El Niño de Fuego (2021) - full transcript
Aleixo Paz A.K.A "Boy from the Blaze" is the survivor of a tragic accident that destroyed his life and that of his family. About to turn 18, without a job or an education, he spends his days in the darkness of his room. Consumed by pain and anger, his only hope is writing songs for an imaginary crowd. Inspired by a friend and encouraged by his mother, he will find the strength to go on stage and overcome his fears.
Look! Look what's coming.
Look at…
…that cheeky face.
Exactly a month
before the accident.
That cheeky face.
The first letter he wrote.
"My name is Aleixo Paz.
I am nine years old
and I had an accident on 8th September
2009 with my father in his truck."
"My whole body was burned.
I've been in intensive care ever since."
"I've had 13 operations
and I still need more."
"I want to go home.
I'm tired of being here."
"When I ask Mom
why this had to happen to me,
she tells me to look around
at the children in the other beds."
"Why them?"
"They say I'm
brave, a champ."
"I feel like crying,
but I hold it inside because
otherwise Mom and Dad also cry."
"I don't want
them to cry."
"They say that I give
them strength to go on
but it's them who
give me strength."
"Sometimes I get angry
and rude and I yell at them,
but then I ask
them to forgive me."
"My fingers have been cut
but I can use them on the computer."
"Mom says I will be able
to do all the things I used to do,
I'll have special
gloves for my hands."
"Now I believe her."
"Aleixo Paz,
nine years old."
My boy.
A traffic accident involving
a diesel tanker caused a forest fire
and forced the closure
of the northbound AP7 motorway.
The driver and his son
in the tanker were both hurt.
The nine-year-old boy
suffered serious burns
and was airlifted
by helicopter to a hospital.
The boy is in critical condition
in intensive care
with burns on 90% of his body
and has suffered two cardiac arrests.
Hey, come here!
Come here.
Furia, come here!
Come, and sit. Come! Hey!
Come, sit.
There you go.
Look what I've got.
There, off you go!
Come on, Furia, bring it here!
I keep drinking
while I watch the stars
Waiting for their
return, just like that
Deceiving myself
The lack of sleep oppresses me
I lost track of time
The clock is ticking
The four elements are against me
I keep going against the tide
It's another day in the 'hood
Blowing smoke in all directions
I keep drinking
while I watch the stars
Waiting for their
return, just like that
Deceiving myself
The lack of sleep oppresses me
I lost track of time
The clock is ticking
I keep going against…
I can't remember.
That's what happens
when I change the lyrics.
Okay, okay, okay.
- I don't remember that.
- How could you remember?
You were only one, Aleixiño.
- Why am I watching this?
- You were only one.
Look at your sister, look.
I don't want to see
me as a baby, man.
Your first Night of
the Three Kings.
- Look, you're dancing, Aleixo!
- So what? I'm a baby.
- You are so annoying.
- Let me watch this a moment.
Your brother yelled "Aleixo, stop,"
and you didn't listen.
- You kept going around.
- Yes, I remember.
You said "one each,"
but you kept going.
Afterwards you did let him.
But your brother
stood before you.
You see!
Your brother stood before you.
I think it's here,
when you crash.
Yes, here.
You were going so fast!
Look, look, look!
We all ran over to you.
You drove her crazy.
Come on, come on!
- That's not me anymore, he's dead.
- What?!
- That's someone else.
- No way. It's still you.
Mom, you can say whatever you want.
I'm not like I was before.
And I know that much better than you all.
You can say whatever you want.
What the hell do you know?
What the fuck do you know?
You don't know shit.
Well, you may feel
different but to me…
In order to feel different
you don't have to be different.
That's what I'm saying.
You may feel different but…
I don't need to
feel it, I know it.
- But to me you are still the same.
- Here we go again.
Look, I don't feel like talking
and I don't give a shit about
what people think, OK?
- OK, fine.
- I don't give a shit.
About what you or what
anyone else thinks, I don't care.
How could you fucking know?
