Episode #1.5 (2018) - full transcript

That hurts me more than anything.
I don't think you understand.

I apologise for that, I'm sorry.
I didn't expect to like someone.

You should give me a kiss.

I don't wanna rush into something.

I'm very disappointed.

How would you feel if she got with
someone else? I wouldn't like it.

I'm gonna go back to England
for a little bit.

I think that's probably
for the best.

I asked you, "Is she the one?"

and you said, "She's the one right
now." I didn't say that.

I'm truly sorry. I probably did say
those things. Right.

I think you and Mellissa should
have a conversation.

I would love that. Perfect.

You completely embarrassed me.

The only reason he was honest
is because she was there.

Don't get involved.

I don't get why there's a big
deal about Jamie.

It should be what Harry did.

I can't have this conversation cos
she's so on Jamie's side. I'm not!

We are happy together and we are
moving forward. Harry, I know.

This programme contains
strong language

and scenes created for entertainment

Oh, here she is. Here she is.

Here we go again.

I don't think you understand.
I'm so hung over. I'm still hanging.

Yeah, I really don't need this.

Cheers, guys.

Cheers, mate.

Mate, I've never drank so
much in my entire life.

Oh, God, actually I can't. No.

Not feeling that.
God, I'm hanging.

Where's Melissa, by the way?

She's actually having a
conversation with Diana.

What? Really? Yeah.

Is that a good idea? Why? Yeah.

Wait, I'm confused.

So, what, are they gonna be, like,
good friends now?

I mean, if they want to be, yeah.

Um, I actually spoke to Diana
last night, I said,

"Look, I'm really sorry for
everything that's happened.

"I think it's probably a good idea
if you and Melissa meet up

"and just, sort of, clear the air."

Well, I hope it's a good idea.

I don't always tend to
have the best ones.

You can say that again!

Hello. Hey.
How are you? How are you?

I'm OK, thank you, how are you?
Good, thanks.


How have you been?

Fine. Yeah?

How have you been? Good.


So, there's much to be discussed,
and I'm glad we can finally do that.

Yeah, I think we're both
on the same page.

Like, none of us want it to be
awkward. No.

And there's no reason for it to be,

because you haven't done
anything wrong. No.

And I don't want you to think that I
think that or that I hate you

because obviously I don't.

No, but I did want to apologise

for just causing any grief

between you guys, cos that...
No, no, it's not your fault.

Even if you had slept with Harry,
I would never hate you anyway,

cos it's not your fault and you
don't owe me anything,

do you know what I mean?

Well, it's a very...
I never blame the other girl, ever.

Yeah, I mean, it's a very mature
way to look at it.

Yeah, exactly.

So, how have you and Harry been
since all of this?

Are you guys OK?

I mean, like, we're fine, but it's
not something that I can just

necessarily forget about instantly.

But it's more so, like,

it's put thorns in everyone else's
friendship, because Habbs,

for some reason,
is just not having my back at all.


When I explained that I was upset
with Jamie she was like, "Why?"

and then having Jamie's back,
and then I left the situation,

she sort of went in on Harry again.

And I'm like, "We're trying to,
sort of like, get through this.

"Why are you...
Whose side are you on?"

Yeah, it's nice to have support
from your friends. Yeah.

When she's sat there making digs
to my boyfriend and I'm like...

Cos you're just sitting there
thinking if she's thinking

something nasty about it
or judging you.

Yeah, it's just not nice.
It's bad vibes.

So, she's now living with Jamie,

so I'm not sure if that's why she's
suddenly got this clouded mind.

I dunno, everyone just bows down to
him, like, "Oh, King Jamie."

Yeah! Look at this!

What do you mean look at this?
This is... Look at this.

This is what happens every
single day.

God, I should've moved into this
villa earlier.

Well, I know, right? So, I've
invited Diana over for lunch.


Just because I thought it would be
a perfect scenario for you guys

and me to sit down
together and have fun.

No, that's fine.
We've met, I'm chill. That's fine.

Are you chilled?
That's absolutely fine.

So how come you've
decided to come here?

Why leave Harry and Melissa?
I mean, being with a couple,

I don't think anyone should just
be with a couple. No, I get it.

Firstly, I've never felt so single
in my entire life. Yeah.

Yeah, especially in the last couple
of days.

Oh, my God. There's been a lot of
lonely meals for one.

I'm so sorry you had that,
but also, like, how is,

how's Melissa doing? Is she OK?

I mean, the problem is, is I'm just
so worried that I feel like

instead of seeing that we're all
looking out for her,

she's gonna end up pushing us away,
and now Melissa hates you, when

really the issue is should be with
Harry and he's got away scot free.

It's just not right.

But, that's what I don't get,
is that it's like all the blame has

been taken off Harry, which I don't
understand. Yep.

It's painful for me to see him
lie to her so well.

Like, he's so good at it.

He's a master. I've always seen him
lie. He's lied about everything.

Every single scenario I've ever been
with Harry, he's always lied.

He lied about, like,
texting my ex-girlfriend.

He's now lying about this,
he's constantly lying,

and Harry is gonna fill Melissa's
head with so many... Yeah.

..different truths, she's gonna be
that everyone else is the enemy.

I just, I love Melissa so much,
I just don't want her to get hurt.

