Dreamscape (1984) - full transcript

A government funded project looks into using psychics to enter people's dreams, with some mechanical help. When a subject dies in his sleep from a heart attack Alex Gardner becomes suspicious that another of the psychics is killing people in the dreams somehow and that is causing them to die in real life. He must find a way to stop the abuse of the power to enter dreams.






Are you all right, sir?

Yes, I'm fine.

Is there anything I can
do for you?

Should I call your physician?


Good night, Fred.

Good night, Mr. President.

There he is, Alex Gardner,
when he was 19 years old.

I worked with him
for a year and a half.

He was an authentic genius,
this boy.

Exceptionally gifted.

Telekinesis was only one
of his talents.

I remember reading about him.

Caused quite a controversy
at the time.

Then, in the middle of it,
he disappeared.

Yeah, he ran out on us.

After months of intensive
parapsychological testing.

Didn't like being
poked and prodded.

Who does?

He's perfect. I want him.

Yes, you're right, of course.
He would be perfect.

If we can find him.

You leave that to me.

If he's alive, I'll find him.

And they're off.

Brightly Blue takes the lead,
Admiral's Runner is second,

then Completely Fine third,
followed by Cover the Bet,

Heavy Rains
and High Compression.

Around the turn and breaking
away down the back stretch.

Brightly Blue in front by
a neck, Completely Fine second,

followed by
Admiral's Runner third.

Then it's Heavy Rains,
then High Compression,

begins to move up
making the turn for home.

Here comes High Compression.

It's High Compression
now pulling away.

High Compression at the wire.

And in a stunning upset,
the winner is High Compression.

I like Benjamin Franklin.

He discovered electricity,
you know.

Get him!


What the hell
are you doing in here?

Are you some kind of pervert
or something?

It's not safe in the damn
toilet anymore.

Come on, sweet.

- Hello, Alex.
- Hi. Looking for me?

You know, you could
really hurt a guy's feelings

the way you've been trying
to avoid me and all.

We don't see you
around the track that often,

when we do,

you're always calling them
right on the nose.

So I'm lucky.

Not today, pal.

I can see we're going to have
to teach you a little lesson

about sharing the wealth.

If you want to stay healthy, you
and me are going to be partners.

All right. Look.
Look, want this?

It's no problem.

Get the son of a bitch!


Nice ride!

- Watch where you going!
- Ah, piss off!


See you later, partner.

Thank you very much
for joining us this afternoon.

Hope you've had
an exciting day at the track.

Hi, Alex, it's Nancy.
We met at the China Club.

Do you remember?
Call me.

Alex, it's Eddie.

I've gotta get your bets down
for the weekend. Call me, huh?

Alex, this is Maggie.

I don't want to see you,
I don't want to talk to you.

We're through.

Alex, it's Maggie.
Call me.

Mr. Gardner?

Oh, no, wrong guy.
Gardner lives...

We know you are Alex Gardner.

Who the hell are you?

We're from Thornhill College.

I'm Roy Babcock.
This is Gary Finch.

We have a little
proposition for you.


- A chance of a lifetime, right?
- Good. Depends on you.

Oh, yeah.
Well, come on,

I think we'd better move
in the car, okay?

Hey, listen, guys,
I've thought this over,

and I'm not really interested.

Why don't you just let me off
at La Cienega, okay?

I know this is going to sound
a bit sinister, Mr. Gardner,

but we have instructions
to bring you back with us.

You mean I'm being kidnapped?

Well, there are some people up
at Thornhill that are anxious

to meet with you.

Yeah, well, what would you do
if I just opened the door

and jumped, huh?

I guess I'd have to stop you.

Just sit back
and enjoy the ride.

- Hey, answer me something.
- If I can.

- Am I in any danger?
- Not from us.

Oh, I get it. My mother
put you up to this, right?

I've got to
finish college or else.

Sign in, please.

Wait a minute, now.
I'm not signing anything, here.

I don't even know
what this is all about.

- Well, we can let this go.
- Yes, sir.

Go ahead.

Just have a seat.
Someone will be with you.

I get the feeling
he knows we're here.

Hello, Alex.

I am Dr. Jane DeVries.
We're glad you could come.

Ah, perhaps you can tell me
what the hell I'm doing here.

We wanted to talk to you
about the project

that we're working on.

Yeah? Do you have a think tank
full of geniuses

who want to try out
a new theory?


Well, look, I'm sorry,

but I hung up the psychic bit
when I was 19.

Well, that's fine,
because we're not interested

in parlor tricks here.

What are you interested in?



Why the watch dog?
You got something to hide?

We're a little cautious.

We want to keep things
to ourselves for a while.

Oh. Shh...

This is our
sleep-monitoring station.

- Hi, guys.
- Hello, Doctor DeVries.

