FLCL Progressive (2018) - full transcript

Many years have passed since Naota and Haruhara Haruko shared their adventure together. Meanwhile, the war between the two entities known as Medical Mechanica and Fraternity rages across ...



The world must be destroyed before it can become beautiful.

This is the world I envisioned.

This is how the world should

But in this world,

only my body is rotting --

becoming decayed.

Yes, decaying.

Maybe this is how
my body should have been.

Maybe this is my true self.

But then finally,
I remember

that I'm still
only a junior high student,

that I wasn't thinking
about anything,

and that nothing amazing
has ever happened here.

Everything is ordinary.




[ Gasps ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Shouting ]





[ Engine revs ]



[ Gasps ]

[ Alarm matches music ]

Hold it right there!

[ Sighs ] How many times
do I have to repeat myself?

Before you come downstairs,
you got to say, "Good morning".

Okay, why don't we
give it another go?

Three, two...

Hidomi, sweetie,
you're getting better

at that tsundere personality
of yours everyday.

I get that it's
a thing you're doing,

but I am your mother,

so you still have to at least
say "good morning" to me.

What would
you like to eat?

I can add some of this
week's special to your
usual breakfast.

See? Sautéed natto.

[ Quietly ]
I don't want any.

'Kay. Then you
have a good day.


But before you leave --
three, two...

Good morning...Mommy.

[ Engine idles ]

[ Clock chiming ]


Good morning,


"Ch'yeah, well, of course
nothing's gonna come out

if you keep teasing
it like that."

And she knew that
and kept swirling and
twirling and whirling

and I was in heaven
for eternity, infinity,

no need to pity me.
[ Laughs ]

Hey, you think
he's feeling all right?

Ide, would you just
tell us what happened
yesterday already?

Oh-ho-ho --
yesterday, you ask?

That teacher spend the night
at your place, right?

You better tell us
what happened.

You guys, some things ought
to be left to the imagination.

[ Laughs ]

For reals?!

No, way. Oh, my gosh.

Well, yeah...
[ Laughs ]

For reals?

By the way, what was
the secret plan

you were talking
about yesterday?

Oh, that?
[ Chuckles ]

What's that?

Art gallery tickets.

Wait, art?
For reals?

Women are total suckers
for these kinds of things,

know what I'm saying, boys?

Marco: This kind of thing
doesn't really seem like you.

This doesn't have to
be my thing. I mean,
when you gaze upon art,

you can't help but
reflect on the world we
live in or the universe.

Like, scrutinize it,
peek into it from a gap,

because you know me --
I'm interested in the --

Aw, how do I put it?

Since when?
You hate that stuff.

That's not true!
Okay, well, to be
honest, you got me.

I'm not really interested
in fine art like this, but
check it -- If the two of us

can go have a beautiful
night out, looking at
beautiful things,

then who knows? We might
be able to deepen our
relationship, ya know?

I don't believe it!

Ide![ Laughs ]


[ Music stops ]

Now spill it! When
are you making that decision

about your

W-W-W-What do you mean?You know what!

[ Muffled ]
Your adult date.

Shush, Mori. Let's not talk
about that right now.

Why don't we talk about
your interesting fashion
choices today instead?

Yeah, what about it?Well, what the heck are you
doing wearing a skirt?

It's unisex,
and it's in right now.

You'd call this unisex,
right, Marco?

Yeah. Unisex.

Unisex? What is that?

I can't believe you've
never heard of it. You
are so out of touch.

If you breathe the word "gender"
in the fashion world,

they'll throw you
in a nursing home.

Wait, for reals?
I swear!

All the hippest guys are
wearing skirts nowadays,
don't ya know?

Marco, is that true?

Does this mean
your old-fart buddies

sleeping on park benches
are suddenly fashionable?

Who are you calling
an old fart?!

Well, I don't know.

People should be able
to wear whatever.

That's right!
I'm right, see?

Okay, fine.
I really don't care.

Will you just stop
showing me your underwear?

It's not like I'm
purposely flashing you.

You're the one
who's looking.But it's in my view,

and one's eye's are
instinctively drawn to
underwear in their sight.

-Right, Marco?
-I guess, yeah.

There's absolutely no
reason for you to be
looking at my panties.

Don't call them "panties."
They are briefs.

Since you can get an eyeful
from Miss Shimazaki's panty
buffet anytime you want!

[ Garbled arguments ]

[ Clock chiming ]

[ Class chatters, whispers ]

[ Monotone ]
Good morning, everybody.
Now repeat after me --

Good morning, everybody.
Now repeat after me.

Sit down.

We're already sitting.


A full house, then.

Now then,
to kick off today's class

I would like to pose
a question to all of
you who are starting

an understandably regrettable
day as members of the current
youth. What in your estimation

is the most important thing
in the world to you?

Yes, you, who are the weakest
links in our society.

Yes. You over there.

-I don't know.
-Correct answer.

Not having clear and distinct
answers for any question

and feeling fulfilled by jerking
your animalistic sexual urges --

that is the only life
you know as youth

with absolutely no skill
to convince us otherwise.

It has been exactly
one week to the day

since I was assigned
to teach this class,

and I just want to say...

I have taught you
everything you need to know.

[ Laptop clicks open ]

Now for today's lesson.

-[ Moaning ] Please.
-We shouldn't be doing this.

-Oh, Teacher.
[ Moaning ] Oh, ah.

-This is so wrong.
-Oh, Teacher. Oh.

-[ Moans ]
You're so bad.

-Teacher, I --
-You're gonna get me in trouble.

-I can't help myself.

-Look what you're doing to me.

[ Rhythmic moaning ]

-Oh, Teacher! Oh!
[ Rhythmic shouting ]

The hell? What
is she making her watch?

Whatever it is it sounds
naughty -- real naughty.

[ Moaning loudly ]Next.

[ Rising moaning ]


[ Men speaking Japanese ]

Would it kill you to
have even the tiniest
reaction to this?

You don't want to wait
until you're over the hill

to hit adolescence, do you?

Fine. I've seen
all I need to.

Which one of you
is next?
I am!

Eh, I don't need
to test you, Ide.

Huh?Who's next besides him?

Oh! Oh! Me!Mori, tell us
what you see!

I don't think I can.
I hear you have to
see for yourselves.
I tried!

-[ Internally ]
What's the big deal?Nasty!

W-W-What is it?


Hey, princess, could I
get a napkin, please?

Sorry, but is my
avocado parfait ready?

more coffee, please?

She's at her best when she
gives us attitude like that.

I just love it when
she looks down on us
with those judgy eyes.

Same here.

You're on fire,

You have what it takes
to be a champ, huh?

Thanks for helping out,
Hidomi, sweetie.

It really needed it today.


[ Sighs ] That said,

I should probably look into
hiring someone soon.

We can't have you wasting
your valuable time

helping me out at the café.

[ Plant groans ]

The Plant here looks
just like the other one.

It makes
the same sound, too.

I wonder where he is
right now.

[ Gears clicking, whirring ]

I've been thinking --

Maybe it's time
we stopped waiting for him.

Maybe it's time
for us to move on.

[ Gears rev ]

I'm sorry. I shouldn't
say things like this.

[ Pitch rising ]But now you're --

Mommy, you know what?


[ Car approaching ]




Jinyu: That was
a close one, ma'am.

My apologies.

A little bit more,
and she would've overflowed.


[ Moaning ]That's strange.

I was sure
it was a fatal hit.Fatal hit?!


your daughter
is going to be fine.

That's unfortunate?!

Hidomi, dear!

Are you okay?
Are you hurt?

Hey, that's mine!

It's not even
playing anything.

Give it back!

Where did you get this?

It's not something
anyone can just walk
off the street and buy.

This is just...Hmm?

It was a gift.

I don't think
you should wear them.

They don't suit you.

Pretending you can't hear --

That's, like,
your thing, am I right?

When you hit pause
on the world like that,

your body will slowly
start to rot away.

