Easter Killing (2021) - full transcript

A group of friends hiding a deadly secret are hunted down one by one by a bunny masked killer.

[unsettling music]

[bird squawking]

[tense music]

[men grunting]

I saved you one before

they drank them all.


- Hmm?

- You listening?

I said I saved you one before

them idiots drank them all.

Oh, thanks.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Come here.

Absolutely not, you'd pussy

out before you even got close.

Fuck off, no, I wouldn't.

Pussy out about what?

Tom thinks that he

can hook up with Holly.

Holly Mathews?


He doesn't stand a chance.

Shut up, Neil.

Just because she rejected you.

That never happened.

Besides, why would I want

her when I've got Jane?


Nah, sorry, Tom,

I agree with Neil.

Why would you want to anyway?

Holly will fall apart

when school finishes.

I'd bet that she'll be pregnant

by the end of the year.

Oh, yeah, definitely,

she's such a slut.


[Jane gasps]

Oh, god.

Who are you

calling a slut, Jane?

Who are you a

friend to, Heather?

You wouldn't really go

for Holly, would you, Tom?

And we know why, don't we?

[Neil] You two gonna

kiss or something?

What's with the bunny mask?

It's Easter, isn't it?

One of the year's more

underappreciated holidays,

in my opinion.

You do make them

very good for me.

And now for the toast.

- Oh, yeah.

- Wait, wait, wait,

I need one.

To us,

and to escaping the hellscape

that is Little

Willow High School.

No more exams,

no more teachers

telling us what to do.


We are now free

to do what we want.

Have new experiences,

become our true selves.

The world is our oyster,

and uni is gonna

be fucking awesome,

for most of us, anyway.

What's that supposed to mean?


I can't promise how good

uni in Scotland is gonna be.

Shut up. [Amy chuckles]

And finally,

to the most honest and

loyal of friendship groups,

may this be the first

of many Easter weekends

celebrating together.


[All] Cheers.

Now, who really wants

to get this party started?


[girls cheer]

Now we're talking.

[dramatic dance music]

[tense music]

[tense music]

[Heather gasps]

Christ, you scared me.

Cut it out, will you?

I'm not in the mood.

Fine, if you wanna stay

out here on your own.

Quit it, won't you?

Carry on like this and I'll

tell everyone your secret.

It's you, you wouldn't dare.

You're fucking crazy!

[Heather screams]

What the fuck?

[Zara] Oh, my god.

[Jane screams]

[Tom] Stay away from me.

[tense music]

What the hell did you do?

What did we do?

We didn't do anything!

[Tom vomits]


I didn't do this.

Well, your hands are

all covered in blood.

You've got blood all

over your hands too, Jane.

Don't try and pin this on us.


Stop it.

All of you.

It could have been any of us,

or it could have been all of us.


No, I'm not going down for this.

I didn't do it.

Well, someone did!

Does anyone remember

what happened last night?

I can't remember anything.

We were all wasted.

Those pills that

Heather brought.

I blacked out,

I don't remember.


You don't think...

Don't you dare.

Don't say it.

We all have Heather's

blood on our hands.

What if we actually did it?


No way am I going

down for that bitch!

God, she would love that.

It's just twisted enough.


No way.

What are you talking about?

I will not go to prison

because of, of this.

It's not fair.

It must have been an accident.

You're right.

I've worked way too

hard to get into uni,

I can't have this mess this up.

What the fuck are you saying?

I think you know, Amy.

We can't have this

following us around

for the rest of our lives.

I'm with you, Neil.

With him on what?

I think it's pretty clear

what we need to do, isn't it?

No way, we can't.

Where are you going, Carl?

To get my phone, Neil,

to call the police.

Heather is dead.

We're all to blame, right?

Don't you get it?

You tell anyone and you can

kiss your future goodbye.

No more med school, no

more becoming a doctor.

If we tell anyone, our life

as we know it will be over.

We'll be in prison,

they don't care that we

don't know what happened.

She's dead.

This isn't right.

Calling the police

won't bring Heather back.

But we can still

get out of this.

We can get on with our lives.

You need to make

your choice, Carl.