You think you are so smart
and you have no idea.
Let me see your arms.
We were planning to open.
Stretch it as much as possible
and do the back.
We were thinking about
opening up here in front.
- Yes, and in the back.
- And putting a skin graft here.
That's what we agreed on.
- Tell me when it hurts.
- Here.
- Here, where?
- It hurts back there.
- Up here?
- Back there and below a bit.
So, we will get skin from here and here,
placing a total groin skin graft there,
do the ectopic thing with a total skin
graft from behind your right ear, okay?
Then open also here,
because this is where it pulls.
- Yes, back here.
- And an integra here and there.
We will definitely do
the eye, the elbows,
the anti-cubital fossas,
the gluteus, and the armpit,
both the posterior pillar
and here on the shoulder.
Do you want it?
Where shall I
put the pill? Here?
Shall I lock you
up or leave it open?
Don't worry, I'll close.
It's another day in the neighborhood
Smoke billowing
to the four winds
I roll the dice, used to losing
I don't play hoping to win
I play till I faint
Feeling like crying
But my tears won't come out
They remain imprisoned
Sometimes I want to give up
Suicidal impulses in a broken mind
Cutting my arms so
I don't cut my veins
Drowning my cries in liquor
Trying to communicate
With myself through the paper
I'd like to stop being a coward
Stop running from
death and run after it
Grab her by the feet, and show her
That she can't mess with this beast
Let's go up there.
Marta needs to be admitted
again to the hospital for surgery.
You can call her if you want.
- When?
- I think it'll be soon.
She always asks for you,
"I haven't seen Aleixo in a while."
I just don't…
You don't write anymore!
I know, I'm missing
from everywhere.
Do you remember
when it happened?
I didn't lose
consciousness in no time.
And do you still dream about it?
- All the time.
- Really?
Well, it's more
like… daydreaming.
The problem is not being asleep,
the problem is…
having weird dreams, man.
I have, I don't know…
I've never had normal dreams,
I've always had nightmares, that's all.
You're still young,
you're not 50 years old.
I know, that's what I've been
telling myself for a long time.
It would be different
if you were 50 years old,
but you have a life to live.
You have to…
Sure, but that's the problem,
that I don't…
…I don't want it,
man, a life to live.
What do you mean?
I've never expected
to turn 30, no way.
Neither did I. I live from day to day,
but live your best life, man.
I just want to get to the end,
you know? That's all.
- And what's the end? To die?
- Yeah.
But I want to die in a…
- Dignified way.
- Sure.
- I wanna die happy.
- No, I don't care about how I die,
but about my life.
I haven't done anything.
I haven't overcome anything.
I'm stuck.
How long ago did you get burned?
- Eight or nine years ago.
- Nine? I got burned 20 years ago.
It was 20 years ago.
I don't remember at which point
I was after eight years burned.
But I wasn't like
you, because I found…
…the motivation,
like I said, I was far wrong.
They took it from me.
- Well.
- When you let them…
That was my problem,
that I let them take it away from me.
And when you
let them tell you "you can't" …
…it's over.
It's your decision
if you want it to change.
Yeah, I know.
You must motivate yourself.
There'll be good and bad things.
- At least you can try.
- That's it. You have to try.
I've accomplished a lot
by changing my attitude.
But not leaving
the house is easier.
Of course.
Not socializing is easier.
But obviously everyone
has different interests.
The only thing
I like is writing.
And I write songs,
that's what I want to do.
Great, set a goal.
Music is a good idea, I like music.
Even if I don't get anything
out of it, at least I'd leave…
…something behind.
I mean, I put my feelings down
on paper, so I'll never forget them.
That's good. You want
to leave something behind.
It's the only way.
That's great. Some
people don't want to.
That's a motivation, man.
What's up, bro?
Light, bro.
Here, but I don't
have much battery left.
- Look at Aleixo, what a pro.
- Will it hang in there or not?
