Easter Someday (2021) - full transcript

[upbeat music]

[film roll rattling]

[upbeat music]

[dramatic music]

- [Narrator] Many moons ago.

There was a man who found

a book on a dusty road

on the edge of town.

There was nothing

special about the book.

In fact, all the pages

were completely blank.

But for some reason, it

seemed to call to him.

So he picked it up and

carried it to his home

where he lived alone.

It is said that on the

night of a full moon

while holding the book

the man made a wish

to be with his true

love who had sailed

to the other side of the

world with her family.

The next morning,

nothing was left

in the house but the book.

Over the years, several

curious children

ventured into the man's

house and vanished forever.

The townspeople responded

with burning the house down.

The book, they say,

remained inside.

They call it The Book of Wishes.

Be careful what you wish for.

[dramatic music]

♪ All I want is a

long time in bed

♪ Dreaming 'til noon

- [Father] Ava.


I got your report card today.

Now you know what

I'm about to say.

Ah, don't talk.

Just listen.

Reading is one of the most

important skills you can have.

Now, I don't know

why you're slipping

just in that one subject,

but we need to fix that ASAP.

Now 'bout that slumber party.

You can't go.

No, it's not a punishment.

Well, kind of.

Yeah, it is a punishment,

but mostly it's because

tomorrow is a special day.

So you, little one,

will spend the rest

of the day reading books.

Got it?

[phone beeping]

[peaceful music]

[dog barking]

[peaceful music]

- And they all lived

a happily ever after.

[peaceful music]

- Ah.

Nice try.

- [Ava] Huh?

- Mm hm.

Now sweetie, you know

you did not finish

the rest of that book.

- Man, why do I have to

read to you guys anyways?

Aren't you guys

supposed to read to me?

- Sweetie, we love

reading to you,

but you do need to level

up on your reading level.

Real talk.

- Yup, your daddy's right.

- None of my friends

have to do this.

- That's the point.

- Honey, you will

understand one day,

but until then

just remember this.

That an attitude of gratitude

is a key to a happy life.

- Fine.

But why do I have to

go to bed so early?

It's Saturday.

My normal Saturday

night bedtime is-

- Little girl, tomorrow

is Easter Sunday

and your grandparents wanna

see you in church smiling.

- Mm hm.

- And you know how you get.

So gon' finish

reading that story

so we can all get a

good night's sleep.

- Okay.

- Love you.

- Love you guys, too.

- And the tortoise

said to the hare,

you can't catch me

with that speed.

I can take a break

and grab a cup of tea.

[gentle music]

The end.

[bright music]

I wish I was some place else.

Some place cool.

[bright music]

[ominous music]

[man snoring]

- Goodnight, baby girl.

- Love you.

[whimsical music]

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

- [Woman] What going on?

You look very familiar.

- Hi.

I think I'm lost.

- [Woman] What's

your name, child?

What's your name, child?

What's your name, child?


My name is.

[whimsical music]

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm mm mm

♪ Mm mm mm

[ominous music]

[soft dramatic music]

- This isn't my house.

[soft dramatic music]


[soft dramatic music]

[floor creaking]

[soft dramatic music]

Is anybody home?

[soft dramatic music]

[floor creaking]

[soft dramatic music]

[ominous music]

Is anybody home?

[floor creaking]

[ominous music]


[ominous music]

[eerie music]

[ominous music]


[ominous music]

I think I'm lost in your house.

[ominous music]


[ominous music]


[ominous music]

[soft dramatic music]

[floor creaking]

[ominous music]

- [Ghost] Ava.


[soft dramatic music]

[soft dramatic music]

[water dripping]

- This is really creepy.

- [Ghost] Ava.

[water dripping]

[glass shattering]

[soft dramatic music]

[water dripping]

[metal clanking]

[ominous music]

- Hello.

[ominous music]

Anybody in here?

[eerie music]

- [Ghost] Ava.

[eerie music]

[water dripping]

[suspenseful music]


[suspenseful music]

- Help.



[suspenseful music]

Anybody out there?

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music continues]

- [Ghost] Ava.



[suspenseful music]

Book of Wishes.

