Evenings for Sale (1932) - full transcript

Impoverished Count von Dopenthal plans to commit suicide and spends his last night at a costume ball. There he meets lovely Lela Fischer and falls in love with her. A chance meeting with his former butler, brings a job offer as a gigolo.

- Subtitles -

Lu?s Filipe Bernardes

Oh, for mercy's sake, Bertie,

don't be silly.

You'll have to get used to it, Jenny.

That's how they shake hands over there.

Goodbye, goodbye.

It's so nice to see you all.

There's your car.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Jenny.

Jenny, where do you go after

you leave Vienna?

Vienna? Oh, my dear, if it's half

what I imagine,

I think I'll stay there the rest

of my life.

God bless you, Jenny!

Don't forget to write!

Don't forget to write!

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

I'm going to Vienna.

Isn't it wonderful?

- Yes?

- Where are you going?


Oh, isn't that too bad.

I'm going on a pleasure trip.

You see, I've never been any

further than Chicago.

- Really?

- I've always wanted to go to Vienna.

Ever since I saw The Merry Widow.

Oh, yes, very interesting.

And I've never been able

to get away before.

But now that George is dead...

George is my husband.

And Lulu's married.

Lulu's my daughter, you know.

My daughter said to me, "Well, Mother,

you'd better get it out of your system."

You may as well go and meet

your Prince Danilo.

You know, he was the hero of

The Merry Widow.

The one who danced so beautifully.

Well, I'm going. I'm on my way.

I'm under full sail.

Come in.

Ah, good morning, Count.

On a day like this you

should be out, walking in the Prater.

The first bulk of the season.

Perhaps the count would like to sample it.

Would you mind telling me

who's paying for this?

Please, don't speak of it.

Your credit is excellent.

After this sale, we can settle

our affairs, hm?

After this sale I shall still be in debt...

...to the extent of several hundred

thousand schillings.

Including what I owe you.

- Your manners are deplorable, Meyer.

- But owe me 96 schillings.

- I'd pay you if I could.

- But I'm a poor man, you must pay me.

- How?

- How, how...?

Why don't you sell that ring?

That ring is of no value, except to

a member of my family.

Well, give it to me and let me see

what I can get for it.


I've rented the room to another party,

Count. You'll have to get out.

- When?

- Tomorrow, and you can't blame me.

Tomorrow I won't blame anybody

for anything.

- Good day, Count.

- Good day, Schwenk.

Have you come to redeem

your uniform, sir?

- How did you know?

- Oh, the day of the Cassino Ball, sir.

A good many of them manage to get

their uniforms out for that.

Schwenk, will you take this

instead of cash?

I'm sorry, sir, but it's against the rules

to redeem one article with another.

I see.

But I might be able to make the exchange

without the manager finding out.

Thank you.

I'm going to the ball myself,

in a costume too.

A very striking costume of

a great hero.

Your uniform, sir, just as you left it.

I must ask you, sir, to be very

careful with it.

Not to get any spots or stains on it.

- Don't worry.

- Oh, Count!

When are you going

to bring it back?

In the morning... when I come

for my revolver.

Yes, sir.

- There's a pin in it.

- You should tell me?

- That's a dangerous thing to do.

- No, no, no, the pin is sterilized.


- Lela, where are you going?

- To get my fan.

- Don't be long.

- Mr. Fischer,

I've decided to propose

to her again tonight.

Well, you ought to have better

luck with a mask on, Otto.

Since you and I are partners,

such a marriage should be an excellent

thing for the business.

You're going to tell her that?

Well, I'd be very careful, Otto.

Don't sweep the poor girl

off her feet.

Lela, I think it will be safest if

you'll dance only with me tonight.

Nothing could be safer than

dancing with you, Otto.

You rascal.

Aren't we going to the big ballroom?

No, I've reserved a table for us

in the little ballroom upstairs.

- But all the fun's downstairs.

- Oh, well then let's go downstairs.

All the decent and well-behaved

people are up there.

Oh, who wants to be decent?

Thank you.

Did I hurt you?

I shall never be the same man again.

I must find my party.

- Come on, Otto, let's get some beer.

- No, we must find Lela.

Oh, she's all right.

- Do you see them?

- No, not now.

Shall we go down there

and look for them?

All right.

- Let's look here first.

- Yes, let's.

Of course the easiest way to get

across the floor is to dance.

I'm afraid it's the only way.

Would you mind telling me

who you are?

Does it matter who I am tonight?

No. But tonight will soon be over,

and then?

And then... there's tomorrow.



