Dream of Light (1992) - full transcript

The artist, Antonio Lopez, tries to paint the quince tree he planted some time back in his garden. Throughout his life, he has worked on the same theme many times, almost as if it were a physical necessity. Every year, with the arrival of autumn, this need resurfaces. The artist's work has never represented the sun's rays between the leaves of the tree, and, given his characteristic realist style, he tries to achieve this. But he goes about it in the same way, without consciously pursuing a finished picture - he just wants to be close to the fragile lavish tree for a few weeks.

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Madrid, Fall 1990

Saturday, September 29


Emilio. Hello, Emilio

Come in, Emilio.

You wont'?


A film inspired...

by the paintings...

of Antonio L?pez.

Sunday, September 30

Monday, October 1

Better move these bags.

If we dont finish soon,

we?ll lose shares

Either they bring sand

or we?ll be doing nothing

Lets go.

Good morning, ladies!

I buy junk,

all kind of junk!

Anything you don?t want,

I?ll buy!

Morning, Mari,

how are you doing'?

- Hi, how did you sleep'?

- The plastic sheets moved.

Emilio kept on barking.

And the dog over there

barked back. Awful.

I?m off, I?m going

to English class.

I?tsmy first day.

If anyone calls,

I?ll be back at noon.

See you.

Hi. Are you emptying

the upstairs part'?

- Morning, Marco.

- Morning, Mari.

- Is there much rubble left'?

- A little.

- Well, see you later.

- See you.

"Your husbands gone...

...gone to the war

in France."

"Your husbands gone,

gone to the war in France."

"Holding a candle...

...looking for

a foxy mulatto girl."

"The love bug...

...the love bug,

the love bug."

"Dont let love bite you...

...nothing good comes out of it."

"Look at me and you?ll see,

I was bitten hard."

"The love bug...

...the love bug,

I?ll squash it dead."

"In the kings palace...

...there?s a wooden horse...

...in the kings palace"

"There?s a wooden horse,

a small wooden horse."

"As grains of sand

on the beach...

...thats my love for you...

...As grains of sand

on the beach."

Get the mix ready

"With an armfull...

...of roses and carnations...

...in a sevillian patio...

...how pretty you look and smell...

early in the morning."

"Many painters...

...came from Madrid...


go check on the baby

...to paint the Virgin of Sorrow..."

"You ate a good lunch...

...toasted hard bread...

...water from the river."

Death?s spark.

It?s gone.

A little while ago,

the sun came out over there.

But it went and hid

behind those clouds.

It?s not a good day,

is it'?

You can?t imagine

how pretty it was.

The golden fruits...

Really pretty!

Yes, I see

The season isn?t going

to help you much.

I?m going to try it


I think I have to paint

the sun.

Even now it looks lovely.

Just look.

Isn?t the fruit lovely'?

How long will it last'?

That?s the worst part,

very little.

Maybe a couple of hours

in the morning.

I mean,

for the light I want.

Later, it?s on the tower.

During that time,

while its on the house...

...the upper part

of the tree is enlightened.

It?s pretty too.


The tree is plunged

in shadow...

...except for the golden

upper part.

All the quinces...

That quince over there,

all that area...

...it?s lovely.

It?s very good too.

And then, the light

comes from over there.

The tree is enlightened

from behind.

But the morning light...

...has something special.

The early sun...

the most golden of all.

The fruit is lovely

with the sun.

I?ll paint it with sun.

I?ve never done a fruit tree

with the sun.

- How did it go today'?

- Fine.

Show me the hand.

It?s much better,

it feels better.

- The swelling?s gone down.

- I move it pretty well, see'?

- What did de doctor say'?

- The doctor'?

That it?s much better,

to keep exercising...

...you know, the usual.

- How many more visits'?

- A few.

Maybe I could go

every other day.

For how long'?

One week, ten days'?

A little more, I think.

But it s better.

I think

I?ll go less often...

...I mean, I fell

so much better now.

- Pretty, isn?s it'?

- Lovely!

It is

He probably started it

this morning.

How about those marks

on the leaves'?

Weird, isn?s it'?

Can?t make anything out.

Tomorrow, we?ll catch

the subway.

It will be faster.

Yeah, faster than the bus.

Alright, say it in Spanish.



Janusz, say it in Spanish.



