Epilogue (2012) - full transcript

Hayuta and Beri, an elderly couple, find it hard to adjust to today's Israel and to the social changes surrounding them.



Good morning.

Good morning.

May I come in?

Who are you?

One second.

Thank you.

Are you Berl of Berl and Hayuta Hoz?
- That's right.

I'm Galit.
I'm a nurse from Social Security.


I'm here to assess your dependency,
your disability percentages.

What are you talking about?

I didn't want to disturb you
so I left a message.

I got up at 6:00 a.m.
just to get here on time.

I have to examine you.
- We didn't get any message.

Is your wife home?
- No.

She's in the shower.



Never mind.

Can I have a glass of water?

I didn't even have time for coffee.

I would prefer we do it
some other time.

What would you have done
if we weren't home?

No, no, you don't understand.
I can't come another time.

I have to do the assessment.

I took a taxi just to get here.

Can't we just do it?

I promise it won't take long.

And by the time you get
another appointment

they could cut off
your stipend, you see?

I promise it won't take long.

Okay, okay.
Get it over with.

We have a long day ahead of us.
Sit down.

Thank you.

Berl, how old are you?
- 84.

Hayuta? -Yes?
- How old are you?


I see you suffer
from a chronic illness.



Do you take medication?


Is that all?

And Fosalan.

And another one
for high blood pressure.

Side effects?

- Yes?

Side effects.

Such as?

Fatigue. Hemorrhages.

Do you fall down?

Do you fall down?


She falls down.


How many children
do you have? -One son.

Does he visit you?

No. He doesn't.

He isn't in the country.
- Where is he?

New York.
- New York?

That's an exciting city.
A wonderful town.

I was there about a year ago.

Let's move on.
Hayuta, what day is it today?

Monday, why?
- No reason, I have to ask. Sorry.

What's your son's name?



If I had two oranges

and I juiced one
and peeled the other,

how many oranges do I have left?
- What is this, special education?!

Two. One juiced,
the other sliced.

Berl, what's the date today?

December 29th.

Do you know what time it is?
- Of course.


It's about 7:00 a.m.


If a kilo of oranges costs 20 shekels,
and I have 100 shekels,

how many oranges can I buy?

What's with the oranges?
Is this a stupidity assessment?

I have to ask,

the office has to know
whether you can still think clearly.

5 kilos.

Shall we begin
the examination?

Berl, go across the room
and walk toward me in a straight line.

One foot behind the other.


Good. Thank you.

Now bend towards your toes.


You can stand up, Berl.

Here, let me help you.

Let me help you. Easy.

- Okay.

Come sit down.

Sit down and rest a moment.


Are you all right?

I'm fine, but you're a psycho.


Let's get this over with.

What can I do?
This is the procedure.

I... I must do it.

We understand.
This is the procedure.

Finish what you came here for.

And leave.

I really have to do this.

You don't have to do anything.

Let's move on.

I want you to lie on the floor
and raise your legs.

Sit and stand up.

Now, Berl, last thing,

I need you to take off your shirt
and put it back on.


Those are the instructions.
- Whose instructions?

Social Security. In order
to assess your eligibility

I have to assess your ability

to perform simple, necessary
day-to-day activities at home.

And outside of the home?

That's the Welfare Dept.
We only deal with in the home.

Thanks. I'm fine.
- I see.

So what do we do?
I have to see.

Write that I'm fine.

Berl, I can't write
that you're fine if I don't see it,

it's a criminal offense.

I'm not undressing
in front of you!

I'm not undressing in front of you!
- Berl,

we're almost through.
Do you really want to stop now?

If I don't fill out the form

I can't submit your request
and you won't get the stipend.

Don't throw it away.

I promise, Berl,
I'm very professional.

Thank you. -All right?
- Thank you.

I appreciate it.

You can sit down.

Now please put this on
over your pants.

- It's the last test.


All right?

You can take off
the underwear.

Now it's your turn.

Stand up please, go to the other side
of the room, and walk toward me.