Who are you anyhow?

- No, don't tell me.

- What would you like me to be?

- Can I you choose?

- Do.

Well, then, someone romantic

like a prince.

- Or a count at least.

- Good, for tonight I am a count.

Ladies and gentlemen!

General unmasking at the next

trumpet call.

- Good night.

- No, wait for the unmasking.

No, I'd rather not.

- Why have you deceived me?

- How?

You'd have told me you were

so pretty.

Do you know, I'm very much afraid

I shall have to kiss you.

- There is no way of stopping you?

- None... that I know of.

Well, in that case...

I think I'd better go and find

my father.

Haven't you enjoyed yourself?

More than I can say.

Then why go now?

Because I want tonight

to remain perfect.

You'll have to explain that.

You see, I'm afraid it's going

to be hard to forget this night.

And I want you to remain

always in my mind...

...as someone mysterious and romantic.

- I see.

- So you see, if go now,

I'll never know the truth.

You are sure the truth

will be disappointing.

No, no, no...

Count Von Degenthal!

Don't you know me?

Your old valet and orderly?

- Bimpfl.

- Bimpfle, how are you?

I'm fine. Oh, it's good to see you

again in your old uniform.

Thank you, Bimpfl.

Excuse me.

Count Von Degenthal?

Is the truth disappointing?

I wanted something romantic

to happen to me tonight.

Well, has it?

- I can't find her.

- Find whom?

Your daughter!

If I may be permitted to

express an opinion.

- Do you want to hear it?

- No.

Neither do I. Come on,

let's just find Lela.


- Where have you been all evening?

- Where have I been?

Where have you been?

Otto's looking for you.

- He wants to propose to you.

- Papa!

This is Count Franz Von Degenthal.

- How do you do, sir?

- Well, well, well.

I always supplied your father

with his boots and saddles.

- So there you are!

- Otto, meet Count Von Degenthal.

- Mr. Otto Volk.

- I thought titles had been abolished.

Oh, come, come, Otto, you wouldn't want

to abolish a nice fellow like this.

Be patient, Mr. Volk, we're going

as fast as we can.

Lela, come, we must go home,

it's past midnight.

Good night.

Good night.

Thank you.

Liesl, bring me my red

velvet coat! Quick!

- Where are you living now?

- Nowhere.

- Nowhere?

- That is, after tomorrow.

Oh, I'm... I'm sorry things haven't

gone so well with you.

I would consider it a great privilege

if you would permit me to...

No, no, Bimpfl, thank you.

- You seem to be getting on.

- Oh, I can't complain.

- What are you doing?

- I'm assistant headwaiter at the Caf? Zassania.

You'd be surprised to know

who owns that place.


Look there, sir.

- Not Ritter?

- The same.

- He seems to be getting on.

- He'll be a millionaire one of these days.

We see quite a lot of the old officers

at the Zassania now.

- Can they afford it?

- Oh, not as patrons.


No, no... as dancers, so to speak.

- Oh, gigolos eh?

- Well, call them what you like, but...

at least they know where

they are living tomorrow.

Yes, I suppose so.

My, my, what a... what a dancer you

used to be at the Imperial Court.

- Are you offering me a job, Bimpfl?

- Oh, please, sir!

- Please don't take offense.

- On the contrary,

I'm grateful for your consideration.

When you have a talent people

are willing to pay for,

there's no disgrace in selling it.

A gigolo, eh?

Will you talk to Ritter?

I suppose I ought to give my old butler

the satisfaction of bossing me.

Oh, yes, he'll enjoy that.

I'll speak to him.

Madame, pardon me?

You remember Count von Degenthal?

He's here. He's broke and I have

persuaded him to come to you for a job.

- Where is he?

- He's over at the... Count von Degenthal!

- You remember Mr. Ritter?

- Yes indeed. Please don't get up, Ritter.

Oh, I didn't mean to.

- Bimpfl tells me you need a job.

- Quite so.

The world has changed since the last

time we met, eh, Count?


Now workers like me are at the top

and you fellas...

- Are at the bottom.

- That's right.

That's right.

- Sit down.

- Thank you, no.

I will be generous with you, Count.

I will advance you 200 schillings so that

you can redeem your clothes and, um...

...make yourself presentable.

- Three hundred, or the deal is off.

- Count, I'll give you three hundred,

but I expect you to attend to business

strictly every night, and...

- to show me proper respect.

- Don't worry about respect, I don't.

Count Franz Von Degenthal

of the Imperial Court...

...dancing at the caf? of his

former butler.

