ETs Among Us 3: Secret Space Program, Alien Psychics & Crop Circle Clues (2018) - full transcript

A top secret space program run by humans, alien telepathy and human/ET communicators/translators, and new areas of the alien abduction phenomenon. Award-winning researcher Linda Moulton ...

This is the greatest
story in human history.

It's never been told, it must be told,
and it will be told eventually.

And if we can wake people up to realize, who they are
and why they're here, that will be a good beginning.

We have had an intimate interrelationship
with advanced intelligence from the stars

from the beginning
of human history.

And that intimate
interrelationship is still underway.

♫ ♫

We're living in a very little circumscribed
fence, a little fence of reality,

and we're supposed
to live within this.

But there's a world beyond that little
fence that we're being told to live in.

And I think that there's a lot
going on beyond that fence.

The real question is

how much, how far advanced are they,
what the hell are they doing?

When we talk about extraterrestrials, there are a
number of different theories about what's going on.

And there are a number
of different possibilities.

If any of this is true,
what's happening?

Well, here are some thoughts.

They might be coming
here as conquerers.

What we're seeing
might be some sort of

advanced protracted
reconnaissance program

aimed at assessing our
capability to fight back

and maybe genetically
modifying us.

For example, you hear a lot of people talk these
days about genetically targeted bio-weapons.

What if the purpose of the alien abduction phenomenon
was to implant in us a genetically targeted bio-weapon,

that at a flick of a switch
would wipe us out?

Or enslave us? Or reduce
us to malleable creatures

who would do the bidding of
these extraterrestrial conquerers?

Another possibility is that
they come here as explorers.

That might be a good thing, or as we've
seen in human history, it might lead to

exploitation of the natives,
this time the natives are us, human beings.

It might lead to things like

missionaries and forced conversion
to some bizarre alien religion.

So, a lot of speculation. We don't know what might be
out there. I mean, sometimes when you look at the world

you can't understand why certain
countries or people do the things they do.

If we can't understand, say, with any real confidence
the motivation of the North Korean government,

because we can't
get inside their heads,

what hope have we got of
understanding the mindset of an alien?

We can only come at this question
from an anthropocentric viewpoint.

And we are forever going to be
hamstrung by that lack of imagination.

It is literally inconceivable,
we cannot think like an alien.

Because we don't know what an alien is,
and what an alien is motivated by.

So that's the situation. We
might be dealing with conquerors.

We might be dealing with explorers who might then
become exploiters of resources, including us.

We might be dealing, and I hope
this is where we are on this spectrum,

with scientists, and particularly, scientists
who might be studying us, biologists.

Perhaps UFOs and visiting aliens are the
equivalent of someone like David Attenborough.

"Here, on Planet Earth, I'm having a look at
these funny little humans and what they're up to."

So, that's one possibility.

Another possibility is that we're dealing with
that branch of science that is particularly

predicated on looking at

humans and human
society - anthropologists.

Maybe extraterrestrials
come here as anthropologists,

which would explain why they
don't land on the White House lawn.

Because once you start openly interacting and
communicating, you're not seeing us in our natural

habitat, and you're not seeing
natural behaviors anymore.

You get cultural contamination.

maybe they study us from afar.

Maybe they abduct the odd person, and put
them back, and try and wipe their memories,

and some people believe
them and some not.

But, as I say, don't land on the White House
lawn. Because then you get that contamination.


to truly advanced
civilizations in the cosmos,

newly emerging civilizations like our own, might just
be the last interesting thing left in the universe.


perhaps we are fascinating to them on
that level. Who are these crazy humans?

What are they up to? What are
they building? Where are they going?

What do we think their journey
will be? Let's follow them.

When we speculate about
extraterrestrials. My goodness.

We can imagine a wide range of possibilities. But
you know, my favorite theory is that the real answer,

what aliens...

are doing, where they come from,
what they want, what the interaction is?

Maybe the real answer is something
we haven't even though of yet.

I have a question
for all Americans.

Where did all the money
go? That's a big question.

Why has our
economy bottomed out?

Was it by chance?

Was it by accident?
Was it by mistake?

I don't think so.

There is something called
"The Secret Space Program",

which was an outgrowth of the discoveries in the 1940's
and 1950's of crashed UFO craft that were recovered.

