Dumb and Dumber (1994) - full transcript
Harry and Lloyd are two good friends who happen to be really stupid. The duo set out on a cross country trip from Providence to Aspen, Colorado to return a briefcase full of money to its rightful owner, a beautiful woman named Mary Swanson. After a trip of one mishap after another, the duo eventually make it to Aspen. But the two soon realize that Mary and her briefcase are the least of their problems.
Excuse me.
Could you tell me how to get
to the medical school?
I'm supposed to be doing a lecture
in about 20 minutes,
and my driver's
a bit lost.
You go straight ahead,
and, uh, you make a left
over the bridge.
That's a lovely accent
you have.
- New Jersey?
- Austria.
Austria! Ha ha!
Well, then...
G'day, mate.
Let's put another
shrimp on the barbie.
Let's not.
Now, who's got
the wiener schnitzel?
There you go, Dolf.
There you go, buddy.
Let's see.
Next, we got
roast beef au jus.
Who's got
the roast beef au jus?
Stella, beautiful.
Bon appetit, Stella.
Oui oui, yeah.
Walk away.
Go on. Go on.
Last but not least...
Who's got the foot-long?
There you...
very funny, rascal.
Very funny.
In your dreams.
Harry, why haven't you
dropped those dogs off at the show yet?
Uh, sir, I didn't
want to send them
to a performance
on an empty stomach, sir.
- Get a move on it!
- Yes, sir.
Mutt cutts.
Suck me sideways.
How are you?
Uh-uh-uh... uh...
I'll be out
in one minute.
Why are you going
to the airport?
Flying somewhere?
How'd you guess?
I saw your luggage.
Then when I noticed
the airline ticket,
I put two and two
So where're you headed?
Mmm... California.
Name's Christmas,
Lloyd Christmas.
I'm Mary Swanson.
This isn't my real job,
you know.
- No?
- Nope, my friend Harry and I
are saving up our money
to open our own pet store.
That's nice.
- I got worms.
- I beg your pardon?
That's what we're going to call it...
I Got Worms.
We're going to specialize
in selling worm farms,
you know,
like ant farms.
What's the matter?
A little tense
about the flight?
Something like that.
There's really nothing
to worry about, Mary.
they say you're more likely
to get killed
on the way to the airport,
you know, like in a head-on crash
or flying off a cliff
or getting trapped
under a gas truck...
That's the worst.
I have this cousin...
well, I had this cousin.
Lloyd, could you keep
your eyes on the road, please?
Oh. Yeah.
Good thinking.
Can't be too careful.
A lot of bad drivers
out there.
Hey, watch it!
Okay, gang,
you know the rules...
no humping, no pushing,
no sniffing heinies.
Where have you been? My dogs were
supposed to be here 40 minutes ago!
Now I hardly have any time
to primp them.
Don't worry about a thing,
Mrs. Neugy-burger.
- Neugeboren!
- Neug-neug-neug...
- Boren!
- Boren.
These pooches aren't going to
need any primping.
You know why?
I'll tell you why.
Because I bathed them
and I clipped them myself.
And I stand by
my performance.
You know,
on second thought,
you might just want to run
a comb through 'em.
The white zone is for the immediate
The white zone is for the immediate
loading and unloading
of passengers only.
No parking.
Here you go.
Oh no, Mary.
I couldn't possibly
accept that,
not after all
we've been through.
Thank you, Lloyd.
- Uh, good luck with your worms.
- Yeah.
How about a hug?
The white zone
is for the immediate
loading and unloading
of passengers only.
No parking.
I hate goodbyes.
Uh, Lloyd...
Just go.
Be strong.
Mr. Dan Mitchell,
please pick up
the white courtesy phone.
Mr. Dan Mitchell, please pick up
the white courtesy phone...
She's gonna leave the briefcase
near the escalator.
- You make the pickup.
- Piece of cake.
Passenger Maura Tadge,
please pick up
the white courtesy phone.
You have a message.
Passenger Maura Tadge.
Agh! Mary!
There's our payday.
She left it.
Let's go.
Excuse me!
Coming through!
Move it or lose it,
meenie... minie...
Hold that plane!
Sir, you can't
go in there!
It's okay!
I'm a limo driver!
Hi, Lloyd.
Hi, Harry.
- How was your day?
- Not bad.
Fell off
the jetway again.
Who the hell you figure
this guy's
working for, anyway?
I don't know.
We sure as hell
better find out.
The ulcer?
I'll live.
- So you got fired again, huh?
- Oh, yeah.
They always freak out when you leave
the scene of an accident, you know?
Yeah, well,
I lost my job too.
Man! You are
one pathetic loser.
No offense.
No. None taken.
Ha ha ha!
You know what really
chaffs my ass, though?
I spent my life's savings
turning my van
into a dog.
Hi, Petey!
The alarm alone
cost me 200.
Chicks love it.
It's a shaggin' wagon.
What's with
the briefcase?
It's a love memento.
The most beautiful
woman alive,
I drove her
to the airport.
Sparks flew,
emotions ran high.
She actually
talked to me, man.
Get outta here.
Oh, yeah yeah.
Tractor beam...
Sucked me right in.
She left this
in the terminal
and flew to Aspen
and out of my life.
What's in it?
Man... I would
have to be a lowlife
to go rootin' around in somebody else's
private property.
- Is it locked?
- Yeah, really well.
There's two of them.
One of them's got a gun.
Did you pay
the gas bill?
Do you realize what you've done?
I'm sorry.
I say we bail.
Briefcase ain't here.
They must have
taken it with them.
Well, he's got to
come home sometime.
Maybe we should
trash the place,
send him
a little message.
I don't think he's going to get
that message, Joe.
I mean, the guy's got worms
in his living room.
Oh, I got
a better idea.
"I thought I taw
a puddy cat.
I did. I did."
I can't believe
we drove around all day
and there's not
a single job in this town.
There is nothing,
nada, zip!
Yeah, unless you want
to work 40 hours a week.
Here. I'm going to
go to the store.
Okay, just get
the bare essentials.
This is the last
of our dough.
Hey. What do I
look like?
Excuse me,
little old lady.
Uh, do you have
change for a dollar?
