Evil Takes Root (2020) - full transcript

A paranormal investigator arrives in a sleepy Midwest town to investigate the mysterious loss of his old lover and reconcile sins of the past. He discovers she fell victim to the Batibat, ...

You've reached

Professor Felix Fojas,

please leave a message.

Hi Felix, it's Amanda.

I didn't know who else to call.

I don't feel like myself,

I can't explain it.

Things have been happening.

Strange things.

So will you call me please?

I wish I'd handled

things better between us.




Honey, are you okay?

Why are you hiding from me?

No, what

are you talking about?

I'm in the car with dad,

we'll be home soon, okay.

Welcome home!

There's someone in the house.

Mom, what

are you talking about?

Someone's in the house?

Knox County

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

What's going on?

- I don't know.

- What's happening?


Where's my wife?

What happened, where is she?

- Doctor.

- Where's my wife?

- Doctor.

- Where's my wife!

Your daughter

should stay here.

Deputy Mullins, stay

with the young lady.

- Come on Thane.

- No.

- Stay here!

- No, no, no, no!

Stay here!

Hey! Hey!




Where is...

I am sorry.

I'm sorry.

Mom, mom, mom!

No, no, daddy, daddy!

Look at me, look at me.

Look at me.


Doctor, who's Felix Fojas?

Doing great.

Wow, aren't you a big

girl, let's try this one.

Dr. Noles.


This is for helping

Isaac with his cataracts.

And this is for helping Ruth.

Did you help bake

these treats young lady?

Well, I have to tell ya,

this is the best

gift I've been given

in quite some time.

Your family's in

our prayers doctor.

You're a good man.

God has a heart for good men.

Thank you ma'am.

Sampson, come back!


Keep the change.


Stop, I'm serious!

I have a daughter.

Please, we

can make this work.

- I'm sorry.

- I love you.

This is

private property.

I'm Felix Fojas,

I knew Amanda.

Professor Fojas.

Look at me.

Look at me!

Do you have any idea what

you did to my family?



You got five seconds

to leave my property.


Call Father Olawale.


Good morning.

Now why are you

sitting alone here

in the dark when

the Lord has made

us such a beautiful day!

I know, I know your

mother wouldn't want you

sitting here alone

lost in that computer.

How would you know

what my mother wanted?

That hurt.

Now blood or not,

you are my daughter.

I didn't ask for your opinion.

If you knew what it

took for your Mother

and I to become married

and to make us a family,

it's all for you!

Mother wanted to fix me!

She tried to fix me, not you!

When your mother's cancer

came back, she was lost.

Get out!


I'm guessing

you worked all the leads

on that robbery since

it's been over a week?


every single one.

Will you get Felix

Fojas on the phone Nita?

Number should be

in the Noles file.

Professor Fojas

is waiting in your office,

says he wants to speak with you.

Professor Fojas,

you must be psychic.

No, just a third eye.

Yeah, I got a cousin

with a sixth toe.

I suppose that's

neither here nor there.


No, thank you.

So, my deputy said you were

in California when we phoned,

now I find you in my office.

Assumed you had questions.

As do I.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

What exactly was the nature

of your relationship

with Amanda Noles?

We were intimately

involved nine years ago.


I loved her, but sadly,

the feeling wasn't mutual.

Reached out more times

than I care to mention,

and I didn't hear from her again

until the message that I

forward to your office.



Felix, it's Amanda.

I didn't know who else to call.

I don't feel like myself,

I can't explain it.

Things have been happening.

Strange things.

I wish I'd handled

things better between us.

Why do you think

she called you?

I have experience with events

involving the

supernatural and beyond.

Right, 'cause you

got the third eye.

What do you think that she

meant by strange things?

I can't be certain.

Sheriff, can you tell me,

did your investigators

find any oddities

in the house that night?



But a broken mirror.

Where was it?

Sheriff, please.

What harm can come from

sharing that information?

I'm still trying to figure

this all out, Professor.

Will you tell me, was

it in Amanda's bedroom?

The daughters.


Are you ill, Professor?

I left my

signing book in my car.

Okay, did you need it today?

Yeah, I'm helping the speech

pathologist after school.

Okay, I'll

cancel my two o'clock...

No, no, no, no,

Riley can take me

on the way to the

center, it's fine.

I'd rather you

not deal with that

greaseball mechanic without me.

My god dad.

I saw the way her was

ogling you yesterday.

I can handle myself, okay.

