Double Threat (2022) - full transcript

With ruthless mobsters on her tail, a young woman with a split personality becomes entangled with a man on a pilgrimage across the country to scatter his brother's ashes.

(uplifting music)

(upbeat music)

(radio changing)

♪ Calm down ♪

- I felt- - Tell him to turn

it down, man.

- [Woman] Karma like...

(upbeat music)

♪ You're makin' too much noise ♪

♪ You're makin' too much

noise for a little boy ♪

♪ We're gonna cut

off your hands ♪

♪ We're gonna cut

off your head ♪

♪ And pull out your mind

unless you go to bed ♪

♪ So, whatcha think about that ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ So, whatcha think about that ♪

♪ Whatcha think 'bout that ♪

- Looks like a helluva

lunch you got there.

- You should see the dips

I have to go with it.

You know that's fake, right?

♪ You got too much to say ♪

They make it look

like it's healthy,

but really they just replace

the fat with sugar

to keep you hooked.

♪ We're gonna shut your mouth ♪

- Well, in ignorance there's

bliss, I guess (chuckles).

♪ Your mind so you

do what you do ♪

You know, you're not going

to win employee of the month

with that sales pitch.

♪ So, whatcha think about that ♪

- Hey, music isn't

too loud, is it?

- No, I love this song.

♪ What you think 'bout that? ♪

- You listen to gutter punk?

- Yeah.

Everyone has a dark side.

(David's throat clears)

♪ Baby, just like that,

can't hear what you say ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm gonna ♪

- Hey.

♪ On top of the box ♪

♪ Watch me on the box ♪

Live a little.

♪ On top of the box ♪

- [David] Hey.

- [Natasha] The usual?

- The usual.

- (grunts) You want

regular or smooth today?

- Uh, regular.

♪ So whatcha think about that ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

You know, uh, I'm

sorry, Natasha,

I think I'm gonna go

with the blue today.

But can you get

one from the back?

I like those better,

they're softer.

- Okay.

♪ So, whatcha think about that ♪

- [David] Up in the back.

- They're all the same, David.

♪ Whatcha think about,

whatcha think about that ♪


- Oh, yeah (chuckles).

Thank you.

- This is it?

- [David] That's gonna do it.

- [Natasha] Mm hm.

- [David] What are

you doin' tonight?

- (chuckles) Workin'.

- [David] Really?

- Mm-hm, as always...

(suspenseful music)

(dramatic music)

(gun cocks)

Get down!

(shots firing)

(men grunting)

(music continues)

(shop bell dings)

(soft music)

(door slams)

(engine rumbling)

(Jimmy panting)

- Do the right thing, Jimmy.

You gotta do the right thing.

You gotta go back,

gotta go back.

- Whatcha need to

do is keep your foot

on that gas pedal, Jimmy.

(dramatic music)

Come on, go, go, go.


You got glass

coverage on this baby?

- Uh, I-

- Works for me. (gun cocks)

(shot firing) (glass shatters)

- Jeez, God!

(tires squealing)

- Whoa, would you call

out the road ahead?

- Uh, uh, yeah.

- Muchas gracias.

(shot firing)

(tires squealing)

Would you be so kind?

- God!

(shots firing)

(gun cocks)

(shots firing)

(Jimmy groans)

(tires squealing)


(Natasha sighs)

You're sitting on

my, I need my...

I need the bag.

- Are ya done?

- Are you?

(tires squealing)

- Hm.

(car crashing)

Oop, yes, I am.

- Well done.

- (chuckles) They are now.

(Jimmy panting)

(suspenseful music)



You okay?

- Uh, no.

You know what? I'm not okay.

- Okay, I'm gonna just

take that from ya.

Thank you.

- It's just, you

know, I was tryin'

to get a snack and then

these guys come in,

and a sword, and

a creepy old man.

He's dead.

And then suddenly

there's a girl in my car

and she's firing at a

truck and it explodes.

Oh, God!

- Okay, um, why don't ya

take a few deep breaths,

you know, in, out.

- I'm not breathing (panting).

- Maybe take your foot off the

gas pedal just a little bit.

There ya go.

Look, you're crashing, okay?

We need to get your

blood sugar up.

There's a diner up

there on the right.

Why don't ya pull

in and we'll, uh,

we'll lay low for a little bit.

- Yeah, that's

what we should do.

Whatever you, whatever

you say (panting).

Yeah (pants).