Come on try it again.


...something like that.


Grzegorz, your turn.

How do you say "wiosna"'?

- Spr... Spring.

- Spring.

Spanish for Beginners.

Vienna, 1815.

Metternich is

the all-powerful man...

...to whom good kaiser Franz

has given...

How has he started

the drawing this year'?

Look, it?s full of marks.

- Really full.

- Poor thing.

See how pretty this is'?

Alright, but you keep

the jacket.

- How do I look'?

- Fine.

- Don?t think about it.

- The shoes are tight.

I?ll exchange them

and get bigger ones.

- If we could stretch them...

- No, I?ll get bigger ones.

Bigger ones'?

But they?re pretty, right'?

Like them '?

Come on, we?re leaving.

Take it off.

They?re too small.

- I can tell they re small.

- You can tell'?

Sit down and take them off.

My glasses,

I nearly sat on them.

Here, the shoes.

They re a little dirty,

aren?t they'?

Better clean them.

We are off.

- You get back to work.

- Alright then.

- See you.

- Bye.

Spanish National Radio,

the news.

The Soviet Union...

...and Israel have renewed

diplomatic relations...

wich had been broken

23 years ago...

...during the Six Day War


...to Edward Schevernatze

and David Levy.

The Spanish President

was pessimistic...

...about the events

in the Gulf.

However, Gonz?lez feels no effort

must be spared...

...to comunicate

with Irak.

Sadam Hussein

in a speech...

...said he was open

to dialogue.

He called however,

for a holy war...

...against foreign troops


...in Saudi Arabia.

Tomorrow, October 2nd...

...the GDR will cease

to exist as such.

The solem nities will take

place in Berlin...

...the new capital

of Germany.

33 people died

in car accidents...

...over the week end.

16 were

seriously injured.

Come on, Emilio.

Tuesday, October 2

Careful with the tree.

Just a little more,

a little more.

That?s right,

very good.

Monday, October 8

Tuesday, October 9

Wednesday, October 10

- Mari'?

- Enrique, come in.

- Hi, Enrique.

- Hello.

- You?re hard at work.

- It?s a mess, isn?t it'?

Come in.

How are you'?

- Fine, and you'?

- Pretty good.

Look at that!

The staircase!

It?s looking good.

- How was the trip'?

- As a matter of fact...

...I had a good time,

I read.

It?s the only time

I can read.

When I?m painting,

I?m so exhausted...

...I can?t even read

half a page.

At least, that way...

...I read a whole book.

- Where?s Antonio'?

- In the garden.

He is waiting for you.

- I?llgo to see him.

- See you.

- Antonio.

- How are you doing'?

High noon, isn?t it'?

Did you buy paints'?

I?ll go this afternoon.

I need time to look around.

I want to see

different colours...

...especially acrylics.

I feel like painting

something with acrylics.

I don?t know,

I fell like trying on paper.

That?s why I dropped by

here first.

- Want to have a look'?

- Sure.

Yeah, you re still

at that stage.

I just started it.

You can?t imagine how much

the light changes.

The sun starts over here.

It finishes over there.

I?m aiming to catch

a little at midday...

When the sun lights

the upper part.

Most of the tree

is in the shadow.

- It is.

- The light s here.

That?s what I?m aiming for.

Put your feet here.

Against the nails.

Just the tip of your shoes.

Against the nails. Wow!

Now bend down

to my sightline.

Tell me what you think.

Well, it?s splendid.

- Do you like it'?

- The quinces are so full.

They?re really beautiful,

truly beautiful.

- Yeah, but at this time...

- They?re tempting.

- No, don?t touch them.

- I barely did.

- Yeah, but...

- Ever so softly.

Of course,

I could erase the marks.

The marks you drew.

What about the size'?

- Fine.

- Mari says...

...I needed a bigger canvas.

What do you think'?

It looks alright to me.

It could have been bigger...

Still, I think that

those shapes over here...

...are fine for the fullness

of the quinces.


Wouldn?t you lower the tree'?

- You mean space'?

- And somes missing up here.

You can always add

in the upper area.

- You want to lower it all'?

- Yeah.

I want to let down

the whole thing, I mean...

...the fruits, the leaves.

Look, I?ve made

some marks over here.

I want to lower

the horizon down to here.

To lower it all...

