Everlasting Love (1984) - full transcript
Lau's character (Eric) played an intern doctor who met briefly PK by chance in a tourist district when they took pictures for a German tourist. PK, an unwed teen mother, was a hostess at a night club who supported her younger brother and sister as well as his 1 y.o. son. PK ended in prison for 6 months for attacking the father of her son. PK met Eric after her release in prison at a restaurant. They really hit it off. PK planned to spend 3 months with Eric and to leave him afterwards, knowing that her real identity would prevent them from being together. Eventually, she revealed to Eric her real job. The climax of the movie resulted in Eric confronting PK at the club.
Hey, stop!
Please stop!
Are you alright?
Sis, are you alright?
It really hurts
Sis, please don't scare me
- What is it, sir?
- Give me some cigarettes
Sai Hung
- Sai Hung
- Hurry up
Sai Hung
You jerk
Sis, can I borrow your dress?
Not again
You always wear my jeans
Who paid for them?
But you bought them for me
as you said
Where on earth are you going?
Just some classmate's party
What about school?
No school today
What about your homework
No homework
I'm going to wear it anyway
Hello, whom am I talking to?
Give it to me
Lulu is busy studying right now
You didn't have to do that
Shouldn't date while you're still at school
No wonder you flunked
in every subject
Play is play, work is work
Dear dad, how are you?
All of us are well
We celebrated
Don-don's birthday last week
Too bad you're still in jail...
Ching, you're writing to that jerk again
Why did you hit him?
Why did he write to that jerk?
Sis, dad is not a jerk
I won't call him dad
He never fed us
And he's always in jail
Shut up
Don-don, be good, don't cry
or mummy will hit you too
I'm off to work
Lulu, get them
some decent dinner
Don't feed them with noodles everytime
You're early today
Who did this?
Let me take care of them
P.K., table 31 is waiting for you
Mommy, I haven't gone out yet
But they're asking for P.K.
Now go with P.K.
Don't say I'm playing favorites
Popular girls always
attract cockroaches
This is P.K. and this is Wendy
Sit down
Be nice to the gentlemen
Say hello to my brother, P.K.
This is my brother's first time
You know what to do
Let's wait and see
What are you writing?
Writing names
What for?
For scoring
The more names they write,
the more money they make
You should learn about it
You're the one who's scoring plenty
That would depend on your cooperation
Drop dead
What about tonight?
Where should we go?
You're the boss
Is this really your first time?
Do you smoke?
No, thank you, I don't
You're drinking Coke
The smell of liquor makes me sick
Then do you know how to dance?
Only some dance
Does you last name begin with an I?
I for idiot
You know nothing at all!
The tie is so wide!
From your girlfriend?
I have no girlfriend
Do you want me to be your girlfriend
That is very flattering
Mr King, I'm sorry
Have to borrow P.K.
You're kidding
She'll be back soon
Now, don't you go away
Brother Bob
This is P.K.
Hi, are you asking for me?
You're the prettiest
Of course I am asking for you
You should be a compere or something
Don't you know he is a compere
Just in a funeral home
Bob, can I ask you something?
Are you police?
How do you know? Recognize me?
No! Just by the way you dance
Like marching
Are you scared of this iron?
Let's see
You devil
Where are we going?
For a snack
or straight to the motel
Hold it, I never said so
Take me home
But Mommy said you'd go
Why don't you go with Mommy
Are you two taking me as a fool?
Who dares?
What about some other night?
Don't fool me
What about tonight?
I really am not feeling well
A kiss for free
Don't fool me
You have to go no matter what
This is rape
What do you think I would feel?
Alright...what about a compromise
Decide by "guessing"
Okay, let's guess
Come on
One frog
Two eyes
Four legs
In a pond
Two frogs
Four legs...
It should be two wins out of three games
Come on, you lose
Pay in advance
How do I know if you got dough?
Getting mad?
Okay, don't get mad
Give me a kiss first...
Hey, buddy
How about moving on
I am just about to leave
Bite me...
Bite me hard...
Bite me hard...
What is it?
I can't help it if my period comes
Good timing!
I'll make it up to you
some other night
How dare you
take my money!
You just watch it!
Playing tricks on me!
I have to make a living too
Go back to your seats, sir is coming!
Who cares
Mr Wong is just a jerk
Girls, it's class
Back to your seats
Take your books out
Who's on duty today?
