Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives! (1989) - full transcript
In the early 1960s, legendary rock star Eddie Wilson disappeared from the limelight when he drove his car off a New Jersey bridge. Trying to escape his past, Eddie changed his name and has maintained a quiet life as construction worker Joe West in Montreal. However, the past will not die, it is screaming for resolution. His relentless desire to make music pulls him back to the stage where he forms a new band and an even better sound. Meanwhile, record company executives release newly-discovered tapes from Eddie's last album and promotes a worldwide search for the mysterious rock star. Joe West has become both mentor and nucleus for his new band that dreams of making it big without knowing their mysterious leader is the real Eddie Wilson. As his new band hits center stage, Eddie finally comes to terms with his past, himself and his music.
♪ The dark side's callin' now, ♪
♪ nothin' is real ♪
♪ She'll never know ♪
♪ just how I feel ♪
♪ From out of the shadows ♪
♪ she walks like a dream ♪
♪ Makes me feel crazy, ♪
♪ makes me feel so mean ♪
♪ Ain't nothin' gonna save you ♪
♪ from a love that's blind ♪
♪ You slip to the dark side ♪
♪ across that line ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
- Hi, guys.
- Hi.
♪ The dark side's callin' now, ♪
♪ nothin' is real ♪
♪ She'll never know ♪
♪ just how I feel ♪
Hey, Joe, come on, drink up.
We only got
half an hour for lunch.
♪ She walks like a dream ♪
Hey, what's the matter with you?
That was Eddie and the Cruisers
doing "On the Dark Side."
It was a long time ago,
right, kids?
But take it from me,
Eddie Wilson was it.
Rock 'n' roll's
fastest rising star.
Then on a cold March morning,
Eddie Wilson died.
Tonight at 10 p.m.
for the first time anywhere
in the world,
an Eddie Wilson
look-a-like contest
sponsored by Satin Records.
It'll be broadcast live
right here on ROCK TV News.
You believe this?
Just like Elvis.
Now it's this clown.
Hey, Joe,
Where's Joe?
♪ I said, hey, little girl, ♪
♪ take me by the hand ♪
♪ Walk me down ♪
♪ this boardwalk ♪
♪ Once last time again ♪
♪ Come and see those pretty ♪
♪ pier lights ♪
♪ Hear those carnival sounds ♪
♪ Stop right ♪
♪ at the top tonight ♪
♪ As the Ferris wheel ♪
♪ goes round ♪
♪ Well, you say ♪
♪ that I've been restless ♪
♪ You don't understand ♪
♪ Tomorrow I'll be leavin' ♪
♪ on that mornin' train ♪
♪ I gotta leave this ♪
♪ candy apple town behind ♪
♪ I gotta get out ♪
♪ while I still can ♪
♪ I'm going to ♪
♪ New York City ♪
♪ With this guitar ♪
♪ in my hand ♪
♪ I've been wishin' ♪
♪ on these stars too long ♪
♪ I've been playin' in these bars ♪
♪ too long ♪
♪ I've been holed up ♪
♪ in your arms too long ♪
♪ I've been a prisoner ♪
♪ of my heart too long ♪
♪ I'm goin' ♪
♪ to New York City ♪
♪ Gonna find out ♪
♪ Where I stand ♪
♪ And I'll be ♪
♪ Walkin' down Broadway ♪
♪ With this guitar in my hand ♪
The reissue of Eddie
and the Cruisers album
has gone platinum
in only four weeks.
A major phenomenon.
And with me here tonight
is one of the original Cruisers,
Sal Amato.
Welcome to the show, Sal.
Thanks. Nice to be here.
Now tell me something.
In a few minutes,
you're gonna receive
the platinum album award
for selling over a million albums.
How does that feel?
Well, it's hard.
I feel good and bad, you know.
I mean, for our album
to become this popular
after all these years
of being out of release,
never being heard
on the radio...
You gotta understand, with Eddie,
music was everything.
I mean, it wasn't
just songs or records.
With Eddie, music
was your whole life.
Now tell me something, Sal.
What's this whispering
we hear around
about some surprise
Does it have something
to do with the old band?
I'm sorry.
I can't talk about it.
All right, Sal.
Well, the tension is building up
right here at Club Metropolis.
♪ She'll never know ♪
♪ just how I feel ♪
♪ From out of the shadows ♪
♪ she walks like a dream ♪
♪ Makes me feel crazy, ♪
♪ makes me feel so mean ♪
♪ Ain't nothin' gonna save you ♪
♪ from a love that's blind ♪
♪ You slip through the dark side ♪
♪ across that line ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ Ain't nothin' gonna save you ♪
♪ from a love that's blind ♪
♪ You slip to the dark side ♪
♪ across that line ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ On the dark side ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
All right, everybody!
You have now heard...
whoa, whoa, whoa, for a second!
You've now heard the last
of the finalists
in the Eddie Wilson
lookalike contest!
We've given Sal Amato
his platinum award.
Come on, Sal.
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie! Eddie!
All right, all right.
Hold on here!
At this time,
I'd like to introduce
somebody from Satin Records.
These are the people
who reissued
Eddie and the Cruisers.
I'd like to introduce a man
by the name of Dave Pagent
who has something
you all want to hear.
Before Eddie Wilson died,
he was working on a new album.
An album called
"Season in Hell."
Now you all know
that Eddie Wilson
is the greatest, right?
Satin Records has just
reacquired the lost tapes
of Eddie Wilson's never-released
album, "Season in Hell"!
And we at Satin Records
are now gonna release it
just for you!
Now, here it is
in its world premiere!
Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie! Eddie!
What I want is songs that echo.
The stuff we're doing now
is like somebody's bed sheets.
You spread 'em out, soil 'em,
ship 'em out
to laundry, you know?
But our songs, I wanna be able to
fold ourselves up
in 'em forever.
You understand?
♪ Bad moon ♪
♪ on the horizon ♪
♪ Somethin' ♪
♪ in the air today ♪
♪ Hear the sound ♪
♪ of thunder ♪
It's a pretty good
imitation of Eddie.
Who is it?
When we reacquired
the "Season in Hell" album,
we found another totally
unrelated tape in the box,
a mystery tape, this tape.
- And you think this is Eddie?
- Don't you?
It can't be.
Eddie always played with me.
I knew every song he knew.
- I knew everything that he...
- No, this is Eddie.
What are you tryin'
to pull here?
There aren't any tricks, Sal.
I've had the tape analyzed
and experts agree
that this is Eddie Wilson.
Screw the experts.
I was his best friend.
I would know if
he was doin' somethin'.
No, no. His music was
his best friend, Sal.
Don't you understand?
Eddie did not think
you belonged in this session.
He started playing
with other musicians
'cause he was
leaving you behind, pal.