Salt City, like I say
As if it were my neighborhood
Every day, living the same movie
I had nothing to eat
Nor money for another joint
You know, I used to have it all
You know, I used to
have money to spread
And now look, I keep doing evil
But I'm just doing my thing
Come on, Aleixo, your turn.
I'm an antisocial
A growing danger
A slum kid who was born crazy
I don't say what I feel
I feel what I say, I don't even…
I don't even understand myself
And look at me I'm
still here playing chess with my life
As if it was nothing
As if I had nothing to do
You know, you know
It's dark now, but in the daytime
you can see the mountains.
What time is it?
Just look at the light, bro.
Hey, dude. I was
setting things up.
I'll be right over.
I'll be there, okay? See you.
You checked in on time, bastard.
No, for one day.
How's it going?
What's up?
How are you?
- I'm on time.
- You bastard!
You know?
- Glory…
- Listen.
- I want to fly and fly…
- To glory
- I don't want to go through…
- Through ruin
- I want to fly and find…
- My victory
- To leave something behind…
- In life
- I want to fly and fly…
- To glory
- I don't want to go…
- Through ruin
- I want to fly and find…
- My victory
- To leave something behind…
- In life
They'll say
I don't value the air I breathe
Forgetting this
world is contaminated
I walk without
knowing where I stand
I got to know you
when I was locked up
I got used to this
pain, to bleeding
To not sleeping
Seeing my mother cry
How many times do
we move the path?
And if we could,
we'd change our destiny
- You see, motherfucker?
- Because you're here, bro.
- What? 'Cause I'm here, bugger?
- Yes, it turned out great.
- It has another vibe, you know why?
- 'Cause you've changed it.
Because this time you wrote it
keeping the beat, you know?
I mean, one, two,
three, four, one, two…
The beat, you know?
Music can bring you happiness,
it can bring you sadness…
There are people who sing
because of anger, or pain…
I'm one of them, man.
I sing because of anger.
Well, it's a way
to let off steam.
I feel better doing this
than punching the wall, bro.
And I obviously get hurt
by punching the wall.
I know, look at
your hand, bugger.
The good thing is
that I can't feel it.
Usually I barely feel my hand,
but now I can't feel it.
I can't feel it
and I can't feel my fingers.
- So, see you on Thursday?
- On Thursday, bro.
At around the same time
as today, OK? Around five.
That's at twelve
o'clock for you.
- No, come in early.
- At one o'clock I'm here.
Sure, show up early
and we'll have lunch together.
I won't be late, no way.
- See you.
- See you soon.
Give me a hug, you asshole.
It's been great.
It'll be amazing, you'll see.
- Let's go, I'll go with you.
- Okay.
What the hell is that noise?
- What noise?
- I don't know.
I'm walking.
It comes from motorbikes.
But it's so quiet
here, isn't it?
Come this way.
Let's see.
What the fuck?
- What's up, brother?
- The usual.
Thanks so much, everybody.
What a thing.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday from all of us
Happy birthday to you
- Thanks, everybody.
- Here's to Aleixo!
- Thank you, sister.
- You're welcome.
Because my brother
wouldn't organize this,
I'm sure about that.
Your brother would prepare
something different.
I knew… why would
she ask what I want?
- What's this?
- It's for recording music.
- Really?
- Sure.
- What's that?
- Headphones for recording.
- From where you bought…
- Yes, where you bought that…
- Where I bought the sound card.
- Yes!
Thanks! It's just
what I needed.
Now you have to dedicate a song to us
with your new headphones.
Hello, to give you my CV.
- Your CV? Okay.
- And where could I drop it off?
- Hello there, tell me.
- Hello, how are you?
- I'm here to leave my CV.
- Great.
- What's your name?
- Aleixo.
- Aleixo? Okay.
- I've recently got my license.
- And where have you worked, Aleixo?
- Nowhere, I have no experience.
No experience, alright.
But you've done a course
in transporting boxes.
- Yes, recently.
- Good!
I'd really like to work on that.
If anything comes
up we'll call you.