This won't take long.

Berl, Berl, I'm very sorry,

but she has to do this
by herself.

What did you want to know?

Does the pesticide cover
all kinds of insects?

Cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs
what else?

Ants, bees, rats.

Um... spiders, and that's it.

Bats and pigeons, too.

And the price?

How big is the apartment?

About 100 square meters.

Up to 1, 000 shekels.

And what chemicals do you use?

DDT or phosphorus, or...?

Wait a second,
I read somewhere

that you do
electronic pest control.

What do you do,
electrocute the roaches?

Not exactly. We...

You create a closed circuit
with two cables.

No, we create a disturbance
in the electromagnetic field

which keeps them away.

You don't have to use cruelty...

what is that exactly?

Electromagnetic. By disturbing
the electromagnetic field

we cause the ants, for instance,
to lose orientation,

their sense of spatial location,

and they have to leave
and find somewhere else to nest.

We don't kill them,

we just get them out of sight.

And there's also ultrasound.


What does that have to
do with it?


it disturbs the insects' physiological
balance and removes them.

It makes them go somewhere quieter.
We isolate them.

We use "green" pest control.

It prevents the murder of animals
and the buildup of carcasses.

It's clean pest control.
Conscience-wise as well.

And the price?

Up to 1, 000 shekels.

That's twice the price of poison.

Okay, I've made a note.
I'll think it over.

Thank you. Goodbye.




What's this?

Oh, I got caught on a nail.
Leave it, it doesn't matter.

Wait a second.

Berl, throw the TV set away.

Why? I want to fix it.
I've found the problem.

You've been saying that
for three months.

Don't bother,
it won't start working now.

I have to connect the wire
to the fuse

and change all
the burnt-out wires.

All right, but be careful.

I will.

Are you going?

To the pharmacy.
- The pharmacy?

Can't we wait one more day?

I'm not waiting another day.
I'm going.

"If I live again and again
and again, endlessly,

"then I'm eternal.

"After all, the million-billion years
during which I'm not alive

"don't exist for me.

"For me, all that exists
is the time when I'm alive.

"And that time is eternal.

"Therefore there's a reason to live
and I have a responsibility.

"Because if I live
an indecent life now,

"I'll live the same indecent life

"again and again, forever."

Number 245 to counter 5.

Is number 245 here?

Number 245.

Excuse me, number 245?
- I'm 246.

Can I help you?
- I need Advil.

Big or small pack?
- Small is fine.

Excuse me, I'm 245.

Ma'am, you missed your turn.

Wait till I finish with this gentlemen
and I'll help you.

Yes, anything else?
- Yes, Proctoglibanol.

Suppositories or cream?
- Suppositories.

132 shekels, please.

Can I have a receipt?
- Here. -Thank you.

Yes, ma'am?

These are Fosalan pills
to prevent calcium loss,

take just once a week,

don't eat or lie down for at least
half an hour after you take it, okay?

Pills for high blood pressure,
3 a day, with or after a meal.

Who's the insulin for?

Me. -Do you know the dosage?
- Yes.

Do you need syringes?
- No.

Three packs of Bendromine.
They're very powerful sleeping pills.

Take only one per day
before bed.

173.15, please.

I'll just take the insulin
and the Bendromine.

Are you sure?
- Yes.

109.50, please.

Excuse me? I don't have
enough money.

What do you want to do?

I'll take...

Take off the insulin.


Thank you.


You forgot this.

Raging Zehavi's Radio Show.
Everyday on 103 fm.

With us on the line is...?
- Hello.

Sir, if you move away
from the radio

we'll hear you better
and we won't get a headache.

Yes? Your name, Sir?
- Berl Hoz, from Tel Aviv.

Hello, Berl, Berl Hoz.

The name rings a bell.
Give me a hint?

I was a member of the Labor
Federation leadership in the '40s.

I see. We don't have much time.

What do you have for us today?

I read about Mrs. Rivka Moreno
in this morning's paper.