Great! Lulu wins...
What's going on? What is it?
Sir, she's killing herself
Why are you burning yourself?
Yeah, why?
It hurts
Show me your hands
Trying to take advantage of her, sir?
Yeah, what are you trying to do?
Your dirty mind shows
It's rape! Dial 119
Dial 119...
Excuse me, miss
Could you take a photograph for me, please?
I would like a close-up
Thank you. You're so nice and pretty
No, thank you
Excuse me, would you mind
taking a photograph for me
and this young lady please?
Okay, it's my pleasure
Thank you.
Now it's my turn to take one for you two
Stand over there please
Okay, thank you
Why don't you give me your name and address
and I'll send you the photograph
Okay, thank you
Where do you come from?
Germany...and how about the young girl?
The young lady? Where did she go?
Thank you
Let's go in
Thank you
Hello, Mommy! Switched to a bigger club!
Sai Hung, haven't seen you for a long time
Why don't you return to my call?
Call me?
Anything good for me?
I am saving
the best for you
- No more
- Come on, have more...
I have to go solo tonight if I'm drunk
What? Who? Me?
You're so big!
Hey, come on
It's fun...
Why are you so happy?
Mommy, the fat guy has such big breasts
Excuse me, Mr Ho
I have to talk to her
Your tummy must be in your way
Sai Hung is here
Don't make a scene
Got it?
I'm warning you
Listen, it's money you're asking for
Hi, come sit down
Who are you?
Honey, where have you been?
Are you avoiding me?
I was in Holland for a while
Sightseeing? Or on the run?
No wonder you've gained weight
You don't know me now!
Come on, cheers
Get lost
I saw you in my dream last night...dead!
Do you miss me?
I'm really sorry, Sai Hung
P.K., here
P.K., cool it
Make a scene somewhere else
None of your business
Shall we talk outside?
Go out, come on
Don't cry
You know how men are
What a silly girl
You know how nice I was to him
Of course I do
But he doesn't want you now
So what can you do? Kill yourself?
But at least he should care
about his son
Stupid girl
how can you find love in such place
If I were you
I would forget him
He's not worth it
Listen, don't cry. Go home and take a shower
Get some sleep and everything will be over
Driver, take her to Kai Yip Estate
Stop the car! I want to get off
- Don't! Stop it!
- You...
Let go of me!
Please don't! Cool it!
Leung Pui Kwun, P.K. Leung
Born March 9, 1966
17, Unwed mother
Son 14 months old
Father Leung Tai Yau
Serving five-year sentence
Now in Prison
Mother Chan Lai King, re-married
At 3:48 a.m.
in a Kimberley Road restaurant
Stabbed Poon Sai Hung
with a knife
Now sentenced to six months in reformatory
Is this information correct?
Then sign here
Miss Li will help you change downstairs
Let me see
Miss Lee...
This is your bed
Listen! Time to sleep!
No talking! No reading!
Or you'll be punished!
What are you in here for?
For stabbing my guy
What's this?
What's it for, I mean
None of your business
I own casinos and brothels
You're less capable and you can't even fight me
What a waste
Go to bed now!
Look forward. Arms on your back
Legs straight. Facing 90 degree
You're too noisy
this morning
You don't want to get
in isolation block?
I'll give you a chance to think it over
Now you can start eating
Let's eat...
Leung Pui Kwun, stop it
Throw her on the ground
Someone's coming!
Let's go!
It's tough here in the reformatory
We have no way out
We are watched everywhere
Who will care for us
We are crying behind bars in jail
Now only sweet memories are left with me
I am thinking hard in remembrance
of my handsome husband
Only the dream can deliver
my sweetest thought now
With sorrow, I can hardly understand
why I would be trapped in such an awful place
and in such a lonely ward
What a misfortunate on me
For the freedom I lost
and for the liberty that I have no more
I wail with my broken heart
I have done nothing wrong
Yet they just set all things up
Though they call it an early night in jail
I can hardly fall asleep because
the light is up at all times
It is no use to complain
for all the complains are in vain
I was fated to this end
Farewell my love
In my deepest thought,
I cry for all my misfortunes
I can bear the loneliness in jail no more
In my song, it tells my sorrow
sighing that you are too cruel
Let's listen to no more sad song
From now on, I hide myself in jail
The reformatory
is just a warning for you
Be good when you get out
It really depends on yourself
I don't expect to see you in here again
Thank you
Your family meeting you outside?