- Perfect, thanks.
- Well, take care.
- Thanks.
- Goodbye.
It looks like there's
only one left, though.
- You have to clean my wound.
- Yes, I'll clean it now, hold on.
it's been hard…
There you go, honey.
- What's all that beeping?
- A wedding or something.
You're done.
- You have a spare tablet right?
- This one…
- What are you missing?
- Nothing.
You have tablets of 40 or 20.
There was one of 20 that I took with me.
Aleixiño, are you
going to see Dad today?
- Yes, later.
- Are you? Later?
- Yes!
- Okay.
Just asking, it's the weekend
and he's never here during the week.
He must be here already.
Okay then.
I'm going to get a coffee,
smoke a cigarette and take five.
Puriña, what are you doing?
- I knock on both, just in case.
- Fuck.
- How are you, Dad?
- How are you?
- It's so hot.
- Yes.
- How are you?
- Is it hot today?
- How was the test?
- I passed.
- Great! Congratulations!
- Thanks.
- So… all good?
- Yes.
- You didn't make any mistakes?
- I don't know. They don't tell you.
- Don't they?
- No.
- Did you get mad at the examiner?
- No, it was fine.
That's important.
See? You have to be calm.
- They didn't even make me park.
- Damn! You got lucky then.
On the highway.
They told me "go where you like."
When I saw the
entrance I got onto it.
I have something for you.
- What do you have?
- Something for you.
What thing?
Come on.
Look. Where
are you going?
This way.
This looks really
good, doesn't it?
- This looks really good.
- Of course.
But it's so hot in
here, I'm getting out.
This looks really good.
- We'll go for a ride later, right?
- Okay, sure.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
You have to be careful, though.
Without running.
- Does it go fast?
- But don't run.
- But does it go fast?
- Yes!
You saw the photo
I sent you, right?
Did you see his nose?
His face, his
cheeks, all swollen.
He has Dad's cheeks.
I didn't look that closely.
I just looked and was like… fuck.
He has Dad's cheeks.
It was noticeable…
- Because it is an ultrasound in 5D.
- My goodness.
- We had a 5D ultrasound.
- I'm getting old, 3D is gone.
It's so close. A
month, are you ready?
Don't tell us anything until he's born
'cause the wait, dude…
No, I won't say anything
because I want to be alone.
The wait… I'm
not good at waiting.
- When he comes out…
- Exactly.
Then I'll send a
photo. "Here he is."
- And that's it.
- Hey, I'm here.
I'm making music with El Chaca.
Who's El Chaca?
You don't know El
Chaca? The boxer?
He's a boxer and also a rapper.
All I've ever wanted
is to write my own songs…
…what I think, what
I feel, stays there.
I put everything in my songs,
nothing else.
I never thought about a stage
or anything like that, you know?
For me what is important
is to get it all out,
to write something good enough.
As long as I do that
nothing else matters.
If we do something,
it must be good.
- One time I found…
- A cassette tape?
I found one from Estopa
and said leave it there.
- It works with a cassette tape?
- Yes.
- Nervous or what?
- A little.
Now you just relax,
we'll sit down for a bit there,
- We won't record it all in one go.
- Well, if I can…
We can sit down,
you practice, and you're ready.
I need to warm up my voice,
or else I will lose my voice.
- That's the doorbell, isn't it?
- I hope so.
- Buddy!
- What's up, brother?
How are you?
Come here, come in.
Man, I have a lump in my throat,
for fuck's sake.
When you need to fine up
and you don't find the notes,
and you need to be calmer
while you're racing, do just like me.
You breathe in, normally.
Then you do this.
He has a lot of air.
I don't have those lungs, man.
Breathe out.
More, more, you have more,
I'm telling you.
- Now.
- I definitely can't see like that.
They'll say
I don't value the air I breathe
Forgetting this
world is contaminated
I walk without
knowing where I stand
I got to know you
when I was locked up
I got used to this
pain, to bleeding
To not sleeping,
seeing my mother cry
How many times do
we move the path?