These individuals
are under observation

because of the frequency
of their nightmares.

This man is in REM state.

- Rapid...
- Eye Movement.

When dreams occur.


I mean, I know one
or two things, Doctor DeVries.

I have some more things
to show you.

So, what goes on
in this section?

Well, one of our
areas of research

is sexual dysfunction.

If a man is experiencing
impotency, we can determine

whether the cause is physical
or psychological

by monitoring his sleep.

Mm-hmm? How's that?

Well, if it isn't physical,

he'll experience
three or four erections

during the course of the night.

I see.

So, Jane, what you do here,
in effect, is count boners.

I can see you're going to be
a real challenge to work with.

Oh, wait a minute, Doctor.

I haven't agreed
to anything yet.

Doctor DeVries,
may I speak to you right away?

All right.
I'll just be a moment.

Hello, Alex.
You're a bit late.

Novotny, I should have known.

You're nine years too late.

You left me sitting in Chicago

with an overheated
bio-feedback machine.

I got tied up.

Well, I didn't mind too much
that you walked out on me,

you could have at least let me
know you were alive.

I was worried.

About me or your research grant?


I would apologize, but...

we both know I'm not
very good at that.

That's okay.
It's a long time ago.

It's good to see you.

It's good to see you, too.

Do you think next time you could
spare me

the cloak-and-dagger act?

Oh, you mean you would have
come if I just called?


Nice place you got here.

Who's your decorator,
Darth Vader?

Come on, we need to talk, Alex.

How about some dinner in the

A couple of drinks, okay?

All right.

But before you spring for the
check, I just want you to know,

I have no intention of spending
the next six months

with electrodes wired to my ass.

Don't worry, Alex.

I can always have you
dropped back into your life

of playing the horses
and hustling the women.

I wouldn't dream of standing in
the way

of anything that important.

You sound
as if you don't approve.

You're damn right, I don't.

You've got
tremendous gifts, Alex,

and you've chosen
to piss them away.

Anything else?

No. That's it.

Come on.
Let's eat.

Anything else?

- Let's play a little game.
- All right, it's your party.

Let's pretend that a man,
with a little help from science,

could psychically
project himself

inside the dream
of a sleeping person.

Okay, let's pretend that.

Then, pretend
that once inside the dream,

he could become an active
participant in it. Hmm?

You could actually be there,
right in the middle.

You could feel the dream,
experience it.

Even shape and alter
the dream itself. Hmm?

What would you say
to a notion like that?

That it's crazy.

You see, we've done it, Alex.

Not once, but three times.

Using two men with abilities
in telepathy,

just similar to your own.

Going into
another person's dream?

I might have to see that
to believe it.

Not very much to see.

Just two men with their heads
wired up to a machine.

Because the real trick
takes place up here.

That piece of science fiction
hardware you got,

that's the hook up, right?

That's right.

But all the machine does is
help connect your brainwaves

with the dreamer's.

But, hopefully, once you
get proficient at dreamlink,

you won't even need the machine.

Why me?

Why you?

Because you have a head start
on the rest of us mortals.

You can already work your way
into the conscious mind.

When the conditions are right,
maybe with a little help,

you could also get inside
the subconscious mind.

To the Dreamscape!

You got two guys
that have already done this?

You'll meet them.

Look, Alex, you don't have
to decide right this minute.

Spend the night here.
Sleep on it.

Give us a chance.

Buddy's vital signs
are increasing.

Is it serious?

They're escalating.

He seems to have a tough time,
poor kid.

And Simms, how is he doing?

Beginning to show signs
of extreme agitation.

- What's his blood pressure?
- 200 over 174 and rising.


145 and rising...
147 now.


Let's pull them out.

No, not yet.
Let's see what he does.

How is the boy?

Pulse rate extremely rapid.

It's rising fast.

- EEG?
- Erratic.

Something's wrong.
I'm bringing him out.

Buddy, wake up!
Buddy! Buddy!


It's okay. It's okay.

What's going on
inside that kid's head?

What in God's name
is he so frightened of?

Rise and shine!


What time is it?

It's early.

How did you sleep?

Have any dreams?

Do you mind if I take a leak
before I give my deposition?

No. Sorry.

Force of habit.


Do you want to explain
last night to me?

You saw one of our psychics,

Edward Simms, dreamlinking
with a young boy

who has been suffering
from chronic nightmares.

And I don't know what demons
that boy has inside,

but... they were certainly
too much for Edward now.

I think I'd have to be
out of my mind

to hook up with that machine
of yours.

I think you'd be out
of your mind not to.

Well, okay, there are risks,

but I think
they're controllable.

What's the point of it?

Look, I'm going to level
with you.

I'm doing this because no one
has ever done it before.

No one has even conceived
of doing it before.

The simple fact is I'm doing it
because it's exciting.