Are you with Heather,

or are you with us?


I'm with you.

Tom, Amy,

[tense music]

clear the campsite.

And wash those scissors,

we've got to bring

them back with us.

Everyone else, grab as

many rocks as you can

and meet me by the river.

I'm gonna get a sleeping bag.

It's done.

I left Zara at the campsite,

'cause she's not

coping too well.

[tense music]

[tense music]

[Heather] You are invited

to a weekend Easter

celebration and reunion.

I can't wait for the whole

gang to be back together.

See you there. Heather.

[tense music]

[grips hammer tightly]


[door slams]

Carl? Is that you?

Hi. [chuckles]

You came.

Of course I did.

Got an invitation from Heather.


I had to come.

So do you know

what's going on?

[sighs] No idea.

Maybe one of the

others set this up.

No, they're here too.


Yeah, [chuckles]

they're in the kitchen.

We should go and say hi.

No, wait, um, it's

really good to see you.

Well, all things considered.

It was actually part of

the reason why I came.


you never answered my calls.


It's just, it was

hard, you know?

I just couldn't stop

thinking about what...

Look, I don't

wanna talk about it.

[tense music]

See? This is what I meant.

I wanna put it to bed,

Carl, I wanna move on.

Why does it keep coming back up?

And Zara? Do you

think she'd agree?

What happened to

Zara, I just, I don't...

Zara killed herself, Amy.

You should be able to say it.

It was our fault, our guilt.

What if it was her?

Think about it.

What about if Zara

killed herself

because she was the one

that murdered Heather

and she set us all up?

It makes sense.

I've tried to remember

what happened that night.

I can't.

No matter who killed Heather,

we're still guilty

of covering it up.

[Amy] We did

what we had to do.

[Carl sighs]

I'm gonna go and say hi to

the others, do you wanna come?

Sure, whatever you want.

[indistinct chatter]


Hey, mate, good to see you.

We weren't sure you

were going to make it.

Good to see you too, mate.

Oh, Carl, this is

my girlfriend, Maria.

Maria, Carl.

Nice to meet you.

You too. Hey.

It's been ages

since I saw you.

I think this is the first

time we've been together since...

Zara's funeral, yeah.

Um, Carl, you remember Marty?

Of course, how are

you doing, buddy?

All right, I guess.

You know, things

have been a little bit,

um, weird since

Mom, you know, so,

I thought I'd invite

him for the weekend,

get you out of the

house for a bit.

I would have been fine.

Yeah, well, you're

supporting me, aren't you?

Well, we're glad you're here.

Good to see you.

You're part of the gang now.

Yeah, absolutely.

Although, if I knew we

were bringing plus-ones,

I would've brought

one of my own.

The invitation

didn't say we couldn't.


Talking of the invitations,

it was a really bad joke to

sign them off as Heather.

Yeah, I thought so too.

So, who sent them?

We're all here now,

who sent the invitations?

Yeah, seriously, which

one of you invited us here?

I thought it was Carl.


Why would I bring us all here?

I don't know.

You were the last

one to get here,

so I thought it was

gonna be a big gesture.

I got an invitation too.

[tense music]

Wait, so none of you

sent out the invitations?

It's happening again.

What's happening.

I certainly didn't.

One of you is

definitely bullshitting.

What are we talking about?

Why would we bullshit, Neil?

You know why.

What the fuck are

we talking about?

Christ, can no one

answer a simple question?

Hey, hey, calm down, Marty.

Don't tell me what to do, Tom.

Could someone please just tell

me what the fuck is going...

Nothing, Marty.

Everyone's ignoring me.

No, they're not, it's fine.

Then just tell me.

I will, just later.

Can you go and get our

stuff and find us a room?

Me as well, one

close to you, please.


I'm sorry about that.

I'm sorry, Tom, he

really didn't mean it,

he's just been really

struggling since Mom went.

Amy, it's fine, don't worry.

We know.

So, to go back to

the conversation,

you guys all

received invitations

from someone claiming to be her?

Isn't that a bit weird?


Or maybe it's just someone

playing a bad prank.