And if we could,
we'd change our destiny
I'm still alive
I feel more than I say
I'm looking for the
way out of this maze
Self-destructive, it's my cycle
I have wounds
that won't heal, man
- That's it!
- So much anger.
That's why you
wanted this, right?
Pure rage, man,
that's fucking it.
- That's it.
- Now he can't complain.
That was it, it was amazing.
Fucking amazing,
I could feel it a bit.
Fuck, you even danced.
- Come on, this is it!
- Wait, wait!
- I got up so early.
- But you're late as usual.
Yeah, that's true.
What about you?
Just here, getting bored.
Bored? You have
a swimming pool over there.
- Yeah, but going alone is…
- Now I go change.
- Let's go for a swim, yeah?
- Yeah.
So cold, bro.
I can feel around here
how it cuts off my breathing, bro.
Get in, you bastard, get in.
You see? Now you feel it too.
I'm already soaked.
Get up there, see if you can.
Let's see if it sinks.
Look, it went flat, bro.
They haven't called me.
- From anywhere?
- No, man.
Wait a week, there's no rush.
Not even the factory, bro.
Don't rush.
My brother is going to talk
to ETT or something like that.
Temporary Work
Agencies, I think.
- I just want a job.
- And you'll get one, you'll see.
I'll probably drop off more CVs.
- Go for it.
- But I don't know where.
I've thought of Hostalric.
They're looking for people in
Ramon Noguera.
- No idea.
- For people with disabilities.
- But what is that?
- It's a foundation.
- For what?
- I don't know.
I don't know, they have
horticulture and stuff like that.
Take your pills, honey.
- Leave them there.
- Here? Okay.
I'm not going like this.
I'm going to the doctor
so they give me a shot.
I may leave and
feel worse there…
I don't fucking feel like it.
No, man, I'm feeling
cold all the time.
But you don't feel
like throwing up, or do you?
I feel really full, man.
- Take it easy, darling.
- I have no other desire.
I can't feel anything else.
- I know, son.
- If I do anything, I'll throw up.
Go ahead, Aleixo.
It's every week lately.
He has a big episode every week.
- Even two episodes.
- Is the pain daily?
- Every day again.
- Every day gets worse.
Was it less frequent
at some time?
- Yes, a while ago.
- It was a while ago.
Has it nothing to do with food
or is it related to it?
I don't know if I feel worse
when I eat or when I don't.
Another treatment option
that we've discussed is a stent.
Right? So we can see if there's
a dilated area in the pancreas.
And another much more
aggressive option would be surgery.
But I don't really want to
offer this kind of treatment,
especially surgery, which is
a final decision, if I'm not sure.
I can't send you to the O.R.
without being sure of its origin.
- It's not a good option.
- It'd have been in vain.
Let's hope we finally solve it.
- Sure.
- See you soon.
You know, the poor thing…
…he has had enough.
Haven't you, my boy?
Yes, he has had enough.
It was endless, dude…
What've you been up to?
Writing until five or
six in the morning.
That's great.
What shall we buy?
Something simple, right?
- What are you going to give him?
- This.
But he's just a baby,
when is he going to use that?
This one.
It says "six months."
"Six months."
- What's he going to do with that?
- To play, man. Or…
What about this?
We could give him a rattle, right?
It'd be nice.
This one.
We can take
something, but…
Look at this, bro.
He's going to love it.
Even I like it. It
makes noise, bro.
- He could hurt himself with that.
- Well…
- It can be dangerous.
- Take it.
Take it. It can't
hurt him, you see?
- Put it in here.
- And the receipt, okay?
- Thank you very much.
- Thanks, bye.
I've bought him something.
Have you?
A little something.
What's up, man?
Here you are, little man.
How cool!
They're nice, right?
With that vivid color.
There were other ones in black,
which is more my style but…
- Wait, how do I open this?
- These are more vivid, you know?
Look at this, sweetheart.
What has your uncle brought you?