...some 6 centimeters.

Wouldn?t it better'?

Stand back a little.

It isn?t the first time

we?ve discussed it.

Yeah, but...

How much more down '?

More or less.

Look here and over there.

I have to bend a little.

I don?t know. You shouldn?t

loose too much floor either.

From here, how much'?

Five or six centimeres'?

It should be enough.

If you don t want to add

to the upper area.

No, I prefer

to take it all down.

- Take it down.

- Yeah, the shapes.

Yes, here.

Of course, composition-wise...

...seeing it that way,

it?s a bit short.

That?s right.

It doesn?t breath enough.

Yeah, in the upper area.

Alright, lower it,

but I can?thelp it...

...I feel it s cruel

after all that work.

But nothing is lost.

It remains underneath.

- The bed, isn?t it'?

- It?s underneath

The bed, as it is called

in pictorical slang.

Alright, go ahead.

Will you help me to

trace a horizontal line'?

Let?s see.

Let?s see. Now this...

See it better now'?


- Take the ruler.

- Alright.

- On that tiny line, right'?

- That?s it.


Bring it over there.

- To the black line.

- Alright.

Go ahead.

- Done.

- Make a mark on the edge.

What time is it'?

Twenty to six.

My watch

says twenty to six.

Did you call Conchita'?

Antonio, did you call her'?

No, I didn?t.

Well, maybe I will then.

She might have that picture

It old you about.

The one she took

of both of us...

...In front of the Fine Arts School.

It would be nice to have it.

I was with Conchita...

...in the Cas?n when I first met you.

You were wearing a uniform,

you had been drafted.

Yeah, I remember it.

I came in and you were drawing,

Conchita was beside you.

Later on,

you botht old me...

you told me...

...that you had told


Hush up, there?s an officer coming.

I can picture myself,

tall and skinny...

...swimming in a uniform

much too large for me.

Some officer!

Remember what sculpture

you were drawing'?

Not really.

I vaguely recall

trying to draw something...

You see,

I came to Madrid...

...because I want ed

to be a cartoonist.

Althought I quickly got into

the Fine Arts circle.

I saw the San Fernando School

and it hooked me.

I decided to become

a painter.

I had two classes.

I remember seeing you

with your apron.

You were a veteran.

I was kind of lost.

I knew everything there was

to know about comics...

...so, well, I chose...

I started drawing...

...a sculpture,

I can,t remember its name.

Antonio, look.

It was a Greek sculpture

kind of...

...bent forward,

with an arm extended.

- The Apoxyomenos.

- The Apoxyomenos.

And I, full of innocence...

...decided to use charcoal

which dirties everything.

Worst of all...

...I wanted to give it

more movement.

It looked really awful.

Julio Hermoso came along

with his pipe...

- Eugenio.

- Eugenio, right.

- And Julio Moises.

- That?s right.

Eugenio Hermoso...

...a kind man, but so old...

Very old,

he was about to retire.

He raised his pipe...

...and said: "Yes...

...he?s been

in the Korean War."

This man has been

in the Korean War.

He left

without another word.

Well, I learned quickly.

Nex time

I drew a Venus.

Remember Soria Aedo'?


At least, he was fun.

He had flat feet

and walked real funny.

I remember...

...he used to tell us:

Let?s see those hopes.

He was Andalusian.

There,s nothing

like Seville.

Soria told me something...

...that really helped me,

the only thing that did.

I didn?t understand it then.

- Always the same thing.

- What was it'?

He used to tell me:

"Fuller, fuller."

It?s true, he?d say that.

I had forgotten.

But we were so awed

by our teachers...

...That I never once dared

asked him what it meant.

And then, time went by.

- Later on...

- You understood.

And it s so important.

At least for me, it is.

- For everyone.

- It s...


For the work to be fuller.

Anyway, I?m not going

to explain that to you.

- It?s basic.

- We understand it now.

But you see, then, in school...

...they were so...

Especially Valverde.

They demanded

too much respect.

We had to call them sir...

...and they kept

their distance.

- That was the least of it.

- But now...

...kids in college

don?t say "sir"...

...to their teachers.

Can you imagine calling

Valverde by his first name'?

Or Soria'? That?s why

you didn?t dare ask him...

...what he meant by "fuller".

I had forgotten

all about it...

...but he did say it.

