren were rushing those kids
through like they were
on an assembly line.
One, two, three and you're a Christian.
- We couldn't help it because our lines
were longer than yours Wendy.
After all, the kids chose
who they wanted to go to.
- Yeah they did, I did something wrong
cause I practically had to
kidnap a couple of kids.
I think they were going
for the pretty faces.
- Well thanks a lot.
- Let's get back to the word.
I realize that we still have
some problems to iron out.
The more you witness and study the Bible,
the better you'll serve
the Lord in this way.
- Maybe that's my problem?
I should study the word more.
Wait til I'm more ready to witness.
If I ever am.
- James 1:22, T.S.
The Lord tells us to apply
what we read in the word.
"Do not merely listen to the word
and so deceive yourselves.
Do what is says.
Anyone who listens to the word,
and does not do what it says
is like a man who looks
at his face in the mirror
and after looking at himself,
he goes away and immediately
forgets what he looks like".
You don't want to be like the man
who forgets his own face in a mirror.
We read the scripture and
apply it to our learning.
The Lord tells us to give an answer
to everyone who asks us. We must
- [Mark] For some reason,
I wasn't surprised.
I was shocked, I guess.
But I wasn't really surprised.
That was the worst feeling of all.
- Danny!
- Isn't there a scripture for this, Jerry?
Don't tell me you're at a loss for words.
- Very funny Danny.
You've got our attention
so what do you want?
He's just making a play for our attention.
That's obvious.
- Don't!
- [Mark] We didn't know that Mr Doyle
had been cleaning the
hall and had checked.
- It works you see.
I just wanted to demonstrate
the point for Darren.
- [Mark] We were all thinking
that no one would notice a problem
until we were late coming home.
- If it says in Peter that you should give
an answer to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for
the hope that you have.
How come no one answered my question?
- Why don't you ask those
questions now, Danny?
You certainly have our attention.
- Yes but now it's
too late, isn't it.
- It's never too late for the Lord, Danny.
The Lord gives everyone a chance.
He wishes no one to perish.
- Really?
Well it seems to me everyone here
was too busy to bother with anyone else.
Like the way Darren tallied up the
number of kids he witnessed
to like he was competing for first prize.
Didn't know God played favorites
until Darren convinced me.
- I haven't done anything to you
- You didn't do anything for me either
- Well what do you want
for crying out loud!
I don't get it.
- [Mark] Danny had the saddest look
I've ever seen one someone's face.
Kind of lost.
- I don't want anything from you.
Or anyone else.
- Danny the Lord doesn't play favorites.
- Yes he does Mark.
Some people are always
the head of the table.
Some people, always outside begging.
Some people convince themselves
they're better than
others when they're not.
Some people think they're somebody
if they hang around others
who are and become their servants.
Some are important because others
have told them so and they
believe it to be true.
Some are important because
they are everybody's
idea of what you should be.
They please the majority, even
if the majority is mediocre.
And there's some people who are somebody
by letting other people tell them
how to live
and think and act.
Some people are somebody
because they deserve it.
The real somebodies deserve it.
And work at it.
Those are the only real somebodies.
- You're somebody too Danny!
- I'm a nobody Mark.
I was born and educated to be nothing.
And I do that real well.
- He's nuttier than a fruitcake.
He's not making any sense at all.
- I can't hear you Darren.
- Um, I was just saying that I couldn't
understand what you were saying.
- I'm saying I don't want to live
in a world where people
like Darren Barrows
are someone just because they're charming
without any kindness for anyone.
- Don't shoot!
- They're good looking without ever
looking to do good for anyone else.
They please adults cause they
say all the right things to them.
But never talk to those beneath them.
Empty hypocritical shells of ego.
It's a poem Darren.
I wrote it about someone like you.
Pretty empty shell of hypocritical ego.
Wherever they go, then must we go.
- It would figure that you wrote poetry.
- Shut up Darren!
- Danny, I think it's obvious
that we've all failed you and
that you feel badly about it.
Won't you give us another chance?
- Please Danny, don't
hurt yourself anymore.
- You missed the point Myann.
I'm doing this so I won't hurt anymore.
(sirens blaring)
We have company.
I didn't plan on this large an audience.
(suspenseful music)
- [Mark] I just couldn't move fast enough.
It was like, like I was underwater.
Or in a slow-motion movie.
I just couldn't move fast enough.
- [Mr Keats] You did your best son.
- Too late.
