Dream (2008) - full transcript

In the aftermath of a car crash, a man discovers his dreams are tied to a stranger's sleepwalking.

A hit-and-run accident.

Check all the nearby

surveillance cameras.

Excuse me.

Did you witness

the hit-and-run accident?


Yes, the car hit them

and stoppedfor a moment.

After checking the accident,

it fled.

What color was the car

that hit them?

We don't know yet.

We're checking what's on

the surveillance camera.

Are you a witness?

Vehicle confirmed, SilverKiaOptima sedan.

Ownedby Lee Ran.

Address is Seoul, Chongro-gu,

Gahwe-dong 1-192.

Locatethevehicle and arrest suspect.

Yes, sir.

Silver Kia Optima?

Who told you to listen

to my walkie talkie?

Officer Lee!

This is the police.

Open the door.

What are you doing?

Who said l caused an accident?

l was in bed!

Come outside.

Are you that car's owner?

Who messed up my car?

Let's go.

Let go of me!

Who did this to my car!

Come with us.

Let's talk at the police station.


Get in the car!

Why do you keepfollowing us?

We've caught the criminal

so go away.

l was in bed at that time.

Why are you making

me into a criminal?

Calm down!

This is police station!

l never caused that accident.

Let me go now.

Are you this car's owner?


This was taken at 2:1 0 am

by a surveillance camera

near the accident.

We'll get to the bottom of

this eventually.

Like l said before,

l swear l was in bed at the time.

l'm not someone

who roams around late at night.

You can't come in here so get out.

l think this has something

to do with me.

What are you talking about?

Get out of here.

Will you keep lying

even after seeing this?

l swear l went to bed

at midnight.

All l can remember was you

knocking at my door at 5am.

We obviously have enough evidence,

so why do you keep lying?

We evenfound

your engine over-heated.

l wasn't driving!

Why'd you wake me up

in the middle of the night?

We have evidence.

She's telling the truth.

Who are you?

He's beenfollowing us ever since

we were at the accident site.

l'm the criminal.

Do you know this woman well?

No, it's the first time

l've met her.

Then why are you

sticking upfor her?

Because l'm the criminal.

What evidence do you have

to incriminate yourself?

When lfollowed

my ex-girlfriend's car,

a car popped out of nowhere,

and l slammed on the brakes.

But it was too late

and l crashed.

You already saw that

at the car accident site.

No, it's not true!

She's also saying that

it wasn't her.

Who causes an accident and

blatantly leaves the car at her house?

l swear l hit that car

at that very spot in my dream.

ln your dream?

Yes, in my dream.

Are you kidding?

No, l'm not.

l'm telling you, it was the exact

same spot in the dream.

l didn't want to lose my ex's car,

so l took off.

l saw a drunk guy at a crosswalk

and woke up surprised.

You'll find skid marks at the crosswalk

because l hit the breaks.

Sergeant Lee! Throw him out!

The car lfollowed

was a white Hyundai Sonata!

He's right.

A white Sonata passed by

before the accident.

And there are skid marks

at the next crosswalk.

A drunk man was

also captured on camera.

Let me get this straight.

You dreamt it

and she acted it out?

lf this woman can't remember

what she did,

then she must be a sleepwalker.

So do you walk

in your sleep, Miss?

Now let her go.

We should charge you instead because

you matched the description of the car?

Plus, you saw it in your dream!

And what about this picture?

Does the camera lie?

This is you.

lsn't it?

Why do you keep insisting

when She's innocent?

l told you l'm the one who did it.

You stay out of this!

How can a dream turn real?

A dream is a dream

and reality is reality!

Get him out of here!

l'm telling you,

l caused the accident in my dream!

She's innocent!

He's a total psycho!

Drag him out of here!

Why aren't you listening to me?

What's the matter?

Are youfeeling guilty now?

She's my patient.

She only used to wander

around at night.

Now she drove her car

and caused an accident.

A sleepwalker drives

her car around,

gets into an accident and goes

right back to sleep?

There are even cases where people

commit murder and don't remember it.

Then what now?

There's undisputable evidence

against her.

She's suffering from a severe case

of sleepwalking.

The best is to settle things

with the car accident victims.

What if they don't settle?

l'll persuade them.

lt wasn't afatal accident anyway.

They'll understand

if l explain the situation.

l'm responsiblefor half of this.

What do you mean by that?

l dreamt the same thing.

lt was exactly

the same situation and place.

When did you start dreaming?

A week ago.

Her symptoms also started then.

l couldn't remember

what l dreamt before.

Lately, l remember my dreams

so clearly.

l had to go

to the scene of the accident.

Because itfelt so real.

A dream is a memory.

Through a dream you can see

not only the memory of birth

but of many past generations as well.

A dream is also a person's

fear of the future.

What is yourfear?

Having many sad moments.

What do you see now?

l don't see anything.

lt's dark.