The first recovery that I know of occurred in 1940,
it was not Roswell. Seven years before Roswell,

an alien craft crashed in Port Girardeau,

The local town's people saw the crash,
came upon it,

and pulled out the pilots.

And these were such good
Christian God fearing people,

that even though they recognized
that the pilots were foreign,

they called the minister to come and administer
the last rites to these poor creatures.

And a certain reverend Hoffman was called
and he took off, he met the chief of police,

and he saw the body of an alien.

And so the Army came in and took over the scene, they
took the craft, they took the body. That was 1940.

In 1947 we all know about the Roswell crash
but there were two other crashes that year.

One in Kingman, Arizona. And
an earlier one that occurred in April.

These craft were recovered.

So this resulted
in a spurt of activity

to reverse engineer these craft.

There was an official investigation
that was called "Project Sign",

this was the first investigation
into the Roswell crash.

And the conclusion of "Project Sign" was that
we were being visited by people from outer space

that had a higher level of civilization
and technology than we did.

But when this report arrived in Washington,
to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

General Hoyt S. Vandenberg,

he said, "We can not accept this
conclusion. Write another paper."

And so, that paper was quashed
and "Project Grudge" was initiated,

which evolved into "Project Blue Book"
in order to keep track of UFO activities,

UFO interaction
with human beings,

and at the same time to cover it up, which is
what "Project Grudge" and "Project Blue Book"

were primarily assigned to do.

Catalogue all the UFO events,
the sightings, the landings, the evidence.

Procure it all.
Silence the witnesses.

And so that went on for a very long time.
However, during the same period of time,

UFO activity increased throughout the U.S.,
and it's well known that

they have had incursions into our military bases, our
nuclear facilities, that they track nuclear submarines,

and that they have a very great
concern with nuclear weapons

and what human beings
intend to do with them.

So some of them are guardian
angels and other are not.

Some of them were obviously
during the 1950's and 60's

trying to lure the U.S. and Soviet Union into
war with each other. So there we have it,

we have one faction of aliens

that wants to pit mankind
against itself in order for us

to destroy ourselves through self
immolation in a nuclear holocaust.

And at the same time there's another group
of aliens that's showing itself as guardians,

protectors of humankind at other times,
but also,

giving stern warnings that should we ever be so foolish
as to launch a nuclear missile at another country,

we can not be sure
where that missile will land.

The Secret Space Program evolved
out of this, the need for secrecy,

hiding the facts of UFO
and flying saucer activity,

at the same time having to play catch-up with
a civilization that was so far ahead of us,

that it was feared that if its presence were
revealed, the Brookings Institution said that

the scientists, doctors,
and engineers of our society,

would be so depressed
and so despondent,

with the futility of having to catch up with a
civilization that was at least 200 years ahead of us,

that they would be so disheartened that they might
not even get up to go to work the next morning.

And that is it in a nutshell. That's a
statement in the Brookings Institution report.

That science and society would be
destabilized by such a revelation. However,

the military-industrial complex

was not destabilized by any
means. They were very stabilized.

And got to work on reverse engineering the
products extracted from the crashed UFOs.

This story can be read in Philip
Corso's book "The Day After Roswell".

Fiber optics, the maser, the laser,
anti-gravitational propulsion,

all of these things were found in the crashed
Roswell disk, the crashed Aztec flying saucer,

and several others that had
been recovered since that time.

So the U.S. government
got to work along side Canada

and the funding was funneled
to the Secret Space Program.

And trillions and trillions
of dollars were invested.

And these trillions and trillions of
dollars had to come from somewhere.

And as a result, many government
programs engaged in Black Operations.

I'm sure you've all heard of, many years ago there was an
audit done on the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Military.

And they were finding that the contractors
were charging the U.S. government

$1,500 for a hammer.

$500 for a toilet seat.

So, I believe this is the methodology
where all of this money was skimmed off,

and hidden,

and funneled into this advanced,
very rapid, development program,

to try to catch up with the UFOs, to build our own
UFOs based on their reverse-engineered technology.

And we have been successful.

As a result we have something
called the Navy's 10th Fleet.

It's masked as a cyber warfare
organization, software and computer related.