Is that what you want
to happen to you?

[ Gasps ]


Wait a minute!
You there!

Just so you know,
I take full responsibility

for your daughter
hanging on to her life.

Oh, and by the way...

careful of the woman
on the Vespa --

for your own good.

Hidomi! Her plates!
Did you get them?


Never be an irresponsible
adult like that!

Who is she?
What's with her?

I don't know, but you got
to admit she sure was cool.


There is nothing I want to be.

There's nothing I want to do.

I don't even have an image
of what I want to be.

I have nothing.

All that exists...is zero.

[ Gasps, gears rev ]

[ Panting, gears stop ]

[ Sirens wailing ]

[ Sirens stop ]

[ Gasps ]

What is that?

[ Cries out ]

[ Grunts, groans ]

Hidomi? Sweetie?

Mom! Mama!Hidomi!

[ Grunts ]

[ Panting ]


[ Groaning ]

[ Groaning ]

Oh, I --

Is that you,

[ Engine revving ][ Shouts ]

It's started to move,
but which is it?

[ Panting ]

Hidomi: What the heck
is that thing?Ide: I have no idea!

I was just walking
home, and then --

You were out this late?Uh, I had stuff to do,

and that thing
just suddenly appeared.

Yeah, but from where?

Well, it was like
from my head.

[ Huffing ]

I think we lost it.

[ Gasping ]


Holy shit!
What the hell's going on?!


[ Shouting ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Groaning ]



[ Crying out ]

[ Engine revving ]

[ Crying out ]



[ Chainsaw revs ]


[ Tires squeal ]

I see now.
That's how it is, huh?

Hey! Where is she --

the one who pulled that
out of you?![ Grunts ]

Answer me!
You were hit, weren't you?

Was it a woman
on a Vespa?



Who are you?
And Ide...is he okay?

I'm going to do what
I can for his wounds.

You get home safe, okay?Wait a minute.

Oh, by the way,

that thing
looks good on you. Nice.

[ Engine rumbles ]

Hinae: [ Sighs ]
Thank goodness.

Well, I'm so glad nothing
actually happened to you,

Hidomi, dear.


[ Glass breaks ]

You know,
Mommy was so worried

that maybe you decided
to run away from home.

[ Plates break ]

But if you were
going to run away,

you should do it
with a bang.

Just please try not
to break the house next time,

all right, sweetie.

[ Cascading shatters ]


[ Plate shatters ]Bu-- But why?

She's taking responsibility
for yesterday.

Please introduce yourself.

I'm Jinyu.

Whoa! What's with
all those bandages?

Yeah, what happened
to you, Ide?

Man, I don't even know
where to start.

[ Exhaustedly ]
A lot of stuff happened,
quite a lot of stuff.

"A lot of stuff"?"A lot of stuff"?

What kind of answer
is that?

That's like
a non-answer answer.

[ Clock chiming ]

[ Scattered chatting ]

Today, as you start
on your understandably

disastrous day
as modern-day youth,

I, as someone who is the clear
winner in life structurally,

would like to present to you
something very important --

the "this and that" on how
to live in this universe.

You will be tested on it,

insomuch as every day
in itself is a test.

-Yes. You over there.

Wrong answer.

I figured out
something recently.

Instead of preparing
a concrete answer

to random questions,
I have come to the conclusion

that there is
no real way to live,

not for those of you
who exist contently

by only jerking your
animalistic sexual
urges to fulfillment,

and you who have absolutely no
skill to convince us otherwise.

I gave so, so much, but there
was very little output.

I have no use for the
tiny pieces of scum bugs
that have been toyed with.Fooly...Cooly...

Listen to your teacher. I have
no desire for all of you to
wind up as nonexistent youth.

What I want is for all of
you to become adults on a
cosmological scale!

You don't need wings to go
venture out into the universe.

Who would ride a four-wheeled
car with wings, anyway?

You must not become
that kind of adult.

Do you understand me?
You do not need four wheels!

You only need two --
like a bottom-feeding
fish in a pond,

gathering underneath
a weeping willow tree.

There's a lot of gravity
underneath all of you...

[ Gibberish ]

...so stand up!
Be as adequate as you can,

a complete mess,
born to be mild!

[ Cheering ]


That's right, the real one's
finally appearing.









[ Creature shrieks ]

Hidomi: Bow wow! You can't
bark like that anymore.

Because...everything on
this planet is burnt,
Hidomi: Bow wow! You can't
bark like that anymore.

Because...everything on
this planet is burnt,

melted, crushed...

Humans are dead, rotten,
and the doggie is nom,

nom, nom, noming on them
like it's a feast.

I mean, isn't food important,
after all?

Yes, you must be very careful
because you are what you eat.

So when someone eats
something they shouldn't eat,

what happens then?

What happens then?!

Well, that person becomes
something they are not,

and that means...

Yes, that means...

[ Groans ]
Yes, that means...

[ Groans ]

Oh, here there are.

They're so cute, huh?

Are they searching
for something?

Oh, and it appears
they smell something.

Ooh, these guys
are adorable, too!

Zoom in, Mr. Cameraman!

I can't read the expressions
on their faces,

so I'm not sure how they feel.

But that's what's
so gosh-darn cute about them!

[ Bubbling ]


[ Zombies growling ]


[ Zombie moans ]


[ Growling, grunting ]



Oh! Fantastic!

Unlike their delightfully
civilized entrance,

that was quite savage!


I am devoured once again today,

and neatly split open.

And then I finally remember.

I had nothing
forever and ever.

And we are on planet Earth...

[ Footsteps approach ]

And we are on
planet Earth and...

What was I saying?

[ Gasps ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

Hinae: [ Gasps ] No!

Mixy-Mixy Curry Rice needs to be
mixed in front of the customer!

It's Mixy-Mixy for a reason,

so don't mix it before you take
it to the table, all right?!


Oh, hello, Hidomi, dear.
Good morning.

Hidomi, beware of
the woman on the Vesp--

Next, Bittersweet
Unrequited Love Parfait.

Have a nice day, dear!

A nightmare.

Don't forget,
the woman on the Vesp--


[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ School bell rings ]

Hey, yo!
I'm your teacher, Miss Haruko!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Dramatic organ music plays ]The world you live in

is now overflowing

No matter which
direction you look,

you'll see the world is full
of those who defile others

and their surroundings
with selfish delusions.

And I truly believe
that this is solely

the fault of the adults
of this world,

and when I say that,
I unfortunately,

include myself among them.

I am so sorry.

I cannot think like I used to.

I can no longer continue.


[ Students crying ]

Even if I try to think
what's best for this planet,

I think about the mole
that I haven't noticed before,

or the hair that
grows out of it.

I can't help but think
about these things.

World. Universe.

To be honest,
I don't care.

Because it's actually
not my fault.

[ Chuckles ]

All: [ Tearfully ] Puppuppu.



[ Crying continues ]

There, there.
You're good kids. Good talk.

Well, I'm hungry, so use the
rest of class for self-study.

Before I forget,
I have good news.

The yearbook has
finally been completed.

So check it out!


Oh, hey, that was
from Sports Day!

I totally remember that!

Yeah, it was epic.

Miss Haruko's wicked pitch

when she gets them
to pop it for an easy out.

Miss Haruko's last round
full base comeback line

drive to the pitcher!


[ Sighs ] Good times.

We sent a signal
to a UFO after school,

and we invited that psychic
to our Cultural Festival.

Plus, during the spoon
bending competition,

Miss Haruko bent her
opponent's fingers and won!

Hmm. And we used
the school building

to make a bonfire
at the after party.

All: ♪ Burn, burn, burn, burn,
burn, burn, burn, burn... ♪

These sure are
some great memories.

Man, we had
the best class ever.

Yeah. We sure were lucky,
weren't we?

♪ See the embers
as they fly by ♪

♪ Burn into the night sky

[ Engine rumbling ]


Can you deliver this
for me?