I got to admit,
it sounds tempting.

But I don't think I can get back
on that merry-go-round with you.

Well, I...

I tried.

I think you could really
have helped this project, Alex.

Too bad.

And I'm awfully sorry
about this IRS business, too.


Oh, maybe
I didn't mention it to you.

But, you see,
while we were searching for you,

our government sources
took quite an interest

in your gambling winnings,

and I think the IRS is figuring
on about a 5-year audit.



If you could see your way clear
to join this program,

I might be able to do something
about it.

Novotny, you dirty
son of a bitch,

there's no way you're going
to blackmail me into this.

You understand that?

I'm never going to do
this for you.

Not this way. No way!

You understand?


Uh, green.






You're not concentrating.

What's the point of this?
I've done it a million times.

You've got to sharpen
your psychic abilities.

You'll have to learn
to reach a meditative state

in which your mind
can conform with the dreamer's.





Yes. I find you attractive.

That's just what you were
wondering, right?

That's what you were thinking.

Knock it off, Alex.

I'm not going to have you

start trying to play
mind-reader with me.

Well, how else do you expect me
to warm up the old whammy, huh?

Why can't you take this
more seriously?

For once in your life,

try to use your gift
for something positive.

Yeah, right.
The old God-given gift, huh?

Everybody deserves
a piece of it.

Okay, Doctor Deep Freeze.

Let's get on with it.

You play music with this thing?

That's a matter of opinion.

Who the hell are you?

Tommy Ray Glatman.

Oh, yeah.
Paul told me about you.

You're the Neil Armstrong
of dreamlinking, right?


Just like walking on the moon.


Careful in that?
Fit okay?

You bet I can score heavy
in a coat like this, huh?

Yeah, I bet.

Listen, I want to put on
some clothes.

Want to go out
and have a couple of beers?


I don't know,
I just thought maybe...

I know what you want.

I knew it the second I saw you.

You want my secrets.

No, I don't.

I just want some advice.

I don't give advice.

I'm in this with me, myself,
and I. That's it.


Novotny gives me free reign.
You know why?

Must be your
sparkling personality.

'Cause I'm the only guy, Alex.

I'm the only guy who can do it.

What about Edward Simms?

They had to carry him away
in a basket.

Now, well, Novotny seems
to think I'll be able to do it.

I'll order your basket.

He's ready, Doctor.

- Alex?
- Hmm?

Just remember
that the first time out,

all we want you to do
is make contact,

so once you get
inside his dream,

you're an observer,
not a participant, okay?

Sort of a cerebral Peeping Tom?

That's right.

Bill Hardy has been a good
test subject for us before.

Oh, he's a steelworker.

I'll probably wind up
in some bad beer commercial.

You'll be fine.


Once you get me in
to this thing,

just make damn sure you can get
my ass back out.

We'll get you out.

Hardy should be entering
REM stage shortly, Alex.

You can begin
your deep breathing now.

Hardy has entered REM now.

How is Alex?

Emitting a good regular
alpha wave pattern.

He's ready.

Stand by.


Hey! Hey, look!

Look out! Look!

Help me!


Hold on!

Give me your hand!

I'm slipping!

I can't hold on!

Help me!

Hold on!

Don't let me go!


Easy now, Alex. Easy.

- Paul!
- Welcome back.

It was incredible!

Wait, wait, wait.

Get this shit off of me.
It was so damn real.

- Real?
- Yeah.

You remember anything?

- Yeah, we were on a skyscraper.
- Uh-huh?

Alex and me.
A girder broke away.

I was there!

I was there!

I want a CAT-scan
and an EEG on Alex

first thing in the morning.


Hello, Alex.


I'm Bob Blair.

I thought it was about time
we met.

What do you have to do
with all this?

Oh, I just run it.

For the government.

Hold it. Novotny never said
this was a government project.

Novotny was absolutely right
not to.

We don't particularly want our
involvement in this advertised.

Well, excuse me
for not shaking hands.

Hey, I'm through here.
Would you mind unstrapping me?

I'm afraid
I can't help you there.

You better wait. A nurse
will come along in a minute.


I just wanted to extend
my congratulations to you.

They told me
about your successful dreamlink.

Well done.


This is only the beginning,
you know.

We all feel that the
possibilities for our program

are tremendously exciting.

But we've got to see
that you don't jeopardize

the wonderful work
you've already done.

I don't follow you, Bob.

Well, you have been playing it

a little fast and loose
since you got here.

Those unauthorized visits to
the dream chamber, for instance,

that's a bit sneaky.

Now, I'm afraid
that's got to stop.

Your work here
is completely confidential.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable

knowing that you
understand that.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable

if you could find someone
to get me out of this rig.

You wait right there.
I'll get you a nurse.


And, uh...



How are you doing?