Danny had been asking
for help for a long time.
And I didn't hear him.
I was just too late.
- The best thing you can do for
your friend right now Mark, is pray.
Father, we come to you together
to ask in the name of your son,
for the life of a friend.
Let Mark help him understand
how much you love your children
and how unimportant the world
is compared to your love.
Give him is life here on Earth.
That he may find his savior.
And have eternal life in you.
- Please, dear Lord, don't let
him die not believing in you.
- [Danny] I'm nobody Mark.
I was born and educated to be nothing.
And I do that real well.
Don't you ever find some times too hard?
- Being a Christian?
- [Danny] Just being.
- Danny. He needs you too.
I know, cause we're
alike in a lot of ways.
Please let him live.
Please Lord.
- Oh Danny. Why did you
depend on people so much?
They don't mean to fail one another,
but they almost always do.
The Lord never fails you.
Most kids like you are where they are
because they wanted the
lesser love of others
and ignored the greater love of God.
- Anything?
- No change.
- Thought you might need this.
- Thanks
- I'll stay with Anthony
if you need to go home.
- I could cancel some meetings but.
- This may go on for some time.
- You're right.
- I'll call if there's any change.
- Okay.
- Morning Mr Keats, is Mark up yet?
- Come in T.S, he'll be glad to see you.
- I uh, I had.
- I know son. Come on in.
- But what if?
- No, you just rest Mary.
Now you getting sick can't help.
Just rest.
(telephone rings)
- Hello
Myann is he?
Well he got through the night.
I'll get dressed and come right down.
No, I'm happy to help Myann.
It'll take me about a half an hour or so,
is there anything I can bring?
- T.S?
- I needed to talk to you.
- [Mrs Keats] I'll stop at Mary's
and pick up some things for her.
Goodbye dear.
- [Mr Keats] You go on
honey, we'll be just fine.
My specialty is cereal and toast, fellas.
- I can scramble some eggs Mr Keats
- Ah, to the stove young fella.
Mark, you take care of the toaster.
And you slugger bed,
you unfreeze the juice.
- Do you people know what time it is?
- Forward troops, man your stations.
I'll attack the hot chocolates.
Instant, that is.
- I'm sorry there's no change.
- I realize that I had
the same problem as Danny.
I thought I had to do whatever Darren said
or I'd have no friends.
Darren and Kim could've caused me
a lot of trouble at school
if I went against them.
Like Danny.
- I don't even have that excuse.
(telephone rings)
- Hello. Keats residence.
Oh hi, Carrie.
No, we haven't heard anything.
T.S is over here. Why
don't you come over too?
Okay, goodbye.
- Thou shalt not kill.
If he dies, he'll be judged a murderer.
- No news yet Mary. Try
to get some more rest.
- Oh I dreamed. About Danny.
- A lot of us are praying for Danny.
That's the best thing you
can do for him right now.
- Yeah.
- I don't know how to pray.
Everyone just seems to dive in, you know.
- But you always prayed in Sunday School?
- I just copied Darren or somebody.
Pray for real.
- Well just talk to the
Lord as if he's sitting
here at the table with us.
He is.
he came to us.
And we all passed him by.
Like the beggar in the Bible.
I was too busy.
Give me another chance to help my friend.
- Lord,
I tried to keep away from you, cause.
Was it because you reminded me of myself?
Show me a way to help Danny
And help myself.
- Help me to fit into your plan.
For all of us
and Danny.
- We ask this in Jesus' name.
- We need a plan.
- [Mark] Well why don't we
go and tell Pastor Billings
that Danny never became a Christian.
Well he's be the most able
to get to Danny and his mum and dad.
- Hey, wait a minute.
Myann Lowe called mum
from the hospital today.
She and Jerry must be there.
- Jerry'd be able to get to Danny.
- Forward troops, as your dad would say.
- Mary's sleeping and they don't think
there'll be a change in
Danny's condition Tony.
Let me take you home for a
shower and some breakfast.
You're only five minutes away.
- I would like a shower.
- [Nurse] May I help you?
- We were looking for the
people with Danny DeMarco.
- [T.S] Is he okay?
- He's still the same.
No one from the family is here right now.
And you shouldn't be up here either.
- Thanks anyway.
- What are you doing?
That's only the next floor.
- You've got an idea.
- Uh huh.
Carrie aren't you one of those girls
in the pink and white things?
The ones that do the
- Candy-Stripers?
- Yeah.
