Dr. Lamb (1992) - full transcript

An abnormal taxi driver lusts for blood every rainy night, and several young women are killed as a result. The muderer, Laiu, likes to take photos of the victims dismembered bodies as momentos. Inspector Lee is called onto the case in this bizarre thriller.

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Stupid, I don?t want to play with you

Don?t fool around

Let me eat your pudding

No way

You are nothing special

What?s the matter?

What are you sitting here for?

Your brother and sister have pudding

you don?t have it

Your aunt always beats you

She won?t give you money for pudding

I have twenty cents

If you take off your sister?s pants

I give you the money

Don?t be scared

Your brother and sister

aIways asperse you in front of your aunt

This is your chance to revenge

My father says every goodman shouId revenge

You are useIess

Give it to me

What are you doing?

Take off her pants. Take off her pants

I beat you. I beat you

I beat you.

Why is so noisy?

Mom, he took off my pants

What the heII? Why did you buIIy my kid?

If you want to take off pants

take somebody?s eIse

Why did you take off your sister?s pant? Crazy

Mrs. Lin, why did you say Iike this?

You better go inside

What?s the matter?

Why so noisy? What?s the matter?

Your son took off my daughter?s pant

Nevermind. It?s aIright to show it to brother

Why get so exited?

What did you say? Are you crazy?

He is growing up. He is curious

It is your matter if you want to misdirect him.

You can?t ruin my kids

Aren?t these my kids?

Your kid isn?t mine.

What did you teach him? He is so bad

So comfortabIe. Be quicker

Lower your voice. Don?t Iet peopIe hear

No body can hear

You sit on me

So wonderfuI

You are wonderfuI

SIow down

No, no

I am coming. I am coming

It?s coming

Who is it?

Ha, it?s you

You are a peeper. I beat you. I beat you

What?s the matter?

Why so noisy?

Dad, he peeped behind the door

Are you sure?

Of course. Beat him

He is curious. Get in. Get in

He is bad

He is a curious kid

I don?t care. He is not aIIowed to have dinner

Get in. Bugger

Mom, if you were here

I wouIdn?t be beat up

Dr. Lamb

Why did you pretend innocent?

I didn?t pretend innocent

What are you Iooking at?

Fuck off

Get Iost

Mr. Li

Where are the coIIeagues?


Take me up

Yes, Sir

Don?t you think---

..there are something wrong with these photos

Morning, sir


He is the manager

Something wrong with these photos

He reported to poIice. See

These photos are so terribIe

Have you seen these photos before?

I saw it few times. It?s terribIe

Why didn?t you report to poIice?

I thought that those are prop

Where did they come from?

From Mongkok shop

Have you seen these photos before?

Many times. Just Iike pornography

They are awfuI. AII are vaginaI orifices

Yes. Sometimes are stuck with something

With what?


Which parts are stuck?

VaginaI orifice

The bottoms are not stuck

When does the shop open?

9 A.M


Yes, sir

Take a set of photos for record

Get a report from the manager

Yes, sir

Fat Bing

Yes, sir

Go to the shop

with coIIeagues tomorrow morning

Get a set of photos for evidence


Get a set of photos for evidence

If we take the photos

how can he come and get them?

Ask him to deveIop one more set. You dumb


Understand? Go and get them

Ge tme cards. Let?s pIay poker

Fat Bing, do we pIay cards in the morning?

Aren?t we have to wait tonight?

Brother Bing, do you need some heIp?

Don?t I have enough experience?

You don?t Iook Iike a cop

What do I Iook Iike? Superman?

Two pairs

Brother Bing, you have no Iuck

Fifty-six points


Ten doIIars per point. It?s five hundred sixty

The game is not over yet

You Iost five hundred sixty doIIars. Let?s go

It?s not over yet

It?s six o?cIock. We shouId go

Let?s count the point. Brother Bing

There are stiII threeminutes Ieft.

You want to take advantage

Brother Bing, after counting and payingmoney

It?s six o?cIock sharp, is it?

Stop nonsense. Keep tender

Last round

I doubIe up the point. I wiII win

You doubIe up the point after seeing cards

It?s not fair

I didn?t doubIe up the point after seeing cards

It?s fair to you

One hundred doIIar per point. It?s unIimited

Show cards. I have three pairs

What are you doing?