Either way,

I guess whoever sent out the

invitations will show up soon.

Yeah, and they can

explain their sick joke.

Well, whoever it is

can just tell us now,

seeing as it's got

to be one of you.


Okay then, I guess we're

playing the long game.

I guess we are.


Well, while you guys all

have your Mexican standoff,

I'm gonna go arrange my stuff.

Maybe we should all

go back to our rooms

and settle in for a bit.

Good idea.

That's weird.

What's up?

It's locked.

That's weird.


Well, don't worry,

there's plenty of bedrooms

upstairs, come on.

[tense music]

Knock, knock.

Oh, hi.

I put your stuff in

the room next door.

I know you did, thanks.

I actually came to

check that you're okay?

'Cause things got a

bit tense downstairs.

I don't like

people ignoring me,

it's like school all over again.

I know.

But you've gotta try and

control yourself, Marty,

'cause they're my friends.

They're not being

rude on purpose.


I overreacted.

[Amy] Let's try and

have a nice weekend,

shall we? [chuckles]

Yeah, okay.

[tense music]

What's that?

Oh, that, I just

found it, you know.

It's a bit creepy, isn't it?

Very creepy.

No one should have

to look at that.

This looks nice.

I know, that's why I chose it.

What was that about earlier,

you getting angsty

with your friends?

I was just frustrated.

It seemed like more than that.

Well, it's a shit joke,

and I know one of

them is behind it.

You mean the invitations?


But what if it was Heather?

Maybe this is her way of

announcing that she's back.

It can't be.

Why not?

Heather's dead.


I mean, she has to be.

She has been missing

for a year now.

Well, I know that, but

we can be hopeful, right?

Maybe she's out there somewhere.

[tense music]

She might come back.

Besides, this would

be so like Heather,

having some elaborate surprise.

I forgot, you knew

her, didn't you?

Hm, after-school drama club.

We were always battling

for the lead roles.

You won't forget Heather.

Besides, you know, none

of this was your fault.

I know, it's just, I

feel a bit responsible.

We were all so

fucked that night.

[tense music]

Why did you say that before?

I've said a lot of

things tonight, Neil,

you're gonna have

to be more specific.

Well, about, you know, not

all of us going to university.

It's true, isn't it?

Not all of us will be.

You said you wouldn't...

Yeah, and I'm still

trying to work out

what's in it for me.

- But...

- Carl, honey, are you okay?

Yeah, what happened, if

you don't mind me asking?

No, I, I don't

remember anything.

Oh, well, just try and

have a good weekend, yeah?

[knock at door]

Is there someone at the door?

Sorry to interrupt,

but, have you found yours?

Found our what?

The clue.

What are you guys on about?

What the hell?


We have one too.

"No Easter celebrations are

complete without an egg hunt.

"For your clue, go

to the kitchen."

[tense music]

Hey, did you guys find...

Chick, yeah, I've

got one too, come on.

What are we looking for?

I don't know.

Do you think there's

one for each of us, or?

I found something.

They've got tags.

This one says Neil.

This one says Tom.

I think there's a

chick for each of us.

For each of you, you mean.

There's five chips, not seven.

I don't think there's

one for me or Maria.

Maybe the person

who organized this

didn't know anyone

else was coming.

Wait, there's a letter.

"It's time to find the cuckoo

and kick it from the nest.

"The question is,

"is it better to be in the

frying pan or in the fire?"

What the fuck does that mean?

Frying pan or the fire?

Cuckoos lay their eggs

in other birds' nests.

They're a parasite.

The frying pan's in the

kitchen, but so is the stove.

Or does it mean the fireplace?

[Amy] The fireplace?

Yeah, there's one

in the living room.

There's a note here.

"This time of year isn't

just about chocolate,

"it's also about sin.

"Even if you do confess,

"this is one place God

won't let you back in."

Why is it talking about a sin?

This is getting really weird.

This is garden,

like Garden of Eden.

Well, I guess there's one way

to get to the bottom of this.

Hey, there's something here.


That's it, that's the prize?

We should open it.

No, not out here.

Let's take it inside.

Why are you all looking

at the box like it's a bomb?