That's where I'm, like,
in such a tricky situation,

cos I don't wanna get so involved
that she ends up resenting me. Yeah.

But I don't want her to be with
somebody who's gonna lie to her.

Tabitha! Tabitha!

Darling, this is exhausting.
What are you doing?

I've never been so fucking
exhausted in my life.

You're moaning so much.

This is like Jumanji.

No, it's the best thing
for a hangover.

Is it fuck?!

Woo! That was fun.

Funnest thing we've done this trip.

Those things are amazing.

I feel really embarrassed,
I'm not gonna lie. What?

I didn't realise it was
actually a proper jet.

What did you think it was?
I thought it was a propeller.

Did you think it was some
bloke just going...

..swimming really fast?

I genuinely thought it was
like a propeller,

one of those things that a boat has.
Ah, so you are just a pretty face?

So, no, because I... Shut up!

So what happened to you last night?

You just seemed to scuttle off.
I don't know where you...

Mm, I disappeared again.
Disappeared again.

I know exactly what that
means already.

I MAY have slept with Tabitha again.

Didn't you, like,
end or cool things off?


So, then what you've gone and done
is just heat it up again?

Bro, what, what are you doing?
Make up your mind.

Mate, it's hard to say no.

There must be something there if
you keep ending up in bed with her.

I mean,
obviously there's something there.

There's definitely lust.

I just don't know whether
there's anything more.

But it annoys me cos she is such
a sweet girl and so, so lovely

and so nice and... I don't know.

So, do you think that's it,
no more hooking up with her?

Er, no, probably will, like,

I think after a few drinks
anything can happen.

Well, not anything. Just you hooking
up with Tabitha, yeah.

Yeah, just hooking up with Tabitha.
It's pretty simple.

So, last night Miles was being
really flirty,

which was annoying cos I'm so over
it. Over Miles completely?


Oh, I thought you were gonna tell me
that you guys have been

banging the whole time
we've been away.

No, but I was stupid. We were
all out, all drinking

and I did end up going back to his
house... Ah.

..and we kissed, but I stopped him.

Yeah, yeah, honestly.
Hand action?

And it could've gone further,
but I was just like,

"No, I don't wanna do this, I feel
really guilty, just..."

And, "Stop." You feel guilty?

Yeah, because there's a boy that
I've been seeing a little bit

in London.

I was seeing him a bit before
I came out here,

and we've just carried on
talking and this..

Who is this guy?
I don't know anything about him.

He's young, he's younger,
he's a toy boy.

OK, well why's he not here? Bring
him out. Why can't he come out?

I would love him to come out.
I think he'd come out.

I wanna meet him. Should I invite
him? Yeah, I think you should.

Do you reckon he'll come? Yeah.

Fuck, but the Miles thing though.

Are they friends?
Do they know each other?

I think they know each other.
That's slightly more awkward.

I know, exactly,

but I feel so guilty about kissing
Miles the other night.

It's only cos I was so drunk.
Darling, a kiss is a kiss.

You're OK to have a bit of fun
during the summer. Yeah, I dunno.

It's not as if you've been bonking.

So, how are things with you guys?
We're fine.

I think we're good. Apart from Digby
set me up for a fail.

What's he done?

So, basically I lost a game
of volleyball,

me against three guys,
by the way, by myself.

Normally you'd enjoy that.

Well, I know,
but times have changed.

Anyway, I lost and my forfeit is
to learn how to dance.

They're sending me
to a dance class.

Oh, God, Liv,
you're not gonna feel more awkward.

This is gonna be so funny.
This is my biggest nightmare.

Do you know what it is, right?

So, when I was younger my dad said,

"To know how to dance you pretend to
dry yourself with a towel."

So, he said like this. I was like,
"I'm not sure about this."

"Then you go between the legs"

and I was like,
"I don't think that's a dance!"

That's Bentley on a night out.
That one.

Oh, look who it is. Hello.
Hi, baby. Oh, hello.

How was your day date?

Please tell me it went well.
It was fine. Well, she's smiling.

So, are you best friends then?

I wouldn't say we're best friends,

I just sat her down and I was like,

"Look, I don't want you to think
I've got an issue with you

"just because of what's happened."

I was like, "Me and Harry are
moving on from it, essentially,"

and she was very supportive,
she was really nice.

I just think it's really weird that
Diana's being a lot more supportive

of our relationship than Habbs is.

We're happy, we've moved past it,
we've addressed the issue,

we're moving forward, and she wants
to bring us back to the point...

But do you not just think she's
being protective though?

But then I don't understand why,
when she knows that we're

moving forward and she knows
that I dealt with it...

Because she wants to know that you
are definitely making the

right decision,
that's what she wants.

It's kind of going beyond the point
of being protective now

cos it's
getting to a point where I'm like,

"I don't wanna really necessarily
go out for dinner when you're there

"if you're just gonna keep making
sly digs."

It's not that I don't wanna be
friends with her,

but I don't want to be...
You don't need it.

I don't need that when I'm
trying to deal with this,

do you know what I mean, and we're
trying to move on from it

and it's like
she doesn't want us to.

Until she drops it,
I don't really wanna be around her.

It's draining.

I bet you didn't know this about me.
Go on, what?

I know how to do a silver service.
Look at you go.

So, hold on. You probably need some
bread as well. Yeah.

