Drango (1957) - full transcript

Major Clint Drango of the U.S. Army and his aide, Capt. Marc Banning, ride into a burned-out Georgia town shortly after the end of the Civil War with orders to set up a military governorship. The townspeople are bitter over the earlier destruction of their crops, homes, schools and church by Sherman and Union troops but they do not know that Drango was a participant in that destruction. Renegade former Confederates under Clay Allen plan to undermine Drango's benign administration in hopes of restarting the war. The renegades commit a series of crimes and killings and Drango's honesty and character eventually win him some converts in the town.

BOY: They're comin'.

They're comin'!
They're comin'!

They're comin'!

♪ Drango

♪ Some men live by love

♪ Some men live by lust

♪ Hero, coward
and fool

♪ Each man does
the thing he must

♪ Drango rode
with trouble

♪ Drango rode apart

♪ No man stood
with Drango

♪ There's a time
every man

♪ Must ride alone

♪ Live or die

♪ He must ride alone ♪


Which way to
Judge Allen's house?


Can I help you,

I'm Major Drango.
This is Captain Banning.

We'd like
to see Judge Allen,
if he'll receive us.

Would you be
good enough
to step inside?

I'm Clay Allen,
the Judge's son.

I'll take you
to him.


We have visitors...

Major Drango
and Captain Banning
of the Union Army.

We've been expecting
you, Major.

You must be tired
after your journey.

Perhaps, we can
get you a brandy.

I'm sorry. There's
nothing like that
left in the house.

My apologies.

We used to keep
an excellent cellar.

These are my
orders, sir.

Please read them
at your leisure.

We want everything to
go as well as possible.

Aren't you
assuming a
great deal?

I'm afraid there
isn't any choice,

You've got to
understand that
these men rule us now.

We don't want
to rule anybody.

CLAY: Well, you're
a military governor,
aren't you?

Technically, yes.

Aren't those
official papers,

giving you the power
to do what you like

with our town,
with all of us?

We came here to help.

Forgive me, Major,
if I don't believe you.

Union soldiers have been here
before... Nine months ago.

General Sherman's army.

They made certain
we'd never forget them.

I understand,
Mrs. Allen.

You're the leader of
this community, Judge.

Nothing can be done
without your cooperation.

Will you work with us?

This town was laid out
almost 100 years ago,

My grandfather
helped build it.

There was a meaning
to our lives then.

Now, we just want
to be left alone!

We won't intrude
any further.

Good day, ma'am.
Good day, Judge.

Good day.

Good day,

O, Major!

A word
of warning.

Our people
won't live under
a military governor.

If you stay,
they'll kill you.

Sure make a man
feel at home.

Think they know you?

Let's go.

211... Second floor,
end of the hall.

Stay where you are
and keep your hands up high.


Get off him, Marc.

He hasn't any fight left.



I wasn't going to
use the gun.

I just wanted to
make sure it was you.

Who are you?

Name is Calder.

I've been hiding here,
waiting for you.

I've been loyal to
the Union for four years.

I've been beaten for it,

shot at.

That's done with now.

No, not in this town,
or many others either.

These soldiers here,
back from the army,

are ready to kill anyone
who doesn't believe
like they do.

They came for me
two nights ago.


My place, about a mile
down the valley road.

I got away only
'cause I...

I got a daughter
can fire a gun.

You recognize them?


I killed
one of them,

Now, they'll
hunt me down
for sure.

Take me to Fort Dalton.

You killed a man here,

it's... It's gotta be
settled here.

It's my life
you're talking about!

I think you should
stand trial here,
Mr. Calder.

You killed in self-defense.

No jury can
convict you for that.

I wouldn't
have a chance.

You've seen the faces of
the people in this town.

They hate you and
everything you stand for.

They'll fight you
in all the little ways
that eat a man's guts out.

I know.

You've taken it
for four years... Why?

I was born here.

This is my home.

Well, that's...
That's why I want
you to stay.

You're a strong man
or you'd have run
a long time ago.

We need men like you
to help rebuild Kennesaw.

They don't intend
to rebuild anything!

They're not interested
in law and order.

All they want
is revenge!

He's right, Clint.
These people have got to be
whipped into line.

I've seen enough killing!

We've got to make the law
count again.

I'm taking you in,
Mr. Calder.

Get word to
his daughter.

