Dune Warriors (1991) - full transcript

After the end of the world, Earth is a thirsty planet ruled by vicious warlords. One woman is brave enough to fight back; she bands together five warriors to save her town and their precious water.

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(loud boom) (screaming)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher firing)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)


(gun firing)

(kick thuds)

(gun firing)


(gun firing)

(woman screams)

(gun firing)

(woman screams)

(kick thuds) (gun firing)

(kick thuds)

(gun firing)

(woman screams)

(loud thud)

(loud clang)

They got water, William,
but it ain't much.

Where do you get your water?

From traders.

From a village named Chinle.

Where is this Chinle?

Due east.

If that's true, Chinle
would make a good base camp.

Tomas, you take some
men, secure the village.

We're gonna forage this
area for more supplies.

We'll see you there in a week.

Yes, sir.

Please, sir, leave us some water?

You won't be needing it.

(gun fires) (man groans)

Do it.

(rocket launcher firing)
(loud booms)

Where is he?

Where's William?

(elegant orchestral music)

[Luis] Why don't you set a date, Val?

My father's angry.

To him, your delay is an insult.

[Val] Luis, don't you want
to see something of the world,

other than this valley?

It's just desert.

Goes on and on.

Time before, there was so much more.

Time before.

You're crazy grandfather and his tales.

If it was so wonderful,

then why'd they have to
tear holes in the sky

and destroy all the cities?

Yeah, but the merchants
that we trade with,

they speak of other places,

places bigger than Chinle.
Traders just want to sound

more important than they really are.

Val, it's not what I want.

I know.

And I want to marry you, it's just that...

Just that what?

It's been over a year
since I spoke for you.

Talk to you father.

He knows how I feel.

I will.

I promise.

Val, we have to face
our responsibilities.

Come on, we better get back
before we both get burned.

(men chattering)

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

[Man] Look at them run!

(man laughs)
- Look at them go!

There they go!

Let's go, guys!


(men cheering)

- All right!
- Secure the perimeter!

- Move over!
- Go!

- Move over!
- Let's go!

[Man] Move over!

(man laughs)

Who's the leader here?

I'm Reynaldo, Chief of Chinle.

What is it you want of us?

We have heard that you have

an abundance supply of water here.

Is that true?

Why, yes, it comes from the spring

upon which our village was founded.

It's our most precious commodity.

You're more than welcome
to help yourselves.


Well, Reynaldo, you and your people

should feel fortunate and honored,

for as of now, your village
is under consideration

as the future headquarters
of William's command!

And since it's quite obvious

that this village is quite defenseless,

we will remain here to provide protection

for you and your precious
commodity until William arrives.

- Come here.
- Oh!


(kick thuds)

(gun fires)
- No!

(gun fires) (groans)




(Val gasps)



Let that be a warning to any one of you

who dares resist the force
of William's command!

(people chattering)

My condolences, sir.

Thank you.


[Luis] What Samuel did was very brave.

He was a good soldier...
Protected me from that scum

cost my brother's life.

We have to get rid of them!

Val, what can we do?

You saw what they...
Need to fight!

We outnumber them at least 10-to-one.

They are warriors.

We are not.

I'm sure they wouldn't
hesitate to kill us all,

just like Samuel, if we
try to go up against them.

Val, my father's right.

Our situation here is hopeless.

You're the hopeless case.

Look, you really shouldn't
be so hard on Luis.

He means well.

Father, we've got to get some help.

[Emilio] From who?

- Where?
- I don't know,

but we've got to!

(Val sobs)

(mysterious music)

Hey, go on, have some more.

(elegant music)

(mysterious music)

(men shouting)

[Michael] Get back!

- Get back!
- Come on, come on!

(men chattering)
Come on, get back!

Get back, get away!

[Michael] Where's your weapon, girl?

I haven't got one.


Shouldn't be out here in the
wilderness without a weapon.

Who are you?

Just a traveler.

My name's Michael.


Well, Val, where you come from?

Where you going?

I'm from Chinle.

I'm looking for help.

My village is being taken over by warriors

from William's army.

I want to find warriors that
will come back and liberate us

and defend us against William.

When is William coming?

