E.14 (2020) - full transcript
As a sex worker (Liberty) desperately searches for housing after recently discovering she is pregnant, her ex-boyfriend/pimp (King) battles with supporting his family. Meanwhile, an ...
The free birds leaps, on the
back of the wind
and floats downstream, till
the current ends,
and dips her wings in the
orange sunrays, and dares to
claim the sky.
But a bird that stalks down
her narrow cage can seldom
see through her bars of
Her wings are clipped, and
her feet are tied. So she
opens her throat to sing,
The caged bird sings with
fearful trill of the things
unknown, but longed for,
And her tune is heard on a
distant hill
for the caged bird sings of
The free bird thinks of
another breeze, and the
trade winds soft through the
sighing trees.
And the fat worms waiting on
a dawn- bright lawn
and she names the sky her
But a caged bird stands on
the grave of dreams
Her shadow shouts on a
nightmare scream
so she opens her throat to
with the fearful trill of
things unknown, but longed
for still, and her tune is
heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of
What's wrong? Okay.
You're leaving?
Is it something I said?
If I did something wrong I'm
You okay?
I wasn't prepared for this.
I didn't think I would find
out like this.
My life had changed forever.
I just want us to make sure
that I could never
disappoint her.
Hey ain't that King's bitch
right there?
Walk around me it's a
choosen fee bitch. You
King's bitch right?!
Back turned around you
better see who you turn down
Come on B. King cuz. She
don't understand, you feel
me? Trying to get this money
out here, this paper. This
ho want to come over and
apologize. For what?!
Where that money at bitch?
- Watch.
all right.
Hey...That ain't enough
What the fuck is this?
Where is the rest of the
See, here's the problem.
I'm riding all up and down
this motherfucking street
making sure you protected
you good.
Hustlin' myself, grinding
thinking you doing the same
thing. So I felt like man,
let me stop and get something to eat.
Let me get a burger
But you know what you worth?...
This how much you need to eat tonight.
shit like that.
You called me.
You wasting my motherfucking
time ...this was your idea!
This is yo motherfucking
idea and I want my
motherfucking money
two bands.
What you got to say for yourself?
What's wrong, you in your feelings now?
Hey. Straight up
I need two G's tonight
so get the fuck out, clean
yourself up,
and get my motherfucking money.
You feel me?
Get out!
Get out my motherfucking car Liberty
... Get the fuck out of my
Crazy ass bitch. What's up
Hey, you did that G. Come
on, hit that
Why did this bitch leave the money...
the bills not the only thing she left.
Televison - ...recognize that we have to fight against the rascist myth
that the Trump
administration is trying to
Televison - ...recognize that we have to fight against the rascist myth
that the Trump
administration is trying to
Television - Let's be clear
about political retaliation.
The Trump administration and
ICE have already stated that
they are targeting
California and targeting
sanctuary cities like
Oakland. Because of our
Political stance. Political
retaliation should not be
tolerated in a democratic
America. Go back to
wherever f@%$ you come from
... we're honest people out
here. Yeah rapists.
wherever f@%$ you come from
... we're honest people out
here. Yeah rapists.
How many people have I
... You're a f@%$ piece of
and explain what I did to you one more time.
.... talking fucking stupid Spanish round here when
everybody else is an English
speaking American.
Okay what's happening here
is ICE is going out on known
information. They know where
these individuals are and
most over 90% of those that
are arrested are those that
have previous criminal
convictions or are already
under ICE proceedings, but
absconded from bail or bond.
Now, there are about 10%
that are collateral arrests
and when you go to a house
that have felons in there,
they arrested felons. There might be some other
undocumented aliens that they'll pick up in the
process, but 90% are
criminal aliens who attack
U.S. citizens...
Televison - So the mayor of
Oakland is saying that
basically these illegal
immigrants and illegal
aliens being rounded up,
she's portraying them as
Innocent? They have criminal convictions
already. They're the ones that have been released from
these prisons instead of
being turned over to ICE or
returned out to the street.
So what does ICE have to do?
They have to go to the homes
or to the business to find
these aliens that could have
been picked up at the jail.
But that's not what's happening. Politicians like
this woman are allowing these aliens back on the
street and endangering our
citizens, just like the Kate
Steinly family. This is an
ongoing thing and it needs
to be stopped, and it is the sanctuary policies that are
doing this.
Can you help a brother get some breakfast today?
Yo man, you got some change
...Nah man
Come on I know you got some money man.