Have Judge Allen
come to the courthouse.

Will you give him
a fair trial?

You can't deny
his right to defend
his life and his home.

I've lived by the law
all my life

and I'll not use it
to harbor a man

who turned his back
on his own people.


He wants me
to stand trial,
Kate, here.

Why don't you just put
him up against the wall
and shoot him now?

Please, please, Father.
I'll go to Dalton myself.

Will you conduct
the trial?

I'll have to.

CALDER: Do you think
you can find
12 fair men in this town?

If I don't,
there'll be no trial.

On your word?

What does
his word mean?

Maybe, he's right.

We've never run away from
anything, have we, Kate?





We meet under
strange conditions,

conditions that make

on both sides
vitally important.

Captain Banning and I
have come to help you
rebuild Kennesaw Pass.


You may not believe that,
but it's the truth.

It's up to us
to prove it to you.

We're here for the trial
of one of your own people...
Henry Calder.

There's got to be
a beginning someplace.

The law's a good place
to start.

Is that your idea
of law, sir,

you with a gun?

Don't you really mean, sir,
this is a military trial,

a Union Army trial

and that the verdict
will be yours, not ours?


It will be your trial,
your verdict.

I give you my word.

I want 12 men
to serve on this jury.

Men who will swear
to give an honest judgment.

Captain Banning,
bring in the accused.

I have a list of men
who held public office
here before the war.

Mr. Gareth Blackford.


Do you know
the duties of a juror?

I think so.

Do you think
you could render
a fair verdict

in the case
of Henry Calder?

Yes, sir.

I think hanging's fair
for Henry Calder.


Rev. Giles Cameron,

will you serve justly
on this jury, sir?

I cannot.

Why, sir?

Come to the church.

You can look high up
into its rafters

and see right through
to the sky...

Burned out
by Sherman's
drunken troops...

A house of God.

George Randolph.

He doesn't
deserve a trial.


Have you ever read
the Constitution?

Men from this state
helped write it.

I think I can render
a fair verdict in
the case of Henry Calder.


I know all of you
pretty well,

know what
you've been through.

As a doctor, I know
all the sickness
that war breeds.

But I just can't believe
what I'm seeing here today.

The law doesn't belong
to a man or an army.

Belongs to all of us.

If we turn our back
on it now we've lost
more than a war.

I say let's
try this man fairly.

Now, who'll
serve with me?



I am grateful, sir.

Do you believe me now?

Take my father
to Fort Dalton

We found one man.
There'll be others.

Can't you see it?

They're a mob.
They want to kill!

What right have you
to play God?

I warn you, Major,

my father's life
is in your hands.


Come on, Calder.



Any sign
of the jailor?

Get our horses.

You killed him,
same as if you
did it yourself.

Leave him.

For what?

It's not a woman's job.

We'll give him
a decent burial.


Will you?

And will
the troops at Fort Dalton
fire a salute?

Have them fire
into this crowd.

They wanted him dead!

We'll find the men who
did this, I promise you,
Miss Calder.

My father believed
your promises.

I won't make
the same mistake.

This what you wanted, sir?



Seen anything of five men
headed up the valley?No.

Calder was hanged
last night.

We heard.

Know anything
about it?


DRANGO: You're not
clear of this, Blackford.

Everybody heard you
in court yesterday

saying hanging
was fair for Calder.

You accusing me?

A man's been murdered.

We've got to find
the people who did it
and we need your help.

BLACKFORD: Those two
rode against you.

I'm not ridin' with you.

Come on.

You'll never
take this place.

I'll kill you first.

Nobody's going
to take your place.

My brother said different
the night he died.

Yankee soldiers.

What's your name, son?

Jeb Bryant.

BANNING: Did you hear
any men riding hard
by your place last night?


Did you?

We didn't hear nothin'.

Where's your father?


Is your mother here?

She's dead too.

Looks deserted.
Just like the
whole valley.

People living all
through there,

maybe even some
of the lynchers.

Why not call out
the troops from Dalton?

They can't live with
guns in their backs.

We've got to
give them a chance.

It won't take 'em long
to find out who you are.

How do you think
they'll feel then?


Miss Ransom?Yes?

I'm Major Drango.
This is Captain Banning.

Yes, I know.

Henry Calder was
hanged last night.

The lynchers
headed this way.

I've seen no one.