Is it the kid I saw linking
with Edward Simms?

His name is Buddy Driscoll.

What's his story?

Take a look at these.

He's tormented
by recurring nightmares.

The little guy is terrified
of going to sleep.

He's on the verge
of a complete breakdown.

There's not a damn thing
we can do about it.

You mind if I talk to him?

Oh, I wish you would.

All right.

Buddy, I'd like for you to meet

a good friend of mine,
Alex Gardner.

Hey, Buddy.

Are you a doctor, Alex?

Who, me?

No, no, I'm not a doctor.
I'm just staying here, like you.

How are you doing?

Not so good.

There's somebody in my dreams.

Oh, yeah?


An awful ugly monster.

Yeah, a monster, huh?

I'd punch his lights out,
but he's too big.

You'd punch his lights out, huh?

Sure, I would.

Keeps making me miss
Little League.

Well, you know

when I was a kid,
about your age, still a kid,

but I mean, I used to have
bad dreams.

- You did?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I found that
if I could talk to somebody,

it made me feel
a whole lot better.

So, that's what I
want to tell you,

is that if you ever want to talk
to somebody, talk to me.

Okay, Alex.

What do you say,
we get you back?

I'll come with you.

Let's turn this train
around, here.


Why did you do it?

It burns.

What did we do?

Why did you do it?

Oh! Oh!

- Dad! Dad!
- It's my fault!

Dad, it's all right.
It was just a dream.

I can't stand this.
It gets worse every night.

Ever since mother died...

Watch your step, sir.

Welcome to the western
White House, Mr. Blair.

How is he, Fred?

As well as can be expected.

I know he'll be glad to see you.


Thanks for coming.

It's been a long time,
Mr. President.

Yeah. Fred, give us
a moment alone, huh?

Sit down.


Ah, damn!

It's good to see you.

Well, we've been through a lot
together, haven't we, you and I?

Fought quite a few battles.

Let's talk about
those nightmares.

They're getting
progressively worse.

It's terrifying.
I haven't slept in weeks.

And your doctor?

Oh, they're useless.

It's beginning to affect my job.

That's the real reason
you're here, isn't it?

I'm... I'm here because
I'm your friend.

One of the projects
I've been overseeing

concerns the foremost
specialists in dream research.

I think they may very well
be able to help.

I'll be honest with you...

I think there's a reason
for these dreams.

What do you mean?

It's my responsibility to bring
the world back from the brink.

This nuclear madness has to end.

I've decided to lead personally

the delegation
to Geneva next month.

You can't be serious.

No, no, no. I know
you're against me on this.

But I'm going to make

a disarmament deal
with the Russians.

One thing at a time.

Our first priority
is your peace of mind.

Peace of mind! Who the hell
ever has peace of mind?

I just want
the damned nightmares to end.

That's what we all want.

If you'll allow me...
I think I can help.

How often does this occur,
Mrs. Webber?

About twice a week.

I wake up in the
middle of the night

to find George gone
from our bed.

And every time I find him
in the same place.

On the front lawn,
in his pajamas...

calling my name.

When she...
When Melanie wakes me up,

for the life of me, I can't
remember what I was dreaming.

All I know is I have this
terrible feeling of anxiety.

The neighbors are
starting to think

that George is a little crazy.

Have you been under
any unusual pressure?

No. Not really.

What about at home?

How are you two getting along?


If you're referring
to our sex life,

George has been having
a little problem lately.

But... I feel certain
that's just a passing thing.

Isn't that right, honey?

Oh, yes, sure.

I'm just a little drug down,
that's all.

Is there any pressure at work?

Well, whatever Webber's dreaming
is the key to all his problems.

I'd say whoever
sold him that toupée

is the key to all his problems.

They gave
the position to another...

If you could go in, Alex,
and observe his dream.

That would be your first

application of dreamlink.

When do I go in?

How does tomorrow night sound?


EEG, stable.

Alex is ready.


He's in REM sleep.


Alex, stand by.

Ever been married?


Well, it's no picnic,
let me tell you.

You have to keep your eye
on them every minute.

My house is the next one down.

I don't want to give her any
warning, know what I mean?

Now, here's the plan of attack.

You go in through the back door,

and I'll go in
through the front.

And, remember, no prisoners.


You scared, kid?


Well, let's go.

Hurry! Hurry!

Go ahead!

Come on!

Oh, my God!


And with my own brother?

Hi, George.

And in front of the children?

I see you under there!
Come on out!

Phil! Dave! Herbie!
Some golf buddies you are!

Good God!

Aw, knock that off.
I'm Jewish.

So sorry, Mr. Webber.

You, too, Fukuda?

What do you think?

It's very simple.

Mr. Webber has been repressing

a deep-seated
inferiority complex,

complicated by feelings
of sexual inadequacy.

In other words...