That's a lie.
You're a goddamn liar!
Eddie wouldn't...
♪ Somehow it's ♪
♪ never good enough ♪
♪ At times it's hard ♪
♪ to tell the difference ♪
♪ Between what you know ♪
♪ is right and wrong... ♪
Eddie Wilson was my best friend.
That meant something back then.
Maybe you don't understand that.
♪ When you feel a little lonely ♪
♪ Never asked ♪
♪ this world for much ♪
Hey, no, Lew!
Wait a minute!
Wait, Lew. Lew!
Sal's not thinkin' it's Eddie
makes this even better.
What are you talkin' about?
Let me explain it to you.
The "Season in Hell" album
- will for sure be a big hit.
- So?
But now, now we raise the question
of who the hell played
on the mystery tape,
where was it recorded,
and, best of all,
were these songs recorded
after Eddie Wilson died?
What the hell
you gettin' at, Dave?
What I'm gettin' at is creating
a rock 'n' roll mystery.
We don't know how old
this new tape is.
It could have been recorded
before or after
Eddie Wilson's car
went off that bridge.
Because Eddie Wilson's body
was never found.
That's right.
After "Season in Hell"
goes gold,
we announce that we have
discovered this mystery tape.
Release each cut of it
as a single
and promote the hell out of it.
Get people to start believin'
that Eddie could still be alive.
You know, "Eddie lives"
kind of stuff.
We could arrange
sightings of Eddie.
Newspaper articles,
maybe even a TV special.
People do not want
their heroes to die.
And that stuff
sells records, Lew.
Lots of records.
So what do you think?
I think Eddie Wilson lives.
♪ I got smokestack lightning ♪
♪ Runnin' right ♪
♪ through my veins ♪
♪ Trouble hangin' ♪
♪ round my neck ♪
♪ Just like a ball and chain ♪
♪ Gotta be more to this ♪
♪ than bein' alive ♪
♪ Every day spittin' out ♪
♪ nine to five ♪
♪ I been runnin' ♪
♪ all over this town ♪
♪ Just feelin' no pain ♪
♪ I got a hunger ♪
♪ and a cold desire ♪
♪ Someday it's gonna ♪
♪ take me higher ♪
Hey, come on!
Get off of him!
Hey, he's holding him!
Come on, ref, God damn it!
What's the matter with you?
He's blind!
You see that?
I don't know, man.
You call this playoff hockey?
You're right.
We ain't skatin'.
Come on. The second period's
ready to start.
Hey, we got time, man.
- Excuse me, I'd like to...
- You don't need to excuse yourself.
Hey, tell me somethin'.
That's your brother over there, right?
You have an amazing face.
You know that?
Yeah, so do you. But I'm here
to watch a hockey game, okay?
I'd like to paint your portrait.
Seriously, this is my card.
I'm an artist.
- No, thanks.
- Please?
I mean it.
Hey, lady, do you do this
all the time?
When I see a face that expresses
something like yours, yeah.
So what does my face express?
Like someone looking for
something they can't have.
Do you know what I mean?
Sounds like sad painting.
No, thanks.
Well, I don't have
to paint it sad.
♪ When the moon hung ♪
♪ soft and low ♪
♪ Catching stardust ♪
♪ in the light ♪
♪ You held me ♪
♪ closer and closer ♪
♪ There was magic ♪
♪ in the night ♪
So when is your wife gonna come
and visit me again, huh?
Who taught her all those
nasty little tricks, right?
That was "Tender Years"
by Eddie and the Cruisers.
Hard to believe that Eddie Wilson's
been dead all these years.
But Satin Records' release
of "Season in Hell" eases the pain.
Now here's the lead cut
from the great Eddie Wilson.
I think you need
a vacation, Joe.
♪ I need someone ♪
♪ I can just be with ♪
♪ Someone just like you ♪
♪ I need someone ♪
♪ that I can be with ♪
♪ Someone just like you ♪
♪ I need somebody ♪
♪ that I can talk to ♪
♪ I need somebody new ♪
♪ Ain't it funny ♪
♪ how I can talk to you? ♪
♪ I can talk to you ♪
♪ I need somebody ♪
♪ that I can talk to ♪
♪ I need somebody ♪
Could you take an Irish Mist
to the sax player, please?
That guy over there
bought you a drink.
Tell him thank you.
How'd you know
I liked Irish Mist?
I was in this club in Jersey
a few years ago
to see Ike and Tina Turner play.
Man, that was a while ago.
This young horn player
comes in late,
trips on a Mic cord,
falls into the first row
and plays the whole first set
sittin' on his ass.
Man, you got a good memory.
You got a good sound, man.
Sounds like a bell skippin'
across a clear lake.
Reminds me of Wendell Newton.
Wendell Newton?
I knew Wendell.
Long before he joined
Eddie and the Cruisers.
Then we just lost touch.
Man, Wendell was as crazy
as anybody I ever met.
But a sweeter man
you'd never find.
He just couldn't shake
the monkey, that's all.
How'd you know Wendell?
I'd hear him playin' in clubs.
Do you Mall?
Hey, I thought I heard
you say you play guitar.
Yeah, I play guitar.
Oh. Well, Hilton knows that I'm
looking for a new guitarist.
Why? You wanna try out?
Before you add one, you oughta
learn to play it yourself.
Hey, man, excuse me.
What did you say?
I said your bass player
can't sing,
and you come in on a wrong beat.
I come in on the wrong beat?
Yeah, that's right.
You should kick it,
not step on it.
Who are you, buddy?
Who the hell do you think
you are comin' down here
tellin' me how to play
with my band?
Somebody should.
Hey, Rick.
Let him play.
A man's music speaks louder
than his words.
Let's see what you got.
All right.
Here, man, be my guest.
Be my guest.
This should be funny.
This should be
completely hilarious.
Hey, guys, let him play.
All right.
I'll do 12-bar blues in C.
- All right.
- Just follow me.
I'll count you in.
One, two, three, four!
♪ It was the Garden of Eden ♪
♪ The beginning of time ♪
♪ Adam said to Eve ♪
♪ Little girl, ♪
♪ I wanna make you mine ♪
♪ So wait a minute, big boy ♪
♪ Not so fast ♪
♪ I wanna think this over ♪
♪ I want a love ♪
♪ that's gonna last ♪
♪ Then Eve said to Adam ♪
♪ Catch me if you can ♪
♪ It's been the same old story ♪
♪ ever since the world began ♪
♪ Honey, I'll give you anything ♪
♪ in this great big world ♪
♪ She said forget ♪
♪ those rotten apples ♪
♪ I'll take some diamonds ♪
♪ and some pearls ♪
♪ He said I don't know ♪
♪ exactly what it is you mean ♪
♪ She said ever since ♪
♪ she could remember ♪
♪ She had this pretty dream ♪
♪ Then Eve said to Adam ♪
♪ Catch me if you can ♪
♪ It's been the same old story ♪
♪ ever since the world began ♪
Hey, man, you were great!