For Ide-chi.
He was absent.

Why do you want me
to do it?

I don't know.
Why, indeed?

Because you two
are close?

Am I right?

Well, are you?I don't know.


[ Brakes screech ]

Okay! Thank you!

Boy: Mommy,
this park is boring!

Woman: Well, it is a bit old.
It needs to be updated.

Child: Neato!

Child #2: Looks like
it's from outerspace!

Whoa! Cool!

[ Wind whistles ]

Woman: How much longer
do I need to work?!

[ Sobs ]

Hey, princess![ Gasps ]

Whatever you doing
in these parts?

Oh. You're the customer.What do you say?

How would you like
to become a pro, huh?

You'll be great.
A real phenomenon.

She's not gonna
wanna be a pro!

Please leave her alone, sir.
She isn't -- Mmm?

You have Latin blood
in you, don't ya?Well, yeah.

How about you? Wanna be a pro?

You would be great.

A real phenomenon.

Hate to break it to you,

but you're not just gonna find
a phenomenon off the streets.

Let's go.

You have a fine fist.

I'm telling you,
you should become a pro.

Yeah, but a pro what?

Uh, well, let's see.

[ Giggles ] Na-na!

You're dropping off
Ide's worksheet, right?


This isn't really a great place
for a girl to come by herself.

Hibajiri. Are you sure you wanna
see the real Ide is like?

What do you mean by that?[ Sighs ]

Well, like it or not, you're
about to see for yourself.

Here you go!

[ Machinery whirring ]



Come on, keep it moving!

You gotta give me more
than that, you weaklings!

[ Men grunting ]

All: Sir, yes, sir!

Who do you think is responsible
for the food on your table?!

Now, put your backs into it,
you pieces of shit!



Mori: That's not the body
of a middle-school kid.

That beautiful, sculpted
body that is comparable,

yet superior to mine!

Hurry up and move it!

Get back to work,
you dickless brat!

Yes, sir!

He pretends to be the class
clown sporting a buzz cut

and acting all dumb
at school,

but in reality, he's actually
struggling to make ends meet.

But he wouldn't show
that side of his life

to any of us, though.

All: Sir, yes, sir!

Ide: Aah!

You there!
Pick up your feet!

Hut! Hut! Hut!

Come, check it out!
You can't beat these bargains!

These are high performance
custom weapons,

lovingly crafted
by this genius, right here.

This one's an automatic machine
gun that can fire 100 pebbles!

And it only takes pebbles
that are exactly 5 millimeters!

It's very versatile.

Now, I know what
you're thinking,

"But, sir, I cannot possibly
find pebbles that size."

Well then, do I have
the item for you?

Feast your eyes!

It's the super eccentric
almighty pulverization machine,

crushing rocks into 5-millimeter
pebbles in more seconds!

What's that, you say?
You can't carry all of this?

Well, for those who need help
lugging around their equipment,

I have this!
I present to you,

the magnificent 100-shot
pebble machine gun

and super eccentric
almighty pebble

pulverization machine dolly!

Looks like
a normal dolly to me.

-All right, then.

Now, which of you would
like to try it first?

You wanna give it
a go, tough guy?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Screams ]

Why won't they stop?

Don't they know
what "yamero"means?

He's speaking their language
and they still won't listen.

Just breaks my heart.

[ Laughter ][ Speaking Japanese ]

Yamero! No, no, no! S-Stop it!
Stop it, please!

[ Speaking Japanese ]

[ Grunts, chuckles ]
Sorry to disappoint.

But no matter how many times
you punch me, I feel no pain.

My heart is frozen.

[ Laughter ]

No! Please! No!

Sorry! Stop!

I'm sorry
for what I said before!

I'm sorry.

[ Laughs ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Breathing heavily ]


Are you okay?

Whoa! What the hell?

[ Groaning ]

Mori? Hibajiri?



Hey, Hibajiri?!
Wake up! Are you okay?!

[ Panting ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

Why does he always
get all the girls?

[ Hidomi panting ]




[ Tissue rips ]


Koh, dear! I made some
stewed veggies for you.

Oh, my goodness!
Lordy, lordy!

You brought another
girl home again?!

Oh, you nasty,
nasty little boy.

Oh, to be so young again.

You know, when I was young,
I was also quite the little --

[ Laughs ]Ide: Go on!

[ Stuffy ]
Sorry. I'm okay.


Oh! I forgot to ask you,

Are, uh, you the type of person
who likes space?

Like outerspace?

We could go
to see space art.

Ah! After all, relationships
are like in the stars...

or like, stars
in the night sky.

Oh! No, no, no!

I don't mean
we're in a relationship!

We could just go!
So, pick a...date.

No, it wouldn't be a date!

[ Gulps,
exhales shakily ]

I'm sorry.

Thanks for asking.


[ Sighs ]

I guess...

...if it were with you, Ide,
I'd be fine with it.

Hmm?To be in a relationship.


And cut! Perfect!

That was just
perfect, Ide-chi!

Bravo! Oscar-worthy!

[ Chuckles ]

When did you get in here?

Miss Haruko?!Everyone, let's take five!

Rolling on the next take!

The final take.
[ Giggles ]

[ As Ide ]

[ As Hibajiri ]
Aah, please don't be so rough!

[ Grunting ]

[ Screams ]

Will you cut it out?!



I finally found you.

Can't you just let me go
to the bathroom in peace?

W-What's going on?
Who is she anyway? A thief?

No, I know her. She's...Who are you?

You can't pretend that you
don't know me, Haruhara Haru.

Rue the day I met you.

You can rue all you want,
but you can't escape me.

Meter-maid Mary married
manly Matthew Marcus.

'Cause I know all
this is an act.

You need me. You're not
a lone wolf.

Loners are --

Oh, wait, I lost the game.

You're playing
a word game?

I see how it is.

Then we're just going to
have to do this by force!



Huh? That's how you
wanna do things?

This is a matter
between you and me.

So don't lay a hand
on her.

But it's fine for you
to use a big robotic hand?


[ Grunts ]

[ Chuckles ]



Laser beam!


You can't escape me!

[ Ide screams ]


Take that!

You've lived a tough life,
haven't you?

[ Cellphone rings ]


Oh, uh, hi, ma'am.
I'm sorry. I'm not finished.

Hinae: I told you
I'm counting on you

for my "Maid Delivers
Flan Body a la Mode" service!

So, what I need you to do --I'm in a middle of something!

Are you going to make
the same mistake again?!

There's no light at
the end of this tunnel!

Just give it up!No way, Jose!

The bases are all loaded!

And it's line drive!

[ Ide screams ]

[ Thwack! ]

[ Laughs ]


Play ball!

Uh! But haven't you already
been playing ball?!

Come on!
You know you're not

going to reach him
like this, don't you?!

[ Chuckles ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]




[ Gasps ]

[ Machine guns fire ]




You can't do this alone.
You can't reach him without me.

The reason you know this is
because you and I are one!






1, 10, 100, 1,000! Haha!

They call me the Infamous
Flaming Slugger!




I warned you not to get
involved with that woman.

She will only use you
for her own benefit.

Worst-case scenario,
you could die.

Could die?

Hey, batter-batter-batter!



[ Breathing heavily ]






[ Air raid sirens wailing ]

No, Hidomi!

[ Rumbling ]

No way.

She overcame
the enzyme inhibitor?


[ Whoosh! ]


[ Gears clicking ]

[ Boing! ]

Huh? What-What-What
is that, nya?

Huh? Oh! Ohh!

You're looking good.

[ Tapping ]

[ Squish! ]

No touchy.

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Whoosh! ]


What just happened?


Hidomi! Hidomi!


[ Whistles ]


[ Ide grunts ]

[ Monitors beeping ]

[ Mechanical whirring ]

Don't worry.

You'll be recovered
in few hours.

You did a good job.

Hold it right there!

No matter
how you slice and dice it,

we know she's mine.