I think so
Remember to report to the Social Welfare
Getting off, please!
Don-don is here!
Come give mom a kiss
Sis, do you know what these are?
Your favorite pomegranates
You're a good boy
Miss Leung is a good girl
She supports her family
But her salary is hardly enough
She wants to work for me
but she's too young
It would be a pity if
she really worked for me
What's your line, Miss Leung?
I'm a sales girl
Oh yeah, where?
At the President shopping Centre
P.K. rarely meets strange people
She's so shy
What do you think?
Live with your family?
Yes. My father is a retired civil servant
No wonder you have to
support your family
I got to go
Mommy, why don't you eat something first?
No thanks. Got to go to work
Enjoy your dinner
Excuse me
Are you kidding?
Young and handsome?
He is an old guy
Don't be silly
He's a fur merchant
So what! I'm leaving
Hey, old guy is rich
I'm not asking you to marry him
Don't ever think of young guys
they don't have money
Don't make me look bad
Come on, go back! I'm leaving
You...who are you?
in front of the Peninsula?
A foreigner took a picture for us
I think so
Good! I thought I talked to the wrong person
Having dinner with your parents?
No, just my uncle and aunt
That guy really sent me the picture
How can I give it to you?
Give me your address
and I'll mail it to you
How do I know you're a good person?
Any name card?
Haven't got one
I give you my phone number
Do you have a pen?
Just tell me. Don't have to write it down
Can you remember?
Forget it
Wait...it's 5215435
Call me evenings
What about...are you free tomorrow?
Sure! Sure!
See you at 5:00p.m. at the lobby of Holiday Inn
Mr Chang, want some birds nest soup?
No, it's okay
Still waiting for someone?
What about that young lady?
She...she got stomachache
Want me to cover up the dishes?
No. Just bring me some rice
The picture is pretty good
You've got to be kidding
Don't you think so? it's sharp
You must be showing this around
Telling your friends
I'm your girlfriend
I did not! I just showed it to myself
No show anymore
Why are you smiling
like an idiot?
What do you do for living?
Make a guess
I don't care
What do I look like?
You look like a refugee
I am a houseman at Queen Mary Hospital
What? Outman?
Someone who watch the door?
Houseman means apprentice doctor
You'll be a doctor someday?
You, a doctor?
Don't I look like one?
I heard all doctors are sex maniacs
And you...?
But not me
I don't think you look like one, Docalino
What did you call me?
A kid doctor
You talk strange
You talk weird
Now let me guess your profession
Eat! Don't try to play smart!
There's no present
I know. You're a secretary in Central
I never go to Central
I know now
A kindergarten teacher
Are you suggesting
I'm infantile?
Why don't you tell me?
I'm a make-up girl in Watson's
No wonder you're so pretty
Which Watson's?
Why ask?
You don't need to make-up
Want to meet me after work?
But I'm quitting next month
How come?
There's no future!
And I couldn't get along
I know. Since you're so pretty
your folks won't
let you work
Please don't talk about them
They're dead
I'm sorry...I didn't mean it
Can you take one more picture for us?
One for each
Your sister's grades
are very low
She's using her wisdom
in things destructive
Last Wednesday
the day before mid-term examination
She was waiting for me
after school...
Just tell as it was
She made me
a shameless proposition...
What proposition?
She asked me to give her the mid-term papers
And she would go to bed with me
I didn't say that, Mr Wong
I am going to sue you libel
Shut up
Every student knows
he's a dirty old man
Shut up
No! It's a lie! It's a lie!
Excuse me, Headmaster
I know my sister
Of course there is a bad side of her
But I don't think she could be that bad
There are always two sides
to a story
No judge can make
a fair trial in this case
I promise I'll beat her up good
Miss Leung
we teachers have our dignities
We have to clarify this no matter what
Then did you or didn't you?
Of course I didn't
Then everything's fine and rosy
Miss Leung, I want to see your guardian
I am her guardian
I feed the whole family
I mean...
I want to see your parents
My mom re-married.
My dad's in jail
Miss Leung
you are not properly
educating your sister
It might have to do with your age
Age is not a problem
I believe I am no less worldly
than you
I pay for my sister's study
I never owed you
any tuition
We didn't think money
is that important to us
We are in education
That's enough
Are you picking on me?