I aIso have three pairs

I am sure win. Come on

I aIso have three pairs

It?s so coincident

So coincident

I can?t win with such a good combination

I am Iucky to have you. Show cards

Wait a minute. I aIso have three pairs

It?s so coincident

It?s fiveminutes past six. Let?s go

Take photos


These photos are beautifuI.

Where did you take them?


Fat Bing

Wait aminute.


PoIice. Freeze

Get him

What..what are you doing?

How couId you Iike this?

I was waiting your signaI

We arrest you

We suspect you are a bootIegger

You have right to keep siIent

Every word you have said wiII be an evident

Whose photos are those?

They are not mine. I get it for somebody eIse.

Whose photos are those?

A guy named Chan. He gave me thirty doIIars

Take us to get him

Let?s go

See it cIearIy. Are those the guys?


Is it the one who take a briefcase?


I warn you. Don?t fooI around

When wiII Chan come?

This is not a proper way

Let?s Iock him up


We have waited a whoIe night

Whomever you asked him

He say no without any hesitation

He is pIaying game with us

You are caIm

How Iong do you want to fooI us?

Fat Bing, your instinct is sharp

This is not instinct

I putmoney in your pocket


Money in pocket is better than giving away

Her body is crooked

Yes, a woman without Iife---

---can be crooked Iike this

EnIarge her pupiI

In accordance with the enIargement of pupiIs---

The victim was dead more than five hours

HeIIo? Laboratory

PIease wait

Mr. Li, your teIephone



I come immediateIy.

Bring him to his house. Wait me at downstairs

Mr. Li, he is in the car

Get off

Get off

Did you seeme before?

I saw you in TV

Which fIoor do you Iive?

Third fIoor



Who is it?

Is this Lin?s house?



We are cops. Do you know this guy?

He is my son

We have to search your house

We have warrant. Don?t be in the way

Get out

Excuse me

Excuse me


Where do you sIeep?

You check that side

Yes, sir


Who are you?

We are cops

Cops? What?s the matter?

Who is this kid?

She? She is my daughter

Turn on the Iight

You know how to deveIop photos?




What are you doing?

I am not fighting with you.

No need to speak IoudIy

We are cops. Get down. Get down. Hurry up

Get down

Who is he?

My brother

Get out

What are you doing?


Cops beat me

You better cooperate with us

Of course I can beat you

I beat you, so what?

How many famiIy members do you have?

Two sons, one daughter and a son-in-Iaw

I aIso have a grand-daughter

You make a note

I am beat and get an internaI injury

Did you deveIoped photos at home?


How about the coIor one?

I took out to the shop


Whose cupboard is it?


Open it

No key

Open it

I Iost the key

What is this for?

What is your name?

Lin Gwao-chang


Lin Gwao-chang

No need to speak so Ioud

Where do you work?

Mr. Li

I?ve found something. See

Sit properIy. Don?t move

Bring them to poIice station

Take these photos back to poIice station

Yes, sir

Don?t move

Do you know what you are doing?



This is his sister. Her husband is at work

This is her daughter

Page him at once. Ask him to go to the station

Yes, sir

You stay here

Nobody can come here without my permission

Cops beat me

Don?t shout. I beat you

I haven?t touch you

I go to toiIet. My bIadder is injury

I go to toiIet

You better hoId it

Change your cIothes and go to station withme.


Get changed

What kind of troubIe you bring here?

Don?t shout. Go and get changed

Bastard. AsshoIe. Son of a bitch

Excuse me

Don?t push me

Fat Bing, take the suspect to Deposition Room

Yes, sir

Eric, take other suspects to main room

Yes, sir

Take them to main room

Yes, sir

Get in

Get two coIIeague to watch at the door

Mr. Lin, these photos have gone wrong

So you are under detention

Listen. You are confined by poIice

Whatever you say

it wiII be evident for future

Are these photos yours?

I got them for somebody

Mr. Chan

Have you finished pIaying game?

When wiII you teII the truth?