He's worried
about who's stooping his wife.

Well, at least, now we know
what we're dealing with.

Well, look, now that you've shed
some light on Webber's case,

maybe you can help me
with one of my problems.

Oh, sure.
What's that?

Buddy Driscoll,
the kid with the nightmares.


I want to go in.

That's impossible.

I've already lost one psychic
over this, Alex.

I don't understand this.

This kid is being eaten alive,
and nobody gives a damn.

Oh, listen,
that's totally outrageous.

I'm sick that we haven't been
able to help him.

Well, then, let me go in.

I mean, look,
if our research here

isn't designed to help a kid
like Buddy out,

then what the hell
are we doing, huh?

I will not destroy this program
by going too fast.

You see?

I either go in with Buddy
or I'm out of the project.

Then, you're out.

I'm not kidding
around here, Paul.

Either I go in or I'm walking.

I know I can help this kid.

You're a bastard,
you know that, Alex.

I'm doing this
against my better judgement.


Don't thank me.
This isn't my idea.

- Drink?
- Sure.

I don't have to tell you...

could be in for a rough ride.

I know that.

Just tell me what I can do
to help.

There is a tribe in Malaysia
called the Senoi.

The dream people.

They believe their dream lives

are just as real
as their waking lives.

The children are taught to never
lose control in a nightmare.

They've got to face their fears
and conquer them.

And I think that's what you
have to do to help Buddy, Alex.

Whatever his demon is,
you have to help him face it.

Okay, Buddy, you're all set.

- Can I talk to him?
- Sure.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Feel sleepy yet?

I guess.

- But...
- But what?

But I'll have to dream, Alex.


You want to know a secret?

I'm going to be there.

You are?

Yeah. I really am.


If you're going to be there...

Got something else for you, too.

Thanks, Alex.


Alex, stand by.

And project.


Buddy, what are you doing?

Are you the babysitter, Alex?

Yeah, I'm the babysitter.

'Cause most of the time
they just leave me here.

You don't have to be afraid.

You know the Snakeman?

The who?

The Snakeman.

Snakeman? What do you mean,
like the Boogeyman?

He's outside, and he wants
to come in and get me.

The Snakeman!

Oh, hey, hey, hey!

I'm not going to let him
get 'ya.

Just let me see who it is,
all right?

Please don't answer it!

It's probably not even him.

You see?
There's nobody there.

Are you sure, Alex?

He's always there.


That's my dad.

But he won't help us.

Little bastard's right.

Come on! Come on!

Stop it! Stop it!

You can do it!
Kill him!

Kill him! Kill him, Buddy!

Yes! Do it again!

Good! The head!

Hit him in the head, Buddy!
Now! Do it now!

He's gone!

He's gone!

We killed him!
We killed him!

We sure did, Buddy.
We sure did.

We did it.
He's gone.

You did it, Buddy.

You killed him.

Even the Presidency, it seems,
is not exempt from the flu.

The President has retired
for a few days

to his California retreat
to recuperate while he prepares

for the Geneva nuclear
disarmament conference.

White House Press-Secretary
James Nichols announced today

the President will
personally lead

the United States delegation
at the conference,

which is scheduled to convene
early next month.

In an 11th-hour-compromise
late last night,

the Legislature passed
a fiscal blueprint

that called for more than 600...

What are you, a cartoonist?

Uh, no. I...

I met this thing
in a kid's nightmare,

and it scared the hell
out of me.

Yeah, I heard about that.

You got these jerks thinking
you can walk on water.

Probably think that makes you

a pretty important man
around here.

Almost as important as me.

Well, don't worry, Tommy.
You're still number-1 lab rat.

This thing really
got to you, huh?

You might say that.

Hello, Jane.

Hello, Alex.

I'm, um...

going to the Village
for a bite to eat.


No. Thanks.

Found a wonderful Italian place,
they make great Linguini.

Sorry. I've got a pile of
paperwork to get through.

Maybe I'm going about this
all wrong.

I like you, Jane.

I like you, too, Alex.

You do?

But there are two reasons

why I'm not going to
go to bed with you.


Who said anything about bed?

I'm talking about Linguini here.

I just thought
I'd save you some time.


Since we're being so honest,
why not?

First of all, I don't
want to join

the ranks of your conquests.

You're not a conquest.

It's not the way
I feel about you, Jane.

Secondly, I don't want
to jeopardize

our working relationship.

This program has
got to come first.




You treacherous!

I'll bring you back ravioli.

To go.

You work with Paul Novotny?

Paul who?

Right. "Paul who?"

Charlie Prince.

Well, hello, there.

Could we catch another beer
for the Monsignor here?


You know something,
you look familiar to me.


I know I got one of these
damn things in here somewhere.

You write these horror books?

- Yeah. I'm the one.
- That's great.