You'd heard
about Calder?

This is a small
community, Major.

Search the house
if you like.

I'm well aware
of the ways of
the Union Army.

General Sherman's men
were here for five days.

There'll be nothing
like that again.

Your father was
in the legislature,
wasn't he, Miss Ransom?


Do you think he'd
have hanged a man
without a trial?

What do you think, Major?

He was a man of honor.

And you know a
great deal about honor,
don't you, Major?

Enough to respect it.

Good day,
Miss Ransom.

You don't have to
worry anymore.
They're gone.

Do you think
they believed you?

They had a chance
to search, didn't they?

The Major didn't
sound convinced.

I'd like to know more
about this man...

Doesn't carry a gun,
doesn't force himself
in anywhere.

People might start
listening to him.

MAN: I say kill 'em now,
both of 'em.

CLAY: And bring
Union troops around here?

I'll pick the place.

First, I want every man
in this territory
riding with us.

Luke, I want you to contact
our people at Fort Dalton.

Tell them I want to have
a look at Drango's file
any way they can get it.

Yes, sir.Burke and Ragan...

I want you to go
out on the street and
keep a good lookout.


When does it stop, Clay?

There's nothing pleasant
about a war... Never has been.


There's nothing too small
to put in that book,
is there, Clay?

Have you put
me there, too?

How you used my home,
how I lie for you?

Not for me, Shelby,

for an army.

Do you really think
you can change anything?

I know it.

This is a new kind
of war, Shelby.

No great armies
pounding at each other
across fields and rivers,

but a war
that will be fought

in a thousand places
all at once,

in every town and
city of the south.

There are men like
mine everywhere, Shelby.

Disciplined men,
waiting for a leader.

Maybe they
have a leader.

If we can get every man
in Kennesaw with us,

soon we can
take Fort Dalton.

Then all of Georgia
will rise up

and the other states
will follow.

By the first day of
the new year we've
got to be ready,

before Stanton can order
a full detachment of troops

Less than two months, Shelby,

and we'll be marching.

What Lee couldn't do
with an army,

we'll do
in our way.

We'll take back everything
that was stolen from us,

everything we've lost.

I want to believe you,

I want to.

Them dirty Yanks.

You Yanks in there!

Come on out here!

Why'd you bring
the troops back?

Can't you handle
the job yourself?


MAN: Troop, halt!

Can you try
a dead man?No, sir.

Were you ever instructed
to conduct a jury trial
here in Kennesaw?

No, sir.

Well, did anyone
ever tell you

that a military governor
asks for volunteers?

A military governor
doesn't ask, Major,
he commands!

Could we talk inside, sir?

I understand this man
Calder had a daughter.

I'd like to
talk to her.

She's staying at
Dr. Blair's.

Would you get her,

Why wasn't I notified
about Calder at once?

I just finished
drawing up the
report, sir.

I was going to dispatch
it to you today.You're late.

The whole town of Dalton
knew about it last night.

My men heard it
on the street.

I don't
understand that, sir.

Bad start here,

It was unfortunate.Unfortunate?

It was stupid!

Now then, what
have you done about
finding the lynchers?

We tracked them to
the farms in the valley.

We lost them
in the hill country.

What did the farmers say?
Someone must have
seen them!

They won't say anything.

Oh, won't they?

Well, then, we'll
bring them in here

and line them up
in full view
of the people

and if they won't talk,
we'll burn 'em out!

Nothing will be burned!

I'm building here,
not burning!

I was at Appomattox,

I'm going to try to carry out
the terms of that surrender

just as President Lincoln
meant them.

Lincoln's dead.
There's a different
policy in Washington now.

Stanton knows
how to handle
these people!

My orders originated from
President Lincoln's office.

They give me a free hand here
as long as I'm in command,
and I'm going to use it.

Without your guns?

Who's your
next of kin, Major?

I'd like to know
where to send the body.

If they kill me,
you can bury me here.

Miss Calder,
I'd like to express

the regret of
the Union Army

and my entire
district concerning
your father's death.

That doesn't include
all of your officers,
does it, Colonel?

I hope so, ma'am.

Would you
care to sit down?

No, thank you.

I want to ask you
a question, ma'am.

Did your father ever
agree to a jury trial
here in Kennesaw?


This man disarmed him,
placed him in custody,

promised him
a fair trial

in the name
of the Union Army.