- "Fuller".

- And...

..."Let?s see those hopes."

- I remember...

- Yes'?

A painting you did

in class.

A nude of the model

we called Boticelli.

She had her back to you.

It was lovely.


You see, preparation...

played a very important role.

We did it with Stolz.

The preparation...

...already included...

- Of the canvas, you mean.

- We used a lot of oil.


...even a tiny spot

gained a lot of strength.

It became very transparent.

But I still lacked


I did that nude.

I remember you and others

liked it a lot.

I remember a friar too.

It was the first exercise

you ever did.

With his hand like this.

- His hand here.

- That?s right.

And the other one here.

Man, were those hands heavy!

You were here

and the friar stood there.

From that angle.

- There was a window.

- Yes, a window.

I copied it from a post card.

I really worked hard.

Did you destroy it'?

No, an American couple

bought it...

...for 3.000 pesetas I think.

- You didn?t paint over it.

- No, it?s in the States.

Somewhere in the world.

Sometimes I wonder

what became of it.

I mean,

we had no money...

...we bought

the poorest of paints.

I suppose that painting

must be in bad shape...

I mean...

...cheap colors don?t last.

By the way...

...you asked me if I painted

over my friar.


We did some awful thing

with those exercises.


Know what I liked best

about school'?

- What'?

- I m speaking for myself.

Being together.

- Working together.

- That was great.

We spent

five years together.

We all graduated together.

We were good friends,

like brothers.

Love between classmates

was sincere.

...we spent most

of our time together...

...we could t ell

if it was true or not.

It was all very nice.

And then...

...whenever we had

some spare time...

Not too often,

on week ends mostly...

...we went to the park

in small groups.

We went to cafes...

...that no longer exist.

I got to know

the Caf? Varela...

...and its tapestries.

You went to caf?s...

...in those years'?

Yeah, in the evening.

We?d talk and talk

for hours...

...we were discovering

the world.

We?d probably be bored

to death now.

Yes, but I never went

to cafes.

- No you didn?t.

- It s the age difference.

You were 14 years old

and I was 21.

I went straight

to the boarding-house.

One evening...

...we were at a table

close to the window.

Suddenly, we heard...

...someone humming

Beethoven?s Ninth.

And there was

Antonio L?pez...

...oblivious to all,

directing himself.

It was wonderful.


We felt such a passion

for music.

Lucio specially.

We still do,

but it?s different now.

How about some cookies'?

Sounds fine to me.

- There s some chocolate.

- I?ll have chocolate too.

I?m thirsty,

Have you got any coke'?

- There??s some in the fridge.

- I,ll have one.

This painting is something

else, isn?t it'?

Know how old Michelangelo

was when he did it'?

Close to sixty,

wasn?t he'?

Sixty three

or sixty four.

He was getting on,

wasn?t he'?

So he finished it at...

It took him four years.

He was 63

when he finished it.

If it took him 4 years...

...he finished it at 67 or 68.



Isn?t it rather macabre...

...to paint himself

as Saint Bartholomew'?

It?s something

I,ve known for a while.

As people are always

making things up...

...I didn?t believe it

at first.

But the resemblance

is really incredible.

They discovered it

last century.

No one knew it.

- Where is he'?

- Here.

Yes that?s right.

Rather awful.

On the original,

you can tell it?s him.

You know how people

always say...

...that some portraits

look at you...

...or that thing about

the fly on the glass'?

That?s why, at first,

I didn?t believe it was him.

You know...

...in a way...

...it s a negative


What do you mean '?

Well, you know...

...he called himself

"a poor madman".

- He wasn?t mad.

- He said he was.

But he had a terrible

outlook on life, didn?t he'?

Yes, he did.

To create a god who threat ens...

...not only the damned

but also the innocent.

They all look kind of

intimidated by their god.

They certainly do.

Here?s God.

- The innocent are here.

- That?s right.

- The damned are here.

- No, those are the souls.

- Who go to Heaven.

- They rise from the earth.

These go up...

- And these go down to Hell.

- The resurrection, isn?t it'?

The descent...

...into Hell.

Would you like to be

in that Paradise'?

I?ve never believed in it.

No, I wouldn?t like it,

fawning all over God...

I don?t believe in that.

Besides, he?s a human God

isn?t he'?

