Double Wedding (2010) - full transcript

Two sisters, no love lives. Both end up dating the same man, and inviting him to meet the family on December 17th. He doesn't know there are two sisters or that he committed to two different dates on the same day.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Deanna: uh-Huh.

That's exactly what i said.

[ Saxophone playing ]

Uh-Huh. Yeah.

Uh-Huh. Yeah.

Absolutely, richard.

I agree.

They're in noncompliance,

And we will begin due recourse


™? everybody's waiting

for tomorrow ♪

™? happiness is just a day away ♪

™? if they could see

through all the sorrow ♪

™? nobody'd never

ever have to wait ♪

™? everybody gonna turn it up,

everybody gonna turn it up ♪

™? let's turn it up, now ♪

™? everybody gonna burn it up ♪

Hey, richard, i'm about to

head into a meeting right now.

But trust me, okay?

You are in great hands.

All right?


What -- No lecture about

being three minutes late?

Not when i told you

to be 20 minutes early.

You are so

"type a-Plus," d.

Yes, i am,

miss "type b-Minus."

[ Laughs ]

Look, the perfect inspiration

For the fashion-Show benefit

we're catering next week.

I'm designing the cake

to look like a pile of shoes --

Gorgeous, designer...

"no one can afford them,

so let them eat cake"

Kind of shoes.




You think you can wave that in

my face and i'm gonna resist?

Here. Take it.


The buttercream's dry.

It's time to eat

professional, honey.

Did you just, uh --


Stop picking at me.

I'm rearranging you.

You are so buttoned-Up.

I'm a lawyer.

We're buttoned-Up by definition.

Wow! This is beautiful!

™? everybody gonna turn it up ♪

See, i always knew

There was some latent

fashion sense buried in there.

Oh, um, by the way,

i did your taxes for you.

Did i ask you

to do my taxes?

Well, if you're unhappy,

I don't have to tell you how

you can save another 500 bucks.

I thought so.

Let's go.

Oh, one sec.

™? these are the good times ♪

You didn't.

Well, i knew you'd swipe it

because you always do so.

So i bought two.

You know i don't like

the matchy-Match twin thing.

Well, deanna... [ sighs ]

....if you keep

taking my stuff...

...yeah, you do.

Come on.

We'll be late for grandma's.

™? no need to worry,

leave your cares behind ♪

™? so let's go, go, go ♪

D, get your butt

off the counter

And help your mother,


I'm texting jaz

about the halpern brief.

You made me leave work early,

this is what you get.

Gram, don't.

Maddy: girls.


You're not helpful at all.

Sorry, gram. She goes

into withdrawal without it.

And i can't stand seeing her

all twitchy like that.

[ Laughs ]




You alphabetize

the crudit?s?

I do.

Carrots, cauliflower,

green peppers --

It's a pathology.

I'm a professional


People pay me a lot of money

to organize their lives.

Not their vegetables.

Leave the work at work.

You're one to talk.

I bet you can't turn that thing

off until after dinner.

Oh, sure i can,

if you can deal with -- Hmm.

[ Gasps ]

You are so not my favorite

daughter right now.

Get help, mom.

Oh, oh. And right now,

neither are you.

What's this?


don't look at me.

Been there, done that.

Not gonna do it again ever.

Well, it's not us.

Hey, you know

it's not you.

How do you know

it's not me?

Is it you?


But it...could.

[ Clears throat ]

it's me.

I'm gonna be a june bride.

That's why i invited you

to dinner.

Right, baby?

[ Laughter ]

Mwah! Mwah!

[ Laughs ]

Well, that's a good one --


for your 50th anniversary.

We got married at city hall

Because your great-Grandfather

just passed away

And we didn't think a big

celebration was appropriate.

It's the one thing

i've always regretted.

My dad would've hated me

canceling our dream wedding.


church wedding,

big party.

Swing band.

Big cake made by my

granddaughter, the pastry chef.

I'm thrilled.

This is great!

You could at least fake

a little enthusiasm, deanna.

I'm sorry.

Look, i'm happy

for you guys, really.

It just seems kind of strange

to be planning a wedding

And have it be yours

and not mine.


Okay, see, see,

That look is a "deanna

can't get a guy" kind of look.

No, that's a "deanna won't find

a guy to measure up

"To her already 'impossible

to measure up to' standards,

Considering work always

comes first on the list" look,

Unlike her sister,

who is more...

more what?!


more open to all sorts of --

Well, you meet guys.


Not everywhere.



At the movies,

the jury duty,

The dmv,

your gynecologist's office.

Isn't new york

just full of potential?

Not for me.

Well, it would be

if you got your head

Out of your legal briefs

for once in a while.

Well, i am really thrilled

for you two,

And i cannot wait

to see you walk down the aisle

With my incredibly sexy

bridesmaid's dress

And my insanely handsome date,

of course.

Oh, no.

No strangers

in our wedding pictures.

If he's special,

then he's more than welcome.

Otherwise, no "plus one"

for either of you.

Are you serious?

It's my wedding.

I'll be a bridezilla

if i want to be.

[ Laughs ]

And while you're talking

about my wedding,

You girls are learning

to dance old-School.

[ Groans ]

Grandma, this is

absolutely ridiculous.

Any of you lead?

I don't want to lead.

No, i want to lead.

Come on, now. Okay.

And one, two...

three, four.

Oh, ain't that

a cute couple?

[ Both laugh ]

[ Both sigh ]

All right. You win.


It's officially

on my to-Do list.

I will have a "wedding photo

worthy" boyfriend by june,

And i'll even let d

dance with him

If she's between

photo-Unworthy guys.

Oh, don't you worry.

You'll get yours, sister.

I'll get my own.


Game on.

Game on.

You do it.

No, you tell her.

You're the boss.

She's not allowed

to retaliate.

Me, i'm her paralegal.

She can torture me mercilessly.

Deanna: i'm trying

to finish this contract,

So if you need me

to work next weekend,

I'm fine with setting a new

billable-Hours record, but...

mm-Hmm. I'll illuminate,

and you demonstrate.



We have solved

your problem.

The polk vs. Monaco brief?


No, not that problem.

The other one.

[ Beep ]

You put my profile

on a dating website?!

You didn't!

Tell me you didn't!

Hey, so, denial

really does come first.

You put my horrible work photo

on there?!

Oh, my god, jaz.

Jaz, take it off. Now.

Anger, bargaining.

You do not have time

to find a legit wedding date

While you're

on the partner track,

So we input your parameters,

lost the losers,

And wedding album,

here you come.

Ohh. God.


One stage to go.

Jaz, what's with all this


psychological-Stages crap?

Rachel's studying

to be a shrink.

I thought she was

an aspiring fashion designer.

No, that was katerina.

Keep up.

Where do you --

Where do you find these w--

Oh, my god.

This is where you're finding

these women.



Everybody does it.

No, everybody

does not do it.

'Cause i'm not doing it.

Anyway, we differed

on the first choice,

But, of course,

i pulled rank.

So tomorrow night,

you are having dinner

At lategano's with...

[ beep ] calgrove.

Mba, owns his own business

and a house in sag harbor.


I'd love to,

but my boss needs me to work.

Even i manage to find time

to eat periodically,

Which reminds me --

I am going to need you

to work on the weekend.

Come on, d.

Just get your head out of work

and live a little.