(coin clinks) (sirens wailing)

♪ If I had a single penny ♪

♪ For every tear I shed ♪

♪ I'd build a million dollar ♪

- Can I get you

two anything else?

- Can I get a milkshake, please?

- We've got vanilla

or strawberry.

- Can you do have halvsies?

- 50/50, comin' right up.

♪ My cigarette,

forgot I don't smile ♪

- I'm Nat by the way.

- Jimmy, but you

already knew that.

Look, I need to go back.

We need to go back. I mean,

you definitely should.

You killed at least two people.

- Okay, um, let's maybe keep

the whole killing thing

just at this table.

And that was in

self-defense, right?

Okay, I'm not going back there.

You saw those guys, right?

I mean, those are some bad guys.

- Violent crimes these days.

All that just to rob

a convenience store.

Wait a minute.

Nobody sends a death

squad to rob a cashier.

What was in the till,

500, a grand, tops?

You're not telling me the truth.

- Okay, fine, fine.

The store was a cover,

a cover for a crime family

who I was working for.

But not like

working, working for.

I was just keeping

up appearances

and helping you know,

distribute money.

And maybe skimming

some off the top.

- You were stealing

from those guys?

That's why they're after you.

- Yeah, why do ya think

I had an inch bag ready?

- Oh, so, that makes

you a fugitive.

And you have kidnapped me.

- (chuckles) Okay, let's not

be overdramatic about it.

I had to get out

of there somehow.

- And I'm heading straight back.

See, because I'm a

witness, all right?

So, it's the right thing to do.

I'll just, I'll say I was, uh,

I was scared and I needed

to leave and, and calm down.

It's very plausible.

- What's in the bag, Jimmy?

- Nothing, it's just a bag.

I have a bag, big deal.

I'm just a guy with a bag, wow.

I'm not askin'

what's in your bag.

- You're holdin' onto it

so tight I'm kinda startin'

to think it's a

dialysis machine.

- Okay, fine.


My brother's ashes.

I'm take...

I was taking them to

the beach to scatter

'cause that's what

he wanted me to do.

- I'm sorry.

- Drunk driver, took

out the whole family

just like that.

(fingers snapping)

I need to do this, okay?

'Cause a promise

is, it's a promise.

- Then you ditch your truck.

You get a rental, a skateboard.

The longest Uber

ride, who cares?

And you go to the coast.

You'll avoid bad guys.

You'll avoid the cops and you

can do what ya need to do.

- Appreciated, okay?

But, uh, the truck,

it's my brother's truck.

And all I keep thinking is

that if he'd taken that tank

the night of the accident

instead of the sedan,

the entire family would

probably still be alive.

Besides, it's kinda sentimental

to me now, you know?

And you shot out

the rear window.

- Oh, I did, didn't I?

- Mm hm.

- Sorry about that.

- I'm a straight

shooter, all right?

Guys like me don't

go out and run.

I gotta go back to the

cops, end of story.

- Okay.

Well, um, that's your choice.

But I am gonna pay

for that window.

I just need a minute.

- You don't need to do that.

Oh my God.

(pensive music)

(engine rumbling)

(door closes) (crow cawing)

- I was told 15 minutes tops.

The cops have come and gone.

Had to pay them off myself.

(Ask sighs)

- Do you know who I am?

- I know you're late.

- They call me Ask.

Do you know why

they call me that?

- No.

- Because everybody

in the syndicate knows

if they want anything,

and I do mean anything,

they come to me

first and they ask.

- Well, Ask, I'm the boss's

son, so I don't care.

(pensive music)

- She owes us a nine millimeter.

You can add it to your tab.

Being that I'm the top

fixer in this operation

and I say that with

remarkable modesty,

I would rather be doing

just about anything

besides babysitting you.

- Yo, maybe if your guys

hadn't messed up the hit

you wouldn't have to.

- (chuckles) You think

these are my goons?

No, sweetheart, these

are your father's goons.

These are the

goons that he hired

to whack 100 pound girl

behind the cash register.

It's Ellis, right?

- Yes.

- Well, Ellis, I'm

gonna tell you right now

what you should be

concerning yourself with.

Legacy, family dynasty,

your birthright.

Except for it's not really

a birthright now, is it?

Because you know and I

know that to clear up

this little trouble

you've got going on,

with, uh, what's her name again?

(sword tapping)

- Natasha.

- Natasha.

To clear up this trouble

that you've got going

on with Natasha,

and to do it with

any honor at all,

you're gonna have to hunt her

down and kill her yourself.