We could have
gotten to Dalton.

I pleaded with the Major
to take us there.

My father
would be alive today

if Major Drango had never
come into this valley.

I'm very sorry
I had to trouble
you, ma'am.

You'll be hearing
from me again.

Captain, escort
Miss Calder home.

I can't spare an officer
for this job right now,

but I'll tell you one thing
to your face, Drango...

I'm going to replace you
by the first of the year.

Six weeks?

To try to repair
what it took four years
to tear down?

You weren't always
so interested in
repairing, Major.

I wonder if the
war has left you
quite yourself.

I need supplies
for the winter...

Food, clothing and medicine.
When can I have them?

I've got 17 communities
to supply,

and you'll get
your share in
good time.

Maybe these people
will whip into line

when they get
cold and hungry.

Why don't you
tell us the truth?

You're gonna hold us
as hostages till you find
the men who hung Calder.

That's the way a military
governor works, isn't it,

Does Blackford
speak for all of you

or will you
listen to reason?

Now, there's no harm
in talking this thing
out, Gareth.

What do you
suggest, Major?

You're the leaders
of the town.

Clear the land
for planting.

Open the school.
Get out the paper.

Put it out yourself.

That way the people
will know it's your paper.

I want it to
be their paper.

I want you to publish
it like before.

I'll never print
what you want me to print.

I'd rather see the paper
dead like it is.

Print what you like.
Just get it out.

Mr. Stryker,
what about school
for the children?

The school's burned out.

Well, we still
have a teacher.

Suppose we set up school
in the church?

Agreed, Reverend?


Doctor, we've got
to get a place

for the sick
and the wounded
who still need help.

Well, I guess
we could use
my house.

Can you get anyone
to help you?

Mrs. Scott might.

And, uh, Kate Calder
used to help out
a little bit before the war.

We don't want any of her kind
tending our people.

What do you know
about her kind?

We need everyone's help.

And you, sir,
will you persuade the
farmers in the valley

to get their fields
ready for spring?

You've got to decide,
each of you...

Do you want Kennesaw
a decent place to
live in again?

Before long the government
is going to send troops

into every area
of the south.

If there's trouble here,
they'll ride in with
just one order.

To burn you out.

That's what he is.

This Yankee Major
has a plan...

Destroy our purpose
by false promises,

divide us
against ourselves.

Do I have to tell any man
here about the enemy?


I order you!

Fight in every silent way.

Ostracize Drango
and Banning.

Keep them alone
and afraid.

Don't let a single man
cross to their side.


Never reveal anything
about us to anyone

until you're sure
of your man.

And when you're sure,

enlist him...

Not even his family
must know.

This time we'll win!

Take a look
at this, Clay.


Borrowed 'em
from the Yanks.

Did you have
any trouble?

Cut a wagon off the
Atlanta supply train
last night,

just the way
you laid it out.

Good, Gareth, good.

He'll probably
die tonight.

Came home from
the war with half
his lungs shot away.

is that you?

Yes, Lieutenant.

Major, we've got to have
medical supplies.

More of these people
will die without them.

We'll get them,
I promise you.



Where do you
want these, sir?




Unhitch those horses.

Those wagons are
a welcome sight,

When will
the rest be here?

There won't be
any more, Major.

These are the requisition
orders, signed by
Colonel Bracken.

Three wagonloads
of food...

That'll have to get you
through this winter.

No medical supplies?

No orders on that, sir.

Well, we've got to
start back.


Children will starve
here this winter

and people will die
because they don't have
proper clothing and medicine.

Remember that.
And tell Colonel Bracken.

That's an order.

Yes, sir.


Forward, ho!


MAN: Stay away
from that wagon!

Every one of you
will get his share
when the time comes,

not before!

Let's take it now!
It belongs to us!

I'll arrest any man who
lays a hand on these wagons
without my permission!

I'll need some of you
to help unload.

How long do you think
the food will last if
we stretch it thin?

Six weeks.

That's the way
I figured it.

If we start giving it out
now we'll never get
through the winter.

When we do start, we can't
give 'em enough to fill
their stomachs.

We'll have to
measure it out
a little at a time.



Drop that gun!

Twenty years in prison.
That's what you could get
for this, both of you!

It's mine.
He tried to
take it from me.

It's six months
we ain't had meat.