I'm gonna be an adult

in like three weeks.


At 18 you're hardly an adult.

All right, your mom might let...

I'll see you later, okay.

I love you.

Ogling means leering, right?

What's leering mean?


Father Weller held

a Q and A on greeting

at Friday's mass.

I'd expect a chat.


Oh, and Miss

Froy's really sick.

Yeah, and her

sub's an uber bitch.

Yeah, like the sex

-starved nun type.


Sin is an infection

of the soul.

Many people die from

infection every day.

In serious cases, an

infected limb is amputated.

When you sin you open

yourself up to evil.

This evil will start to

infect your entire world

and the world of

those around you.

Is this offending your delicate

sensibilities Miss Meyer?

It's making me wanna puke.

We should be repulsed

by the wages of sin.

Sin is ugly!

It separates us from God

and keeps us from

fulfilling our purpose!

You must cut it out

the moment it rears its head!

Or else the devil

finds a foothold.


Go clean yourself

up Miss Noles.

You have five minutes.




You may be disoriented Sarah.

You're in the Saint

Joseph's infirmary.

Do you think you can sit up?


Thank you sister.

Now sadly, physical

manifestations like these

can accompany the

grieving process.

I'm fine Father Weller.

Handling it in my own way

as I'm sure you did

when your wife passed.

I needed help.

My daughter has yet to recover.

That's why I'm so

concerned for you.

I think I'm okay to

go back to class now.

Your next patient's

stuck in pre-op,

and there's a Felix

Fojas in the waiting area

insisting that he

speak with you.

Thank you.

Do I need to have the

police remove you?

I'm not the threat.

What do you want?

I wanna discuss

Amanda's message.

You and Sarah are in danger.

Don't mention my daughter,

you hear me?

Dr. Noles.

You know about me, she told you.

I came here because

I believe her.

I came here to help.

Six o'clock at the Broken

Barrel on Route Three.

You'll have as

long as it takes me

to finish a beer to say

what you need to say.

Imari, thank you for

getting back to me so quick.

How soon can you get to Ohio?

He's not even here.

Ugh, this place

is gross Sarah.

You ladies should

learn how to knock.

You might see something

you shouldn't of.

We just need to

get something from her car.

Personal effects

are over there.

I'll play around with

the rear end later.

Swap out them gears, have

her purring by morning.

What was that?

Nothing, are you jealous?

Wonderful job Lucy!

Let's give her a hand.

Woo, good job!

One word, we're here to improve

our sign language skills

and help each other

sign one word,

just like Lucy.

It doesn't matter where

your comfort level lies.

All right, now it's time

to break off into groups.

All right, let's come over here.

You won't even try?

What are they doing in there?

Who are what?

I don't understand

what that means.


You speak so well.

No, it's her, it's her!

- Hey!

- Don't touch me!

- That's her! That's her!

- All right!

Don't touch me!

That's her!

That's her! That's her!

Hey J.

Thank you for coming.


Mandy mentioned that...

Don't you say her

name like you knew her.

Like you were close.

It was a mistake.

That's what she called it.

She said strange

things were happening.

Do you know what she

was talking about?

I'm gonna tell you exactly

what I told Sheriff Garland.

Mandy had just got

home from a work trip,

she called my daughter,

said there was an

intruder in the house.

And the police didn't

find any physical

evidence of an intruder?

Signs of forced entry?

What about your daughter?

Is she acting differently

or out of character?

I keep thinking

you're gonna have

some sort of sense of propriety.

I know that this is

upsetting, but it's-

- You can't see it, can you!

You come to my home

again, my work,

or you go anywhere

near my daughter,

and I'll kill you with

my bare fucking hands!

Starting shit in here?

That was not my intention.

Not the fuck in here Frank!

Shut the fuck up Jen!

Hi dad.


I believe I got your favorite.

Wait, wait, wait!

Are we forgetting something?

Bless us oh Lord

and these thy gifts

which we are about to receive.


Let's eat.

Who was that man this morning?


What'd he want?

What do all men want?

Things they can't have.

Mom wanted what

she couldn't have

and she still had it.

What's that supposed to mean?

You talk cryptic,

I'll talk cryptic.

What's wrong with you Sarah?

What's wrong with you Thane?

You're the one that can't

admit that she was a whore.

Hey, watch your tongue!

You're so fucking weak.



Have you lost your mind!



Get down here!

Sarah, open up this

door right now!

Open it up or I will open

it for you young lady!