- [Waitress] You

enjoy your meal?

- More than I did the company.

- Aw, having a bad day?

- [Man] Thank you

for your money.

- I'm just trying

not to get shot.

- Okay.

(TV chattering)

- [Woman] So, then I'm

seeing a lot of violence.

I can afford it,

I can afford it.

(energetic music)

- James Randolph.

- I prefer Jimmy.

- I prefer Rudolph.

♪ Just a second ♪

You're in a sticky

situation, Rudolph.

Let's be honest about it.

If you go on the road, you're

an accessory to murder.

If you go back to the cops,

well, you're a snitch.

- Accessory to murder?

You're dropping the

whole self-defense thing?

- A nice clean-cut guy like you?

Honey, this ain't your world.

I mean, you saw how out of

depth you were back there,

how you handled it.

Here's how it's gonna

go with you and me.

You can't ditch the truck.

I get that.

But I can offer you

protection on the road.

In exchange, you give me a ride.

You get to pay your respects,

I catch the slow boat

over the horizon.

That's the deal I'm offering.

Take it or leave it.

- So, we'd go all the way?

All the way to the coast?

- Until you're

sippin' saltwater.

♪ Sorry I'm a junkie

just like you ♪

- You certainly seem like

you can handle yourself.

- I was raised by a sheriff

in a small town in Utah.

You could say I learned

a few things growin' up.

- I could use the protection.

- Oh, I insist you

use protection.

♪ I'm just here for a ride ♪

- Oh.

If you insist.

- Hm, nice to ride

with you, Rudolph.

Call me Tasha.

♪ I'm just here for a ride ♪

♪ I'm just here for a ride ♪

- Look, I still think we

should check the local area.

- [Ask] Ah ha.

- Islands?

- The Hawaiian Islands.

She's gone to Hawaii.

- Wait, you think just

because she has a postcard

of Hawaii that that's

where she's going?

It's that simple?

- Yeah, it is that simple.

She's not Jason Bourne.

She's a grifter

from the Midwest.

She probably struggles

to spell her own name.

- Okay, so how

does that help us?

It's not like we

can check every car

on the way to the coast.


(pensive music) (bag rustling)

I thought we didn't

have CCTV here?

Be incriminating.

- We have no official CCTV.

This is a little somethin'

we have as a backup

in case of a

situation like this.

- Why is this news to me?

- Oh, now you're talkin'

like a mob boss (chuckles).

Ah! Oo, right there.


Whew (chuckles).

- She's done that before.

- Mm, like it's routine.

(keyboard keys clacking)

Here we go.

Mm hm.

Okay, here we go.

(Ask's tongue clicking)


(sighs) Okay.

There you go, dark green,

late '90s 'Burb headed west

with a feisty little brat,

and a guy that

looks like he still

has to sleep with

the bedroom light on.

Oh, well, pack your

lunch box, kiddo.

This is gonna be a

walk in the park.

We'll send some goods ahead.

(Ask inhales)

(exhales) Animal cracker?

(mellow music)

- So, Einstein's general

theory of relativity

is based off of classic

physics framework.

But you can't use

that understanding

of gravity within

quantum physics.

You have to use quantum gravity

in order to encompass the

non-gravitational forces.

- Yeah, would you be careful

of that near the interior?

- Yeah, I am being careful.

So, that brings us

to string theory.

Well, actually to

superstring theory

which just brings us to

straight M theory anyway,

which gives us the

flat dimensions.

- You're gonna spill it.

- Do I look like

a five-year-old?

The point that

I'm trying to make

is that space and time coexist

and intertwine at the same

time, which means right now,

like literally, right now,

we could be sharing

the space we're in

with dinosaurs who are

alive and roaming the world

and we wouldn't even know it.


- See? Tasha!

- (sighs) Please call me Nat.

- Fine.

Nat, are you on drugs?

- Huh?

- Because you are

run hot and cold

more than a cheap motel shower.

- So, you've noticed?

- If you're on

drugs, I'm out, okay?

There's a line I will not cross.

- No, I'm not on drugs.

I have dissociative

identity disorder.

A split personality.

- Oh, so you're schizophrenic?

- No, it's different.

My brain is wired with two

different personalities,

each with their own skills,

mannerisms, et cetera,

except for shared memories.

Minus the short-term stuff.

I mean, that can

get a little sketchy

but it does all come

back eventually.

- So, you're Nat?

- Yes.

- And sometimes you're Tasha?