He ought to attract all the unsatisfied

ladies of Vienna, of Europe.

Don't forget America. America is full

of unsatisfied ladies.

You're the man for the job, Count.

Gentlemen, I thank you.

It is a great moment at the man's life when

he discovers his real work in the world.


- Franz, you are perfectly all right?

- Of course. What brings you back?

I wanted to talk to you about

that note you wrote on my fan.


- What did you mean by it?

- Let me escort you home and I'll tell you.

You were mistaken about that note.

I only wanted to thank you for

a happy ending of a glorious night.

- Don't you believe me?

- But there's a strange look in your eye...

...every time I mention tomorrow.

- An unhappy look.

- As a matter of fact I wasn't very happy.

But then something rather

nice happened.

- What was that?

- A beautiful girl stumbled into my arms.

And here I am driving with her

on a spring night...

...through the streets of Vienna.

- Will you promise me something?

- Anything.

- Will you come and see me?

- Of course I will.

Good night.

Good night.

Oh driver, what's that building there?

- Where?

- There.

There... that one... Oh!!!

Oh, please be careful!


- Yes, gracious lady.

Please be careful.

I'll... I'll talk a little louder

so you won't have to turn round.

- Oh, driver, where is Maxime's?

- Pardon?

I say, where is Maxime's,

the caf? in The Merry Widow.

- The Merry what?

- The Merry Widow!

Oh, you're a widow.

I'm talking about the Merry Widow!

- Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon.

- Are there any messages for me?

- No, gracious lady, there are none.

- Were you expecting some?

- No, no, I just hoped there might be.

You're enjoying your stay

in Vienna, I trust?

Oh, yes, I've seen some

beautiful museums...

...and some perfectly lovely tombs.

- But, where is Maxime's?

- Maxime's?

You know, Maxime's, the caf? that

was shown in The Merry Widow.

Oh, The Merry Widow took

place in Paris.

- Not in Vienna?

- No, gracious lady.

- Oh!

- Madame wishes gaiety?

Gaiety? I'm so lonely.

- Then may I make a suggestion?

- Yes!

Now, here... here is a place where they have

what are known as widows' evenings.

- Yes.

- Where a lady may go unaccompanied,

safely and properly and where she may

meet officers of the former imperial guards.

- Real officers?

- Yes, and perhaps a baron or a duke.

- And will they speak to a person?

- Oh, yes, gracious lady.

- They're very friendly.

- Oh, I'll go there tonight.

Oh, that was heavenly, Count.

Give the count his fee, Charles.

Ten schillings, isn't it?

I sat at your table during the last


The fee will be fifteen schillings.

- That's a lot of money for dancing.

- With your wife, sir?

- Charles, give the count 20 schillings.

- Oh, that's a lot of money for dancing.

The count doesn't do this for fun.

It's work, isn't it?

Yes, madame, it is work.

Oh, Count, the next foxtrot is ours!

Don't forget.

Don't play another foxtrot

for at least an hour.

I give him a good table he stays two hours

and tips me a measly two schillings.

When I was a waiter I knew how

to get even with such people.


I would spill a little soup on them

as they passed.

- Wine is better. It's harder to get out.

- No, no, no, no.

Soup leaves a grease spot.

Oh. How are you coming

along, Count?

All right.

I, uh... I have been watching

you tonight.

- May I offer a word of advice?

- Certainly, go ahead.

When you are telling them your past,

you can break their fat hearts

for an extra 25 schillings...

...if you kind of talk with a lump

in your throat.

Like that. Make them think

you're going to pieces.

Sorry, Bimpfl, I refuse to go

to pieces for 25 schillings.

- Where are you going?

- Out.

- I have an appointment.

- With a lady?

Yes, young, charming and beautiful.

Who will not offer to pay

for my company.

What will I tell Ritter?

Tell him I've gone out to get

some air, fresh air.

All right, but how do you know

he needs a job?

Look, he's selling his castle.

He must be terribly poor.

I know, but does he know anything

about the leather business?

That doesn't matter, Papa.

It might make a big difference

in the leather business.

Now, you must be very tactful.

Remember he's a count.

Ask him to sit down, offer him a cigar,

and then tell him we need a man of his

personality to represent us in Berlin.

But we don't.

But we do.

All right, all right.

Wouldn't you rather have him

here in Vienna?

- Where are you going?

- I'm going upstairs.

You don't think I'm going to stay here

when you offer the count a job.

Well, you're not going to leave me

here alone with him.

Count Von Degenthal.

Papa, don't tell him that

this offer was my idea.