[Val] Well, the soldiers
say in about one week's time.


Well, a lot of the
warriors go to Freetown.

Been looking for service.

If I wanted to hire somebody,
that's where I'd go.

Where is this place?

[Michael] Just happens
that's where I'm headed.

Come on.

[Val] Good.

Then you can help me find some warriors.

[Emilio] Look, there's
nothing we can do.

All we have to do is just stay calm

and try not to antagonize them.

I've looked everywhere.

Where could she have gone?

I don't know anymore.

We can only hope for the best.

(people chattering)

(people cheering)

(loud thud)

(crowd cheering)

[Crowd] John, John, John, John, John,

John, John, John, John, John, John!

Are there any more challengers?!

[Crowd] John, John, John,
John, John, John, John, John!

Does anyone dare challenge John?!

[Crowd] John, John, John, John, John!

[Man] Challenger?

(people laughing)

(people jeering)

(people shouting)

(people cheering)

Better keep your mind on the joust, kid.

Don't want to blow the scam.

(people cheering)

[Crowd] John, John,
John, John, John, John!

[Man] Take him out!

(joust clangs)

(joust clangs)

(loud thud)

He's really good, isn't he?

(people chattering)

[Man] Very first time I ever seen that.

Pay up time, guys!

Thank you.


John Loa.


Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?

The hell are you doing here?

I bet on you.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry about that.

Good match.

Listen, kid, if you're
any kind of a man,

you'll give me a shot at winning

some of that back at the dice table.

If you can.

Ricardo, I need a
drink, and he's buying.

(men laughing)

Well, easy come, easy go, kid.

Should I go talk to them?

Well, that is what you
came here for, right?

Ricardo, there's a tournament
in Perrysburg next week.

You should go.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Excuse me.



I'd like to talk to you about a job.

Hey, don't I know you guys?


I don't think so, pal.

You pulled that scam up in Brimfield.

Look, pal, I've never been to Brimfield.

Beat it, will ya?

You hoodwinked the
whole town, including me.

[Man In Black] Scammers, huh?!

(punch thuds) (people shouting)

(punches thud) (lively music)

(knee thud) (groans)

(punch thuds)

(punch thuds)

(punch thuds)

(knee thuds)

(punch thuds)

[Ricardo] Get out of here!

(people shouting)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(punch thuds)

(punch thuds)

(kick thud) (groans)

(punch thuds)

(people shouting)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(punch thuds) (groans)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(people shouting)

[Val] The soldiers say that William

will defend us against harm,
but I don't believe them.

They killed my brother.


What kind of a favor do you owe them?

[Val] Well, we don't really
have any money to speak of,

but we can feed you and shelter you.

Look, you seem like a nice girl,

and I'm sorry about your village,

but we're just passing through.

In fact, me and the kid
here are gonna clean up

on that tournament in Perrysburg.

Yeah, but on our way
back, we could stop...

That'll be too late.

William will already have taken the town.


You really think that three warriors

can stop William and his army?


There's four of us.


Old man?

He helped out at the saloon.

It's not the same thing.


We have water.

How much water?

An endless supply.

And if you help us, you can
have as much of it as you want.

Well, it's like I was saying,

we can always go to Perrysburg.

These fine people need our help.

Thank you.

(gun fires) (groans)

(gun fires)

(gun fires) (groans)

(gun fires) (groans)

(loud clang) (kick thuds)

(gun fires) (groans)


How you doing, Miranda?


Those bastards tried to attack me.

What's going on?

[Michael] This is Val.

She's from Chinle.

We're at her service in
defensive of her village.

From who?


[Miranda] I guess that
gives you a good reason,

but what about them?

What are you talking about?

He didn't tell you?

It's ancient history.

It's got nothing to do with this.

Are you still looking for more fighters?


Any village girl who
has the guts to go off

and find men like this are
somebody I can work for.

Here, take this just in case.

I've been spending a lot
of time convincing the people

that having William's headquarters
here is good for Chinle.

I hope you'll put in a good
word for me when he arrives.

(exhales loudly)

Why don't you take
care of man Keith here?

Excuse me.

Have some more, come on.