However, the Navy's 10th
Fleet is the name of a space fleet,

which was discovered by the way by Gary
McKinnon. When he hacked into the NASA computers,

he saw the lists of 10th
Fleet non-terrestrial officers.

There are terrestrial officers and there
was a list of non-terrestrial officers.

Gary McKinnon made this publicly
known and he suffered dearly for it.

He was ultimately protected
by the British Parliament

that forestalled his extradition to the U.S.
where the U.S. government wanted to try him

for hacking and spying and
revealing classified knowledge.

But the British people and
Parliament protected Gary McKinnon

and he is safe and sound and probably still
recovering from his ordeal in England.

The Secret Space
Program is real.

It is syphoning off our national resources,
our national wealth.

And preparing the public
for what may turn out to be

a fake alien invasion.

That is the danger. That
human beings may be

wrought up with panic and fear

through the use of MK ultra,
mind control techniques and the mass media.

To make us believe

that we are being invaded by people from outer
space and that we must go to war with them.

And that we must use
nuclear weapons to fight them.

Well, all of that will lead to self immolation. And
that's going up in flames for those of you who don't know.

Self immolation, very bad thing.

it is my hope that we will forestall this.

That we will not fall
into traps and ploys,

and false flag attacks,

and panic at the idea of being
invaded by people from outer space.

In fact, people from outer
space are already amongst us.

They've been amongst
us for over 70 years.

They walk amongst us.

Unrecognized, some of them. And others,
don't show themselves in the daylight.

Because no one could really
bear their presence or their smell.

That's been my experience.

Certain extraterrestrials,
have not only a horrible appearance,

but have a foul smell,
that will drive a person into panic.

And it takes a very strong mind,
to hold itself together,

when assaulted, assailed,
by horrible smells,

that are sometimes described as
sulfurous. Sometimes described as, ah...

Well, beyond description is
all I've got to say about that.

We don't have to go into more details, but it's
something that's very damaging to the human being

to be in the presence of these
beings. And I do not recommend

anyone trying to make
contact with space brothers.

I think we should be cautious. We should
not be afraid, but we should be cautious.

As President Reagan said,
"Trust but verify."

I think verify, then trust.

Telepathic communication
is mind to mind.

Humans are verbal,
we make a lot of noise.

But the non-humans

appear to have almost
instantaneous thought, thought words,

they work in symbols,
they work in numbers,

whatever is happening in their minds,
it's huge downloads all at once.

Back in the early 1980's was the first time that
I was introduced by a kind of whistleblower person

in army military,
active at the time actually,

to the notion that
there is a secret war.

And that the secret war has been
ongoing around this planet, in this planet,

underneath the surface
of this planet for millennia.

And that the forces that
conflict with each other

is a mystery or was a mystery to this man, except
that our government was very concerned about

who are our allies really
and who are our enemies.

And that's the way
it was laid out to me.

And in the process
of describing that,

this man told me that he
was involved in a group

that they would get somekind of a call
and they would go to wherever there was

either a landing, or a crash,
or some sort of interaction

with something in the
non-human category on this Earth.

And we've heard about "Project Pounce",
and "Moon Dust", and these various groups

that since the 1940's Truman had
organized. "MJ 12", "Majestic 12".

And that part of their work was to have units
that were trained, they were Top Secret,

they couldn't talk to anybody, but their jobs were to
go to any location on the planet where there might be

either a crash or non-humans doing something
and we wanted to get there and monitor.

And he said, "we have been able to send signals
to the EBENs," another type that are gray.

They have heads that are shaped like a pear,
they have eyes that are not black lenses,

that they are large and usually
dark but not the lens type.

And they sent out a
frequency asking for help.

And that one of the gray craft, went to this
town in Arizona, met up with our military people.

This man telling me this was first hand,
this was his experience.

And he said his superior officer came to
him and said, "one of the EBENs has agreed"

"to let you", the man who is
telling me his first hand story,

"have the experience of having a telepathic
download so you'll know what it is like."

And his superior officer said
that they had an agreement.

The being knew that humans are very alarmed
when these creatures float above the ground.

That is their preferred state because they
have technology that neutralizes gravity.

But they know that
humans get upset

by things that float in the air and so he
said, "He's agreed to stay on the ground."

"And when they walk on
the ground they waddle."

"And it will be funny, it will look
like Donald Duck. Be prepared for it."