- Good evening, Count.

- How are you, Mr. Fischer?

- Oh, fine, fine.

- Is Miss Fischer at home?

Oh, yes of course, she'll be down

in a minute.

Count, we live in a new world.


Oh... will you have a cigar?

Thank you, no.

I never smoke cigars.

Oh, have a cigar.

Well, if you insist.

Count, er...

- We live in a new world.

- You said that before.

- Sure... I did, yes.

- And I agreed.

Mr. Fischer, have you something

to say to me?

- Yes, I have.

- Then why not say it?

Now look here. You need a job.

My daughter wants you to have one

and I've got one for you.

Did you say your daughter was

upstairs, Mr. Fischer?

- Well it was her...

- One moment, please.

Mr. Fischer, as I understand it,

you are offering me a position.

It was her idea.

I thank you very much.

Miss Fischer.

And I thank you very much.

I'm afraid you're only being kind

to a person in need.

- Is it not so?

- Well...

If I could be of service,

I should be proud to work for you.

But as it is I must decline your...

your charity.

Oh, well, now look here,

if you need a job...

As a matter of fact I don't.

It happens that at the present

I'm engaged on work...

...where I can be of real service

to my employer.

- Hello.

- Hello.

How are you?

Count Von Degenthal.

Oh, now, Count, let's forget

all this Tommyrot.

Sit down, spend the evening with us.

I'm sorry, but my services are required

at the present moment.

So if you will excuse me.

Well, daughter, I did my best.

- Didn't I?

- Yes, Papa, we did our best.

And we insulted him.

Now I suppose I'll never

see him again.

Lela, don't worry. You can see him

any night in the week.

- He's a gigolo.

- A what?

A gigolo in the caf? Zassania. You can buy

a dance from him anytime you like.

- Did you see him?

- No.

- Then how do you know?

- I was told.

- Oh, you were told.

- Well, it's easy enough to prove.

I don't need any proof. I know he wouldn't

stoop to a thing like that.

- Certainly not.

- Papa, order the car at once.

We are going to the caf? Zassania.

- Is madame looking for her party?

- Party?

I didn't know there was a party.

They told me this was Widow's Evening.

It's all right for me to come

alone, isn't it?

Oh, there certainly will be

no objection.


- Bimpfl.

- Yes, sir?

Show the gracious lady into

the royal box.

- This way, madame.

- Yes.

- Your coat, madame.

- Oh.

Anyone would think I'm a queen

or something.

Queens have occupied this loge,


Have they really?

Oh my goodness.

- Madame.

- Oh, thank you, mister... mister...

Um, Bimpfl, madame.

Bimpfl? Oh, how Viennese.

You know, whenever they used to play the...

the Blue Danube at home,

I always imagined a place

just like this.

Um, these are the wines, madame.

Most Americans prefer champagne.

- How did you know I was an American?

- If I may be so bold,

the most gracious lady has that

certain something...

...which is only found in wealthy

American ladies.

Well, I'm an American and proud of it.

- As for being wealthy...

- Yes, madame?

Well, George left me enough so I wouldn't

exactly end in the poor house.

Then one does go in the poor

house in America.

One? Oh, there have been

several lately.

But George was real smart. He managed

to make 10 million in his day...

...and put it all in low-interest bonds.

They're still as good as gold.

Um... um... 10 million schillings?


Good gracious, no, dollars!

Excuse me, madame.

Play the Blue Danube waltz,

with lots of oomph.

Just in time, Count. She has 10 millions

and she's been waiting for you all her life.

Think of it, 10 million dollars.

- Oh well, where is she?

- She's over there in the loge.

And remember, when you tell her

your past...

- You know?

- Thank you. Oh...

- Oh, no, no, I don't want that.

- Come, Bimpfl,

you mustn't be too proud not to accept

a little charity now and then.

Would the gracious lady

care to dance?

- You mean me?

- If you'll grant me that pleasure.

Well, I never...

- Oh, um... my mistake.

- No, mine.

It's sweet of you to say so.

You see, I haven't danced

since I was a girl.

- Madame looks very lovely tonight.

- Oh...

- My mistake.

- I'll be all right once I get really going.

Madame looks very happy tonight.

Honestly, I just can't believe

that it's really me.

If Lulu could see me now,

I don't know what she'd say.

- Lulu?

- My daughter.

But is she old enough

to have opinions?

- Why, she... she's married.

- Is it possible?

- Oh, my mistake.

- My mistake.

I'm afraid I'm too nervous.

I... I'd better not dance anymore.

How very disappointing.