What's that?

Where's the chocolate?

Uh, it's a voice recorder.

Is there anything else inside?

Well, there's a

recording on it.

This is a very weird game.

What should we do?

You've got to play it.

No, don't.

No, Carl's right,

we've got to.

[presses play]

[Heather] You guys, you guys,

I'm so glad you're here.

[tense music]

I just love Easter, don't you?

I'm so glad we're

all together again.

There's just one thing,

I want to know who did that.

You know what I'm talking about.

But don't worry, we'll have fun.

Now get ready,

dinner's at eight.

Take your time, I'll

speak to you again later.

Okay, whoever did this

needs to come clean now.

This shit is getting

really twisted.

Who was that voice

on the recording?

It's not Heather.

It's someone pretending to be.

It's got to.

But, Heather's missing, how

can she be on a recording?

Exactly, she can't be.

It's someone

playing a sick joke.

I don't like it.

None of us like it, Jane.

Really, Amy?

'Cause you seem like you're

dealing with it fine.

I'm trying to stay calm.

Stop it, you two.

No one knows what's going on,

and bickering is not gonna help.

Oh, really, what do

you recommend then?

I don't know,

leave, tell someone.

I think we should stay.


We should stay.

The recording said

whoever's doing this

is gonna speak to us again.

So, why not wait and see

what they have to say?

It's almost six now,

so what's the harm in

staying for dinner?

We might actually find

out who's doing this

and who invited us all here.

Fine, but if anything else

weird happens, I'm leaving.

[tense music]

[knock at door]

Come in.

You look nice.

Oh, thanks, so do you.


So what's up?

I just wanted to see

how you're holding up,

after this afternoon.

I'm okay.

Yeah, them riddles were

really creepy. [chuckles]

It's probably just a

joke though, right?

Yeah, my money's on

Tom. [Amy chuckles]

Listen, Carl, I was thinking...



Hi, Carl.

Um, I think you two

should come downstairs,

there's another box.

What do you think is inside?

All these places, they

all have name cards.

This one says Carl.

Want to bet there isn't

one for me or Marty?

Well, clearly

whoever set this up

didn't want us to

have plus-ones.

Maybe it's something else.

Well, we're here now,

so I'm gonna sit down.

There's enough seats

for all of us anyway.

So, who wants to...

I'll do it.

"There's a note underneath a

Easter egg for each of you."

There's, um, five,

sorry, guys.

It's fine.

I don't eat chocolate anyway.

And there's another

one of these recorders

with a voice recording on it.

Well, we've got to play it.

[Heather] Well, everyone,

here we are again.

I hope you like my gift.

[tense music]

It's time to dive in.

I want the gossip,

the whole scoop.

I want to know who did that,

and you're going to tell me.

Be honest.

I'll know if you're lying,

and that will not be good.

What are you waiting

for? Go for it.

What does it mean, "I

want to know who did that"?

Did what?

It's nothing,

it's just a joke.

Well, clearly

something is going on.

You guys have been acting

so weird since the egg hunt.

No, we're just a little tired.

Has this got anything to do

with Heather's disappearance?


we can't pretend anymore.


Someone knows.

Knows what?

Shut up, Amy.

"One of you around this

table killed me that night,

"dying to find out who."

What the fuck?

Heather was murdered?

It, it wasn't like that.

It was an accident.

Carl, you're supposed

to be a doctor,

why did you let Heather die?

I didn't.

I didn't mean for

anything to happen to her.

I was just so out of it.

Amy would be so upset

if she found out what

you did the other night.

Stop it.

Or should I say what we did.

You can't tell her.

She deserves to

know, don't you think?

We had so much fun.

It was a mistake.

Carry on like that

and I will tell her.

Please don't.

Say anything like that

again, like it was a mistake,

or you regret it,

which I know you don't,

and I will tell Amy everything.

And I mean everything.

You're mine, Carl,

don't you forget it.

Who's got the joint?

It's my turn.

Heather was, I mean,

she was manipulative,

but that doesn't mean

I wanted her dead.

Hold on,

you cheated on

Amy, with Heather?