Now what do you see?

l see many lights spreading out.

And now?

The lights scatter.

lfeel like l'm gonna suffocate.

Like it's going to explode.

l'm okay.

Please bring her here.

l'm sorry, it's all myfault.

You don't have to go to the hospital.

l took care of everyhing.

The car is also being repaired.

Why are you meddling

in my affairs?

Because l'm equally responsible.

Don't speak nonsense.

No, the scene of the accident

and the victim's car

were all in my dream.

Two days ago at dawn you returned home

with muddy clothes on, right?

ln the dream a man pushed me

and lfell down.

lt got stained with mud.

What's with you?

lt was all caused by my dreams.

So from now on whatever you dream,

l'll act out in my sleep?

l think so.


The personyou are calling cannot

bereached,Please call again.

Have you eaten?

Yes, how about you?

l'll treat you next time, okay?


Who is that?

This is none of your business.

Leave me alone.

Let go of me.

Who is he?

None of my business?

Stay out of my life!

Who the hell are you?

Who hit you?

l remember the place

where you got hit.

lf you go there,

you'll recognize

the one who hit you.

Aren't you curious?

Here it is.

This is the house.

l came here?

Yes, someone hit me

in front of this house.

This is the car!

Let's just leave.

What's wrong?

Do you know this place?

There's no way that l came here.

Come on, let's go!

Who lives here?

Who's the woman

you're chasing in your dream?

My girlfriend who dumped me.

Do you still love her?


Who's the man you're lookingfor

when you sleepwalk?

My ex-boyfriend who l left.

- Do you still love him?

- No.

l never want to see him again.

You're are on two opposite

ends of a spectrum.

You want to see yourformer lover

through your dream.

And you find yourself sleepwalking

to your ex-boyfriend.

l'm happy just to see her

even if only in dreams.

l willingly go to the man l despise

without knowing.

lt's horrible

just thinking about it.

Your happiness becomes

her misery.

The two of you...

...are one.

How aboutfalling in love

with each other?

Then the dreams will go away,

and the sleepwalking

will be cured.

l still can'tforget

my ex-girlfriend.

l don't want to, either.

There are no limits to a dream.

They can bring

a terrible misfortune.

Remember this.

White and black are

the same color.

Yes, sir!

Don't worry.

Yes, l'll take care of it.

Treat me to a nice meal

if things work out.

Something really nice.

Yes, don't worry too much.

Things will be okay

You can trust me.

Yes, yes,

l understand.

Don't worry at all.

How are you?

What sort of dream

did you have last night?

The mileage on my car went up.

Tell me.

What did l do

when l went to see him?

You kissed him.


Who told you to have

such a dream?

Now do you believe

that we're connected by my dreams?

l despise even seeing him!

But l kissed him?

You can't dream

what you want to dream.

You dreamt about her

because you miss her.

Then what do you want me to do?

l can't just avoid thefeelings

l still havefor her.

And then what did you do


Please stop.

Tell me now!

Don't tease me!

l went to her bed.

You went to her bed?

Then what did you do?

Somebody came and l woke up.

Why are you so angry?

l didn't dream of her

because l wanted to see her.

Don't you think about

how l'dfeel?

What would he think of me?

l dumped him because l hated him.

But l go kiss him and hug him

in the middle of the night!

Am l some crazy woman?

Why do you hate him so much?

He's not such a strange man.

Did you meet him?

No, l saw him from a distance.

Why are youfollowing a man

you don't know?

l was curious about

who he was.

Don't think about

your ex-lover anymore.

Then help me get over her.

Why me?

Then what's therefor me to do?

Erase all my memories overnight?

l'm afraid of your dreams.

l am, too.

ltfelt like she had another man

in my dreams.

She hid me so that

he can't see me.

Don't dream anymore.

Don't sleep.

l'll try.

That's not good enough.

Don'tfall sleep

no matter what.

Stay with me.

lf lfall asleep,

wake me up.

Don't try that with me.


Then don't interfere

with whatever dream l have.

l won't let you sleep!

What are you talking about?

You don't understand,

about how much l despise

and loathe him.

You don't know, either,

about how lfeel about her.

Hello? lt's me.

l'm so sleepy.

Please help me stay awake.

l'm about tofall asleep

l'm barely conscious.

Don't hate me if

l have a bad dream.

l can't help it

if l'm so sleepy.

l'll come over now.

Do me afavor?

Hit me if lfall asleep

before l get there.

lf l don't wake up,

hit me harder.

Are you sure?


l got it.





Thank you.

Don'tfall asleep.


l'm sorry.

Sleep well?

Did you dream anything?

l didn't dream anything

while you were awake.

l'm so relieved

we'vefound a way around it.

But l don't know

how long it will last.

l'll set the clock

and watch it closely.

l'dfeel safe

if we live together like this.


lf you like it, it's yours.

What is it?