What are you doing here?

- Research.
- Yeah?

Yeah, I'm working on a new book.

It's got to do with dreams.


Sounds like another winner.

Look, I know what's going on
at Bates Hall.

I know all about this
dreamlink business.

I know you're part of it.

You know as much as I do,
don't you.

Maybe I know more.

Look, you got a point
to make here?

Because I sure wish
you'd make it.

I assume you've run into a top,
smooth, corporate-type name,

Bob Blair.

You want to guess what he does?

He's with the government.

He's more than just
with the government.

He's one of the most powerful
men in it.

Head of Covert Intelligence.

Presidents come and go.
Bob Blair remains.

Yeah, well, if he's so powerful,
then, what the hell is he doing

wasting his time
on dream research, huh?

Consider all the deep,
dark secrets

that people hide away
in their minds.

Now, those secrets are bound
to come out in their dreams, no?

It occurs to me that a technique
for plumbing those secrets

could be of enormous interest
to certain intelligence groups.

- Good idea for a book, huh?
- Yeah.

Still, you know what they say
is stranger than fiction.

Excuse me just a moment.


Jane, you there?

May I have your ticket, please?

Thank you.



- Wait! Wait!
- Don't touch me!

You had no right to do that.

Look, I'm sorry.
I really am sorry.

Maybe I was a little
out of line.

- Oh, maybe?
- Look. All right.

It just happened.
What can I say?

Was it so awful?

Well, it depends
on the way you look at it.

I mean, it was just a dream,

so it didn't
really happen, did it?

- No, it didn't.
- So if it didn't really happen,

then I shouldn't be upset,
should I?

But I am upset, damn it.

I can see that. I'm sorry.

You know, it would help a lot

if you wouldn't be so
goddamn apologetic

and go back to your usual
insensitive self.

Alex, what you did was wrong.

But it doesn't take
a genius to realize

that what happened in the dream

was something that
we both wanted.

What are we going to do
about that?

I don't know.
We forget it.

I can't forget it.

Sorry, Alex.

Hey, Jane?

There's one thing
you overlooked.

I entered that dream
without any help or hookup.

I did it all on my own.

Paul. Tell me.

You work miracles.

Is there a possibility
the President can be helped?

A possibility.
No guarantee.

Why are you getting involved
in this?

Because we're the only ones
who can help him now.

The man is falling to pieces,

He's just sitting there,
in the Oval Office,

making decisions
based on his nightmares.

He certainly wouldn't be
the first world leader

to take his dreams seriously.

No, but he could be

the first to destroy his country
because of it.

Isn't that overstating things
a tiny bit?

Do you realize what he
plans to do? In Geneva?

He's going to emasculate
our nuclear deterrent

and bring the whole damn country
to its knees.

Because of his dreams.

Well, I'm not going to allow
that to happen.


You and I are going to bring
the President here,

and we're going to use
everything that we have

in our power to save him.

What is the readout
on Mrs. Matusik?

Blood pressure 126 over 84...
EKG normal.



Still mad at me?

But I've been thinking about...

Doctor DeVries...

I was under the impression

were were conducting
scientific research here.

Excuse me.

Pulse rate 95... 97...

Her pulse is starting to rise...
rising fast.

Her EKG shows
rapid contractions.

She's fibrillating!

Oh, my God, Paul, she's having
a massive coronary.


Code Blue!

Code Blue!

Get a crash cart in here,
right away!

What the hell's going on?

Get the Defib ready!

400 watt-seconds!

- Do you want bi-carb?
- Yes, and calcium chloride.

I think we're losing her.

- Straight line!
- Clear! Stand clear!

Once more.

Stand clear!

- Is there a pulse?
- Nothing's happening.

Let's try once more.

Alex, would you mind?

I really got to be alone.

I'm still shook up
about Mrs. Matusik.

She must have had a bum ticker.
Fucking shame.

You may not know it
to look at me,

but I'm a pretty sensitive guy.

It really affected me.

It didn't affect your appetite.

I eat to forget.

Let go.

Let go, or you're going
to draw back a stump.

A woman died, Tommy.

Everybody dies.

Over here.

- Paul.
- Yes?

Could I have a word with you
for a moment, please?


This isn't the way
I wanted it at all.

The President will be staying
in the North Wing.

But the North Wing
is impractical.

I've got everything I need
right here.

Well, you'll just have to make
other arrangements.

I'm sorry, but this is my area
of expertise, not yours.

I have considerations that you
know nothing about, Paul.

Just see that it's done.

What considerations?

Security, for one.

Oh, come on, that's ridiculous.

If you're concerned
about security,

then, this wing is clearly
the easiest one to isolate.

If you can't handle the move,
my people will do it for you.

What are you up to, Blair?


I don't want to get
into a debate over this.

My sole concern is the
well-being of the President.