[ Chuckles weakly ]

You look terrible.

[ Babbles ]



'Cause you were absent


[ Laughs weakly ]

[ Laughs weakly ]

[ Whirring ]

[ Both laughing ]

did she come from?!

Hi...do...mi --
Aah! -- is here!

[ Grunts ]

Oh, yeah! We're gonna
devour each other today!

Me and my friends!

And by friends
I mean my former classmates,

whom I never had
a single conversation with!


Uh, hey? How awful!

None of my friends are here!

How am I supposed to feel
the pain of being eaten now?!

The single layer of skin
that divides the inside

of my body from the outside,
I want it peeled off!

I want it clawed off!
I want it gnawed off.

I just want the whole thing
ripped open with one swift tear!

The cold air that I feel
on my cracked and torn skin

is the temperature
of the world!


[ Yelps ]

[ Groans ]

[ High-pitched ]
Hey, Hidomi! Hidomi!

All: I told you to watch out
for the Vespa woman!

I told you to be careful.

Why didn't you listen to me?!
You should've heeded my warning!

Hey, look out!Huh?

Pay attention!

Hidomi: Huh?

[ Gurgling ] Ooh!







[ Sighs ]
I can't take it!



[ Gasps ]

[ Bubbling ]


[ All sighing, chuckling ]

[ Slurping ]


Miss Haruko, you are
seriously the best!

[ Ide chuckling ]


Haruko: Yoohoo?
Male students?

Does one of you boys wanna help
their teacher put on sunscreen?

-Coming! [ Giggles ]
-Hold on.

Hey, Mori? Look at the time.
Aren't you forgetting something?

Oh! Oh! I, uh...

Didn't you say your girlfriend
was coming soon?

Uh -- Uh --

You told us that
you had a girlfriend,

and we came all the way
to the beach 'cause of it.

So we'd better
get to meet her.

Of course! Fear not,
my fellow friends!

I merely lost track
of the time!

This way, men! Follow me!


[ Groans ]


All right, fine. Hibaji.
You'll have to do it.


I'm fine with you doing it,
as well, Jinyu.

[ Both gasping ]


This is my girlfriend.

Come say hello to Aiko.

[ Whispers ]
Go on, say something to them!

Uh, nice to meet you.

I'm dating your
good friend Mori.

My name's Aiko.

Ah! I'm so embarrassed![ Chuckles ]

She's perfect!
Such a lady!

She doesn't drink,
swear, or sweat!

Can you believe it?!
This hot and no sweat!

[ Chuckles ]

Ide: Excuse me?

What was it that made
you wanna date Mori?

Oh. Well...

because I really like him.

Oh, I'm so embarrassed!

[ Chuckles ]

What is that thing
you've been holding?

Oh, this? T-This is
just a flower pot.

I figured,
but why do you have it?

It's an emotional support

Ide and Marco:
Does it work?

Isn't that
just cute?!

Don't say that!
It's embarrassing!

It may not look like it,
but this plant was expensive.

I would've never guessed.

[ Giggles ]

Ah! So cute!

[ Lid unscrews, pops ]


So oily!
What SPF was that?!

Oh. This is tanning oil.

It's what?

[ Chuckles ]

Still holding a grudge,
I see.

Just for
the past three months.

Ever since you've
been stalking me.

This is nothing.

You've already gotten
what you wanted once before.

It's time you quit.

Just give up.

No way.

I need to fulfill my wish
in order to fulfill my --

[ Squeals ]
How embarrassing!

Attack number...


[ All scream ]

[ All coughing ]So embarrassing!

So, why don't we call
a truce for now?

Ready or not,
your teacher's coming!

[ Footsteps approach ]

That woman over there...Here's the balls!

What does she want?Here comes the balls!

That woman's
the same as me.

Receive![ Both yelp ]

Bip, bip, bip!

Who wants to go next?!

So, uh, Jinyu...


What is it
that you want?

I was once with
someone amazing.

He was big, strong,
and just simply amazing.

With him, one can fly around
anywhere in space forever.

But then he suddenly

He abandoned me.

Turns out, in the end,
I just wasn't his equal.

I'm not enough for him.
Not by myself...

And yet, we still continue
to look for him.


[ Haruko shouting
indistinctly ]

Miss Haruko is searching,

You chase something simply
because you can't catch it.

Want to touch it,
'cause you know you can't.

You must have
experienced something

like that in your life?

You're asking me?

What is that Hidomi
really wants?


truth is, there's really
nothing that I want.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Can't believe you
could play like that!Awesome!

Nice job!
Great shot!




The blue spring
of adolescence.

Perhaps this is an extension
of our friendship?

Delayed adolescence,
if you will?

I'm content with you
changing your mind

about our relationship.

But regardless, it still doesn't
mean that you can have Hidomi.

No point
in fighting anymore.Huh? Is that so?

Brainwashing suppression

They took extra
measures ahead of time.


Isn't this just great?

Aren't we having
the best time?

Marco: How high do you think
we can make it?

-Dig wherever you want.
-By the way...


...I'm not really seeing
the fun in all of this.

Ah! Tinkle time!
When you gotta go, you gotta go.

And I'm going!


So, are you not
planning on swimming?

Huh? No.

Oh. You're not, even though
we came to the beach to swim?

And what about you?Excuse me?

Did you bring
your swimsuit?

That's not what we
agreed to this time.


[ Grunts ][ Rock skips ]

Did you see that
just now?!

Hey, Aiko!

Did you witness
my awesomeness?!

[ Laughs ]

Wait a sec.
Where's Hibajiri?


[ All breathing heavily ]

No use.
I can't find her.

I wonder where
she could've gone.

Miss Haruko is missing,
as well.

Maybe they went home
without telling us?

And what do we do
if they didn't?!

Let's look again!
Do one more sweep of the beach!



I'm gonna need
to go home soon.

Huh? Oh, right! Sorry!
I forgot about your thing.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
-I'll be right back.

I'm just gonna walk
Aiko to the station.

-Oh. Okay.
-Thank you.

You're such a nice person.It's no biggie!
[ Chuckles ]

Just so you know,
I'll be charging you overtime!

I-I'm sorry about that.[ Scoffs ]

Give it.
Uh, here.

Hold this.

So, was the character
I created to your liking?

Yes, it was perfect!
You were fantastic!

The train will be leaving
the station momentarily.

Okay. It's all there.

You boys
think it's so cute

when girls are all shy
and timid, am I right?

Oh, by the way,
the plant's yours to keep.

-A present for you!

Oh. Thank you.
That is so ni--No, it's not.

Let's just pretend
that we exchanged

what's in this
envelope for that.

I wouldn't want
people finding out

that I'm running
a rent-a-date.


I bought this from you.
[ Chuckles ]

Bye. Or whatever.

[ Horn blows ]

[ Boards creak ][ Grunts ]

[ Whimpers ]


[ Cracking ]

[ Ide panting ]


When you were a kid...Who's there?!

Did you ever try
drawing a picture

of going to see fireworks
with your family,

only to fail?

It's Jinyu, right?

Tell me, is Hidomi --
I mean, is Hibajiri with you?

You try to draw the countless
specks of light that you saw,

but the only way to
recreate the night sky

is to color everything in
with a black pencil.

They were lighting
up that dark sky

and they were so
colorful and beautiful.

What are you talking about?!
Why won't you--

All beautiful things
eventually fade away.




Oh, the first star.

[ Waves crash ]

[ Tile snaps ]

[ Glass breaks,
Hidomi struggling ]

Haruko: Goodie.
Goodie, goodie, goodie.


Hidomi: Please stop.

Let's get to know
each other better.

Stop it!Is it here?

Stop, please.

[ Gulps ]

[ Waves lapping ]

Go on, laugh at me.

[ Chuckles nervously ]Stop laughing!

Haruko: [ Humming ]

Oh, my.

Looks like you were planning
on having fun today.

Help me out here.

Just tell me where to hit you,
so you'll overflow.