But if you insist.

Oh, thank you.

Please... please sit down.

Thank you.

- Champagne, madame?

- Coffee.

- Coffee?

- Black, and no sugar.

- My figure, you know.

- Madame, it is perfect.

- Did madame say coffee?

- Coffee, and not too strong.

In Vienna the coffee is always strong.

if I may suggest an excellent

champagne, Clicquot '20.

- Champagne?

- Clicquot '20.

- The same for you, Count?

- Count? A real count?

Count Franz Frederick Karl Maria Erhardt.

Count Von Degenthal, late captain

of the Royal Guard.

My goodness!

Privileged to dance with the

imperial princesses...

...at the court of the late

emperor Franz Josef.

Two quarts of Clicquot '20.

Thank you very, madame.

- Good evening, mademoiselle.

- Good evening.

Good evening, sir.

Well, where is he?

I'll have some sauerbraten

and some pilsner.

- Oh, Papa!

- It's very good, mademoiselle.

Aren't you Count Degenthal's orderly?

I was. Those days were

very happy.

- Is Von Degenthal here tonight?

- Yes, sir. Over in the box.

How much does the fair lady

pay the count?

- That depends upon the dancer.

- And she buys the drinks?

- Oh, yes.

- And the count gets a percentage of that?

Naturally. If you'll pardon me,

I'll get the menu.

- Do you believe me now?

- A gigolo, uh?

A high-born gentleman...

...who refused the job that

you offered him.

Much too good for a place like this.

Well now, let's enjoy ourselves.

It's none of our business

what the count does for a living.

- And now everything you had is gone.

- Yes.

Does your throat hurt? I notice you keep

putting your hand there.

Oh, no, no.

Well, how do you manage

to make a living now?

What... what's the matter?

- Don't you know?

- I haven't the faintest idea.

- Never mind.

- Oh, I didn't mean to be personal, but...

..after hearing your story,

I felt kind sorry for you.

Have some more champagne.

You know, I never tasted champagne

in my life before.

Even in the old days we didn't

have it in Maryville.

Besides, George didn't approve.

Maryville must be a sad place,

and George a dull dog.

George was my husband.

He died ten years ago.

And he was not dull, just, uh...

- Quiet.

- Please forgive me.

Oh, yes, yes, of course.

It really does taste like cider

with needles in it.

- Oh, isn't that lovely?

- Yes.

You know, I've never had a nicer

time in all my life.

Did you ever see the Merry Widow?

You know, this is even nicer than that.

And you're even nicer than Prince Danilo.

Just imagine, me here in Vienna

drinking champagne with a count.

Why can't things like this happen

when one's young?

In Vienna it is never too late

to enjoy yourself.

Do you know, I have a good notion

to stay here the rest of my life.

I have a funniest feeling here.

You know, I...

I... I think I'm a little tipsy.

Isn't it awful?

I trust you're all enjoying yourselves.

- Yes.

- Hm-hmm.

- That's good!

- One moment.

Who is the gigolo over there

with a large American?

Count Franz Von Degenthal. Think of it,

I used to work for his father.

Is he more expensive than the others?

Our rates are the same for all,

ten schillings a dance,

fifteen schillings if he sits at your table,

and two hundred schillings for the evening.

- Has she engaged him for the whole evening?

- No!

If the gracious lady wants

to dance with him...

Send him over.

Lela, I consider this most improper.

- Mr. Fischer.

- Well, somebody's got to dance with him...

...or he loses his job.

Pardon me, madame. You're wanted

by the party at table number seven.

Some, er... friends, I suppose.

Will you excuse me?

Oh, yes, of course.

You... you will come back, won't you?

- Miss Fischer?

- I understand that you're free now.


I see.

Well, I'll engage you for this dance.

Will the count take me around Vienna

and show me everything?

- The count is very obliging, madame.

- Obliging?

I think he's the sweetest man

I've ever met.

- Shall we dance the encore?

- No, thank you.

How can you bring yourself

to do this kind of work?

One must live.

Would you rather do this

than accept Father's offer?

I can't be of any use to your father.

After all, I can dance.

Here at least I'm not taking money

under false pretenses.

Are you so terribly disappointed in me?

Yes. I thought you had pride.

And I find you selling your charming manners,

your smile, yourself in a nightclub.

Yoohoo, Count, the next is ours,

don't forget!

Oh...sit down, Count.

Have some beer.

I think, sir, in all fairness, I ought

to warn you that if I sit down,

...my fee will be 15 schillings.

So, they have to pay for

talking to you, hm?