God must be brought

to man somehow...

...that?s why God

became a man.

Such a different god

from the Greek ones.

Just look at her over there,

so very full of light.

Yes, she embodies

a healthy spirit and soul.

And physical prime.

While here, all these strong men...

...are scabby.



Michelangelo looks

tremendously sorrowful.

They look guilty.

It was another world...

...another thought, another time.

So much worse.

I mean, Phydias can be seen

as a religious artist...

...but you don?t notice it.

All you see is joy

and beings in their prime.

And they?re powerful,

muscle everywhere, but...

...they re so...

- As if they denied life.

- Yes, exactly.

- I?llget you a coke.

- Fine.

Can I... '?

Can I have some...

...cake, Antonio'?

Hows the portrait going'?


...thats a challenge.

- Have you done much'?

- Quite a bit.

The model is truly


So full.

As if...

Whenever I look at her,

I think of Phydias.

Those hands, that body,

that head...

If I could get close enough

to the model...

...say 7 per cent,

I?d be satisfied.

You know Manolo loves

what I do.

He says it?s doing well.

I don?t argue because

I like to hear him say it.

But I know how much...

But I know how much...

...that portrait needs.

By the way, someone once

told me that painters...

...middle-aged painters

in Paris...

...men who are now

the same age than us...

...work with feverish


I didn?t understand it then

but I admired them for it.

Now that I?m that age,

I understand it.

I too work with intensity.

Time is precious.

I work non-stop now.

I know...

...we have much vitality,

I know that but...

...but time as such can?t last...

...much longer.

We still have a few years...

...but unconsciously,

our mind...

...pushes us...


Spanish National Radio.

Yesterday, the Arab League

asked the U.N...

Let?s go.

Shall I take

the chairs inside'?

And the box too.

Take it.

Sadam Hussein asked

the world?s Moslems...

...to free Jerusalem...

...where Israel?s

armed forces...

...killed 21 Palestinians

and wounded another 200.

Soldiers with gas masks...

...wat ched the streets

that lead...

...to the Wailing Wall...

...and closed the accesses

to the mosques.

Succesful landing

by the shuttle Discovery.

The D.A. Asks for 70 years

in jail...

...for Amedo

and Dominguez...

...the two policemen


...of belonging

to a terrorist band...

...and of having planned

six unsuccessful murders...

Friday, October 12

Monday, October, 15

Tuesday, October 16

Thursday, October 18

Tuesday, October 23

Mari, were you aleep'?

I m sorry,

but the lights gone.

Have you got light at your place'?

I know.

Shall I call Jan '?

It s very late.

Here I was,

happily painting away...

...and I have to go

to bed.

Wednesday, October 24

So much glue.

Your shadow.

- Alright, that?s it.

- It is'?

Let?s see.

- My shadow?s in the way.

- Right.

- No problem.

- There.

More towards you.

A little more.

That?s fine,

leave it as it is.

Leave it.

It s drying over here.

The weather?s

really rotten!


It?s pretty damp.

It?s still very wet.

Give it here.

Let?s see if it?s stuck

by tomorrow...

...and I can start drawing

- Do you want to start tomorrow'?

- Well...

I?ll glue the other side


I?ll start the day after.

I?m way behind as it is.

I don t think

you?re going to make it.

I can try.

You finish it.

- Over there.

- I?m falling.

Okay, the methacrylate.


...that?s it.

I?ll get the tiles.

I?ll give them to you.

- Sure, let me.

- No, dont.

We need more.

It must be stable.

No, don?t.

Give me another one.

Alright, that?s it.

Let it be.

Did you bring your car?

- And an umbrella?

- That I did.

Alright, let?s go.

Come on.

What a downpour!

Let?s go.

Thursday, October 25

Friday, October 26

Saturday, October 27

Crude went up

again yesterday.

However, the initial hike

of 3 $ on Brent crude...

...was finally reduced

to, 0.85...

...leaving the barrel

at 33, 7 dollars.

The Madrid Stock Exchange

lost 4 points.

Tokyo lost 346 points...

...New York, 48.

The spanish ships...

...Numancia, Diana and Cristina...

...will sail from Cartagena...

...on the 31st

of this month for the Gulf.

This was confirmed

by the Ministry of Defense.

The two football teams...

...Madrid Atletico

and Barcelona...