The shocking story
about a single mother

who has to rummage
through the garbage.

Yes, yes. We all saw that.

A single mother and her 3 kids
eating from the garbage

because the corrupt politicians
have nothing to offer them

besides discounts on DVDs.

And let's not forget
this morning's poverty report.

There are 100, 000 more
poor people in Israel today.

Yes, let's move on.

I have an idea that could...

We all have ideas,
but we'll be glad to hear yours.

Well, my idea is called
"the Circle."

Israel's leadership seems to have
forgotten why it was elected.

The situation just keeps getting
worse. There's no leadership.

We all know that.
What's your idea?

I've made a program for a
social community based on

individual responsibility and
solidarity. Each will contribute

as possible, we'll build
welfare institutions...

Yes, but tell me how exactly
will people contribute

to this autarchic economy?

I, Berl, could supply
electronic repair services

and you, as a radio broadcaster,

could help recruit
members to the community.

Profit is not the issue, the ability
to live a dignified life...

All she wants is a glass of water.

It's like a welfare department here.

I'm not gonna make any tips today.

What did you say?

Never mind.

Above all, Berl, this
idea has failed, no?

The people have failed!

But perhaps the idea failed as well,
it's irrelevant, archaic,

doomed to failure...

Ideas are not a passing

They are eternal!

Yes, you an elderly man,

you are experienced, and wise,

but you're also
a Romantic, Berl.

Romantic?! what's that
to do with it?!

I know what I'm talking about!

Tell that to all the people
who could not get jobs

because they didn't belong
to the Labor movement...

We'll take care of workers!

We don't need the capricious help
of millionaires and philanthropists.

you remind me of my father,

who was a naive,
and decent man,

and a Labor member,

and a pioneer,

who built the country,

and got a hose up his
ass from the Federation,

This organization wrecked
people's lives,

it's a piece of shit,

In all honesty, Berl,
your proposal is naive,

and I sincerely wish you
luck in finding partners

to your Socialist adventure.

To sum things up,
please tell us,

what your plans are.


Yes, where do people register?

Will you be holding a get-together
picnic for new members?

What's next?

Oh, I haven't yet...

You haven't yet, I see,
you haven't yet.

Tomorrow morning in Meir Park
is the Circle's founding convention.

At 10:00 a.m.

I doubt this business will take off.

It's not a business.

Thank you, Berl, for
the idea and the interview,

but we have to move on.

Operator here, how may I help?


I want the number of
Mrs. Rivka Moreno in Beersheva.

I have three Rivka...


I want a ticket
to Indiana Jones, please.


I beg your pardon?

38 shekels.

Is there a senior citizen discount?



She's deaf, for God's sake.


One second.

Row 8, seat 8, in the middle.

Read it. Can you read?


The Circle. Mutual Aid Organization.
Founding Convention.



Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Are you a member of the family?
- Yes.

I'm sorry. I'll ask the doctor
to come speak to you.

Can he have another blanket?

He's cold.

That's the infusion,
he isn't cold.

His hand is cold.
- Yes, that's from the infusion.

What are you doing?

Increasing the dosage of morphine.
He'll lose consciousness soon.

Lose consciousness?

He's suffering.

Of course, I know.
She's intolerable.

Did you hear what she
said about Houellebecq?

Conceptual bullshit...


Have you had lunch yet?
I'm starving.

I could close up for a bit.
Get something to eat.

Are you sure Budha Burger
would be open now?

Wait a second. Yes?
- I'm here to sell books.

I'll get back to you.
Okay, 12:30. Bye.

This is a very important book.

It's signed by Labor leader Lavon.

He gave it to me just a few days
before he passed away.


Is that it?

I'll give you 200 for all of them.

200 Shekels?

Can't you give me
a little more?

These are important books.

I have here the writings
of A.D. Gordon.

Have you ever read
A.D. Gordon's writings?

Yes. They're romantic writings suited
to the founding of the State.

The State is a fact

and we don't need an ideological
voice to unite the nation.