- Exactly.

- How do you even

begin to fix that?

- Well, maybe you

don't fix it at all.

Just because somebody

is wired differently

doesn't necessarily

mean they're broken.

- Sorry, I didn't mean

to sound insensitive.

- Oh, no, don't be.

It's a weird thing to

wrap your head around.

It only happens when I

get extremely stressed.

- Well, Nat, I'm pleased to know

I don't stress you out too much.

So, what are you

gonna do when you get

to the coast and

catch that boat?

- I don't know.

I guess I'll see where

the universe takes me.

What about you?

What do you go back to after

you scatter your

brother's ashes?

- Uh...

- Oh my God, the car's on fire!

- No, it's not on

fire, it's overheating.

- How is that any better?

- Oh, I don't know.

(groans) Okay, all right.

I gotta handle this.

- [Natasha] It doesn't like you.

- (sighs) No, it doesn't.

(engine knocking)

(hood pops)

(doors slamming)

Yeah, it's just great.

Just great.

Car chase really pushed

it right over the edge.

My brother had this

truck for 15 years.

I've had it for two

weeks and I break it.

- I'll get some water.

- No, no, don't waste it.

(door slams)

- (chuckles) Helps if you...


- That was our last

bottle, wasn't it?

- Yes.

- Because you drank all

the other ones, didn't ya?

- Also, yes.

It's fine because we're

in the countryside,

so there's, you know,

natural sources everywhere.

- Or we could just find someone

and ask for some help, you know?

- No, no, no.

Remember the whole like

being on the run, thing?

Because I shot someone?

- You're right, right.

Okay, so just make sure

we get enough water

so if it happens again,

we're not screwed.

You know what?

There's a container in the back.

Would you grab it?

It's all the way in the back.

(Jimmy sighs)


(upbeat music)

Yeah, that's it.

- Why do you even have this?

- It's my pee bottle.

- Ugh.

- It's clean. I

didn't ever use this.

It's brand new.

- Bet ya tried it on for size.

(Natasha gags)

(music continues)


- Maybe I did.

It's the perfect size actually.

- So, you never really told

me what you did for work.

- I'm a forensic accountant.

- Whoa, you never said

anything about forensics.

I don't like getting

involved in that stuff,

and it never really

goes in my favor.

What are you, like CIA, FBI?

- Family law.

I sit in a small office all day

combing through spreadsheets

to assess the assets of couples

in the process of a divorce.

- So, that's what all the

paperwork in your car is for?

I mean, like you

care about it enough

to actually take it

on the road with you?

- It's very important

work, all right?

I was lucky to get

this time off at all.

Anyway, can be interesting

from time to time.

Wait a minute.



(soft music)

(water splashing)

(Jimmy grunts)

- So, what's like,

the most important case

you've ever solved?

- There's this

couple in California.

They owned a real estate

business together.

Millions of dollars was

going into their business.

Anyway, she caught him, you

know, bangin' the secretary.

Files for divorce,

yada, yada, yada.

Nothing unusual until she

checks the business account

and the balance

is less than $100.

- Where'd all the money go?

- Well, the husband managed

to open up a business

with the exact same name

but just in Arizona.

- [Natasha] Oh, no.

- Yeah, you know, a few

changes here and there

in the paperwork and

she never noticed.

And she wouldn't have either

if it wasn't for yours

truly combing through

the past 10 years

of public records,

every sale that

man had ever made.

But it doesn't end there.

When she confronts him about it,

he's complaining of a migraine

so bad he checks

himself in the ER.

They think he's just

another you know,

stressed out businessman

dealing with a divorce.

Give him a pain killer,

send him on his way.

Well, while he was out in front

of the hospital

waiting for the car,

he gets an aneurysm, drops

dead on the sidewalk.

- So, you killed

him with paperwork?

That's the best murder ever.

- No, no, I didn't kill

him with paperwork.



Karma killed that guy.

Let's go.

(upbeat music)

♪ Hey ♪

♪ There's my girl ♪

♪ Can't think

about anyone else ♪

♪ 'Cause she's my world ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ I can't contain ♪

♪ These thoughts that always

swim through my brain ♪

♪ No matter how I try ♪

♪ I just can't deny how I feel ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ There's my girl ♪

♪ Can't think

about anyone else ♪

♪ She's my world ♪

(hood pops)

I can't believe

this is happening.

I can't believe it!

Oh, damn.

Come on!

I have no idea.

I don't even know what

we're lookin' at here.