"And then he will get to a point where he will
start coming toward you in a straight line."

"At about six to seven feet away,
he will stop."

"You will want to run."

"You will feel like when
we do flame thrower drills."

"Your entire body is
going to be feeling fear."

"And this is an order,"

"I want you to
stand your ground."

"I don't care how
much you want to run."

"I want you to experience
this telepathic download."

Now the guy telling me this is 6'3 ",

a big guy, and he said,
"I thought, oh give me a break."

"I'm not a child."

"I'm ready for this."

Here comes the
being. It's waddling.

It looks like Donald
Duck in a cartoon.

It makes him feel
like he wants to laugh.

He's hearing his boss telling
him exactly what's gonna happen.

This thing is waddling,
coming up.

And he said,
"When it got to about six feet,"

his entire legs began to shake.

He wanted to run,
he felt like he was going to faint.

And he said, "The only thing that
kept me standing there is that I knew,"

"that my superior officer was
off to the left about thirty feet."

"And by God I was not going
to fall apart in front of him."

"So I stood there. But Linda,
it was terrifying."

And then he said,
"The being's head tilted up."

And he said, "When those eyes,
met my eyes,"

"I lost all control."

He said, "The best I can tell you,
if you took seven Hollywood movies,"

"and you started running them through your
mind, all at once. Sound, temperature, touch."

"Everything is going
on in seven story lines."

"And on top of every one of the films
are three dimensional gold hieroglyphs."

"The symbols are running on
top of all of the film, and I realized,"

"my mind is trying to ask questions, and with
every question my mind is trying to ask,"

"it's making another one
of these branching movies."

And his boss had told him,

that "when you faint,"

"we'll be there to catch you."

And he thought that
that was such nonsense,

that until that moment, with all of
these films running through his head,

it had never occurred to him that he will ever
faint in his life, and he lost consciousness.

It was three solid hours later,

when he opened his eyes he
was laying in a cot, in a room.

They had caught him,
they had put him in a bed.

Three hours to recover. And when he opened his eyes,
he was still not able to sit up and get off of the bed.

And he said,

"Linda, that's what my superior
officer wanted me to understand."

"We all would like,
just like Spielberg's movie,"

"of the little ET that got
drunk in the kitchen on beer,"

"we'd like to have extraterrestrials take us
to Starbucks and sit down and have coffee,"

"and tell us about
the universe."

And he said,
"It's never gonna happen."

"Because the difference
between the way our mind works,"

"and their minds work,"

"they're overwhelming."

And what happened
is that I got a call

that I might be able to talk,
to the man who lived,

with one of the EBENs
retrieved from the Roswell region

and had been taken to
Los Alamos National Lab,

between 1949 and June 18th 1952,

when this being died of unknown causes, is
the way the document read, that I was shown.

And backtracking
from that death,

this was the story that I was to hear
from the man there at the site in Roswell.

He was with a group.

They had gotten word that
there had been a UFO crash.

There is not a date on this in terms of July 2nd to
4th, 1947, that we know that there were 3 crashes.

This might have happened
somewhere later in '48 or '49.

And by then, these groups that were
in "Project Pounce" and "Moon Dust",

that were trained to come to where
there was any kind of an interaction with

what were being called by our government
extraterrestrial biological entities.

They were trained to move in a group, into a
location. There would be some that would pack up,

let's call it the metal wreckage,
or technology that they found.

And there would be others in the group, that
would be focused on the bodies, alive or dead,

of the extraterrestrial
biological entities.

And where this story starts, is that the
group was moving in and they could see bodies.

And the man who
is talking to me said

all of a sudden,
in his mind he felt pain,

heard like a cry,

high pitched.

The other men are moving and he stops because he
doesn't know, he can't see anything in front of him.

But he's feeling this horror
inside of his own mind.

And he is absolutely paralyzed
with "What is happening to me?"

"Is this something here?"
And he couldn't see anything.

He didn't at that point say
anything to the men around him.

He was completely disoriented
by what was happening in his head.

And not only was he
hearing this high pitch,

he was seeing images.

He said, "It was like I was getting
flashes, like slides of something."

"And maybe it was like I was looking through a
window. Maybe it was dust. Maybe this was the crash."

"Maybe this is what was happening
and it's being put into my mind."