(men laugh)


(kick thuds) (groans)


(men groan)

(punch thuds) (groans)


(punch thuds) (man groans)

[Man] Hey!

(swords clang)


(gun fires) (groans)

What was that?

Come on.

(punch thuds) (groans)

(kick thuds)

(punch thuds)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(punches thud) (groans)

(soft thud) (groans)

(woman screams)

(man groans)

(kick thuds)

(swords clang)

(man groans)

[Michael] Go on, get out of here!

(loud thud) (groans)

(kick thudS) (groans)

(kick thuds)


(kick thuds)

(gun fires)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(swords clang)

(elbow thuds) (man groans)

(punch thuds)


I don't know who you are,
but when William gets here,

you're gonna be fucking dog food.


I can hardly wait.

You've gravely compromised
our situation here

by returning with these ruffians, Val.

I have brought warriors that
will fight to keep us free.

Warriors? Huh.

A surprise attack on a few soldiers

on an unguarded moment is one thing.

Do you expect them to be
more than a moments delay

to William when he arrives with his army?

I thought you spoke for your
people when you came for us.

There is still those who believe.

[Reynaldo] Luis, will
you tell your bride-to-be

she's making a big mistake here?

I am not making a mistake!

Chinle has been free since
the time of our grandfathers!

And I'm sure that there's still some of us

who want to keep it that way!

[Men] Yeah.

Listen to me, listen to me!

When William comes, he will
kill these so-called warriors.

He will punish us for harboring them.

Is that what you want?

Then I say we get rid of them now!

Luis, aren't you going to help me?

I want to, Val, but...

If we surrender to William,

will you be able to defend me?!

Do you want to be forced
to do their bidding?!

Will you still be able to love your wives

after they've been raped by these men?!

I say that it's better that we die free

than exist as slaves!

Chinle has never been the subject

of one man's rule before.

If we give into William, our
council will be destroyed,

and we will have no voice
in what happens to us.

We must fight!

Fight, we must fight!
(people cheering)

- Fight, fight!
- Fight, fight, fight!

Fight, fight, fight, yes, fight.

How can we fight?

You're farmers here, not fighters.

What do we know about fighting?

If you are willing to learn,
we are willing to teach you.

This is not a rich community.

We could never afford such services.

Well, you all look
like honorable men to me.

And once you see the
value of our services,

I'm sure you'll make us a fair offer.

How say you, then?!

[Crowd] Yes!

Fight, fight!

- Fight!
- Fight, I say fight!

The people have spoken.

For now.

That was an easy sell.

This is great.

Been a long time I've been soaked.

I was starting to feel crusty.

Ah, that's nice.

You know, my kid sister
used to do that for me.

Where is she now?


I'm sorry.


How did you become a warrior?

I was out hunting for
berries when the raiders came.

I hid in the bushes.

It seemed like it went on forever.

Afterwards, they burned everything.

The smell.

I couldn't even identify my
father and mother or my sister.

Some traders found me a few days later.

They took me with them to
look after their needs.

It took me almost a year to
get a chance to kill them.

After that, word got around,

and people mostly just left me alone.

I teamed up with another
warrior, an older guy.

He taught me a lot.

He died fighting William.

I still carry his gun.

Sounds so hard.

It was.

And Michael?

I met him a few times over the years.

I know him mostly by reputation.

He's a loner like me.

Sometimes, I wish I
could leave this place.

So go, but you have to let me teach you

what you need to know
to survive out there.

Can't leave here.

I have responsibilities.

Then we just have to
make sure to make Chinle

the kind of place you'd like to live

for the rest of your life.

(John laughs)

[Ricardo] Hey!






- Hey!
- Go for it.

[John] Go, Daniel, come on!

- Yes, come on!
- Come on!

(men laughing)

(men cheer)

[John] Yeah!

[Man] Way to go, Daniel!

(men laugh)

Children, come here!

Come on! Come on!

[Man] Way to go, kid!

(man laughs)

How's the work going?


So that's the guy you're gonna marry?



Well, he didn't give you much support

at that town meeting.

Well, sometimes, Luis
can be a bit indecisive.

Doesn't mean anything.

Does he love you?


Of course.

[Dorian] What about you?