- What about graduating from school?
- No…
From the adult school.
That can also open doors for you.
That's the nonsense
they told me in the training course.
I said "no." Of
course not. I want to work, man.
Yes, but in order to work,
you need to have at least…
You learn by working.
I want to work, not mess around.
I'm not up for classes and shit.
You can do both.
- Yes, if I wanted to.
- The adult school also has…
The adult school has night-time lessons.
You'd like that.
- You wouldn't get up at 7:00 a.m.
- Yeah, that'd be nice, but no.
No. It could help you
to write your lyrics.
It depends. If
you look for trouble, it won't.
I don't wanna take lessons
with four assholes busting my balls.
I'd feel worse.
- No, man, don't worry about people.
- I'd be worse.
C'mon, you're not a kid.
Exactly, I'm not a fucking kid,
I could end up in jail.
That's not a place for kids,
just for people who need to work.
- And they need a certificate.
- I need to work.
- That's why people…
- A certificate is useless.
- Do you want sugar?
- Yes, please.
Fuck, that burns.
Where's the sugar?
- Are you going to the concert?
- What? Sure.
- Doors open at seven.
- Okay, but…
- Come any time.
- I don't know when we're going.
They said I'll be
onstage around nine.
- Or before then.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, so ready.
- Not nervous?
Today I am, tomorrow too.
We'll see that day.
You should be better that day.
This is difficult.
Who knows where everything is.
For God's sake.
- Look how ugly this is!
- Let me see.
- That's from my first communion.
- Yes.
- And what do you want?
- Nothing.
I'm not taking random things.
I want what I want
from years ago. That…
- You remember it, don't you?
- Sons of…
- It's a photomontage, but good.
- Yes, it is, but… it disgusts me.
Sometimes you think
about things, right?
All the time. So what?
But that has
nothing to do with it.
One thing is the accident and another
thing is… whatever. It's not the same.
- I don't know…
- What? Was it your fault?
- No, son.
- Who got in the truck at 3:00 a.m.?
- You.
- That's it. It's just…
No, but come on, I mean…
If… If, as a
result of that…
- It was partly my fault, I think.
- And so do I. Everyone does.
But, I don't
know, we have…
…to make an effort…
…to start over, for
instance, to work.
And to be okay, right?
As much as possible.
That's it, that's
what you have to do.
- That's what I do.
- Fine.
- I am on it.
- That's it.
I don't want you
to feel bad, or…
I don't have any
problem with that.
I know that from day one.
I have no problem.
- I'm trying to make a living.
- Okay.
That's it.
It's natural to
make a living, but…
…you also have
to think that, for instance…
…this thing you're
smoking every day…
- …it's a problem.
- It could be worse.
- That's true.
- There we go then.
- That has nothing to do with it.
- But to look for a job,
for example, maybe now…
I'll work first and
then they'll see if…
- Sure, but…
- It's my belly, not what I smoke.
I'm looking for a job.
Not monthly classes or anything. A job.
I don't want to beg from anyone.
- Look, it's not about begging.
- Yes, it's my fucking problem.
I'm telling you,
it's my life, it's my problem.
- But your problem is also mine.
- Yeah, it is…
- Even if you don't think so.
- And Mom's and everyone's problem.
- Okay, Dad, one day I'll run off.
- Don't say that, man.
- You're talking nonsense.
- It's not nonsense, it's reality.
Who has the problem here?
That's it, man.
The problem is mine.
The problem is
yours and mine too.
It's just mine. It's not even Mom's,
and she lives with me,
so just get a sense of it.
It's five in the afternoon. I'm not good
at singing, especially in public.
But at home I go crazy, looking for
a way out through the windows.
Forgive me, I'm starting
to be tempted to fall again,
but this time I won't get up.
It really hurts
to be fighting for so long,
to end up beating yourself up,
without knowing the reason.
I want it all to end tonight,
to free my mind and everyone forgets me.
But instead, I hold back when I think of
how it would affect others.