What are we doing now?


Why are you sleeping

in my house?

What are you talking about?

l didn't dream anything

What's wrong?

l didn't dream anything.

l didn't dream anything.

l know.

Then why did you come here?

l know you didn't go see him

because you missed him.

Why don't you answer me?

Don't look at that.

l told you not to look at that.

You keep dreaming of her because

you keep these mementos around.

l'll throw them awayfor you.

Why do l have to throw them away?

You weren't even sleepwalking,

tell me why you

went to go see him?

Don't ever go to him again.

Go to bed.

Wake up.

l have to sleep, too.

Just a bit more.

l'm sleepy.


Wake up!

Wake up!

Don'tfall asleep.

You can't sleep.

What happened to me?

Why didn't you wake up?

Nothing would've happened

if you had gotten up before.

You should've kept your promise

to take turns sleeping.

l desperately tried to stay up

l even stuck needles in my head!

Why didn't you get up?


Did l come here earlier?


What did l do?

Don't you know?

What did l do with you?

You liked it,

so what's the matter now?

l liked it?

l don't understand, either.

Even though you hate it,

you keep coming back to me every night.

You're so happy

when you're with me.



Let go!

Go away!

l missed you so much.

Why didn't you answer

my call yesterday?

Were you busy?

l left my phone at home.

Honey, lfeel

so heartbroken lately.

l go crazy

if l don't see you.

You're not seeing

someone else, right?

How come you don't trust me?

l can trust you, right?


l'll kill you

if you leave me.

You're all that l have.

Do you like me that much?

Yes, l do.

You slut! Are you sure?


Who are you thinking about

when you close your eyes?

What bastard

are you thinking about?

Stay still!

Stay still.

You bitch,

what did you do yesterday?

l was home.

l went to your house.

Be frank with me.

Who did you meet?

Tell me your password.

Give me your phone.

l want to go home now.

l'm sick of you!

Hurry! Tell me your password!

Before l go nuts!

What's the matter with you?

Answer me! You bitch!

Who did you meet yesterday?

You crazy bastard,

go see a shrink!

Who's the one

who made me like this?

l wasn't like this before.

l gave up everyhingfor you!

l regret it so much!

l sacrificed just as much!

But why are you

always like this?

Kill me instead, you bastard.

You're the one

who made me go crazy.

Let's die together instead.

Hey! Hey!

Crazy bastard.

You imagine things in your head

and get jealousfor no reason!

Yeah, l'm crazy!

You made me like this!

Son of a bitch.


l want to rip you apart!

l'd rather you kill me.

You are pathetic.

Come here!

Let go of me!

What's your next dream?


Why are you saying that?

What can you not do in a dream?

White and Black. One Color.

l'm sleepy.

Go to sleep.

Where have you been?

lfollowed the butterfly.

There's no butterfly

during the winter.

Don't worry and go to sleep.

Wake up.

Come on! Wake up!

Did you sleep well?

Calm down!

Calm down!

She's innocent!

l'm the one who did it!

l did it all!

She has nothing to do with this!

Did you kill him?

What's with you?

l killed him!

Who killed him?

Just now you said

it was her.

Hey, take both of them

to the station.

Who killed him?

l killed him.

But why was she holding

the murder weapon?

l did it, it was me.

Why did you kill him?

l killed him because she

was seeing another man.

Where did you

get the handcuffs?

l bought them

at a military supplies store.

Are you going to keep this up?

l'm the criminal.

lt happened

because l dreamt about it.

Do you think murder

is some kind of a joke?

Why don't you trust my dream?

lt happened

because l dreamt it!

You're a total nut case.

Take him away!

Let go!

Stay still!

Shut up! Stay still!

l'm not crazy!

My dream was crazy!

l'm telling you,

it's my dream!

- Let go!

- Stay still, you bastard!

Stop it! Leave him!

My dream was crazy!

lt was you who killed him.

What are you smiling about?

Are you crazy, too?

All of it happened

because of my dream.

Stop talking about dreams!

You're confusing me!


Everyone has a dream

about killing someone at some point.



Request a psychiatric testfor her.

Yes, sir.

l'm sorry

lt was all because of me.

- Move aside!

- l promise!

l promise l won't sleep

from now on!

l won't sleep again!

Nothing will happen to

you anymore!

Lee Ran!

You have a visitor!

Lee Ran!

You have a visitor!

Lee Ran!

You have a visitor!

When will she come?

When will she come?

Stop it, okay?

Stop it.

Stop it, you bitch!

Lee Ran!

You have a visitor!

Lee Ran!

You have a visitor!

lfeel like l'll go crazy.

ltfeels like hell.

Are there anymore dreams left?

Whatever dream it is,

l won't hate youfor it.

lf l die,

the dreams will go away.

Sleeping is not like dying.


What do you see?

l see a butterfly.

l love you.


KIM Ki-duks 1 5th film