Exodus: A Brickfilm (2019) - full transcript

The Biblical story of Moses and the Exodus through the eyes of LEGO® characters. With exciting visual effects, compelling voice performances, and epic historical sets, EXODUS breathes life ...

These Hebrews are a plague.

Multiplying, infesting...

If we let them
go on like this,

they will bring trouble
to all of Egypt.

They will anger our gods
by filling this nation

with their talk of their God.

They will eat all of
our grain reserves

and become a burden
to our economy.

They could even become
a mighty army.

A might army that
joins our enemies

and fights against us.

We have to make sure
that doesn't happen.

It's time for the Hebrews to
earn their keep in my land.

Put them to work,
building my storage cities

and, Vezir, make it
hard, so that they know

the power of Pharaoh,
just to make certain

that they don't become
even more of a threat.

I want every Hebrew
boy that is born

to be taken from his family
and thrown into the Nile.


Lord, you promised
to bless us.

But, we're slaves,
have you forgotten us?

Oh God, deliver us.

Blessed are you, Lord, our
God, King of the universe,

who has sanctified us
with his commandments,

then commanded us
to bring our sons

into the covenant of
Abraham, our father.

How will we keep him safe?

I don't know, but
God will help us.

He'll help us find a way.

You are my beautiful son,

and God has much
more in store for you

than to be drowned by Pharaoh
in the waters of Egypt.

Go with God, my child.

Look, there's a basket
floating in the water.

Slave, bring it to me.


A Hebrew baby boy.

My father will not get this one.

He is my son now and
I will call him Moses

because I delivered
him from the water.



Moses was
raised in Pharaoh's household

and educated in all the
ways of the Egyptians.

And this is?


Horus, Moses,
the god of the sky.

And he
became a powerful man,

both in his words and
in his achievements.

But, deep in his heart, he knew

that he was a son of Israel.

One day, when he
was 40 years old,

he decided to go and
visit his people,

and he saw how much
they were suffering.

Get up, you dog!

Stop, stop, leave him alone.

Why do you care
about some dirty slave?

I said, get up!


Because he is
one of my people.

Look, it's Moses.

Get off, you!


Hey, you guys are brothers.

Why are you fighting
against each other?

Are you our leader now?

Did somebody send you
to be our deliverer?

Or are you just going to kill us

like you did the Egyptian?

Everyone knows what I did!

I need to get out of here.

Everyone did
know, including Pharaoh,

and he tried to
have Moses killed.

But, Moses escaped
and fled from Egypt.

He traveled for days
through the wilderness

under the hot, desert sun,

until he came to
the land of Midian,

where he came upon a well.

Get out of here!

This is our water.

But, our flocks need water.

Who cares?



I suggest that you go
find water elsewhere.

Let's go!

Oh, thank you, I don't know

what we would have done
if you hadn't come along.

Our father will be
grateful to you too.

Please, you must
come and meet him.

Father, this is the
man who rescued us

from the shepherds at the well.

Peace be with you, my son.

I am Jethro, priest of Midian,

and I am grateful
for the kindness

you have shown to me
and my daughters today.

Come, you must stay
and eat with us.

told Jethro his story,

and Jethro invited him to
settle there for a while.

So, Moses made his
home in Midian,

and Jethro gave him
his oldest daughter,

Zipporah, as his wife.

And he worked as a shepherd,

taking care of Jethro's
flocks for 40 years,

but back in Egypt, the people
of Israel continued to suffer,

and they cried out to
God for deliverance.

And he heard their cry.


It's not burning
up, that's strange.


Here I am.

I am the
God of your father,

the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob.

I have seen the suffering
of my people in Egypt,

and I am going to deliver them

and take them to
the land I promised

to your fathers a long time ago.

So come, Moses, I am
sending you to Pharaoh,

and you will lead my
people out of Egypt.


Lord, this deliverance
is a great idea,

but who am I to go to Pharaoh?

Who am I to lead your people?

Moses, I
will be with you

and you will be bring
the people to this place,

and you will worship
me here together.

But, Lord, they're
probably going

to have some questions.

They're going to say,
which god sent you?

What is his name?

I AM who I AM.

Tell them that the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

has sent you to them.