Get outta the way.
Hey, look, man.
I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry about what I said.
Excuse me.
Hey, wait!
Hey, what are you doin' here?
Looking for you.
I saw the name of this bar
on the matches
you used at the hockey game.
Guess it was luck.
Yeah, right, luck.
You go there often?
Seems like once too often.
So you're a tough guy, huh?
You're right, you know.
I couldn't paint you.
I couldn't capture how
tough you are on canvas.
I'd probably need
a hammer and chisel
just because you're so tough.
Wait a minute.
You really come
looking for me to...
Yes, I want to paint you.
You need a ride somewhere?
After you see my work,
maybe you'll change your mind.
Maybe I won't.
And maybe you will.
If that's not your band,
then where do you play?
I don't.
Why not?
You're very good.
Not good enough.
You really like
green and blue, huh?
Mm-hmm, but the red
is what's important.
I'm trying to exhaust
myself with red.
I don't get it.
At least you're honest.
No, I didn't mean that.
I like your paintings.
My first showing's next week.
I hope the critics
agree with you.
Didn't I see you earlier today?
Excuse me?
Excuse me, sir?
- Yeah?
- Do you know where West is?
Aw, shit.
Joe West?
Think he's down there.
- Ah, there he is. Great.
- Yeah, there he is.
Hey! Hey, Joe!
Joe, wait!
I wanna talk to you!
This sucks!
This is for the birds, man!
Nice view, huh?
Especially down.
Yeah, right.
Look, I was wondering if
you wanted to be in my band.
You don't need me, kid.
Man, you are really good.
The city's full of good players.
Go find one of 'em.
Look, at least come
and jam with me.
I'll think about it, okay?
I got a question.
I'm gonna take
the elevator down with you.
I don't wanna go down
those stairs again.
You got a union card?
Not bad.
Not bad?
What the hell's
that supposed to mean?
Not bad means not bad.
And I suppose thanks for nothin'
means thanks for nothin', right?
Listen, if I was in a bar
and I heard you playin',
it'd be nice being in there.
Then I'd go home
and I'd forget all about it.
That's what not bad means.
Thanks a lot, man.
Hey, you don't want
the truth, don't ask!
Make up your own,
like everybody else.
Look, man, I wanna learn.
Is that okay?
You ain't gonna learn nothin'
by impressing yourself
with some five-minute
guitar riff.
I mean, it was good.
It would dazzle an audience.
But that's the easy part.
Okay, okay.
Hold on a second, hotshot.
Why don't you show me
something I don't know?
Music's gotta live, man.
It's gotta breathe.
Just let it breathe.
Well, how the hell am I
supposed to do that?
And hard work.
Here they come!
- Mr. Eisen!
- Mr. Eisen!
Who played backup
on the mystery tape
- if it wasn't the Cruisers?
- That we don't know.
But we are offering
a $25,000 reward
for anyone who can tell us.
And we need to know when
these songs were recorded.
What are you implying?
Well, Eddie Wilson's body
was never found, right?
So you think Eddie Wilson's
still alive?
Well, let's just say,
it's still a mystery, okay?
Why do you think
he hasn't turned up?
When I talk to him,
I'll let you know.
So you do know where he is?
We have had reports
that he's been seen
in 12 states
and in Paris, France.
We're checking that out.
How long are you gonna
keep up this scam?
What scam?
Get out of here.
So, how long do you think
we can keep up this, uh, scam?
As long as we got
records to sell.
Do you paint?
What kind of buildings?
Big ones.
You know, this work
doesn't do a thing for me.
What do you think?
Me, I like the way
she exhausts the reds.
I told you, your work
needs a warmer feel.
I paint what I see.
You've only sold two paintings.
Make that three.
Excuse me?
I said make that three.
I wanna buy this one.
You can't just rip the paintings
out of the display!
If there's any damage,
you are going to pay for it.
Hey, pal, the only damage
I see is
you don't understand her work.
This is a private showing.
Do you have an invitation?
Diane invited me.
That was a mistake!
Oh, yeah, it was.
And not my first.
Hey, come on.
Take it easy.
You'll have other shows.
Your first show
is the most important.
I was hoping...
forget it.
Let me give you a ride home.
I'd rather walk.
Well, I'd like to walk with you,
but I just bought this painting
and I like it a lot,
and I don't want it
to get ruined.
So help me put it
in my car, huh?
Do you really like it?
I can't believe you did it
from memory.
Come on, I wanna
show you something.
What are you doing?
I thought you were taking me home.
Don't you wanna
go roller skating?
Why in the hell would
I wanna go roller skating?
Why not?
Because I just screwed up,
I'm very depressed,
and I don't know how
to roller skate.
That's perfect.
I don't either.
Come on.
This is nuts.
I know.
Come on, huh?
Are you all right?
If you want, I should
lay that girl out.
Come on.
Having fun yet?
Joe, I'm never gonna
be able to do this.
Sure, you can.
Just follow the flow
of my legs, dear.
What? One foot?
One foot at a time.
You can try to move both of them,
but you'll probably fall.
You know how to roller skate,
don't you?
Let's see.
All right, skaters!
Get ready for
some exciting music!
Tonight right here
at Bobby's Rink,
we're gonna give you a preview
of the mystery tape
from the great Eddie Wilson!
Satin Records' latest release.
Yes, it's called
"Emotional Storm"!
What's wrong?
My legs got tired.
You didn't seem tired.
Just take your skates off
and let's get outta here, okay?
Hey, how you doing, man?
Listen, I was thinkin' about
what you were talkin' about.
Forget about what I said,
whatever it was.
You were right, man.
My music was missing something.
Man, get off my back!
Remember when we were
jamming the other day?
Well, I made
a tape cassette, man.
- You gotta hear this.
- Not now.
Come on. I gotta talk to you
about my band.
Come here, kid.
I don't wanna talk to you
about any goddamn band!
So get off my back, all right?
Joe, take it easy.
Let him go.
Man, I just wanted
to jam with you.
If you don't want it, fine.
Come on.
I don't feel right
keeping your painting
without paying for it.
So when I get the money together,
I'll come back for it.
So you do remember
how to talk, huh?
I mean, you haven't said
a word all the way here.
Why did that guy
make you so mad?
He wants me to join his band.
So, why don't you?
You wouldn't understand.
- Try me.
- Why do you care?
I do care.
Diane, I don't wanna hurt you.
Then I just won't let you.
Good morning.
Joe, last night you were
scared of something.
I could feel it.