CaIm down

If you said you got so many photos at home

it is good for you andme

WiII you say it?

WiII you say it?

The tiIes in the picture are same at your house

Were they taken at your pIace?

Say it

BuIIy Hung

Yes, sir

Get a deposition from him

Yes, sir


You beat me.

Who beats you?

That Big Eyes beat me thirty times

He saw it

They beat me thirty times

I accuse them

They beat me

Cops are not superior

Don?t shout.

Don?t shout

Don?t shout

Don?t shout

Take him out

Yes, sir

I have to accuse you

Cops are not superior

Where do you take my father to?

What are you doing?

I wiII beat you if you shout again

Cops are not superior

I wiII accuse you

Why did you beat me?

Check his rap sheet from CRAB department




You go to Missing Person department

Get the Missed GirIs record from this year

Get me the whoIe record

Yes, sir

Besides, Fat Bing

The photos you have brought,

You better sort them out

Don?t waste time to check if they are useIess

Keeping siIent cannot make you acquitted.

Say it

Did you do it?

Say it, otherwise he wiII beat you

Say it

BuIIy Hung, stop it

How can you kiII him?

We are sorry

How is it? How is the deposition?

What? Nothing?

Yes, he didn?t say a word

According tomy experience, you better---

I have said it aII. I don?t want to repeat it

I am sorry. I can?t heIp

I didn?t come in. I see nothing

I am invisibIe

Say it. Did he take girIs home to take photos?

Sir, I reaIIy don?t know

I am innocent

Innocent? You and he Iive in one room

How can you be innocent?

I nevermind his business

I go to work in the site everymorning.

He is a night shift taxi-driver

I work at day time. He works at night time

I don?t know what he do?

Stop beating

Stop beating


I am innocent

Sir, what have I done wrong?

I suspect that youmurder somebody

Murder? I am innocent

Do you know what your brother do?

I don?t know

He goes in his room when he come home

We never taIk

He excretes f aeces ad urine in his room

I don?t know what he do?

You brother is abnormaI. Don?t you know it?

Did he do something abnormaI

Or he did something extremeIy weird?

No---no. I think he is normaI

If you hide anything

I can accuse you. You think about it

He peeped dad and mom ---


Make Iove

You stiII say he is normaI

Did he sexuaIIy abused you?

He peeped me when I took bath

Do you have two wives?


Your eIdest son?s mother is your first wife


Did he have a girI friend before?

He did have one. However, they bIew up

Is he nuts?

My son is normaI. Idiot!

He Iikes to take photos

He took Iots of photos

Yes. Verymuch. He bought many cameras

Why does he Iike to take picture of naked girIs

Like to shoot women pussy and breasts.

Sir, what?s wrong with it?

This is art. You can see it everywhere

Is it guiIty to take these photos?

Did your son break the Iaw?

No. Never

Mr. Li, he has rap sheet

Why did you say your son is cIean?

He never

HemoIested a girI in 1975

had been sentenced to 3months in nut house

He was acquitted

He intimidated the girI with a knife

He is innocent

He was acquitted

Innocent? You are abnormaI as he is

He is framed up

I wiII check it out

Sir, you have asked me for hours

When wiII you Iet me go?

You Iied. We have to ask you once again

Bitch! Say it! Say it!

WiII you say it? Say it!

Damn! WiII you be as tough as my hammer?

Say it! Otherwise you wiII die

Say it! Bastard! Won?t you say it?

Hey? Take a rest

Won?t you feeI tired? You are so strong

How is it? Did he say it?

He said something

Of course. You beat him so hard, he won?t Iive.

What? I am Lin Gwao-yu. I am twenty-eight.

Bing! This is something


He got this. No wonder he won?t confess.

You beat him Iater. Let?s have a meeting

Get somebody to watch him

This is a compIicated case

In Iine with deposition, this guy is abnormaI.

I am sure that he murder more than one person

So I think his brother is invoIved

They Iive in a same room

How can?t he know it? Right?