I said no nigga!
Get your bitch ass out of here!
Fake ass Rolex.
What Nigga?!
We carry tears in our eyes.
Goodbye, Father, Goodbye
We carry soil in small bags.
We carry carnage of mining,
droughts, floods, genocides,
we carry dust of our
families and neighbors
incinerated in mushroom
We carry our islands sinking
under the sea. We carry
diplomas, medicine,
nurse, education, math,
poetry, even if they mean
nothing to the other shore.
We carry railroads,
plantations, laundry mats,
bodegas, taco trucks, farms,
nursing homes, hospitals,
schools, temples.
We carry old homes along the
New dreams in our chests
We carry yesterday, today
and tomorrow.
Were orphans of the wars
forced upon us.
Were refugees of the sea
rising from industrial
And we carry our mother
Hubb, Libe, Amor, Love
Ping'an, salaam, shalom,
paz, peace
Amal, Esperanza, hope,
as we drift in our rubber
boats, from shore,
to shore,
to shore
- Wang Ping
My family's been in Oakland
for over a century. My
grandfather used to deal
cards in the back alley
Chinese casinos up and down
the California coast. My
father owned Eagle pharmacy,
and it was located on the
corner of 47th Ave, and East
14th Street.
He first started working there fresh out of high
school in 1954 after he
graduated from Oakland tech.
In those days, East Oakland
was a white community. In
his lifetime it transitioned
to become a primarily Black
and Latino neighborhood.
Sometimes when people look
at my face, they assume that
I'm not from here.
One of the stereotypes that Asian Americans have to
confront is the stereotype
of being a perpetual
Regardless of how long our
families have been here.
I have four generations in
this city. I'm super proud
to have grown up in Oakland.
I feel like Oakland is the
place where I have the most
roots out of anywhere in the world.
How much is the co-pay?
When do you need it by?
Yes, I can do that too.
Sounds good mam. I send that
to you right away. Thank
Who is that?
Nobody important. Where have
you been?
That's good.
Listen Dad,
I'm not gonna take off for a while.
What's wrong?
Listen, honey.
I never meant for it to be
like this.
Ever since you mother left.
I tried my best to support
you kids.
Hi, um, I'm here to get the
keys, I'm sorry to bother
you guys, but I need to get
the keys.
Is there any way he can have some extra time to pack?
I suppose so. But..
you know that the new owners are moving in this Friday
so I definitely need to get
them before then.
Sorry, I gotta take this.
But everything's gonna be okay Mom.
E14. It is going to be on
the map. Check it out. For
Young brothers trying to
come up. Then gon' come up
and they gon' stay up.
All their dreams will turn
to reality. For real.
Let us remember the wasps
that hibernated in the walls
of this house.
Its walls bulged. 20 pounds
of wasps
And nest.
20 pounds of black knots and
buzzing fists.
We slept unaware that the
wasps slept so near to us.
We slept in black comfort,
wrapped in our cocoons
While death's familiar
swarmed unto themselves,
but could have swarmed onto
Do not trust cocoons.
That's the lesson of this
Or this.
Luck is beautiful.
So let us praise our
beautiful white neighbor.
Let us write poems for she
who found that wasp nest
while remodeling the wreck.
But let us remember that
was for five decades, the
For a black man and his
Both men were sick and
neglected so they knew how
to neglect.
But kind death stopped for
the father and cruelty left
behind the son,
who siblings quickly sold
the house because it was
only a house.
For months, that drunken
displaced son appeared on
our street like a ghost.
He sat in his car and wept,
because nobody else had wept
enough for his father,
whose ghost took the form of 10,000 wasps.
That's the lesson of this poem.
Grief is as dangerous and unpredictable as a 20 pound
nest of wasps.
- Alexie
Can I get a bed tonight?
What time is it man?
Come on. You don't know what
I've been through today.
Man rules are rules.
Stop being a bitch!
I know you got a fucking
For one, I'm gonna need you
to calm your tone.
Like for real dude, you come
in here every week
disrespecting somebody
and I'm tired of that shit
You got to start holding yourself more accountable
Like for real. Like where
you been out all day?!
I've been up and down E.14
all day trying to get a job.
Some Bitch Ass Niggas jumped
me and took all my money.
Look...I'm trying out here
Look, I know you tryin' man.
Like for real,
but from brother to brother,
I'm gonna need you to try
Like for real.