"And I started to move, and I walked,
and the other men were on, and I realized,"

"something is pulling me. It felt like I was being
pulled by jello to come and look right at a place."

And then he realizes,

there's debris,

there's a dark shadow,

and that he walked over to the debris
and he picked up something and here

is a live being. Not human.

And when he
picked up the debris,

that what came into his mind at that moment,
because now it was eye to eye contact,

with this being laying in the debris,
was everything.

What happened. What malfunctioned. What they
were seeing as the craft went down. The crash.

All of it and then the overriding
pain that this being was feeling.

And that's when he
told everybody there.

"Come. Look at this. This
is alive. We need to help."

Because he was able to see pictures,
get sound, feel emotion,

it was decided that his assignment, from there
on out, was he was going to stay with this being.

They transferred
both to Los Alamos.

And for that period of time as I understand,
it was in the year 1949, I believe,

from there to June 18,
1952, they lived together.

And there were

two sentences that I
was told by this man

of the downloads that he
got during that period of time.

He said, "It was like being with a
child with the mind of a thousand men."

He would have these image exchanges,
and thought exchanges, that for some reason

he could get from this
being and nobody else could.

Our government began realizing that they needed to
find translators, they needed to find talented people

who could get the images, and the numbers,
and the thought words from these beings.

And they started looking for translators,
that's the category this man became.

But he said, at one point, in all of their word exchanges
in their minds, with seeing pictures and symbols,

that this being was
explaining about

where they came from,
and the cosmos,

and this sentence, or sentences,

"We made you. We put you here."

"But you have to live it."

And this man looked at me and he said,
"Linda, you know"

"what I've come to understand from
this being that I lived with and I loved,"

"the machinery of this universe,
is reincarnation, the recycling of souls."

"We treat the soul and
recycling like mythology."

"These beings seem
to be communicating"

"that the most important part
of our lives as human beings"

"was the soul and what
happened at the moment of death."

Individuals that claim
to be abducted by aliens

all of the procedures done on them seem to indicate
that the aliens are interested in their DNA.

And, mothers, or mothers to be,

are exposed to certain babies that are
extracted from them during their pregnancy

and later on are presented to them, so they could interact
and eventually have aliens study their interaction

between the
mother and the fetus.

So apparently, long story short, there seems to
be a hybridization program run by the aliens.

Now, this has been going on for many years, and people are
trying to figure out what is the real purpose behind it.

And the most likely hypothesis is that what
the aliens are doing, is that they may be

using parts of our DNA that would allow them to be able
to live on this planet without having any problems.

In other words, oxygen is very very toxic,
especially to the DNA.

But we have some special techniques in
order for us to be able to counteract that,

to protect ourselves and
to be able to work around it.

Aliens do not have this. So for instance, if they
were to live in an oxygen infested atmosphere,

they would quickly
develop cancer.

In a similar fashion,
we are very susceptible to radioactivity.

Aliens are not.

Why? Because their crafts are always
leaving residuals of radio active energy.

What I'm trying to say is that if we were to go
out on another planet, and try to live there,

we would have to be able to incorporate
that inhabitant's evolution into our DNA.

Which would allow us to actually live on this
planet without having any health hazards.

And that may be the reason why they're
doing all these hybridization experiments.

In order to create a species, that formally belongs to
them, but will be able to survive in this atmosphere.

And will be able to eat what
is offered from this planet.

To be able to function,
to be able to see, to be able to hear.

And to be able to go about in
an environment just like ours.

To any skeptic who says, "Well, these are
just stories, these are just accounts." Hell!

Life is just stories, life is just accounts.
The entire criminal justice system, for example,

is based on eye witness
testimony. When did we stop thinking

eye witness testimony
was important?

We put, and rightly so,
a vast amount of stock in testimony.

Why shouldn't we do so when that
testimony comes from someone who says

they've seen a UFO or they've
had an alien abduction experience.

With most researchers, or whistle-blowers,
they get approached by CIA

and they are subject to immense pressure to
continue their research, receive funding,

and at the very end

prove and say to everyone
that that was a hoax.

An example of this case
is with Colin Andrews.

Colin Andrews was U.K.'s
foremost expert on crop circles.

So what happened is that Colin Andrews, who is
a really strong figure on that research field

and apparently had
so many followers,

was approached by CIA, and these
are Colin Andrews' words in an interview.