- I know what you're thinking about
but it won't work.
They don't let you bring plants
or anything into intensive care.
You have to leave them at the desk.
Until they move the
patient to another room.
- Besides we can't be candy-stripers.
- Yeah, but Carrie is one.
Where's your uniform?
- Here. In the locker room.
- Go get it on. Go on.
We'll wait here.
- What are we gonna be? The plants?
- This is for a Mr Charles.
- Well I'm sorry, but we
don't have a Mr Charles.
Let me check. Someone might
have moved in yesterday.
No, no one within the past
two days named Charles.
Let me call surgery and
emergency for arrivals.
Hello Molly?
Do you have a Mr Charles?
What's his first name, hun?
- Um, Lloyd.
- A Lloyd Charles.
No. Okay thank you.
Yes, this is intensive care.
Do you have a Mr Lloyd Charles
coming up from emergency?
Thank you.
Sorry, you'll have to go downstairs
for that information.
Hate to see you carry that monster
all the way down again.
- Oh well, that's what I'm here for.
- Guess you caught me huh?
- Out!
- Danny?
I don't know if you can hear me.
But I want you to hear what the Lord says.
Romans 3:23.
"For all have sinned
and fall short
of the glory of God".
See Danny?
We're all sinners.
That's why we all failed you.
And that's why you
why you did what you did.
Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death,
the gift of God is eternal
life in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Danny, even if.
Help me.
Help me Lord.
I can't do this by myself.
The Lord wants to love you forever Danny.
John 3:16.
"For God so loved the world,
that he gave his one and only son.
That whoever believes
in him shall not perish
but have eternal life".
He died for you Danny.
Jesus died for you.
- Uh oh!
- What?
- They'll catch Mark.
- We better explain things to Jerry.
- Jerry there's something you should know
before you go upstairs.
- [Jerry] What is it?
- We tried to sneak into the ICU.
Mark's up there with Danny right now.
- John 14:6.
"Jesus said I am the way,
and the truth
and the life.
No one comes to the
Father except through me".
Don't you see Danny?
Jesus said it himself.
Jesus is the only way to heaven.
- I think you were
right about Danny, kids.
I do appreciate the fact
that you tried to help.
- We'd better go get Mark out of that room
before he gets into trouble.
- Danny.
Can you hear me?
John 1:12.
"Yet to all who received him,
to those who believed in his name
he gave the right to
become children of God".
Ask him to come into your heart
and he will save you for eternity.
Just ask.
He can hear you.
Just say in your mind.
I believe in you Jesus.
Come into my heart.
- Room 413.
- What are you doing in here?
- Tony, what is it?
What's happened?
- Danny, we're here son!
- I believe in you Jesus!
Come into my heart.
- Everything's gonna be alright.
- If you'll all stay in
the waiting room please.
- Mark!
- Danny was awake when I left him
and behaving in a very Christian way!
- Did you say Christian?
- I sure did!
- Thank you Lord!
- Thank you, thank you Lord!
- I'll see you in Sunday School.
And don't forget, the
Lord really loves you.
- I don't know
- Come here.
This is Evie. Evie this is Mark.
- Hi Evie!
(busy chattering)
- So you see, we're all born sinners
and we all do the wrong
thing sometimes, don't we?
- Like hitting my little sister!
- Like that yes!
But we know God is good and
can't live with sin, right?
- Right!
So we've got to be sorry
and ask him to forgive us.
- Right!
- So that his son, Jesus,
will come into my heart.
- What else?
- I know I'm a sinner. I
know God doesn't like sin.
But he loves me. So his son died for me.
And I say I'm sorry for being bad.
I want him to come into my heart.
Jesus I mean.
I'll live forever with him,
in heaven and everything.
- Right!
- Right!
- Now we've read about it Charlie
but the Bible tells us to do what it says.
Now what should you do next?
- I should do it! Ask Jesus into my heart!
Will you help me?
- Yes Charlie, I'll help.
- [Mark] The Lord wants
to love you forever Danny!
Just ask!
Ask him to come into your heart
and he'll save you for eternity.
Hi Charlie!
- [Charlie] Hi.
- Can you tell me what went on here
between you and Danny?
- Well we were talking about sinning
and forgiving and accepting
Jesus as my savior.
- [Jerry] Do not merely
listen to the word.
Anyone who listens to the word
but does not do what it says is like a man
who looks at his face in a mirror.
And after looking at himself, goes away
and immediately forgets
what he looks like.