Yeah, you nearly got it.
There you go, that's silver service.

Amazing, I can tell that you clearly
worked as a waiter for five years.

Ah, hi guys.

Oh, hey! Hello.
Come sit. Come relax.

How are you?
What would you like to eat?

I would love some salad with apples.
Look at this.

Don't worry about it.

How are you, my darling?


Um, I just had drinks with Melissa.

Oh, really? Yeah.

And it seems like we've hashed
everything out. Really?

Yeah, and it's good.

I mean, her situation with Harry is
her situation with Harry. Sure.

It's their relationship,
this is what I said to Melissa.

You know, if you choose to forgive
him and move forward and just

have it be water under the bridge,
then that's really up to you.

But between me and her, we're fine,

and we actually had a lovely time.

I'm really glad.

Right guys, I'm gonna go make a
coffee, does anyone want one?

Er, sure roomie.
I'm OK, thank you. Okie-doke.

See you later, roomie.
See you later.

We're roommates now.
I've heard, how is it? Good, man.

It's a bit awkward for me as
I said I was with Melissa earlier...


..and she feels a bit unsupported
the way Habbs has been towards her

and Harry, and... It's horse shit.

She feels like Habbs will just
listen to anything you say.

Is that what she said? Yeah.

And she calls you King Jamie.

Ridiculous. Yeah.

This whole thing, what
pisses me off more than anything is

that Melissa is now turning her back
on Habbs.

It's, like, ridiculous,
it's like she's being poisoned.

The real story is what Harry did in
Vegas and lied about it. Right.

And Harry is making Melissa be nice
to you because it's the typical

thing, keep your friends close,
but your enemies closer.

So, he's gonna keep you as close
as possible and then the issue

becomes me and Habbs and
everything else is forgotten.

Honestly, now that you've put it
that way

I can really see it that way.
I think it's ridiculous.

I don't mind them turning on me,
but when they turn on Habbs,

then I have a serious problem
with it, I really do.

This is embarrassing, and I don't
know why you're making me do it.

You're great.

Spin around.

No, no, no, no.


I was actually quite impressed.

I'm proud of, you, babe.
That was horrible.

I think you're a bit wooden.

Ollie, I'm not...
It was a bit rigid.

Pretty scary. Your resting bitch
face whilst... You were just
looking like...

That's not even resting,
that's just normal.

Oh, is that...? OK. Yeah. Livid.

I just think next time you should be
doing more of an Argentinian tango.

What? I think once you loosen up,
you're quite the dancer.

We actually owe you, er, an
applause. I think you did very well.

I thought you were going to say
an apology. And an apology.

Yeah, I think that's right. No, no,
no, don't... No, don't back down.

Don't you pipe up for one second!

Yeah, shut up, Digby!

I've got serious leg pain after
both of these. Have you injured

yourself? I'm not surprised,
the things you were performing.

Yeah, I thought it was
all right yesterday,

I was hiking with Tabitha and that
was completely unacceptable.

Oh, my God, also, you'll never
guess what, this is amazing.

You know Tabitha, Miles,
all this situation that's going on?

She turned around and said she's
actually been seeing someone
at home.

She's seeing this guy before she
left and, and she, kind of,

had this on the back burner for a
while and then suddenly she goes,

"You know what,
I think I really like him."

That's quite interesting, cos Miles
did sleep with Tabitha the other

What? Yeah. Did he?
She said they just kissed.

We thought they kissed. She slept
with Miles, like, the other day.

Did they sleep together properly?


Who's the guy? We don't know.

This random guy she's keeping very
quiet. I'm quite intrigued to know
who it is.

I said, "Bring him out."

I said, "We need to meet this guy,"
cos we don't know who this guy is.
Let's introduce him to Miles.

Let's introduce him... Well,
let's not do that immediately.

I think, I think maybe... I think
that's, kind of, up to her.

I just hope for whoever it is,
she's honest with the guy.

Oh, God.

Oh, thank you so much.

Thank you, that looks delicious.

You know, I like doing this because
this is... Cos Ell's not here...

I know. You're, like, now my
compadre up here.

I love that.

How are you feeling now Ell's gone?
Are you missing her?

Do you know what it is, I do,
I really miss her, but at the same

time it's like if you... I think in
a relationship, if you're constantly

with each other the entire time,
then you lose that kind of spark.

I so agree.

So it's quite nice having that back
and forward a little bit,

you know what I mean...?

Hi, there, can I get a table
for two please?

Yeah, follow me, please.
Melissa and Harry.

Thank you.

Why aren't they coming over?

Thank you.

It's a bit awkward.
Great restaurant choice.

So awkward.
Normally I'd go over and say hello,

but because Jamie's there I'm
a bit... I can't.

So, Diana said that Melissa has a
problem with you.

With me? With you, yeah.
What? Why?

She said,
she said things like, um...

Melissa or Harry?
No, Melissa has a problem with you.

What? Why?
This comes from Diana.

Melissa said that you haven't been a
true friend to her and, er,

that you're just, like, listening to
what I'm saying and she's

pissed off at you because
you don't have her back.

I just, I'm actually so shocked.

Like, the whole reason I'm saying
it, if I was a shit friend,

I'd just be like,
"Oh, ignore it, let him do that."