Like I'm gonna let you go
ahead get a sleeping bag
from the back. You go ahead
and go in the office and lay
down on the floor because
we've got too many more
We don't have none at all.
Like I'm doing this out of
the kindness of my heart
knowing that I can get fired
for this man, for real. So
go ahead man. Hurry up and
go get you a sleeping bag
man. Come on.
Come on, man. Hurry up, man.
The shit I got to deal with
on a day-to-day basis
dealing with these youth
I try my hardest to try to
take care and try to help
out but
like my grandpa always said,
you can't save everybody.
He comes in here every week
being disrespectful to
staff, or being
disrespectful to me, and I'm
just not having it
because I tell him all the
time, bruh I'm from the same
just not having it
because I tell him all the
time, bruh I'm from the same
place you from,
the streets,
but he had a different type
of pain in his eye.
It's like, I don't know if
it's ever gonna go away.
Hi, I need to check the
status on my housing
How can I help you?
Hi, I need to check the
status on my housing
Name and last four of your
Washington, Liberty Washington
Okay, it says here your
status is pending. So you'll
probably receive something
in mail in about three to
five weeks
I don't have...
Sorry, I...
I don't have three to five
weeks. I need to find
housing now.
Well, there's nothing I can do for you can sign up for a
shelter at 3pm in downtown
You need a late slip.
Adios Amigo. (Class laughs)
Very funny. Get back to work.
Bruh come on!
Hurry the fuck up!
You act like you don't hear
me knocking on the fucking
What the fuck is your problem?!
Bring your punk ass out the
bathroom bruh!
What the fuck you gonna?
Nigga what's up?!
You sleepy?
Hey my Nigga. There go that bitch right there
What's up with it...what's happening?
Okay, you see me now, you still ignore me though.
All them times I called you, you didn't want to pick up
the motherfucking phone?
You got my money?
Hey you got my money?
Hey where you going? Get off of me? Hey relax.
Who was that was that? Your client?
Or, was that your boyfriend?
I can let you go...
But you gotta give me a
All right. All right.
I guess you want to want to
have it your way?
All right. All right.
I guess you want to want to
have it your way?
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.
Uh oh Mommy.
I'm not your father. And I'm not trying to sit up here
and tell you what to do.
The path that you're going down is going to lead you two places.
Dead or in jail.
And you'll know this! You know it.
You got to start having more empathy for people.
Nobody got fucking empathy for me man.
Don't nobody care about
whether or not I'll live or
Terrell, you got a lot healing to do bruh.
Man, you ain't my bruh!
You don't know about shit that I'm going through, man.
I'm out here alone in the streets man
I was just a kid. I didn't deserve that shit.
Andria send me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Room number two, in the back
Neighborhood of my youth demolished,
erased forever from the universe.
You live on, captive, in the lonely cellblocks of my mind
erased forever from the universe.
You live on, captive, in the lonely cellblocks of my mind
Neighborhood of endless
hills, Muddied streets --
all pothole lined --
That never drank of asphalt.
Kids barefoot, snotty nose
Playing cee-lo, grubbing, grubbing on
Everett Jones BBQ, and bean
burritos from the East,
The ones you will never find
near the lake,
2 peaceful generations removed from our
granparents' revolution
Neighborhood of dilapidated
community hail,
Calling the police on us, waiting for us to go to jail
Neighborhood of sideshows
down to San Leandro, past
Fruitvale, beyond the Shady 80's
From John George to Santa Rita, it seems it would
drive anybody crazy
I guess this is what's left of broken families and
The turf.
friendly neighborhood
Cop's and robbers in the Deep East
In people's private nighttime bedrooms
Bearing sticks of Juicy Fruit for The Trap girls
chasing them in adolescent heat
Causing skinned knees and being run off for the night
Disenchanted walking home, affections spurned
Pullin' Stay-Out-Late girls,
In search of modern romance lovers, who always stood
Pullin' Stay-Out-Late girls,
In search of modern romance lovers, who always stood
them up
Unable to leave their world on LED screens.
This is our dream
What dream?
- Salinas
How old are you?
Run away?
I can help you.
Why are you just sitting
there shaking your head?
Baby you don't think you are
better better than this
Out here turning tricks.
Where's your family?
You got a place to stay?
You got Section 8?
The wait list was too long.
You gotta have someplace to
If you don't talk to me, I
can't help you.
They just gon' come and take
you back to the sell.
He is looking for us.
You try another county?