Amy, did you know about this?

Yeah, I found out afterwards.

Um, it's part of the

reason why we broke up.

Fucking hell, Carl.

It was a mistake.

I'm not proud of it.

But, that's not what

happened that night.

I wasn't dancing with Zara,

I was dancing with Neil.

[tense music]

Who's got the joint?

It's my turn.

It's my turn next.

Where are you going?

Is everything all right?


Do they look weirdly

close to you?

What, Heather and

Neil? [chuckles]

Ah, it's just Heather, she

flirts with all the boys.


I mean, she was flirting

with Carl a minute ago.

But does that not bother you?


Carl loves me.

And Neil loves you.

[Jane] I don't know.

[Amy] Come on, Jane.

But seriously, I don't know.

I mean, we've never...

Never what?

Just, I just don't like it.

She's such a bitch.

You're not wrong.

She's so manipulative.

[Amy chuckles]

Hey, girlies.

What are we talking about?


Just how much we're

enjoying this party.

So much fun, right?

Thanks for grabbing

these, I'm starving.

Carry on,

I wouldn't want to

interrupt your little chat.


That's not what

happened either.

You were talking

to Zara, not me,

I went into the tent

because Neil wanted crisps.

[tense music]

No one asked you.

Carl, honey, are you okay?

You don't wanna

make sure Carl's okay?

What, and annoy Heather

by interrupting, um,

whatever she's doing?

No, thanks.

Okay, but, she seems to

be getting pretty cozy.

It's fine.

I trust Carl.

Well, that's good,

'cause I certainly

wouldn't trust Heather.

I guess Carl wasn't as

trustworthy as we thought.

Yeah, but that still doesn't

answer your question though.

What question?

"Jane, was it worth killing

me to keep your secret?"

Well, obviously not.

I mean, Heather knew my secret.

That I was a virgin.

You what? No, you weren't.

I think I'd know whether

or not I was a virgin, Neil.

And Heather knew, she loved

dangling it over my head.

She loved taunting all of us.

Heather always knew

other people's secrets.

[Amy] Wait, you knew her?

Maria and Heather did

after-school club together.

Hold on, didn't

Zara do that too?

Yeah, she did.

Well, then you knew

what she was like.

I wouldn't need to kill

her to keep her quiet.

If anything, Zara is the

one who would do that.

What do you mean?

Zara's dad was in prison,

and Heather was the

only one that knew.

How do you know that?

We found it in her

diary after Zara...

After Zara killed herself.

So then,

Zara killed Heather?

[Carl] That's what we thought.

No, if she did,

why are we all here?

Like, why set this up?

"It's been six months

since I've been in touch,

[tense music]

"did you all enjoy

the messages I sent?"

Oh, my god, those messages.

What messages? Neil?

You remember when

I changed my number?

Yeah, because your phone

kept getting spammed.

That was only half the truth.

I kept getting these weird

messages from an unknown number,

someone claiming

to know my secret.

I got those too.

And me.

I think we all did.

I thought if I

changed my number,

it would make the

messages go away.

But it didn't.

I remember that.

They didn't stop until...


Zara died.

None of this makes any sense.

Well, clearly

someone knows the truth

about what happened that night.

But who?

Everybody that was there

that night is at this table.


except Heather.

You can't mean...

It's impossible, Amy.

We put her body in the river.

We had a memorial for

her for God's sake.

I mean, she was dead.

No, no, I can't do this.

This is so wrong.

Maria, wait.

You've gotta go after her.

I know!

What does yours say, Carl?

The note, from the Easter egg.


"Everything is fun and games

until somebody gets hurt.

"First it was me,

then it was Zara,

"who do you think will be next?"

Why do I have to go?

Because I asked you to, okay?

You're staying.

Yeah, 'cause I got

myself in this mess.

I'm not gonna let my little

brother get caught up in it too.

But I could help you.


It's not safe.

Something weird is going on,

I've gotta find out what.

That's why I

should be staying.


Go and get your stuff

and leave, now, okay?

I'll wait for you here.

[tense music]

[tense music]

[window creaks]

[window thuds]

[window thuds]

[window creaks]

You've gotta calm

down, Maria, please.