We ain't had nothin'
but coffee and weeds
for the past two days.

I had to bring home
somethin' this time.

Take your chicken
and go on home.

This is the way we live
under you...

Fightin' over a bone
like dogs!

I've got to have those
supplies... All of them.

We'll let the people eat,
gorge themselves.

In a week, there'll
be no more food

and they'll be hungrier
than they are now.

And Major Drango will have
nothing to give them.

They'll be ready to follow
whoever promises them filled
bellies and warm clothes.

The wagons ready,

At the river...
Far side.

No definite time
on the watch.


Sorry to be
so late, Major.

Had to bring a man in
from the valley tonight.

Swamp fever.



Did you get
any sleep?

How long since
you've been to bed?

Marc will be here
at 6:00.

Good night, Doctor.Good night, Major.


It's my sister.
We need you
right away.

Well, I can't leave
here now, Jeb.

But you've got to come.
She's got the fever.

DR. BLAIR: Now, wait a minute.
I'll tell you what you do.

Get on over to the hotel
and get the m...

You did good, Jeb.

Go on home. You'll get
your share of the food

Get back, get back.

...now I gotta drink
this dump water.

They got all
the good whiskey.

[BOTTLE SHATTERS]Gonna get me some of it!

Come on out.
I know you're in there!

Come on out!
I want some whiskey!

Come on!Gotta get out of here
as fast as we can.

Gareth, you take
the supply wagon.Right.

[SLURRED] I know
you're in there. Gotta have
some whiskey! Come on out!

Come on out![DR. BLAIR FIRES]


Get going, Gareth.




What happened?

They shot him!Easy here.

Let's raise him.

The bullet went deep.

Near his heart?


Easy, Doc, easy.

You've lost a lot of blood.

The bullet's still in there.


Did you ever
take one out before?

I'm a little particular
who carves me up.

Kate, bring me my whiskey.

We can't use an anesthetic.

Got to keep me conscious.
I'll have to tell you
what to do.

It's near the heart,

but not as close as was
intended, I expect.


Saved this
all through the war.


Clean it
with water first.


The instrument
on the end there.

Probe with that.

[GROANING] That's it.

It must be blocked
in there sideways.

Take the probe out.

Now, the small forceps.

This one.

Just take it slowly

and try to pull the bullet
away from the heart.

And don't stop
no matter what I do.

Hold me down
if you have to.






He'll be all right.

A man like Blair,

what he means to this town,

and they left him to die
in the street.

The driver killed?

Gareth Blackford.

I grew up with Gareth.

We were in the same company
all through the war.

He was never a thief.

Or a lyncher?

Something terrible's
happening to us.

People are turning
against their own kind.

Captain Banning's out
gathering up the supplies.

I'll go help him.


Oh, would you men carry
the doctor inside, please?

You can clean up in there.

You all right?

You're never
going to find
the men who did this.

They'll go on
killing, lynching.

The people in this town
will hide them,

lie for them, anything.

Not Dr. Blair, nor Randolph.

It'll take time,
but the people will change.

With speeches?

How would you have it?

An eye for an eye?


I... I know
how you feel, Kate.

I know what your father
meant to you.

Do you?

Ever since I can remember
he talked to me about
this country,

how it started,
what it meant.

He saw the war coming
and argued against it.

He said there had to be
a way of settling it

without dividing up
the country.

And when it came,

people wouldn't have anything
to do with him anymore.

People he had known
all his life,

they crossed the street
when they saw him coming.

They killed him
a long time ago.

War changes people.

Some of them stay changed.

They live on hate and revenge.

You can't be like that, Kate.


Because you're the
only one who can make
your father's life count.

You understand
what the others don't.

I need your help.

I know a soldier's
need for a woman.

I've seen the women
go to the camps

with their children
beside them,

trading themselves
for a sack of meal.

Can't you understand
what happens to a woman

in a country
that's lost a war?

It's ugly.

I can hate a woman
I once liked because
she has shoes.

I can hate a man who...
Who looks at me

because I don't feel
like a woman anymore.

I wish I could
make it up to you, Kate.


Very good morning, Tommy.Hello, Mr. Allen.

You getting out
the paper today?

No, just helping out.

My father was up
all last night setting type.

Oh, was he? I heard he'd
written a special editorial.

Could I see it?Sure, Mr. Allen.