Welcome to your wish come true.

The book will tell

you what to do.

[suspenseful music]

- Help.



I just wanna go home.

[soft dramatic music]

It's so cold.

[soft dramatic music]

[whimsical music]

- What gwan?

You look very familiar.

- Hi.

I think I'm lost.

- Me disagree.

You look like someone who's

right where she wanted to be.

- I don't understand.

- [Coralia] What's

your name, child?

- My name is Ava.

- Ava.

My name is Coralia.

It's nice to meet you.

- It's nice to meet

you, too, Coralia.

- Tell me your story.

- I don't remember.

- Try.

- Well, it's just that I

don't know how I got here.

- What's the last

thing you remember?

- Well, I was sleeping and

then I woke up in this house

and there's this book and

the book led me to this door

and the door led me to here.

I just wanna go home.

- Sweetheart.

Everything has a solution.

If you focus on the problem,

you will never get

to the solution

and you will be

stuck here forever.

So, let's take a deep breath.

And let's try to figure

this thing out together.

What's the last

thing you remember?

- I don't remember.

- Try, sweetheart.

Think really, really hard.

- I was mad because I didn't

want to go to bed early.

So I read my parents

a bedtime story.

- You read them a bedtime story?

- They're super weird.

Don't ask.

So then it was a full moon

and I went to my window.

- What was on your windowsill?

- I don't know.

Some toys.

- What kind of toys?

- Some beads and a bunny rabbit.

- What kind of bunny?

- It was something.

It's kind of hard to describe,

but it was something that

I found and just kept

and it had big ears

and a fluffy nose.

- Oh no, that's not good.

- What do you mean

that's not good?

- I need you to think very hard.

The next question I'm going

to ask you is very important.

What did you do with that money?

Did you wish for anything

before going to bed?

- No, not that I remember,

but I know I didn't ask to

be trapped in some house

with trick doors

and a talking book.

- Okay.

Let's try something.

Give me your hands.

Close your eyes.

[whimsical music]

- [All] I got it.

I remember now.

I wished to be someplace else.

Someplace cool.

[gentle music]

- So can you help me?

- Yes.

But I've got some good news

and I've got some bad news.

The good news is I

can help you get home.

- Wow.

Thank you so much.

- The bad news is I can only

tell you how to get home.

You will have to

take the journey

by yourself in order

to reverse your wish.

I cannot go with you.

- Why is this happening to me?

How is all of this possible?

I mean, where am I?

- This place has no name really.

Most folks just call

it Someplace Someday.

- Someplace Someday?

- It's pretty simple really.

That bunny you touched

is a wish granter.

If you make a wish on

the night of a full moon,

it will take you exactly

where you asked to be.

- But this isn't

what I asked for.

- You asked to be

someplace else.

Someplace cool.

So here you are.

- Can you please just

help me get home?

- I can only tell

you what to do.

You must make the

journey by yourself.

You must follow the Rabbit King

and collect three golden eggs.

The Book of Wishes is going

to take you to magical doors

where you will face very

difficult challenges.

You must follow

these steps exactly.

It's going to be very hard

and you might face some

hobgoblins along the way.

- Hobgoblins?

- Half human, half rabbit.

All evil.

The best thing I can do

is give you this necklace.

Take it and wear

it at all times.

You can hear my voice

inside your head.

Now go.


I've never actually tried it.

It can do some other stuff, too.

Be careful.


And the next thing

I'm going to tell you

is very, very important.

If you do not collect all three

golden eggs before sunset,

you will be stuck here forever.

Like me.

[soft piano music]

- [Ghost] Pink door.

[soft piano music]

[ominous music]

[ominous music]

[birds chirping]

[ominous music continues]

[birds chirping]

- Coralia.


Please talk to me.

- Girl, calm down.

I'm just messing with ya.

- That's not funny.

- You must keep a sense of humor

if you want to get

through this thing.

It won't be easy.

Ava, did you ever think

of just staying here?

It's not so bad once

you get used to it.

You're the first friend

I've had in a long time.

You're pretty cool.

- You're pretty

cool, too, Coralia,

but I have to get back home.

My parents would miss me.

- Okay.