I just don't want her to be fucked

It's so annoying that just because
I'm not supporting what she's

saying or what he's saying that it's
going to affect my friendship with

It's the last thing I want.

I literally was saying it because
I love her so much.

Just realise from your own
self esteem, that you are a

fricking good mate, we all know how
loyal you are towards Melissa

and loyal in that sense, and her
saying that is just another
situation where

Harry has managed to get his claws
in there and turn it around somehow.

It's really upset me.
Yeah, I can imagine.

I do think it's a bit strange
they're now all so pally-pally all
of a sudden.

I think it's since she's moved into
that villa and since Jamie's

girlfriend's gone home...
No, I'm joking.

Er, yeah.

Anyway, let's, er,
not let that dampen our day.

What do you fancy ordering?

Pasta. Do you?


Oh, there he is! Mitty boy.

How are you? Whoa, dancing in.

Dancing in. You good? Yeah.

Um, first of all, why are you late?

Because I've been dancing obviously.

Wait, did you have the forfeit with
Liv? It was really funny.

I mean, she was,
she was better than I was expecting.

A little stiff at first,
but we managed to loosen her up.

We were having a little chat whilst
we were mid break, er,

whilst we were dancing. Yeah.
Talking about Tabitha.

Oh, Tabitha. She's, er...

Why have you got a smile
on your face? I dunno.

She's, she's got some,
she's got some love back in the UK.

she's got some love back in the UK?

Mm, apparently you weren't
number one.

You're kidding me.
You're just a piece of holiday meat.

Wait, how long has this been going
on for? Because you do know that me

and Tabitha slept together the other
day. Mm, I know.

I guess for you, you want to know
whether you're a plan A or plan B.

Yeah. Was it...?
You might've been plan B.

Was she like, was she like,
"OK, it might not work with this

"guy in London, Miles is here,
I'll have a bit of fun with him.

"And if it doesn't work with Miles
I can go back to my plan A?"

That kind of sounds like it.

Oh. Do you feel a bit used?

The thing is, she's the one who
wanted to hook up with me,

she's the one who kept on texting
me, like, wanting to see me.

Like, she was full-on,
and that's one of the reasons why
I kind of broke it off with her.

I honestly felt so bad, I felt like
the, you know, the villain,

and she made me feel a bit, kind of
like, shit, I've really hurt her.

So, that, kind of, annoys me.

I kind of think that's
kind of taking the piss.

Maybe she's just confused.

Maybe she did start to get some
emotion for you,

but she also had feelings for this
dude back in the UK.

I think it's a bit disrespectful.
I wouldn't have done that to her.

I feel like she's just done that
stereotypical thing of having
her cake and eating it.

Like, she obviously wanted a,
a slice of you and she took it,

but she's also got a cake back at,
back at home in the UK,

a cake that might be coming out
here. Might be coming out here? Mm.

You think that you would...
If you did see him,

you'd tell him what happened?
Yeah, course I would.

Course I would.

Obviously she's been lying to me,
lying to him.

She wants to play this game,
we can play it. Game on.

Mm, game on.

Hi. Hi, babe.

I can't believe you're here.

It's actually mental. I never...

Look at your hair.
Do you like it? Yeah.

I've missed you so much.
Me too. You look so gorgeous.

Thanks. Thank you for inviting me,
baby. That's OK.

I only invited you yesterday,
I'm happy you got here so quickly.

I know. I just couldn't wait any
longer. I know.

I'm glad we've been talking though.
Very glad. We've been talking a lot.

Every single day. Yeah, every...

I feel like I have a girlfriend.
You do? Mm.

Is that a good thing?
Yes. Are you sure?

Yes. OK.


Yeah, it's nice.
So, who else is out here? Tell me.

Er, I'm in a house with Ollie Locke.

Yeah. And Liv and Digby.
Digby. Yeah. And who else is here?

Who else is here? Alex Mitton's
out here and Jamie is out here.

Good. And then Habbs is here
and Miles is here as well.

Miles, great. Yeah.
How's he doing? He's fine.

Yeah. He's probably the one person
out here who I just have no
interest in spending time with.

I know, we don't have to hang out
with him though. Good, perfect.

We're here now. Let's go over right
now, let's go and talk to them and
sort this whole thing out for now.

Come on, cos it's, it's ridiculous.
OK, let's do it. OK, come on.

Hello. Hey.

Hey. How are you?

Good. Good, thank you. You all
right? Yeah, no, I'm good.

I just, I've been hearing that,

you've got a big problem with
me, so...


I heard that you were, like,
saying that I wasn't a very loyal

friend and that I don't have
a voice for myself.

Who have you heard that from?

Er, Diana.

That has completely been taken
out of context,
it's not how I said it at all.

She was like, "How are you and her?"
And I was like, 'We're getting
there, we're getting there,

"but it's difficult when I've got,
no offence, you, like,

"putting a shitter on it, which is
what I felt you were doing."

I was just being honest.

And then I was like, "It's difficult
when I don't feel like I've got full
support from my bestmate."

I just feel like, I dunno,
like we're trying to move on from it
and you just keep shittingon it.

That's how I feel when you do,
like, say digs and stuff...

To you? Well, to Harry, and it's
just like a bit like, "Oh."

But that's my opinion,
I'm sorry you feel like that, I am.

But do you know what I mean, it
makes it feel like you're,
"Melissa's a fucking mug."