Thank you.

"Tomorrow, December 24th,

"Major Drango will give out
one share of food and clothing

"to every man, woman and
child in this township.

"It will be
a minimum allotment,

"only because as much
as possible must be saved

"for the winter months
to come.

"This paper will
support Major Drango.

"We believe he is a fair
and honest man

"and has made his decision
in the best interests
of our people.

"George Randolph, editor."

You know, it's a fine stand
your father's taking.

It might draw
the people together.

That's what he hopes.

You know, Tommy, you look
like a newspaperman already.

You'll be taking over for your
father one of these days.

No, not for quite
a while, I guess.

Well then, look, have a nice
Christmas, Tommy.

Thank you, sir. Same to you.


You going to spend all
Christmas day in bed?

I didn't know there was
any Christmas in this country.

Where are you headed?Valley.

Can't you take one day out?

I've been watching you
drive yourself, Clint,

more than any man can take.

Look, nobody can bring this
town back to life. It's dead.

Then what
are we doing here?

Since you insist
on packing a gun,

you've always had your eye on
this one, so merry Christmas.

Thanks, Clint.

I was gonna find me one just
like it when I got back home.

I'll see you later.

Don't forget the party
at the Ransom house.

Shelby'd be offended
if you didn't come.
I told her you'd be there.

You've been
calling on Shelby again?

When would I have the time?

What's Kate doing
for Christmas?

I don't know, staying
at the hospital, I guess.

Is there anything
else, Captain?

No, sir.



It's ready, Major.

A military coat
is easy to cut down.

The wool is strong.

I've never seen buttons
like these before.

Where'd you get them?

A dress I wore
a long time ago.

I have no use for it now.

I'm grateful, ma'am.


You've made another
conquest, Shelby.

I want you to dance
with him, talk to him.

There's a change in orders
going out to all military
governors from Washington.

Find out if they
know them yet.

Captain Banning seems
to be enjoying himself.
Are you, Major?

Very much.

It was nice of Miss
Ransom to invite us.

Oh, George, I'm glad
to see the paper out again.

Good editorial, too.

Thank you, Clay.

Tommy's so excited
he won't even leave
the office.


He's setting up
the type for tomorrow.

He's George's
son, all right.

The paper's his life.


You know what it
used to be like here
Christmas time?

People came from all over,
from far as 200 miles away.

You couldn't see the lawn
for the carriages.

There was so much silk
on the ladies

the veranda looked like
a sea of brilliant waves.

I lived in
a fine house, too,

in the back where
the servants are kept.

When I was a boy I used to
look out in the great halls
at the parties

and see women like you.

I never thought I'd know one.

Do you know me?

Does anyone really ever
know another human being?

I know that I love you,

have ever since
I first saw you.

I've lain awake at night
trying to think
how to tell you,

wondering if
it would matter.

No one's spoken
to me as you have
in a long time

and meant it.

Too much has happened.

MAN: I just came from town.
The newspaper's on fire!

The whole newspaper office
is burning like dry grass.

Did you see Tommy?I didn't see anybody.

He must have gotten out
before it started.

Where is he, then?
Where is he?

We'll find him.

Oh, oh.




Tell your people, Reverend,

that no man or woman
in Kennesaw

will get another ration
of food until they surrender
the men who did this.


How dare this man cut us off
from the food and supplies
in his storeroom?

Not one of us,

the smallest child,
can stay alive without them.

This man Drango has
exceeded all the limits
of human decency.


This is a private meeting,
Major Drango.

If you see fit to inflict
your presence, there's nothing
we can do about it.

But you can't keep us
from speaking the truth.

By all means, go ahead.

And the truth is this.

This man is using
his position to tyrannize
the people of this town.

He is denying us
the food at his command
in the name of justice.

I submit, gentlemen,
that he is starving
us into submission.

MAN: That's right. That's
the truth. Call him out.

CROWD: Yeah, yes.

Please. Please.

We are not a mob, gentlemen.

This is an
open meeting, Major.

You have a right to speak.

I met a man once

who loved this country
very deeply.

He believed that

what one single person did
in a country or a town

was important.

Because every man's a part
of the people around him
and they're part of him.

But we're not one
people anymore.

Some men on both sides want
to go on destroying, killing.

There are men
among you who have

lynched a man,

burned a child,

tried to kill your doctor,
and steal your food.