Look, our marriage is
gonna end the bad blood

between his family and my family.

You don't understand.

You're right, I don't understand.

If you were my girl,

I'd stand up and fight
for you no matter what.

(bows firing)

(sticks clacking)

[Ricardo] Good, fellas!



Good. That's better.

If you learn to use these
tools to defend yourselves,

a much better chance staying alive.

Let's try it again. Who's next?

[Michael] How about me?

You don't have to do this.

It's all right.

Go ahead.

You sure?

All right.

- Ooh!
- Ooh.

(man laughs)

[Man] All right!

[Man] Oh!

(men laugh)

- Not bad.
- See?

Don't even really need the stick.

(men laughing)

(John sighs)

(swords clanging)

Luis, right?

Come up here.

Pull that sword on Dorian.

(men chattering)

Come on, Luis, let's
see what you're made of.

Come in and lunge at him.

(swords clang)
- Oh, hey!

Come on! (Men chattering)

[Men] Hey!

[Man] Come on!

Come on!

Get in there!

- Go Luis!
- Hey!

(swords clanging)
- Go, Luis!

- Oh, get up!
- Get up, get up, get up!

(men shouting)

(swords clanging)

[Man] He's got the
sword, he's got the sword!

- Come on, Luis.
- Go Luis!

(men cheering)

(kick thuds)

(punch thuds)

(Dorian screams)

You're not worth it, not now.

I think you blew it, kid.

No need to kill the chief's son.

No, I was just showing him how to fight!

No, you weren't.

You're gonna apologize to him too.

[Val] Luis, what's wrong?

What do you care?

Look, you think I don't
know what's going on

between you and that Dorian?

There's nothing going on!

I'm not blind, Val.

At least be honest enough to admit

that you have doubts about us.

I know what my responsibilities are,

and I'm gonna marry you!


I'm beginning to regret the day

that I ever fell in love with you.

You're right.

Those damn warriors are
nothing but trouble.

They'll ruin us if they stay.

Well, what made you come to your senses?

That damn Dorian,

made a fool of me in
front of all the people.

I say to hell with the stupid training!

You know, I've been thinking about this

ever since they got here.

There's only one thing we can do.


Get a message to William.

No, no, no.

Just feel.

Yeah, let's take a break
for about whatever.

They certainly are hard workers.

Yeah, they're good farmers.

Terrible fighters.

Oh, I'm not worried about the villagers.

But you, John, I don't know.

You don't trust me?

Well, you're an excellent fighter,

but these villages need
something more, though.

You're not concerned about these people.

Don't give a damn about this village.

You're just using them as
an excuse for your revenge.


I'm interested in justice, not revenge.

Yeah, well, whatever you call it.

Well, what are you interested in, John?


The girl?

I heard Dorian messed up.


It was no big deal.

He was just having a little fun with Luis.

Well, I hope his fun
doesn't get us killed.

I wouldn't worry about it.

When the fighting starts,
Dorian will be just fine.

It's because of Val, isn't it?

It's pretty obvious he likes
her, if that's what you mean.

What about you?

Why are you here?


For the water.

No, I mean, really.

I grew up fighting.

It's the only thing I
really know how to do.

Wouldn't you like to put
down your weapon some day

and live a quieter life?

There is no quieter life in this world.

You either fight or you
get killed by those who do.

Well, maybe some day we'll
find a better place, John.

Some day.


Hey, listen, I'm sorry
about what happened.

Sometimes, I get a
little bit carried away.

I meant you no insult.

Just keep the hell away from Val.

Wake up!

Stupid farmers!

We should've left when they
said they didn't want us.

Hell, nobody wants us.

That never stopped us before.

We should be in Perrysburg
doing what we do best.

Do I detect a little jealousy, kid?

'Cause Val and the chief's
son are getting married.

What about him?

What gives him the right to speak for us?

Who the hell does he think he is?

Ah, forget about him.

This ain't boy scout troop.

I don't care, I don't trust
him, and neither should you.

I didn't say I trusted him.

We wouldn't want to
blow a good thing here.

What do you mean?

Well, you want the girl, don't you?

Don't you?


Well, look, how many men
can this William have?

30 or 40, right?