Well, let's focus then.

Let's get started.

Look around, child.

Tell me what you see.

- Nothing really but trees.

- The Book of Wishes took you

through the blue door first.

That's rude.

The book doesn't

like you very much.

- Like me?

It has feelings?

- Of course it has feelings.

You must be nice to the book.

Tell it good things.

- I'll keep that in mind.

- Okay.

Focus, Ava.

What do you see?

- Wait.

I see something.

- What?

What is it?

- [Ava] It's like a white

tree, but it's moving.

Wait, it just disappeared.

- Ava.

What you just saw

was the Rabbit King.

Follow it.

Keep very close.

He's hiding the eggs.

Stay on the trail

and you must hurry.

Your time is limited.

- I know.

Full moon.

- Ava.

- [Ava] Yes.

- There's something

I forgot to tell you.

When you get close to the eggs,

the magic of the

necklace will disappear.

Me not gon' be able

to talk to you.

- Wait, but how will

I know what to do?



[upbeat music]


Coralia, I need help.

Please talk to me.


[bright music]

[soft dramatic music]

[stairs creaking]

[soft dramatic music]

An attitude of gratitude

is the key to a happy life.


Hi, Mr. or Mrs. Book.

My name is Ava and I'm

sorry that I didn't.

I'm sorry that I wasn't

nicer to you earlier.

And I'm a really nice person

when you need to know me.

It's just that, well, I

really need to get back home

and I know I have to

collect two more eggs,

but if you don't

mind, will you send me

somewhere safer this time?

- [Ghost] Blue door.

[bright music]

[eerie music]

[gentle music]

[soft dramatic music]

[soft dramatic music]

[man mumbling]

- [Guardian] On this,

Steve, you made a wish.

Now that wish came true.

The golden egg you seek.

What I say, you will do.

Do you accept the challenge?

- Huh?

Where did you say?

- Do you accept?

A girl?

A girl?

They really brought?




Did anyone follow you here?

- No, I don't think so.

- You came here alone?

What is your name?

- Ava.

- Ava.

I think we can both

help each other out.

You need the egg, right?

- Yes.

- Okay.

I'm not allowed

to give it to you.

You need to solve this riddle.

You see, I've been here

stranded here for years.


The people that have

come here to visit me

to solve these riddles,

they don't make it.

They turn into these stones.

I need you.

When I tell you the riddle,

I need you to please

listen carefully.

Listen to every word.

And then we both

can get out of here

and I can see my family again.

Are you ready?

Do you accept my challenge?

- Yes.

- All right.

[soft dramatic music]

Give me the answer I beg

and you will get the chosen egg.

- [Ava] Okay.

- I could cut you, but

I'm quite comfortable.

I can be green or yellow.

Short or stiff.

Or soft.

I'm a family and friends

to bugs of all kinds

and to bare feet.

What am I?

You have 10 seconds, by the way.

10, nine, eight.

- Wait, I need more time.

I really don't wanna get-

[speaking in foreign language]

- Three.



- Is it a blade of grass?

- Is that your final answer?

- [Ava] Yes, that's

my final answer.

- I'm sorry, child.

[ominous music]

Ava, you have saved us.

You saved our family.

I can finally go home now.

Thank you.

[soft dramatic music]

Be safe.

[soft dramatic music]

[ominous music]

[whimsical music]

[soft dramatic music]

[gentle music]

[gentle music continues]

- Are you there?

- [Coralia] I can hear you.

Where are you now?

- It looks like I'm somewhere

with branches and cows.

- [Coralia] Any

sign of our friend?

- Not this time, but there

is a lot of white fur.

- Okay, that makes sense.

The challenge gets tougher as

you get closer to your goal.

In times like this, you

must trust your instincts.

- My instinct?

- Yes, instinct.

Your gut.

What does your gut

tell you to do?

- My gut is telling

me I'm hungry.

- Take a big smell.

Do you smell something sweet?

Does the cotton field

look like candy?

Take a little bite.

It might be cotton candy,

but don't eat too much

because you might

have to run or jump

or do something crazy

and you never know.

- Coralia.

- Yes.

- This whole place

runs on magic, right?