Isn't it past your bedtime?

Don't you start nothing

you can't finish.

Oh, careful!

My wife's upstairs.


Get up, come on.

There you go.

Who did this to ya?

Does it matter?

Hell yeah it matters,

now I gotta lock their asses up.

Am I under arrest?

Let's just say,

you're my guest until I

get you to urgent care.

Go for ride one.

They need you over

at that Moffett's place Roy.

Clyde's there and

says it's real bad.

I'm en route.

Remain in the vehicle.

Oh my God!

- Oh my fucking God!

- Ma'am!

- What happened!

- Ma'am!

Who did this!

What are

you gonna do about it?

What is happening!

Fucking find out!


off the premises!

Mullins, get her out of here!

We need every deputy up now.

I need every deputy

awake, out here,

we need to shut

down the perimeter.

We've gotta make sure that...

Hey, I told you to

stay in the vehicle!

But this is witchcraft.

Call Mount Vernon PD,

get forensics out here.

You get back in the car.

You get back in the car now!

Before I charge you with

disobeying a police order!

Oh my God.

Oh my God.





Sarah! Sarah!

I am talking to you!


- Sarah!

- What?

Where the

hell have you been?

What are you talking about?

What do you mean,

what am I talking about?

Look at you!

Look at you!

You're soaking wet

and covered in mud!

Where the hell have you been?

I was

having a nightmare.

You weren't sleeping

darling, okay.

I just saw you walk into

this house half naked!

I don't know what

you're talking about.

- Where the hell were you!

- Hey, hey, hey!

I was sleeping!

Don't you leave this room!

Sorry Sheriff, Sarah's fine.

I apologize for

wasting your time.

Nita said that

you were panicked,

you were driving all around

town looking for her.

Yeah, I was, but

it was my mistake.

I should've called

letting you people know.

I've just been

having a hard time.

I understand.

Who's in the car?

Well some fruit

loop from California

got himself assaulted

at the Barrel.

Has he received

medical attention?

Taking him there now.

Bring him inside,

I'll take a look.

You seem to have the same

effect on everyone, huh?

Must be my personality.

Yeah, well,

nothing's broken.

You all right Sheriff?

Yeah, I gotta get back

over to Ed Moffett's place.

Ed Moffett?

He fixes our cars.

Not anymore.

We got a deputy coming to

pick you up any minute.

Are we okay here?



Hey, I want you to think on

the men that assaulted you.

Give me some descriptions.

You ain't gonna be

sleeping well tonight.

They shouldn't either!

I had no idea those idiots

would do that to your face.

Yet here we are.

Where are we exactly?

Someone is attacking your

family using witchcraft.

And I came here to do

something about that.

You have any evidence

supporting that claim?

Nothing that a man of

science would accept.

But Amanda knew

something was happening-

- I heard the message.

Well then, you

know that I'm the

last person she wanted to call.

I can admit that.

Okay, you seem-

- There was fear in her voice!

You seem to be

under the assumption

that I believe in witchcraft.

But you can't tell me what,

if anything is happening here!

You can't tell me what

Mandy was concerned about!

So tell me Felix,

where does that leave us?

Your ride's here.

It's better this way, Sarah.


This is the day that

the Lord has made!

Rejoice and be glad.

And get dressed.

I hope you brought coffee.

Well good morning!

Hurry along, don't be late now!

Father Weller.

Poor animal was suffering

from separation anxiety.

He simply adored my wife.

I only bring him on campus now

when my daughter's

at the clinic.


I'm a little

concerned with Sarah.

How can I help?

She been acting

different in school?

No, nothing that I've

been made aware of,

but I can certainly

look into it for you.

I'd appreciate that.

Of course.

Good morning.


have you spoken to

anyone about your grief?

How can we possibly

help our children

if we can't help ourselves?

I understand what

you're going through.

Believe me.

Run? Let's run!

Here we go Sampson!

This property has been cursed.

Initially I thought

it was a haunting,

but I've been inside the home.

There must be something

to find on the grounds.

You said the family's

not involved.

Can we ever be

certain of anything?


Of a great many things.

For one,

the family's not home.

We'll return when

they're present.



You knew they would

be away, didn't you?

I expected it,

but I didn't know.

See, that is exactly why

your vows were doomed Felix.

You know why my vows

were doomed Imari.

I know we're trespassing

because you blur the

lines between right

and wrong when it

suits your whim.

I am doing what is right.