What's the worst

that can happen?


[ Scoffs ]


winding up in a ditch,

Food poisoning from the

tomato-And-Mozzarella salad.

You know what?

What's the big deal if i don't

have a boyfriend by june?

I'll just mamba with my sister.

It's not the end of the world.

That's not

how you really feel.

How do you know

how i really feel?

You're petrified.


What if you meet a guy and

he actually ends up liking you?

Or worse yet, what if you

actually end up liking him?

Get out of my head.


Come on, d.

I have a stake in this, too.

I mean, i get stuck

hanging with the guy

While you

and isabel or andrea

Go off to the bathroom

in twos.

What happened

with therapist rachel?

Too analytical.

Come on.

Think about my needs.

Give chase a chance.

[ Sighs ]


he looks all right.

There you go! Acceptance.

Hello --

Health-Code violation.

Oh. Sorry about that.

So, not to change

the subject, she said,

While changing the subject,

but, um...

what's your plan?

Well, remember the picture

i took of these shoes?

I'm gonna make rhinestone

for the buckles.

Not your short-Term plans,

sweetie, your long-Term plan.

I'm getting to it.

Honey, are you just hoping

That junior's

just gonna stay inside

And i won't stay at home

to be an uber-Perfect mom?

No, i just figure i'll work

for dish's new owners

Or some other

catering company.

Eh. [ Smacks lips ]

Well, you know what they say --

When in doubt, pick "c."

There's a "c"?

There's a "c."

"C" is what you've wanted to do

since i hired you --

Open your own

exclusive cake bakery.


That's way down the line.

No, it's not.

Not if you got the call

that i got this morning

From delectable tv.

They're televising

the annual new york cake-Off,

And maya mau and jess fortaine

both had to drop out.

So, drumroll, please.

They are...

[ beeping ]

...expecting your call

right now.

[ Sighs ]

[ Beep ]

[ Gasps ]

Don't hang up! No!

Danielle, hit redial!

I can't be in the cake-Off.

You can't miss an opportunity

to win $10,000

And open your own bakery

And order

your favorite boss around,

Who will assist you

on national television.


this is your dream

Falling into your lap.

You mean, public humiliation

falling into my lap.

The cake-Off chefs are the best

pastry chefs in the state.

Yes, they are.

And so are you.

It's just nobody knows it yet.

It's kind of like,

i don't know,

Like what we're doing

with the baby thing here.

We don't feel ready

to be parents.

Are you kidding me?

But we just have to believe

That when she pops out,

we're gonna step up.

I'll think about it.

No, no, no.

No thinking allowed.

Just hit "redial."

[ Sighs ]

Thank you.


thanks. See you then.

You are crazy, amy.

Did you hear

who i'd be competing against?

And you want to know

the theme for the cakes?


Oh, well, just 'cause

you're not romantic

Doesn't mean you can't make

a cake that is.

I'm romantic!



All right, well, we get a

specific challenge the day of,

But we get to prep.

So we should bring...

flowers, hearts, cupids?

They qualify

as romantic, right?

Oh, boy.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

I wouldn't call it

my business, exactly.

Mommy's in charge.

But when she kicks it,

it's all mine.


[ Laughter in distance ]

Thank you so much

for suggesting this place.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

™? hold on, hold on,

hold on, child ♪

™? it'll be better

in the morning ♪

I looked back after

we left the table, and...

no. No, he didn't.

He did.

He pocketed the tip.

[ Laughs ]


wedding-Photo worthy.

Oh, shut up!

Oh, and, uh, by the way...

keep your porn

out of the clients' files

And in your friend paul's

garage, where it belongs,

With your cars.

I have been looking

for this.

By the way, my guy is next --

Tate the architect.

Your guy?

You're my paralegal,

not my pimp, jaz.

I'm done.

I'm too busy to date.

I have this presentation

to the partners.

Uh, deanna...

the determination you show

in finding a partner

Spills over

into getting made partner.

[ Scoffs ]

oh, come on.

I'm serious.

When did i get made partner?

The week after i forced leo

to propose.

I can see it now --

Deanna's view

from the single table

Of danielle

at the couples table.

[ Sighs ]

All right. I give in.

Pimp away.

[ Horns honking ]

Danielle: not the brown boots.

The black boots.

Stop backseat-Dressing me.

There's nothing wrong

with the brown boots.

Nothing -- If you want

to bring the guy

Back to your courtroom

and not your bedroom.

Okay, fine, well,

then i'll wear the brown boots

'Cause there's no way

i can bring a date back

here ever -- Off-Limits.

If your apartment

is the reason

You're not getting involved

with guys,

I'm gonna go over there

and clean it myself.

And i'll bring

the hazmat team.

Hey, keep mom

out of my apartment.

So, where'd

you meet this guy?

Did you actually

leave the office?


That's my other line.


So, um, i'll call you

right after, okay?

Black boots, black boots,

black boots.

Love you!

[ Beep ]

Tate: every time i heard

About a natural disaster

where people lost their homes,

Like katrina

or the oakland fires,

I'd think,

"there has to be a better way

To help people

rebuild their lives."

So i started


Which is a foundation

that creates

Post-Catastrophic housing

that can become permanent homes.

So, all the modules i designed

are easily moved in,

They're set up,

they're partially solar-Fueled.

I-I even got a, um...

there's room

under my chicken caesar.

Damn it.


I haven't let you get a word in

edgewise since the appetizers.

All i know is lawyer


partner track...


i'm the worst date ever.

No, i am, right?

Not the worst.

You can say it.

Believe me.

I am. Say it.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

Uh, all right, d,

you know what?

I want to hear

all about you.

Is -- Is it all right

if i call you "d"?

Yeah, sure.

My whole family does.

So, what do you

love to do?

Hmm, well, uh --

[ Cellphone ringing ]

I am so sorry.

I thought

i turned this off.


it's work.

Just one second.

Hi, jaz.

No, that was supposed to be

completed by midnight tonight.

Okay. Okay.

All right. Bye.

[ Beep ]

[ Sighs ]

Work emergency.

I am so sorry.

Do you mind if we do a

"to be continued" kind of thing?

[ Chuckles ]

Can i take this with me?

The tablecloth?

It's just that your ideas --

They're very interesting.

And maybe i can find a way

to be helpful.


[ Chuckles ]

I put myself through grad school

waiting tables, so...

you want a doggie bag

with this?

Because i'm trying

to get myself a tip.

Um, look, i am sorry.

The clock is ticking. My case

will turn into a pumpkin.

I really have to go.

But thank you.

But next time,

i want to hear all about you.

Oh, oh. I, uh --

I don't have your number.

I'll e-Mail it to you.

[ Keys clacking ]


Take that!

You know,

computers can't fight back.

All week,

i've had the highest bid

On the gas tank

i need for the jag.

Then out of nowhere,

This guy comes along

and bids me up over $300

With two minutes left.

So, where are

the mcciver files?

Oh, i sent those off

hours ago.

Come on. Hang out with me.

We can go grab a drink.

Wait. What?!

W-Why --

Why did you call me?

In case you needed saving

from another bad date.

It was not a bad date.

It was actually an okay date

for the first date.

Yeah, well, it couldn't

have been that good,

Or you wouldn't have bailed

on him to come back here.

I bailed because you told me

That there was something wrong

with the mcciver deal.