You are sick, Neil.

To think that you have kept

this a secret for so long.

And now, now, we are here

in this, this madhouse!



I'm begging you.

Look, you've got to understand,

I was scared.

I knew if we said anything,

that would've been it,

our lives over.

I mean, think about it,

we'd never have met.

Maybe that would've

been for the best.

You don't mean that.

I know you don't.

Look, I made a mistake, okay?

I should have told

you the truth.

But please,

don't let this ruin

everything we've got together.


You know everything now.

[tense music]

There are no more lies.

It's just us.

[sighs] Fine.

But I can't forgive

you, not yet.

But I'll get there.

I'm not gonna say

anything to anyone either,

if that's what

you're worried about.

Thank you.

But I am gonna go home now.

Okay, I need some space.

Get one of the others to

drive you home in the morning

and we will talk about it later.


Yes, I will.

Thank you.

I guess I will go and say

goodbye to your friends,

not that I ever wish to

see any of them again.

That seems fair.

Go and wash your

face, you look a state.

Then come downstairs

and walk me out.

I will.

[door closes]

[Neil sighs]



[tense music]

[music intensifies]

[footsteps on stairs]

[footsteps on stairs]

[footsteps on stairs]

[footsteps on stairs]

[footsteps on stairs]

What the fuck?

Who the fuck are you?

No! Ah!

Stop, fuck!

Fuck, fuck, stop!



Ow! Fuck!

Oh, god!

[Neil groans and screams]

Look what I found

in the living room.

Should we open it?

Yeah, open it.

[tense music]

Someone definitely

knows we're here.

Oh, hi.

Look, I've spoken to Neil,

and I promise not

to say anything,

but I am gonna go now, so...

Is that another...

Another one, yeah.

Have you guys listened to it?


In that case...

[Heather] I'm fed up.

All these games,

we're getting nowhere.

It's time to try something else.

I'm going to count to 10,

you have to tell me

the truth, or else.

I want to know what happened.


- nine,

- You shouldn't have

pressed play.

- eight,

- What difference

- would it have made?

- seven,

- six,

- Clearly, they know one of us

- killed Heather.

- five,

Then whoever did

it has to confess.

- four, three,

- But what if we don't?

[Heather] two, one.

[Jane sighs]

They were just messing

with us. [chuckles]

Well, that's a relief.

In that case, I'm

gonna go, so...

[gun fires]

[Amy screams]

[intense music]

[Amy screams]

[all scream]

No, no!

Come on, come on!

[hammers table]

[Jane breathes shakily]

[Jane sobs]

[closes door softly]

Now what the fuck is going on?

I don't know.

Someone knows what we did.

Is that why you think

they're hunting us,

why they set all this up?

Yeah, it must be.

Did you see the mask?

The bunny mask.

It's the same mask Heather

brought with her last year.

The one she wore the night of...

Oh, fuck.

[floorboard creaks]

[tense music]

[floorboard creaks]

[both exhale]


I've got something to tell you,

about that night.

[tense music]

Bet you wish you

were up there, huh?


Instead of Jane,

getting all hot and

sweaty with Neil.

Heather, stop.


We both know it's

what you're thinking.


God, you should see your face.

What are you

two talking about?

Uh, nothing.

We're just having a

little joke, aren't we, Tom?


'Cause it looks like someone

just shit in your Cheerios.

[chuckles] Honestly, I'm fine.

No one asked

your opinion, Zara.

[sighs] Fine.

You need to know, despite

everything Heather did to me,

I did not kill her.

So you're, um...

Gay, yeah.

I was gonna tell

everyone this weekend,

but things got a

little bit sidetracked.

I'm sorry Heather

did that to you.

She was a bully.

Sometimes I think

she deserved to die.

But that's come back and

haunted us, hasn't it?

[closes door softly]



Police? Ambulance?




[tense music]

[footsteps on stairs]

[music intensifies]

[door closes]

We really need to find

out who killed Heather.