So you whack him, and
you look like a hero.

Where does he fit in?

Haven't quite figured
out the professor yet.

Miranda said he used to be a
farmer with a wife and kids.

He don't look like no farmer to me.

Yeah, 10 years of fighting
will do that to you.

William and his raiders
killed Michael's family,

burned his farm.

He's been chasing him ever since.

(sneaky music)

Tell William they're many of us here

who want to be rid of those outlaws.



[Val] The prisoners are gone.

- What?
- Someone must've let them out

during the night.

Where's Luis? I'm gonna find him.

Hold it. Hold it.

Accusing Luis whether he's guilty or not

is not gonna solve anything.

Issue now is time.

Got to get these defenses finished.

Get the others.

(lively music)

All right, grab that corner, up.

[Man] More sandbags over here.

Want some water?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

(dramatic music)

Come on!

What happened?

The villagers of Chinle
have recruited mercenaries.

They snuck in, took us by surprise.

How many mercenaries?


Ha, only five?

They're good at what they do.

They took me and Jim prisoner,
but we managed to escape.

It wasn't easy.

We had to get back to let you know.

Is there any water there?


We're low on gasoline.

We have to wait for the
convoy to get replenished.

You take some men and a
few vehicles to Chinle,

and when I get there, I
want to see five bodies

hanging from your gallows.

As good as done.

[Dorian] This gonna work?

Well, let's hope so.

We won't know until it happens.

Think we can depend on them
when the fighting starts?

Well, I remember my first battle,

I didn't know who to
trust, who to believe in,

so I just worried about myself.

Came out okay.

We won.

Fighting when you know
what you're up against,

hell, I can handle that.

Something like this,

well, truth is, I've never
been in a real battle before.

Never thought about being scared.

I just hope I'm up to it.

Every warrior I've ever known,

who was worth a damn, felt like that.

Take your time.

You'll be fine.

(gentle music)


Maybe they're not coming.

I wouldn't count on that,

especially if Tomas
told William we're here.

Dorian thinks that Luis let Tomas out.

What do you think?

I don't know.

I'm so confused.

So is Luis.

He thinks you're leaving him for Dorian.

Are you?

Miranda, someone's coming.

(thrilling music)

I count five.

Get back and warn the others.

[Val] They're coming!

[Man] Open the gate!

[Val] They're coming!

[Man] Open the gate!

Let's go, let's go!

[Val] There's five
cars heading this way.

Five cars isn't William's army.

They don't know what we've done here.

We outnumber them.

Let's get ready!

I understand that some of
you aren't happy with William,

and you think you need
some other protection.

Which of you mercenaries is the leader?


That's right.

I know this man.

He seeks vengeance for something
that happened long ago.

He's not doing this for
you, but you will pay.

But if you surrender now,
your lives will be spared.

It's your choice!

You have 30 seconds to decide!


(gun fires)

No one gives a damn what you say, Jason!

The next shot won't be a warning!

Okay, you asked for it!

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud thudding)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud booms)

(men cheering)


Don't kill him!

That's William's right hand man.

We may have use for him.


(men shouting)

Thank you for today.

Everybody did their part.

Not everybody.

When the fighting started,
Luis was nowhere to be found.

That doesn't surprise me.

I'm not so confused anymore.

What do you mean?

Well, could never marry a
man that I didn't respect.


(Val sighs)

You know, I really thought some of them

would go with him today.

I guess I didn't know all my friends

well enough to know
what choice they'd make.

Well, most of them probably didn't know

what choice they'd make
themselves till they made it.

These are good people.


We really taught them a lesson today.

Val, what happened today was good,

but it's a cake walk
compared to what will happen

when William shows up.

All Jason did was buy us a little time.

You best make use of it.

Tell your people there's
still a lot to be done.

I don't know what
you're all so smug about,

but you just signed
your own death warrants.

You should've taken Jason's
offer and surrendered.

Give it up, Reynaldo.

They're not gonna listen to you anymore.

Well, when William gets
here, they'll wish they had.

You mark my words, Emilio.

We have to find some way
to disassociate ourselves

from these fools before it's too late.

You know, there's two
things that smell like fish.

One of them's fish.