Money not important?
Why exploit us?
Be careful
You're damaging our reputation
Your reputation? What about mine?
Blaming us for your incompetence
What else can you do
besides charging tuition?
Can't you do anything?
Is that wrong?
Miss Leung, mind what you speak
You are just laying
everything on me
And look at this nerd you call a teacher
If you are so dissatisfied
why don't you leave?
Mr Wong, take them to the register's office
You bet I am going to bad-mouth you
You can count on it
Are you crazy?
Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose
Sorry? What's the use?
Do you know
I just bought this dress
from Lane-Crawford?
Even my underwear is wet
My bra is wet too
What are you talking about?
You are rich
So what?
I'll buy you a new dress
Okay. Get in the car
Take us there
Do you know
I just did my hair at the salon
With treatment and highlight
Here's two hundred bucks
Two hundred lousy bucks?
Let's knock him fifty four cents
How much is that?
Five thousand
four hundred dollars
That much?
Too much for you?
Then I'll have to scratch your car
Miss, be sensible
If you want to be sensible, you go to church
Let me handle this
It's better for woman deal with woman
How much do you really want?
Why don't we talk?
What's she up to?
Don't you ever let me see you again
What happened?
Let's go
P.K., where have you been?
How come you're always late?
My son is not feeling well
Your son
or your guy?
Don't you lie to me
Can't I even have a boyfriend?
That's right
Pearl is now working for me
Now you are sisters
Let bygones be bygones
You're friends now
Don't let people look down upon you
Remember, your goal is to make lots of money
Long time no see, P.K. You're prettier
So are you
Right! A new beginning
Be nice to each other
And make more money
Bob is here
He's been waiting for an hour
He's disgusting
Everybody is disgusting to you
He's so rude
Honey, long time no see
You're prettier than Miss Universe tonight
Or she won't be good enough for you
I have to kiss you
No way
It has to be mouth-to-mouth
Bob, ask for the check
We go some place else
Go change and fetch your purse
Hurry up...
She can't
Why did you tell me earlier?
What is this?
Don't get mad
After P.K. had snack with that guy
She'll come over
to wherever you are
It would only take an hour
I won't lie to you
Trust me
Remember to go to Lukyitao
after snack
Don't make me look bad
Whom am I going to have snack with?
I'm sorry, Mr Chang, I kept you waiting
Mr Chang
Let's dance
Thank you
Like it?
It's beautiful
Need a fur coat?
Pick one up at my shop
Thank you
Let's have snack at the Watermill
I can't
My dad's in hospital
I have to go home to take care
of my brother and sister
What a coincidence
What about some other time?
What about Saturday?
I'll have dinner with you
No problem
Are you mad?
No. Not mad
Doesn't work. How come?
Sis, you're scaring me
How come there's no blood?
Sis, don't scare me
What are you doing?
Lulu, what are you doing?
I want to play the violin
How many LSD did she take?
I don't know, sis
I'm just doing homework
Bring me a glass of lemonade, hurry
One after another...I took four
I know, Lulu
You listen to me
I want "Eagle"
I'll find him for you...
You listen to me
He really loves me
He said he'll buy a house for me
Yes, I know
Sis, here's the lemonade
This is lemonade...drink up
I won't
Drink up...drink...
I won't
Lulu, drink...
They're all alike
Taking my guy away...
I want to kill you
Please don't take me to hospital
I don't want to go
Nobody's taking you to hospital
Nobody loves me
There are, Lulu
Nobody loves me
We all love you
Is P.K. here?
Hello, who's calling please?
Bob? What's your last name?
Tell her to come here
If she stands me up again, I'll kill her
Sir, are you threatening us?
Tell her right now
or I'll chop your head off
You don't even know me
Stop boasting!
I am warning you...
Sorry, Doc, hold on
Hello, it's you
He's playing with his friend
I just came back from a movie...
How about you? What're you doing?
Do you know who I am?
What's wrong?
I am only half an hour late
Now I understand
why you came home late
What do you mean?
Don't fool me. I saw everything
Saw what?
Who's that guy?
Which guy
are you talking about?
I saw you
You kissed him
Last night
You lied to me
You told me you were on duty
But you were peeping at me
I didn't make it up, did I?