And i can't afford

for that deal to go south.

Oh, my god.

You actually like this guy.

You may have met the one.


i wouldn't know,

because you hijacked my date.


No, i'm just thrilled

To have another mets fan

to hang out with.

You picked my date so

you could get a baseball buddy?

His profile

said he had box seats.

[ Scoffs ]

you're such an ass.

[ Keys clacking ]


Karen: you promised me

you'd give it five dates.

Don't disappoint me.

Uh, i'm not 7 anymore, k.

You're not the boss of me.

Don't delude yourself.

[ Chuckles ]

Hey, someone's

got to be in charge.

Why else would i live

in the upstairs unit?

Oh, you do? 'Cause

you're always down here.

Yeah, because you got the food,

and we don't.

And you cook and --

Why don't you cook?

Why don't you cook?

Call her.


Hey, come on.

Five dates -- Five.

To figure it out.




Oh, yeah.

You know, they have

these things called stores,

Where you can buy food and drink

of your very own.

Five dates.

Doctor's orders.

[ Horns honking ]


late as usual, danielle.


So, i told

everybody at the office

That you're gonna

be on tv.


This is a once-In-A-Lifetime


Embrace it.

Competition is exciting.

Or nauseating, depending

on what side of the camera

you're on.

You're coming, right?


December 17th is blacked out

on the blackberry.

Okay, good, because i can't

imagine going through this

Without you being there.

All right, so, let's start

the wedding to-Do list.

First, find the church,

Then the place

for the reception.

[ Sighs ]

you already made the list?

I wanted you to wait.

Just say "thank you"

For utilizing my

obsessive-Compulsive disorder

To your advantage

and go get a mani-Pedi.

You go get the mani and pedi.

Oh, wait, no.

That's impossible, because

you can't work with wet nails.

You're going?

I've got to get back

to the office.

You're not going.

Just because you were late

doesn't mean i want to be late.

You want input,

just put in.

Oh, come on.

It'll be a shame

to waste all that ocd

On your dumb-Ass sister

who can't say "thank you."

Thank you. And i love you,

i love you, i love you.

You should. Mwah!

All right,

i'll see you later, okay?

Have fun

working on sunday.

[ Sighs ]


i didn't think

i'd get this lucky this soon.

I was just thinking

about you.

You were, were you?

Mm-Hmm. What, you weren't

thinking about me?


I can't say that i was.


Well, this is obviously

a situation

That needs

to be rectified.


So, i'm gonna...

get something sweet to eat,

and then we can hang.

Oh, no.

You go for the coffee here.

The sweet stuff is awful.

Well, then, take me

where it's fantastic.

[ Chuckles ] really?

Why not?


Of course. I get it.

Hold on.


[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Now, if i turn out to be

tate kelley, ax murderer,

You can give the cops

an accurate description.

All right.

Come on. We got some serious

pastry shopping to do.

Lead the sweet way.

When you said you were gonna

take me to something sweet,

I didn't know you were gonna

drag my ass all over manhattan.

[ Chuckles ] it's because

i do this walk every sunday.

It's research.

I figure i have to do something

distinctive to set me apart,

And not to sound full of myself,

but my baking does that.

You bake

on top of everything else?

It's more of everything else

on top of baking.

Granted, it helps

that i'm a major insomniac

Because there's no real end

to the workday anymore.

My mom is always saying,

"d, slow down," but i can't.

A lot of my enjoyment

comes from...

what my clients get

out of what i create.

I know, right? When i imagine

them living in it, i'm like --

Living in what?

The houses i design.

You know what?

I'm banning 24-7 work talk.

From now on, you and me --

It's passion talk only.

All right?

Anyway, i need some sugar.

Come on.


[ Smacks lips ]

[ Laughs ]

Oh, wow.

Men -- You're all

pavlovian response.

Well, actually, you know

what, there's something

else i need first.

Seriously? After complaining

i wasn't letting you eat,

Now you don't want to eat?

No, i want to eat, but i need

your phone number first.

You just cut right to the chase,

don't you?

When i saw you at the coffee

house, i knew it was fate, so...

you mind?



If i'm not home,

it forwards to my cell.

Mm-Hmm. Now i'm ready.

[ Laughs ]


Jaz: there must be something

more exciting to do on a sunday.

All work and no play

Makes you

a very, very dull lawyer.

Come on.

You're coming with me.

Did you know that this baby

raced at le mans and sebring?

Oh, you mean this thing

will actually run on its own?

F.Y.I. --

I will have you know, this baby

was the find of the year --

1960, wind-Up windows.

Oh. No power windows.

That's a plus.

D, would you stop

fingering the electronics?

It's tate.

He hasn't called yet?

I'll beat him up.

The ball's in my court

Since i was the one

who bailed on him

For your work emergency.

We didn't even

get to exchange numbers.

But, thankfully,

there's e-Mail.

[ Beep ]



pizza, bad movie...

or the jag?

She's mine.

[ Cellphone beeps ]



Hmm, for tomorrow night.


I could've sworn she said

Was more into like

a "hole in the wall" type place,

And then she suggests

a four-Star restaurant?

Maybe to her, this is

a "hole in the wall" place.

Anyway, she says it's on her.

I love this girl already.

[ Beeping ]

What the hell

are you doing?

[ Beep ]

Seizing your day.

Give me.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Soft piano music playing ]

Deanna: so, tate...

i know this, um, may be

too early to say anything,

But i work

with corporate clients,

And they have a pro-Bono mission

to provide low-Cost housing.

And i thought maybe i can get

you in a room with all of them.

Would you be interested?

Are you kidding?

Yeah, that --

That would be great.

Yeah, sure.

Oh, well, it's just --

My experience

with creative people

Is that they need

someone non-Creative

To implement their ideas.


i jotted down

some thoughts.

[ Laughs ]


When did you find time

to do all this?

This is...

oh, that's right --

You don't sleep.

[ Scoffs ] as if i can function

without nine hours a night.

So, are you --

Are you okay with this?

You don't think i'm crazy,


Crazy in a great way.

Not in an overstepping...

um, insanity, workaholic

type-A way?

Because some creative people

have mentioned that to me.

Well, i'll put it this way --

Nobody can make a workaholic

taste as sweet as you can.

Oh, look, see.

Now we're doing it again. We --

This is great, by the way.

I mean, this is --

But, uh,

we are veering dangerously

Into talking

about work only,

So i'm gonna

switch it up a little.

You have got to try this.


Oh, god.

I'm sorry. Sorry.

You came at me

so fast with that.

I don't like other people

to feed me.

Waiter, can i...


Uh, i-I'll get it.

I'll get it.

Thank you.

Obviously, the waiter got a lot

further tonight than i will.

Oh, so you saw me

slipping him my number

While he was patting me down?

[ Both laugh ]

Speaking of numbers,

did you lose mine already?

'Cause i called you

at your office, but

you e-Mailed me back.

I don't think i got your --

You know,

i'm gonna put it in here,

Add it to your vast store

of information.

I just like hearing your voice

so much more

Than reading an e-Mail.

You do?

Yeah. Talk about something

that could drive a guy crazy.

In a good way.



Jaz: so...

how went the date with tate?

[ Sighs ] good.

He's not gonna compromise our

hang-Out time, though, is he?

You're the one

that set me up with him.