Why not?

Very often it spares them the necessity

of talking to their, um... escorts.

Papa, give this gentleman

his ten schillings let him go.

It is ten schillings, isn't it?

Since we only had part of a dance,

I might be inclined to reduce my rate.

- Papa, give him ten schillings.

- No, please, sir, don't trouble.

Next time we meet perhaps you'll

give me another cigar.

Miss Fischer.

I'm so glad you came back, you know,

because I... I really must be going.

I'm sorry to have been gone so long.

Oh, no, more thank you.

I might do something perfectly silly.

Oh... my... my wrap, please.


Waiter, what do you mean?


For you.

Thank you, sir.

Now... I... I really must be going.

- Then, when will you show me your castle?

- We'll will save that for the last.

Oh, it's all been so charming,

you and everything.

I wish I could carry it all back

with me to Maryville.

You can if you have the money.

Everything here is for sale.

- Good night, gracious lady.

- All my friends call me Jenny.

Good night, Jenny.

Count, why did you pay her bill?

- She didn't understand about me.

- Did you arrange to show her Vienna?

- Yes.

- Oh, I see.

Then everything will go

on one bill, huh?

- I suppose so.

- Oh, Count.

- What's that?

- That's the tip you gave me.

She thinks I'm a gentleman.

I should like to think so myself...

...for a little while. Keep that, Bimpfl.

Thank you.

That's a beautiful ring, Lela.

- Are you happy?

- Oh, yes, Papa.

Well, say, let's celebrate. let's go

somewhere and get some beer.

Not now, sir, thank you.

Lela and I are going to a sale

to buy furnishings for our home.

- Where is the sale?

- At the Von Degenthal castle.

They're auctioning off all the furniture.

- I won't go.

- But think of the bargains, dear.

- I won't go!

- Lela, as your future husband, I insist.

Oh, well, she doesn't want to go

to his house now, Otto.

Wait till she calms down and gets

over her disappointment.

What disappointment are you

talking about?

Do you think I still care

for that... count?

Then why are you afraid

of meeting him again?

- Me afraid of meeting him?

- Hm-hmm.

Come, Otto.

A hobbyhorse.


Just everything you could think of.


Oh, Punch!

Oh! Oh, how cute.

All these toys you used to play with,

are they going to be sold too?


Oh, you poor boy.

I know how you feel.

I still have all my old dolls.

If I thought they'd have to be sold,

why, it would be like selling

my whole family.

- Your mother?

- Yes.

- And you.

- Yes.

My, what a handsome boy

you were.

- Of course, you still are.

- That's when I was five.

Did she use to put you

to bed every night?

Oh, no, I had a nurse for that.

Well, didn't she tuck you in...

kiss you good night?

Sometimes before going to bed,

the nurse would take me to her room...

...and let me kiss her hand.

Kiss her hand?

Oh, I'd have squeezed the daylights

out of you.

I mean... that is... if I'd been

your mother.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are about

to put up for sale...

...the contents of this famous old castle.

These objects are priceless,

not only in themselves,

but their association with the historic

family of Von Degenthal,

makes them priceless treasures.

They can't. They can't.

They mustn't sell this castle.

This beautiful object, ladies

and gentlemen, number M...

Look at this common trash.

Look at them, Zelling.

Having a picnic on the ruins of one

of the most illustrious names in Austria.

I know, but they're lords

of the roost now, Trask.

I'd like to boot them all

out of here.

What am I bid? What am I offered for

this beautiful historic work of art?

- Thirty... no, twenty schillings.

- Did I hear a bid from that gentleman?

- Thirty!

- No, twenty schillings!

- Fifty schillings.

- Fifty schillings.

Do you realize, sir,

that this vase was held in the hands

of the empress of Austria herself?

- Sixty schillings!

- Sixty schillings once!

Sixty schillings twice,

and sixty schillings three times!

Sold to the lady for 60 schillings.

It's a shame to disappoint

the lady for ten schillings.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

I'm about to offer one of the prize jewels

of the crown of the Von Degenthal collection.

M-100. The last surviving member

of that great family...

...would have parted with his life

rather than this heirloom.

But he's alas no longer able to maintain

the dignity and splendor of his family.

What am I bid for the helmet

of the Von Degenthals?

- A thousand schillings!

- I am bid one thousand schillings...

...for this priceless heirloom.

Who says two thousand?

- Two thousand!

- Two thousand! Who says three?

- Three thousand!

- Why do you spend so much money?

- Four thousand!

- Four thousand. Who says five?

- Five thousand!