[Amy and Tom laugh]

[Amy and Tom laugh]

[Amy and Tom laugh]

[Amy and Tom laugh]

[Amy and Tom laugh]

[tense music]

[music intensifies]

[Jane screams]

[bunny hammers posts]

[bunny hammers table]


Amy, help me!

- Jane, run!

- Jane!

- Run!

- Go, Jane!

[Amy breathes heavily]

We've gotta get out of here.

No, wait.

We can't just leave Jane,

we've gotta save her.

How exactly?

There could be

something in the kitchen

that we could use as a weapon.

Yeah, we may as well just try.


You lead the way.

[tense music]

[music intensifies]


Shh, shh, shh.

[door slams]

[Amy gasps]

[tense music]

Shit, hide in here, okay?

Are you okay?

I can't see anything.

[flicks light switch]


It's us.

But what the hell is this?

I saw that upstairs,

- but how could it be...

- Look at that.


It can't be.

What if...

No, someone set us up.

What if it's Heather?

How could it be?

What if she

survived that night?

What if somebody found her?

What if she isn't actually dead?

And she's planned all

this to get revenge.


What the hell are we gonna do?

[banging upstairs]

[closes door softly]

It's the truth,

I'm telling you.

Shut up, you don't know

what you're talking about.

I know exactly what I'm

talking about, Heather,

stop denying it.

You have no right.


[tense music]

[Carl groans]

[music intensifies]


Is that really you?

I'm sorry for what we did.


[knocks on door]

What are you doing here?

It's like they

know everything.

Not everything, they don't

know who killed Heather.

But we don't know

who killed Heather.

We have to get out of here.

Did you find anything that

we could use as a weapon?

Only this.

But I think there's a back

door through the kitchen.

If we can get out there,

we can make a run for it.

Yeah, we have to try.

[tense music]

That way.

[Carl] Somebody help me!

[music intensifies]

They've got Carl.

You go, I'll go

get Carl and Jane.


Just go, find the

door, and get help,

get police, get anybody.

I'll tie Heather with the rope.

Just go!

Somebody help me!

Get away from me!

Please, get the

fuck away from me!

[Heather] I don't know

any other way to say it,

I need to know.

Answer me.

I don't know who killed you!

[Heather] Answer me.

If not, I can always make you.

I don't know anything!

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, please,

please, please!

[bunny hammers table]

[bunny hammers table]

[bunny hammers table]

[bunny hammers table]

You have no right.

Ah, I can't even look at you!

Stop walking away from me!

We need to talk about this!

It was Zara.

It was Zara who killed

Heather, it wasn't me!

You have to believe me!

[tense music]

[presses play]

Zara didn't...

You killed her!

[Tom grunts]

[music intensifies]

[Tom crashes into table]

[music intensifies]

[Tom grunts]

[Tom grunts]

[Tom grunts]



You're behind all of this?

Well done, you got me.

Why are you doing this?

For Amy.

She told me all about the

night that Heather died.

[tense music]

She told me everything,

that one of you killed Heather,

and that you just

tried to cover it up.

She even said that none of you

had even had a

clue of who did it.

And then you just made a

pact to keep it a secret.

But the recordings,

Heather's voice, I thought...

That was easy.

Heather was always

making videos of herself,

wasn't hard to

stitch them together.

You killed them,

Neil, Maria, Jane,

you were gonna kill all of us.

I had to protect Amy.

One of you is a murderer,

and you're just allowed to

go free, living normally.

Well, I had to

protect my sister,

she's the only thing I have.

And I wasn't gonna

let her go down

for something that one

of you fuckers did!

So, the only way to save

Amy was to get rid of you.

And then, with you gone, the

secret would die with you.

Well, you've fucked

that up then, haven't you?

Your twisted games can't go on

if I put a bullet

through your head.

Tom, what?

Don't worry, Carl,

it'll be self-defense.

It's the only... [Tom chokes]


[music intensifies]

But there are...


Someone found

my other costume.

Who are you?

[music intensifies]


What are you doing?

It was me, Marty.


I killed Heather.

Amy, no.

She found out

what I was doing.

What you were doing?

I didn't wanna tell you 'cause

I wanted to keep you safe.