You're not allowed

to complain.

Besides, there's nothing to

compromise if he doesn't call.

He'll call.

But don't you call him.

...and a buttery, popcorn,

dusty smell.

Danielle: i know, right?

I hate watching movies

on dvd.

Movies should...

should loom over you

in scratchy black and white.

Old theaters

with broken seats.

All right, um...

[ chuckles ]

I'm just finishing up

my disastrous attempt

At a sweet-16 cake,

And now i've got fondant

all over me.

How are you gonna

get all of that off?

Cold shower, i think.


[ Chuckles ]

I didn't mean it like that.

It's just...

i have this history of...

not taking things slow.

And this time, i...

i want to take it slow.

Slow how?

"Discovering each other

and not getting bored" slow.

All right.

[ Chuckles ]

We share the duplex

we grew up in,

And i love that --

Having her and jim close by.

Our, uh...

parents died

in a car accident.

But karen

won't let me use that

As an excuse for anything,

you know?

She and my sister

should form a club.

My dad walked out

before our english final,

And she aced it,

while i tanked.

She took care of

everything and everyone

While i...

oh, it's such a haze.

I don't --

I don't even know what i did.

Hey, it's getting late.

You want to go grab a bite?

No, thank you.

I'll order in tonight.

I'm finally in the zone.

I'll buy.

No. I am determined

to get it done.

Why don't you spend the evening

with your true love

And go fix a gasket

or something?


You know,

we've been talking for hours.

And i don't want to stop.

But i know

if i was a better man,

I'd let you get to bed,

get your nine hours in.

[ Laughs ]

That's a laugh.


i'm already in bed.

Oh, yeah? Me too.

You mean what you said before

about taking it slow?

I do.

We can have phone sleep.

Phone sleep?

We won't hang up.

I know, cheesy, but...

good cheesy?

Sweet dreams, d.

[ Sighs ]


you're going off list?

This is highly unorthodox

of you, deanna.

I know, but i heard about

the church and came to see it,

And i don't think you'll mind

that i brought you here first.

This is it.


it's perfect, girls.

Henry, it's everything

we imagined.

It is.

Trust me -- This is everything

that you said you wanted.

What made you

think of this?

A little help

from a friend.

What friend?

It was black-Boots guy,

wasn't it?

Black-Boots guy?

[ Chuckles ]

No, brown-Boots guy.

Sorry, d.

I think you may be dancing

at the wedding by yourself.

Believe it or not,

My new guy has lasted

three weeks and counting.

So, when do we

get to meet these guys?

You guys want to meet him

before the wedding?

Well, of course

before the wedding.

I just don't think

we're at the "meet the

grandparents" phase yet.


Well, if you want

An "and guest"

on your invitation,

You need the bride and groom's

stamp of approval.


I don't recall

that clause.

Well, consider it written,

signed, and notarized.

Well, i could use a bigger

peanut gallery at the taping,

So i'll invite my wedding

contender at the cake-Off

If you invite yours.

He'll be there.


Happy, bridezilla?

Thrilled. I can't wait

to meet the boyfriends.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

So, there's something

i've been meaning to ask you.


That sounds ominous.

[ Beep ]

hold on a sec.

I'm getting a beep.

[ Beep ]


Hey, it's me.

That's odd.

I'm odd?

[ Beep ]


No, it's the phone.

Hold on a sec.

[ Beep ]


Still here

with the ominous request.

Uh, yeah, all right,

uh, lay it on me.

Okay, um,

how would you feel

About being

my cheering section

And possibly meeting way too

many members of my family

In front of a live studio

audience on december 17th?


[ beep ]

Hold on.

[ Beep ]


Ohh! Hey.

Uh, i thought i lost you.

So, december 17th --

I know it's long notice,

but is your schedule clear?

'Cause i kind of said

you'd come.

[ Laughs ]

oh, you did, huh?

Well, look, uh...

you're gonna have to

be a little more persuasive

If you want me

to ease your suffering.

I mean...

what's in it for me?

Free food.

Hey, hey, watch it, man!

Watch it!


Tate? Tate?


What happened? What happened?

Are you okay? Are you okay?

You're all echo-Y. I can't --

Oh, cracked my phone. Hello?

It's on december 17th.

It's on december 17th.


December 17th. December 17th.

Are you free? Are you free?


Consider it a date!



Thank god.

You came here to save me.

Why? What's going on?

Tate, amy.

Waddling work hazard,


Nice to meet you.

And you -- You're fired.


Oh, you work

at the firm, too?

"The firm"?

[ Chuckles ]

Well, that's a fancy way

of putting it.

[ Laughs ]

I'll see you at the firm.

[ Chuckles ]


good to meet you, tate.

Nice to meet you, too.


Bye, guys.



Okay. [ Chuckles ]

We should go,

or we'll be late for the movie.

[ Horns honking ]

I am convinced that renewability

will give bowman corporation

The tax shelters

you so desperately need,

While helping create low-Cost,

quick, self-Sustainable housing

In devastated areas.

I mean, this is a partnership

That will give you

unprecedented, great p.R.

And, in my opinion,

is a win-Win, win-Win.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, before she goes,

I'd just like

to thank miss warren

For introducing us.

All right,

i'll leave you guys to it.

[ Inhales deeply ]

All right, so...

can you just turn to page 3

in the booklets i've got you?

You'll see there...

[ speaking indistinctly ]

What's going on?

People could move in,

And then there's

a lot more accountability

For, uh, the community

that's already there.

Is that tate?


You may not be the only

matchmaker around here.

Hey, jaz, i'm not sure

if i said "thank you."

Thank you.

You're gonna

be a great mom someday.

I should know.

You boss me around enough.

I hope you're prepared

to put that in writing.


We're gonna try to adopt.

Oh, my --

That is fantastic!

Thank you, thank you.

Well, you're gonna

have to write

Some letters

of recommendation.

You better have

something nicer to say

Than the fact

that i'm just bossy, or else.

Can't believe i'm finally

gonna get to be an uncle.

Hey, you're gonna have

your chance, too, you know?

Hey, maybe d's

that chance.


I don't know.

I love how driven she is --

You know,

partner track, bakery.

And we can talk.

And we will talk

for hours...

about anything.

But sometimes she can just

be so uptight and obsessive.

It's like...

i don't know.

It just drives me crazy.

She baffles me

and intoxicates me

At the same time.

How do i know

if she's the one?

I think you already do.

[ Chuckles ]

Deanna: okay, so, um,

friday is the tasting.

Philippe will be there

precisely at 3:00 p.M.

So, danielle,

please, don't be late.

Who is philippe?

I hired an assistant.

You can't hire an assistant

to a tasting.

Well, apparently,

on craigslist, you can.

I can't leave the office

in the middle of the day

To taste food.

You just wish

you thought of it first.


This is ridiculous.

It just defeats

the whole idea

Of us helping make

the wedding.

I'm calling grandma.


D, give me that!

No, don't call gram.

Don't put her

into this, okay?

Why, because she's gonna

tell you you're wrong?

Um, i found the church,

I found the hall

for the reception.

What more

am i supposed to do?

I'm sorry -- Sitting around

sampling baby lamb chops

Is not a practical use

of my time.

Why is your busy

always better than my busy?

Um, you don't bill

$225 an hour.

Your priorities are so

screwed up. D, just give --

It's not about the food!