By breaking the law,

you cannot choose

what rules to follow

when you follow God, Felix.

God will not let me be tempted

beyond what I can bare.

But when I am tempted

he will provide

for me a pathway to salvation?

Where is my path Imari?

I'm not gonna have the same

conversation with you again,

and again, and again, and again!

And I will not trespass!

That's noble of you Imari.

But absolutely no

value to this girl

under attack by

spiritual forces!

This is not about the girl!

This is about you always knowing

what's best for everyone!

Now God knows

what's best for me,

and requires my

absolute obedience.

And that I give with joy.

Her name is Sarah.

And you can wait in the car.

Did you

think I loved you?

I needed you.

You should've answered my call.

You should've been there.

Sarah's in danger.

She's after Sarah.

Help me! Help!

Help me!




- No, no!

- Felix! Felix!

- No, no, no!

- Felix! Felix!

You're okay.

Look, look.

Call the Sheriff.


I can't be certain we're in the

same section of the woods.

Tell Gage to finish up

and meet us back at the station!

No Sheriff, it's

here, I'm not lying.

These woods are



I'm gonna do the

best thing that I can

do for you right now sir,

I'm gonna drive you

back to your hotel,

I'm gonna help you

personally pack your things.


If I don't, you're gonna

have a real problem with me.


This one's different.


Don't touch it,

it's weather aged.

Whoever did this tried it once

and didn't see the

desired results

so they tried it again

and we caught them

in the act today.

Someone has cast a

spell on this girl.

All right, all right,

let's just slow down.

You guys can explain to me-

- Sheriff!

Gage found a phone.

In the creek bed,

by the clothes line.

Have Nita give me

the name and address

on every number

in that call log.

Make sure the Father gets back

to wherever he's going safely.

You're with me.

I'll call you.

I went to high school

with Jillian Bartell.

She's a good Christian,

should be able to

track the phone

to a name and address.

Unless you start on

about your third eye

and piss her off.


the coroner would like

to talk to you about

Moffett's death.

Yeah, Mullins handling

it for me, will ya?

Copy that.

Where's your mask, Caleb?

Sir, sir, are you okay?

Do not move!

Code 6C, Sheriff

requires backup!

Are you okay?

Calm down now Caleb!

Nothing we can't still workout!

God damn it.

There's something

I need you to hear.

Knox County 9-1-1,

what's your emergency?

Are you there?

Rewind that.

Knox County 9-1-1,

what's your emergency?

Are you there?

Now I'm no audiologist,

but that doesn't sound

like our janitor.

- No.

- Or,

Any human being

I've ever heard in my life,

let alone Amanda Noles.


We can agree though

that there's no

boogeyman out there.

We're dealing with

flesh and blood here.

For now.

You're a confounding

individual Professor,

that's not the answer

I was looking for.

Sheriff, they need you!

We got his address.


Ma'am, could

we talk inside?

We can talk here on the porch.

There's been an

incident, with Caleb.

Yeah, I'm sorry ma'am.

You'd like to think that

they're wrong about your kids.

But you know what you see.

I'd like to take

a look in his room.

But he ain't been

in there for months.

Spends most of his

time in the tree house

that him and his daddy built.

Over there at the

end of the property.



Christina, what have you done?


me the innocent one.

Let their blood

feed my roots.

And I

will reward you.






No, no, no, no!

No, Sampson!

Look at you!

Hey sweetie, you

look beautiful.

I want you to meet

someone, follow me.


Hey! Sarah!



You can go back anytime.

Who'd protect you then?

You're not gonna

get any out here.

Radio works though.

Up to 30 miles.





Oh my God!

No baby, no!

No Sarah!


My God, Sarah, Sarah!

Baby, baby, come on.

How the hell does

he get in here?

All right, help me here.

Maybe I should go.

No, you stay here.


I got a beetle.

It's tied to a nail in

the floor with human hair.

That's a binding spell.

They were probably

using it on Caleb.

Don't touch it.

Identify yourself!


Identify yourself,

slowly remove your hood

or I will do it for you.


We need to go, now!


Sheriff! Sheriff!


What happened to me?

You've been cursed.

Come on, we need to get

you back to the stream.

We need to get living water

into your system or

you're gonna die!

Come on!

It can't be much further.

You can't carry me.


I'll be right back.



Oh shit, oh shit.

10-3 officer down.

10-3 officer down.


do you copy?

You're a day late and

a dollar short Mullins.