I'm just like, "Oh, my God, it's
just shitting on it even more, like,

"who am I supposed to turn to now?"
I don't...

But in the same breath you go
back to her like, "Oh, I love you
guys, I love you and Harry."

Yeah, so I'm so confused.
No, I love Melissa.

What's your prob... What's your
issue with me then?

This is her best mate, of course
she's going to have an issue with

you. Of course she is. It's only
natural to do that. I don't get it.

Yeah, fair enough,
but they were friends as well.

I've never done
anything against you.

You've seen how apologetic and how
sorry that I've been with the

But I also see... You see how
happy I make Melissa.

But I also, I see how easy you lie
to her and you're really good
at it and it worries me.

That's all I've said and I've said
the exact same thing to you. Well,
if it worries you, it worries you.

That's your issue,
that's your problem.

Well, there you go, so let's leave
it as having an issue.

Do you actually have a problem
with me or are you just being

manipulated by other people?

Harry, I... You are...
It's hard to say,

because every... I don't want to
upset Melissa and my friendship...

Just be honest with me, if you have
a problem with me, say it.

Well, clearly we're not
the bestest of friends.

Great, but then just be honest
about it. I have.

She is being honest.
I've never had an issue with you.

I think you're a lovely girl.
No, I felt like that...

I think he's a bit of
an arsehole, but...

We're trying to move forward and
people aren't letting us.

Everyone else should just let us be.

I'll leave you guys to have
your dinner and we'll go.

♪ I look into her eyes

♪ Her eyes that never judge... ♪

And step one, two, three, four.

And step this way.

♪ A path that ends in love... ♪

Not sure this is exactly...
I'm exhausted!

Are you feeling a bit disorientated?
Oh, my God.

That was fantastic.

I thought that was really good,
darling. That's brilliant.

Am I still wooden?

You're better, actually. You've kind
of loosened up. Limber.

I have a feeling that
we're getting somewhere. Yeah.

Do you know where the tango is from?

It's from the...
the brothels of Buenos Aires.

So you're making me learn
a brothel dance,

even though I'm in a relationship?

See, the tango lends itself to
kind of lust and passion and guilt

and all the kind of
basis of your relationship.

It is, actually, when you think
about it like that. In a good way.

No, it's probably me and Digby -
we love an argument.

I'm actually quite good
at arguments.

He's got better.
I've taught him quite well.

I know you're good at arguments -
I hear them!

We're one of those couples
that argues, I think.

I think some couples don't, some
people do. You don't worry about it?

I know what you mean.

But, half an hour later,
we'll just... bonk it out, I guess.


Hi! Hello.

What are you doing? Hi.


Hello. Hi, sweetie.
You look so well, babe.

Oh, my...

What's happened to your hair?

Hello! How you doing?
Lovely to meet you.

Lovely to meet you too. How are you?
Is this who you're dating? Yes.

Surprise! Oh, my God.
How are you doing?

She has kept this very quiet,
by the way.

We were all stunned when we heard.
Really? Who did you think it was?

I had no idea, definitely not you!
Honestly! I know.

Well, I've been keeping it,
like, my little secret,

because in London...
Your dirty little secret.

I'm your little secret, am I?
Yeah, cos when we were in London,

we were seeing each other,
it got quite full-on quite quickly,

but then it was always
in the back of my mind

that I was going to be going away,

but I've just been thinking
about him the whole time.

And then when I was...

The other day,
I was talking to Ollie about him

and Ollie was like, "If you really
like this guy, and you clearly do,

"just invite him out here."
Um, yeah, and now you're here.

This is amazing.
I think this is marvellous.

Sly Tabitha. I know.
Keeping things quiet.

Do you keep many other secrets?
No, no, I'm very honest. No? OK.

Just you. Just me.
Mm-hm. That's good.

MUSIC: Crawl In Love
by Menace Beach

Mate, you got the beers in?
There you go, mate.

Cheers, bud. Cheers, mate.

Oh, I tell you what, there's nothing
better than a nice cold beer.

I know. So how are things with you?
Yeah, really good, mate.

How did the dancing go with Liv?

Oh, mate, it was so good.
You missed out big time.

We made her do a traditional
Croatian dance lesson.

Oh, mate. It was so good.

Hopefully, she can embrace it now.

Next time we're out, she'll have
to show us some of those moves.

Literally, we'll force her.

Um... but, yeah, how are things
between you and, um, Habbs, mate?

It's just gone quite strange.

Like, Melissa and I actually bumped
into her and Jamie yesterday.

Yeah? And she's now basically
voicing that she's got

a problem with me, which I think
is really hard for Melissa.

I mean, she's saying that
I'm an arsehole. Really? Yeah.

I mean, she's one to fucking talk.

Like, she'll just go
whichever way the wind will blow.

She actually called you an arsehole?
She called me an arsehole.

That's really childish.
Am I an arsehole? No, mate.

I know, I know I can be... Like
I've probably done things that...

Oh, you CAN be an arsehole, yeah.

..probably have
been arsehole-worthy.

Like, granted, I'd call myself
an arsehole for what's happened.

But when you apologise
for something and move forward...

And you've admitted it as well.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

No, I mean... Obviously, mate,
that is childish.