Excuse me?

My priorities

are not screwed up.

I do everyone's taxes,

the whole family's will,

And i made a business plan

For a bakery that's

collecting dust somewhere.

Did anyone

ask you to do that?

I'm sorry. I didn't --

I didn't mean to say it.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Why is there a photo of tate

on here?

'Cause that's my boyfriend.

Just give me that.

What? No, it's --

That's my boyfriend.

He can't be your --

The black-Boots guy?

Brown-Boots guy.

He can't be the one

you're bringing to the taping?

He's the one i'm bringing

to the wedding.

I can't believe her.

I can't believe her.

I'm nothing like deanna.

Couldn't he see that?

I met him first.

I finally meet someone amazing

who thinks i'm amazing,

And he thinks

half of me is her.

How is that possible?

I'm nothing like danielle.

I'm me, and she's --

She's this nightmare

Who is acting as if

I deliberately

went after her boyfriend.

If she gets him,

it's not like he's getting

Who he thought

he was getting at all.

What's the big deal?

Aren't you the one

Who's always saying,

"a man is like a bus --

There's always another one

rolling along in a few minutes"?

Yeah, but this is --

If it's that important to her,

let deanna have him.


still want to see him?

It's every guy's fantasy

to date twins.

But you don't actually do it.

Yeah, but it's not as if

tate knows he's doing it.

He obviously thinks

he's dating the same person.

Maybe i don't want

to wait for the next bus.

Maybe i want a seat

on this bus.

Hmm, is that you speaking,

Or is that "you being pissed

at deanna" speaking?

Okay, maybe it is

an honest mistake.

But how can he not

tell you two apart?

You're singular,

you're unique.

You know

this tate/danielle mix-Up

Has nothing to do with you,


I mean,

a guy would be crazy

To not choose you over her.

Sorry i'm late.

Uh, i think this needs

to be taken in, gram.

I thought you said

she wasn't gonna be here.

What is she doing here?

It's grambush --

A grandma ambush.

I'm surprised neither of you

saw it coming.

You lost your edge.

You're wearing my dress.

Take it off.

Well, fuchsia

looks better on me.

You're not gonna steal this

from me, too.

Oh, yeah, deanna,

that's it --

I posed as you, stole tate,

and made him fall for me.

He didn't fall for you.

I had him first.

He fell for me first.

Oh, it's always

about you being first.

Oh, cut it out.

You're acting

like you're 5.

Men will come and go

in your life,

But you two

are stuck with each other.

We're not conjoined,

thank god.

You like tate that much?

I do like him

that much.

He was everything

on my list.

Oh, please.

You think you would've made it

past the two-Month mark?

There's always a chance!

You wish!

All right, all right.

Now, when you were kids

and you wouldn't share a toy,

It went on a time-Out.

Gram, you can't put tate

on a time-Out.

Well, you're not doing

a three-Way.


I'm 71, not dead.

You've barely had time

to get to know him.

So stop it right now.

He's off-Limits.

You don't see him

or return his calls.

You don't text him

or e-Mail him goodbye.


It's the only way.

This is about you two.

It's not about him.

For you, gram,

i'll do it.

[ Sighs ]

if she will, i will.

[ Sighs ] i know my running shoe

is in here somewhere.

Sure it is.

I never have people over here.

This place is a mess.

You have me over.

You don't count.

[ Grunts ]

Hah! [ Chuckles ]

Hey, you're back on the prowl,

i see.

I don't know. I was thinking

about ending my membership.

I think tate

was the only one good one.

D, there isn't

just one good one.

To find another good one, you're

gonna have to be proactive

And end

your deeply committed,

Codependent relationship

with work.

[ Laughs ]

am i that bad?

Yeah, you're that bad.

You need a hobby,

like what i have with cars.

Yeah, but what you have

with cars is not just a hobby.

True, but finding something old

and rusted and neglected

And turning it into something

new and beautiful again

Is the best thing

i can do with myself.

™? this boy came

into my life... ♪

Is that tate again?

Yep. Mailbox full.

This is killing me.

With deanna

in the mix or not,

I know tate

and i really connected.

And you know

how rare that is for me.

And i can't talk to him because

my grandmother won't let me?

That's insane.

So keep seeing him, then,

if that's what you want.

No. We agreed.

And i really --

I just don't want

to hurt my sister.

Okay, then. I don't know.

Do what you do best --

Forget about him, move on.

Amy, i don't want

to move on.

And i have this really, really,

really weird feeling...

i'm off men.


Oh, no, tin woman,

it's so much worse than that.

You actually have a heart.

And it works.

™? for the girl that was

away from the one... ♪

So, what about this guy?

He is a lawyer who likes

to read legal briefs while --

Next. Uh...


When are you gonna

start doing it full time?

Finding dates

for lonely lawyers?

Restoring cars, dork.

This is what

you're meant to do.

You can't possibly believe

That a 9:00-To-5:00

is the only way to go.

It's really difficult, d.

Yes, but, i mean,

you're incredible at it.

I may know nothing about cars,

and i can see that.

But i just -- I just wish

that you can see your face

When you're talking to me

about cars.

It's like you're in love.

If anyone can make it work,

jaz, it's you.


i think we've tapped

this thing out.

Let's call it quits.

Yeah, okay.

[ Telephone ringing ]


Is, uh, miss warren here?

I'm sorry.

She's in a meeting.

She's in a meeting?



Uh, could you, uh,

give her my message?

I always do.

I thought you said "no smoking"

in your bio.

Oh, no.

I don't like it

when women smoke.

It's ugly.

No, smoking is a manly art.

[ Coughs ]

Maybe you could

show me some...

womanly arts.

Oh. [ Chuckles ]

[ Laughs ]


Oops. One second.


I'll be right here.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Keys clacking ]

[ Cellphone chirps ]

[ Groans ]


was that your hand

on my knee?

Uh, definitely not.

More wine?



It's on me.

[ Knock on door ]

Okay, well,

you're still alive.

I'm sorry, tate.

I can't see you anymore.

And i really don't know

how to explain it.

Well, you had plenty

of opportunities, you know...

[ clears throat ] phone, e-Mail, text...

in person.

All right,

well, i'll explain.


i'm furious with you.

And i hate

being furious with you

Because i think about you

all the time.

And, look, i know

About everything else

you got going on,

All the other dreams

that you're working on,

But i can't help but think

the dream of us...

it can fit in there.

It can fit in there

with all your other dreams

If you just

give us a chance.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Door opens, closes ]


Tate, wait.

It's hard to face

explaining everything to you

When it's just gonna

make you even angrier.

You don't have to explain.

I know what it is.

[ Chuckles ]

i don't think you do.

I know you're scared

of letting anyone in.

I know you're scared that

a guy's gonna take off on you

The way your dad did.

I never said that.

You don't have to say it.


i live all the time

In the fear

of losing anyone i love.

But i know now that

if you don't give it a chance,

It's a bigger loss

in the long run.

Tate, it's --

It's really --

You know what?

I don't want you to tell me

anything right now.

We're gonna

get through this, right?

We'll figure it out.

But right now, i think

we need to have a great night.


Want to come along with me?

I know this amazing comedy club,

and it's open-Mike night.

[ Whistles ]

[ Brakes squeal ]

Let's go inside,

all right?

You've got to be freakin'

kidding me!