- Six thousand!

- Seven thousand!

- Seven thousand, I am bid...

I won't stop, I'm having

the time of my life.

- Who says eight?

- Eight thousand!

Oh, Mr. Auctioneer...

I'm Mrs. George Kent,

I come from Maryville.

What in the world do want

with a helmet?

I want to use it for a

wastepaper basket.

What did the, uh... lady say?

I said I wanted to use it

for a wastepaper basket.

- Swine.

- Did you hear what he said to me?

- Did you insult this lady?

- No.

It's impossible to insult people

of your kind.

- Why, I...

- Come, Otto, let's go.


Why, Franz, old boy, I didn't dream

that you were here.

- What did you say to that girl?

- I said "swine".

One to ten.

You will fire between one and ten.




One, two...

Is it bad, sir?

- I can't tell till we get to the hospital.

- No, it's all right.

No, please, please don't die.

She's bought the castle.

- More flowers.

- Yes, sir, fresh every day.

- Sent by the American lady.

- Nothing from Miss Fischer?

- No, sir.

- Not even a word?

No, sir.

No, sir. they were all sent by Jenny.

I beg your pardon, Mrs. Kent.

It's awfully kind of her.

She's telephoned every day

since your... duel, sir.

- How much did she pay for the castle?

- Enough to satisfy the creditors.

She's going to leave everything

just as it is.

Excepting, of course, a thorough cleaning.

Oh, I beg your pardon, sir.

I think she's the kindest-hearted

woman I've ever met.

Oh, yes, sir.

I wish there were some way

of thanking her properly.

You'll pardon my suggestion,

sir, but...

I know an excellent way of

showing your gratitude.

What's that?

Why don't you marry her?

- What?

- She's in love with you.

Nonsense, she's in love with

a romantic ideal.

- That's you.

- Me? Don't be foolish!

I wish you would try and be sensible, sir...

begging your pardon.

What are you going to do

now that you've lost your job?

She has 10 million dollars.

That's 140 million schillings,

that's 14 billion groschen.

I know, I figured it out.

She loves you and you, er...

...like her.

If I were only in your place, sir.

- Have you quite finished, Bimpfl?

- Yes, sir.

Excepting for one thing,

I'm out of a job too.

Um, honestly you would be

doing me a favor.

- I'll call you when I need you.

- Yes, sir.

And so, Miss Fischer, I can only

offer you my profoundest apologies.

Do you mean to say he fought

a duel for me?


- Was he seriously wounded?

- Fortunately, no.

- Where is he now?

- At the castle.

Good day, Miss Fischer.


Poor fellow.

- Where are you going?

- To the castle.

I forbid you!

Lela, as your future husband,

I forbid you.

I should have never accepted this, Otto.

- So now, please take it back.

- Lela!

And so he said to him,

"I heard what you called her."

And with that the count took his glove

and struck Von Trast across the face.


- He fought a duel for me?

- Shhh!

Madame, he doesn't want you

to know about it.

- Why not?

- Because he wants to keep...

...a secret his feelings for you.

His feelings for me?

Madame, if the count were

a wealthy man,

he would say to you. "Jenny...

- Jenny is the name, isn't it?

- Yes, yes, Jenny.

He would say to you, "Jenny..."

I beg your pardon, madame.

"Leave everything and stay with me."

But as it is, if he told you

of his love,

the world would say that

he was only after your money.

- His love... for me?

- Yes, Madame.

Oh, no!

Oh, I can't believe it.

- Me... oh, it's impossible.

- He's talked of nothing else for days.

He's waiting to see you now.

Thank you for the flowers.

Do sit down.

Oh, no, thank you.

I'd rather look about.

Jenny, why did you buy the castle?

I just couldn't bear to think of all

these lovely old things being sold.

- What are you going to do with it?

- I want you to keep it.

Oh, no, no.

Then I want it kept in memory of

a very old, and very noble family.

You're doing something beautiful

for one who doesn't deserve it.

Oh, I think you do. You know,

I've never been so happy in my life.

For years I've had a beautiful

dream of a place just like this.

And you've made it all come true.

I'm afraid I'm going

to spoil dream.

Do you know what a gigolo is?

A gigolo?

It's someone who expects to be paid

for dancing with a lady.

For the lunches and dinners

they've had together.

- For the flowers he sends her.

- You mean...

...you were nice to me because you

expected to be paid for it.

Well, but, this bill...

this bill is only for the first two days.

I was so busy I didn't have

time to complete it.


Jenny, you're the kind of person

who should go through life...