They will listen to you,

and when I show
my power in Egypt,

Pharaoh will let the people go.

But, what if they
won't listen to me?

What if they just
say, "Come on, Moses.

"God didn't appear to you."

Moses, what
is that in your hand?

My staff.

Throw it on the ground.

Now, pick it up.


By the tail.


So that
they will believe

that the God of their
fathers has sent you.

Lord, that is impressive,

and I am sure they
will be amazed,

but talking to Pharaoh is
a whole different story.

You see, I've never really
been very good at, at speaking.

I will be
with your mouth.

I will tell you what to say.

Can't you just
send somebody else?

I will send your
brother, Aaron, with you,

and you will take
the staff with you

and you will use it
to perform miracles,

so that Pharaoh
may see my power.

So, Moses
took his wife and two sons

and he returned to Egypt,

and he carried the staff
of God in his hand.

Ah, Moses, I was
told you had returned.

Why are you here
after all these years?

The God of Israel
has appeared to us,

and he has sent us to
tell you to let his people

go into the wilderness
to offer sacrifices

and worship him there.

I don't know
this God of yours.

I am the son of Ra, and I
make the decisions in Egypt.

Besides that, you aren't here

because any god
has spoken to you.

You are here because
the people are lazy.

They are just trying
to get out of work.

No, I will not let them go.

But, let me tell
you what I will do.

I will teach you all a lesson

about who is the
real lord in Egypt.

From now on, I will no longer

give the slaves straw
for making bricks.

They will have to go out
and find it for themselves

and they will continue to make

the same number of bricks as
usual, not one brick less.

Some deliverer you are, Moses.

Pharaoh's gonna kill
us now, thanks to you.

Lord, I knew
this was a bad idea.

You brought me here
to help your people,

but all it has done
is make things worse.

Moses, I promised
Abraham that one day,

I would give his people
the land of Canaan,

that I would be their
God and live among them.

I repeated that promise to
Isaac and again to Jacob.

When I make a promise,
I always keep it.

I am about to put
my power on display

throughout the land of Egypt.

I am going to bring
judgment against Pharaoh,

and deliver Israel
from his hand.

When I do, the Egyptians
will know that I am the Lord.

Go, tell these things to
the children of Israel

and tell Pharaoh to
let my people go.

This is what the
Lord says to you,

"Let my people go so that
they may worship me."

The Lord of a bunch of slaves?

I see no evidence
you even have a god.

It's a snake.

That's a nice trick,
but it's nothing

I haven't seen before.


Show our visitors
some Egyptian magic.

Moses, it seems
your god is a bit outnumbered.

Our snake is
swallowing up the others.

I don't care how
many snakes your staff eats.

I still will not
let your people go.

In the morning,
go and meet Pharaoh

on the bank of the Nile.

Take your staff with you.

This is what the Lord says,

"I have sent my servants to
tell you to let my people go.

Yet, you haven't listened to me,

but when I turn the waters
of the Nile to blood,

then you will know
that I am the Lord."


Once again, simple magic.

Magicians, show them
that these tricks

do not require the power
of their so-called god.

I am not
impressed, Moses.

The answer is still no.

The Lord says,
"Let my people go."

Not a chance.

Flies, flies!

This is not a trick.

This is the finger of God.

Maybe you should let them go.

Don't talk to me
about this Hebrew God.

The slaves are
staying right here,

every last one of them.

Let my people go.

They are not his people.

The Hebrews are mine.

Look, the ash
has become boils!

Pharaoh could take some wine.

It would ease his pain.

My Lord, these men
are destroying Egypt.

Please, just let them
go and serve their god.

I will not let them go.



Who's there?

Show yourself!

Pharaoh, this is
what the Lord says,

"How long will you refuse to
humble yourself before me?

"Let my people go so that
they can worship me."

Get away from me,
Moses, get away from me.

And don't ever come here again.

The next time you see my
face will be the day you die.

Pharaoh, listen to
what the Lord says,

"I have sent these plagues
on you to show you my power.

"But you still exalt
yourself against me.

"At midnight tonight, I am
going to pass through the land

"and strike down the firstborn

"in every Egyptian
household, including yours.

"All of Egypt will
wail and mourn

"while the sons of
Israel rest peacefully.