Going downtown.

Hop in.

What? Oh, uh...

you know what?

No open-Mike night for me.

I, uh...

i get horrible stage fright.

No, you don't

have to perform.

You just have to laugh

at my jokes.

Yeah, that scares me

even more.

[ Dance music playing ]

Tate, i really

need to talk to you.

I thought

we were going slow.

Close and slow.

™? keeps me rockin',

keeps me rockin', oh ♪

™? i got a story to tell ♪

™? it keeps my head spinnin' ♪

[ Indistinct singing ]

Okay, you go get the drinks,

and i'll meet you at the bar.

[ Indistinct singing ]

[ Gasps ] oh, crap.

Like looking in the mirror,

isn't it?


Hah. "Hi"?

How could you

do this to me?

You went behind my back.

No. I didn't.

Oh, oh, oh, okay.

S-So you were gonna tell me

that you weren't here with tate,

It was just a coincidence

That you walked in with him,

holding his hand.

[ Knock on door ]


Hold on!

D, he came over.

He wanted to talk.

Oh, okay.

His tongue down your throat --

I'm pretty sure

that made it difficult to talk.

I didn't mean

to hurt you like this!

Just don't -- Don't --

Don't go there, okay, d?

Because we made a pact.

And you broke it.

[ Knock on door ]


i like him.

You like everyone

for the first 15 minutes.

[ Knock on door ]

will you --

We'll be right out!

Woman: hey, let us in!

This is different.



it surprises me

as much as it surprises you,

And -- And i know --

I-I know he likes me.

W-What?! You --

You don't even know that

it's really you that he likes

Because you didn't

even tell him!

Did you?

Not yet.

Okay, well, then, you

don't know who it is

that he's falling for.

I haven't had the opportunity

to tell him!

Yeah, because you don't have

the guts to, d.

If this makes you happy,

i-I will --

I will go out there

and i will tell him right now.

You're my sister, d, and i don't

want to hurt you, so fine.

Yeah, well, i don't want

to hurt you either.

Deanna! Deanna!

[ Pounding on door ]

let me out!

I will,

as soon as i tell tate!

Deanna! Deanna!

I can't believe you!

[ Pounding continues ]

You know...

the advantage always goes

to the side who presents first.

[ Sighs ]

Word of advice --

Use the men's.

It's nasty in there.

Hey. Tate.

There you are.

I almost started in

on yours.

Uh, look, i really need

to talk to you about something.

Dance now, talk later.

Uh, no,

but, uh, tate...

i love this song!

[ Chuckles nervously ]


look, i-I really

need you to know --


Just -- Just hear me out

for a second, okay?

When you think

about getting married,

Do you think about

marrying a lawyer?

[ Chuckles ]

This morning,

you wouldn't take my calls.

Now you're talking

about getting married?

That's the wrong kind

of crazy.

No, no. I-I didn't --

I didn't mean it that way.

I meant to ask

how you see your future.

Oh, right.

Waiter: sorry.

Man: excuse me, bro.

Danielle: tate! Tate!

[ Chuckles ]


who would you rather spend

the rest of your life with --

Some career-Obsessed


Or someone who could cook you

the most amazing dessert

Every night

for the rest of your life?

The rest of my life?

Coming through.

Watch it!

What the hell?

Both: tate.

What's going on?

Look, let me explain, okay?

We're twins.

I have a twin sister.

Stop, stop, stop!



And you're...


But everybody calls me,

well, us...

"d." "D."

I thought...

i thought we, uh...

you've been playing me

this whole time?!


Tate, wait!

Let me explain, tate!

[ Horns honking ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]


Tate, please.

Look, we weren't

playing you.

It was

an unfortunate situation.

We didn't know. Then once

we did know, i tried to stop it.

You lied to me.

It wasn't like that.

It was exactly like that.

Is this something

you two do a lot?

Hit on guys online,

Think it's funny to stomp

all over their hearts?

Somehow, everything

got all screwed up.

And we didn't even know

that we were dating --

But you did know at some point,

and nowhere in there

Did you think about me

and what i was going through.

That's not true.

It didn't even occur to you

that i deserved to know,

Did it?

Well, i-I --

I-I'm dumped,

i'm heartbroken...

i'm writing, i'm calling --

All the time,

i'm thinking that it was me,

That i had done something

horribly wrong, and it was you!

Both of y'all had done something

horribly wrong,

And you didn't think

about me.

You didn't think about me and

what i was going through at all.

I thought about you.

I couldn't stop

thinking about you.

If you really had,

you would've told me the truth.

I'm really sorry.

Tate, please.

I thought

i had found the one.

[ Siren wailing ]

You can't bail on the cake-Off

because of tate.

It's not because of tate.

Well, you can't bail,


You know, it doesn't matter

if you don't win this thing.

It doesn't even matter

if you don't get the guy.

What matters...

is that you put yourself

out there for your career

The same way you put

yourself out there for tate.

So i can just get kicked

in the heart again?

It hurts too much.

I like it better just --


behind everyone else?

I don't do that.


you hid behind me

until i sold this place,

And you hid behind deanna

with tate.

What is it

that makes you think

That you always have to

stay two steps behind her?

Because she came first.

You're both phenomenal

in your own ways.

And deanna

has no problem shining.

Why do you?

Mrs. Warren: i got a message

from your sister,

Saying that she wasn't gonna

be here for thanksgiving

If you were

gonna be here...

and she gets christmas.

I can't explain to you

how disappointed i am

That you two have let this thing

go on for this long.

But this thing you --

I've got the stuffing.

And, yes, i bought it.

Well, i don't care

who made it.

I'm just glad you're here.

That's all.

I changed my mind.

Well, it's the first good step,

isn't it?

Well, i wasn't gonna miss out

on thanksgiving because of her.

You just couldn't stand the fact

that i got the first turn.

You two, stop it.

What the hell

is that supposed to mean?

It means

you always have to win.

And you don't care

who you plow over to get there.

You didn't even like tate

the way i did.

You just needed to be the one

who got to him first.

I did get to him first.

You had the first date,

but who got the first kiss?

Not you. There wasn't even

chemistry until he met me,

Not that

that's a surprise.

Okay, stop this.

This is what --

I spent hours on that.


What is the matter

with you?

Gram, i'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I am so done

with the two of you.

Thanksgiving dinner

is cancelled. Please go.

Go? She can go.

What?! I'm not going.

Both of you go.

You've already ruined

my wedding planning.

The most special thing

about having waited so long

Was having my daughter

and my granddaughters

Walk me down the aisle.

That made it

worth the wait.

I need you to leave.

Gram. Gram.

Work it out, deanna.


You don't understand.

She -- She just --

She can't s--

I cooked, you clean.

I really can't argue

with that one.

But, you know,

if there's any leftovers,

We have plenty of room

in our fridge upstairs.

Oh, you have a fridge?

That sweet-Potato pie was

amazing. Where'd you get it?

Uh, i think

it was a bakery that, uh, d,

Or, uh, danielle, i guess,

showed me.

Honey, you okay? You really

didn't eat that much today.

Just muddling through.

That's better

than last week.

And it'll be even better

next week.

You know, i still can't believe

i couldn't tell them apart.

Eh, i'm declaring a moratorium

on relationships.

Ah, retreating

to the man cave --

Always a good strategy.