What are you talking about?

You know Mr. Lewis?

Heather's dad.

He's my dad too.

[knocks on door]

What are you doing here?

You know who I am?

Yes, you're Louise's daughter.

And yours.


I know you had an

affair with my mom.

And I know that she promised you

she wouldn't tell anyone

that you got her pregnant,

and you paid her

off, didn't you?

That's a lot of accusations.

[chuckles] I'm not

trying to blackmail you.

[Heather] Dad, where are you?

Give me a sec, love.

I'm just sorting something out.

[Heather] Mom

says dinner's ready.

Okay, that's great.

You go sit down and I'll

join you in a moment.

What is it you want?

I was wondering if

you could help me?

Um, my mom's got cancer,

and she needs treatment,

and I thought because you

basically abandoned me,

and I am your daughter...

Please don't say that.

It's true though.

And my mom, she's all I've got.

And I can't lose her,

she's my everything.

What do you need?

Your help.


um, to pay for the

treatment, so...

It's okay.

I'll, I'll pay for

your mom's treatment.

Just, this has to be

between us, all right?

My family can't know about you.

It's really expensive.

We don't have the money,

and I didn't know

who else to ask.

Heather knew you shared

a dad, so you killed her?

No, it wasn't like that.

Everything got out of

control, things got heated.

I tried to talk to her about it,

but we just started arguing.

Oh, my god, it was you.

I knew I heard someone

arguing with Heather.

She wouldn't listen to me.

Things got heated,

just got out of hand.

You have to understand

that I wouldn't do it

if I didn't have to.

You had to blackmail my

dad with your sob story?

My mom is dying, Heather!

And that's supposed

to be my family's fault?

Your dad was perfectly

happy to help me

once he figured out who I was.

Yeah, because you

forced him into it.

[Amy] I didn't force

him to do anything.

You pretended to be his

illegitimate daughter.

[scoffs] As if we

could ever be related.

None of that is made

up, it's all the truth.

[Heather] Shut up,

you don't know what

you're talking about.

I know exactly what I'm

talking about, Heather,

and don't deny it.

[Heather] You have no right.

[scoffs] I can't

even look at you.

Don't turn away from me,

we need to talk about this.

No, we don't need to

talk about anything.

I owe you nothing.

And you know what?

[tense music]

Your pathetic little

family disgusts me.

There is absolutely no

fucking way that you,

your creepy little brother,

or your trash-fire of a mom

is gonna see a penny

of my dad's money,

I'm gonna make sure of it.

You might as well

stay down there.

It's where you belong.

[tense music]

She wouldn't listen to me.

Things got heated,

it got out of hand.

She kept pushing me,

she kept picking at me,

and I was so fucked on

drugs, and I was so angry.

Was it you or Marty?

Which one of you sick

fucks hung my friend?

I found the recording, that's

all, I never touched Zara.

I did it.


Because I thought she

was blackmailing me.

And when them

texts came through,

they were so taunting,

and I thought Zara just

knew what I'd done.

So you strangled her?

Well, yeah,

because I thought it would

make everything just go away!

I just wanted to

get on with my life!

I just wanted it to just end,

and then these invitations

came through to this reunion...

I sent the texts.


I was trying to find

out who killed Heather,

and then, when Zara

committed suicide,

I thought that was it,

because she felt

guilty or something.

But then,

I thought the texts might

have gotten through to her,

then I found the recording

and realized two of

your friends were dead

and the killer was

still out there.

I did all this for you,

to try and keep you safe,

to try and avoid more death.

You've gone too

far now, Marty.

I had it all under control.

Why didn't you tell me?

I could've helped you.

[Amy chuckles]

Don't matter now anyway.

They're all dead.

It's just me and you left.

And Carl.


I love you.

I really love you,

you know that?

Look at me.


killed Heather and Zara,

and he invited us here.

To finish the job.

And silence everyone

who knew what he did.

[sighs] Shit.

[music intensifies]

[intense music]

[Carl screams]

[Amy shrieks]

[Carl screams]

[tense music]

[gasps] Carl.




[music intensifies]

[tense music]

[unsettling music]