You admitted it
Yes, he's my boyfriend
Why didn't you tell me?
Why should I tell you?
Who are you?
You know
I've known him for 3 years
He's leaving Hong Kong today
and asked me to go along
But how can I love someone
that much older?
He's really good to me
I don't want to hurt him
I just kissed his cheek
for politeness' sake
I guess I'm in love with you
You must be so mad last night
you couldn't sleep
I'm sorry
Sorry is all you can say?
I ought to punish you
Whatever you ask, I'll promise
I'm all yours
Alright, I want to make it with you
Make what with me?
Make love
You are getting bolder and bolder
And you are getting timid and timid
Give you another chance
Stop joking
Who's joking?
You mean you can't?
Who says I can't? I'm a doctor
Then what's the problem?
I'm afraid you might get pregnant
Get an abortion
You're a doctor
Your first time in places like this?
Yeah, how about you?
How can you ask me that?
Did anyone
see us in?
Why don't we go now?
Want to chicken out?
What do we do now?
You must make me happy
You said you're an expert
I never said that
Are you impotent?
Of course not...I'm just average
I am not demanding either
See what's in the frige
You're so beautiful
Let's go
Don't be nervous
My parents are very easy
Who says I'm nervous
My parents
met in the States
lived there for 20 years
So they are half-half, you know what I mean
Their temper are quite
American, I think
They must be dazzled
by your beauty
Do you speak English at home?
Not all the time
Young master, you're back
Thank you Ah Hoi
Such a big house! Just your family lives here?
Why? Want to chicken out?
Young master
This young lady is...
This is Miss Leung.
And this is Samantha
Miss Leung
Sam, want me to look
into your arthritis?
Are you kidding?
I only believe in herbal doctor
Your folks are waiting
Please go in
Let's go in
Mom! Dad!
I thought you said you'd be back by five
Your mom and I've been waiting for 2 hours,
you know?
I'm sorry. Something in the hospital held me up
Mom, dad, this is Pauline
my girlfriend
Hello, uncle, auntie
Eric talked about you a lot
Eric got such a beauty for girlfriend
I'm really proud
You ought to put on a few pounds
Yes uncle. Hello, auntie
Pauline, this is 1978
Chateau Latour. Good stuff
Pauline is not like you
You're a wino
I like wine, she likes vinegar
Have some
Sorry, uncle, I really can't drink
This isn't wine
Just water tasting like wine
Pauline, how old are you?
Almost nineteen
Living with your family?
I live with my brother, sister, and...
Mommy, let's talk after dinner, shall we?
Pauline, go ahead
Help yourself
Come on, use your hands
Thank you
Do you want some liquor?
Daddy, she really can't drink
How about a cup of coffee?
Thanks mom
Like the food you just ate?
Sure. I like western food
Pauline, you just finished school?
Yes, Form 6
My family is not well off
I work for a couple of years
before college
Where for college?
Oh yeah? Which one?
London University
Pauline is an ambitious girl
If you're young, you don't mind being poor
You only have to be ambitious
hardworking and clean
Eric's dad and I
used to work our ways into college
Eric is really lucky
compared to us
I've seen girls dazed
by material comfort
and ended up
as hostess and prostitute
What are you talking about?
You're drunk
We have a house in Vermont
Well, after Eric becomes a medical officer
we can all go there
The leaves will be red then...
so pretty...
Don't forget to get your visa
Should there be problems, tell me
Going to the disco this late at night?
It's not too late
Your mom and I will go too next time
Bye uncle, bye auntie
Thank you
Bye, Samantha
Come here anytime you want
don't just spend your time
at the hospital and girlfriend
but forget your mother
I won't, mom. Bye, dad
This is a good girl
Not bad.
Just that she hasn't seen much of the world
Only have to be ambitious
hardworking and clean
And ended up as hostess and prostitute
I shall be a medical doctor
in 3 months
Where would you like to go
for my 2 weeks vacation?
Doesn't matter
I know mom wants to look
at the house in Vermont
She got an excuse this time
But you have to come with us
Or, we can just go
to the West Coast
You decide
My folks really liked you
they won't invite you to go with us
I told you not to be nervous
You were so nervous when eating quails
And all those noises you made
Don't you dare leave me from now on
Going to college in U.K.
You sure fooled dad
We really don't mind
your background
I love you
because I'm most happy with you
And you are a decent girl
You're rich and educated
So what?