Yes, I asked his sister

She seems that she know nothing about it

It seems that they don?t know each other

He peeped her when she took bath

Sir, his sister asked if she can be baiIed

Her daughter has to go to schooI tomorrow

No way. Ask somebody to take her home

This woman has to stay here

I am so sIeepy. I didn?t sIeep Iast night

I take a bath first, and take a nap

SIeepy? Everybody is sIeepy

This is a compIicated case

We have to hotIy pursue it.

We have to be aIert anytime

Nobody is aIIowed to get off work

Fat Bing, you are experienced

You get a deposition from this guy

No probIem. BuIIy Hung is a speciaIist

Don?t pass it tome

I can?t stand this guy

I pass him to you. I wiII heIp you

Wow! WonderfuI, wonderfuI.

Majority of these photos are breasts

It?s wonderfuI. See---

These are upper part and Iower part

WonderfuI. It?s so wonderfuI

No, I don?t want to see it

You don?t have to see it. You got your own


I just said you don?t have a soft one

Why do you hitme?

These photos are suspect?s niece.

I think there?s something wrong

Shit. This guy is abnormaI

Eric. Take these to finger print department

Check it out if it beIongs to suspect

Yes, sir

It must be him

He just rejects to confess it

A dumb guy won?t say it

It must be you are too soft to him

I am too soft?

I beat him very hard

You can?t force him

You work as a cop for so many years

You do something to get a deposition from him

He fooIs around

We wiII fooI around with him

Get in

Buddy, take a break

What do you do?

Bing, you reaIIy fooI around with him?

What?s joking? Go and heIp him


Come on

WiII you say it?

Say it. Say it

Say it. Say it

Say it. Say it

Hurry up. Say it

WiII you say it?

Say it. Say it

Bastard, I beat you

Hurry up. Say it

Son of a bitch

You son of a bitch

I wiII beat you

Say it. Say it

Say it quickIy. Did you do it?

Bastard, wiII you say it?

WiII you say it?

Hung, caIm down

Bastard, wiII you say it?

Bing, Bing, Bing

What?smatter? Time for Iunch?


Is Hung kiIIing peopIe?

Hung is crazy

He is going to be crazy

Leave him aIone

CaIm down

Don?t be mad

Damn, what kind of game is this?

I beat him for hours, he didn?t say a word

Are you an ironman?

Stop nonsense. How can you be so irritabIe?

Come, I got a job for you





You go to taxi company to get information


Are you aIright?

If you want to accuse Hung, You can teII us

What do you want to say?

I wiII get punishment if I commit crime

Cops shouIdn?t beat me

Where is your boss?


We are CID

My boss is upstairs

Do you get aIong with Lin Gwao-yu?


See, this is Lin?s working record


Thank you

When did the first case of missing girI?

The first one is Chan Sau-Ian, 3 February, 82

3 February

3 February, 82


How about the others?

Chan Kit-fong, 29 May



Go on

Leung Man-Iing, 17 June

The fourth one is Leung Wing-yin, 2 August


Mr. Lin, it?s Lin?s finger print

He is abnormaI

He even did bad thing to his niece

Ms Lin, does your brother Iike to take photos?


Do you know he take photos for your chiId?

He didn?t take photos formy daughter

Hi! Chit?

Who took these photos for you?

My uncIe

Your uncIe took these photos for you?

When did he take these photos for you?

He use to takeme to the park and take photos

I have said to youmany times

Don?t stick around with your uncIe

Did your uncIe take these photos for you?


Your uncIe took these photos for you?


Your uncIe took these photos for you?


How many times I have said to you?

Don?t stick around with your uncIe

Your uncIe took these photos for you?

Your uncIe took these photos for you?

Come in

Get in

Come in

What?smatter with you

Why did you cry? Did the cops beat you?

Don?t cry

You can?t beat her

She didn?t commit crime.

How can you beat her?

Mr. Lin, your son Iikes to take photos, right?

Yes, it is none of your business

My girI

Do you know he take this photos?

What?s wrong with it? It is not against Iaw

You don?t cooperate with poIice

Nobody teIIs the truth

I accuse you are invoIved

You are invoIved to kiII these girIs

No! Accuse me for murdering with this photo?

I wiII accuse you

I wiII do everything to accuse you

Dad, what are you doing?

It is not the first time for him to be caught

Can?t you remember?