...play today.

Weather forecast.

Very cloudy skies

in most of the country.

Heavy rainst orms

in the Northern half...

Sunday, October 28

So you?ve left

the canvas...

...the painting.

- I started drawing.

- When ?

A couple of days ago.

Why did you stop painting.

You didn t lik e it'?

The weather was

so rotten...

...so unsettled,

so horrible...

...I couldn?t go on


I wanted to show...

...the sun on the tree.

But the light changed

so often...

...I couldn?t go on.

Will you be able

to pick it up next year?

You see, next year...

...the quinces, the leaves

will have changed.

- So, that?sit.

- Yes, that?s it.

You hadn?t painted one

for a while.

That?s why I wanted

to do it.

You did two quince trees...

Mom told me

to paint it...

...and I liked the idea.

- Now it?s Mom?s fault.

- Well, I wouldn t...

Alright, alright.

All I did was complain

about the weather.

I haven?t been

very lucky.

It?s typical October weather.

This year?s been worse

than usual.

Truly horrible.

Monday, October 29

Thursday, November 1

Friday, November 2

There isn?t much left.

- She says it?s very good.

- Good?

You prefer drinking it hot

in China, don?t you?

It?s good this way too.

Apparently, in Madrid,

people drink it cold.

Not really.

But I bring it early...

...and by now, it?s cold.

Well, I like it

Is it the first time...

...you?ve painted this tree'?

The third time.

Last year, I drew it.

It was a smaller drawing.

You probably like

this tree very much.

Yes, I do.

I like quince trees.

The tree and its fruit.

I?ve drawn other trees...

...but I have a kind...

...of tendency...

...to work on quince trees.

I don?t know why.

Well, the fruit

is beautiful.

Maybe you planted

the tree yourself.

I did, yes.

Some four years ago.

Well, that explains it,

doesn?t it'?

But I planted others.

I planted that one too.

I have noticed

that your method...

...is quite different

from the ones used...

...by others.

- What others?

- Other painters.

- I see.

- As far as I know...

...a lot of painters

feel more comfortable...

...working from a picture.


...the best part is being

close to the tree.

That is more important

than the end result for me.

A picture

doesn?t give you that.

That may also be because

you love that tree.

That?s right.

Another thing

that impresses her...

...is the compactness...

...of the compositions

you normally do.

Well, here

and in general...

...I like the order

created by symetry.

I centered the tree

on the paper.

The heart of the vision

is the center of the paper.

Apparently, a lot of artists

avoid doing this...

...because people don?t seem

to like it.

That may be,

but doing it this way...

...the tree, in my opinion...

...has presence.

By centering it...

...by avoiding all esthetic

games on paper...

...with space...

the object...

...is shown...

...in an ordered way

in relation to symmetry.

Do you smoke?

- No, thank you.

- What about you, Xao Ming'?

Have one.

You had a question.

Thank you.

She?s wondering...

...about those marks

on the tree.

She?dlike to know

if you use them to fix...

...to get a perspective

in your composition.

The marks in general

or some in particular'?

For example...

...those white lines,

those threads.

The threads.

This is the vertical line.

If you prefer,

the center of what I see.

It?s also the center

of what I?m representing.

This thread over there...

...is the horizontal line

also in the center.

So, taking these vertical

and horizontal line...

...I can place

all my elements.

Now, these horizontal marks

over here...

...on the quinces

and on the leaves...

...show, since I started


...how the fruits are lower

because of the weight...

...how the branches

have bent.

They were over here.

This mark used

to be over here.

Since I started...

...the tips have gone down

some five centimeters.

Here, it hasn?t moved.

- So you keep on correcting.

- Yes that?s right.

I corret.

I follow the tree.

I?m always parallel...

...to the development

of the tree.

Do you think

you?ll finish it...

...before the quinces fall?

The tree s still fine.

I started a month ago.

She says it is now

possible to see...

...that the sun

is shining lightly...

...on the fruits

and on the leaves.

It is very pretty.

Do you also wish

to represent...

...that light?

It?s impossible.

In that sense,

our language is very limited.

I may only show

the boundaries of shapes...

...and thus the tree.

But it will become

an oil painting won?t it?

No, I started with one

and ended up with a drawing.

You see the sun...

...It was there a

moment ago, wonderful...