No, I'm sorry.
I don't.
Oh... well, uh,
could you do me a favor
and watch my stuff here
while I go
break a dollar?
- Of course.
- Thanks.
Hey. I guess
they're right.
Senior citizens,
although slow and dangerous
behind the wheel,
can still serve
a purpose.
I'll be right back.
Don't you go dying on me!
- Ugh!
- Where's the booze?
I got robbed
by a sweet old lady
on a motorized cart.
I didn't even
see it coming.
- Harry?
- No...
- No...
- Harry. Come on, Harry.
Cheer up.
It gets worse, Lloyd.
My parakeet Petey...
- Yeah?
...he's dead.
Oh, man.
I'm sorry, Harry.
What happened?
His head fell off.
His head fell off?
Yeah, he was pretty old.
That's it.
I've had it
with this dump!
We got no food.
We got no jobs.
Our pets' heads are falling off!
Okay, just calm down!
What the hell are we
doing here, Harry?
We gotta get
out of this town!
Yeah? And go where?
Where are we gonna go?
I'll tell you where,
someplace warm...
a place where the beer
flows like wine,
where beautiful women
instinctively flock
like the salmon
of Capistrano.
I'm talking about
a little place called...
I don't know, Lloyd.
The French are assholes.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute!
I know what you're up to, mister.
Yeah! You just
wanna go to Aspen
and find that girl
who lost her briefcase,
and you need me
to drive you there!
- Right? Am I right?
- Yeah. So?
- Am I right? Am I right?
- Yeah! So?
So I wanna go someplace
where we know somebody
who can plug us into
the social pipeline.
No! No no no!
No, Lloyd!
No! I say we stay here,
we hunt for jobs,
and we keep saving our money
for the worm store!
I don't know about you,
but I am getting
sick and tired
of-of running
from creditors!
You know what I'm sick
and tired of, Harry?
I'm sick and tired of having to
eke my way through life.
I'm sick and tired
of being a nobody.
But most of all...
I'm sick and tired
of having nobody.
Okay, Lloyd.
Aspen it is.
You'd better not
be foolin'.
Okay okay,
just let it out.
Have a good cry.
Come on.
Okay, that's enough.
what are you doing?
It feels like you're running
at an incredible rate, Harry.
Would you quit it?
We're not even through Connecticut yet,
and already
you're annoying me.
- Sorry.
- Jeez.
- We're really doing it, aren't we?
- Yeah.
Hey, where'd
you get those?
I bought them
when we filled up.
We're supposed to talk
about all
expenditures, Lloyd.
We're on a very
tight budget.
This didn't come out
of our travel fund.
No, I was able to raise
25 extra bucks
before we left.
Where did you get
25 extra bucks?
I sold some stuff
to Billy in 4C.
The blind kid?
What did you
sell him, Lloyd?
- What kind of stuff?
- I don't know.
A few baseball cards,
a sack of marbles...
You sold my dead bird
to a blind kid?
Lloyd, that-that...
what are you...
Petey didn't even
have a head!
I took care of it.
Pretty bird.
Yeah. Can you say,
"pretty bird"?
Pretty bird.
Yes, pretty bird.
Pretty bird.
Polly want a cracker?
Those rat bastards.
They're rubbing it
right in our faces.
Man, Andre'll have
a goddamn hemorrhage
if we don't get
that briefcase back.
They must have been
following us for weeks.
- Why you say?
- "Gas Man."
How the hell do
they know that I got gas?
They gotta be pros.
Don't worry.
We're going to get that money back.
And I'll tell you
something else,
they ain't never
getting to Aspen.
I'm going to see to that.
They got The Monkees.
They were a major influence
on The Beatles.
Yeah, I know.
Excuse me, Flo?
Flo, like the TV show.
Uh... what is
the "soup du jour"?
It's the soup of the day.
That sounds good.
I'll have that.
Anything else
before I leave the area?
No... yeah...
yes yes,
my soda's flat.
It doesn't have
any bubbles.
Happy now?
Feels good to mingle
with these laid-back country folk,
don't it, Harr?
I like it a lot.
- Uh-oh.
- What? What's the matter?
You spilled the salt,
that's what's the matter.
Spilling the salt
is very bad luck.
We're driving
across the country.
The last thing we need
is bad luck.
Quick. Toss some salt
over your right shoulder.
Uh-oh, too little
too late, Harry.
Who's the dead man
that hit me with the salt shaker?
Well... uh...
it was a terrible
mistake, sir.
Please, believe me.
I would never do anything
to offend a man
of your size.
Kick his ass,
Sea Bass!
You gonna eat that?
What? That?
No... yes... no.
Well... no,
it crossed my mind.
Still want it?
Nah, you go ahead.
You really
wimped out, man.
What are you talking about,
wimped out?
Well-well, did you...
the guy hawked on my burger!
Hey, wait a second.
I think I just...
I just had an idea.
Follow me.
Excuse me. Guys?
What the hell
do you want?
Uh... I just want
to apologize
for that uh...
unpleasant scene
a little earlier.
My friend Harry and I
would, uh...
like to buy
you guys a...
round of beers...
just to bury
the hatchet.
Make it
four boilermakers.
Whatever you want, sir.
I'll have the waitress
bring it over immediately.
Lloyd, what are you doing?
We can't afford
to buy them drinks.
Um... excuse me.
Sea Bass and the fellas
offered to pick up our check.
They said just put it
on their tab.
They're very nice.
Sea Bass said that?
Well, if uh...
that guy at the table
over there is Sea Bass.
Ah! Uh.
All right,
if that's what he wants.
Put these
on there too, okay?
You got it.
I'm gonna kill
those sons of bitches!
That was genius, Lloyd,
sheer genius!
I mean, where did you come up
with a scam like that?
- Saw it in a movie once.
- That was incredible!
So what happened?
So the guy tricks some sucker
into picking up his tab,
then gets away with it scot-free?
No, in the movie, they catch up to him
a half-mile down the road
and slit his throat.
It was a good one!
- Harry?
- What?
I know this isn't
the best time, but...
- when you get a chance to pull over...
- Yeah?
- I gotta pee.
- What, are you crazy?
I'm not pulling over now.
But I gotta go!
What am I supposed to do?
Well-well, whiz in one of the empty beer
bottles in the back.
They're on the floor.
Just get one of...
- Jeez, Lloyd!
- Quit moving around!
Huh! What...
- Watch the seat! Watch the seat!
- Okay!
All right!
- Uh-oh.
- What? What's wrong?
The bottle's almost full
and I'm still going.
- So stop going.
- I can't stop going once I've started.
It stings.
Quick! Get me
another bottle.
- What?
- Come on.
Hurry hurry hurry
hurry hurry hurry!
Come on! Come on!
Okay okay, here
here here. Hold it!
- Hold that.
- Jesus.
Hold that one.
I'm pinching it.
What are you,
a camel?
Pull over!
- Huh?
- Pull over!
No, it's a cardigan,
but thanks for noticing.
Killer boots, man!
Pull your vehicle
to the side of the road!
License and registration,
You fellas were going a little fast back
there, wouldn't you say?
You, uh...
you fellas been doing
a bit of boozing,
have you?
Sucking back on Grandpa's
old cough medicine?
No. Oh no, sir.
- No no no.
- No, huh-uh.
Yeah, well,
what's that?
- That's nothing, sir.
- Yeah, nothing.
Yeah well, you aware that
it's against the law
to have an open
alcohol container
here in the State
of Pennsylvania?
Come on,
give me that booze,
you little pumpkin-pie-
haircutted freak!
Come on!
Sir, no, I- I...
No, sir, don't.
Don't drink...
You'd keep
your mouth shut
if you knew what was
good for you, buddy.
Tic Tac, sir?
Get the hell
outta here!
How could they not
have gotten the ransom?
It just doesn't
make sense.
I left the money exactly where they
instructed me to.
Oh, it makes
perfect sense, Mary.
We should have called
the authorities
the minute we knew
that Bobby was kidnapped.
Now, Helen, we've been
through this already.
- Mr. Andre.
- Nicholas.
- Karl.
- Nick Nick Nick.
Any word yet, sir?
No, nothing yet,
I've been giving this
a lot of thought.
Maybe we should cancel
the preservation benefit
this weekend.
It would be so easy
to reschedule it.
No, I don't think we should do anything
out of the ordinary.
Yeah, she's right. It's imperative that we
carry on as usual...
- Okay.
...especially you, Mary.
What am I
supposed to do,
just go about my life
like everything is fine?
That's exactly
what you should do.
Yes, go skiing, go to parties,
act normally, you know.
Yeah, don't you see,
We can't let on
that anything's wrong.
If the press or the authorities
get wind of this,
the kidnappers
may panic.
Mm. I mean,
you never know
what they might
do to him then.
So he says,
"Do you love me?"
And she says, "No, but that's
a real nice ski mask."
Hey, man,
what's that?
Oh! Oh!
You want me
to drive?
No, I'm cool.
Get her!
This is the life...
cold beer, a hot tub
and paper-thin walls.
There's only one thing that could make this
moment any better.
What's that?
If you had a nice set
of knockers.
That's two things, Lloyd.
Yeah, well, it's a good thing you're not
stacked, Harry,
or I'd be banging you
right now.
I'd show you what
a real man can do.
Split you like an
old piece of firewood.
You'd probably like it too,
you big homo.
Shut up.
Don't tell me
to shut up, woman.
I don't know, Lloyd.
You know,
this place doesn't
really do it for me.
It brings back
a lot of memories.
Pour quoi?
It was a few years ago.
What happened, Harry?
Some little filly break your heart?
No, it was a girl.
- Oh.
- Fraida Felcher.
Yeah, we stayed in a place
just like this.
Wasn't this classy,
but, you know, nice.
From Cranston?
You know her?
Oh, yeah!
I mean,
I remember you...
talking about her.
We had the most incredibly
romantic time.
I thought we were gonna be
together forever,
and then about a week later,
right out of the blue,
she sends me
a John Deere letter.
- She give you any reason?
- Yeah, I called her up.
She gave me
a bunch of crap
about me not listening to her
enough or something.
I don't know.
I wasn't really paying attention.
But the thing
that hurt the most
is I think she was
seeing another guy.
Never did
find out who.
Mr. Andre, guess who
we just happened upon?
- Yeah.
I had plans.
- Things I wanted to do.
- Yeah.
This is where it all ends...
at a phone booth.
Yeah. The boys are holed up
in a little love-nest
for the night.
I think they're
a little bit strange.
What the hell are
these guys up to?
I mean, is it possible
that they could be feds?
Highly unlikely
from what I've seen.
Sir, did you
ever hear
of the concept
of other people?
Um... me being that
for the phone,
Oh, you turned
your back on me.
Ho ho ho!
He got me mad. I almost like it.
You and Shay were
supposed to grab that bag
- so we could end this shit!
- Here's your drink, baby.
Do you know the damage
I could do to you?
Hold on a minute.
But that's not
your problem.
You didn't know.
Get off
the phone.
Get off the pho...
I'm sorry, Mr. Andre.
You were saying?
Look, Mental,
these jokers have got a lot of money
and it belongs to me!
Now, I want to know who they are
and what they're doing with it!
Hey hey hey, I told you already.
I'm on it.
- All right?
- Good.
According to the map,
According to the map,
we've only gone
about four inches.
You know,
I don't think
we have enough
gas money.
Relax. We have
more than enough.
I think
you're wrong, Lloyd.
How much
you wanna bet?
I don't bet.
What do you mean,
you don't bet?
I mean I don't bet.
I don't gamble.
Pussy pussy pussy!
- I never have, and I never will.
- Yeah, right!
I'll bet you 20 bucks
I can get you gambling
- before the end of the day.
- No way.
- I'll give you 3-to-1 odds.
- Nope.
- 5-to-1?
- Nope.
- 10-to-1?
- You're on.
I'm going
to get you.
- Huh-uh.
- Oh, yeah.
I don't know how,
but I'm going to get you.
- Yeah. Oh, yeah.
- Nuh-uh.
Come on, Joe.
Let me do them.
Let me do
both of them.
You wouldn't even have
to worry about it.
Just shut up!
Now, we don't even know
who the hell they are.
You don't kill people
you don't know.
That's a rule.
Now, I want you
to get up here,
lie down
on the front seat.
When they pick me up,
you follow us. You got that?
Keep your shirt on.
I gotta squeeze a lemon.
Hey, hey, hey.
Here they come.
Stay down, stay down!
Say, uh, are you guys
going to Davenport?
My car died, and I'm late
for a luncheon.
We usually don't
pick up hitchhikers,
but I'm going to go with my instinct
on this one.
Saddle up, partner.
You're it.
- You're it.
- You're it! Quitsies!
You're it. Quitsies. No anti-quitsies.
- No startsies.
- You can't do that.
- Can too.
- Cannot. Stamped it.
Can too. Double-stamped it.
No erasies.
Cannot. Triple-stamped it.
No erasies.
You can't triple-stamp
a double-stamp!
You can't triple-stamp
a double-stamp, Lloyd!
You can't triple-stamp a double-stamp.
Lloyd! Lloyd!
Guys! Enough!
Hey, you wanna hear the most annoying
sound in the world?
Guys! Guys! Guys!
you think we could
listen to the radio
or something?
Who needs a radio?
Ready, Harry?
Hey, Lloyd, look! There's some people
who want a ride too.
Pick 'em up!
You want an atomic
pepper, Mr. Mentaliano?
Nah, you guys
go ahead.
I'll do it
if you will, Lloyd.
You go first.
No, huh-uh, no,
you go first.
- No, you go first.
- No, you go first.
- No, you go first.
- I always go first!
Why don't you guys
both stop acting
like a couple
of pussies
and go at
the same time, huh?
- That sounds like a dare, Harry.
- It's a double-dare.
Yeah, okay,
you're on.
- Huh. It's not so bad.
- Uh-huh.
Yeah. It's more
tingly than hot.
Uh, if you fellas
would excuse me,
I've got to use
the phone.
Enjoy your meal,
Here, Lloyd,
this helps!
Here here.
it works good.
Yeah, it's Mental.
I'm just sitting down
- to a nice meal with our boys.
- Well, how nice for you.
Don't forget that your bread plate
is on the left!
Look, I can't have these guys
running around Aspen.
Don't worry. They ain't gonna be
runnin' around nowhere
after I dump a little rat poison
in their Shirley Temple.
- Good good.
- Okay, that's good.
Here he comes.
Here he comes.
Feeling better,
Yes, much better.
Thank you for asking.
So why are you going
to Aspen? Vacation?
Why don't you eat up
and we'll tell you?
It just doesn't seem like
you packed much.
All I saw was one bag
and that briefcase.
Well, no no, the briefcase
isn't even ours.
Some lady left it
at the airport.
We're just bringing
it back to her.
How's your burger?
You mean, you don't
even know her?
I mean,
talk about being in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
Are you okay, man?
It was just a goof.
Oh, my ulcer!
My pills!
Maybe somebody should
call an ambulance.
Look, uh,
you get the pills.
Don't worry.
I know CPR.
I'll get
the pills.
Out with the bad air,
in with the good.
- Out with the bad air...
- Get off!
Agh, don't!
Don't don't!
Back back!
This is a lot easier
if you just lay back.
- Here.
- He's resisting me!
Here we go, here we go.
- There you go! There you go.
- Pills are good!
- Take 'em down.
- Pills are good!
- Drink 'em down.
There you go.
- There you go, big guy.
- That's better!
You want some ketchup
and mustard?
That helped us.
Son of a bitch!
Check, please.
I can't
believe it.
Life's a fragile
thing, Harr.
One minute you're
chewing on a burger,
the next minute
you're dead meat.
But he blamed me.
You heard him.
Those were
his last words.
Not if you count
the gurgling sound.
- You mean he was poisoned?
- No doubt about it.
We found these
next to the body.
- Sir.
- Yeah?
Waitress says he came in with
a couple of younger guys.
Now they're the ones who called the
ambulance, and then they hit the road.
- Get any idea where they were going?
- We just received a report
that they were seen headed west on l-80
towards Colorado.
Did you get a make
on the vehicle?
Uh, yes, sir.
They're driving
an '84... sheepdog.
Skis, huh?
That's right.
They yours?
Both of 'em?
Um, excuse me,
but you're, uh...
you're spraying
Oh, man, you gotta be shitting me.
If it ain't
my old friend!
And right on time.
That's a lot of luggage
for a little vacation.
- I'm moving to Aspen.
- Oh.
I've got to get away from my boyfriend.
He's such a klutz.
Plus, my astrologer told me that
I really should stay away
from accident-prone guys,
so, you know.
Oh, well,
you know, I...
Here. It's a little loose.
You might want to...
- Mm. Thank you.
- Oh, no. Hey, no, allow me.
I've got
a thing of...
Got 'em right here. Right here.
Thank you.
Sure. You know, I'm heading up
to Aspen myself.
Maybe we could,
you know, meet up,
have some hot chocolate
or something.
Sure, why not?
You seem harmless.
I'm going to
give you my number.
- Let me find a pen though.
- Great!
- Let's see.
- That's... ah!
- I know I have one in here somewhere.
- Look, why don't you
just tell it to me?
I got a really good memory.
- Well, the number's 555...
- 555.
905... wait a minute.
That's my old number.
That is so weird how
your mind just goes blank.
For God's sakes, just
give me the damn number!
Okay, look, uh, you gonna get pushy,
forget about it.
Find a happy place.
Find a happy place.
Find a happy place.
I'll show you
a happy place.
Here's your happy place.
Move those cars!
Move it! Move it!
Go around, man.
Go around.
More flags over here!
All right,
any sign of them yet?
No, sir, but we're
expecting them shortly.
A motorist saw a pooch about 30 miles
back headed this way.
Look, I told you what happened, okay?
So just drop it.
Yeah, okay. Sure thing, Lloyd.
Sure thing.
I promise not
to mention another word
about you being
in a bathroom
with a 6'4" trucker
with his pants down.
Hey, look.
We're almost in Colorado.
What do you say
we change seats?
I've been driving
for nine straight hours.
I don't have the energy
to start a new state.
Why should I do you
any favors?
I'll let you kiss me.
I swear...
I'm gonna...
I will take your...
I'm... I swear to God
I'm gonna take your...
- Aw, come on...
- Don't touch me.
Oh, okay.
I'm done.
Okay, enough.
Hey, guys.
Whoa, Big Gulps, huh?
All right.
Well, see you later.
Hey, Harry,
I got some beef jerk...
Some people just weren't cut out
for life on the road.
I was wondering when
you were gonna get up.
Well, how long
have I been out?
I'd say
a good five hours.
Huh! I expected
the Rocky Mountains
to be a little
rockier than this.
I was thinking
the same thing.
That John Denver's
full of shit, man.
I'm only human, Harry!
Anybody can
make a mistake.
Come on,
stop being a baby!
So we backtracked
a tad!
A tad?!
A tad, Lloyd?
You drove almost
1/6 of the way
across the country
in the wrong direction!
Now we don't have enough money
to get to Aspen!
We don't have enough
money to get home!
We don't have enough
money to eat!
We don't have enough
money to sleep!
Well, it's not gonna
do us any good
to sit here
whining about it.
We're in a hole.
We're just going to have to
dig ourselves out.
Okay, all right.
You're right.
You're absolutely
right, Lloyd.
Oh, well, pardon me,
Mr. Perfect!
I guess I forgot
that you never,
ever make a mistake!
Wait up!
Got room for one more
if you still want to go to Aspen.
Where did you
find that?
Some kid
back in town.
Traded the van for it
straight up.
I can get 70 miles
to the gallon on this hog.
You know, Lloyd,
just when I think
you couldn't possibly
be any dumber,
you go and do
something like this...
and totally
redeem yourself!
Ha ha!
- Still wanna go to Aspen?
- Oh, yeah!
- Okay, let's go, buddy!
- Super!
- Lloyd, no! West! Go west, Lloyd!
- Oh! Oh, yeah.
I've got to...
I've got to stop
to go to
the bathroom.
Just go, man.
That sure is warm.
We're there.
Got a little nippy
going through
the pass back there.
Isn't this incredible?
- What more could two single guys want?
- How about some food?
I swallowed a big June bug
when we were driving.
I'm not
really hungry.
Well, I'm starving.
Ho... Jeez, look at
the butt on that.
He must work out.
Hey! Why don't we get busy
and deliver
the briefcase to Mary?
If I know her as well
as I think I do
she'll invite us right in
for tea and strumpets.
Good plan.
Where does she live?
I don't know.
What's her last name?
I'll look it up.
You know, I don't
really recall.
Starts with an "S."
S-swim, Swamie,
S-slippy, Slappy,
Slimin, Solmon,
Simin, Sal,
Swenson, Swanson?
Maybe it's on
the briefcase.
Oh, yeah!
It's right here.
I was way off.
I knew it started
with an "S" though.
I'm not seeing
it here, Lloyd.
She must be unlisted.
So what are we
supposed to do now?
I can't feel my fi-fingers anymore.
they're numb.
Ooh. Maybe you should
wear these extra gloves.
My hands are starting
to get sweaty.
Extra gloves?
You've had this pair
of extra gloves
this whole time?
Yeah. We're in
the Rockies.
I'm going to kill you.
- What?
- I'm gonna kill you!
- I'm gonna kill you, Lloyd!
- Calm down!
Right now,
I'm gonna kill you!
Harry, you got that crazy look
in your eye!
I know what I'm going to do.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going to do something
I should have done
a long time ago.
Don't do anything
foolish, Harry!
What? Foolish?
This isn't foolish!
I'm going to toss
this damn curse
right into
that damn pond!
- I'm going to do it!
- No, Harry!
Your hands
are freezing!
Aah! Ugh!
Harry, look!
Look! Look!
Okay, here's the plan:
We borrow a few bucks...
just a small loan from the briefcase
- and we find some reasonable lodgings.
- Good plan.
And we'll keep track of all the money
we spend with IOUs.
We'll be meticulous,
right down to the last penny.
- Whatever we borrow, we pay back.
- Absolutely.
- We're good for it.
- Our word is our bond.
This is
the Hotel Danbury
Presidential Suite,
normally reserved
for royalty,
visiting dignitaries,
illustrious stars
of stage and screen.
We have shortly coming the Emperor
and Empress of Japan,
and of course, Princess Charles and Di
when they were together
used to frequent
the hotel constantly.
We'll take it!
There you go.
- There you go.
- Thank you, sir.
- There you go.
- Thank you, sir.
- There you go.
- Thank you, sir.
There you go.
Rain brought them to him.
My mother was Sarah Carver.
Although at the time, he wasn't sure
he wanted to accept the gift.
Nick, do you think he'll let us stay?
No, this place is ugly, anyway.
You and me,
we're a family.
I promise never to give you away.
And no one's
ever going to break us apart.
At Pacific Bell, we believe
that's pretty special.
- Wow! Boy, this is livin', huh?
- Yeah.
- Wow! Boy, this is livin', huh?
- Yeah.
- What's on next?
- I don't know.
Let me look it up.
Lloyd, you okay?
Harry, it's Mary!
It's who?
Mary with
the briefcase.
Mary Swanson.
- Wool hast anool...
- "Host annual."
- Host anewl... annual...
- Annual.
"Annual meeting of..."
t-he... t-he...
- The.
- Oh.
- "The Inter..."
- Yeah. It's a big one.
"International Preservation Society
tomorrow night."
Well, come on,
We've got to get you
ready for the ball!
Thanks, Barn.
There you go.
Thank you, sir.
Okay okay okay.
- Ha!
- Cripes!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Time out!
- Okay.
Excuse me. Gentlemen, this is
a $500-a-plate dinner.
- Good night.
- Oh, 500... oh, okay. No problem.
Here. Put us down for...
put us down for four.
In case we
want seconds.
Jesus Christ.
It's them.
- Them who?
- Them,
the guys who
whacked Mental.
Can't you just
feel it, Harry?
This is our
big chance, man.
All we gotta do
is show a little class,
a little sophistication,
and we're in like
a dirty shirt.
That's no problem, Lloyd.
We can be classy and sophistic...
oh, look at the funbags
on that hosehound.
I'd like to eat her liver with
some fava beans
and a nice
bottle of Chianti.
Come on, let's go get a couple bowls
of loudmouth soup.
Hey, bartender,
- two martinis, please.
- Yes, sir. Right away.
Ladies and gentlemen,
can I have your attention, please?
The Aspen
Preservation Society
is the world's
foremost defender
of 23 endangered
and it is with
tremendous honor
that we're able to bring
Mr. Swanson forward
to introduce us
to the 24th. Everybody...
Thank you, Nick.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you
the Icelandic snow owl.
These magnificent specimens
constitute one seventh
of the snow owl population
left on the planet.
And God willing,
with your help
and that of
the Society's,
these wonderful creatures
will flourish once more.
Thank you again
and enjoy your evening.
Can I have
some pistachios, please?
And another one
of those.
Lloyd, what are you doing?
Would you calm down?
I've never seen you
so nervous.
Keep an eye on 'em, Shay.
Keep a close eye.
I'm ready for
a commitment, Harry.
The first time
I set eyes on Mary Swanson,
I just got that old-fashioned
romantic feeling
where I'd do anything
to bone her.
That's a special
feeling, Lloyd.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Oh my,
there she is.
Wow! You weren't
kidding, Lloyd.
She's an angel!
Well, what are
you waiting for?
Get over there
and talk to her.
She's just going to think
I'm some kind of a psycho
when she finds out
how far I came just to see her!
You know what you have?!
Her briefcase!
She's gonna be
thrilled to see you.
I have an idea.
Why don't you go over
and introduce yourself?
And that way,
you can build me up
so I won't have to
brag about myself later.
Tell her I'm rich
and, uh,
I'm good-looking
and, uh, I have
a rapist wit.
No, I don't know.
I don't think I could... no.
- Come on, please.
- No, I'm not...
- Please! Please!
- Okay okay okay. Stop.
What are you gonna do?
I'm going to
hang by the bar,
- put out the vibe.
- Okay.
Nice set of hooters
you got there.
- I beg your pardon?
- The owls, they're beautiful.
Are you
a bird lover?
Me? Oh, no.
Well, I used to have a parakeet...
- Ah.
...but now my main area of expertise
is, uh, canines...
to the layperson.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
- I love dogs too.
- Oh.
- So how are you involved with them?
- Oh, you know,
I've trained them, bathed them,
clipped them.
- I've even bred them.
- Oh, really?
- Any unusual breeding?
- No.
Mostly just doggy-style.
One time,
we successfully mated
a bulldog
with a shih-tzu.
That's weird.
Yeah. We...
we called it a bullshit.
Oh, I'm... anyway,
the real reason
I came over here
was to...
I've got to introduce you
to a buddy of mine.
- I don't believe I've met your friend.
- Oh.
Well, actually, we haven't been
properly introduced.
- My name is Mary Swanson.
- Hi, Harry Dunne.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
This is my stepmother Helen.
Hi. Harry Dunne.
Pleasure to meet you both.
Mm-hmm. Well,
I saw you come in.
I was hoping I'd get
a chance to meet you.
- You were? Really?
- Yes! That tuxedo, it's fabulous!
Really. I love a man
with a sense of humor,
and so does Mary.
It's hysterical!
- Really?
- Oh, yes.
Oh. Anyway, um,
about my friend...
What are you doing tomorrow?
I believe that Mary
is looking for someone
to hit the slopes with.
She... what? Huh?
Helen, you're
embarrassing me.
Well, you are.
I mean, after all,
the snow's going to be gone
in a couple of weeks.
And, well, this may be
your last chance.
Poor thing, she never
gets a chance to get out.
Well, what do you say, Mr. Dunne?
Are you available?
Well, I don't know.
See, my friend...
Oh, forget your friend
for one day.
I think you kids'll have
a wonderful time. What do you say?
Well, you know,
I don't know, you know.
You know, the thing...
part of... sure.
What time?
How come you didn't
bring her over?
You're golden.
- I got you a date with her tomorrow.
- Oh.
- What... I... this...
- Yeah.
- I love you, man.
- Okay okay.
- You're kissing me.
- I love you.
- I love you!
- You're kissing me. Lloyd!
This calls for
a little of the bubbly!
- You're going to be my best man, Harr.
- Oh, good.
- I promise.
- Thank you.
You have just
earned yourself a seat
at the head table, pal.
And we already got the tuxes.
Gracious sakes!
Good grief!
- Boy, this party really died.
Hey, maybe it was
a coincidence.
Hey, maybe it was a coincidence.
It was a message, Shay,
pure and simple.
I mean, we killed
their bird.
Now they killed
one of ours.
How could anybody
whack a bird with a cork?
These guys aren't
just anybody.
They're good.
Mary Christmas.
Mrs. Mary Christmas.
- Kinda catchy, huh, Harr?
- Yeah yeah, that sounds nice.
But, Lloyd, don't you think you might be
jumping the gun a little bit?
I mean, you know,
who knows?
You know, maybe,
once you get to know her
you'll find out
that she's not your type.
Don't you ever
say that again!
She is the love
of my life!
The blood in my veins!
We belong together...
till the mountains
fall into the sea,
till the heavens
Or until I get sick of her
and need to move on.
- You hear me?!
- Okay okay okay okay. Just calm down.
Just calm down.
let me
get this straight.
Lobby bar
in the lobby.
Yeah, and that's
what she said.
She'll meet you there
at 10:00 sharp.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Where're you going
in that get-up?
Oh. I... you know, I just thought,
you know,
when you'd be off making
your love connection
I'd be out trying my luck
on the slopes.
You mean you're gonna
go out in public
dressed in tights?
Oh no, these aren't
tights, Lloyd.
These are fashionable
Euro-trash ski trousers.
Pretty revealing.
Yeah, but it's
just a tiny lump.
No one'll notice.
You're right.
I can't go out dressed like this.
Nice going, buddy!
Beautiful outfit,
There you go.
How you doin'?
You're a little early.
We don't open
for about 45 minutes.
I'm meeting
someone here.
- Mind if I wait at the bar?
- No. Come on in.
It's a beautiful day,
huh, Harry?
Yes yes, I've had a wonderful time
so far. Thank you.
God, it feels
so good to get up here.
I haven't been outside that much
in the last couple weeks.
Oh, yeah?
Why not?
Um, there's been
some family problems,
but I don't want
to bore you with those.
Oh, look. Frost.
- Are you okay?
- Oh, yeah,
I do this all the time.
Let's go to the top
this time.
- Hi, there.
- Ugh...
Say, kids,
you wouldn't
happen to have
a cup of warm water,
would you?
Excuse me.
Is it 10:00 A.M. Yet?
It's 1:00.
That's what I have too.
Thought maybe it was fast.
She's running late,
Just a couple hours.
You know girls.
When they're excited
about something,
everything has to
be perfect.
This one's on me.
Chablis, please.
Bad day, huh?
Me too.
'Course everything's
been bad
since I broke up
with my boyfriend.
Oh my God.
My God! You poor guy.
Does it hurt?
I'm fine. I saved
a seat for you.
Oh no, listen. This is silly.
Let me help you.
No no no no no.
Yes. It'll only hurt for a moment,
like a Band-Aid.
- Come on, ready?
- No no no no. No.
Come on. Go.
Come on, come on.
What am...
I said to myself,
"Run, Beth.
Run for your life before this man
kills you both."
Then do you know
what the klutz did?
No, and I don't care!
I'm going to tell you, He came home
one night dead drunk
and decided he wanted
to fix the sink.
Couldn't believe him.
Anyway, enough about me.
Let's talk about you.
- How come you're here?
- Bartender!
You wouldn't happen to know
a Mary Swanson, would you?
Mary Swanson? Yeah.
She comes in here
all the time.
What's that
supposed to mean?
She has dinner.
Oh. I'm sorry.
you know where
she lives?
Yeah, her family has the big place
up on Alpine Drive.
Alpine Drive?
Big place?
No way!
That's great!
We landed
on the moon!
I've gotta tell you,
today was just what I needed.
Thanks a lot, Harry.
Blell, blit blas...
it was my pleasure,
So you'll pick me up
tonight at 7:45?
Well, no, I've got
a few things
to take care of first.
Why don't we make it
quarter to 8:00?
Stop it!
Okay 7:45.
Doesn't make
any sense, Lloyd.
She told me
10:00 sharp!
Are you sure you went
to the right bar?
Oh, yeah. Yep.
I'm pretty sure.
Lobby bar.
Right in the lobby.
Ahh... well...
maybe she just had
a change of heart.
Oh, that pisses me off!
That pisses me right off!
I hate when women
do that, you know?
She wanted
to see you again!
She told me that!
And now no?
Now... wait a minute!
She must have meant
10:00 at night.
Do you think?
Why would she have you meet her
at a bar at 10:00 in the morning?
I just figured she was
a raging alcoholic.
- Oh, that's th...
- And all this time,
I've been going through such pain
and personal anguish.
Such hell!
For nothing!
Oh, God.
That's funny.
Oh, that's good stuff.
Oh, boy.
Well, listen, looks like
you got your night planned,
so I'm just going to head out
and catch a flick.
10:00 in the morning.
Hey, Harry,
old buddy, old pal!
Will you join me in a good-luck toast
before you head out?
Oh, sure thing. Whatever you think
will help your chances.
Yes, sirree.
You know why
I like you, Harry?
Because you're
a regular guy.
Yep, that's why I want you
to stay regular.
1/2 teaspoon for fast,
effective relief.
To my friend Harry...
the matchmaker.
Oh, get out of here.
I'm... I've...
Hi, the door's open.
Come on upstairs.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, make yourself
at home, okay?
I'm almost ready.
One minute?
- Okay, sounds good.
- Okay.
Harry, are you
in there?
Be right out!
I hope you're not using the toilet.
It's broken.
- Huh?
- The toilet doesn't flush.
No, I was
just shaving.
Yeah, I was running
a little late.
I thought this
would save some time.
Okay well, I'll be in the kitchen
whenever you're ready.
Oh, Jeez!
Tomorrow on
"A Current Affair,"
inside the home of the Menendez
brothers' attorney.
And next, we'll be
back in a minute
with the heartbreaking story
of the blind Rhode Island boy
who was duped into
buying a dead parakeet.
I just thought
he was real quiet.
Who are these
sick people?
- Hi!
- Hi.
Remember me?
Uh... not really.
I drove you
to the airport last week.
Oh my God!
Uh... Lloyd, right?
You remembered
my name.
What are you doing
in Aspen?
I brought you
your briefcase.
You left it at the airport,
you big goof!
- You have my briefcase?
- Yeah.
Hey, I have it
at my hotel room.
You want to jump on the bike with me?
We can go get it
unless you're busy.
Oh, no no no!
No no!
- I don't wanna...
- You just wait right here.
- Okay.
- Okay?
Come on, flush,
you bastard!
Harry, what are
you doing in there?
I'm just... I'm cleaning my teeth!
I'm cleaning my teeth.
I'm gargling.
Just give me a minute, Mary.
I'll be right with you.
Harry, I'm sorry, but something
important's come up,
and I've got
to run out.
It's-it's sort of an emergency.
I'll explain later.
- But, Mary...
- I'm sorry. I've really got to go.
I promise we'll do this
again sometime.
Race you to the top.
- Come here.
- Agh!
Yeah! Ha ha!
I won!
Look familiar?
I don't believe it.
You really have it.
Of course, I have it.
When Lloyd Christmas
drives a woman to the airport,
he makes sure she gets
all her luggage.
- That's my whole philosophy.
- This is incredible.
You mean to say
you drove 2,000 miles
just for me?
Uh... I didn't really
have a lot to do.
And I know how
frustrating it can be
to lose a bag.
That is so sweet, Lloyd.
Look, Mary, I know this may
seem a little sudden,
but I've given it
a lot of thought.
You're the woman I've been waiting
for my whole life,
and I'm not ashamed
to admit it.
Let me finish.
I'm crazy about you.
I've never felt this way
about anybody.
Listen to me.
I feel like
a schoolboy again,
a schoolboy
who desperately wants
to make sweet
sweet love to you.