He is not a good guy

Get Iost! I am not taIking with you

I am taIking to you. Leave me aIone

He peeped me taking bath when he was 13

Do you remember?

Leave me aIone

Do you remember he peep me taking bath




My girI, taking photos is nothing speciaI.



He is a bitch

He dare do this thing

He took these photos

He aIso took those photos

I give you one more chance to taIk to him

You ask him

What the heII is this matter?

Make everything cIear

Otherwise, you are accused for murdering

Come in

Sit. You aIso sit

Sit properIy

Otherwise, I wiII beat you up

Everybody is here

This is your chance to discuss it

You taIk about it

We wiII accuse aII of you if there is no resuIt

Let?s go

Open the door

Yes, sir

Bastard, you get me invoIved in a crime

You are bastard

You dare do this thing

You are an animaI

You are not a human being

Why did you treatme Iike this?

You treat my daughter Iike this?

Say it. Say it

Bitch! I beat you. I beat you

You are an animaI

You are not a human being

I beat you

You are an animaI

You are not aman

I beat you

You are bastard

Why did you beat you?

Why did you beat you?

I am Lin?s famiIy member

PoIice beatme. You beatme

You don?t beIong to Lin?s famiIy. Bastard

I kiII you

You are not a man

I beat you

I beat you


Bastard! I beat you

You are not a man. You go to heII

Go to heII

Everybody want me to die

Yes, I confess

I kiIIed them

I kiIIed them

I kiIIed them

See! He confessed everything

UseIess! We need evidence

How can we accuse him without evidence?

His IQ is very high

The game has just begun

He might pIay game with us

You better be aIert

You better confess everything

Give us a easy time


Sit here. What do you want?

I sit here

Sit here? Don?t dream for it

That is Mr. Lin?s seat

Let him sit

He can sit there if he is being cooperative

Let?s get into the point

FrankIy speaking, who is the first victim?

These are the photos of missing girIs

You take a good Iook

See it cIearIy. TeII us if you can recognize it

Don?t confess it if you are not sure

Don?t keep siIent if you can recognize

You see them cIearIy

I don?t remember

You don?t remember?

This one happened on 3 February, 1982

She is Chan Sau-Ian

We suspect that she is the first victim

See it cIearIy.

TeII us if you can recognize it

Don?t confess it if you are not sure

See them cIearIy

Is that she?

Is it your first time?

Go to heII. Bastard. What?s wrong?

Don?t get a girI if you are useIess.

Bitch! When wiII you buck off?

Don?t come back and beg me

Bastard! What are you Iooking at?

Where do you go?

Kwun Tong

Men? AII men are bad guys

Stop staring atme?

Never seen a woman before?

You bastard!

Everyone is sucker

You can?t smoke in car

None of your business. I Iike it. So what?

Hey! What are you doing?

Hey! What are you doing?

What are you doing?

What kind of water it is?

It?s stink! Do you want to kiIIme?

I Iove you,my darIing! You Iove me

This is Kwun Tong. Where do you want to go?

This is Kwun Tong. Where do you want to go?

Who said that I go to Kwun Tong?

You said it

I go to Tsim Sha Tsui

Hit the road

Let me drive

After you kiIIed Chan Sau-Ian?

How did you do with her body?

I brought her body home

I put it inside the sofa

Then, I cIean up the taxi

Good morning, uncIe

Hey, what are you doing?

You haven?t buttoned up your dress

Goodmorning, grandpa

Hurry up!

Gwao-chang, are you ready?

Coming, coming

Let?s go

Why didn?t you come home

for dinner Iast night?

We got Iots of Ieft over

I got over-time work.

Let?s go and eat. Stop taIking nonsense

It is difficuIt to get a tabIe

Go and have tea

Let?s go

Throw it. Throw it

Don?t you want to throw it?

I kiII you

KiII you. KiII you. KiII you

KiII you. KiII you. KiII you

Throw it. Damn you

BIoody bitch

That?s enough. Sit


Sit properIy

I have enough patience for you

Leave him aIone


I ask you

Did your famiIy know about this?

They don?t know

How did you do with the body?

UncIe, uncIe. I got candy. Do you want it?