What are you doing,
Miss Haruko?!




It's coming out of that one?

I don't know what
the hell you are, but...

...go save Hibajiri!

[ Guitar revs ]Hmph!

[ Sobbing ]

It was too painful
to watch, Mori!

Oh, God!
Will you please
stop crying?

You're just making me
feel even more pathetic.


Oh, God, why?
Why is this happening?



Hey, Aiko?

Do you know what happened
to the flower pot

that was in this room?

No clue.


[ Mechanical whirring ]

This is code name Eye Patch.

Do you have an update?
-I have a slight problem.


I can't locate
the "flower pot."




[ Chuckles ]


[ Ide screams ]

[ Both gasp ]


[ Smooch! ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Whirring ]

[ Whoosh! ]


[ Crashing ]

[ Rumbling ]

[ Hiss! ]




[ Wails ]

[ Sighs ]


Jinyu: Listen, Ide.

You're the only one
who can save Hidomi.


Huh? Huh? Huh?

Back here.


What happened to you?

Never mind.

We have more important
things to deal with.

Hidomi is inside of that thing!
That's not normal, right?!

Truth be told, there have
been plenty of things

that haven't been normal lately.

But this is different.
This is unacceptable! Please!

You have to do something,

If you are unable
to draw fireworks, well then...

What?Try shooting one
in the air.

Do it again!
As many times as you need!

On second thought, maybe you
should be the firework instead?

Huh? Uhh!
Uh! Uh.


Ah, yeah!

This is amazing!








Ah! Got you now!

[ Creature roars ]




[ Guitar clatters ]

Hey! Hibajiri!


Shit! What am I
supposed to do?!

Haruko: Hmm.
She doesn't have enough yet.Huh?

Miss Haruko.

A tundra? Tsun-dora?


This girl is that type,
isn't she?

Am I right?

Shut up.

[ Groans softly ]

Hibajiri! Ah!

Hibajiri! Hibajiri!

I just want you to wake up.

Calling her name
won't help.

Leave it up to
your good old teach.


Stop it!



Then take off
her headphones.

Go on, don't be shy.

No need to worry.

Your voice
will reach her.

It's a trick!
Don't do it!

[ Grunts ]

You can reach it.

It's deep inside of her.

Why don't we do it
together? 'Kay?

[ Gasps ]

I don't need your help!
I'll do it myself!

[ Whirring ]




[ Groaning ]



[ Grunts ]

[ Splashing ]

[ Rumbling ]



[ Panting ]


[ Crash! ]

Hibajiri! Hey!
Hibajiri! Dammit!

I told you not to do that!

If you...


[ Coughing ]

The emergency system
has been activated.

There's nothing
you can do to stop it.

Ah, geez.

Damn, they're so sneaky.
Those bastards.

This is all because you
tried to tempt that guy.

That's right,
Miss Haruko tried to...

[ Hidomi grunts softly ]


Huh?Where'd she come from?

It's -- it's me,

right here.

What? Hey!

Hibajiri! I don't understand!
Please, wake up! Say something!

Tell me what's wrong
with this picture?

Take a look.
It's like...it's like...

I'm sorry! I feel like
this is all my fault!

Marco: I guess that's what
they call adolescence.Please, Hibajiri!

Only one option left,

I supposed I'll just
have to bust on in.

Right. While our objectives
may be different,

our target
remains the same.

Medical Mechanica.


[ Hidomi hums ]

Don't ask me --
I didn't see nothing,

'cause Ide was the one
who went off on his own

and did whatever it is he did.

[ Humming continues ]

Bark! Bark! Bark![ Screeches ]

When she came back from
the beach, I was worried,

because she was unconscious
for so long.

But as soon as she woke up,

she was suddenly
all perky and happy.

I think it's because
she could sense my love for her.

And now,
for the first time ever,

I actually feel like her mom.

Whoa! There's a chopper,
a chopper!

The world is
turning upside down!

I'm so pissed off
I can't stand it!

And it's all 'cause of those
piece-of-shit headphones!

It's an emergency measure put
in place by Medical Mechanica.

The change in personality
is mostly likely a side effect.

Oh! The Iron!

Also known as
the World Smoother!

Well, to be honest,
I do think she's pretty cute.


[ Shouting gibberish ]

That girl...

it's not Hibajiri.

Mm, top of the morning,
fellow classmates!

Hidomi is here,
bright and early!

She's so cute.


[ Giggles ]



[ Choir singing in Japanese ]

Ms. Haruko, do something,
I beg you!

It's your fault.

You didn't take off
those headphones

like I asked you.

And I'm really sorry
about that!

You're wasting precious time
that we don't have.

You know what you need to do,
so do it.

Do you enjoy dressing up
like a maid?Medical Mechanica.

[ Scoffs ]

That's where we can
remove them.


And then you and I can
chase after him.

We don't have any other options.

[ Hidomi humming ]

[ Panting ]

Hope I'm not late for work!

[ Humming continues ]

[ Marco panting ]

[ Grunts ] Ugh.
That hurt.



What are you doing?

It's all done!


[ Giggles ]

In a single word,
this is a song!

A song?
That's right-o!

Hmm?There's no oxygen in space,
so no one can hear you sing!

But the stars
spin and spin

and they spin around and around
and they sing together!

[ Laughs ]


The music of the stars?

Oh, my job!

[ Panting ]


Oh, cool!
They're putting in a new ride!


[ Both laugh ]

[ Squeals ]

Your time is up.
You need to pay me now.



Nice doing business.

Did I just buy this?Precisely. Well...

Till the next time
you need my services.

-What is that?
-It's just a Viking ship.

That's lame.
Let's go home.

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, I'm just glad
you made it.

What's that,
Mr. Tonkichi?

Hmm? This?

It's about to be our new
main attraction.


Eye Patch:
You can't find it?

Well, stop acting like a child
and look for it.

I already looked
everywhere for it,

but it's nowhere
to be found!

Who in the hell loses something
as big as a flower pot?

Can't you just make
another one?

It's a one-of-a-kind thing
made from this guy's parts.

There's no way we can make
another one from scratch,

not with our technology.

Oh, man.

Oh, by the way,

have you seen a carved bear
that used to be here?

You're such a... [ Scoffs ]
That's not important.

I'm home, homeys.The important thing is
the flower pot.

We're supposed to use it
to monitor --Yeah, I know.

We want to reverse
the current of the N.O.

If we hypothesize that
N.O. is a power

that can pull objects
from elsewhere, then --

I see.

Then it stands to reason

we should be able
to reverse the direction.

That's right.

[ Glass shatters ]


1, 2, punch it!
Now, reverse the flow!

[ Grunting ]

What are you guys doing?Huh?

Oh, hey, Aiko.
Welcome home.

Oh! Look at that!
You've got what it takes!

Those are amazing fists
you have! Ah!

You let the champion guy
inside the house again?

What do you say?

You and I could
take over the world!

[ Groans, coughs ]

This girl packs a punch
like a shooting star!

The neighbors are
already whispering

about why a weird homeless dude
is always visiting our place.

I'm so sorry.Your dad has done
no wrong, girl.

Your dad's a champ.

I'll give you these,
if you forgive us.

You're always pushing

these comp tickets on me
as reparations.

Where the hell are you
getting them from?

Uh... Uh...

Oh, well, uh...

About that...

I'd rather have a day pass
to the spa or some resort.

I know the amusement park
got a brand-new ride,

but it turns out,
it's just a lame Viking ship.

[ Both groan ]

It was installed?!Huh?

It was the Viking ship?!
You're sure?!

Uh, yeah.

Hey. They did it.

That's right.

This is gonna be
a real issue for us.

What are you
talking about?Oh, hey, Aiko?

Do you know where
the carved bear is?

I really appreciate you
being the guinea pig

for our test run.

It's okay.
It's part of the job.

I just love what a good sport
you always are.

Besides, I get bonus pay
for this, right?