But, mate, from past experience,

obviously what happened back
in London with me and everything,

I-I found when your friends
get involved in your relationship,

it really does fuck with everything.

It really... I don't think it does.

Mate, trust me,
my girlfriend broke up with me

because of the influence
her friends had.

Well yeah, if, if Habbs keeps on
going down the road of...

of trying to plant that seed
of doubt and keeps..

And won't let this go,
essentially... Yeah.

..then I will tell her
to shut the fuck up. Like...

Because she needs to.

MUSIC: Coma by Le Boom

So you're the mystery man?
You're the toy boy?

What do you mean, "the toy boy"?

So, basically Tabitha has been
hiding a lover, and it's this guy.

Very unpredictable couple
right there, but I like it.

I do really, really like her.

That's quite sweet.
It's really sweet,

and also I'm really happy.
I think she's happy too.

I just want to really
get to know her more.

And what's her chat
been like to you?

Has she been saying for ages how
much she likes you and all that?

She says it to me the whole time.
Are you going to make it official?

Are you going to...?
It's on the road to that,

but I would love her to be
my girlfriend, but we'll see.

I like this. That's beaut. Mm. Yeah.

I'm going to go grab a drink.
OK, see you in a bit.

Is that legit?

That's actually pretty heavy.

But I thought Tabby
slept with Miles.

Yeah, they did. The other day.
They did, yeah.


I wonder if she's going to be
honest with him.

She's got to be, surely. Surely
Miles is going to say something.

Yeah, she has to. Actually,
I did speak to Miles

and he was coming tonight.
No! Yeah.

LAUGHING: Oh, my God.

Can I get a vodka
and orange soda, please?

Have you spoken to Melissa today?

No, I haven't heard from her,
actually. I know, it's...

Has she not messaged you or anything
like that or spoken to you?

No, nothing. OK.

It's just so...
I just don't know what to do.

Like, I almost feel
like I shouldn't...

I shouldn't have even said anything,

but I can't lie to her
and be like, "I think he's great."

Well, I think you're just
being a good friend.

Like, you need, like, honesty.

If you were to go, "Oh, yeah, he's
amazing," like, that's bullshit.

At least you're being truthful.

And she, at some point,
will realise that.

Cheers, mate. Thank you.

Hello. Ah.

What are you doing in Croatia?
I'm here to see Tabitha.

No way. Yeah, yeah.

OK. How's that going?

It's going good. That's good.

I'm... Well, I'm glad for you,
for you two, I think it's...

It's a good thing.

I'm very glad you're happy for me.

I'm... I mean, sorry,
I'm a bit shocked to see you.

It's just a bit... I mean... Sorry,
I just find it a little bit funny,

just because, I mean - what,
two nights ago? - she was in my bed.

This week? Yeah. We, like...
Yeah, we slept together.

Like, it's... I just find it
a bit comical, to be honest.

And are you getting pleasure
from this, from telling me this?

Well, right now...

..um, a little bit.

I just find it hysterical.
I mean, it's bad.

I think she's taking
the piss out of you.

Look, you don't have to believe me,
and you have no reason to.

I mean, I don't
believe a word you're saying.

It's also the fact you're
telling me this is pissing me off.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry I'm the guy.

This is the fucking darkest thing
in the world.

MUSIC: Love Lights by Sunset Sons

Can I ask you a question?
I've got a problem. What?

I've got these lumps here and I
don't know what they are. What?

Are you sure? I don't see any lumps.
It's quite flat to me.

These lumps.
I don't see any lumps.

There's six lumps on either side.
Shall I go to hospital?

You might have to.

There's no lumps from where
I'm standing.

There are, look. There's none.

Put your hand across them like that.

Feel that. Smooth. Actually quite

No, it's not, it's lumpy.
Squishy, right?

Yeah, it's quite soft, that's it.
It's lumpy.

Soft and lumpy. I don't get it.

You guys both look great.
So do you.

So do you, man. Thank you.
I'm really happy you guys made it.

I love that you threw a party for
us, this is so kind of you.

Yeah, well, I figured
after everything it'd be nice

to kind of get everyone together.
For sure.

I did wanna say that I invited
Harry and Melissa,

so if that's gonna be awkward
between you guys, I don't know.

How are you guys feeling?
I mean, it's not awkward at all.

The only thing that's... well, I
mean, it is a little bit awkward...

The only thing that's awkward is
that normally, I'd run up and

give her a hug, but it's like
we're seeing each other and

we've not really... and probably I
should go up, but there's

two and then it's me and I'm just -
you know, Harry's stood there.

Do you think you'll speak about
it with her today?

I really want to, cos I just
do not -

I don't want our
friendship to end over this.

It's just so silly and it's such
a shame and I do love her,

so I'm gonna go and talk
to her today about it.

Normally I'd be with Habbs, but she
won't even look me in the eye.

I've tried to make conversation,
it's so awkward. It's so weird.

I know she's looking at us like,
"Oh, my God, I hate him". Mm.

I think in her mind it's honestly,

she thinks it's coming from a good
place and it's just not.

Mate, I don't think it is.
You think she just hates you.

I think she's got a huge problem
with me.

I know, I think she hates
you as well. Yeah, I agree.

And she won't be happy unless you do
what she wants you to do.

I know, that's what it feels like,
doesn't it?

Do you want to break up with me?