Get in and do your homework

Do your homework


What is it?


It?s so dirty

Why did you keep my photo?

You keep this news,

Do you keep your eyes opened at this case?

Not me, it?s you.

What? You want to kiII me?

I have a premonition that you wiII get me

You know that. But you stiII murder girIs

They were bad women

I do it in accordance with heaven?s decree

Fuck you,man

TeII me why did you kiII that woman?

I forgot. You find the answer yourseIf?

OK. I wiII make you remember the detaiIs

Bing, Eric, take him to repIay the case

Yes, sir

Excuse me. Excuse me

No comment

This is an extremeIy big case

We have to repIay the case

Let?s get in

Put her in

Put inside

Sir, is it necessary?

Are you scared?

You are a cop

This is your job. Put her in

OK. I get in

Don?t move. You are supposed to be dead

Now we are putting you inside

Yes, sir

What are you afraid of?

I am not afraid

I can?t breathe. I can?t breathe

Come here


What did you do after putting the body?

I take it inmy room after they have gone

What did you do after that?

I put a pIastic sheet on the fIoor

Then, I put the body on the top

I beg you. Don?t touch me

AIright? Don?t touch me

What did you do after that?

Then I cut it into pieces

I beg you. Don?t touch me

Get up. It?s aIright

No body wouId marry you if he touched you

Take him out

Take him out


Fat Bing

Yes, sir

Take these evidences back to the station

Yes, sir

Ask finger print department to check aII these

Take these evidences back to the station

AII of them?

Yes, aII of them

Yes, sir

Take some boxes over here

Get some peopIe here


Fat Bing, come and heIp me


I heIp you

How can you pouring water tome?

It?s stink. My eyes are unbearabIy hurt

What is it? What the heII is it?

What is it?

Sorry. It is a breast

What did you say?

A breast

A breast?

Don?t move.

What is it on my back?

There is a breast on your back

What is it?

How can you do this?

Fat Bing, This is evidence

How can you throw it everywhere?

It?s too sIippery. It sIipped out of my hand

Why don?t you pick it up?

Pick it up

Don?t move

What is it?

A breast

I am stink. Why are you hoIding me?

Don?t be scared. It?s aIright

You got your own. Why are you so scared?

Why are you so scared? Pick it up

That is evidence. Pick it up

Pick it

Pick it

Pick it up. You Iike it very much

You pick it up

I use to touch it. I don?t have speciaI feeIing

You aIways touch yourseIf.Never touch other?s

You pick it up

You pick it up

This is an important evidence. Hurry up

This is an order

Yes, sir

It?s rotten. Don?t spoiI it.

It?s too sIippery. Be carefuI

What are you doing?

I heIp you

You are mean

Excuse me. Excuse me

You are disgusting. You threw it to me?

You can compIain me

My back is itchy

WiII I get disease?

You might get sIoughing uIcer

Not sloughing ulcer. lt? s pile

I hit you

Don?t Iaugh at me


What?s the matter?

Put them against the waII

The others go and move the stuff

Yes, sir

Without my permission

nobody can touch anything

Yes, sir

Sit. Are they yours?

Yes. WiII you return them to me?



When you see them, you wouId

remember how many girIs you kiIIed

I don?t care you kiIIed one or ten

We wiII accuse you for murdering

Say it. It is no way to hide anything

We want to know..

why did you write Action

...on your shift record?

I can prove that you have kiIIed four persons

Why did you kiII one after one?

Because kiIIing the first one was too crueI

It was not perfect

I hoped that the second one wouId be better

You think that it was not perfect

So you bought the dissect books

He aIso bought scaIpeI to kiII peopIe.

Why did you kiII peopIe on rainy days?

Because I feeI excited

It?s too bad. It rains dogs and cats.

So troubIesome! Come. Let?s go home

This side.

You don?t have to take me home


Tai Kok Tsui

Hit the road. Stupid

You right wrongs with heaven?s decree

AII you kiIIed are bad women

Why did you kiII this student. She is seventeen

How can you so hard hearted


Why did you keep her stuff?

But you didn?t keep the others? ?

I don?t want to kiII her

Don?t want to kiII her?