...but it?s already


It changes so quickly.

...I couldn?t

go on painting.

It?s wonderful,

but I had to give it up.

I had to.

You always have

to give something up.

Monday, November 5

What a beautiful tree!

It?s madness!

And just look

at this one over here!

He?s so orderly.

I suppose he must...

Did you see the hot-house'?

Of course!

Look, this is where

he stands.

He stands right here.

- There are marks down there.

- Sure.

He places his feet here.

Then, he uses this line...

...plus the vertical one

from the plumb line...

...to refer to the mark

on the tree.

That way, his point of view

never changes.

He always has to see it

from here...

...from this point.

What if he blinks?

He loses his point of view.

He does.

I?m really astounded.

I couldn?t see it

that close up.

I?d have to work

a little more removed.


...I?m more the spectat or

than the act or.

I?ve always wondered...

...about that obsession

with physical space...

...about square inches.

For me, feelings about

colors are all-powerful.

No, what we have here

is the perfect union...

...between feelings

and order.

It?s as if he were


But it?salways feeling

and order.

Reason and intuition

go hand in hand.

How are you doing?

- Aren?t we all dressed up?

- Was there any choice?

So, you?re admiring...

...the model.

You don?t mind us...

...seeing the ins and outs,

do you?

Of course not,

they re pretty obvious.

- They are, aren?t they?

- Besides, nowadays...

It?s a map...

...a map of the tree.

- A map...

- Really, it is.

A map where...

- Have you seen this?

- I certainly have.

I didn?t want

to mention it.

Goodness me!

Wait, that?s about

three days worth.

I don?t pick them up

every day.

I don?t smoke that much

in one day.

I bet the tree does.

- Time to go.

- Yes, let?s go.

Monday, November 19

Wait, just a little more.

It?s in full decadence.

The leaves are hiding

the quince.

You?re going to shadow it,

like in Middle Distance?

No, I can?t.

That tomato thing

was so funny!

Don?t make me laugh.

I?ll wreck the leaf

and I?m ust go.

Don?t shake it,

lower it a bit.

- Listen, this is difficult.

- Yes, I know.

Just a little more.

The poor thing won?t last

much longer.

- It is going to be long?

- Just a little more.

I?m nearly finished.

Alright. Now, let?s see...

I knew it.

The little one over here,

just a little bit.

That?s it.

A little higher.

That rod is right

on my nose.

Let?s see.

Have you had that problem

with other trees?

Well, I never...

Should I look up

or down ?

- It never took that long?

- Well, not so late...

Not so late in the year.

We are in mid November.

- Lower?

- No, now go to...

- Where?

- Let?s see...

This one?

Wait a minute.

That one over there.

- This one?


There, there,

don t move it now.

That?s easy to say.

They?re getting bigger.

The quinces, I mean.


They?ll be huge.

Which one?

- That one.

- Like that?

- Yes, one minute.

- Come on.

- Wait, let me see.

It?s hanging in there.

Look how lovely it is

with the sun over there.

Friday, November 23

- Raise that leaf a little.

- This one?

That one, that one.

I can?t see.

Move a little.

- Like that'?

- That?s right.

Aren?t these quinces

full of lumps?

See, they?real bumpy.

Look, over here.

It looks great.

Now don?t start.

Maybe you could give it

a little more firmness.

Put the leaf over there.

I can?t see.

What was that?

- What did you say?

- I think...

...this area is fine...

...as it is.

You may be suffocating it

a bit.

Why don?t you work

on the lower part...

...on the bottom leaves'?

- Which?

- The bottom ones.

- Over here.

- Just a little more.

To finish it.

- Damn wind!

- God, it?s cold!

I?ll sing a little.

"Darling, my darling..."

That?s the song.

Start again.

Darling, my darling..."

- Again.

- Do you want me to start again ?

Wait, I?m eating.

You go ahead and draw.

Bet I look cute


...the leaf


"Darling, my darling...

...spring of marjoram...

...foam flowing on the river..."

- Dreadful!

- It is'?

- Again.

- We were doing fine.


"Darling, my darling...

...spring of marjoram...

...foam flowing

on the river...

...morning star."

"All over Seville

I?ve planted...

...defiant flags."

"And each flag says:

...darling, my darling."

- How was it?

- So, so.