Hell, yeah, hell, yeah.

Not a good strategy.

And you can't do that.

Yeah, i can.


i know you're feeling sad

right now.

But, actually,

i'm a little happy for you.

I mean, maybe the reason

you couldn't tell them apart

Was because, for the first time

in a very long time,

You were looking

for the best of someone.

That's what you fell for.

You fell for the best

in both of them.

You opened yourself up,

and you fell in love.

And you're gonna need

to leave yourself open

to that happening again.

'Cause that's what we do.


what's the point?

[ Telephone ringing ]



You're late for your meeting

in the conference room.

Everybody's waiting.


I don't -- I don't have

a meeting down-- Upstairs?

My apologies.

I can't believe i somehow

let this meeting slip by.

Well, nor can i...

especially considering...

your work is crucial

to this meeting.

It concerns

the tagen corps account.

Oh. Well...

was there something missing

in their files? Because i...

really, deanna...

the only thing about

your work on this project

Is that it needs to be

taken over by a partner...


[ Laughs ]

You're officially

a partner.

[ Applause ]

[ laughs ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Applause ]

[ Chuckles ]

You startled me.

Well, i wanted

to congratulate you --

You know, without the rest

of the firm mobbing you.

Um, you know,

the night i got this job,

Danielle and my family,

They came over to ooh and ahh

all over the place

And drink champagne

and eat cake...

shaped like a law journal,

of course.

Well... [ clears throat ]

At least

there's champagne, right?

It's still cold.

Sort of.

So, what should we toast to?

You, obviously.


Just what i was hoping

you'd say.

Toast away.

To deanna...

the most insanely type-A,

brilliant lawyer,

Who just made partner today.

You deserve it.

Why, thank you.

And to deanna...

the most insanely

beautiful woman,

Who gets me better

than anyone else

And who i cannot wait

to see every morning.

Jaz, uh...

what are you doing?

Jaz, i don't --

I don't think that this is...

is it -- Is it tate?


you just made partner,

And you're sitting here

all alone,

Not knowing

what to do with yourself.

You don't have anyone else

to share it with.

I'm asking you

to share it with me.

Jaz, we can't do this.

I want to be with you, d.

Don't tell me

you don't feel the same.


Then it's just me.

Me and you and work.

Jaz --

No, i-I get it.

From now on,

we'll keep our relationship

Strictly professional.

[ Slow jazz plays ]

™? i had a gal ♪

™? who held me close

when we went dancin' ♪

™? muskoka green eyes ♪

™? deep and shinin' bright ♪

™? like sunlight skippin' ♪

™? on a shimmy pond ♪

™? stealin' away ♪

Ow! My toe.

I'll kiss it

and make it better later.

Promises, promises.

[ Laughs ]


D, you will

always regret it

If you let this guy come

between you and your sister.

I'm talking from experience.

Oh, come on, gram.

You and grandpa

have been together forever.

Yeah, but before forever,

there was wayne.


Aunt cora and uncle wayne?

You and uncle wayne?

[ Chuckles ]

He took me

to a basketball game.

And he took cora home.

And i wasn't her maid of honor

at her wedding,

And she wasn't with me

at city hall.

It was long after i met your

grandfather that i realized

That my sister

had done me a favor

Because wayne was not

the right guy for me.

But the wrongest thing

about it is...

how many things my sister

and i planned on doing

That we missed out on.

Wayne wasn't worth that.

And neither is tate.


I've messed everything up...

with you...



Gram, i am so sorry.

Oh, baby.

[ Chuckles ]

i love you.

Host: welcome to

the new york cake-Off!

[ Cheers and applause ]

The annual event where

the state's elite pastry chefs

Compete in a grueling

valentine's day challenge.

And now let me introduce you

to our competitors,

Whose cakes will be judged

on appearance and taste.

[ Applause ]

Cupids are creepy enough,

but around christmastime?

It's not gonna look weird

when they air it in february.

Cupids are always weird.

[ Cheers and applause ]

For years, danielle warren

Has been amy stanziano's

pastry chef

At dish cooking studio,

The elite caterers

every foodie in manhattan

Has been raving about.

But tonight,

danielle's boss is assisting her

In trying to win

the $10,000 cash prize.

[ Applause ]

[ Clang, applause stops ]

[ Pan scraping ]


Baby on board.

[ Audience awws ]

[ Applause ]

And now we have celia simpson,

best known for her unique cakes

That have graced the tables of

too many celebrities to mention.

[ Applause ]

Oh, look, my family

scored front-Row seats.

I'm stunned they didn't

bring the pom-Poms.

[ Laughs ]

Now, we all know

this challenge is about romance,

But we have yet

to know the theme.

This is very exciting.

The theme is "great couples."

[ Cheers and applause ]

And start the clock.

Okay, great couples,

great couples.

Um, cleopatra

and anthony.

No, okay, i got it.

Okay, okay.

Brad and angelina.

[ Gasps ]

What, what, what, what, what?

You have a brilliant idea?


My water just broke.

Oh, my god.

Okay, i'm gonna

go get our things.

No, you're not

going anywhere.

I'm your backup coach.

Yeah, exactly -- Backup.

My parents are here.

My husband's here.

Ow, ow!

Ow, ow!


Okay, i can see

what a big help you'd be.

Danielle, you have to

let go of my hand.

No, no.

I can't do this myself.

Yes, you can.

Sweetie, can you

just give us a minute?

You can do this.

You see, i took a lease

on a storefront.

[ Gasps ]

I need your help.


you just proved to me

that you don't.

So i'm gonna

go have my baby now,

And you're gonna stay here

and win this thing.

Love you!

Love you, too.

So, such drama,

and we're only just beginning.

All right,

we're gonna restart the clock,

And all of our teams

And our one solo competitor,


Will begin again.


[ Audience murmurs ]

Okay, this is getting more

bizarre by the minute.


What are you doing here?

I made partner.


Congratulations, d.

But, um, i'm really

kind of busy here.

No, i made partner,

and it was awful.

It was great, but...

it was terrible

Because the first person

i wanted to talk to was you.

And the fact

that we aren't talking...

got in the way of that.

None of this high-Achieving,

type-A stuff is worth it

If you're not

cheering me on.


i came to cheer you on...

...and i guess now

to [sniffles]

Tell you to tell me

what you need me to do.


I've waited forever

for you to tell me that.

Don't get too used to it.

[ Chuckles ]

Host: all right.

We are going to

restart the clock now.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Okay, um,

we've got to figure out

How to show the theme

"great couples" in a cake.

Oh, i know

exactly what to do.

You know, that

"me being in charge" thing --

I knew

that wasn't gonna last.

[ Whispering ]

Oh, perfect. Perfect!

Okay, go get

the chocolate cake.

[ Up-Tempo music playing ]

Now, tell us

about your cake.

Well, our grandparents,

maddy and henry,

Are celebrating

their 50th anniversary

With the church wedding

they never had.

But they taught us

that it doesn't matter

How big the wedding is,

But it matters

how you celebrate each day.

So this is an homage

to them.

It's made of intertwined layers

of dark devil's food cake,

Red velvet cake,

and vanilla cake,


just like great couples,

They're wonderful

on their own

But somehow

even better together.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Ladies and gentlemen,

third prize of $1,000

Goes to...

jennifer rush and her

apprentice pastry chef, bess,

Of brooklyn,

For their creation --

"Apollo and aphrodite."