People don't read books by
socialist Jewish thinkers anymore.

We've moved on.
200. That's all.

We've moved on?
In which direction, may I ask?

It wouldn't hurt you to read
some of these romantics.

I can't believe
you're saying this.

All right.

Excuse me?

Excuse me?

The movie's over.

I thought...

You can go out that way.

Excuse me?


Can you just help me
with the zipper, please?

Just the zipper?

It's too much.

It's too much, don't you think?

I don't know much about it.

What do you know?

I want to rent a dress,
the one outside.


Which dress?

The white one.

It's gorgeous, isn't it?
Sorry, it's taken.

What about the blue one?

The blue one is to die for.
But it's also rented.

Sorry, sir.
I feel so bad.

Do you have anything
big and beautiful? Classy?

Classy? In that size?

I don't think I have
anything like that left. Sorry.

You know what?
I have something

in green. Vintage.

Betty Davis style.
It's interesting. Come see.

Ta-dum! Like it?
Stunning, isn't it?

And I can give you
a special price.

So if you're interested...

Oh, it has a little hole.
Hold it a second, please.

Let me take care of that.
No biggie.

I want it to be perfect
and gorgeous and just your size.

No, it won't work like this.
You have to put it on.

Take off your coat, please.


Okay, let's put it on.
Arms up.



Okay, put your arm here,
but be careful, it's very delicate.

Very. Other arm here.

One second.

It's a perfect fit, isn't it?

Turn around.


Excellent, we'll just
take care of the hole.

Okay. That's all right.
Queen of the ball.


I need a suit too, for myself.

Oh, this isn't for you...

How long do you need the clothes for?
- Pardon me?

How long do you need the clothes for?
- Until tomorrow.

Until tomorrow.

One, two, three, four.

That's 170.

And I need a deposit.
Credit card or check.

I don't have a credit card.

A check.
- I don't have one either.

It's store policy.

I can't rent out clothes
without a deposit.

Can't you make an exception
just for one day?

I'll bring them back on time.

Here, take my watch.

It's all right.
Bring it back tomorrow, okay?

Yes. Thank you.

Name, address and number, please.

Berl Hoz,

4 Wolfson St.,



Thank you.

Thank you.

- Hello? -Hello.

May I speak to Rivka?
- Speaking.

Hello. My name is Berl.

I called to invite you to
join the Circle Community.

Who gave you my number?

Which community?

The Circle Community.

First of all,
thanks for inviting me.

It sounds important.
What is it, a charity organization?

No, no, we aren't
a charity organization.

We, I mean I,
am starting a social community

based on mutual aid
and volunteerism.

Charity is very important.
I contribute, too.

Yes, sorry, I'm here.
- What did you say?


You just have to... -Donate?
Yes, I always donate,

the state of the economy
has me very worried.

Where do you meet?

I don't understand.

Didn't you say you want to meet?

Not that I care,

but are you
a registered foundation,

for contribution purposes?
Is it tax deductible?

No, ma'am.

We aren't looking
for donations.

I can volunteer. I have a car.
It isn't new, but it gets everywhere.

Do you go around
taking care of needy families?

I... that's very important.

No, that's not what we do.
I mean, yes, but not only that.

Then what do you want?

Why are you being so mysterious?
Never mind.

How much will it cost me
to help?

Look, lady, I don't know
how much it costs.

But that's not really the point.

I actually wanted to help you.

Help me?
- Yes.

What makes you think
I need help?

What do you mean?
I wanted to help you and offer you...

I get along fine without you.

I'm sorry, my mistake.
I thought...

Are you patronizing me?

Didn't I offer you enough?

Didn't I volunteer my time
and my car?

And what for?


Hello? Are you there?


What nerve, he hung up.



Excuse me?

Excuse me...

Have you happened to see
a girl here,

with short hair...
short hair...

wearing a track-suit. Red.

She wore a red track-suit.

I've been looking for her
for a few days, and she...

she's not...

I've been looking for a few days,
she wore a red track-suit.