He was approached and he was told, that
what CIA does with most of researchers,

is that they fund them and they keep
them going, and they keep them moving on,

up to the point where they will
say publicly that this is a hoax.

And, low and behold, that's exactly
what happened with Mr. Colin Andrews.

He went to the U.S., he received funding
from Rockefeller Institute, of course,

and then he came up with an interview stating that
at least 80% of those crop circles are hoaxes.

In the first movie, ETs Among Us,
we did an analysis of the Alien Autopsy,

presumably presented by
Ray Santilli back in 1995.

We focused mainly on the medical aspects,
on certain interesting facts

and we came up with a conclusion
that that may have been an actual alien.

What happened with Santilli is something
that we've seen with other researchers,

or you know,
so called whistle-blowers.

CIA approaches them, and invites
them to basically debunk everything.

Later on, Santilli came up with a confession
that apparently this was completely fake.

That he manufactured this doll with a friend of
his, that he was a specialist on mannequin dolls.

And another friend of his that presumably
was the surgeon that cut up the body.

And that it was just a hoax or a restoration of a
film. So he was giving us a bit of a grey story,

pretty much indicating
that that was a hoax.


if we take a very close
look at this footage,

we will see that his story doesn't add up.

There is absolutely no way that his story explains what
we see in this video, and this is for many reasons.

One, being the fact that, in order to
manufacture this alien that we see there,

you need skills that renders you a superb
professional. No amateur can do this.

No somebody that is in the field
but is not doing an amazing job.

So, this,
is not an amateur who is having fun.

What makes Ray Santilli completely
fraudulent in his confession,

in him rescinding an
explanation of the footage,

is the fact that in the second
video where he has the debris,

and he's showing all the
cockpits and the panels and stuff.

Apparently he says that they came up with
certain hieroglyphs that they put in those beams.

But those hieroglyphs are Greek.

And they read "Eleftheria",
which means freedom.

Which is something that Santilli
never came up with in his confession.

So, I think Ray Santilli must have been
under a lot of pressure, and he decided,

to actually go about, just like Collin Andrews,
to play along and to completely ridicule himself.

'Cause if he was really looking out for a
career, the last thing he would ever do,

is to become a mockery, for everyone in
the field, and everyone around the world.

More over,

we know that there's
another video out there.

That shows an alien. Again,
it's back from 1947.

That shows an alien
being brought into a base.

Santilli has nothing
to do with this.

If we study that second video, we will see
several faces, apparently people that used to

serve the 509 group at Roswell,
New Mexico in 1947.

And if we actually go back
to the Museum of Roswell,

and we look into the archives of
the people and the staff of the base,

we will be able to identify the first medic that
reaches over and leans over just to inspect that alien.

If you look closely, that person has a deformity
in his left ear, which gives him an identity.

Now we can look up this person
and we can find this person.

And that is going to be a very strong
indication that this video is authentic.

And if that video is authentic,
then Santilli's video is also authentic.

Back in the spring of 1990, one of the subjects
that was breaking up during that period of time

in 1990 were Crop Formations.

They were on "60 Minutes", they were on
"20/20", Barbara Walters was talking about

how are these incredibly beautiful
patterns being put down, 800,000 feet long,

in wheat fields, or barley fields,
or rape fields, especially in England.

But, that year,
a lot of people don't realize,

I counted the number of countries, and we had crop
formations being photographed in 23 countries.

1990. So, by 1991, I wanted to get to England, I
wanted to be able to spend time in the formations.

I wanted to see
what it felt like.

And by the summer of 1992,
I finally was landing in London.

And was taken to Marlborough, to get to where I
was going to be staying in the Veil of Pewsey.

For 2,000 years, the serial crops in the Veil of
Pewsey in England, have been associated always,

with the cycles of
planting and harvesting.

For 2,000 years, the same land
has been a home to all kinds of crops.

So this has been the heart of where the
crop formations first emerged in the 1970's.

A few people knew about them. And then by '88 -
'89, were the first what they called "pictograms".

Some of them were 750 feet long,
800 feet long.

They were largely circles with lines
and odd symbols coming off of the lines.

By 1992, when I landed
and got to the Veil of Pewsey,

everything was evolving into
very sophisticated patterns.