[ Cheers and applause ]

And second prize goes to...

new york's

danielle and deanna warren

For $5,000,

For their creation --

"Golden wedding anniversary."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Half of $5,000.

I could start the lease.

Half? Oh, no.

This is all yours.

D, you don't

have to do that.

Consider me

your partner, then...

your silent partner.

Is that even possible?

[ Inhales deeply ]

Um, probably not.

But i'll try

really, really hard.

And our first prize

goes to john and sue oliverio

Of la plus belle patisserie

For their cake --

"Anthony and cleopatra."

[ Cheers and applause ]

The past few days,

i've been thinking about how

I never would've gotten through

dad walking out on us

If i didn't know

i always had you.

I always thought

i didn't have faith

In love being long-Term.

You and me,

we're the longest term there is.

And if we can make this work,

then maybe someday...

we can each make it work

with someone else.


[ Both laugh ]


look, d, about tate...

yeah. Who would've believed

me falling in love?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ]

The thing is, d,

i would never let a guy

Come in between you and me.

So if you think you and tate

are meant to be...

that's it --

You and tate are meant to be.

Danielle --


Seriously, d...

if you think

he's the one for you...

he's yours.

I think i'm gonna have to

catch you later at the party.

There's something i have to

clear up at the office.

Of course you do.

[ Laughs ]

[ Clears throat ]


Deanna, right?

What are you doing here?

Look, tate,

i need to talk to you.

Well, i don't need

to talk to you.

Then just listen.

Please, tate?

[ Sighs ]

Mrs. Warren: oh, babies, i am

so happy for the both of you.

Thanks, mom.

Thank you.

You know,

gram and grandpa,

Nothing says "i'm sorry"

like 150 pounds of cake.

[ Laughter ]

Danielle, that was beautiful

what you said onstage, honey.

Thank you.

Look at us.


you look good still.

You look good always.

Can't wait

for the wedding.

Can't wait

for the honeymoon.

Me too.

[ Laughter ]

Come on, grandpa --

You and me

on the dance floor.


All right!

Maddy: oh, don't

hurt yourself now.

™? i'm gonna drink you in ♪

™? like saltwater kisses ♪

™? drink you in

like a cool summer rain ♪

Hey. You came.


you're very persuasive.

That's why they pay me

the big bucks.

™? open up your arms

and let me drink you in ♪

You're worth every penny.



I'm sorry, honey.

It's okay.



Danielle, stop.

I need to talk to you.

I'm really --

I'm really happy for you guys.

No, you're not.

No, i'm not...


But i will be.

You don't have to be.

Of course i do.

Do you have any idea

How amazing and insightful

your sister can be?


But this really isn't --

I was --

Look, i was hurt, right?

I was angry.

And deanna comes around

to my house, and she...


she helped me understand

That i wouldn't be so hurt...

if i didn't care...

...about you.

You're the one, danielle.

You're my one.


Was that cheesy?


[ Laughs ]


But good cheesy.

Can we try again?


Yeah, of course we can.

Oh, there's not a triplet

I need to worry about

somewhere, is there?

No. I promise.

There's only two.


All right.

[ Footsteps approach ]


Aww! Aww!

[ Laughs ]

Hold that thought.

Thanks, deanna.

I owe you big-Time.

Only for the rest

of our lives.

[ Laughs ]

Seriously, d, thanks.

I love you.

I love you.

Mwah, mwah, mwah!





Um, i wanted

to give you this.

Oh, great.

Just throw it on my desk.

I'll take a look at it later.

You're not gonna

open it now?

The thrill of a legal brief?

I think i can hold off.

Guys, could i have a moment

with jaz, please?

Well, you've been incredibly

helpful on all this stuff, jaz.

We're really gonna

miss you around here.


Deanna: thanks.

So, you're going somewhere?

I handed in

my resignation today.


I mean, don't worry --

I'm gonna be here

Till the beginning

of the new year.

I'll find

my own replacement.

I'll do everything to make sure

it's a smooth transition.


Open it.


jaz, you still work for me

for the next two weeks. Open it.

What is this?

Just some thoughts.

Just some thoughts.

23 pages of thoughts?

[ Chuckles ]

It's your proposal

for how you can start

Your own vintage-Car

restoration business.

So, you want me to leave.

I guess we're all

on the same page here.

For you.

I want you to leave for you.

[ Sighs ]

this is what you want.

I know starting your

own business sounds crazy,

But i also have a feeling

somewhere inside you,

It also feels

really, really right.

Thank you.

I got it.

Jaz, you know,

You're the only guy

who has ever seen me

Inside of my apartment.


You are the only guy

Who has ever seen

what a mess it really is.

Lucky me.

And i think it's because

you're the only guy

Who i feel okay

with seeing every part of me.


i don't mind you seeing

What i am too embarrassed

to show anyone else.

What about tate?

He never even made it

to the front door.

Anyway, i thought

i should tell you that...

about my place.

[ Chuckles ]

I think i'm gonna

actually go there now...

get drunk,

And make a complete fool of

myself with my broken heart.

"Broken heart"?

What do you think?

I think...

maybe as my former

work friend,

Want to come

for a ride with me?


The jag's my showpiece

For my new vintage-Car

restoration business...

for which this will

definitely come in handy.

[ Chuckles ]

So, maybe if we could take

the jag out for a spin...

and park somewhere...

...i could fix

that broken heart.

[ Bells chiming ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughs ]

Very, very much worth

the wait.

™? everybody's waiting

for tomorrow ♪

™? happiness is just a day away ♪

™? if they could see

through all the sorrow ♪

™? nobody'd never

ever have to wait ♪

™? everybody gonna turn it up,

everybody gonna turn it up ♪

™? let's turn it up, now ♪

™? everybody gonna burn it up,

everybody gonna burn it up ♪

™? ooh-Ooh-Ooh ♪

™? everybody gonna turn it up,

everybody gonna turn it up ♪

™? let's burn it up, now ♪

™? everybody gonna burn it up ♪

™? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

™? stand up, stand up, stand up ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? yeah ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? so, stand up,

stand up, stand up ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? i'm gonna have a good time ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? no need to worry,

leave your cares behind ♪

™? leave your troubles

at the door ♪

™? these are the good times ♪


™? mm-Hmm ♪

™? nobody's living

in the moment ♪

™? everybody want

to wait for promises ♪

™? but can't you see

that if you want it ♪

™? ohh, there'll never be

a day just like today? ™?

™? everybody gonna turn it up,

everybody gonna turn it up ♪

™? let's turn it up, now ♪

™? everybody gonna burn it up,

everybody gonna burn it up ♪

™? ooh-Ooh-Ooh ♪

™? everybody gonna turn it up,

everybody gonna turn it up ♪

™? let's burn it up, now ♪

™? everybody gonna burn it up ♪

™? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

™? stand up, stand up, stand up ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? yeah ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? so, stand up,

stand up, stand up ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? i'm gonna have a good time ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? no need to worry,

leave your cares behind ♪

™? leave your troubles

at the door ♪

™? these are the good times ♪

™? no need to worry,

leave your cares behind ♪

™? so let's go, go, go ♪

™? get on the floor,

floor, floor ♪

™? get on the floor ♪

™? so let's go, go, go ♪