P.K., what's wrong?
What are you suggesting?
I'm no good for you
P.K., if I said something wrong
I apologize. P.K.
Why do you have to rest for 3 months?
He'll go back to U.S. after 3 months
What does he do?
He's a doctor. Practicing in Hong Kong
You're kidding
You know I don't speak English
Where can I find 30 grands?
It's a big sum
I will give it back to you
by installment
Or you don't trust me?
I've heard of rich guys
supporting mistresses
But never
the other way round
Mommy, no one can help me
besides you
I'll congratulate you
if you're
getting married
But does he know
what you do now
for a living?
No, he doesn't
I won't dare let him know
I see
I've seen plenty such cases
What if he suddenly finds out?
It'll be worse if
he finds out about your baby
I just want to have a good time
for 3 months
How romantic! But for 30 grands?
What you're talking doesn't make any sense
But I know what you are thinking
Let's face it
once a hostess, always a hostess
And you want to get married?
I didn't say that
I'm not good enough
Are you going to lend me the money or not?
Why don't you
escort Mr Chang to Bangkok
He's loaded
and he's generous
It's me
P.K., where have you been?
You never called
I couldn't find you.
Please forgive me
I'm still mad
at least for a couple more days
Can you let me see you?
I'm at the airport
leaving for Bangkok soon
Don't look for me this week
So long
It's boarding time. Heavy?
Not at all
(Can't forget)
(your green uniform)
Trying to play dirty tricks on me?
Go to Hilton with me
and kill them
Where were you yesterday?
Why didn't you call?
Don't worry
I'm sure your father will be cure
Sorry, my friend's here
Rest a while
Has he paid?
Yes. Just go
Sir, can I get in?
You're welcome here.
I'll massage your head first
You want me to do your back next?
No need...I want something else
I'll pay you more
Let go of me
Come on...
I'm quitting
You quit? What about my debt?
I beg you
Are you trying to give me trouble?
I have to teach you
a lesson
Please don't
Don't worry. I'll take good care of you
I still want you to make money for me
Do you like fish?
A lot of people find fish the most
inter-resting creatures of all
It's "interesting"
That's the way I said it
Harriet, yes. I'm her brother
Sis just went next door
You're welcome
Harriet reminded you
your 3 months is up
Sis, can you answer yourself?
I don't want to lie twice
Sis, is it sis?
Who are you?
It's Lulu
What happened to your voice?
Why haven't you come home?
Where are you?
Please come help me!
I'm in trouble
Where are you?
The Flower Massage Parlor, Shanghai Street
Why haven't you come home?
They'll kill me if I do...
Come help me...
Sis, is she alright?
It's nothing. Go back to your homework
We don't serve woman here
I'm looking for a friend
Have you come to the wrong place?
Isn't this the Flower Massage?
You're Eagle
Hey, you look familiar
Where's my sister?
You lost your sister and you ask me?
What a joke
I lost a sow yesterday, whom should I ask?
You lost a hen?
Just bring her inside
Don't be so arrogant
Do whatever you want
Shut up
She's just a hooker
Stop it. Darn
What's she doing here if she's not a hooker
Forget it. I'll look elsewhere
everything's ready for the party?
I shall be late
Have to see a friend off
Bob? This is P.K.
I want to ask a favor
You got character
You fooled me thrice though
You have to make up to me
Bob, my sister is in your hands
I said I would save her
Don't worry
You would only play tricks on me
Don't I say
He won't be so stupid to have surgery
two hours after anesthesia
What's keeping Pauline?
She'll be late
I've sent Al to fetch her
Your girlfriend has ditched you
Pretty girl must have lots of suitors
You still owe me two times
I'll phone you
if I want
Don't you dare let me down
That's a good girl
Thank you
Young men, this is your world
We're leaving
Uncle, where are you going?
We two are disco-hopping tonight
We won't back until tomorrow
Just have fun
Pauline, have you applied for the visa yet?
Buy her some pretty clothes
We can buy them in the States
I'll teach you riding there
It's fun!
Thank you
Are you going to keep on talking?
Okay. Bye!
- Bye...
- We will see you to the door
Hi, I'm Francis.
How are you doing?
Hello, she's Pauline
Eric, you got to clarify this...
Where on earth did you get this tuxedo?
It's so pretty
I think it's so chic for girls to wear tux...