I'm in the back of

the Crowley property,

we're about half mile

from State Route 73.

Oh shit.

Oh shit.

You're gonna be okay,

just keep pressure on it.

Why do all of this?

To hear again, like you.

Like with my mother.

But why


Why hurt her mother?

Why would she think

we hurt her mother?




Help daddy!

Help daddy!

Your father will

be fine ladies.

God is watching over him now.

Thank you Father.

Excuse me.

I loathe that

expression on your face.

If I'd just

answered that call-

- Do not wrestle

with the past, Felix.

It will win.

It already has.

Thank you Imari.

For everything.

The autopsy report is on

the Sheriff's nightstand.

We'll be needing fresh waters.


- Christ!

- I didn't mean to

Startle you.

I read Amanda's autopsy report.

If someone had let me know

she was found in the woods

and stopped breathing,

I would've known

what we were dealing

with from the beginning.

This syndrome is

demonic in nature.

- It wasn't the witches,

- I don't...

They were just

a toy for this demon.

I don't understand.

Amanda's company was drilling

wells in the Philippines

and clearing trees.

When these trees are cut down

vengeful spirits

can be released.


Once it's released it

enters a human host,

and finds a new wooden home.

And I believe that that demon

followed Amanda back

from the Philippines.

Sheriff, if we

don't act quickly,

her body could

become the permanent

home for this

vengeful, angry spirit.

It's time to take the

pigs out of your parlor.

It knows we're here.

Imagine how you would feel if

someone came into your home

and tried to rip you out of it.

That is what we're going

to do with this Batibat.

And it shall leave

as instructed!

Father Imari Josiah Olawale.

Thane Noles.

Are you prepared to

give yourself to God,

the Almighty

tonight, Thane Noles?

We need fresh water.

Not from the property.

She said that she loved you.

And that you loved her.

I did.

We start at dawn.


it's unwise to proceed

without a woman present.

We need a woman of God.

Someone God loving, God fearing.

Someone who cares for him.

And we're going to

need a vessel for this spirit.

Something isolated.

Where it will

remain undisturbed.

It is time.

Do not be alarmed when

you see your daughter.

She may or may not

resemble her former self.

But rest assured,

she is present.

Christ hears

God the Father in heaven.

God the Son, redeemer of man,

have mercy on us.

Oh my God, Sarah.

Deliver us from your wrath.

From sudden and

unprovided death.

From the snares of the devil.

What is she saying?


Stand firm.

Get him out of here!

Remove him!

I'm fine, I'm fine,

help my daughter!

If it gets worse, leave!

Fill your servant with courage

to fight against that

reprobate dragon!

Let your mighty hand cast this

demon out of your servant Sarah,

so it may no longer

hold captive this person

whom pleased you to

make in your own image

and to redeem

through Christ Jesus

who lives and reigns

with you forever!

It wants a new host.

The Lord is

willing to negotiate.

I am not!

You'll occupy no

more of God's children!

- Get her off the property!

- You can't be in here alone.


Get her off the property

or her sight will be lost!



I command you, unclean spirit,

by the resurrection

and ascension of our

Lord Jesus Christ.

By the descent of

the Holy Spirit

and the coming of

the Lord for judgment

and a day and hour

of your departure!

I command you moreover

to obey me by the letter!

I am a minister of God!


let her take Sarah.


The stain was on the mother.

And your lust

of this flesh betrays you.

Do not think of

despising my command

because you know me

to be a great sinner.

For it is God himself

who commands you.

You shall not be

emboldened to inhabit

this creature of God any longer,

and I cast you out in the

name of Lord Jesus Christ!

You can have me now.

I am yours.

If you allow me to stay.

Make no resistance

nor delay in

quitting this woman.

For it has pleased Christ

to dwell in Sarah Noles.

And you are no longer welcomed.

I command you to return

to the designated vessel

I have prepared, for it

is he who cleans you.

He who flung you headlong

from the heights of heaven.

He who once stilled the sea,

and the wind and the storm.

Harken therefore,

and tremble in fear.

And may the trembling that

affects this human prey.

The fear that afflicts

this image of God,

descend on you

foul creature now!

I got you, I got you, I got you.

You're okay, you're okay.

I got you.

- Sarah!

- Dad!

You're okay baby.

Oh, and you?

You're okay.

So the

family is safe?

They are.

And you?


A calling?

A warning.

To stay vigilant.

The darkness is getting closer.

I can see it.


is why he chose you

to help others find the light.