That's right.
You need the money?

Well, uh...


I-I wanted
to buy a gift.

A dream.
A dream!

What is the reason
we dream?!

Could it be because
it is called a dream?!

There are dreams while we sleep
and dreams while we're awake!

We dream whether
we're sleeping or awake!

I have a dream! I dreamed
that I woke up in a dream!

Let's go.


[ Choir singing in Japanese ]Look here.

Those headphones are going to be
impossible to remove.

They're too deep
inside Hidomi's head.

The reason why
she's acting this way

is because the headphones
are receiving bizarre radiowaves

from Medical Mechanica.

Both: Bizarre radiowaves!

To get her back to normal,

we need to simultaneously
destroy the receptor

and the transmission source.

Here's the plan --
We'll split into two groups.

That way,
we can attack the Plant

from the inside
and outside.

Raharu, you will destroy
the outer antenna.

[ Doorbell rings ]Aye-aye.

I will sneak in with Hidomi,

destroy the facility inside,

and lastly,
unlock the headphones.

But that should be my job!

There's no way I am leaving
Hidomi alone with you!

W-W-What, what?
Uh, wake a second!

W-What about me?!


That's me! Hidomi!

Whoa! Whoa![ Choir stops singing ]

[ Marco screaming ]

[ Screaming continues ]


Here we go!

[ Sighs ]

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

[ Marco screaming ]What a good sport he is.

[ Tires screech ]

Time to go in.But from where?

You tell me.


You don't have a plan
and you're bossing us around?!

We have to figure
this out together,

whether you like it
or not!

-Now, be useful!
-Shut up!

I don't take orders!

We're getting nowhere.

Oh-h-h! Ide-chi!

What is this treasure?!

Hmm? Oh.
That's Mori's girlfriend's.

Best not touch it.

She paid a really high price
for it.

Really high?

Really high!

What the hell
are you doing?!

Uh, oh, no! Aaah!




[ Both scream ]

Why can't you
just get it?!

It doesn't...
It doesn't want you!



What did you do?!

You're an idiot,
'cause you do idiotic thin....

[ All scream ]


We have to do this,
because it's evidence.

But I do feel a bit bad.


Because of this guy here,

our research made
a lot of progress.

Or rather because of the shell
that's left of him, anyway.

So true.

The owner of the shell
isn't a living creature,

at least, not in our sense
of the words.

It's almost like
a larger being

that's between a living creature
and a planet.

The planet's quite big.

And that's why its cycle
lasts years at a time.

[ Beeping ]


What is it?

It's the flower pot!

You mean,
the one that you lost?It's moving.

And that thing only activates
in reaction to N.O.!

That means the N.O.
must be open.

They've actually got ahold
of the flower pot.

And it's in reverse flow!

Hmm?[ Hidomi laughs ]

That's weird.

They went inside your head!

[ Laughing ]

What exactly
happened to you?

And are you gonna stay
this hyper forever?

Hmm? What do you mean?
I've always been like this.

Huh? Always?

To be honest...

as long as
I can remember.

[ Engine starts ]Huh?

[ Tires squeal ]

Wait, wait, wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Wait! Aaaaaah!

Haruko: Will you shut up?
You're such a broken record!

Jinyu: Why can't you

That is not what he wants,
all right?

Funny how you seem to think
you know him so well.

Well, I do.

If you say that again,
I'm gonna kill you.

He needs to have
his freedom.

Anyone who tries to keep him
tied down is my enemy.

Medical Mechanica...

and even you.

He just...

[ Gasps ]
Shut up!

I'm sick of hearing you
talk about him!

When I want something,
I get it!

I'll do what I need
to make sure he sees me!

You're going to fail.[ Hisses ]

I understand everything.

I understand him.

And you, too.

How dare you say that.

I will keep on
saying it!

You need to join me,

You're me, after all!

[ Growls ]


you finally get it.

Together, I know we can --

I am gonna devour you.

[ Gasps ]

[ Ide screams ]

[ Groaning ] Ow!

Where are you,


[ Humming ]



W-Watch out!

I can see everything!


Where is the...
my father?!

Oh, yeah.
I forgot about that.

You don't have a father,

I don't have a mother,


Mommy's been waiting
a long time,

but he still won't
come home!


If everything's

then we can
start over again.

For one, Mom would
no longer be crushed.

And also, Dad would
still be with us.

If today was an ordinary day,
like yesterday,

that would've been,
oh, so nice!

[ Sighs ]



[ Grunts ]

[ Giggles ]

[ Shouts ]


[ Sighs ]

Oh, man, that was close.

I don't need
anything special.

But the anger, the sadness,
the sobbing and crying,

I don't want
to hear it anymore.

And so...

that's why these
are perfect.

[ Grunts ]

Stop it! Raharu!

Hibajiri, I --
[ Shouts ]

[ Rumbling ]What happened?


[ Groaning ]

[ Scream ]


[ Siren wailing ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Buzzer beeping ]What's going on?!
Huh? Hmm?

[ Groaning ]


What's wrong?!

Hey, answer me!

[ Screams ]

[ Sighs ]


The headphones.

Huh? Hibajiri?

Are you back to normal?

[ Voice breaking ]
Oh, Ide.

Whoa. Hey.

I-I think I'm going
to overflow.

I'm going to overflow!

I'm going to...
[ Groans ]

What does that mean?

I'm going to overflow!Hibajiri!

I'm going to overflow!

[ Screams ]


The world...

is turning inside out!

[ Breathing shakily ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Breathing shakily ]




[ Groaning ]


[ Groaning ]



What was that?!


[ Sighs ]

Huh? Hibajiri!


[ Both panting ]

I don't believe it.

Is that the Pirate Ki--?It's not!

But that power is.

Uh, it's begun!

[ Grunting ]

[ Man singing in Japanese ]

Hey, Hibajiri?!



[ Shouts ]

What now?!


[ Groaning ]


What is happening
down there?!


What's that rolling sound?

[ Screams ]



Cut it out!

Shut up!

And your sunglasses
are lame!




How dare you?!

Ide: Hibajiri!

[ Shouting ]


Damn it!

[ Panting ]


[ Panting ]

Good, you woke up!


[ Gasps ] Ide?!

[ Tires screeching ]


I'm coming!


Give up, Raharu!

[ Hidomi screams ]


Ide, no!

Oh, come on!

[ Panting ]



Oh, God! Uh, sorry,
I didn't mean to.

But we don't have time
to discu-- Aaaah!






You'd better not
let your guard down!


[ Both shout ]

Stop it, Raharu!

Shut up, Lame Glasses!

Are you okay?!

That's enough!

[ Screams ]

[ Both screaming ]


[ Metal creaking ]



Uh, Jinyu?

T-T-That thing over there
is falling!

Hey, Jinyu?!

[ Screaming ]

No! Don't!

[ Loud banging ]


[ Both breathing heavily ]

[ Gasps softly ]

[ Metal creaking ]

The Plant...

Stood up?

[ Grunts ]


[ Weakly ] R-Raharu...

I just wanted for him
to have his freedom.

I love him.

That's why.

I want him to be
free from us.

You don't get it, no.

Everything has always
belonged to him,

right from
the very beginning.

His shackles
and his freedom.

There isn't anything
in this world

that doesn't
belong to him.


That settles it.

So we're not the same,
after all.


I guess so.

Perhaps, you're right.

Come with me, Jinyu.

We can finally
be together.

[ Growls ]

[ Both gasp ]




[ Chuckles ]


[ Thud ]

[ Gasps ]


Now, why don't you come
with me, as well?



[ Groaning ]


Hidomi: I get it.

I finally understand.

I know what
you want to do.


And that's why...

I can't go with you.

[ Wind whistles ]

[ Film crackling ]




[ Clinks ]

[ Clinks ]

[ Engine passes ]






[ Grunts ]

[ Creaks, pop! ]

[ Groans ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Clinking ]

So, the damn thing stood up.