No, of course I don't,
but you know what's so bad?

It's making me feel like... I
shouldn't be with you, almost.

It's making me feel
uncomfortable to be with you.

Like, I feel like I'm gonna give you
a kiss and,

"Oh, fuck, I can't do that
cos she's looking".

It's like a horrible feeling.

Well, the fact that you're feeling
like that

and she's the one that's
making you feel that way,

should you
be friends with someone like that?

It just makes me not wanna, like,

I don't know, it makes me really
upset, cos I love her, but...

Honestly, that really,
really pisses me off.

It doesn't feel good.

What she's doing and what she's

is pushing you further
away from me,

it's pushing us apart and I want
to say to her that...

No, I don't want you to say
anything to her.

It needs to be me.

MUSIC: Down To Be Loved by
Raphael Lake and Aaron Levy

Do you quite like pool parties?

I do love a good pool party.

Lot of flesh. No.

Do you think, because you're quite
into, um, physique and stuff,

that when you look around at
other people's bodies,

you can tell if they work out?
Probably, yeah. Like a girl's arse.

No, I don't look at girls' arses.
Do you know if she's done squats?

No. Well, yeah,
I can tell if she's done squats.

So you do look at girls' arses?

No, I don't, but I can tell.

Do you think Diana's got a good bum?

I haven't looked.

You have, Digby, I've caught you
creeping on her arse.

I haven't.

All right, Pinocchio.
Baby, what are you trying to do?

Are you trying to have an argument?

I weirdly quite enjoy arguing
with you.

I was actually talking about
it yesterday with Ollie. Yeah?

And he was saying
we do, like, bicker.

It worries me that you're
saying you enjoy it.

But we're together non-stop,
do you know what I mean? Yeah.

That's probably, as well,
why we argue.

But I just wanna make... you know,
are you happy?

Yes, obviously. You are happy?

What is going on here? Ah.
Hello. What are you guys doing?

How are we, boy?
How are you, buddy?

Mitt, how are we, buddy? Good.

Found out who Tabitha's
mystery man was.

Oh, my God, how exciting is that?

His best mate, Sam Prince. My best
friend. I couldn't believe it.

When he showed up I was like,
"Oh, my God, it's him".

So funny, because we went out
last night and I just see,

like, this man at the bar.

I was like, "Wait, that's not a man,
that's a little boy".

So I... Aw. Oh, sorry. Bitchy. There
he is. Little bitchy.

I go over to him, he's like,
"I'm here to see Tabitha".

So I start laughing a little bit.

So you told Sam Prince that?
I took it upon myself to go,

"Look, Princey, I've kind of hooked
up with, apparently, your new bird".

What was his reaction when you
said you'd been...

Probably fucking livid.

He didn't really take that well.
As funny as it may be for you,

and you do have this issue, like,
you and Princey have this thing,

for him it's actually
probably quite gutting.

I don't care for Sam. We're
not friends, at the end of the day.

The thing is, you've gotta

that you don't have any
feelings involved in any of this.

However, Sam obviously does.

Mate, why is the history so bad
between you two?

Um... Miles jumped on Princey's ex.
That is why they have issues.

Oh, God.
So do you see what I mean?

It's like a recurring issue.
Yeah, but I've done nothing wrong.

Yeah. I hooked up with a girl
who supposedly was single,

but apparently not.
You're two guys just being played.

Yeah, course we are. You've both
been played at the same game. Yeah.

And I think Princey needs
to see that.

But Tab needs to be honest with
Princey first.

She won't be. I doubt that Tabitha's
gonna try and lie and say that...

No, no. No, Tabs... She will lie.
She'll try to lie. She lied to me.

It's so obvious that you
slept together.

I don't understand why you would.
She will lie.

She will 100% lie.

I feel like getting drunk today.

let's definitely have a few glasses.

It's with the kind of summer vibes.

Yeah. Very nice.
How's everything going with Princey?

So good. Yeah?

I'm just so happy that he's out

Um, it's, um... Hello.

Hello. Hi, how are you doing?

I'm all right, mate, how are you?

Good to see you. Hi.

Hi. We need to have a chat.

Yeah, I think you've got some
explaining to do.

Apparently, you slept with Miles
three days ago.

No. No, that's not true.

So Miles is lying?

No, I... we did kiss,
and I did go back to his house.


I think you guys need to have this
discussion, just the two of you.

OK, thanks, Ols.

And I'm just so desperately
sad that I didn't tell you myself.

I should've told you as soon
as it happened.

I feel like I've cheated.

It was just horrible, cos I've
never cheated on anyone before.

It's really horrible.
And he's lying, 100%?

Lying about what? That we slept
together three days ago?

Yeah. Yes, 100%, that didn't happen.


I do promise.

The thing is, I'm pissed off with
Miles too, if he is lying.

Yeah. He's right behind you, by the

Hey, guys. Hi. Hey.

How's this lovely couple doing?

So Tabitha's telling me

that you didn't sleep together
three days ago. Oh, really? Yeah.

We didn't sleep this week?
No, we didn't sleep together.

OK. That's a lie.

We got together and I stayed at your
house and we were in bed together.

And we didn't...
We didn't sleep together.

Tabitha, you're lying.

No, I'm not lying. She's lying to

She's lied to you all this trip.

What's the point of lying?
If you're just honest...