I didn?t really like it.

We can do it better.

Shall we try again ?


Let?s see how do I do it.

"Darling, my darling...

...spring of marjoram...

...foam flowing

on the river...

...morning star."

"All over Seville.

I?ve planted...

...defiant flags."

"And each flag says...

...darling, my darling."

- Better, wasn?t it'?

- Yeah, better.

Shall I keep on

lifting the leaf?

It would be funny if it

weren?t so serious.

- Like that?

- A little more.

- What?

- More time.



Did you find

Conchita?s picture?

I didn?t.

I called her several

times, day and night

I tried through

a mutual friend.

That?s enough.

But they?re probably

on the coast.

There?s no way

I can reach them.

We?ll have to forget

the picture.

It?s a pity,

it was so pretty.

Told you about it,

didn?t I?

Didn?t I ever see it?

I don?t think so,

she only gave it to me.

We were standing in front

of the school.

That?s when she took

the picture.

I remember it quite well.

I was quite impressed

when I saw it.

We both had

the same look...

...a kind of

tense face...

...a kind of hunger,

of passion for art.

Besides not having a cent

to our name, of course.

We looked kind of...

...angry, yes,

that s right.

Well, if we re lucky...

...I?ll be able to find

Conchita some day...

...and ask her for it.

Do you know how long

I?ve been here?

No, I don?t.

I mean, since I started

working on this tree?

- How many months?

- Months, weeks...

Monday, December 3

Sunday, December 9

Monday, December 10


It?s over.

Let?s cover the lemon trees.

Tuesday, December 11

- Choose the ripest ones.

- This one?

- They?re full of spots...

- He paints everything.

It?s Dad?s doing.

He marked them

to make a drawing.

- Lovely!

- Look how big this one is!

Remember when we made

pounds of quince jelly?



- How many do you need?

A few more.


How can such a small tree

bear so much fruit'?

All together...

...two hundred and three.


...we need at least

six more houses for that.

Here you are, quince.

- Do you want to try it?

- See what it?s like.

You want some, Marek?

I?ll give you some.

What if it?s poisoned

or something like that'?

Don?t be silly.

Here, Marek, try it.

- You sure it?s edible?

- Try it.

It tastes

like an uripe pear.


Nothing to go wild about.

Good for quince jelly.

A bit dry, isn?t it?


The shirt and the socks

are different.

I know, but it?s alright.

I can find them.

- Are they here?

- Yes, they are.

They brought some things

to hold.

We can choose them later.

- Alright.

I?ll put this here.

Isn?t it pretty?

Alright, wait.

Turn your head a little.

Not that much.

I think the head is higher.

- Higher, isn?t it?

- I think so.


Don?t move.

Get up, that?s it.

Turn a little this way,

yes, that?s right

The hands...


This hand

was more or less here.

- You look great!

- Isn?t it pretty?

If you like it,

it?s fine with me.

- What?

- You know my opinion.

Yes, yes, I know.

To work on a painting

after so long...

...I think...

I could prepare a canvas

that same size.

You?d start again

completely free...

...from the beginning,

without worrying.

I think

that would be the best.

Maybe I will.

I don?t know.

Give me a few days.

What you?re suggesting

may be the best solution.

But I want to try something.

Let?s try it.

Isn?t it pretty?


- Like it?

- Very much.

What about this picture?

That?s nice too.

Which should I be holding?

- We?ll think about it.

- Both of them ?


We?ll think about it.

We should take a trip.

Where would we go?

To Greece.

I?m in Tomelloso...

...in front of the house

where I was born.

Across the square I see trees...

...that had never been

there before.

I recognize

the dark leaves...

...and the golden fruits

of the quince trees.

My parents and I

are beneath the trees...

...along with some people

I can?t seem to place.

I can hear our voices.

We chat peacefully.

Our feet sink

in the muddy ground.

All around us,

on the branches...

...the ever softer,

wrinkled fruit hangs.

Dark spots slowly

cover their skin.

In the still air, I feel

their flesh rotting.

From where I stand...

...I can?t tell

if the others can see it too.

Nobody seems to notice

that the quinces...

...are rotting

under a light...

...I can?t really


Clear, yet dark,

that changes all...

...into metal and dust.

It isn?t the night light.

Neither is it that

of twilight.

Nor of dawn...