There were beginning to be people who were
recognizing that there was mathematical language

in these crop formations.

And I had not been in a formation, I had
studied hundreds from the United States.

And so the first thing that I wanted to do, and I joined up
with friends, is to organize getting into a crop formation.

And I had arrived at night,
and it was the next morning,

7 of us went to one at Milk Hill, a place that had a
spectacular formation every year since around 1989.

And when we got there, we parked in
an area where we could park cars on a hill,

and then we had to go as a group along the
top of Milk Hill, in order to get up above,

a 430 feet, I believe it was,
huge. It was spirals, paths, big circles.

It was not a pictogram,
it was like a geometry.

And I remember getting up,
and we got to a point right above

and some of the people who were more
experienced, they said, "We got to come down,"

"where we can go down a tramline,
so we don't trample any of the wheat."

And we all like children,
for reasons unknown,

were on a hill,
but we all started sort of running.

And we ran all the way down into the Milk Hill
tramline, going right along the Milk Hill formation.

There were about 7 of us, I just happened for some
reason to be the person who was at the furthest.

So I am going down the tramline the furthest this
way, and everybody else was kind of spread around

along here, 400 feet,
bigger than a football field.

I had my 35mm camera
hanging around my neck.

And I had the curiosity to go right into this formation.
I wanted to see what does it feel like to be in it.

And so I'm walking with tremendous innocence, my
first pattern ever on Earth, and I get to an opening,

and it was like I
hit a wall of jello.

It actually was firm and made
me kinda like I bumped into a wall.

I'm not seeing a wall. I'm
not seeing anything but air.

But I could feel there was this
solidness. And I stopped, puzzled.

I looked down,
the others had stopped.

Nobody was going
into this pattern.

So, I brought my 35mm up. I put it so I
could change and go down real close,

and come back in wide,
and I started taking photographs.

And I realized when I went into a zoom in a
particular place, only about 5 feet from where I was

blocked by this,
whatever, jello.

I could see


this direction.

Wheat, this direction.

I could see another layer.

And I thought, "Oh my Lord, I wanna
get in there, this thing is layered."

And after about another minute or two, whatever this
strange jello that had blocked apparently all of us,

it just kind of evaporated.

And then I felt almost like I was being
invited into the crop formation at that point.

I didn't want to step on anything, so I went
on tippi toe for a while, like on a circle,

trying to see how can I get close,
how can I get photographs of the layers.

And finally, my curiosity overwhelmed
my desire not to step on any of this crop.

And I, sort of on my tip toes, I went to
what I had been trying to photograph.

And I got down on my hands and knees,
I put my hand - here was the top layer,

here was the layer going this direction, here
was another layer. And it went down 7 layers.

All opposite directions. And then
my fingers, I could feel the soil.

I could feel the soil coming under my
fingernails as I did this, and realized,

that the top of the formation, that was going like
this all the way down, was about up to maybe 12 inches.

That from the soil up, this pattern
was spread for 430 something feet,

with all of these layers. And there were not even
layers. There were areas where is swirled like water,

in circles. There were all kinds of exquisite.
Nothing was out of place. It was breathtaking.

And then, I felt this, pull,

to go to the right. Everybody else had gone to
the far end, and at 430 feet, I'm that far away,

they're that far away,
but I'm pulled to the right.

And as I'm walking,
I'm trying to walk on the edge on my toes.

But as I'm walking to go to this,
far end that seems to be pulling me,

I'm realizing that the complexity of those 7 layers, and
these beautiful swirls, it's continuing all of the way.

And I get to the end. It's
wheat that was about waist high.

I'm now at the edge that you can't get
any further, and here's solid, solid wheat.

Like you were inside of a velvet carpet,
but it's wheat.

And as I'm standing there,
looking out on the solid wheat,

and then looking in at the
complexity of all of these layers,

and then back onto this wheat,
it was like a thought voice,

it said,
"Life on Earth is not guaranteed."

And I turned again, and as I turned to look out on
the wheat with "Life on Earth is not guaranteed",

suddenly it was like when you're in the
presence of something like a Bengal tiger.

And the Bengal tiger can be 20 feet away from you
in a zoo or a safari park, and you're protected.