Does that guy have
something on you?
Then what's the matter?
There's some happening
in my life I just can't handle.
Go on, please.
a long time ago I had a band.
I wanted to create
the perfect sound,
the perfect music.
I spent a whole year
working on this album.
And when I was done,
I was proud of it.
And then I handed it in,
then this guy at Satin Records,
he told me it was garbage.
He said I was finished.
The album was unreleasable.
I can't go through that again.
I'm sure people have forgotten
your old band by now.
- You could start...
- No!
That's the point!
Nobody's forgotten!
I hear it and see it
every goddamn day
on radio, television!
It's drivin' me crazy!
They like me better
dead than alive!
What do you mean, dead?
What band are you talking about?
The Cruisers,
Eddie and the Cruisers.
What are you saying, Joe?
I'm Eddie Wilson.
Oh, come on.
You and 10 other guys, right?
I've seen those
lookalike contests.
Eddie Wilson died when his car
went over a bridge.
Didn't he?
Didn't he?
I still don't remember
what happened.
I was driving.
The car hit the guardrail
of the bridge
and I lost control.
I remember swimming.
I was thinking
about Wendell Newton,
the sax player
from the Cruisers.
But he was dead.
I got out. I just split.
I left everyone
and everything behind.
And I hurt a lot of people.
For 20 years,
it's been tearin' me apart.
Everybody thinks I'm dead.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Why not just tell everyone?
I mean, people want Eddie
to be alive, Joe.
Yeah, people like Lew Eisen
so he can get rich
off an Eddie Wilson freak show.
Then don't say
who you are and just play.
I won't measure up.
You should do it.
You should do it.
That is great!
You know something, though?
I knew you were gonna
change your mind.
You knew more than I did, kid.
First thing we gotta do
is put together a new band.
Well, what's the matter
with my old band?
Not much.
What you need is drums,
keyboard and a new bass player.
That's it.
He's just playing
for some kids now,
- but I saw him last week at the...
- Yeah, I know.
He was good.
- Hey, Bobby!
- How you doin'?
Rick tells me you're
lookin' for a serious dude.
I should tell you, I'm never
serious except with these.
He'll do.
Hitting the number two spot
on the radio
and records music charts
this week
is the first single
off the Eddie Wilson mystery tapes.
Now here's the big news.
Our friends at Satin Records
have upped their offer
to 100,000 big ones.
That's $100,000 to anybody
who has proof
as to who's playing backup
on this Eddie Wilson
mystery tape series.
Now let's do some cruisin'
for just you and me.
♪ Out beyond ♪
♪ that blue horizon ♪
♪ Lies the untold tales ♪
♪ of our life ♪
Okay. Quinn, I'd like you
to meet Joe West.
How you doin', man?
Rick's been scoutin' you
for a couple of weeks.
He tells me you're thinkin'
about joining another band.
What sort of music
are we talkin' about?
The real kind, man.
You think he'll fit in our band?
He'd fit in my band.
He plays six instruments.
I heard him.
I couldn't care less if
he played 60 instruments.
- Shh!
- Shh!
Look at the guy.
He's a goofball.
Look at the vest he's wearing.
Even a clown wouldn't be caught
dead wearing a vest like that.
He don't play
with his vest, man.
- Shh!
- Shh!
Yeah, solid, man.
Let's do it!
You're laggin', man.
I know. I'm sorry.
Charlie, you're all
over the place, man.
Bring it in!
We ain't in a pocket, guys!
It's coming.
He'll get it.
No, man.
What is that?
You said play more intense!
Louder ain't more intense.
Then what is?
What is more intense?
I was in the desert once
out in the middle of nowhere,
absolutely nowhere, just me,
the sand and silence.
But if you know
what to listen for,
it ain't silent out there.
I heard a music out there
I never heard before.
In the silence.
That's what I'm after, kid.
That's intense.
You dig down deep and
touch something like that,
people are gonna listen.
They'll listen to you because
you got something to say.
Not just something to show.
Do you understand?
Yeah, I think I know
what you're talkin' about.
If you've just joined us, our guest
tonight is Wendy Green.
Miss Green claims to be married
to the legendary rock star,
Eddie Wilson.
Now let me get this straight.
You've been married
to Eddie Wilson
- for the last 10 years?
- That's right.
But when he died,
Eddie Wilson was single.
My Eddie, he didn't die.
And you have two kids by him?
Eddie, Jr. and Edwina.
Uh, let's go to phone calls
from our viewers
with questions or comments
for our guest.
I think that woman's crazy.
I mean, Eddie and I,
we've been together
since I met him in Vegas.
And we got three kids.
Oh, no.
Wherever Eddie Wilson is,
I sure hope this album
goes platinum
so he can support
all these children.
Let's take another call.
Man, we gotta go on the road
and get some exposure.
We gotta practice.
- Well, that's all part of it.
- No, that's all of it.
We need like six months, man.
Forget the road.
We can't.
I already made
some bookings for us.
We're supposed
to leave tomorrow morning.
Who the hell do you think
you are, booking us?
Well, I was doing it
for the band!
I'll decide what the band needs!
You learn to play
your damn guitar!
Okay, fine.
Well, what do you guys think?
I don't know, man.
Joe's right.
We gotta practice.
Our music's not bad.
But, you know, you need
an audience to make music work.
Without nobody to listen,
might as well play for yourself.
Hilton, the kid's
in such a rush.
Well, what's the matter
with that, man?
Hey, a man in a rush
starts taking shortcuts.
And I won't shortcut the music!
Okay, fine.
I'll cancel all the dates.
All right, wait a minute.
We'll go on the road...
to practice.
Let's get on with the music.
- Whoa!
- We're here!
You animals!
- Hey, bro.
- What's up?
- What took you so long?
- Hey!
All right, brother. Let me
give you a hand with that.
- Got it?
- Whoa!
Hey, man, what's going on?
What do you mean?
Well, she's not coming
with us, is she?
She's coming with me.
- Man, I got no room!
- Make room.
Hey, Hi, how you doin', man?
Hey, man. Make room.
♪ Cajun band, play this tune... ♪
Hey, Joe?
For luck, man.
Thanks, man.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Rock Solid!
♪ I got smokestack lightning ♪
♪ runnin' through my veins ♪
♪ Trouble hangin' ♪
♪ round my neck ♪
♪ It's like a ball and chain ♪
♪ Gotta be more than this ♪
♪ to being alive ♪
♪ Every day spittin' out ♪
♪ nine to five ♪
♪ Every night runnin' ♪
♪ all over this town ♪
♪ Feelin' no pain ♪
♪ I got a hunger ♪
♪ and a cold desire ♪
♪ Someday it's gonna ♪
♪ take me higher ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Just runnin' ♪
♪ through the fire ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Just runnin' ♪
♪ through the fire ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, if you're ♪
♪ ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
♪ Hey ♪
Come on!