...without anybody ever hurting her.

I don't enjoy having to do it.

I want you to have this.

- Your ring?

- It belongs to you.

For keeping our family traditions.

Oh, no! No, Franz, I couldn't do that.

I know how much that ring

means to you.

I'd rather you have this than

anyone else in the world.

Do you...

Do you really mean that?


Yes sir.


Mrs. Kent?

Yes, sir, but I'd rather not

disturb her... right now.

All right, sir.

Just a moment, please.

I beg your pardon, sir. Mrs. Kent,

your hotel is calling on the telephone.

- They say it's very important.

- I'll be right back.

- Look!

- Oh may I congratulate you, madam!

- It has a distinct significance.

- Why?

Because the Von Degenthals always give

that ring to their prospective brides.

- May I congratulate you again?

- Oh, thank you, thank you.

- So I'm, uh... I'm really engaged?

- Oh, yes, most gracious lady.

Thank you. Oh, dear, I'm all of a flutter,

I just don't know what to say.

Hello? Yes, this is Mrs. George Kent

of Maryville.

Long distance? Oh, my goodness.

Come in.

Lela! What are you doing here?

- I... I heard you were ill.

- And you came to call on me.

Thank you.

May I congratulate you

on your engagement?

- My engagement?

- To the American lady.

Oh, did... did she say

we were engaged?

- Yes.

- Well, if she says so.

I'm sure it'll be a splendid thing

for both of you.

And I hope you'll be very... happy.


Lulu has a baby!

Oh, Franz.

They've just telephoned me

from Maryville.

And Lu's doing splendidly

and feeling fine...

and the baby weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces

and has blue eyes and blond hair.

just imagine, I'm a grandmother.

Did you tell them about

our engagement?


Oh! Oh, no, I...

I couldn't have... I couldn't do that.

You see, they might have thought

it was kind of... kind...

- What?

- Well, they might...

have thought it a little...

think it a little queer that...

...I should be a grandmother and bride

at the same time.

- Do you think so?

- Oh, Franz.

Isn't it terrible?

Everything that's lovely over here,

Would seem just...

just funny over there.

Why couldn't this have happened

to me when I was young?

No use fooling myself. At heart I'm just

a grandmother and nothing else.

And I belong in Maryville.

I'm afraid it's too late for this.

Keep it.

In memory of your Vienna.

- Goodbye, Franz.

- Goodbye, Jenny.

Mrs. Kent, I'm very sorry

to have you go away.

- Oh, goodbye, Mr. Bimpfl.

- Goodbye, Mrs. Kent.


But, what will we... the count...

the castle do without you?

Oh, yes, the castle!

- He couldn't keep it up, could he?

- Oh, no, madame!


I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll turn it into an apartment hotel.

If the count's willing.

And I'll put in steam heat,

bathrooms and telephones.

And I'll put the count in charge,

as kind of partner.

And you, Mr. Bimpfl, shall be

the superintendent.

Oh, thank you very much,

Mrs. Kent, thank you.

- Goodbye, Mr. Bimpfl, goodbye.

- Goodbye.

- It's been so nice knowing you.

- You must come to Maryville sometime.

I'd be delighted.

Oh, wait a minute, sir,

I have news for you.

- I can't stop now.

- No, no, this is very important!

- Well, tell me on the way.

- But wait, this is very important...

You may tell Count Von Degenthal

that I am not at home.

- Not so loud, Lela, he may hear you.

- I want him to hear me.

Very good.

- Oh, hello, Count.

- Good afternoon, sir.

Won't you sit down?

- Here, have a cigar?

- No, thank you.

I'm very sorry your daughter's

not at home, sir.

When she returns will it be good

enough to tell her I called?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll tell her.

And since we are alone, Mr. Fischer,

I may as well say that I wish to make a

formal proposal for your daughter's hand.

Well, well!

So you wish to marry

my daughter, hm?

Well, what are your prospects,

young man?

Excellent! I'm about to become

the working partner...

in the establishment of a new

apartment hotel...

...equipped with all the latest

American improvements.

Telephones, bathrooms, steam radiators.

It is quite certain to make money.

Yeah... well, I see. Well I'll tell her

as soon as she returns.

Thank you, sir.


- Yes, sir.

- My hat.

- Yes, sir.

Good day.


- Where is that woman?

- Mrs. Kent?

She's returning home to America.

To be a grandmother.

But didn't you ask her only today

to marry you?


There's only one woman in the world

I've ever wanted to marry.

- Subtitles -

Lu?s Filipe Bernardes