I don't know what you're
concerned with anymore, Blair,

but is it really the well-being
of the President?

How's my good right arm?

Climbing the friggin' walls.

This place is starting
to close in on me.

You haven't been
taking anything?

I don't touch drugs.


I'm messed up enough.

At least, that's what
people tell me.

Well, they're wrong, Tommy.

You lacked direction,
that's all.


Took a guy like you to
understand me, Bobby boy.

All I did was
channel your talents, son.

When are you going to cut me
loose from this dump?

You promised
you had big plans for me.

I do.

That's why I'm here.



Sorry about all this
clandestine crap,

but, uh, Blair likes to keep
a close watch on things.

Yeah, I noticed.

I had to let you know
you're in danger.

What's going on here, Charlie?

Last week I would have laughed
at you,

I'm not so sure about...
What's going on?

The stakes are a little higher
than I imagined.

Mister Blair is
playing for keeps.

That woman who linked
with Tommy Ray

didn't just die
of a heart attack.

What are you saying?

I'm saying Blair's
a ruthless killer.

Officially, his organization
doesn't even exist.

I mean, these are the guys
even the CIA are afraid of.

What, you mean he's training me
to be some kind of a spy?

No, no, no,
he wants more than spies, Alex.

He wants assassins.


Come on.

Hey! Hey!






No! No!


Hello, Alex.

You son of a bitch,
you killed him.

Prince was dangerous.
He was an amateur.

He would have blown the cover
off the whole project.

You murdered him.

Yes. I did.

You had Tommy Ray

kill that woman
in the dreamlink, didn't you?



I wanted to see if it
could be done.

You're a real humanitarian,

I'm a realist.

We live in a dangerous,
hostile world.

I will do whatever I have to,
to keep this country safe.

That's what scares me.

You're a very intelligent
young man, Alex.

You've mastered
an amazing technique.

Surely, you can see
the possibilities.

During his dreamlink
with Matusik,

Tommy Ray stabbed her
with a knife.

A dream knife.

The shock to Matusik's system
caused a coronary, and she died.

So, the old wives' tale
comes true, after all.

When you dream that you die,
you die in life...

the very same instant.

Now we can go
into an enemy's dream...

kill him...

make it look
as if he died in his sleep.

Do you realize what that means?

It means no one's safe from you.

The question is whether
you're going to cooperate.

I never had any doubts
about Tommy Ray.

Well, why should you?
He killed his own father.

He's a fucking psychopath.

Alex... It's very simple.

Either you work for me,
or you die.


- You okay?
- Yeah. I'm okay.


Hey, my bike!
That's my bike!

We lost him.


I'm afraid he has to be killed.

He can only hurt us now.

Welcome to Thornhill,
Mr. President.

Good to be here, Bob.


- Jane!
- Alex?

Look, listen to me.
Blair is out of control.

I saw his people last night,

they killed a man
right in front of me.

Blair's here now. He's brought
the President with him.


Of the United States?


Paul could be right.

About what?

He thinks the President
is in danger.

No, you can't call the cops.
Blair owns the cops...

and the FBI.


Jane, I'm coming back.
We've got to stop Blair.

Listen, there's
security everywhere.

I'll leave the door open
at the loading dock.

I think it's your best chance.

You be careful.

Don't worry about me.

You just keep yourself alive.

Count on it.

Go, go!
Cover the track!


I owe you a beating,
you son of a bitch!

Let me talk to Snead.
Come on!

- Hey, Snead!
- Snead!

This better be good,
because McClaren there,

he'd just love to tear you
a new asshole.

Snead, I need your help.

Now, why should I help you?

Come on, Snead, do me a favor,
I'll give you three winners.

- Make it six.
- Five.

You're on.

Look. There's going to be
some people coming here

in a couple of minutes.
They're going to be in a hurry,

and I want you to
slow 'em down for me.

No problem.

Hey, Alex...

you welch on us...

you're a dead man.

You're scaring the horses!

Cover the main gate!

Bring more cars around!


Connect me with Fred
Schoenstein's room, please.

- Staff?
- No, no, no.

He's with the President's party.



Is there a problem, Paul?

What are you doing?

It does not concern you.

Oh, I think it does.

I'm afraid everything
concerns me now.

Will you excuse me?

If something's
deeply troubling you,

let's sit down...

talk about it.

Should we, really?

Should we talk about what you
intend to do to the President?

I thought that was clear.

I intend to put an end
to his nightmares.

Of that I'm sure of.

It's over now, Blair.

I'll see to that.

No one's going to believe you.

By God, I'll make them
believe me.

I came to you
with important research.

Designed to illuminate.

Not to destroy.

Didn't I provide you
with everything you needed?

You took something that
was vital, and very important,

and you corrupted it.

You let me.


To my eternal shame.