♪ I'm rollin' down ♪
♪ the alleyway ♪
♪ Just headin' for ♪
♪ the neon lights ♪
♪ I got a soul full of struggling ♪
♪ Need a little mercy ♪
♪ tonight ♪
♪ This world's askin' ♪
♪ just a little too much ♪
♪ Honey, I need ♪
♪ a lovin' tender touch ♪
♪ Just move your body ♪
♪ close to mine ♪
♪ Make everything all right ♪
♪ I got a hunger ♪
♪ and a cold desire ♪
♪ Someday it's gonna ♪
♪ take me higher ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Just runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Just runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, if you're ♪
♪ ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, if you're ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, if you're ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
All right!
All right.
All right!
All right, now. It's time
to introduce the band.
On bass, Quinn Quinley.
Keyboard, Stewart Fairbanks.
Drums, Sexy Charlie Tanzie.
Lead guitar, Rick Diesel.
Saxophone, Hilton Overstreet.
I'm Joe West.
♪ There was a time ♪
♪ You had no need ♪
♪ for rhythm or rhyme ♪
♪ And the world seemed ♪
♪ so wild and so free ♪
♪ Just wrapped yourself ♪
♪ up in a dream ♪
♪ Tell Tony Eddie and the Cruisers ♪
♪ are here. ♪
♪ All you had to do ♪
♪ was believe ♪
♪ And nothin' was ♪
♪ out of your reach ♪
♪ So sure how it ♪
♪ all falls in line ♪
♪ It's just a matter of time ♪
♪ It's just a matter of time ♪
♪ Then you wake up one day ♪
♪ All your dreams ♪
♪ somehow faded away ♪
♪ The road that you followed ♪
♪ it turned ♪
♪ You can't find where ♪
♪ the fire once burned ♪
♪ Can't look yourself ♪
♪ straight in the eye ♪
♪ In your heart of hearts ♪
♪ you've compromised ♪
♪ Baby, one day ♪
♪ we all cross that line ♪
♪ It's just ♪
♪ a matter of time ♪
♪ It's just a matter of time ♪
♪ All alone in ♪
♪ the still of the night ♪
♪ You come face to face ♪
♪ with your pride ♪
♪ And how much you ♪
♪ wanted it all ♪
♪ You can't believe how ♪
♪ you're taking the fall ♪
♪ Then you reach out one day ♪
♪ To the light of ♪
♪ a new dawning day ♪
♪ And you take just one ♪
♪ small grain of sand ♪
♪ Right into ♪
♪ the palm of your hand ♪
♪ And maybe you find ♪
♪ in the end ♪
♪ You're able ♪
♪ to dream once again ♪
♪ And baby, ♪
♪ you fall back in line ♪
♪ It's just a matter of time ♪
♪ It's just ♪
♪ a matter of time ♪
You were right.
Stewart was perfect
on the keyboard.
He's gettin' there.
Oh, come on!
We blew these guys away!
We got a long way to go, kid.
Especially if you
wanna play for me.
Lyndsay Caputo.
I'm putting together
the Montreal Spring
Music Festival this year.
I'm looking for a band.
You want us?
Well, I thought it'd be nice
to open with a local act.
Well, that's us.
We're local.
Yeah. You guys have got
a good sound.
It's a little unpolished
We haven't been together that long.
We're still workin' out the kinks.
Well, when you get 'em worked out,
why don't you give me a call
and I'll give you an audition.
Oh, this is great.
For sure, I'll call you.
Your lead singer?
He sounds a bit
like Eddie Wilson.
You might wanna capitalize
on that.
You know, all this
Eddie Wilson crap goin' on.
Oh, this is great!
Mwah! Love ya.
Hey, did you hear her idea?
I mean, you know,
you do sound a little bit
like Eddie Wilson.
- I think it would be a great...
- Forget it, kid.
Eddie Wilson's dead.
The only thing that's gonna
make us is our music.
♪ Here comes the kingfish ♪
♪ up from New Orleans ♪
♪ He's got a fist full of dollars... ♪
And you're sure that is Eddie Wilson
playing on that tape?
Oh, absolutely.
In fact, we are now
offering $250,000
for bona fide proof
that Eddie Wilson lives.
Aren't you a little worried
that this guaranteed reward
is really a publicity stunt
to sell more
Eddie and the Cruiser albums?
No, not at all.
You see, this is not a marketing
technique, Mr. King.
We are after the truth.
And I assure you, we will
pay anyone $250,000
the moment they can prove
to Satin Records
that Eddie Wilson lives.
Give me a hand here.
Sorry, door.
Hey, quick, give me my case.
Not that one, the other one.
Hey, girls, wanna come back
to see another show?
Knew I should have
gone to college.
♪ I got a hot rod Ford ♪
♪ I got a line that can't miss ♪
♪ But you just pretend ♪
♪ Like I don't exist ♪
♪ Well, I get that fever ♪
♪ For your sweet kiss ♪
♪ Honey, let's be lovers ♪
♪ On a night like this ♪
♪ Don't you play too cool ♪
♪ Don't get too smart ♪
♪ Just give it what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
♪ When I call you up ♪
♪ On the telephone ♪
♪ And I know you're sittin' ♪
♪ Home all alone ♪
♪ I get that fire ♪
♪ Burnin' in my soul ♪
♪ Honey, let me in ♪
♪ To that heart of stone ♪
♪ Don't you play too cool ♪
♪ Don't get too smart ♪
♪ Just give it what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
♪ I know that you're pretendin' ♪
♪ Don't you leave me ♪
♪ here in the cold ♪
♪ Just put your hand ♪
♪ in my hand ♪
♪ On your mark, ♪
♪ get ready, set, go ♪
♪ Baby, come right here ♪
♪ Don't you run away ♪
♪ Just a little bit closer ♪
♪ Don't you be afraid ♪
♪ Honey, I'm your fool ♪
♪ But I ain't no saint ♪
♪ So don't be cruel ♪
♪ You know I just can't wait ♪
♪ Don't you play too cool ♪
♪ Don't get too smart ♪
♪ Just give it what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
♪ Baby, won't you meet me ♪
♪ On a midnight rendezvous? ♪
♪ Won't you say you want me? ♪
♪ You know, girl, I want you ♪
♪ I want to take you out ♪
♪ To a movie show ♪
♪ And honey, we can sit ♪
♪ In the very last row ♪
♪ And when they turn those ♪
♪ Lights way down low ♪
♪ I'll take you ♪
♪ in my arms, baby ♪
♪ And never let you go ♪
♪ Don't you play too cool ♪
♪ Get too smart ♪
♪ Just give it what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
♪ Just give it what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
♪ Just give it what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
Take it for me, man.