Don't you think?
Thank you. Goodbye
I've seen you somewhere before
I must have seen you
somewhere before
Have you been to Europe? Pauline
Oh where?
Rome? Berlin? Paris? London?
- London
- London? That's where I came from
Pauline, have you got another name?
I remember I've seen you somewhere before
Hey, come take a picture
Let's take one like this
Hooray for St John's
Girls...come over here
All the ladies
Ladies and gentlemen
please look here
Wait, another one
Where does this twenty-five come from?
The best from my dad's collection
What year?
I don't know. I am not into it
But it must be the best
P.K. have some too
Now I remember
Pauline is so vibrant
when she dances
Eric made a right choice
You won't see me anymore
I won't go to the States with you
I'm sorry, I've been holding the truth
I am a hostess at a nightclub
You won't understand people like us
Sleep. Talk tomorrow
Thank you very much
for giving me
the best times of my life
I'll remember forever
Hope you'll find a good
and matching girl as your wife
P.K., dad's having breakfast
at the Hilton with us
Let's sleep
Eric, please forgive me
for holding the truth
I'm not a salesgirl
My dad is not a civil servant neither
I am a hostess at Chinese Palace
We live in two different worlds
It is impossible for us to live together
It was most happy with you
the past 3 months
I am forever grateful
I love you, Eric. Goodbye
My boss and my guys
were all very helpful
You should show
your gratitude tonight
Thanks Bob
I'll wait for you tonight
And...bring your sister along
She...she's not used to it
Don't be stupid
She is the one who caused this
Just have some drinks with us
I'll bring her
And...I feel like it tonight
I've made reservation
for a hotel room
It's Pearl's birthday today
We wish her
a happy birthday
(Happy birthday to you)
(Happy birthday to Pearl)
(Happy birthday to you)
Happy birthday...
Thank you
Have some cake
Happy birthday
Thank you...come
meet my hubby
He's my real husband
Not the one we just call
We're getting married next month
I'm sorry, we're late
That's okay. Forget it
- Have some
- No
What's you name?
Give our boss a toast?
Better than her sister
Young girls are more fun
I drink to your health
She's going to be drunk soon
Mr Robinson, cheers
It's great
Mommy, Table 4 is asking for P.K.
Someone I've never seen before
She can't switch
tables tonight
Tell him to ask for someone else
Sorry, sir
That lady is booked
Shall I ask for someone else?
She pinched me
Let's guess
Come on, let's guess
Why are you so cheap?
Brother, where are you from?
None of your business
What's your name, sir?
I'm her Mommy
You can talk to me
Don't make a scene here.
We're in business
Let him
I know his father
Mommy, what is it?
Could we be sensible?
We can talk outside
I won't let you be so unkind, you hear?
Yes, I understand
That's better
- Go
- I don't want to see you
I don't want to go...
- Get in the car
- Let go of me
Now you have to explain to me
Are you coming for pleasure or for a fight?
Listen carefully. I, Harriet
am well known around here
Pay me if you want to take her out
What do you take me for?
Shut up!
Tell them
P.K. is quitting
You'd better watch out
Ming! Don't let him go
Call Sharky immediately
I am not scared of you!
Don't you dare go!
Mommy, please let us go
We'll talk tomorrow
And put everything on your account?
Yes! Everything's on me
Get in the car! Get in
You idiot!
If you don't show up tomorrow, you're dead
Go to the U.S. with me
I'm not educated
I stood out
among your friends
I am not good enough for you
This is the 1980s
for god's sake
I don't mind
who you were
I am not class conscious at all
You understand?
You'd say this because you're not sober
You won't say so
when you cool down
I don't want you to regret in the future
You're more educated
You're older
But I am more worldly
you are more naive
Yes, I'm naive
I know now
you have never loved me
You fooled me!
Do you have enough?
I fooled you?
I had been daydreaming
Trying to make myself match you
I quit my job...
I went to Bangkok...
I learn English...
All because
I love you
If you love me, you marry me
You never knew
how much I did for you...
You don't understand me at all
Let me get off! I want to get off!
Let go!
Promise me
I promise...
Swear you won't be a hostess anymore
I won't do it anymore, I swear
Don't lie to me
Tell me...have I improved in bed?
Yes, a lot
I'm cold. Hold me...
Kiss me...kiss me...