"And when this happens,
you and your officials

"will be begging me, begging me

"to take the people and go."

The Lord has told us,
tonight, each family

must take a perfect
lamb and kill it.

And then, take the
blood of the lamb

and smear it on the
doorposts of your house.

When he sees the blood,

it will be a sign that
you belong to him.

He will pass over you

and not allow the destroyer
to enter your home.

Stay inside your homes
and eat the lamb together,

but be ready to travel
because tonight,

the Lord will bring
you out of Egypt.

night, at midnight,

the Lord struck down all
the firstborn sons of Egypt.

There was not a single
Egyptian household

where someone had not died.

Bring me Moses and Aaron!

Get out, leave my
people, all of you!

Take your flocks, your
herds and everything

and go worship your God
the way that you want to.

But, bless me as you go.

the people of Israel

gathered their
belongings and went out

from the land of Egypt.

The Lord went before them,
in a pillar of cloud by day

and in a pillar
of fire by night.

I am going to
harden Pharaoh's heart,

and he and his army
will come after you,

but don't be afraid.

I planned this to
display my power,

so that Egypt will know
that I am the Lord.

What was I thinking letting
all those slaves get away?

Gather my army and
make my chariots ready!

Those people belong to me.

Pharaoh, it's
the pharaoh's army!

Oh no!

The Egyptians!

Why did you bring
us out here to die?

There weren't enough
graves to bury us in Egypt?

It would be better to
be a slave in Egypt

than to be a corpse
in the wilderness.

Don't be afraid.

Stand still and see the
salvation of the Lord.

After them!


Why aren't we moving?

stuck, my lord.

Turn around.

The Lord is
fighting against them.

Now raise your
hands over the sea again.

They traveled until

they reached the
desert of Sinai.

And they camped at the
base of the mountain,

where the Lord had
first appeared to Moses

in the burning bush
40 years earlier.

Speak these
words to the people.

You have seen what I
did to the Egyptians,

how I rescued you and
brought you to myself.

If you will trust
me and obey me,

you will be my own
special possession

among all the peoples on earth.

Now consecrate
yourselves and get ready

because in three days,
I am going to come down

to meet you on this mountain.

Moses, you speak to
us and we'll listen,

but don't let God
speak directly to us

or we'll all die.

Don't be afraid.

I will go up and meet him and
he will speak to me there.

Moses, take these
commands that I give you

and tell them to the people.

I am the Lord your
God who rescued you

from slavery in
the land of Egypt.

You shall not have
any other god but me.

You shall not make for yourself

an image or idol of any kind.

You shall not misuse the
name of the Lord your God.

Remember to observe
the sabbath day.

Honor your father and mother.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not give false testimony
against another person.

You shall not covet anything
that belongs to another person.

Moses has been up
there a really long time

and we don't know if he's
ever coming down from there.

Maybe a wild
animal killed him.

Maybe he saw the face of God
and it struck him down dead.

Whatever happened, we
can't stay here forever.

Aaron, make us a god who will

lead us to the promised land.

Listen to me everyone.

Get us much gold as you
can and bring it to me.

The people brought
their gold to Aaron

and he melted it
down and formed it

into the image of a calf.

Look, this is your
god, who brought you

out of the land of Egypt.

You shall not have
any other god but me.

You shall not make for yourself

an image or an idol of any kind.

We worship you,
O God, with sacrifices.

Moses, go
down to your people

whom you brought from Egypt.

Their hearts have become wicked

and they have made an
idol for themselves.


What were you thinking?

You know how these people are.

They came to me and
said, "Make a god for us

"who will lead us on from here."

They brought me all their gold.

I threw it into the fire
and out came this calf.

Aaron, prepare the people to

dedicate themselves to the Lord.

I am going...

I am going back
up on the mountain

and maybe I will be able

to convince the
Lord to forgive you.

Take the people
and leave this place,

and go to the land
I promised them.

I will send my angel before you,

and he will drive
out all your enemies,

and make sure that you
have everything you need.

But I, myself, am
not going with you.

But, Lord, these
are your people.

If you are not going
with us, then please,

don't send us from here.

How will the nations
know that you are God

if you are not with us?

Isn't it your presence among us

that makes us different
from everyone else on earth?

because you have kept

your heart pure before me,

I will go with you
and the people.