I think this is my dance.
Shouldn't you be playing?
You're right. Wait for me
back in the room.
What did you say?
I said wait for me
back in the room!
- You're kidding, right?
- Hey, what the hell's goin' on?
- Not now!
- What do you mean, not now?
I'm talking to Diane.
Go ahead.
We'll talk later.
Hey, don't tell me what to do.
I was just returning the favor.
God damn it, Joe!
- Where are you going?
- Away from you!
Wait a minute!
Diane, I'm sorry.
You have the band to kick around.
What do you need me for?
I just said I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I kind of liked seeing you
jealous back there.
It surprised me.
Yeah, it surprised me, too.
Well, Satin Records
has already released
two songs from the so-called
Eddie Wilson mystery tape.
What makes you so sure
it's not Eddie Wilson?
- It can't be.
- Why not?
Eddie was a standup guy.
If he were alive today,
I would be right there
next to him.
He wouldn't have to hide from me.
I was his friend.
Well, despite your protests,
there are a lot of people
who disagree.
In fact, we're gonna
go right now
to another Eddie Lives party
sponsored by Satin Records.
They are celebrating
the release of the third song
from the Eddie Wilson
mystery tape.
Here comes the kingfish
up from New Orleans
He got a fist full of dollars
and a mind full of dreams
What you watchin', Diane?
Nothing good.
Joe, play that
New York City song for me.
Yeah, sure.
I wrote this a long time ago,
you know.
♪ Said, hey, little girl, ♪
♪ take me by the hand ♪
♪ Walk with me ♪
♪ down this boardwalk ♪
♪ Once last time again ♪
♪ See those pretty pier lights ♪
♪ Hear those carnival sounds ♪
♪ Wanna stop ♪
♪ right at the top tonight ♪
♪ When the Ferris wheel ♪
♪ goes round ♪
♪ Well, I sing ♪
♪ for these tourists ♪
♪ 'Bout a dream life ♪
♪ on the water ♪
♪ And a dream, ♪
♪ it gets broken ♪
♪ This life gets ♪
♪ harder and harder ♪
♪ I gotta leave this ♪
♪ candy apple town behind ♪
♪ Get out while I still can ♪
♪ I'm goin' to New York City ♪
♪ With this guitar ♪
♪ in my hand ♪
♪ I've been wishin' ♪
♪ on these stars too long ♪
♪ I've been playin' ♪
♪ in these bars too long ♪
♪ I've been holed up ♪
♪ in your arms too long ♪
♪ I've been a prisoner ♪
♪ of my heart too long ♪
♪ I'm goin' to New York City ♪
♪ Gonna find out ♪
♪ where I stand ♪
♪ And I'll be walkin' ♪
♪ down Broadway ♪
♪ With this guitar ♪
♪ in my hand ♪
You really enjoy this life,
don't you?
Always traveling?
Still miss Jersey.
Oh, and what's
so special about Jersey?
Baby, there's nowhere else
in the world
like the Garden State.
You got miles of swamps
and mountains and dumps.
Different colored rivers,
automobile graveyards.
Breweries, factories, ballparks
all mixed up together.
It's the best place to live.
Then why does the Statue of Liberty
face the other way?
That was cruel.
- Hey, hey, hey, listen, listen.
- What?
There. Right there.
Oh, that's great.
Okay, bye.
Joe, I just talked to Lyndsay Caputo
over at the Festival.
She's coming to meet us
at the gig next week.
I didn't tell you to do that.
We ain't ready to audition.
I guess it's
a difference of opinion.
The Festival is my call, Rick.
Look, you may be happy
playing these dives, man,
but I want a record deal.
I want the magazine covers.
I want the videos.
Hey, how many times
I gotta tell you?
It's the music that counts,
not the hype!
Not the hype, I know.
But we all wanna play
the Festival.
Oh, you're all in on this?
You know I've seen
a lot of bands come and go.
Most aren't very good.
But once in a while,
a very long while,
one comes along
that's worth saving.
Well, that's gonna be up to you.
All right.
This is how it's gonna go down.
We find a place.
Some place with no distractions.
And we rehearse
until I say we got it right.
Then we audition.
♪ We had a dream ♪
♪ you once believed in ♪
♪ That burned inside you ♪
♪ like a fire ♪
♪ Your big wheel ♪
♪ keep on turnin' ♪
♪ Somehow that dream, ♪
♪ it passed you by ♪
Hold it!
Hold it! Hold it!
Guys, let's just get back
in the pocket, all right?
Charlie, where you
racing to, huh?
You stopped doin' that
two months ago. What happened?
Get on your goddamn feet, Quinn.
All right, let's take it
from the top, okay?
One, two, three, four.
♪ As I ride ♪
♪ this lonesome highway ♪
♪ The desert wind ♪
♪ across my face ♪
♪ My mind slowly wanders ♪
♪ To another time, ♪
♪ another place ♪
♪ When the world ♪
♪ was so much younger ♪
♪ With no reason ♪
♪ to hold back ♪
♪ We were ♪
♪ so afraid of losin' ♪
♪ All the things ♪
♪ we never had ♪
♪ Those days are gone ♪
♪ forever ♪
For months now,
people all across America
have been buying up the
Eddie Wilson mystery singles
and have been trying
to figure out
just who is playing backup
on these songs.
Our rock 'n' roll musicologist,
Merrill Schindler,
has this report.
Thank you, Martha.
I analyzed one guitar solo.
And my computer
gave me one name.
The name was
the legendary Bo Diddley.
We've got Bo Diddley
live via satellite.
Bo, how are you doing?
Just fine, thank you.
Bo, where were
those sessions held?
Oh, in Jersey.
A little place outside of,
um, Newark,
uh, called Lakehurst.
Now for the important question.
When were those sessions held?
I wish I knew.
The years kind of,
you know, blend together.
Who else was there?
Eddie was kind of running things
along with his sax player,
Wendell Newton.
Come in here and listen to this!
That definitely clears up
a mystery for me.
Martha, the presence
of Wendell Newton
obviously dates these sessions
as happening
before Eddie Wilson's death.
Which means that...
Which means that we have
no proof that Eddie Wilson lived.
And in my opinion, we can put
to rest those grisly rumors
that Eddie Wilson's
still alive somewhere.
I think this guy
should drop dead.
Dear Mr. Eisen...
I got a band
and my lead singer sings
a lot like Eddie Wilson.
I hope you'll listen
to this tape
and if you like it, please
contact me as soon as possible.
Yours truly, Rick Diesel.
Damn it, man!
You say this is gonna
take us another month?
Man, we're gonna
miss the Festival!
We just ain't ready, man!
Oh, according to you,
we're never gonna be ready!