How the people I love
would feel if they found my body…
…lying on the ground.
For a moment I convince myself
that everything would be better.
I clench my teeth, I try not to think,
in order just to jump.
I close my eyes in vain.
I realize I can't leave without
giving something in exchange,
something that shows
that all the suffering was worth it.
When you go into surgery,
remember… Well, they'll see.
But if they don't, tell them
that your flange is broken.
- Well, see you in a few hours.
- See you tomorrow.
I love you so much. Everything will be
fine, you'll see. Okay, honey?
Let's go for surgery number 43.
No, 44. This
is number 44.
I'm not sure if you have
an appointment with the doctor.
But we can go
whenever you want. Okay?
Alright, let's
start at the elbow.
How is it
feeling? Is it okay?
Stay in place, damn it.
There's no way it can stay there.
There we are.
It's done.
Good luck, sonny. Good luck,
good luck… You'll do great.
- Okay?
- Enough, Mom.
Do your best, sweetheart, okay?
And stay calm, don't be nervous.
Once you start, you got it made.
- Look who's here.
- Waiting for you, you bastard.
- Well…
- What's up?
What do you think?
- It's cool, isn't it?
- Very cool.
The concert is going to be here.
Would you prefer the mic stand
or to hold it yourself?
- I don't know. I was doubting that.
- I mean, there's a mic stand…
You can either use a stand
or you can hold it yourself.
Yeah, I think it's
better with the stand.
- With the stand.
- Yes.
Make sure you're comfortable.
Right there is fine, yeah.
I'm here, okay?
- If you skip the chorus…
- No, I know…
…if you skip the chorus, I can do it.
And you keep going.
Okay? And considering
that you have a low rapping voice,
get closer to the mic.
- I think it's a bit low.
- I'll bring it up a bit more.
- How are you?
- Here, working.
Thank you.
Hands up!
All together!
Now I'm going to do
a very special track.
It's a new one, you bastards.
A track I know you all like.
So I want to call on stage…
a friend, a brother.
I want you to welcome
him with some noise.
Good evening.
Let's do this!
I'd like you to turn on your cellphones,
you bastards.
I want everyone
with your cellphone flashlight.
The Boy from the Blaze
The Boy from the Blaze
I am… yeah…
- I want to fly and fly
- To glory
-I don't want to go
-Through ruin
I want to fly and
find -My victory
To leave something
behind -In life
They'll say
I don't value the air I breathe
Forgetting this
world is contaminated
I walk without
knowing where I stand
I got to know you
when I was locked up
I got used to this
pain, to bleeding
To not sleeping,
seeing my mother cry
How many times do
we move the path?
And if we could,
we'd change our destiny
I'm still alive
I feel more than I say
I'm looking for the
way out of this maze
Self-destructive, it's my cycle
I have wounds
that won't heal, man
Listen, brother,
We'll fly when you say it
That's life
Difficulties motivate me
Go on even if they say you can't
Be like Chaca
Killing rats with your hands
It's Chaca's
style, he guides you
Leading his friends
So they don't lose their way
So many know
this fight is crossed
Beware who you give your hand to
You can get dirty
I fall down, I get up
I lose and I win
I spit out the pain
and then I stab you
Blood, sweat, rage, spartan
I freaked out
With my brother's battle about me
Black lungs, broken teeth
A childhood without
wanting photos
Girls look at me, I can tell
They're probably thinking
"Look, it's the bogeyman"
I want to fly and fly -To glory
-I don't want to go
-Through ruin
I want to fly and
find -My victory
To leave something
behind -In life
I want to fly and fly -To glory
-I don't want to go
-Through ruin
I want to fly and
find -My victory
To leave something
behind -In life
The Boy from the Blaze
The Boy from the Blaze
The Boy from the Blaze
The one who has grown blessed!
Some noise for you
all that went crazy!
And some noise
for my little brother, Skin Fire!
You can wear them either way.
Let's see, try them on.
Like this? They
look good like that.