It's getting pretty foggy.

Eye Patch: It'll go away once
the sun is at its peak.

It wasn't necessary
for you to come, you know.

Or were you concerned
that I would throw it away?

If this has even a fraction of
the power it used to have...

Just forget about it.
Don't worry.

[ Car doors closing ]

[ Engine turns over ]



Hey, champ.

Are you training hard
for tomorrow?

Well, I have been trying
to save my money.

Good for you.
It's important

to make plans
for the future after all.

Feel free to just
head on in.

The warehouse is
just straight ahead.

[ Grumbles ]
Thanks so much!

Oh man, this is heavy.

Hey! Could you please
be more careful?

That thing's, like,

Oops. My bad.Ugh.

No worries, champ.
It's a piece of junk.

Are you insane? Do you have
any idea how much that --

I totes got it, sir.
You know, I had a hard time

throwing away
my first cell phone.

Sometimes sentimental value
is worth the most.

You don't get it at all!

[ Both laugh ]

Ah come on, Ide.

Can we please go?

I'm not interested
in amusement parks.

Why don't you ask Marco
to go or something?

That jackal didn't even
come to school today.

I think he had to work.

He prioritized
a part-time job over school?

You're one to talk.
Be a sport, dude.

If we take a girl, they'll
give you a 99% discount.

And I can invite Aiko.
So, pleeeease?


Well, I didn't
technically invite Aiko.

She was the one
who wanted to go.

Saying stuff like,

"I want to go to
the amusement park with you.

I didn't want to ask
'cause it's so embarrassing."


You listening to me?

[ Slow-motion ]

So, listen up, everybody,

'cause I have an important
announcement to make.

'Kay? Uh, I am...
gonna get married!

[ Cheering ]

And that's why I've decided
to quit being a teacher.

Today is my last day.

I'm gonna be a
housewife from now on.

[ Cheering ]

Since this is goodbye,
let me tell you a story --

how my husband
and I fell in love.

[ Clamoring ]

So, my hubby met at
the Ozu amusement park.

I was there during sunset.

Clumsy ol' me was about to get
run over by a roller coaster,

when all of a sudden,
someone saved me.

It was my hubby!

Man: Whoo-whoo!

Remember, young ones,
amusement parks are a paradise!

Mwah! Young people,
toss your text books.

Let's go to the parks!

[ Cheering ]Go! Go! Go!




What's the matter, nya?
You look kinda down.

Girl problems, nya?

[ Clicking ]

You know, you're the one

that I really wanted to go
to the amusement park.

I'm not going.


Please stop bothering her,
Ms. Haruko.

You and I need to talk.

Hibajiri, you stay here.


I don't want to you involved
Hidomi in your schemes.

Wow, look at you.

Quite the white knight, pyon.


Okay. Let's do this.

[ Grunts ]

You really got
no talent, nya.



And another nope.

You gotta learn how to fight
with your own back.



Whatever you want to do,
you have to do it with strength!

[ Yells ]



♪ I think I can♪

♪ I think I can♪

♪ I think I can♪



Use your hips. Arms relaxed.
Keep your chin tucked in.

Tuck it in.

No good!
You're no good at all!


I don't see you growing.

What a shame.
What a real shame.

Just stay away from Hidomi!



[ Sighs ]

If strength was measured
by the hits one could take,

then you wouldn't be
considered such a loser.

To be honest,
I thought you'd be better.

That's why I invested all that
time teaching you those things.

But I guess it was
for nothing,

'cause you know nothing.

I'm disappointed, too,
Ms. Haruko.

You also know nothing.


The truth is,
you don't satisfy me.




[ Gasps ]


What's going o--

[ Pop! ]

Uh, my bad.

Things might get worse
than usual this time around.

I'll be waiting.

[ Engine turns over ]


[ Cheering ]

99% off admission
for all couples!

What a deal!



[ Gross sniff ]

Where are you, Aiko?!

You don't understand
how I feel.

Why are you always
like this, Wataru?

Come on!

...I love you.


I love you, too!
[ Gasps ]


I, uh... I would like...

I would like to ride
the teacups with you!

Yuya! Why do you keep
showing up randomly?

Wataru... I...

I finally realized
my true feelings.

I don't want to hear it.
You're too late.


Please stop fighting
over little old me!

[ Groaning ]

[ Beeps ]

Um, how much longer
is this test ride?

Oh, not too much longer.

All you have to do
is stay right there, okay?

Eye Patch: Wait. Hold on.
Not that one.

What? I thought
it was Mr. Dodo.

Don't forget, we're dealing with
ultra-top-secret stuff here,

so we got to go into
the secret-communication mode.

Push little kiwi strap
at the shopping section.

Huh? Which one is that one?

The fluffy one at the
bottom in the middle.

[ Beeps ]

Are you sure?
The link went to a menu.

You have to push
She's So Chicky Wings next.

[ Beeps ]

"The Icarus Fall is the world's
third-fastest falling ride"?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.
Right there. Go back.

That one!

The uh... the uh...
You know, the falling one.

Uh... They're all,
like, falling.

The one with
the little emu.But which one?

The one with
the fluffy wings.

Be more specific.


Hello there!
It's Mr. Dodo!

It's me.

Don't act sorry. Sometimes
a kid'll call in by mistake.

-Hi, Mr. Dodo!
-Hey, kid!

I saw the Viking ship
was installed.

Also, we still need to deal
with the Immigration matters.

But I don't want you
to have to rush.

What about the flower plant?
Is it complete?

Sure. Uh, it can be
activated any time.


The plant is up, okay?

Now what intel
do you have for us?

Uh, hello there!
It's Mr. Dodo!

Get away!

Can you focus
on your real job?

I sent the data.

This is a real job, too.

Don't you know that
this part helps fund --

Do you think you can do it
without the flower pot?Doubt it.

If you can't
activate the flower pot,

any plan you come up
with will be useless.

Shut up. I know that.


What is it?

Ide: I'm so thirsty...



Hidomi: I don't want to remember
what happened this morning.

♪ Oh yeah♪Hinae: Oh, my.

Hidomi, look.
It must be Jinyu's doing.

She must've felt bad about
breaking so many plates.

I guess so.

Hidomi, dear.
You've changed.

I'm back to
my usual self is all.

No, you're different.
Completely different.

[ Man singing in Japanese ]



I see...


what are you doing?

Have fun at school, Hidomi.

By the way, your friend Ide?

He's very cute.Why are you...?

I know everything
about you, Hidomi.

I am your mommy after all.

That's not what I...Do you like him?

That's not what
I'm talking about!

You're closing it down?
The cafe? Why?

Why would you do that?

I thought you were
going to stay here

and wait till Dad comes home!

I think it's time to stop.

[ Crying ]


[ Air hissing ]



♪ Oh, yeah♪

♪ Oh, yeah♪

[ Man singing in Japanese ]


♪ Yeah♪


Hi! I'm Mr. Dodo!

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Looks like everyone is
having a real good time.

Am I right? Hey!

Boys and girls!

You're little brats
who still don't have

all your hair down there!

Sorry, but you are all
pretty much useless!

Fire! Hold on.
Wrong voice.

[ Deep voice ] Fire!

[ Groaning ]

[ Beeping ]

Oh...They started already?




Ahh! Wait!



[ Man singing in Japanese ]

Man: Captain! It doesn't
look like we'll make it.

We've got to do it.

No matter what.
We'll show them.

Even if our wrinkles
get flattened,

we are going to fight
to the very end!

Start the attack!



[ Screaming ]




[ Whirring ]




Oh, my.
What do we have here?

What an adorable guest
you are.

You're hungry, aren't you?

Oh, you poor thing.

[ Panting ]


So, they're doin' it, huh?

Heh. Huh?

[ Wolf howls ]

Lookin' good, Hibaji.

You're killin' it!

[ Grunts ]



Hold on. Hold on.

Oh, come on.
Stop it. I did nothing wrong.