Ricardo, you remember that
blonde from the saloon

up in Kessel a couple years ago?

How can I forget?

You damn near got me killed.

Well, you're the one
that introduced me to her.

How was I supposed to
know she was married?


Nah, she can't be married.

(gentle music)

No sign of that gas convoy, boss.

How much water have we got?

Not much.

Drying up fast.

We got enough fuel to get to Chinle?


Then let's move it out.


(men shouting) (men cheering)

Hey, Ricardo.

Hey, Rick and I were thinking

when this fighting is all
over, we'd like to go with you.

For me, it is never over.

Yeah, we'd like to join you, though,

become warriors and fight along side you.

You will leave your homes?

Yeah, well, there's a lot
more to life than farming,

that's for sure.

But we can't stay home forever.

Ricardo, why did you leave your home?

I never had one, but if
I did, that's where I'd be.

[Dorian] How much time
do you think we have?

[Michael] Another day, if we're lucky.

[Dorian] What's this?

Well, William thinks
Jason is holding the fort,

so that'll just help convince him.

When he gets nice and close,

we hit him with everything we got.

(dramatic music)




Try and make him feel welcome.


(flames roaring)

(men screaming)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

[Man] Get off the car! Get off!

(loud boom)

(flames roaring)

Come on, come on! (Gun firing)



(gun firing)

(gun firing) (groans)


(gun firing) (groans)

(gun firing)


(gun fires) (groans)

(flames roaring)

Fall back!

Fall back!


Take these assholes
back to the stockade.

And no milk and cookies.


Check out William's camp, see
what we're really up against.

If they got any water, use it up.

Open the gate!

[Dorian] I'm okay.

Let's go.

Check every vehicle.

Check all the equipment.

We attack in the morning in full force.

They won't drive me back this time.

If I have to, I'll level Chinle.

You know what to tell them.



I'll take care of things here.

(gas hissing)

(water splashing)

What's this?

An emissary from Chinle.

He says he has important
information for you.


He's the chief's son.

He helped me escape.

He's okay.
I'll be the judge of that.


Son of chief, what do you got for me?

I tell you, this is madness!

This man is going to get us all killed

because of some personal vendetta

that has nothing to do with us.

If we act now, we can
negotiate a reasonable truce,

but if we wait...

That what your son is
doing in William's camp?

Negotiating a truce?

Are you gonna follow a man
who'll sell you down the river

just to save his own skin?

William has no water!

The longer we hold back his
army, the weaker it gets.

Now, if we can hold him now,

they'll never have the
strength to fight another day.

When he hits us, it will be hard,

but if we stand together
and hold our ground,

we can beat this son of a bitch!

- Yeah!
- Right, right!

(loud boom) (screaming)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)

(loud boom)

(triggers clicking)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

Move back!


(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(people shouting)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(gun fires)

(gun fires) (groans)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(loud clang) (groans)

(punch thuds)


(gun firing) (groans)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(gun fires)

(loud clang)

(kick thuds)

(gun fires)

(loud crack)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(people shouting)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(gun firing) (groans)

(loud clanging)


(loud boom)


(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(gun fires) (groans)

(gun firing)

(gun fires) (groans)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)


(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)

(loud boom) (gun firing)

- Papa!
- Daniel!

(gun fires)

(gun fires) (groans)

(kick thuds)

(punch thuds) (groans)

(loud thud) (loud boom)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)


(guns firing)

(gun firing)

(loud boom) (people screaming)

- Oh, yes, come here.
- Get over here.

Let go! (Loud boom)

Take him away.

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)


[Men] William, William, William,

William, William, William!

So this is Chinle.

They're gonna love us.


Welcome to our humble village.

I'm Reynaldo.

I trust my efforts to facilitate
you won't go unrewarded.

Where are the rest of those mercenaries?

They escaped.

Whose their leader?



So what are we gonna do now?!

We've got no food, no
water, and no transport!

(people chattering)

The outpost is a hundred miles away!

We'd never make it!

- We can try.
- We can always go back

and surrender to William.

(people jeering)

[John] Well, I'm going back,
but it ain't to surrender.


It's either die out here like a dog,

or down there like a man.

I'm with John.