- I suppose you can say that.

- So, can I use magic?

- [Coralia] It takes

centuries of practice.

I don't think you want to

stay that long, do you?

- Come on, just teach me one.

- [Coralia] Okay.

Close your eyes.

I don't think they're closed.

- How did you know?

- Nobody ever closes

them on the first time.

Now listen to me.

The key to channeling

magic is to believe.

You have to believe that

the magic exists within you.

If you can do that,

you can do anything.


Do you believe?

How many trees do you see?

- Nothing.

My eyes are closed.

- [Coralia] Believe.

Believe that you can see

with your eyes closed.

Believe that the magic

exists within you.


- Oh, it's no use.

It's not working.

- Don't worry, little one.

When the time is right, it will.

- What was your wish?

- [Coralia] I beg your pardon.

- I mean.

How did you end up

in Someplace Someday?

- We should focus on getting

you out of this thing.

Don't you think?

- Well, you know

everything about me,

but I don't know

anything about you.

- [Coralia] I wished

to be a mermaid.

- But you're not a mermaid.

- Technically I am.

When I was a little girl,

people used to make fun of me

because I couldn't swim.

I always felt like they

were talking behind my back,

so one night during a full

moon I wished I could be

a mermaid that could read minds.

Turns out mermaids

only have tails

when they are in the ocean.

On dry land, their

tails become legs.

And if they stay away

from the ocean too long,

their tails disappear forever.

But in the ocean, the only minds

read are those of dolphins.

I wish to read people's minds.

So my wish was granted in the

most accurate way possible

sending me to a small

town in Someplace Someday.

Read people's minds someday.

- So that's how you know

about all these challenges?

- [Coralia] Yes.

The Book of Wishes led

me through the challenges

and told me to go get

three golden eggs.

I got the first two, but I

failed to get the third one.

So here I am.

- That's really sad.

- It's okay, little one.

If I weren't here, I

wouldn't be able to help you.

The way I see it, I'm

right where I need to be.

I'm truly glad I met you.

- Glad that I met

you, too, Coralia.

[gentle music]

Hey, is there any way I

can get an extra wish?

- Whoa, let's not get

ahead of ourselves.

You need to keep your

eye on the prize.

- Come on.

I want more than just one wish.

I only have one

and now I want two.

- No, no, no.

That won't be necessary.

- Well.

- You can get an extra wish

by catching the Rabbit King

by his tail while in

possession of the golden egg.

You have to make your wish

while holding his tail.


- But?

- [Coralia] But you will have

to get past the hobgoblins.

- Hobgoblins?

- Yes, the mean, ugly creatures.

Ears like a rabbit.

Teeth like a wolf.

Body like a human.

They will tear you to

bits if they get a chance.

Take it from me, kid.

Find your last golden egg.

Go home and forget

about this place.

It's not worth the risk.

- I see something.

- [Coralia] Is it

the Rabbit King?

- [Ava] Yes.

- Follow him.

Don't lose the trail.

[bright music]

- I lost it.

I found his trail, but

then he just disappeared.

Coralia, I need help.


[soft dramatic music]




Coralia, please respond to me.

- Why are your children so loud?

[chuckles] No need to fear, Ava.

I'm just an old

man with a beard.

- How do you know my name?

- Why, the Rabbit King told me.

Said you were coming to

purchase something from me.

- Purchase something?

- [Wizard] Yes.

- Purchase what?

- Purchase that.

[whimsical music]

Ah, ah.

[man laughing]

[bright music]

Ava, nothing in life is free.

Not even in Someplace Someday.

Now, come with me.

You play fair with me

and I play fair with you.

We'll play a simple game of tag.

You tag me in less

than 20 seconds

and I will give you the egg.

[bright music]

- Okay.

- All right.

Is that a deal?

- Yes.

- Good.

- What are you doing?

- Why I'm setting

the timer of course.

On your mark.

Get set.


- Hey, no fair.

You didn't tell me

you could do that.

- You didn't ask.

Tick tock.

[soft dramatic music]

Are you getting tired already?

You'll never catch me like that.

Tick tock.

[soft dramatic music]

A deal is a deal.