All I did was give you
youngsters a little nudge,

to help your dreams along.
You know that.

Give him back!
Give Ide back to me!

Wah-ho! So this is
the real strength

of a middle-school
student, huh?

In the end, you're no different
than the rest of them.


It's all because you like
that weird bird,

am I right?
How stupid.

You're just
a girl in love!


It's Atomsk.






What is this?

It's here.
It's here!

It's finally here!








All this.
This is what you wanted, right?

Your dream's
being fulfilled,

so just go back
and leave us alone!

And give Ide back,


Ide-chi, were you listening
to anything I taught in class?

"Give this back!
Give that back!

Oh, give it back, please,

because it's all
about what Iwant.

I want everything to be mine!
Give it to me! More!"

You're like a child
throwing a tantrum.

You think you get things
by asking,

that if you're stomping,
crying on the floor,

people will just
drop things in your lap?

Then what am I supposed to do?

Hand it over.


If you want something
you don't have,

then you must hand over
what you dohave.

That's called balance.

You're making a deal?

That isn't really
appropriate for a teacher.

This is the last thing
I'll teach you.

You just have to give
your power to me.

Is that your final answer?

You're responsible
for your own responses.

Despite what you may think,
I have learned.

It's time to stop
acting childish,

and that's why
I'm just gonna take it.

You get a gold star!



That's it.
Give it to me!

More! More!




We need to evacuate.




Come on!
I'm right here!

Thank you, Hibaji.

The time has finally come.

Come to me, Atomsk.




Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait!

It's huge!

Oh, this doesn't look so --





Please, help me!

Man: This is bad.

We have to get out
of here, Captain.

No! We can't!

Gather round, men.
Listen to me.

You young'uns are the ones
who'll fuel space.

I am never going
to give up on you!

Hey, are you okay?

The champ's all right

with a champ's
destructive punch.

It's not a --


You actually came back for me.

it's a bit too late now.

Medical Mechanica
is somehow planning

on capturing that monster
with his mochi,

but I don't think it's possible,
and the potted plant is missing.

Aiko, you were supposed
to be our last hope.

Who would have guessed
that when it came time,

I wouldn't be able
to bring myself to use you?

Take this and get out of here.

I don't want it.

Just take it!
I know you've been
saving this money.

You were planning
to buy your freedom!

You may as well take it.
It's prize money.

There's been a knockout,

and the 10 count
has already begun.

Aiko, you're finally free.
Now go!



What should I do?


The potted plant.
A trigger.


Oh, God.
That was just the worst.

Where the hell did my bat go?


What's wrong?

You were doing so well
just a little while ago.


Is this a real date?

I'll call it a date
if you shut up!

You want the pot, right?

It's probably
at Ide's place.


Perhaps it was something
you ate that didn't suit you.

Oh, dear.

Oh, Mori.Oh, hi, Hibajiri's mom.

Is this your girlfriend?


Okay, Ide!
Since you're not home,
I'm coming in!

Hey, by the way,
what do you want from Ide?

Well, Hidomi hasn't
come home yet.

I was hoping
she'd be here, maybe.

Why would you think
she'd be here?

I was thinking
they were dating, maybe.

Why does Ide get
all the ladies?

That was fast.



Oh, my.
Is something wrong?


Oh, God, Aiko!

Oh, dear,
what's going on?

Are you okay?

Say something!


No way.

Hidomi, is that you?

Oh, sweetie,
you're not hurt, are you?

Mommy has been worried
to death about you.
Have you?

You don't really care.

You've stopped
caring about me.

You're quitting,
closing the cafe.

It's the same with Dad.

You don't care
about him, either.

When your father
took off for the plant,

he left the cafe in my care,

just like he left
those headphones of yours.

Sorry to tell you this,
but it's not here.

Well, that's a problem.

Maybe, maybe not.

Perhaps the reason he came
was to get it back.


I was foolish.

I thought as long as I was
at the cafe with you,

I would be able to wait for him,
no matter how long it took.

All I wanted was for life
to stay the same as it was,

so the day that he came back
would be the day

I could finally become
a real mother to you.

Until then,

I'll do my best
to be a good mommy.

High-strung, but it
doesn't look it, yeah.

If it's your bat
you seek, it's there.

I was wrong, though,

You are bound
to keep changing, Hidomi.

You were bound to fall in love,
bound to become an adult.

That's the reason why.

Then let's do it together.Huh?

The cafe.

Let's run it together,

not because
we're waiting for Dad,

but because it's where home is
and where I want to be,

and the only thing
that doesn't change

is the fact that
I can change myself.

Oh, Hidomi.

Wait for me.
Okay, Mom?

Please hurry.

Come back soon, Hidomi.
We have a cafe to run.




Hidomi: Wait for me.

Ms. Haruko.


Did you calm down?
Want some tea?

This power, I'm gonna
use it for myself.

Sounds good.

Who would've guessed the kid
would be all selfless and noble?

I'm getting out of here, and I'm
taking Ide back with me, too.

That sounds good, too.


That said, not thinking
about what could happen next

is what makes you a kid.

If you take that off, Hibaji,
you won't be able to stay human.

Guess you're all alone.

Do you still want to do it?







Hey, aren't you...



Huh? Uh...











Pretty awesome.

So, shall we make our way
out of here, then?

Woman: I was wondering
the same thing.

A lot of crap
got sucked in, after all,

so we've just got to make sure
to be careful.




It's too hard!
I can't do it!



Is this the place?


What an odd girl
she is.

I prefer unique!





That's what
you call unique?

Uh, that's right.


Out of my way!



There it is.
I can make it!

I was supposed
to make it!

That's what happens
in the movies!


There's another one.






The hell?
Where'd it go?



It's Atomsk.


Come on, Atomsk.
Come back!

Come on!
Come out!


I see.
I have to take it.

That's right.

If you want it,
then take it!


I'll take this!



Oh, go away, Hibaji!
Stop cock-blocking!






Damn it!

Ooh! Ooh!






What is...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!







You better not run away.

You became mine.

Didn't you, Atomsk?


Why the hell won't you?!


It's been so long.

I've been chasing you
for so long.

Why do you keep
refusing to be mine?!

You are mine!
I'm telling you!

You're mine!
You're mine!

You are!

Why won't you...look at me?

Can't you see
my body is overflowing?



Jinyu: When you were a kid,
did you ever try

drawing a picture
of going to see

fireworks with your family,

only to fail?

You're back.

You try to draw the countless
specks of light that you saw,

but the only way
to recreate the night sky

is to color everything in
with a black pencil.

They were lighting up
that dark sky,

and they were so colorful
and beautiful.

All beautiful things
eventually fade away.


I thought,
this time for sure,

that I was gonna get
what I was fighting for.

So an all-out attack
didn't work, huh?


You can go home now.

Wait. What was the reason
for doing all this?

No reason for any of it.

That thing probably didn't come
for a specific reason, either.



Ow, ow, ow.


Oh, my tummy!

What are you gonna do now?

If at first
you don't succeed...

You haven't learned.

'Cause I'm an adult.

The fact
that you can't catch it

is what makes you
want to chase it.

The fact
that you can't reach it

is what makes you
want to chase it.

You are correct.

Ide: Ms. Haruko.Hmm?


Well --

Well, you and I know

we experienced
many different things

on many different occasions,

and I appreciate
your feelings.

I do.

I'm really sorry,
but I can't --

While I like you, I confess,
I don't feel the same way.

Forgive me!



Ms. Haruko?

Oh, oh, oh!

Oh, man.
I'm so wounded by you.

I can't face you.
I must run away.

Do whatever you want 'cause
I'll be doing the same.

Haruko out!






Long time no see,

-Oh, how cute.

You have tiny eyebrows
just like your father.

Oh, no, don't look!
It's so embarrassing!


Hidomi: There's nothing
I want to be.

There's nothing
I want to do,

and that's probably not
the best way to be,

but you know what?

It probably doesn't matter.