Alex, thank God you're here.

He's going to die
in his sleep, Tommy.

After all of the stress
he's been undergoing lately,

no one will suspect a thing.

So, don't worry.

Regular heroes, aren't we, Bob?


Sure, Tommy.

Make sure that's under his head.
The boxes will hide him nicely.

I don't want that thing
coming off.

I'll take it from here.


I'm going to stay with Blair.

Make sure the car is clean
when you're done.



I know what noises you're
liable to make when you hear me.

Don't be a fool.

Why did Blair
bring the President here?

I don't know.

Some tests!

- Alex.
- What?

What is it?

Come here.

All right, out of the car.

Come on.

Oh, God.


You bastard!

I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

What did he know, bitch?
What did he know?


Blair's planning on
putting Tommy Ray

in the President's dream, right?

- Yes.
- You tell me!


How's he going to do it?

The dream chamber?

Alex, come on.

Tell me, you son of a bitch,

or I'm going to put your brains
all over this car.


The President's in the room
next to Tommy Ray...

When the President
goes to sleep,

- they're going to...
- That's all I want to know.

Let's go.

I'm going into that dream,
and I'm going to stop Tommy Ray.

He's asleep.

Won't be long before
I can go in.

Let's use my office.

It's right beneath
the President's room.

I think you'll be
close enough there to link.

No lights.
Lock the door.

Take your time, Alex.
Otherwise, you won't be able...

Screw "otherwise"!
It might be too late already.

It's not working.

Okay, okay.
Now use your breathing.

Mr. President.
Listen to me.

Your life is in danger.
Bob Blair is trying to kill you.

What the hell
are you talking about?

He sent somebody into this dream
to assassinate you.

Who are you?

I'm here to help you.

Look, all you got to do
is wake up.

- Wake up?
- That's right.

Wake up.
Try, concentrate.

Wake up!

They gave me a sedative.

A sedative?

Well, we're just going
to have to

ride this out
until it wears off.

I did this.

I caused it.

That's not true.

It's all a dream.
None of it's real.

Hello, Mr. President.


What a surprise.

I get to kill two
for the price of one.

Okay, what seems
to be the trouble here?

No trouble.
No trouble at all.

Then, move on, son.



You sick bastard!


have a heart.

It's a dream, Alex!

You can do anything you want
in here!

Haven't you figured
that out yet?

Help me.

Help me.

There he is...

He's the one who
pushed the button.

He did this to you.

He did this to you!

He did this to you!


You guys like Bruce Lee movies?

I saw Enter the Dragon
six times.

You blew it, Alex.

While you were fooling around
with Novotny,

I was learning
how to take advantage in here.

In this world,
you're nothing, Alex.

And me...

I'm God.

End of the line, boys!


I know something
you're really afraid of, Alex.



Come on.

Through here.

It's a dead end.

Nowhere to run.

Maybe we don't run.


Tommy Ray.

Why, Tommy?

Why did you do it to me?

Why, Tommy?


I loved you, Tommy Ray.

Daddy, I'm sorry.

He's dead.



Are you all right?

What happened?

It's okay.

I stopped the bastard.


Is anything the matter?

You all right?

Bob. Stay away from me.

Excuse us, gentlemen.

No, no.

Don't excuse us.
Don't leave me for an instant.

Let's go back to your room.

I'm not going anywhere with you.

You put that maniac
in my dream to kill me.

I wonder if you know

just how crazy that sounds,
Mr. President.

You'll never get away with this.

You can't touch me, John.

And you know that.

We're leaving.

I think we should get as far
away from here as possible.

You're damn right.

Hold it right there!

It's okay.

Thank you...

I don't know how you did it.

But thank you for my life.

I'm just glad

we got out of there
in one piece, Mr. President.

What about Bob Blair?


He's a very powerful man.

He's going to be
coming after me.

He can't afford
to have me alive.

I'll assign some men to you.

I appreciate that, sir.

But I think I should deal
with this on my own.

How did you get in here?

It was easy.


You're going to be late.




Alex, what happened
to you last night?

You look like you
didn't get any sleep.

I didn't,
but I had one hell of a dream.

This is crazy.

Crazy, Jane?

This is fun.
Where's your sense of adventure?

Adventure? You call going
to Louisville an adventure?

What's wrong with Louisville?

Churchill Downs
is in Louisville.

You don't happen to be planning
on doing any gambling, do you?

Jane, you know I never gamble.

So, then, why are we going?

Where we're going
is not important.

What's important is that it
takes three days to get there.

I haven't been
on a train in years.

Oh, that's not
exactly true, Jane.

Ooh, nice.

Wait a minute.

What if it's not
as good as the dream?

It will be.

How do you know?

Maybe I'm a little bit psychic.



Tickets, please.

Thank you.

Have a good trip.