The egg is yours.

- Thank you.

- Have a safe trip home.

[bright music]

- There you are.

[bright music]

I got you now.

[bright music]

[soft dramatic music]

[hobgoblins screaming]

[upbeat music]

- We don't like nobody

messing with the Rabbit King.

- [Hobgoblins] We

don't play that.

- [Hobgoblin 1]

It's time to bite.

- It's time to claw.

- It's time to scratch.

- [Hobgoblin 2]

It's time to maul.

- It's time we feast.

- On a strange new beast.

- That's you.

- You.

- [Hobgoblins] That's you.

Get her.

[suspenseful music]

[hobgoblins growling]

[girl screaming]

[dramatic music]

- Ava.

Ava, can you hear me?

Ava, wake up, child.


- I did it, Coralia.

I caught the Rabbit King

and I got an extra wish.

- I can see that.

I'm not sure how but.

- I used magic just

like you taught me.

The magic was inside of me.

And my extra wish is for you.

I want to you enjoy your someday

and be that mermaid you

always wished to be.

You're my best friend

and I'm gonna miss you.

[somber music]

- I'm gonna miss you, too.

- [Ava] Are we ever gonna

see each other again?

- Always.

Course you will.

Every night there's a full

moon, just listen for my voice.

[clock ringing]

Oh no, that's the alarm.

Ava, you must go.

Go now or you'll be

trapped here forever.

You must escape before dawn.

[soft dramatic music]

[clock ringing]


You must go through that door.


[soft dramatic music]

[clock ringing]


[soft dramatic music]

[clock ringing]

- Come on, don't

do this to me now.

I thought we were friends.

An attitude of gratitude.

An attitude of gratitude.

An attitude of gratitude.

Listen, I'm sorry that I

wasn't nicer to you earlier,

but we're kids and we

do dumb stuff like that,

but I finished all

the stuff I had to do.

What more do you want from me?

[soft dramatic music]

[clock ticking]

Make my wish?

Make my wish.

Of course.

I wish I was at home

with my parents.

[soft dramatic music]

[peaceful music]

Hey, Coralia.

How's someday treating you?

[peaceful music]

- Well, I definitely miss you,

but other than that

it's a wish come true.

[peaceful music]

[gentle music]

- [Narrator] And that

is how one special girl

made it home against all odds,

but although Ava's story

has the happiest of endings,

every day in every town,

a foolish wish is made.

Until the next full

moon, my friends.

The Book of Wishes waits.

[gentle music]

[upbeat music]

- Hi, Mr. or Mrs. Book.

My name is Ava.

And I'm sorry that I didn't.

I'm sorry that I wasn't

nicer to you earlier.

- If you focus on the problem,

you will never get

to the solution.

In times like this, you

must trust your instincts.

- No need to fear, Ava.

I'm just an old

man with a beard.

Why, the Rabbit King told me.

Said you were coming to

purchase something from me.

- I could cut you, but

I'm quite comfortable.

I can be green or yellow.

Short or stiff.

- Honey, you will

understand one day,

but until then,

just remember this.

That an attitude of gratitude

is the key to a happy life.

- Nice try.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday.

And your grandparents

wanna see you in church.

[upbeat music]

- [Hobgoblins] We don't

like nobody messing

with the Rabbit King.

We don't play that.

Get her.

[upbeat music]

["Do You Believe in Magic"]

♪ When I was a little girl

♪ I believed in fairy tales

♪ I wished my toys

would come to life

♪ And that my stories

could be real

♪ Then through all the

noise and confusion

♪ I believed it was

all an illusion

♪ The world had fade

to black and white

♪ Nothing seemed to be right

♪ But now I know that

♪ How it goes

♪ Is that my dreams never die

♪ As long as I keep

♪ The magic inside

♪ Me alive

♪ Do you believe

♪ In magic

♪ Do you believe

♪ In magic

♪ As simple as a wave

♪ Special moments made

♪ When you believe

♪ In magic

[gentle music continues]

[clock ticking]

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]

[soft dramatic music]

[man laughing]

[upbeat music]

[film roll rattling]

[upbeat music]

[dramatic music]