I think we're screwed, honestly.

(energetic music)

- Oo, it's gettin' a little

steamy over here, Rudolph.

Don't ya think?

- Tasha?

- Oh, I see Nat

got you up to speed

on the whole schizo deal.

You know, it's not as

complicated as she makes it seem.

Ah, you have a Vortec L-31.

It'll keep on truckin' but only

if you remember to leave the

cooling system after a refill.

The thing's just overstressed.

Allow me.

(metal clanging)

Three years in the Army

Corps of Engineers.

No biggie.

It's just a quick

hose job, Rudolph.

Plenty more where

that came from.



- That's it?

- That's it.

(Jimmy grunts)

(Jimmy's throat clears)

- Nice work.

- What?

(engine rumbling)

(upbeat music)

- You know, I just don't get

why we have to

kill her, you know?

Doesn't that seem a

bit strong to you?

Couldn't we just punish

her for disobedience?

Killing's over the

top, you know it.

- No, no, no, no, no, no,

there is an order to

this world, Ellis.

And I don't mean

the outside world.

I'm talkin' about our

world, the criminal world.

We have a duty to

maintain that order

or the whole thing falls apart.

You went every single grunt

in the syndicate taking

a little bit off

your bottom line?

- No.

- No, of course not.

It's about sending a message

so everybody knows

who's in power.

It's about never having

any unfinished business

so that everybody knows

whether it's a few cents

or it's a stack of papers.

You will stop at nothing,

and I do mean nothing, even

if it's your own grandma,

to get your pound of

flesh and restore balance.

- Okay, well, maybe

that's not my style.

Maybe as a leader, I don't

want to waste my valuable time

on things that I

couldn't care less about.

- Oh, you care.

You care too much.

It's written all over that

pretty little face of yours.

You just care for

the wrong reasons.

You think I can't see that?

I've been doin'

this for 20 years.

- What are you talking about?

- What I'm saying is

that whatever you feel

for this Natasha girl has

gotta take a backseat to honor.

- (scoffs) Whatever.

She's nothing special.

Do you have any idea

the kind of access

to women that a guy

in my position has,

and what those women will do

to live my kind of lifestyle?

- No, I, uh, I don't.

- Yeah, it's ladies'

night at Ellis Island

and I'm beatin' 'em

off with a stick.

- You have an island?


That's nice, discreet.

Then what do you guys do

when you're on that island?

- I don't know, use

your imagination.

- Okay, like Ellis

Island, Ellis Island?

Or is this a club that

we're making an analogy to?

Or how, so I know

exactly what you mean.

- I'm Ellis, there's an island.

Ellis Island, ladies

getting on it.

- Women there, right.

- That's right.

- That's right, okay.

- Boom.

- The, oh, okay.

So, Ellis Island is like,

it's like a joke on your name.

Like, you are Ellis and you are

an island unto

yourself kinda thing?

- Yes, if I had an island, it

would be called Ellis Island.

- That already exists.

You couldn't probably

name it that.

- What do you mean it already exists?

- Oo.

- I didn't buy an island.

- Okay.

- God.

Are these seat

warmers not working?

(buttons clicking)

(Natasha sighs)

- Half a mile up the

highway in the middle

of nowhere and you

still can't go?

- You're not helping.

So, you're an accountant, right?

- Yeah.

- Well, I have some money that

I've acquired over some time

and I think it would

be good if I could-

- Make it look like it came

from a legitimate source?

- Yeah, seems like

you'd know how.

- Got a little saved up

in your piggy bank there,

mighty might, hm?

- Mighty might?

- Lookin' to start a new

Roth IRA, invest a few funds?

How much we talkin' about here?

- Like, 650.

- Yeah, nobody cares where

you got $650 from, Nat.

- 650 grand.

- What?

Are you serious?


That's over half

a million dollars.

- Wow, you really

are an accountant.

- Oh, shit.

No, nope, nope, sorry.

I can't get involved

in anything like that.

I'll lose my job.

Lose my...

I'd go to jail.

I can't go to jail, okay?

I'm sorry, I can't help you.

- That's okay, I understand.

(urine splashing)

- (sighs) All right, you know,

I can give you a

few tips, though.

You know, I'll help

you out a little.

But just a little.

And if anybody asked,

I didn't help you.

What's going on?

You trying to start a

flash flood or what?

- [Natasha] Chill out, I'm done.



- Oh, you know, for someone

who offers protection,

you sure are a liability.