I'm not lying. That's the thing.
You are, Tabitha.

God, Jesus, I wish...
I respect honesty.

If you tell me,
then we can just... it may be fine.

I'm not gonna say something
happened when it didn't happen.

We did. We did sleep together.

OK, just pipe down.
You're 100% certain?

Yes. 100%. Look, I just...

What other secrets are there?
Is there anyone else?

No, come on, obviously not.

Look, I want to move forward with
Sam and I don't - and I just,

I'd really like it if you'd just let
us do that and just...

Um, I really wouldn't... I don't
really care any more.

Also, sorry, I should give these
back to you,

cos you left those on my
mantelpiece. Oh, thank you.


Have you got any other of her

I could check. Obviously not.

My earrings came off when I
went there that night.

To be fair, you do have more to gain
to lie, and just seeing that,

I just don't, I don't understand
what you're playing at.

I don't really wanna
talk to you, so...

Oh, God, don't worry about it.

Fuck me, you're a really good liar.

Hey, Habbs.

Hi, Harry.

How are you? Yeah, I'm good.

Good. Um, I'm glad we've bumped into
each other here.

Yeah. Um, I feel the other day

you were extremely inappropriately
confrontational. Really?

Yeah, and I don't really know why.
I mean, you called me an arsehole

whilst Melissa and I were
sat having lunch. Like...

Well, I felt like you kept probing
me and kept calling me up

and saying,
"Why have you got an issue with me?"

and that was just aggravating
the whole situation.

That wasn't the situation, to begin
with. That is the situation,

because I love Melissa and my
friendship's with her. Mm.

And I saw you lie to her
in such a calm and collected way,

and I'm not gonna lie, that freaked
me out.

Did Jamie tell you to say that?

No! What is this?

Look, the situation is that I am
being truthful about how I feel.

I don't like liars, I don't like how
you calmly lie.

So you think I'm an
arsehole for lying?

Yeah, I think you are an
arsehole for lying.

Do you think Sam's an
arsehole for lying?

Yeah, he's absolutely an
arsehole for lying.

How are things with you and
him at the moment?

I have no idea. He's in England.
And you haven't spoken to him?

Mm, on and off, he texted me today
saying he was coming back.

Yeah? And how does that make you
feel? Like, do you...

Just to put it out there, if I were
to ever go back there,

which I don't know whether I am,

I don't know whether we'll move on
as friends

or whatever, I have absolutely no

I would expect all of you guys,

as my friends, to be like, "He
fucked you over, don't go there."

But the thing is,
I wouldn't have an opinion on it.

But even if you did,
Harry, I'd be like,

"Thanks, mate, you've got my back".

But how have you had Melissa's

How have you supported Melissa?

I'm true to myself, and if I have an
issue with somebody,

I have an issue with them. I don't
have an issue with somebody

just cos my best friend's got
an issue with them.

So you won't have your friend's
back. Of course I'll have her back.

But you haven't been supportive.

If you had, we wouldn't be in this
position right now.

It's awful. It's upsetting.

Well, yeah, it is upsetting for

but I don't really...

What's going on here? Well,
clearly, I'm a really shit friend,

so we're just discussing that.

I haven't said that.

It's like, for me, it's confusing,
because you're saying that

you support my decision and you
support us, but then you say

to Harry at the table,
"Oh, you're a fucking arsehole".

That's not...

Because - and look,
I'm not perfect,

I shouldn't have said it,
obviously I shouldn't have said it,

it's rude, it's not great,
I shouldn't have done it.

But it's still the fact that
you think it that upsets me.

Do you understand? Watching me,

I don't feel like I can kiss and hug

cos I have you staring at me and
I'm like, "She fucking hates that".

I'm not staring at you.
No, but I feel like you hate us.

I don't hate you.

This is where it's all got

He fucked you over and I saw him
lie to you, and for me,

I stayed in a villa with you
and I saw you lie to her, like,

so much, and it freaked me out.

And I have said sorry for that.

And then it's upsetting for me to be

that you're going round
saying I'm a shit friend.

I haven't said you're a shit friend
once. I said I don't know

where this leaves us in
terms of a friendship,

because I can't be around you if
you're gonna constantly, like,

say, "You're a fucking arsehole",
things like that to Harry.

I don't understand how we're
gonna move forward.

All I ever wanted to be was, like,

a loyal friend to you and support

so I'm sorry you feel that way.

Yeah! How are you, man? Hello!

I got a message from Habbs's
ex-boyfriend with screengrabs

of messages that she'd sent him
while we were in Croatia.

I feel as though you've massively
dodged a bullet.

I am really sorry,
my feelings have massively changed.

I have spoken to Habbs and...

So now you've formed this little
hate club, that's really cute.

And you can both just fuck off.

I feel so humiliated.

Everyone's saying,
"Don't go there with Tabitha".

Well, that's really mean and I'm
telling you that I won't hurt you.

I can't apologise for the shit you
feel. That isn't good enough.

I don't care if it's not good
enough for you.

I mean, that's not what friends do.

Harry, I don't care. Well,
that's not what friends do, mate.

Like, Digby's like, "Oh, I know I'll
marry you, have kids together",

but I don't know if that
is what I want.

I guess I just don't know where
I stand, babe.

I think you love me more
than I love you.