Go back down the mountain

and take these new stone tablets

with the commandments on them,

and tell the people
to be very careful

to obey everything
I have told you.

Build me a holy sanctuary

so that I can live
among my people.

You will worship me
there with your offerings

and when you have sinned,

you will bring a perfect
lamb and offer it to me

to make atonement for your sins.

I will forgive you.

I will keep my
covenant with you,

and I will do miracles among you

like no one on
earth has ever seen.

And wherever you go, people
will see my power and glory.

The Lord
led them faithfully,

but the people
complained continually.

There is no water.

How can we survive in
a land with no water?

What is the point of
bringing us out of Egypt

if we're all just
going to die of thirst?

Strike the
rock and I will

make water come out of it,
so the people can drink.

It's water, praise God!

Moses, now there's no food.

Did you bring us up here
to starve us to death?

In Egypt, we had meat
and bread every day,

as much as we wanted.

What is it?

It's some kind of bread.

It's breakfast!

the Lord provided

manna from Heaven
every day for 40 years.

I'm losing my appetite.

In Egypt, we feasted
on meat and fish.

And cucumbers and melons
and onions, ah, and garlic.

But, ever since we
started following Moses,

manna for breakfast,
manna for lunch,

and manna for supper.

I am tired of manna.

Ah, why is that we have to

wait for the word of the Lord

to come through Moses?

It's not like Moses
is the only person

that the Lord speaks
through anyway.

Hasn't he spoken through us too?

Who do you think
you are anyway?

As if you're so much
greater than us.

We are all the Lord's people.

We are all holy.

He is with us just as
much as he is with you.

What good have
you done for us?

Sure, the land of
Canaan is beautiful,

but have you heard the reports
from the spies we've sent?

People there are
too strong for us.

We'll never get in.

It's true, I was there.

They are huge, we
even saw giants.

Compared to us, we
looked like grasshoppers.

Did the Lord deliver
us from Pharaoh's army

because he prefers to
kill us with Canaanites?

Listen everyone, listen.

Egypt is a land flowing with
milk and honey, flowing!

And we didn't need to
fight anyone there.

We already had our
own houses and land.

Let's go back.

Let's choose a new leader
and go back to Egypt.

Since they
don't trust that

I am stronger than
the people of Canaan,

they will never enter
the land of Canaan.

They will wander
around for 40 years

and die here in the wilderness.

I will keep my promise
to their children

and I will lead
them into the land.

Oh, how long will
these people reject me,

after all they have
seen me do for them?

Why did you bring us
to this terrible place?

There is no grain,
there are no grapes,

and there is no water to drink.

Gather the
people together

and speak to that
rock over there,

and I will bring enough
water for everyone.

Listen, you bunch of rebels!

What are you doing?

I'm so sick of these
people and their complaining.

When are you going to learn?

You want water?

Just watch, I'll give you water.

Moses, I told
you to speak to the rock,

but you didn't trust me.

You took the glory for yourself

as if the power to bring water

came from you and your staff.

Because of this, you
will not be the one

to lead my people into the
land I have given them.

Out of all the
peoples in the world,

the Lord has chosen
you to belong to him.

He didn't choose you because
you were bigger or better.

He chose you simply
because he loves you,

and because he had made a
promise to Abraham long ago.

The Lord has protected you and
made you into a great nation.

He has blessed you
and multiplied you,

so that your number is like
the number of stars in the sky.

The Lord demonstrated his
power and glory before Pharaoh

and rescued us from slavery
and brought us out of Egypt

so he could give us this land

he had promised to our fathers.

From the day you left Egypt,

you have constantly
rebelled against him,

but the Lord your God
is a merciful God.

And he has faithfully led
you through the wilderness

for these 40 years,
humbling you and testing you

by letting you go hungry and
then feeding you with manna.

He did it to teach
you that people

do not live by bread
alone, but by every word

that comes from the
mouth of the Lord.

Because I disobeyed the
Lord, I will not be the one

to lead you across the river.

Joshua will be your
leader from now on.

And the Lord himself will
cross over ahead of you

and he will give you
possession of the land

that he promised to you.

So be strong and courageous,
and don't be afraid.

He will be with you,
he will never fail you...

or abandon you.