This is Contra Costa
You tell them you're
They'll give you priority.
Why are you helping me?
...because everybody
deserves a second chance.
Shut the fuck up. Shut up.
Hey. Hey. Hey! What's goign
on man?!
I told you this was your
last warning!
Get the fuck out!
Swept away in the wind of
our breath.
Gravel side streets of
The mobs from the tracks are
What are you doing on Friday
after work?
There are some open houses I want us to check out.
Kisha I told you that we are not leaving...
this is not a discussion Keandre
You need to be there for your daughter.
You right.
I know I am right.
You right.
Why you coming home late?
Got down to one lane. Crazy
Got down to one lane. Crazy
Came home with the bread though.
You're hot.
Sweaty huhn?
Daddy's been working.
Look at Popeye.
Go to sleep
Can you get some milk tomorrow?
Go to sleep
Can you get some milk tomorrow?
Are you too busy?
I got you
Milk? I got you. That's
what you want? Some milk?
Can I get some sleep?
Yeah...But I want my kiss
This is Jimmy.
When did this happen?
I'll tell them
Okay. Thank you
My self esteem took a huge
blow when people no longer
saw me as human. I needed a
place to sleep where no one
would take advantage of me
and I was vulnerable.
Liberating food became my
new priority. Sleep became a
If I was able to rest my
body for a bit, it was a
good day.
Trust became hard after being on the streets
It gets real cold out here
at night.
Okay, were here baby.
Mama's gonna come pick you
up after school today, okay.
Love you.
Bye Daddy.
Bye baby. Here take your
Have a good day.
Where is he?
Oh no. School Bus?
School Bus buns?
School Bus bump. Slims? School bus slims?
Hello, this is Andria Miles calling from earlier.
His name is Ramirez, Augustin Ramirez.
What do you mean? Where is
Which detention center?
You can't just do that.
No, this is bullshit.
He's just a kid.
When I first met Octavio
he was sleeping in the streets.
He got beat up all the time.
He was sexually abused at the border when he was
I thought I could help him because I was the only one
in my job that could speak Spanish.
One day, I got a call from his school.
He went "5150" in his
classroom because he hadn't
slept in 10 days.
He got deported to a detention center
in Arizona.
I never saw him again.
2%? Who would have tought?
Look cutty. Beyond that alright.
I have a question. I need a favor.
A favor.
I got a thick bitch on 98. Probably got a friend for you
...who knows.
but gamed up, tossed up. You
know, next to your boy...
but...I need a ride over there thought.
(King laughs)
Come on man.
Are you listening to me dawg?
Hell no I ain't listening to your ass boy. Crazy as hell.
Look man ever since you
handled your Liberty
situation and what not...
right now man.... I'm trying
to get my bread up too dog.
You've been trippin ever
since then
Holler at me.
Ain't nobody trippin on that
I ain't thinking about that
shit like that..
Man it's about that money
You can't let that bitch get
between you and that money.
Listen blood.
It dosn't always have to be
about motherfucking money.
Then what is it about if it
ain't about the
motherfucking money then?
Family Nigga.
Oh oh.
It's on family today?
I hear you. Good shit. Good
to know.
You going to take me over
there though? Is it good?
Hell no I ain't taking your
ass over there.
Man do you hear this guy
You can take your
motherfucking self. You got
a license.
Hey that 5 is fake, don't
let him fool you.
Don't listen to this cat
After you King...Can I still
get a ride though?
Hey cutty I'm not holding
your milk!
Are you okay?
You allright dog.
You remember me?
Fucking bitch
Is it safe here?
Drive, please!
Just drive.
T, get up Nigga!
Get up blood!
Are you okay?
I know, I know, I know.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's
go, daddy. I'm
sorry. Daddy got two
minutes. Let's go okay.
I'm done ... Let's get out of here.
Yes, then I'll be ready. Thank you. Thank you for
Getting away was already on my mind
because I knew it was only a matter of time.
and here I am laid up, three month old boy
just born.
Either you going to get out on your terms,
Or they gonna get you out on there's.
Thank you, Jimmy. It's been
such a rough week for me. So
this is
Here you go.
Thank you.
We've been looking for so
long and we were outbid by
all cash offers the last two
times. So we are so happy
that we finally found something we could actually
Well, it's all yours now.
So take good care of it.
We will.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, Jimmy. Thank you.
Let's go!
Not here. Move along.
Hey daddy, I didn't realize that was you.