I can't... find her...

I don't think she
changed her clothes...

Sh... short hair...


No... I haven't seen her.

Have you seen her?


you've seen her?

Never mind...

If you see her,

could you...
She should be coming.

I'm looking for her too.

Are you sure you
haven't seen her?


So if you see her,
tell her I'm...

looking for her...

I thank you so very much.

Thank you so much.




Sorry to disturb you,

but my fuse blew.
I thought you...

Have you noticed that the morning
papers are missing lately?

The newspapers?
- Strange, isn't it?

- They just disappear.

I think we have a slight

It's really strange.

Can you change my fuse?

They just vanish.

- I call customer service

and they swear they were
delivered this morning.

- Strange.

Very strange.
- Isn't that strange?

Yes, yes.
- Very strange.

I thought you might be able
to change my fuse.

Look what I have here.

Look. It's unreadable.

It's wallpaper. A curtain.
A carpet.

I got it from
the lady next door.

Those thieves
don't take Ha'aretz.

At least we know they aren't
fucking leftists.


I'm sorry...

Do you think I should call
the police?

Talk to them about it?

It's theft, after all.

- What do you say?

I don't know much about
these things.

Thanks anyway, I'll manage.

Thank you very much.

Did you want something?

What? No, no.
I'll manage.

We are contacting the number

for approval.

Please hold.


- I can hardly hear you.

How are you?

I'm fine.
Are you all right? Where are you?

Help me. I'm hungry.
- Yes, I'm fine.

I'm on the street.
How are things with you?

Cold. Very cold.

We can't go out.
We're stuck in front of the TV.

I tell you, Mom,
New York is like a giant freezer.

Daniel's teeth are coming in,
so we don't sleep much.

But it's all right.
Poor kid.

Help me.
- Poor thing. Did you try cognac?

Please help me, I'm hungry.

Give him a kiss from me.

I will.

We use an anesthetic cream.


- Yes, Mom, is everything okay?

Yes, yes. Everything's fine.

I'm on my way home.

I went to a movie.

Wow, nice.
What movie?

Indiana Jones.

Good for you, Mom.

I didn't know you liked
archaeology and action.

Or do you like Harrison Ford?

Mom, you're still young.

We're planning to come to Israel
for Passover.

If we can save enough money.

The prices have nearly doubled,
you know.

Everything is so expensive.

Good. We'll be glad to see you.

How's Dad?

Dad's fine.

Is he still mad?

You know Dad.
He won't admit he misses you.

But I can tell he misses you.

He hasn't been himself
since then.

I think he's lonely.

Yoavie, you know he loves you.

I know. I know.

I think he understands.

I do too.

Hold on, Mom,
do you want to hear Daniel?

Of course.

He's so cute.
I think he recognizes your voice.

Mom, is everything okay?

Yes, everything's fine.
I have a little cold.

Yoavie, I have to get going.

I'll call you later.

We'll talk.
Regards to Dad.

Kiss Michal for me.

I will. Bye.


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry...


Why doesn't the light work?

Why is it so cold in here?

Why are you wearing a suit?

There was a blackout.
But don't worry about it.

Come with me,
I want to show you something.

There's no electricity?
Why not?

I was trying to fix the TV

and the fuse blew.

Then I tried to fix
the electricity

but I couldn't.

But don't worry about it.
I want to show you something.

Come with me.

I have a new idea
of how to recruit members.

We have to start at the edge.

With the individual.

I'll go door-to-door.

People will follow me.

Tomorrow morning I'm holding
The Circle's founding convention.

People will follow you?

The Circle's founding convention?


Berl, your own son
won't even follow you.

When was the last time
you talked to him?

Asked how he is?
How your grandson is?

Did you call to say goodbye?

And now you plan

to go door-to-door
and recruit members?

For your failed whims?

Berl, you still don't get it.

He left me.

No, Berl.

He left the miserable and sad life

that you forced them to live.

He had no choice.

You're my last and only partner.