See these photos. Why did you enIarge them?

Did you have speciaI feeIing to this student?

She was pure and innocent

Sai Kung. Thank you



You are so Iate

I went to Graduation Dinner

What wiII you do after graduation?

I want to be a kindergarten teacher

It is so happy when I am with kids.

Teacher is good. Won?t be cheated so easiIy

Why did you Iook at me Iike that?

Because I think you are pure and innocent

What did you say?

Don?t be scared

I think that it is a fate to meet each other

I don?t understand what you have said

I hate the dirty peopIe

In this worId

it is hard to find a pure girI Iike you

Stop the car

What?s wrong? Are you scared?

No, I don?t mean it

Don?t be scared

I just want to taIk to you

Don?t be afraid

I won?t hurt you. I don?t have a eviI mind

No, Iet me get off here

Come on. I just want to taIk with you

Come on.

No. Let me go home

No. I beg you. Let me go

I beg you

I just want to taIk with you

No. I beg you.

I won?t hurt you.

Let me go. I beg you

Come on

Come on

Let me go. Let me go

Come on

Let me go. Let me go

HeIp. HeIp!

Don?t scream! Stop it!

I don?t have an eviI mind

I am sorry

Did I hurt you?

You are so pure

I beIieve in fate

This is our first time to meet each other

It must be fate that we can be friends

I aIso beIieve in judgment

A pure Iike you must get a good judgment

You too. You are a goodman

You wiII be happy in future

No. I am not happy

Because nobody understands me

I understand you

In this worId, I beIieve three persons

The first one is God. Second one is my mother

The third one is myseIf

You are too young. You won?t understand

Yes. My mother worries about me

You better Iet me go home

I taIk with you tomorrow

You are a good girI

WouId you Iike some music?

Where are you going?

Let me go!

Let me go!

Let me go!

Come in

Come in

Come back

Let me go!

Come in



Don?t care about her. Let?s go

Don?t go away. HeIp!

HeIp! Don?t go



Open the door! HeIp!

HeIp! Open the door

Open the door! HeIp!

Open the door! HeIp!


Why did you run away?

Why? Why did you run away?

Why did you run away?

Why didn?t you taIk to me?

Don?t sIeep!

TaIk to me

Don?t sIeep!

What are you doing?

Don?t make a mystery of simpIe things.


Why didn?t you go on ?

Do you want to hide something?

You better cooperate with us

Let?smake it quick

and finish work earIier

Mr. Li, we discovered something. Have a Iook

Shit! What a son of a bitch!

Why did you run away?

I won?t hurt you

You are pure and innocent

I want to marry with you

I suppose you agree it if you keep siIent

I wiII treat you very weII

You are pure and innocent

I and you are virgins

Our marriage is perfect

Damn! Man! Such a son of a bitch!

Bastard! He raped her aImost haIf an hour

More than that! It?s forty minutes

Lin Gwao-yu, we accuse you commit homicide

You kiIIed four women

This is your deposition. You take a Iook

You signed on it if it is aII right

Lin Gwao-yu was accused on 8 ApriI 1983

He was charged four counts

First, he kiIIed Chan Sau-Ian on 3 February 82

Second, he kiIIed Chan Kit-fong on 29 May 82

Third, he kiIIed Leung Man-Iing on 17 June 82

Fourth, he kiIIed Leung Wing-yin on 2 Aug 82

The jury found the suspect was guiIty

He was convicted to death penaIty

Lin Gwao-yu requested to see Mr. Li

Mr. Li, pIease sign here

You go. I wiII stay here

Whyme? I go there every time

What?s wrong with it?

I am not famiIiar with him

PIease make a trip with Mr. Li

I go this time. Next time is your turn


Mr. Li, this side

Mr. Li, he is in the Iast one

Sir, do you have cigarette?

Give it to me

PIease give me a cigarette

Give one to me

Give me. Sir

Mr., do you have cigarette?

Do you have cigarette?

This is the resuIt of what you have done

You wiII stay here the rest of your Iife

Do you have any request?

I wiII heIp you if I can

I want to get back my photos and video tapes

I am sorry. I can?t heIp

You waste my effort