I may be a scoundrel,

but I ain't never turn
my back on a friend.

All right.

We go tonight.

Everybody stay out of the sun.

Conserve your energy.

I have no patience for failure, Jason,

but in view of your past loyalty to me,

I'm giving you a chance
to redeem yourself.

I thank you for that.

Tomorrow morning, you'll
fight this young upstart Dorian

in a duel to the death.

And if you win, you'll be reinstated

your position in my service.

I'll win.

I expect you to make short work of it.

You won't be disappointed.

And if Dorian wins?

Why, I'm not an unreasonable man.

His life will be spared.

He'll spend the rest
of his days in slavery

to the captains of my guard.


Take them away.

Son of a bitch.

Well, can't say as I care
too much for the odds.

No one here said it was gonna be easy.

[Ricardo] Never mind, I don't want any.

Put it down there.


Where did you get this?

Up there, in the cave!

[John] Can you show me?


In there.



Elusive jackpot.

Do you know how to use that?

Yeah, if they're not all rusted out.

Ricardo, we're in business.

(men cheering) (women screaming)


What are you doing here?

I had to see you.

I'm scared.

Don't be.

[Val] This is all my fault.

Hey, Jason's not gonna kill me.

I've got too much to live for.

Yeah, but even if you win...

Hey, as long as I'm alive,

I'll find a way for us to be together.

I swear.


(dramatic music)

(gun clacks)

This is for you, William.

(cheering) (shouting)

Yeah, yeah!

Kill the motherfucker!

Cut his nuts off! Yeah!


Kick that motherfucker's ass!

(kick thuds)

Kill! Yeah!

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)

(loud boom)

- Val!
- Incoming!

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom) (groans)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom) (guns firing)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom) (guns firing)

(rocket launcher fires)

(loud boom)


(rocket launcher fire)
(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(guns firing)


(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(loud boom) (screams)

(loud boom)

(rocket launcher fires)
(loud boom)

(loud boom)

(guns firing)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)


(gun firing)

(loud boom) (loud clanging)

(kick thuds) (gun clicks)


(sword clanging)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(punch thuds)

(gun firing)

(loud clanging)


(loud clang)

(loud clang) (kick thuds)

(kick thuds) (groans)

(loud thud) (groans)

(elbow thuds)

(swords clang) (kick thuds)

(swords clang) (kick thuds)

(gun firing)

(gun firing)

(gun clicks)

(loud boom)



(loud boom) (loud clang)

(gun firing)


(loud boom)

(gun firing)

(gun fires)

(gun fires) (groans)

(gun fires)


(gun fires)

(Val whimpering)

(gun firing)

(swords clanging)

(kick thuds)

(swords clang)

(swords clanging)

(gun fires)


He's yours.


(loud clanging)

Chinle owes you so much.

I wish you'd stay.

Still so much that we can learn from you.

Whatever you need to know you know.

My work is done here.

It's time for me to move on.


- Ow.
- Thanks for everything.

We appreciate it.

(gentle music)

Take care of him now.

She will.

(Daniel crying)

I thought you were staying.

Not my style.

I'm a gambling man.

You know, kid, it's not too
late to change your mind.

Big tournament up in
Bonetown, we could clean up.

I don't think so.


Ah, I can't say as I blame you, kid.

(upbeat rock music)

(music drowns out singing)

♪ My arms are lightning ♪

♪ My feet are thunder ♪

(music drowns out singing)

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Warrior's the sun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ If I can handle the gun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Let me be the one ♪

♪ Backing up to meet ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

(music drowns out singing)

♪ My arms are lightning ♪

♪ My feet are thunder ♪

(music drowns out singing)

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Warrior's the sun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ If I can handle the gun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Let me the one ♪

♪ Backing up to meet ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

(music drowns out singing)

♪ The light is low ♪

♪ The loaded gun ♪

(music drowns out singing)

♪ My arms are lightning ♪

♪ My feet are thunder ♪

(music drowns out singing)

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Warrior's the sun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ If I can handle the gun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Let me be the one ♪

♪ Backing up to meet ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ Warrior's the sun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪

♪ If I can handle the gun ♪

♪ Desert heat ♪