Are you going
to give over your town
and your lives to them?


Many of you know
who these men are,

but no one's come forward
to testify against them.

That's why I cut
off your food.

You gave me no choice.

GEORGE: He's talking sense.

If we don't take
a stand together,

no family in Kennesaw
will be able to live
in peace.

I didn't fight
four years to live
under a Yankee dictator.

You're right.

Just a minute, folks,
just a minute.

Does a dictator
live on the same rations
as the people?

Does he give a newspaper
power to say what it will?

What good is talk?

We'd have food if the Yankees
hadn't burned our crops
and robbed our storehouses.

I spoke against this
man from my pulpit.

I failed you and myself

because I was
blinded by hate.

But this man
has shown us the truth.

If we deny him,
we deny ourselves.

Ask him if he's got enough
food to keep us alive
through the winter.

Maybe that's why
the rations were stopped.

I say he's lied to us
from the start.

Nobody hated Yanks
worse than us.

We had reason enough,

but this man don't lie.

He said he was
our friend and he is.

I have as much reason
to hate as you.

My boy died
in a northern prison.

But I know this man.

Do you, Mrs. Scott?

Do you know who
this man really is?

Major Drango,

did you not hold command

of a troop of Union cavalry
under General Sherman
in May of 1864?

Yes.Did you not
hold that command

in General Sherman's
march to the sea,
3rd Brigade, 15th army corps?


What was your record,
Major, in that march?

Do you decline
to tell the people,

you who talk so much
about the truth?

MAN: Tell us.MAN 2: Tell us
what he did, Clay.


This is the man

who commanded the very troops
who rode down into
our valley to destroy us.

This is the man
who burned down
our warehouses,

our homes, our church,

this very courtroom which
your people and mine
built in respect to the law.

I tell you, this man
who doesn't carry a gun,

who talks about
law and justice,

this man is a murderer.

He'd have killed us all.

Now he's asking us
to follow him.

I say we'll never follow him.

CROWD: No. Never.

You've declared
your leadership, Mr. Allen.

That knowledge is taken
from secret Union Army files.

Only a man using
paid spies could know it,

a man deliberately violating
the terms of surrender praised
by General Lee himself.

Mr. Allen, I charge you
with arson, theft and murder.

I won't believe that, Major.

I'd rather see my son
dead in the street.

Serious charges, Major.

Where are your witnesses?

Is there one witness
to this man's crimes who
will testify against him?


I guess you didn't hear
me. I said whiskey.

Give me a bottle.

You should have been over
at the courthouse tonight.

You would have
learned the truth
about the Major here.

He had quite a record
in the war,

not exactly the kind of record
a man likes to talk about.

How do you feel,
coming back here, Major?

Proud of what you did
to this country?

Get out, Ragan.

I've been waiting to see
if you had fight in you.

I'm not some hungry kid
you can starve out.


I didn't expect you
till morning.

Rode straight through,
Bracken's orders.

You were right, Clint.
Time's run out.

Stanton's policy is going
into effect all through
the south,

sending full troops in.

Bracken's ordered you
to report to Dalton
as soon as you get these.

Have you seen the doctor?


Kate, I...

I know who lynched
your father.


Clay Allen.

He finally came out
in the open tonight.

When are you going
to hang him?

I can't even arrest him.


Well, because I...I'll kill him myself.


Why do you just talk
about justice?

Why don't you
do something about it?

You're no better
than the rest of them.

You don't want justice.
You want revenge.

It's blinded you
to everything your
father believed in,

what you really
believe in yourself.

And what is that?

This country, all of it.

Kate, if we go on divided
against ourselves,
looking for revenge,

people will go on
suffering and dying.

I want to see the burning
and killing stop.

Does that mean that Clay Allen
is to go unpunished?

No.Then what are
you talking about?

Right now
I can't touch him.

He and all of Kennesaw
would laugh at me if I tried.

See, they know something
that you don't know.

They learned it
from Clay tonight.

They know that near
the end of the war
I had a special command,

and like a good soldier
I followed my orders.

What are you saying?

From the Kennesaw
mountains to Atlanta,

I was ordered
to burn and destroy.

My men rode through
these streets, Kate.

My men ravaged
Kennesaw Pass,

burned out the valley
and destroyed the crops.

Why did you come back?