Where are the
laces for this one?
Those ones look really nice.
I think they look great
with those fatigue pants.
As long as they fit…
Yes, they fit you
and they look great.
How do you park?
You do it with the forks
on the ground, okay?
You never do it
with the forks in the front
because otherwise,
you'll force the staples.
The first thing you do
is put the forks down, okay?
This first, and then…
Let's repeat the order.
You first, you second,
you third, you fourth,
you fifth and you sixth.
I think it's this
way. That's perfect.
Foot on the brake, okay?
- How's that? Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.
Very good.
Don't forget the key.
- Thank you very much.
- No, man, thanks to you for coming.
So, in ten days you'll
have your license.
Holy shit man.
It was going in, dude.
Where's the goalkeeper?
Look at that, he doesn't care,
even when he's next to him.
He's lame, man.
I wasn't that bad.
I don't know what
happened now, though.
My goodness, man.
I knew you were going to do that.
- See? Look.
- Okay.
- That's it, put your arm.
- Yes, sure, but…
Take it easy. Relax here,
you don't need this one.
- That's it.
- Okay, then.
What a nerve, man.
What's up, man?
Alright then.
We have a gift for you
from the three of us.
It's from the three of us.
- Great, but I can't open it.
- No, I'll open it for you, okay?
What you looking at?
What you looking at, man?
Really? Are you serious?
Of course.
- Like I'm responsible.
- Sure, you shall take care of him.
Damn, but man
I'm amazed, dammit.
Nothing, man. How
can I refuse? No way.
Man, if you had said no,
I'd have smacked your face.
I can't say no.
So I'm your godfather, right?
What's up, man?
Of course I accept.
- Thank you so much.
- You'll have to take care of him.
We'll see.
You raise him, and
I'll just play football with him.
Take a photo, honey.
Let's take another of the two.
The last one isn't good.
What? He makes funny faces, man.
He has hiccups.
What's up,
man? That's it.
Take him, you know what to do.
Jesus, man. I
have a godson, right?
My goodness.
Stay calm,
okay? That's it.
I parked in the back.
- How you doing, man?
- What's up, bro?
- What time are you singing?
- Around 9:00 p.m.
- Or earlier?
- I don't know.
At 9:00 p.m. or earlier.
It depends on
when El Chaca starts.
What's up?
Now, now.
What are you laughing at?
What's up?
- He's looking at his godfather.
- What's up, dude?
He's looking at his godfather.
- Those are the shoes I bought him?
- Yes.
They are cool.
They're even his size.
He can wear them now.
- Let's see.
- What did you say…?
Fuck off, man!
I'm gonna kick your ass, dude.
I'm sorry, everybody
I realized my pain is not
the one I prolong, but yours
After all the beating,
shouting and crying
I'm still that kid
banging his head
Dreaming of conquering the world
The same guy
That today is screwing himself
I have an armor capable
of breaking hearts
To protect the heart of a devil
I understand you care about me
I don't want you
to suffer either
The cold ground
Freezes the fire in my soul
But good memories
are my firewall
Loneliness dwarfs the child
Who made me great
Anger consumes me
An unstable mind is corrupted
Wound after
wound, blow after blow
I've learned that
running is useless
But I can't stand still
Don't give up, I
fight against myself
Without any sleep
Falling down, out of breath
That was beautiful, sweetheart.
That was so beautiful.
And you don't have
to apologize for anything.
You don't have to
ask for forgiveness.
You don't have to apologize,
least of all to me.
Can we leave now?
- Of course we can.
- Come on.
- Let's go.
- Come on, honey.
He's growing up, and he's fine.
He's very well.
He is doing great
actually. He's fine.
You'll see,
he'll get better and better, okay?
- Okay.
- You'll see.
Before we go on with the concert
I'd like to invite a
very special person
who has been a big motivation
and I'm very fond of him.
He's got a lot of feelings inside
and he wants to get them out.
Make some noise for my man,
the Boy from the Blaze!
Subtitle translation by: