Duel in the Sun (1946) - full transcript

When her father is hanged for shooting his wife and her lover, half-breed Pearl Chavez goes to live with distant relatives in Texas. Welcomed by Laura Belle and her elder lawyer son Jesse, she meets with hostility from the ranch-owner himself, wheelchair-bound Senator Jackson McCanles, and with lustful interest from womanising, unruly younger son Lewt. Almost at once, already existing family tensions are exacerbated by her presence and the way she is physically drawn to Lewt.

Ladies and gentlemen...

The overture

to "Duel In The Sun."

"Duel In The Sun,"

two years in the making...

is a saga of Texas

in the 1880's...

when primitive passions

rode the raw frontier...

of an expanding nation.

Here, the forces of evil

were in constant conflict...

with the deeper morality

of the hearty pioneers...

and here,

as in this story we tell...

a grim fate lay waiting

for the transgressor...

upon the laws of God and man.

The characters

in "Duel In The Sun"...

are builded out of the legends

of a colorful era...

when a million acres

were one man's estate...

and another man's life was held

as lightly as a woman's virtue.

The character

of the sinkiller...

is based upon those bogus

unordained evangelists...

who preyed upon the hungry need

for spiritual guidance...

and who are recognized

as charlatans...

by the intelligent

and God-fearing.

"Duel In The Sun."

Deep among the lonely

sun-baked hills of Texas...

the great and weather-beaten

stone still stands.

The Comanches called it

Squaw's Head Rock.

Time cannot change

its impassive face...

nor dim the legend

of the wild young lovers...

who found heaven and hell

in the shadows of the rock.

For when the sun is low...

and the cold wind blows

across the desert...

there are those

of Indian blood...

who still speak

of Pearl Chavez...

the half-breed girl

from down along the border...

and of the laughing outlaw...

with whom she here kept

a final rendezvous...

never to be seen again.

And this is

what the legend says--

A flower known nowhere else...

grows from out

of the desperate crags...

where Pearl vanished...

Pearl, who was herself

a wild flower...

sprung from the hard clay,

quick to blossom...

and early to die.


Where's your ma?

She's in there, dancing.

Like mother, like daughter.

I'm commencing to think

I like the daughter better.

Let go!.

You go away from me,

or I'll call my pa.

That renegade creole squaw-man?

That's a rich one.

I'll just raise you

fifty, Mr. Chavez.

Would you mind?

Mind what?

That weed.

I find it rather repulsive.

Pretty fancy gentleman,

ain't you, Mr. Chavez?

He's not so fancy

about his wife, if you ask me.

Look at her.

Quitting? Broke again?

Yes, gentlemen...

but there are

greater tragedies...

that I'm sure

you wouldn't understand.


Pa, will you take me

in the Presidio?

I ain't never

been in there and--

And you never should be.

What are you doing out here

at this hour anyway?

I was just dancing.

I've told your mother


this street is no place

for a girl your age.

I didn't mean no harm.

It's my fault, child, not yours.

The sins of the fathers.

Go home now, dear.

I'll be back in a little while.

Don't! Stop!

No, Chavez!. Don't!

Don't!. Don't! I beg you! Don't!


I plead no mitigating


They deserved to die,

as I deserve to die.

For I long since

killed a person...

much superior

to either of them--myself.

I killed that person the day

I gave my family's name...

to the woman

who became my wife.

And since I believe...

the punishment

should fit the crime...

I suggest that you hang me

by the neck until I am dead.

It's from Laura Belle.

Did I ever tell you about her?

She's my second cousin.

Yes, Laura Belle

is my second cousin...

but she was

more than that to me.

You see, once upon a time,

in a different age...

in a different age

and such a different world...

I was in love.

And wonderful to believe,

the lady was in love with me.

You mustn't look at me

as though that were impossible.

I was quite the looker

in my day and very dashing.

Perhaps a bit too dashing.

And that's why

this very wonderful girl...

who might have been your mother,

decided on security...

and gave herself in wedlock

to a wealthy Yankee.

Better make it fast, Chavez.

You've only got

five minutes left.

No! No!

They can't.

They can't. I won't let them.

Better that it end.

Really it is.

Your mother and I

can't hurt you any longer.

Laura Belle wants

my little girl to go to her.

Yes, just a few more weeks...

and at last,

you'll have a home...

the mother you should have had.

No, you mustn't leave me.

You mustn't.

You've been a good child.

Through some miracle,

you're good...

and you're decent,

and you're strong.

And now you must prove

that you are strong.

You will do that for me,

won't you, darling?

No tears, no grief...

now or later.

Here. Keep this scarf.

Wear it sometimes.

Get her out of here, Chavez.

Listen to me, darling.

We've very little time.

I want you to lean

on Laura Belle...

make her your inspiration

and your guide.

And then one day,

you'll be the great lady...

I've always wanted you to be.

Promise me that.

I promise.

Cross your heart?

Cross my heart.

She'll love you.

I know she will.

And you must give her

all the love you've had for me.

Smile for me.

Now, now. Head high.


Very strong.

All threats of hell

and hopes of paradise...

one thing at least

is certain--

this life flies.

One thing is certain,

and the rest is lies.

The flower that once

has bloomed forever dies.

Ready, Chavez?

Quite ready, sheriff.


I beg your pardon.

You can't be...

What's your name?

None of your business.


I really am sorry.

I wonder if I could--

I don't talk to no strangers.

That's a good rule generally,

I grant you, but...

in this case, it--

Come on.

Won't you answer

just one question?

What is it?

Did you see

a little southern tot...

on the Guadalupe coach?


Are you sure?

She was traveling alone.

You said "one question."

I know, but it doesn't

seem unreasonable if you--

Now you go away

and leave me alone.

I know all about men like you.


Good morning.

Why couldn't they have been

a little more explicit...

about just which coach

they were sending her on?

Don't worry, Jesse.

I'll drive her out to the ranch

whenever she shows up.

Thanks, Lem.

You can't miss her.

She's one of those...


southern children.

Probably be hungry

and crying her eyes out.

I'll give her some milk

and blow her nose for her.

Thanks again.

And...so long!.

So long.

Give my regards to the old man.

I will.

Say hello to Laura Belle for me.


Wait! Do you know

somebody named Laura Belle?

I said, do you know

somebody named Laura Belle?

None of your business.

It is my business.

I don't talk to no strangers.

You can answer

one question, can't you?

That won't hurt you none.

All right, one question.

But remember, just one.

I know all about girls like you.

Don't you dare say that.


How'd you know my name?

If you hadn't been so uppity...

I'd have known who you were

a long time ago.

Now come on. Get in.

Who are you?

My mother couldn't come

to meet you...

so I came in her place.

I'm Laura Belle's son--

the older one, Jesse.


I'm sorry about

not recognizing you.

I guess your clothes

sort of fooled me.

Don't misunderstand me.

I think they're beautiful.

You do?

Yes, and very unusual.

But you know...

I think I'd like to see you

in brighter colors.

Like green?

I have a green blouse.

- Green, blue, yellow maybe.

- Yellow?

I have a real pretty

yellow one right here.

- I'll put it on now.

- Not now.

Save it for tomorrow.

Here's where the ranch starts.

There's the marker--

the Spanish Bit...

a million acres

of McCanles empire.

Empire? Isn't this still Texas?

Yes, but the Senator doesn't

always acknowledge that. Look.

He puts his seal

of ownership on everything.

It's on his sons, too,

I suppose.

In fact, I'm sure

my brother Lewt and I...

are the Senator's

favorite property.

Is your brother as nice

as you are?

Girls in town think he's nicer.

- Hiya, Jesse.

- Howdy, Jake.

Fine foals.

Is that your house?

That is the residence

of Jackson Tilt McCanles

and family.

And on to the fortress...

and happiness.

Jesse! Pearl!

Here you are.

Prettiest girl ever to set foot

on Spanish Bit.

Pearl, dear.

I'm so glad you've

come to us, darling.

Here, let me look at you.

Yes, you're Scott's daughter.

And now you're ours.

You're just like he said.

I'm afraid I'm somewhat

different than he remembered.

But come, dear.

Did you take good care

of her, Jesse?

I showed her all

the points of interest.

- He did. He's nice.

- I think so, too.

You southern belles

are all alike.


Where in holleration

you been all day?

I just went down

to Paradise Flats.

- Senator, this is Pearl.

- Who?

Pearl Chavez, our cousin.

You remember. We invited her

to come and stay with us.

Don't be scared.

You're not a trespasser.

She's no cousin of mine.

She's Scott Chavez's

daughter, ain't she?

Yes, of course she is.

Why don't you say so?

Girl, what are you doing

in that getup?

Is that the latest fashion...

with them aristocratic

cousins of yours?

Or is it what they're

wearing this season in wigwams?

Come on, boy.

We got to talk business.

See you later, Pearl.

Come, dear.

I'll take you to your room.

He don't want me here.

You mustn't mind the Senator.

He doesn't mean anything by it.

It's his way ever since...

ever since his accident.


It's a long story...

and, I'm afraid,

not a very pleasant one.

I wish we had

a better room for you...

but later on,

we'll speak to the Senator.

Lewton, dear.

This is Pearl.

My youngest son--Lewton.

Pleased to meet you, Lewton.

Pleased to meet you...


Come, Pearl.

You and Lewton will have

plenty of time later on...

to get to know one another.

I'm sure we will.

Yay.. boy.

Sounds of the rude world

Heard in the day

Lulled by the moonlight

Have all passed away

Beautiful dreamer

Queen of my song

List' while I woo thee...

Where will I put

your medicine, Mrs. McCanles?

Leave it on the table.

Mrs. McCanles,

can I get married?

But, Vashti, whom do

you want to marry?

Nobody in particular, ma'am.

I just thought I'd kind of

like to get married.

Of course, Vashti.

You may marry

whenever you wish.

Thank you, ma'am.

Do you know anybody...

who would be nice

for me to marry?

No, I don't,

but I'll think about it.

Thank you, ma'am.

There's no particular hurry.

That Vashti.

I'm afraid I'll never be able

to train her properly.

And as to marriage...

Sit down.

I'm glad your father

sent you to me.

All you have to do

is behave like a lady.

Not that

Scott Chavez's daughter...

could ever be anything

but a lady.

I'm a good girl, ma'am.

Of course you are, dear,

but you see...

you'll be the only young girl

at Spanish Bit.

No one could blame you...

if your head

were turned a little.

You take Lewton, for instance.

He's such an attractive boy.

I think Jesse's much nicer.

But you scarcely know Lewton.

Of course, he's

a bit undisciplined...

but perhaps that's what gives

westerners their charm.

The Senator was like that.

That's why, when your father...

Jesse always chides me

for talking about the past.

I hope Jesse likes me.

We're going to lose him someday.

I've known that ever since

he came back from law school.

I've been so selfish.

He'd have gone long ago

if it weren't for me.

My firstborn--he's so good.

He's made such

a difference in my life.

- Ma'am?

- Yes, Pearl?

I'll be a good girl.

I promise I will.

I want to be like you.

That's what my father wanted.

I'm afraid neither

your father nor I...

found happiness, child.

I hope you will.

Come, child.

This is no way to begin.

Do you know this waltz?

Will you stop

that infernal instrument!

King me, Senator.

I always figured when I moved

into my own quarters...

I'd be rid of that noise.

I guess that's it, Senator.

I think I'll take me

a little stroll.

Now we got that papoose

to put up with.

I don't know.

She looks like

a pretty cute tamale to me.

You think so?

Wouldn't appeal to me none.

Of course, I always

liked my women more...

Say, Senator.

Yeah, Lewt?

You know that last trip

I took up to Abilene?


I was driving the herd all day

and kind of tired...

and felt like getting

some relaxation.

Yeah. Didn't happen

to drop into a place...

called the Last Chance, did you?

How did you find that out?

Sent them a check

for 1,600 just yesterday.

That's how I found out.

I guess I had

a few drinks too many.

That's all right.

A fella's got to sow

some wild oats sometime.

What's the money for?


I hope someday I'll be like you.

The only thing

I don't like about you...

is the miserable way

you play poker.

Trying to fill inside straights

is a sucker's game.

Go on, boy. Go on. Run along.

What a boy.

How'd they come

to name you Pearl?

I don't know, sir.

Couldn't have had

much eye for color, could they?

They might better have called

you Pocahontas or Minnehaha.

Ain't that right?

I guess so.

All right, Minne, on your way.

Good night, sir.

Minne...ha ha.

Ha ha.

Hello, Pearl. What's the matter?

Are you unhappy?

Don't you like Spanish Bit?

If everybody was like you.

If everybody was like me,

the world would be...

a terribly frustrated

sort of place.

What do you mean?

Nothing for you to worry

your pretty little head about.

I want to learn.

Will you learn me?

Your ma says you're a lawyer.

I want to be a lady

and know everything, like her.

I wonder if learning

ever made mother any happier.

- I wish I could do that.

- What?

Make rings like that.

Can I try? Let me try.

No, Pearl. Now whoa.

Ladies aren't supposed to smoke.

Now you won't want

to learn me things, will you?

You don't like me

no more, do you?

Of course I do.

I'm afraid a lot of men

will want to learn you things.

I think you better go to bed...

like a good little girl.

We'll discuss your education

another time.

All right.

Good night, Pearl.

Good night, Jesse.

Good night.

What do you want?

I hate you!.

Don't you pretend

nobody ever did that before.

They didn't. Nobody did.

Nobody's going to.

You little...

You leave that alone!

I reckon he must be

the white half.

I forgot to say

good night, ma'am.

Sometimes I feel like

a motherless child

That ain't no ham, Miss Pearl.

That's a pig.

Same thing.

But Mrs. McCanles,

she's very particular...

and she don't want no big pig

listed like no little ham.

Here. Maybe you better

make the list, Vashti.

No, ma'am. I can't write.

Mrs. McCanles says to me once,

"Vashti, can you write?"

And I says, "Mrs. McCanles- ♪


Mrs. McCanles says to me once,

"Vashti, can you write?"

And I says, "Mrs. McCanles- ♪


Mrs. McCanles says--


That's Mr. Lewt.

I think he wants to see me.

Vashti, where are you?

I'm scared of that Mr. Lewt.

He says to me once,

"Vashti, you're empty-headed."


Tell Miss Pearl

to come out here.

Miss Pearl--

I heard him. Tell him I'm busy.

Why don't you tell him...

and I'll just run along

up to the house?

All right, I'll tell him.

What do you want?

Thought you might like

to see some tricks.

Watch this.

That's a good boy.

Hey, Lewt.

What do you want?

I thought you were supposed to

be on the round-up today.

And suppose you tend

to your mortgages...

and stop sticking your nose

in my business.

Just as one civilized man

to another, I--

if that isn't insulting you--

I have a little

suggestion to make.

All right. Let's have it.

Why don't you

leave this one alone?

She may do very nicely

if given half a chance.

What's the matter, judge?

You got her earmarked

for yourself?

Hey, Pearl.

Come on, Dice. Push.


Give me a good push.

Whoa, boy.

I want you to meet a lady.

Now bow for the lady, Dice.

He's right smart.

What do you think

of my new girl, Dice?

Oh? Maybe not.

Did you teach him all that?

All that and lots more.

He'll turn on a dime

and give you change.

- Do you want to try him?

- Me ride him?

You're just having fun with me.

Or can't you ride bareback?

- Of course I can.

- Let me see you.

I could show you,

but I got work to do.

Of course, if you don't dare,

I don't give a doggone.


Get off him.

Sure enough. He won't throw you.

He's smooth as cream.

Come on!

Now git!

Open the gate!

You all right?

That was a fool thing to say.

You never rode bareback

before in your life.

I never said I had.

Is she hurt, Lewt?

No. Get out of here.

Can we do anything?

Go on and mosey, will you?


You got gumption,

but you ain't got no sense.

If you'd only let me

start him right...

instead of scaring him that way.

It wasn't him that was scared.

He won't throw me next time.

You better stick

to buggy-riding.

Maybe him and me

ain't your style.

Ain't no maybe about you.

I wish you'd let me

ride him some more.


How'd you like me

to give him to you?

You mean for keeps?

You're not just teasing?

No. I guess you'd

rather have Jesse...

pick you out a riding horse...

even if he don't know

the difference...

between a pinto

and a strawberry roan.

I like this one.

And you like me,

don't you, honey?

You won't throw me no more.

All right. He's yours.

Let's you and me ride down

to the sump after supper, huh?

Where's that?

A shady place

over by Hidden Canyon.

The water's good and deep now,

almost over your head.

You mean go swimming...together?

I'll bring along my guitar,

play us some music.

You got a nerve.

The moon will be

pretty near full.

You didn't buy me,

just giving me a horse.

I'll be waiting for you

after supper out by the bell.

I won't go.

I won't!

Listen to this for poppycock.

"And the benefits

to be derived...

"by the small ranchers

from the new railroad...

"are too numerous

to need recounting here."

"Small ranchers."

Ignorant, nasty,

spoiling the open range...

with their measly fences.

And say, Jesse.

I should have told you before.

Them surveyors had the gall...

to come traipsing

over Spanish Bit...

with them infernal

spyglasses of theirs.

I almost fired

that new foreman Ken...

for letting them on the place.

Shouldn't have

done that, Senator.

Why not?

Because it wasn't Ken

who let them on the place.

Nobody else would

have had the nerve.

I was the one that told them

they could do it.

- Have you gone plumb crazy?

- I don't think so.

I thought it might be

a good idea to cooperate...

and have the tracks where

they'd do the most good.

Good? What do you mean good?

It's getting rather cool,

don't you think?

For one thing...

the railroad will bring

new people, a school.

Paradise Flats will become

a real town instead of--

And that same railway

will ship...

a lot of emigrants

from up north down here...

and they'll start in voting

and putting in taxes.

It's your ranch.

I was just trying to be helpful.

Spanish Bit's going to

belong to you someday--

you and Lewt.

So I don't see why you don't--

Senator, I know

you mean well for me.

You've always been

generous to us.

Maybe Lewt and I would be closer

to what you wanted us to be...

if you hadn't been so generous.

What's wrong with Lewt?

Nothing at all

that you'd object to.

That's not the point.

I'm the one who's the maverick.

I don't know

what you're talking about.

I'd like one McCanles to give

something to this state...

and not just take from it.

Good night, sir.

Your son, ma'am?

Yes, Senator.

Who's there?

Is that you, Jesse?

Hello, Pearl. Nice night.

Want to take a little walk?

It's kind of late.

I think I'd better go--

Where were you going when I--

Got to get me

somebody to love


I guess that's Lewt.

Certainly is Lewt.

He's the best serenader...

this side of the Rio Grande.

I don't care if he is.

Him and his old guitar.

Just because he gave me a horse.

I know why, too.

He can't fool me none.

That's a horse

on Lewt, isn't it?

I didn't really

want to meet him.

Honest, I didn't.

It was just that

I was kind of lonesome and--

I know.

Do you still want me

to take that walk with you?

I don't know why not.

Lewt can supply the charming

musical background.

Got to get me

somebody to love

I'll be..

Thanks, Lewt.

You're a better wrangler

than all of them.

Sid, see that chestnut

over there?

She looks lame.

Take her out to pasture.


It's hotter than a stove lid.

Sure wish we was over

at the sump right now.

And somebody else figures

the same way, I reckon.

Looks like she's heading

for a cool-off.

- I'll see you later.

- Where are you going, boss?

- I got business.

- That lucky stiff.

I wish I was a McCanles.

Good afternoon.

How's that water?

As cool as it looks?

You go away from here.

- Care for a swimming lesson?

- No.

What if I just stay around,

keep you company?

Don't you dare.

I'm sorry, honey.

I can't hear a word you say.

Move over.

You can't come in here.

Just act like I'm not even here.

Act like we never even met.

You disappointed?

If you ain't the lowest,

dirtiest, meanest--

Come on out.

I ain't stopping you.

I can't, with you there.

Wait till it's plumb dark,

for all I care.

Let go!. Let me down!.

Making me late for supper

just to be mean!

What will your ma think?

If you hadn't been so doggone

scared I'd see something...

you'd have been home

a long time ago.

Little tiger cat.

Evening, Pearl.

Have a good swim?

Let me through!.

Am I too late for supper?

I mean, is everybody finished?

Mrs. McCanles say anything?

Yes, ma'am.

She said, "Where's Miss Pearl?"

And I said, "I don't know,

Mrs. McCanles."

And she said,

"Where's Mr. Lewton?"

And I said,

"I don't know, ma'am."

And she said, "Well--"

Pearl, dearest.

I was so worried about you.

Sorry, ma'am.

What happened?

I went riding.

With Lewton?

Vashti, get Miss Pearl

some supper.

Yes, ma'am.

The Senator's

got rules about supper.

He says to me,

"Don't you ever--"

- Vashti.

- Yes, ma'am.

Did you go riding with Lewton?

No, ma'am...

I didn't go riding with Lewton.

He wasn't here

for supper either.

He's coming.

But he wasn't with you?

We just happened to meet up.

I see.

But why is your hair wet?

I was down to the sump.

You went in swimming?

Yes, ma'am.

With Lewton?

No, ma'am.

I didn't, ma'am.

Honest, I didn't.

I didn't, ma'am.

All right, Pearl. I--

Evening, ma.

Good evening, Lewton.

Sorry to be late.

We were down to the sump.

I think I'll take a ride

over to El Paso tomorrow...

and get me a little fun

and relaxation.

Anything I can bring you, ma?

No, thank you.

Pearl, I think

I'll try to get you one...

of them newfangled

bathing suits.

She swims real well, ma.

Where'd you learn?

Oh, my dear!

You...you Varmint!

What you getting

your bristles up about?


Miss Pearl, wake up.

What is it?

What's the matter?


What time is it?

It must have been about 9:00...

when Mrs. McCanles

says to me, "Vashti...

"when Mr. Jubal Crabby

gets here..."

What is it? Who's Mr. Crabby?

Why did you wake me up?

I almost forgot.

Mrs. McCanles wants to see you

up in the sitting room.

Maybe you better hurry.

She's been a-waiting.

I didn't know where you was...

so I said,

"I'll go see Mr. Lewton."

And he said--

Why are you so slow?

I don't rightly know...

exceptin' I always have

so much to remember.

This is the child, Jubal.

Of course, she isn't dressed

quite properly, but...

Close the door, Pearl.

This is Mr. Crabby.

We have no minister

in these parts, but--

A man doesn't have to wear

the cloth to be a sinkiller.

I know that.

That's why I was so anxious...

to have you talk to the child.

Come here, girl.

You call her a child?

Under that heathen blanket...


a full-blossomed woman...

built by the devil

to drive men crazy!

You mustn't frighten her.

I'm sure she only needs

a little guidance.

Guidance she needs,

and guidance she'll get...

or I ain't been the sinkiller...

from here to El Paso

for thirty years.

Sit down, girl.

You could be a woman of sin

or a woman of God.

Which is it to be?

I want to be a good girl.

Then remember that the devil's

always able to hog-tie you.

Sometimes he comes

ghosting over the plains...

in the shape

of a sneaking rustler...

and sometimes--begging

your pardon, Laura Belle--

he stakes out the home...

to the worthy

and the God-fearing.

You're curved

in the flesh of temptation.

Resisting is gonna be

a darn sight harder for you...

than for females protected

by the shape of sows.

Yes, sirree, bob, you've got to

sweeten yourself with prayer.

Pray till you sweat...

and you'll save yourself

eternal hellfire.

- Do you understand me, girl?

- Yes, sir.

Then on your knees.

Now I'm gonna start you

toward salvation.

O Lord, look upon this,

thy creature.

She's a weak vessel

and a pauper, as thou knowest.

But she wants to be

thy handmaiden.

Give her the horse sense

not to go wandering off...

in the tulies

with worthless cowpokes.


Rise, girl.

Here. I want you to take this.

It's a hallowed medal,

and a good one.

I took it off

a thieving card sharper...

but first I shrived him...

and sent him

to the pearly gates...

as nice and pretty as any from

his own faith could have done.

You wear it, girl.

Thank you, sir.

Part Indian, ain't you?

Those ancestors of yours

will be spinning like tops...

when they know you got this on.

Just the same, it'll keep you...

sweet and clean

as the first milking.

Won't get you into heaven...

but it will comfort you

on the way there.

That is, if you use it right.

Laura Belle, don't you think...

we ought to be saying

a few words of prayer...

for them worthless cowpokes?

I got a feeling

they'll be needing...


On your knees again, girl.

O Lord, have mercy on all men,

young and old alike...

who gaze upon this,

thy regained servant.


Senator! Where's the Senator?

What's up?

- Senator McCanles!

- What's the stampede?

There's a great big railway gang

down close to the east fence.

How close?

They say they're coming across

Spanish Bit line this afternoon.

- What will we do?

- Get ahold of Lewt and Jesse.

Lewt's not back from El Paso.


I guess Jesse and me...

can handle it all right.

- Sid.

- Yes, Senator?

Listen carefully now.

Sound every bell

from here to Blue Hills ranch.

I want every wrangler,

every cowhand...

every man and boy

on Spanish Bit...

down there at the east fence,

and I want them there fast.

- Yes, sir.

- And Sid.

- Yes, sir?

- I want them there armed.

You betcha.

I don't like this, Mr. Langford.

It's your railroad,

and it's your headache...

but I still don't like it.

What do you mean,

you don't like it?

You told me we were legally

in the clear, didn't you?

Yeah, and I know you asked

the army for help, too.

And I hope they don't come.

And I hope we don't need them.

What do you mean?

I mean Jackson McCanles

don't scare so easy.

We roamed the plains together.

We fought at Vicksburg together.

And if he gives up

in this fight...

he ain't the man

I've known for fifty years.

I wish you wouldn't

try to ride, father.

You think I'm going

to sit in this house...

like some old woman?

Lift me on that horse.

If they want war,

they can have it.

- Ken.

- Yes, sir?

Strap me on here.

Come on.

I aim to defend

Spanish Bit with lead.

If there's any yellow-bellies

among you, get out now.

Are you with me?

All right, then.

Spread out in a line...

from the west marker

to Pinto Point.

Come on!

Kind of thought he wouldn't

take this lying down.

Looks like they mean business.


Lem Smoot, I thought you had

more sense than this.

Yeah? Since when did you

ever know me to dodge a fight?

You know I'm lawyer

for the railroad--

Never mind that stuff.

Who's the dude?

Langford is the high

mucky-muck on the railway.

Heard a lot about you, Senator.

Glad to make your acquaintance.

Can't say the same,

thank you kindly.

You better tell those

hired thieves of yours...

to pick up their tools...

and fast, if you know

what's good for you.

We have the law on our side.

If you had come into court

when I asked you to...

this land might not have been--

Never mind

that fancy legal talk.

There's my law right there.

Have you a copy

of the writ with you, Smoot?

What's the sense of--

All right. Are you our lawyer,

or aren't you?

- Now read it to him.

- Save your breath.

"From the people of

the sovereign state of Texas...

"to Jackson Tilt McCanles,


"Greetings." Ain't that nice?


You and I fought to build

this state of Texas...

and I aim to see these men

perform their duties...

peacefully and as authorized.

Is that so?

I'm gonna shoot any trespasser

that comes on my property.

If you don't like that,

you can lump it...

you and the state of Texas.

Just a minute.

May I speak to you privately?

Say what you got to say

right here and now.

I'm sorry, father...

but I'm afraid

you're in the wrong.

I ain't aiming

to let you settle that.

You mean to shoot down

unarmed men?

Just like they was rattlesnakes

if they cross this line.

In that case, Senator...

Get me a pair of wire cutters.


So that's where you stand.

Think I'd rather be

on the side...

of the victims

than of the murderers.

Jesse, I'm warning you.

We're going to fire

on those coolies...

the moment you cut those wires.

Their blood will be

on your hands.

Jesse, I'm asking you

for the last time.

Column left. Ho!

Thank God.

Column left. Ho!

Right front into lines. Ho!

I once fought for that flag.

I'll not fire on it.

Sid, tell those men

to get back to their work.

Yes, sir.

Father, I..

Get out of my sight...

and stay away from Spanish Bit

as long as I live.

Whoa, General!

Hey! Whoa, boy!

Get me out of here!.

Hey, get me out of here!

Get me out of this!

Unbuckle him!

Are you all right, father?

Leave me be, you Judas.


Fours left, column left.

Gallop. Ho!


Afternoon, Mr. Lewton.

Where the devil is everybody?

The place is deserted.

I don't rightly know...

exceptin' that

the Senator went riding.

The senator went riding?

You must be

going out of your mind.

No, sir. He went riding

with lots and lots of other men.

And I heard they're having

a kind of a meeting.

What kind of a meeting?

I don't rightly know,

but I said to Mrs. McCanles...

"Mrs. McCanles, where are

all those men going?"

And she said--

Never mind.

She did say...

"Vashti, go right on

about your business.

"Right on about your business."

I guess this means

good-bye for a while.

Now, don't you cry.

I'll be back before long...

and he'll get over it

when the railroad comes through.

I always knew you'd

have to leave someday...

but now that it's come,

I just can't bear it.

It's not as bad as all that.

I'll get a place in Austin.

You can come visit me.

If you're a good girl,

I might even take you...

on a little trip to New Orleans.

No. He'd never forgive me.

I'll never see you again. Never.

I know it.

He said he'd shoot you

if you ever step foot on--

One McCanles can be

just as tough as another.

Mrs. McCanles, come in here!

You better go to him now.

But you won't go yet awhile?

No. I'll just pack my things

and say good-bye to Pearl.

Are you there?

Jesse, go away, please.

What you scared of,

Pearl, honey?

Come on in.

Thanks for knocking.

I didn't used to think...

there was much to all those

fancy manners of yours...

but I guess I was wrong.

Jesse, I...

Forgive me for intruding, Pearl.

You, too, Lewt.

Good-bye, Pearl.

Wait a minute, please!.

I didn't mean to--

It's all right.

I understand perfectly.

No, you don't.

- Where are you going?

- I'm going to Austin.

You gonna be gone long?

Quite long, I'm afraid.

It isn't because of...

No. Bless your heart.

I'm leaving by request--

the Senator's request.

Going away, Jesse?

Uh-huh. Your dream's come true.

I'm going away.

It's gonna seem

kind of lonely around here...

without the judge,

ain't it, Pearl?

Yes, it is.

Don't see how we'll know...

when we're doing right

and when we're doing wrong.

You surprise me.

First time I knew...

you were interested in ethics.

I'm sure you folks

will excuse me.

You must have a lot of things

you want to talk over.

The nights are long, oh, so long

It is going to be

lonesome without you.

I just don't know

how I can stand it.

You seem to be doing all right.

I'm sorry. That was mean of me.

I couldn't help it.

You just can't go away


I tried hard. Honest, I did.

I know.

Lewt's hard to resist.

No! I hate him!

I know what you're thinking.

I guess I'm just...

trash, like my ma.

You mustn't believe that.

It was Lewt's fault.

You needed some help.

I did. I needed you to help me.

I might as well say it.

I loved you.

Somehow you touched me.

You...love me?

I thought of what you'd be like

when you grew up a little.

I didn't know.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't think it would

be fair to tell you.

I was a fool.

I came to your room

to say good-bye...

to tell you that someday

I'd be back for you...

that I'd think about you

and that I'd write...

I'll write to you.

You will?

If you need me, I'll come back,

Senator or no Senator.

And you'll forget about...

about tonight, won't you?

You'll forget it?

No, I don't think I'll forget.

I don't think

I'll ever be able to.

I shouldn't have told you

the way I felt.

It wasn't fair.

There I go again,

trying to be fair.


I hear you turned out to be...

a prize yellow dog

down at the fence line.

I should have done that

to you years ago.

Nights are long, oh, so long

On the prairie

Got to get me somebody to love

The dirty skunk!

All right, Jesse.

You said you'd never forget.

This the other one

you meant, Lewt?

You don't like this,

but you're gonna get it...

right over the head

if you don't settle down.

What's the matter?

You having trouble?

Back, you killer! Back!

Here, Ed.

Don't pick up that halter!

He'll charge you!

You're scared of him,

and he knows it.

Never run from him.

Stand your ground.

Come on, boy.

I got a nice leather

bonnet for you.

Easy, boy.

Be careful.

- He's just plumb crazy!

- Don't you worry none about him.

Look out! Watch his feet!

He's got his ear.

Ear him down!

Dig 'em deep.

That'll stop him.

You got him.

Nobody could

have done it but you.

That's all there is to it.

Just don't let him bluff you.

You see, there ain't nothing

to handling stallions.

It just takes

a little know-how.

You sure got nerve.

Get away, Ed.

You're the boss.


You don't have to stay

around here anymore, do you?

Don't never have to do nothing.

I stay around here

because I like it.

Bet you I can hit

that ding-dong straight off.

Who cares?

What's up?

Nothing. Just practicing.

Can you shoot?

Sure. It's easy.

That's what you said

about bareback riding.

All right, I'll show you.

Better not try it.

You might hit Ken...

or the mare, more likely.

Sure is doggone hot.

Sure is.

You know what I'd like to do?


I'd like to take a swim.

You mean it?

Sure, I mean it.

Let's go to the sump.

I don't mind if I do.

Am I your girl?

Of course you're my girl.

Then we can be married,

can't we?

I guess so.

No. if I'm not

good enough to marry...

I'm not good enough to kiss.

Come here, you bobtailed

little tree cat.

We're bespoken, ain't we?

It wouldn't do no harm

to tell folks, would it?

Sure, we'll tell them.

Can we tell them soon?

Can we tell them

Saturday at the barbecue?

Sure, we can. Why not?

What you got here?

Something the sinkiller gave me.

He said it would keep me...

sweet and clean

as the first milking.

Who cares about milking?

I don't want no milkmaid.

Don't you get awful tired

eating just beef?

Wish we could get

an eighty-hour week.

Yeah. Me, too.

Kind of miss Jesse

around here. Don't you?

Jesse? Better not mention

his name on Spanish Bit.

Can't get over Lem Smoot

joining those railroad people.

I always say, if you can't

whip them, join them.

Never saw so many crows...

around here before

in all my life.

Wish they'd learn

to grow corn without husks.

Wouldn't surprise me none

if that Indian girl...

didn't up and massacre

the whole dern lot of them.

When I'm married...

I'm gonna have

lots and lots of parties.

But who would do all the work

when I gives my party?

I likes fishing better

than I does dancing.

You never go fishing.

I never goes dancing neither.

The gals to the center

and ring to the left.

The boys shake hands

and go to the right.

Now weave a basket.

Circle left.

Now we'll weave that basket

the other way.

Senator, they

appreciate it very much.

I try to show my people

a good time, eh, Lewt?

You bet your boots, Senator.

Now, birdie in the center

and seven hands around.

Bird hop out,

and the crow hop in.

She around the she,

and the he around the he.

The he around the she,

and the she around the he.

Four hands up, and here we go.

Hurry up, boys,

and don't be slow.

'Cause you'll never get

your love if you don't do so.

Pearl, dear, I've been

looking all over for you.

You should be downstairs.

It's very rude.

I'm sorry.

I was fixing my hair

the way you told me to.

Do I look all right, ma'am?

You're the prettiest girl

at the party.

Here, dear. Wear this.

You're so kind to me--

this dress and everything.

Come, dear.

Oh, ma'am!. What's the matter?

It's nothing. Let's go.

Balance your partners,

and two ladies cross

You cross to that cowboy so true

I sure love being here,

Mr. McCanles.

Fine. There he is.

Lewt, come here.

You call me, Senator?

Yeah. Wheel me in there.

Come on, boy. Come on.

Something wrong, Senator?

Close the door.

So this is where

that squaw lives, huh?

Scott Chavez.

I've been meaning

to speak to you, Senator.

I think we ought to

kind of fix it up--

Too good for her, if you ask me.

- She's all right, Senator.

- She's all right, huh?

That's what I wanted

to talk to you about.

I've been watching you...

making calf's eyes

at that half-breed.

Have you lost your mind?

I don't understand you, pa.

You want me to have

a good time, don't you?

Sure. Is that all

you got in mind?

Of course.

I ain't been working

thirty years on this place...

to turn it into

no Indian reservation.

You know me better than that.

- Is that right, son?

- Yeah, sure.

You had me worried

for a time, boy.

- Shove me out of here.

- All right.

Yes, a little relaxation

is mighty pleasant...

after a man's been chasing Satan

all the way from here to Austin.

Yes, sirree, bob.

You've been to Austin?

Did you hear anything of Jesse?

I heard plenty.

Enough to warm the cockles

of your gentle heart.

You know what they're saying?

He'll be governor

of the whole dern state...

before he's ready

to meet his maker.

I knew it.

Do you think it's true?

Judging from the fancy office

he's got already, it's true.

Has a rolltop desk

and a gold spittoon...

you couldn't miss

if you aimed from here.

I hope he isn't

working too hard.

I shouldn't fret

too much about that...

not while old man

Langford's daughter...

is as sweet and pretty...

as the sunrise on the mesa,

I wouldn't.

Yes. He wrote me about her.

He says she's a lovely girl.

If wedlock's his aim...

he couldn't shoot

at a neater target.

What are you looking

so sad about, Pearl?

This is a party. Come on.

Let's show these cowpokes

a thing or two about dancing.

Girl, where's that medal

I gave you?


She loaned it to me.

I'm trying to get...

one just like it

made for myself.

Good. Good!

Put your left foot,

put your left foot

Put your left foot just so

Put your left foot,

put your left foot

Put your left foot just so

Take a step to the side,

take a step to...

Come on, honey.

Don't let them yokels

laugh at you.

But I don't know how.

It's easy. Just follow me.

Now you're doing it.

Won't they be surprised

when they hear about us?

When they hear what about us?

That we're bespoken, of course.

Oh, that.

But that's what you said.

You said we'd tell them tonight.

Just as everything

is going good...

you got to go

and start all that again.

Either you tell people

we're bespoken, or I will.

I want to tell you


you don't fool me none no more.

Will you stop

poking up and vexing me?

I don't know how a man

stands it, the way you go on.

You think you don't

have to marry me.

Maybe you don't.

And you don't have to go on...

lying to me no more neither.

I made up my mind.

You made up your mind

about what?

Just like I said...

if you won't marry me,

I'll get out.

I'll go away as fast as I can.

You can go and keep

going for all I care.

Go find yourself

somebody else to pester.

But don't you care?

No woman can tie

onto me like that...

least of all a bobtail

little half-breed like you.

All Righty.

Thanks for letting me know...

how you think about me.

El Paso and Amarillo

ain't no different...

than Sodom and Gomorra...

on a smaller scale,

of course, but--

What in Beezelbub's name

do you call that?

I wasn't having a very good time

at the party neither.

I was just kind of tired.

Who are you?

I'm the new

straw boss around here.

Name's Pierce.

Sam to my friends.

Mind if I sit down?

If you want.

Must be plenty tiring

on a person, all that dancing.

- Don't you dance?

- No, ma'am.

Somehow, I never got

the chance to learn.

You ought to. It's fun.

Lots of folks seem to think so.

How would you like

to learn tonight?

What? Do you mean

you'd teach me?

I ain't so good at them

fancy dances myself...

but we could learn

together, if you want.

- I'd be right honored.

- Then come on.

Come on!

The next dance

will be ladies choice.

The ladies choose the gents.

Gents line up

over on this side...

ladies over yonder.

Now, ladies,

this is your big chance.

And don't be afraid to go after

the true love of your choice.

I'd rather play me some poker.

Females shouldn't be

allowed no choice.

It ain't decent.

I'll bet you six bits

that fat one grabs me.

You leave Jake alone.

You had him all evening.

Of all the nerve!

When I stomp my heels

three times...

run for the gent of your choice.

Ready? One, two...scat!

I want you to get acquainted

with little Lewt...

the longest-legged critter

this side of the main house.

He's so cute!

A lot cuter than big Lewt.

He's just like silk.

There you are, ma.

Want to see the others?

Yes. And I'm gonna help you

take care of them, too.

Sure, you are.

Ain't they wonderful,

these babies?

Any kind of babies.

They sure are.

I remember reading something

once when I was a kid.


You'd think I was silly...

a big galoot like me

spouting poetry.

No, Sam. Please.

I'm going to sit right here

until you tell me.

It goes something like this.

For everything created in

the bounds of earth and sky...

has such longing to be mated.

It must couple or must die.

That's the best poem

I ever heard.

I'm glad you like it.

You married?

Nope. Never run across

anybody I wanted to marry.

Besides, I never got up

nerve enough to ask anybody.

I guess you must be

getting pretty old.

Yep. Old enough to be

your father...and then some.



I guess, just the same...

there are plenty of women

who would marry you anyway.

I better be getting home.

Mrs. McCanles is kind of ailing.

You wouldn't marry me,

would you?

- What did you say?

- I said, would you marry me?

Don't get mad, please.

First time in my life

I got up some nerve.

How could a big galoot--

Don't say that.

You don't know about me.

If you did, you wouldn't ask.

You mean about Lewt?

So you know about

me and Lewt, too?

Yeah, I guess

ain't nobody don't know.

I've knocked around plenty--

- I'm trash, I tell you.

- Don't go telling me that.

I'd kill the first man

who said anything like that.

But I don't love you.

Don't that matter?

You've only known me

a little while.

I know I'm not something

girls dream about...

like the McCanleses.

- I'm not rich like them either.

- It ain't that.

But I'd love you,

and I'd take care of you.

I got a little money saved.

Get a little ranch

of our own, maybe.

Won't you even think

about it, honey? Please, honey.

Don't you call me "honey."

Lewt called me that.

You're all alike!


I hope I didn't say nothing

to hurt your feelings.

That's all right.

I'll marry you

if you still want me to.

You mean it?

I declare. I never saw...

so many cows before

in all my life.

I'm afraid they're not

all cows, Helen.

Sometimes, my dear, I think...

that I didn't

bring you up properly.

All right. I understand.

All I need is a hint.

Those steers

are from Spanish Bit.

I thought your father's ranch

was hundreds of miles from here.

See? There's the brand.

They're on their way to market.

If it ain't

the big railroad man.

How's everything at the Bit?

Getting along just fine

since you left...Mr. McCanles.

Same old Sid.

I'll be inside, darling.

Come, father.

Hey, that Langford's daughter?

Heard you were

kind of sweet on her.

Yes, that's Miss Langford.

Pretty, ain't she?

We could use a few like her

around the ranch...

especially now that

Pearl's going...maybe.

What do you mean?

Darnest thing you ever heard.

She's getting married.

Can you imagine

anybody marrying Pearl?

Is she marrying Lewt?

Lewt? What would Lewt-

Nah, she's marrying Sam Pierce.

Pearl ought to be

very happy with Sam.

She ain't marrying him yet.

She ain't marrying nobody...

until Lewt decides

to give the bride away.

So long, Judas.

Can't say I like...

your Spanish Bit people

very much, if he's any criteria.

Darling, I've been thinking.

Why couldn't there be a spur

track right on Spanish Bit?

Then they could

just ship the cattle...

instead of driving them

all that distance.

You're not even

listening to me, dear.

Certainly I am.

You were saying...

You were asking if...

What were you saying?

I was trying to prove...

what a helpful wife

I'm going to be.

Give me a kiss.

I couldn't help overhearing.


You liked that girl, didn't you?

You still like her?

I'm sure I'll always

be devoted to her.

Hope you'll like her, too.

But you were in love

with her, weren't you?

Yes, I was in love with her.

I said I was.

Jesse. Father.

Sometimes I think he didn't

bring you up properly.

What were you worried about

when I came out just now?

Worried? I was just wondering

what my brother Lewt might do.

Zeke, where's

my peppermint and soda?

Coming up now.

Hear you named the day.

That's right.

Ring just come in the last post.

Mighty pretty- YEP-

You sure are shot full of luck.

I'd like to stand

the drinks for everybody.

I'm getting married

in the morning.

That's fine.

Save your money, Pierce.

So you figure

you got yourself a wife.

I don't figure. I know I have.

Think you can keep her?

Reckon as how I can.

Cattle rustlers

and women rustlers.

Both of them steal...

what's got another man's

brand on it.

I don't think I like

the way you're talking.

Maybe I didn't rightly

understand you.

Yeah, you understand me

all right.

Pearl Chavez is my girl,

and she'll always be my girl...

just as long

as I want her to be.

From now you, you're gonna

respect Pearl's name.

If that ain't

the best joke yet.

He's defending the lady's name--

my girl's name.

Has anybody else around here...

got any fancy ideas

about Pearl Chavez?

Don't seem to be no takers.

I don't rightly know

much about Sam Pierce, O Lord...

but from what I hear...

he'll be needing

no introduction to you.

Seeing as how Sam was snatched

from his loved ones' arms...

before they even had time

to get a good grip on him...

I'm counting on you to give him

a better break up yonder.

Hey, you hatchet face!

Are you so almighty hungry

to hang one man...

that you can't wait till we

get through planting this one?

Now I be consigning him

to your keeping.

And I'm guessing

you'll find him...

the gentlest,

sweetest straw boss...

ever to enter the pearly gates.


Start shoveling, cowpokes.

It's our fault.

We raised him wild.

If he'd only gone

to school, like Jesse.

I thought I asked you never

to mention Jesse's name again.

It's true.

You spoiled Lewt, and I let you.

Ever since he was a child...

he thought rules

weren't made for him.

He thought you made

the rules, all of them...

not just those

for Spanish Bit.

It's that Indian girl.

If you hadn't

brought her here...

none of this

would have happened.

Perhaps if your attitude

toward her had been different--

It's my fault, huh?

It's my fault.

You dared to bring

that Indian baggage...

right here into this house,

and now you try to tell me...

You get her out of here.

And what's more,

get her out of here tonight!

You've screamed at me

for the last time.

You made one of your sons

hate you and sent him away.

You made the other one


Pearl will stay here

just as long as I do.

Here's the money.

You better clear out of here...

until this thing blows over.

Thanks, pa.

It's gonna take

plenty of fixing.

So you better

stay away from here...

until I send you the word.

It'll take a year maybe.

Maybe more than that even.

I'm sorry to cause you

all this trouble.

If you get me out of this one--

Never mind that.

I ain't counting

on no reformation.

Go on. Get going fast.

Good-bye, pa.

So long, Sid.

So long, Lewt.

Take care of yourself, son.

I will, pa.

Yay, boy.

Now here's a chance

to do something for pa.

I've been working

on the railroad

All the live-long day

Come on, Sid. Come on.

You ain't got the mint

on this game.

Sorry, Senator.

You certainly stuck your head

in a noose that time.

Pearl, honey.

What you doing with that thing?

There ain't nobody here but me.

I'm gonna kill you.

That wouldn't be a very ladylike

thing to do, would it...

after me riding thirty miles

just for a kiss?

You're gonna get

what you gave Sam Pierce.

That just goes to show you...

there ain't no gratitude

for nothing.

If it wasn't for me,

you'd be tied up...

with that brokendown

cowhand right now.

You might as well marry pa.

Sam Pierce was a good man,

and you're a skunk.

Of all the ornery females.

One minute you're yammering...

because I don't

love you enough...

and when I go out

and show you how much I do...

you're wanting to plug me.

You're my girl, honey.

I was your girl.

Anybody who was my girl

is still my girl.

That's the kind of guy I am.

You know...loyal.

Stay back.

There ain't nobody

gonna take my girl.



I'm saving you, tiger cat.

Just when I figure

I'm doing fine and dandy...

I start thinking about you,

and nothing else is any good.


What's going on around here?

Come in.

Howdy, Senator.

Sorry to be busting in

on you like this.

It's all right, sheriff.

How's tricks?

How's the law-breaking


Pretty quiet...since Lewt left.

Yeah, pretty dull

without him around.

Ain't heard from him lately,

have you, Senator?

Lewt? Here. Have a bite.

Don't mind if I do.

Wish I could afford this brand.

The next batch I get,

I'll send you some.

No, I ain't heard

a word from Lewt...

since he was attacked

by that no-account Sam Pierce.

How's your other son

feel about it?

I ain't got no other son.

Funny thing--one of the boys...

Lewt? I wish it was so.

Don't mind if I have

a look around, do you?

No. Go ahead, sheriff.

You got your duties to do.

I'm sorry you're gonna have

your trouble for nothing.

I hear Mrs. McCanles

has been feeling kind of poorly.

It ain't nothing.

Just getting

a little old, I guess.

You reckon the missus

would mind...

if I kind of

looked around her room?

No. Why should she mind?

Go ahead.

Sid, ain't you moved yet?

Come in.

- Evening, ma'am.

- Sheriff.

Sorry to disturb

your privacy, ma'am.

Sheriff Thompson, what is it?

It's really nothing, ma'am.

One of the boys

had a fool notion...

that Lewt was around here.

I'm afraid if Lewton

were around...

I'd be the last person

to know it.


Oh, my sons.

My sons.

Let's try this one.

Who's that?

Is that you, girl?

What do you want?

It's me-Sheriff Thompson.

You ain't seen Lewt, have you?

Lewt? That murdering,

sneaking no-account.

I wish I could see him.

I reckon you do.

I was forgetting

about Sam Pierce.


Good night.

See you at the hanging.

Poor old Mac.

He don't know how close he came

to getting plugged.

Be quiet. It ain't safe yet.

It ain't safe for them,

you mean.

There they go now.

I think I'll light out

for Mexico.



I'm gonna grab me a ranch...

that'll make this place

look like a gopher hole.

It would be like heaven,

being in Mexico together.

I'll show these

heel-squatters around here...

a thing or two about ranching.

You can do it, too.

- Lewt.

- Huh?

- Go saddle my pinto.

- What for?

- While I get ready.

- Ready for what?

I'm going with you, of course.

Hurry up.

You wouldn't like it

down there, honey.

Sure, I will. I'll be

a big help to you, too.

I can cook, and I can shoot

as good as you...

and I never get tired riding.

You'll try to stop me

from doing things...

yammering about me

maybe getting shot...

or start all over again

about marrying somebody.

No. I promise I won't never say

another word about marrying.

You'll probably

want to go with me...

every time I feel

like going on a bust...

or playing me some poker.

I wouldn't, honest.

Just so long

as I could be near you.

I'm gonna live my own way.

Nobody's gonna hog-tie me.


I'll come back

every once in a while...

and see you, like tonight.

I'll do anything you say.

Honey, I love you. I'll see you

every time I come back.

I'll send for you someday.

Honest I will.

I want to go with you.

I've got to go with you.

Will you stop your yammering?

I've got to mosey!

You love me!

You said you loved me!

Nobody else can have me

because I'm yours!

I don't want anybody else!

I want you!

I'm yours!

Nobody else can have me!

You said nobody ever!

Now take me with you!

You've got to take me!

Please! Please, honey!

- Shut up!

- Lewt, honey, please!

Begging your pardon, ma'am...

I'd like to say

all us boys at the Bit...

is praying mighty hard

that you get--

All right, Ken. All right now.

You just wait downstairs.

I'll let you know

when I need you.

Will you thank the boys for me?

Tell them it isn't

quite as hard to go...

as they may think.

What are you

talking that way for?

Anybody would think

you was dying.

I'm a nuisance to you

even to the end.

It's the first time

you've been in this room...

since that night.

Don't bring that up.

I never had the courage

to discuss it with you before...

but it doesn't matter now.

I've paid for my mistake.

You've hated me

all through the years.

You paid? What about me,

with these legs?

As useless as a hog-tied steer.

And all because you

couldn't stand to be...

mistress of the biggest

ranch in Texas.

And why? I'll tell you why.

Nobody needed to tell me...

who you was running away to

that night.

Nobody needed to tell me

you was running to Chavez.

That's not true. It's not true.

I was running away,

but not to Scott.

Not to Scott.

True or not, you left me.

And true or not,

I went after you...

like any lovesick,

half-baked boy would do.

I'd give anything...

anything to undo it.

I loved you, Laura Belle.

Yes, sir, I loved you.

Kept on saying to myself

all through the years...

that I hated you,

until finally I did hate you.

In my heart,

I knew all the time...

it wasn't your fault, though.

It was my fault.

It was my jealousy

that made me like I was--

hard and cruel-like--

till I guess

you had to leave me.

I never should have

gone out after you that night.

But when I found out

you was gone...

I got to thinking

you was going to him...

and I couldn't stand it.

I swore I'd stop you

and bring you back.

I went crazy.

Yes, that's what it was.

I just went crazy.

And I rode through the night

like a drunken Comanche.

It was my own crazy jealousy

that threw me off that horse.

Jackson, forgive me.

Look at me.

You're my husband...my very own.

Hiya, BOYS-

- It's Jesse.

- Well, I'll be.

He's got a lot of gall,

coming back here.

Where do you think you're going?

I thought I told you

to keep out of my sight.

I just found out

my mother is dying...

and I came to see her,

and I intend to see her.

They tell me

you're the big noise now...

with them trespassing thieves.

I hope my good fortune

doesn't distress you too much.

They're even talking

about putting you...

up for public office.

They must pay high

for double-crossers.


let's not discuss that.

I'm afraid we

see things differently.

Nothing on earth

would bring me here--

You're mighty lucky my men

didn't take a shot at you.

That was their orders.

I was about to say

that nothing on earth...

would bring me back here

except mother.

Is she in her room?

- No, she ain't in her room.

- Where is she?

You'll find her right in there,

in a long pine box.

Hello, Vashti.

- Mr. Jesse--

- No, thank you.

But Mrs. McCanles,

she said to me once...

"Vashti, you be sure and see

that Mr. Jesse eats proper--"

You've been a good friend.

I shan't forget it.

Poor Mrs. McCanles.

I wonder if Miss Pearl

would mind if you woke her up.

I have to go away soon.

I would like to see her.

What's the matter?

Didn't you hear me?

Yes, I heared you.

Only I'm certain sure

the devil hisself...

has been chasing Miss Pearl.

What on earth

are you talking about?

Mrs. McCanles, she treated

Miss Pearl awful good.

She treated everybody

awful good, even me.

And after she went to heaven...

Miss Pearl looks like she's had

a spell or something.

She wouldn't eat nothing.

She wouldn't talk to nobody.

She just stared and stared...

at Mrs. McCanles lying there

so still-like.

She ran to the barn...

and wouldn't come out

for nobody.

Poor Pearl.

She's sad.

I listened at the barn door...

and I heared her weeping

something awful.

I want you to do

something for me.


Go and fix Miss Pearl

a hot breakfast.


And I want you to pack

Miss Pearl's things.

Yes, ma'am! Yes, sir!

Go away.

Vashti said you wouldn't

come into the house...

and I couldn't believe her.

Leave me alone.

Have you gone out of your mind?

What are you doing out here

in the stable?

I bet your pa would think

it was too good for me.

Never mind what he thinks.

I'm not going to allow you--

Don't you worry none about me.

I'm going away from here.

- Really? Where are you going?

- It ain't your business.

Me and Dice

will get along all right.

Of course, there's Lewt.

He'll be paying a visit here...

sooner or later,

if I know Lewt.

That's right, I'm Lewt's girl.

You can't forget that, can you?

What makes you think that?

That's what you said that night.

You said you'd never forget it.

I did say that, didn't I?

It worried me sometimes

to think I'd made so much of it.

I hope it didn't make

any difference.

It didn't make no difference.

You're right. I'm Lewt's girl.

It's all I ever was.

It's all I ever could be.

You love him, don't you?

Love him? I hate him.

I wish they'd hang him.

I wish they'd hang him fast.

Yes. After all you've

been through, I suppose--

It ain't just his fault.

If he sent for me tonight,

I guess I'd go to him.

Lewt's not sending for you

tonight or any other night.

Listen, I have to be

in Paradise Flats...

a few days on business.

Do you want to wait here

until I go to Austin...

or would you like to

come with me right now?

Me? You're just

being sorry for me.

You don't have to be

sorry for me none!

Listen to me.

I won't have you thinking that.

It's you who are feeling

sorry for yourself.

I told Helen long ago

I wanted to get you out of here.

You told her?

Yes. She wants to be

your friend.

After your ma died...

I just didn't want to

go on living no more.

I know what you mean.

You'll like Helen,

and she'll like you, too.

You just wait and see.

She's a lady, ain't she?

Like your ma.

She's a lady,

like you're going to be.

No, I can't be no more.

Of course you can.

We'll just pretend...

the whole thing

was just a bad dream.

That's all it was actually,

a nightmare.

If only I could be good again!.

Look at me.

Remember when you

wanted to learn...

when you wanted me to help you?

I know just the school for you.


What's the matter?

Don't you still want to learn?

I'll do anything.

I'll cook for you.

I'll wash Miss Helen's clothes.

You'll do nothing of the sort.

You'll learn to waltz

and make small talk...

and have pretty dresses.


For me?

From mother to you.

Jesse, I...

I wish...

I wish I could die for you.

Let's hope you never

have to do that.

Is that you, Judas?

I got a message

from your brother--

the McCanles with the guts.

What's the matter

with the bad man?

Can't he deliver

his messages in person?

He has some business

tonight...with a train.

He just plumb don't like trains.

So I've heard.

Have you become his assistant?

We keep in touch

with each other.

You should have seen his face...

when I told him

you have Chavez with you.

I bet it was

a lovely sight to behold.

What's the message?

He says I'm to bring her

back with me...pronto.

Suppose she doesn't feel up

to making the trip?

He says if she don't

come back...

he's coming here

tomorrow morning...

bright and early and get her.

You seem to be

a capable messenger.

Would you mind

carrying back a reply?

Not at all. Glad to oblige.

You can tell my beloved brother

that I'll wait for him here.

I should have the sheriff

waiting for him...

but I prefer to meet him alone.

- Is that a promise?

- You're not talking to Lewt.

That's near enough.

I'm giving you one more chance.

Send Pearl out here...

or I'll plug you

from here to breakfast.

Just what do you think

Pearl's doing here with me?

Don't give me any...

of your high and mighty

noble talk, big words.

You think I wouldn't shoot you

because you ain't got a gun?

I wouldn't credit you

with any such compunctions.

I'm riding back

to that hitching post...

and then turning

and starting to shoot.

It's more than you did

for Sam Pierce.

Why all the consideration?

Just don't want them

fancy friends of yours...

to say you had a brother

who shot you down in cold blood.

You're going to hang.

You're going to hang

by the neck until you're dead!

You'll just go on

killing and killing...

till they kill you.

I hope Pearl gives you

a pretty funeral.

- Who's that?

- Just me--Lem Smoot.

Come here to gloat over me, huh?

You can turn right around

and get out of here.

I came because I thought maybe

you'd be needing a friend.

There's a funny glow in the sky

tonight, ain't there?

I remember once hearing

one of them Indian legends...

about how their ancestors

lit bonfires in the sky...

when a chief's son was a-dyin'.

He's dying?

It don't surprise me none.

Lewt always was a good shot.

It looks like

them ancestors of yours...

have to put out those bonfires.

What do you mean?

I guess Jesse's a little tougher

than you thought.

Thank God.

I thought I knew you

better than that.

I know how fond you were

of those boys...

and how proud

of them you were.

It don't seem possible...

but I must have been wrong

about a whole lot of things.

Laura Belle warned me

I was spoiling Lewt...

but I wouldn't listen to her.

Look. You see

them plains and hills?

I was so almighty proud...

of what I carved

out of this country.

I figured

I was building something...

for Lewt and Jesse.

And what have I got now?

Lewt a murderer, an outlaw.


Jesse would come back

any time you want him to.

You think so?

He told me to tell you so.

I'm just a lonely old man

who needs a friend...

like you said.


Here's your luggage, miss.

You're Miss Helen, ain't you?

And you're Pearl.

He's been asking for you.

How is he?

He's...gonna be all right.

Thank heaven.

I shouldn't cry. I know it.

He wouldn't like it.

You couldn't do nothing

he wouldn't like.

You're very fond

of Jesse, aren't you?

After my pa...

There wasn't never nobody

good to me like my pa...

Except Mrs. McCanles...

and Jesse.

My dear.

You will come

and live with us, won't you?

I want you to.


I'm glad you and Jesse


Thank you.

Hi, Pearl.

How's the hero?

I just heard

he was gonna pull through.

Tough luck, ain't it?

But Lewt will get him next time.

You can bank on that.

- Next time?

- Yeah.

Next time.

I got good news for you.

Yeah? What is it?

It's from Lewt.

He says you got to

hightail it out of here...

if you want to

kiss him good-bye...

before he beats it

across the border.

You mean it? Where is he?

I kind of figured

you'd like that.

He's hiding out

at Squaw's Head Rock.

You got that? Squaw's Head Rock.

Just fire two shots

when you get there.

I got it. Squaw's Head Rock.

Take the Apache trail

to the mission.

Any Indian there can tell you

how to get to Buffalo Ridge.

And then you--

You got a good horse?

It's a couple of days' ride.

Sure. I got my pinto.

You know, the one Lewt gave me

before I was his girl.

Hiya, Pearl!

Here I am!

I've been waiting for you!

Hello, honey!

I'll be right down!

Stay there!

I can't see you!.

Can you see me?


I guess that does it.

You got me that time.

I'm done for.

You're lying.

You're lying,

like you always do!

I can't shoot no more, honey.


I'm not scared of you.

I'm coming up after you.

All right, then. Come on up!

No use in my...

lying no more.

I'm through.

You hear me?


I'm dying.


I'm going...fast.

Are you...

Ain't you coming up?

I want to see you.

I got to see you.

Where are you?

Where are you?



I...I got to...

hold you...just once more.

I love you.

I love you!

Hurry. Hurry!


Hurry, honey.

Hold on! Hold on!


Wait for me!.

Wait for me.


Where are you?

You always said you could shoot.

I never believed you.

I love you.

I love you.

Don't cry, honey.

Don't cry.

I had to do it.

Of course you did.

Let me hold you.

Let me...

Just hold me.

Hold me once more.

Little... bobcat.