Look, we need more time!
More time, man?
What are you talking about?
I think you're afraid
to go onstage.
You're afraid to put it
on the line, man!
You don't know
what you're talkin' about.
Oh, yeah? Then why are we
hiding out in a cabin here, man?
- Playing for the goddamn trees!
- Shut up!
We're all ready to play
this goddamn Festival!
You're ready? Yeah?
Then do it!
No. Let him go.
First you destroy your guitar.
Now your songs.
You gonna be next?
They're lousy songs.
They don't even burn good.
Good thing
you know 'em by heart.
Be a shame to lose that
many songs by Eddie Wilson.
I knew the minute
I heard you play.
The way a man plays,
he's born with it.
Like fingerprints.
He can hide under another name,
but he can't disguise
the way he plays.
Then it's a good thing
I'm quittin'.
You're not quittin' now, Eddie.
You owe it to this band.
You brought them this far.
They deserve another chance.
Just like you had a chance.
But they ain't gonna
get it without you.
You owe it to them, Eddie.
And you owe it to me.
♪ Tell the boys now, ♪
♪ I'm trying to stay cool ♪
♪ This little girl, ♪
♪ she breaks all of the rules ♪
♪ Her pretty lies ♪
♪ make me feel so sad ♪
♪ But I still want her ♪
♪ And I want her bad ♪
♪ Tonight ♪
♪ 'Cause when ♪
♪ she holds me tight ♪
♪ Mariah, ♪
♪ won't you say you will? ♪
♪ Mariah, you give me ♪
♪ such a chill ♪
♪ Mariah, girl, ♪
♪ you're just like the wind ♪
♪ You fill my sails ♪
♪ and then you blow me away ♪
♪ Hey, pretty Mariah ♪
♪ She's a woman ♪
♪ She can make ♪
♪ my blood run cold ♪
♪ She's a woman ♪
♪ Give me shivers ♪
♪ down to my soul ♪
♪ Her heart of stone ♪
♪ She can't control ♪
♪ I just can't leave her ♪
♪ Mariah, ♪
♪ won't you say you will? ♪
♪ Mariah, you give me ♪
♪ such a chill ♪
♪ Mariah, girl, ♪
♪ you're just like the wind ♪
♪ You fill my sails ♪
♪ and then you blow me away ♪
♪ Hey, pretty Mariah ♪
You guys are too good
to be just an opening act.
But I'm gonna do it anyway.
- We did it.
- Did it!
I want somethin' great.
I want somethin' that nobody's
ever done before.
Why? We ain't great.
We're just some guys
from Jersey.
If we can't be great,
then there's no sense
in ever playin' music
again, Sal.
- Dad?
- Yeah?
Can I go play with Richie?
Sure. Come here.
What's this?
- What?
- Aw, Dad.
Okay, Richie,
I'm coming, I'm coming!
Son of a...
Jesus Christ!
You son of a bitch!
You son of a...
Son of a bitch.
Jesus Christ!
You been dead for
20 years, God damn it!
I gotta talk to you, Sal.
Shut up!
You're dead, God damn it!
- I gotta talk to you, Sal!
- Don't talk to me!
Don't talk to me!
Shut up!
Get away from me!
I'm... I'm sorry.
Who the hell do you
think you are, huh?
What kind of person
does that to a friend?
Shit. I was your best friend,
God damn it!
Why did you do it?
I couldn't handle it.
You couldn't handle it?
I hate you, man.
I came back 'cause
I need you, Sal.
I really need you, man.
Yeah? What about all
the times I needed you?
I'm scared. I don't know
what I'm gonna do.
I need you to forgive me.
I'm sorry, man.
I'm really sorry.
Come here, you.
What's all this bullshit
about the mystery tapes?
You and Wendell coming
here to play 20 years ago?
It was just an experiment, Sal.
Look, Wendell knew these guys
that had a recording studio
here, that's all.
The funny thing is
that there I was,
playing with the greatest.
Bo Diddley, King Curtis,
thinkin' this is great.
This is what I want.
♪ It's an emotional storm ♪
♪ Raining down over you ♪
♪ It's an emotional storm ♪
♪ Baby, what we're goin' through ♪
♪ An emotional storm ♪
♪ Raining down over you ♪
♪ An emotional storm ♪
♪ Baby, what we're going through ♪
♪ It's an emotional storm ♪
♪ It's an emotional storm ♪
♪ Emotional storm ♪
♪ Emotional storm, ♪
♪ emotional storm ♪
And, you know, to them,
it was just another
night of jammin'.
That's what got me
thinkin', wonderin'.
I started thinkin'
I wasn't good enough.
Then Wendell died.
I couldn't take it anymore.
'Cause it was my fault.
Wendell OD'd.
Why do you blame yourself
for Wendell's death, huh?
Because I could have saved him.
I was pushin' the band
to get a sound,
and I didn't care about anybody.
You didn't kill Wendell.
The monkey was on his back
long before he ever met you.
Wendell was just a player,
like all of 'em.
Maybe that's why
they treated that night
like it was any other night.
And that should
tell you somethin'.
Don't worry about
being good enough.
Just go out there and play it
the best you can play it,
that's all.
Hey, Sal, you know I got
a new band up there in Canada.
I could sure use you.
Nah, I got my own life here.
You were the best
in the band, man.
That's bullshit.
I was just a guy from Jersey
who played bass.
Maybe the band...
I don't know.
Maybe the band would have
held you back.
Who knows?
Maybe this time,
you can get it right.
Well, kid, you finally got
what you wanted.
Thanks to you.
Nah, I think you got
that one backwards.
You Rick Diesel?
- Yeah, that's right.
- Come with me.
There's some guys backstage
that wanna meet you.
15 minutes, everybody!
Let's get ready!
- You Joe West?
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Uh-huh.
Fan mail?
Yeah, from an old friend.
Lookin' good.
- You Rick Diesel?
- That's me.
- Lew Eisen.
- How you doin'?
Excellent! Come with me.
- So you liked the tape?
- Yeah, it's all right.
It was only a fast demo tape.
But, hey, man, this is great
you coming up here.
Look, I want you to meet Joe.
Come here.
Yeah, sure.
Joe, you ready?
- Yeah.
- Okay, good.
Now I'm gonna
introduce the band.
Hey, Joe!
- Hey, Joe!
- No.
I always introduce the band
after the first song.
Hey, Joe, I want you
to meet somebody.
- Are you Joe West?
- Yeah, I'm Joe West.
Lew Eisen, Satin Records.
Hey, come on, Joe.
Mr. Eisen here wants
to give us a record deal.
- He hasn't even heard us yet, kid.
- I sent him a tape.
- You what?
- Just a sample.
You son of a bitch!
Who do you think you are, man?
What's wrong with that, man?