Oh, I thought I heard
you talking to someone.
Mary, I- I...
I desperately want to make love
to a schoolboy.
- Maybe I should be going.
- No no...
No, I... that's not
what I meant.
Um... what I
meant was, um...
I-I like you, Mary.
I like you a lot.
I want to ask you a question
straight out, flat out,
and I want you to give me
an honest answer.
What do you think
the chances are
of a guy like you
and a girl like me...
ending up together?
Well, Lloyd,
that's difficult to say.
We really don't...
Hit me with it!
Just give it to me straight!
I came a long way
just to see you, Mary.
Just... the least you can do
is level with me.
What are my chances?
Not good.
You mean not good,
like one out of 100?
I'd say more like
one out of a million.
So you're telling me
there's a chance!
I read you.
Hi. We have plenty
of towels. Thanks.
What are you doing here?
I've been looking
for you, Mary.
I have some news
about your husband.
Wait a minute!
What was all that
one-in-a-million talk?
Aren't you going to
invite me in?
Hey, Harry,
you never called!
What are you doing here?
Excuse me, gunman,
who are you?
Don't play dumb
with me, asshole!
I'm the rightful owner of that briefcase
you've been carrying around!
Oh. Well, then...
Nicholas, my family
trusted you.
Shut up!
Listen, Mr. Samsonite,
about the briefcase...
my friend Harry and I
have every intention
- of fully reimbursing you.
- What?
You open it up.
Open it up!
Go ahead, open it up.
Do what he says.
What is this?
What is this?
Where's all the money?
That's as good
as money, sir.
Those are IOUs.
Go ahead and add it up.
Every cent's
accounted for.
Look. See this?
That's a car.
275 thou.
Might want to hang on
to that one.
You're a dead man.
You're a dead man!
Lloyd, I'm home!
Look, we've got to have
a serious talk.
I got a confession
to make.
Oh, good.
You found her.
I'll leave
you two alone.
No. Stay.
Yes, I'd like a one-way ticket
to Amsterdam
departing as soon
as possible, please.
How do you guys
know each other?
We used to be
best friends.
Yeah, until he turned
into a backstabber.
Me a backstabber?
You got a lot of nerve.
You knew I was
crazy about her!
And you knew I was crazy
about Fraida Felcher,
and that didn't stop you, did it?
- What do you mean?
- What do you mean?
Don't deny it, Lloyd.
Fraida told me the whole sleazy story,
Mr. French Tickler.
Okay, what time does it...
what time does that leave?
Thank you...
wait a second.
Can I have
a vegetarian meal?
I guess we both learned
a little something
- about each other today, didn't we?
- Yeah, you said it, pal.
Maybe we're not as good of
friends as we thought we were.
I guess not.
I mean, if one beautiful girl
can rip us apart like this,
then maybe our friendship
isn't worth a damn.
Maybe we should
call it quits right now.
You just tell me
where to sign, bud.
Right on my ass
after you kiss it!
Kiss it?!
You kiss mine!
Both cheeks, both lips,
right here!
- Put it right...
- Shut up!
Now, which one of you losers
wants to get it first?
Over here...
I was the one that got you into
this whole mess.
Come on
and shoot me.
No! Wait! Wait.
No no, do me first.
I stole your girl, Lloyd.
I deserve it.
- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.
- No, you don't...
- Yes, I do!
Yesterday was one of the greatest
days of my life.
Mary and I went skiing, we made
a snowman, she touched my leg.
Okay, kill him!
Oh! Oh, no!
You killed my best friend,
you bastard!
If it's any consolation,
you're about
to be reunited.
You're alive!
And you're
a horrible shot.
Lucky me.
Police! Open up!
Nobody move!
Everybody freeze!
Get those hands up!
Not you, dummy!
Get the gun.
Special Officer
Beth Jordan, FBI.
Hey! Who?
But... huh?
Mr. Dunne,
thank you very much.
We couldn't have
done it without you.
We've been
following you guys
all the way
from Providence.
What's going on,
Your name is Harry,
isn't it?
Yeah, she-she grabbed me down the lobby,
explained what was up.
Then they slapped
this bulletproof vest on me
and gave me a gun.
But what if he shot you
in the face?
What if he shot me
in the face?
That's a risk
we were willing to take.
How come I didn't
get a gun?
Did you
get a gun?
You were right,
She was definitely
worth the trip.
Yeah. She's something,
ain't she, Harr?
I'm glad we were able
to help her out.
- Honey!
- Easy easy.
- You're okay.
- Okay, I'm just a little sore.
I'm sorry.
Oh, sweetie.
Oh, baby, I missed
your loving.
Honey, there's someone
I want to introduce you to.
He's the kindest,
gentlest man I've ever met.
- Will you meet him?
- Sure.
He's got a gun!
Lloyd? Lloyd!
I said this is
my husband Bobby.
- Oh. Hi, Bobby.
- Hi.
- I'm so happy for you.
- Thank you.
Thank you both
very much.
I owe you both
a debt of gratitude.
Thank you.
I can't believe
this, Lloyd.
First Mary dumps us,
then the cops take
our nest egg.
- Then our hog breaks down.
- Yeah!
When are we ever
gonna catch a break?
Hi, y'all.
Hi, guys! We're going
on a national bikini tour,
and we're looking for
two oil boys
who can grease us up
before each competition.
You are in luck!
There's a town about
three miles that way.
I'm sure you'll find
a couple guys there.
Okay. Thanks.
Do you realize
what you've done?
- Hey!
- Lloyd!
You'll have to
excuse my friend.
He's a little slow.
The town is
back that way.
Two lucky guys
are gonna be driving around
with those girls
for the next
couple of months.
Yeah, don't worry.
We'll catch
our break too.
- Just gotta keep our eyes open.
- Yeah.
- You're it.
- You're it.
You're it.
You're it. Anti-quitsies,
You're it. Anti-quitsies,
- No erasies, none at all.
- You can't triple-stamp.
Yes, if you have a double-stamp,
of course you can.
You can't triple-stamp!
You can't if you
have a double-stamp!
You can't triple-stamp...
the rule!
You can't triple-stamp
a double-stamp, Lloyd!
Lloyd! Lloyd!