But when you look into the eyes of a Bengal
tiger, there is not only profound intelligence,

but a sense of danger,

because the intelligence is
capable of doing anything.

And at that moment,
looking out on that wheat,

it was as if a Bengal tiger
was staring back at me.

And I remember that moment.

This is what made this pattern.

This is an intelligence,
that is capable of destroying us,

or letting us live.

Life on Earth is not guaranteed.

And it was at that moment, that every crop formation
that I was ever in, by the hundreds for the next decade,

that voice was always there,
that sense.

This is really important. These crop
formations have mathematical language.

If we were smart enough, we would all be sharing
what is the language in these crop formations.

And praying that that
Bengal tiger intelligence

knew that a lot of us actually cared
about whether we survived on Earth or not.

Back in 1992,
during my first trip to England,

as I began moving into crop
formations and feeling them out,

a lot of us started saying,

"You know, this formation it feels
really positive and I feel good,"

"but I was in that one over on
the Barn Road and it felt terrible."

And that made me
start thinking. What if,

there are two types of energy,
two types of intelligences,

that are even competing with each other in the
crops of the world, like the skin of the world?

And that where we
feel really good in some,

it may be something
that is trying to inspire us,

to give us joy, to give us exhalation,
which I felt in those crop formations.

And those that made me feel sick, or
that made me stop, that was the beginning

of these crop
formations are not equal.

Not all are positive,
and not all are negative.

But when they are negative, it had a physical impact
on the body, and I think the mind and the soul,

that many of us who came to go to crop
formations together, would have this moment where

"This I have to leave."

Now what else was
interesting about this,

I began to realize that over the 10 or
12 years that I kept going to England,

that the crop formations, if this was going to
happen, where you felt like you were sucked of air,

it was going to be in something like
an 8-fold geometry, or 5-fold geometry,

or maybe an 11-fold.
It was never a 3,

it was never a 6, it was never a 7,
and it was never a 9.

And in the whole issue of sigils and ancient
geometries, and mathematical laws being underneath

the sacred geometry,

it was one of those evolutions,
that people who were mathematicians,

began to study and detail and put on
websites, what they were finding in terms of

mathematical ratios
in crop formations.

And eventually, I remember one of
the first dialogues I had with people,

"Did you ever feel that when
you were in an 8-fold geometry,

that it was different than the
6-fold geometry across the field?"

And there had been one specific
example where there were 6 or 7 of us.

And there had been
one at Windmill Hill,

and there had been an 8-fold geometry, and then
in the field right opposite, it was a 6-fold.

And all of us who had gone into the 8-fold geometry,
when we got into the 6-fold, everybody was saying

"There is a difference. Could it be that those behind
certain geometries, whatever the intelligence,"

"are in conflict, with everything that is
behind the 3, the 6, the 9, the 7 geometry?"

You will see that the flower of life, which
begins with 3s, that go to 6s, that go to 9s,

that that is associated with what is
called "The Light", or "The Christ Line".

If you go to the 8, that 8 geometry
is associated with Mesopotamia,

and ancient sigils, as if,

math, numbers,

associations with
things in the unseen,

are part of the fabric of what is behind the crop
formations that have occurred on this planet.

It may be subtle to many people.

But the challenge is,
we need to understand,

why it is that a place
like Glastonbury,

with the red and white springs that had
been going since they say for 2,000 years

and that Arimathea brought Christ there and
that there is a relationship between this land

where crop formations
seemed to have focused.

Could it be,
that it isn't just math?

That it isn't just something
from another intelligence?

That the crop formations themselves go to the heart
of something that is trying to get human attention?

That the soul of humanity,
is at stake?

That life is not guaranteed?

And that the crop formations seem to be spelling
out, that there is conflict between light and dark,

numbers and
mathematical language?

And that has always been with me,
ever since I spent so much time in them.

That it goes beyond beauty, it goes beyond
poetry, it goes beyond mathematical language.

That the crop formations that began
coming to this planet in the 1970s

have something to do with
the philosophical argument

about what is
allowable to do with life.

And that the crop
formations to me

today in 2017,
the crop formations have always been,

like a signal,
I've always felt they were a signal.

We have a path that we can go to life,
and we have a path that we can go to death.

And something like that Bengal tiger
intelligence is watching, provoking, waiting,

and I hope inspiring
the move to life.