There's nothin' wrong
with that, kid.
Well, I'll be goddamned.
I don't believe it.
Stay away from me, man.
Eddie, we'll do it your way
this time.
I've changed.
I even like what
you're doing now.
What is this Eddie stuff?
Whatever Eddie Wilson wants!
What the hell is going on
here, man?
Eddie, come back!
Look, we are on your side
on this, Eddie!
Look, we really love the music!
Joe, wait!
So tomorrow
everyone's gonna know!
- But you still got tonight!
- To do what?
To do what you want!
To play what you want!
Nobody cares what I wanna play!
You do! You care!
Give me the keys!
- Where are you going?
- Give me the goddamn keys!
Get out!
Look, you've got one chance left
to prove that the music
is there for you
and that chance is tonight,
because tomorrow,
everybody is gonna know
who Joe West really is!
Diane, I don't wanna hurt you.
So get out of the car.
Just get out.
Okay, fine.
Let's go for a ride, huh?
And maybe we can find a bridge
and do it right this time, huh?
I don't give a damn!
Get the band out onstage!
Look, Joe's not even here!
Eddie, whatever!
Look, either you
get out onstage and play
or I send out the next act.
Relax, lady,
we are the next act.
Let's get on with
the music, kid.
- Let's go.
- Go, go.
' Gd.!
Yeah! Whoo!
♪ I got smokestack lightning ♪
♪ runnin' through my veins ♪
♪ Trouble hangin' round my neck ♪
♪ It's like a ball and chain ♪
♪ Gotta be more than this ♪
♪ to being alive ♪
♪ Every day spittin' out ♪
♪ nine to five ♪
♪ Every night runnin' ♪
♪ all over this town ♪
♪ Just feelin' no pain ♪
♪ I got a hunger ♪
♪ and a cold desire ♪
♪ Someday it's gonna ♪
♪ take me higher ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Just runnin' ♪
♪ through the fire ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Just runnin' ♪
♪ through the fire ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, if you're ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ I'm rollin' ♪
♪ down the alleyway ♪
♪ Headin' for ♪
♪ the neon lights ♪
♪ I got a soul full ♪
♪ of strugglin' ♪
♪ Need a little mercy ♪
♪ tonight ♪
♪ This world's askin' ♪
♪ just a little too much ♪
♪ Honey, I need ♪
♪ a lovin' tender touch ♪
♪ Just move ♪
♪ your body close to mine ♪
♪ Make everything all right ♪
♪ I got a hunger ♪
♪ and a cold desire ♪
♪ Someday it's gonna ♪
♪ take me higher ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Just another small flame ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, if you're ♪
♪ ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, if you're ♪
♪ ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, it's gonna get hot ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, if you're ♪
♪ ready or not ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Honey, any way you turn ♪
♪ Runnin' through the fire ♪
♪ Baby, you're gonna ♪
♪ get burned ♪
Thank you!
Let me introduce the band now!
On bass,
we got Quinn Quinley.
Stewart Fairbanks.
Sexy Charlie Tanzie.
Lead guitar, the killer,
Rick Diesel.
Hilton Overstreet.
And me...
I'm Eddie Wilson.
Eddie! Eddie!
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
Let's rock 'n' roll!
Everybody! Come on!
Yeah! Come on!
♪ I don't run for ♪
♪ the money, honey ♪
♪ It don't mean a thing ♪
♪ And the power ♪
♪ and the glory ♪
♪ Never ever made a man ♪
♪ a king ♪
♪ And I don't need to ride ♪
♪ In a long black limousine ♪
♪ I don't need to see ♪
♪ my picture ♪
♪ On the cover of a magazine ♪
♪ I just need ♪
♪ a little satisfaction ♪
♪ Hit me like ♪
♪ a chain reaction ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ I don't need ♪
♪ to read my name ♪
♪ All over ♪
♪ the front page news ♪
♪ Better save your ink, ♪
♪ mister ♪
♪ 'Cause I ain't got no use ♪
♪ Maybe you could say ♪
♪ That I'm just another ♪
♪ prisoner of love ♪
♪ It's the only thing ♪
♪ I know for sure ♪
♪ To help me rise above ♪
♪ I just need ♪
♪ a little satisfaction ♪
♪ Hit me like ♪
♪ a chain reaction ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ And it burns me ♪
♪ like a fire ♪
♪ And I feel it ♪
♪ take me higher ♪
♪ It gets down ♪
♪ under my skin ♪
♪ Makes me want to give ♪
♪ that wheel a spin ♪
♪ I just need ♪
♪ a little satisfaction ♪
♪ Hit me like ♪
♪ a chain reaction ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ I'm talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ Talkin' bout ♪
♪ the pride and passion ♪
♪ And the thrill of it all ♪
♪ Out beyond ♪
♪ that blue horizon ♪
♪ Lies the untold tales ♪
♪ of our lives ♪
♪ Where the river ♪
♪ runs wild and deep ♪
♪ And the mountains ♪
♪ kiss the sky ♪
♪ The highest mountain ♪
♪ I will climb ♪
♪ And I will survive ♪
♪ 'Cause you keep ♪
♪ my love alive ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ You keep my love alive ♪
♪ I got a hot rod Ford ♪
♪ I got a line ♪
♪ that can't miss ♪
♪ But you just pretend ♪
♪ Like I don't exist ♪
♪ Well, I get that fever ♪
♪ For your sweet kiss ♪
♪ Honey, let's be lovers ♪
♪ On a night like this ♪
♪ Don't you play too cool ♪
♪ Get too smart ♪
♪ Just give it ♪
♪ what you got ♪
♪ Some like it hot ♪
♪ There was a time ♪
♪ You had no need ♪
♪ for rhythm or rhyme ♪
♪ The world seemed ♪
♪ so wild and so free ♪
♪ Just wrapped yourself ♪
♪ up in a dream ♪
♪ All you had to do ♪
♪ was believe ♪
♪ And nothin' was out ♪
♪ of your reach ♪
♪ So sure how it ♪
♪ all falls in line ♪
♪ It's just ♪
♪ a matter of time ♪
♪ It's just a matter ♪
♪ of time ♪
♪ Mariah, won't you ♪
♪ say you will? ♪
♪ Mariah, you give me ♪
♪ such a chill ♪
♪ Mariah, girl, ♪
♪ you're just like the wind ♪
♪ You fill my sails ♪
♪ and then you blow me away ♪
♪ Hey, pretty Mariah ♪
♪ Won't you say you will? ♪
♪ Mariah, you give me ♪
♪ such a chill ♪
♪ Mariah, girl, ♪
♪ you're just like the wind ♪
♪ You fill my sails ♪
♪ and then you blow me away ♪
♪ Hey, pretty Mariah ♪