I'll take care of everything.

I'll fix everything.

It's still possible.

Enough already.
You and your mantra.

I've had enough.
This isn't the Jordan Valley.

And it isn't 1937.

The Co-op isn't a cooperative,

it's a chain store.

Reality has changed, Berl.

We're alone.

We were naive.

We didn't think of ourselves.
Or look after ourselves.

Now there's no one
to take care of us.

We're a burden.

Wake up. Where do you think
your food comes from?

You say you'll take care of me?
Go ahead.

I'm hungry.

There's a cucumber
and some cheese in the fridge.

Do you want me to make you
a sandwich?

I've tolerated your optimism
for years.

And I'm weak and weary

and I'm sick of it!

You are crazy.
You've lost your mind.

You should be in a mental institution.
You're mad.



Berl, look at me.

Look at me, Berl.

I don't believe in you

No one believes in you,
no one wants to listen to you.

No one wants to see you.

Don't you get it?
It's all over.

It's embarrassing.

For three years
I've tried to tell you.

But you won't listen.

We're irrelevant, Berl.
You're irrelevant.

At least be relevant for me.

I need you.

And what about you?

You kill everything you touch.

You're bitter.
You hate yourself.

You hate the world.

You've given up on yourself.
You're already dead.

I can't take it anymore.

Look at me, Berl.

Tell me you believe
you can take care of me.

That you still believe
in your dream.

I refuse to listen to
any more of this.

I can't listen to
any more of this.

I won't listen to
any more of this.

I'm sick and tired of this.

You've gone mad.


Look into my eyes.

Hi, this is Yoav.
I can't answer right now.

Leave a message.

Are you all right?

What is that?

I'm taking care of you.

Aren't those the books?

It's all right, really.

But those are the books.

It's okay.

I'm here.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Do you remember our anniversary
is coming up?

I remember.

I was hoping you'd forgotten.
I don't want to make a big deal of it.

Well, I didn't forget.
I got you something.

A pre-anniversary celebration.

Will you do something for me?
- What?

It's beautiful.

And it's yours,
at least until tomorrow.

Will you dance with me?

Thank you.
- For what?

For everything.

"The day has gone dark
and faded

"A pale gold covers the skies
and the high mountains

"But I will not disobey fate

"Fate the tyrant

"I will go gladly towards it all

"I will give thanks
for it all..."

"Walk, walk your path.
You will ascend.

"May no one stop you
or say walk away.

"And when you ascend

"The day will dawn on you

"And Io, you are not
alone in Heaven,

"Alone in Heaven,
in Heaven."

It wasn't supposed
to end this way.

We're all alone.

We were wrong, Hayuta.
We also made mistakes.

We lost our way.

We were loyal to ourselves.

We built a new society
and they sold it.

We did everything we could.

You did everything you could.


But even if you're right
it doesn't matter.

It can still be fixed.

Everything can be fixed.

Even if we can't.

Even if it's not for our sake.

Everything can be fixed.

I tried to call Yoav today.

There was no answer.

I spoke to him. He's fine.

They're fine.
Daniel's teeth are still coming in.

Berl, he isn't angry.


I don't want to be humiliated.

I don't want
to be hospitalized.

I don't want a Filipina nurse.

I don't want people
from Social Security

to strip me

to make sure I'm sick.

I don't want to be here.

I feel like a stranger.

I want tonight to go on forever.

And I don't want to stay here
without you.

Please return the dress and suit
to the shop on 35 King George St.

Wait a minute.

Sorry, we're closed.

Excuse me, thank you.

There's one slice left,
do you want it?

If I may. Thanks.

Warm it up?
- Yes, please.

How much is that?

Oh, I closed the till already.

You know what?
It's on the house.

I was going to take it home

but I eat too much
junk food as it is.

Thank you very much.

Here you are. Bon appétit.

Thank you.
- Thank you.

I need to close up.

Thank you very much.
- My pleasure.


Thank you.

Good night.

Good night.
- Good night.