Do you know what it is
to look into the faces
of men and women,

little children,

knowing that they're going to
starve and die because of you?

I wanted to give back
the life I'd taken.

All I've done is cause
more hurt and more hatred.

Now there's no more time
to make it right.

Bracken's ordered
me to Dalton.

He'll send troops in.

Maybe that's the only thing
they'll understand.

Oh, Kate. Kate.

You're the one
I've hurt most of all,

and I need you most of all.

You've got to come back.

You've got to.



Just one thing,

when we first started here
I didn't agree with what
you were doing.

I didn't believe in it.

Kinda like you to know
no matter what happens
I believe in you now.


Don't let Bracken
change anything.

Look out for yourself.You too.




Still drunk.

I want you to write a letter.

Get out.

Get out of my home.

[GASPING]Your home?

I risked my life
for everything you have,

this house, these clothes,
the food you eat.

You don't own me, Clay.

You don't own me.

Don't I?

Write what I tell you.

"My dear Captain Banning,

"I need your help.

"Please come to Ransom
house immediately."

You're going to kill him.

You would have me
ask him here

to the home where
you loved me once?

Can you sleep at nights, Clay?

Don't you see
that woman's face

when she looked
at her dead son,

so burned that she
couldn't recognize him?

Oh, Clay,

I dream about that face,

that face, that
same face. [SOBBING]

Stop it. Stop it.

I'm going to stop you, Clay.

You're not going
to kill anybody else.


DRANGO: If the people
laid down their guns,

and showed you themselves
they can live peacefully
without armed troops.

Would that be proof?Maybe.

And if they do that, will you
give us the things we need
to get us through the winter?


Are you fool enough to think
these people are ever going
to accept you?

You stand for
everything they hate.

For defeat, Major.

Don't ever forget it.

Anyway, it's too late.

Your time has run out.

I got word yesterday
that Stanton's troops
will be here in three days.

Be ready to turn over
Kennesaw Pass to the new
command. That's all.

Anyone else know when
those troops are coming in?

The whole post. Why?

With your permission, sir...I've arranged

quarters for your stay.Thank you, Colonel,
I'm going back tonight.

Clay Allen shot him tonight

and strung him up in front
of the courthouse.

Called us all together
and made us a promise,

ride with him, take back
everything we lost.

Ride where?

Against Fort Dalton.

How many has he got?

Every man and boy
that can ride.

And he's armed them all.

They're not thinking

They're just a mob.

They'll do anything
he says.

When do they move out?


Better get back to town.

We'll ride back
with you, Clint.


I want you with Allen's
men in the morning.


You can't go back.

I've got to.

Stay here.

All right.
I'll meet you outside.

You've led them
from the beginning,

my own son.

We were born
to command, Father.

You told me that
often enough when
I was a boy.

Not this way, Clay.

They're crazy
with hunger and fear.

You've got to stop them.

You stop them, Father.

They've always
listened to you.

There was a time
when you listened too.

When I respected you.

Things have changed
since then, and you've
changed with them.

Has the power to command
crawled into your mind

until you're the only
human being that counts?

Have you lost
your courage, Father?


You're all that's left, Clay,

but if you take another step,
I'll kill you.

Get out of my way.




There's food and clothes

and everything you need
at Fort Dalton,

just sitting there waiting
for you to take it!

Do you know how many men
they've got in the whole fort?

One hundred
and fifty-five!

Do you think they could
stand against us if we
march together?

ALL: No!

We'll take
what's coming to us!

Now, let's discuss
this thing reasonably.
You've got to wait!

We've waited
long enough.

You're soldiers again
with a cause!


Finally got yourself
an army, Mr. Allen.

Have you told them
they'll be hunted down
and killed, one by one,

once they raise a gun
against Fort Dalton?

Why don't you tell
them the truth?

What kind of an army
they really are,

what kind of a cause
they've really got?




My son was our enemy.

He terrorized our town.

He told me himself he was
proud of what he'd done.

Can any one of us
any longer doubt this man,

this man we've
refused to accept,

that he truly wants
to bring us the peace?

There can be no new war,

no going back.

I want every man
to lay down his gun,

for good.

You're not through yet.

We're going to Fort
Dalton, all of us.

We've got to have
food and clothes,

seed for spring planting,

and medicine.

We're going to petition
for the things we need

and we're going to get them!