(Natasha scoffs)

You okay?

(Natasha grunts)

You gotta go that way.

Yeah, up the bank.

- It's this way.

- You got it.

(pensive music)

Bad guys.

Bad guys.

Hurry, come on, get up the bank!

Let's go.

(engine revving)

(dramatic music)

(men grunting)

- [Man] Oh, shit.

- [Man] There she is.

(men grunting)

(Natasha grunting)

- [Man] Come on, come on.

(all grunting)

- Oh!

(elbow thudding)

- [Man] Hold her.

(men grunting)

- How does this work?

(men grunting)

- Gotcha!

Don't move.

- Oh, shit!

Damn it!

- All right.

Here's what's gonna...

(man grunting)

Oh, God. (gun clicks)


- God!

(men grunting)

(gun cocks)

(foot thuds) (man groans)

(gun thudding)

(all grunting)

(gun cocking)

(stick thudding)

(gun cocking)

(grunting continues)

(music continues)

(gun cocks)

(energetic music)

- Let go!

- Okay.

- Whoa!

(man thuds)

(man grunting)

(gun clicks)

- I'm gonna kill you, bitch.

- You can try.

(gun clicks)

- Damn it.

(man grunting)

(music continues)

- No.

(elbow thudding)

(Natasha grunting)

(foot thudding) (man grunting)

(fist thudding) (man grunting)


(flesh squelching)

(man groaning)

- Oh!

You got him!

(man grunting)

- I killed you, bitch.

You holding back

on the firepower

there to make me sweat, Rudolph?

(shot firing)

- Where the hell did you

learn to fight like that?

- I trained rigorously

under the tutelage

of a samurai master when I was

traveling through East Asia.

I can strangle a man to

death with my bare thighs.

- That's a helluva way to go.

- Mm. (dramatic music)


- Okay.

- Hey, Tasha.

- Hello, baby.

- Take the shot, Ellis.

I can't be the one that does it.

Take the shot, Ellis!

(air hissing)

- I thought you loved me!

(engine rumbling)

(music continues)

(Ellis exhales)

- You idiot!

What do you think this

is, a Hallmark movie?

- Ow, jeez, my elbow.

Ugh, and my hip.

- Yeah, you got pretty

rowdy back there.

- I didn't do anything.

- So, uh, who were they?

Seemed like they were way

more serious this time.

- It was Ellis.

Probably one of his cleaners.

Not quite the boss but

as high up the food chain

as you're gonna get.

- Great.

And, um, a relationship

seems to exist?

- You could say that.

I was engaged to Ellis.

So, he probably feels a

little jilted right now.

- I can't imagine why.

- Look, it's what I do.

I get close to criminals, I

screw 'em over and I move on.

It's my own personal way

of dishing out karma.

You know, in that regard, you

and I aren't so different.

- So, were you gonna

go through with it

and actually marry that guy?

I'm sorry.

It's none of my business.

- Truth is, I don't know.

I never know what kinda

trouble I'm gonna get into

because I turn into

another person, remember?

I mean, Tasha doesn't

just fix problems,

she also creates them, too.

Yet, she doesn't have to

deal with the consequences.

I'm the one that gets to wake up

with a tattoo of a

sword on my wrist,

or an engagement

ring on my finger.

- She does seem pretty

unfazed by everything.

- Doesn't she just?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, it's fun to be me.

- Hey, you know, I think I

saw a medical kit in here.


- Thank you.

- Yeah.

- It's very kind.

And for the record, I have

no feelings for Ellis.

- Oh, hey, it's, uh, it's

got nothing to do with me.

- I know, I just want you

to know the situation


- Logistically?

- Yeah, logistically.

- Logistically.


(soft music)

(Jimmy chuckles)

- [Ask] Please tell me

you found some keys.

- No, she must've swiped 'em.

We can't take the truck.

(Ask sighs)

- I can't believe you had

the shot and you bailed.

- I didn't bail, all right?

I was just checking to

see if she was running

from the situation

or running from me.

- Oh my God, can you

be any more pathetic?

She's the worst.

She's literally the worst

choice you can make.

You're never gonna

know what she wants

because that kinda girl, she

doesn't know what she wants.

(scoffs) It's the mystery

combined with the hedonism,

that's the allure.

You need somebody more mature,

like a woman that makes

you appear smarter

and more confident

than you actually are,

like a doctor or a chemist.

- You know what? You

don't even know her.

Besides, I'm not into

chicks who wear glasses.

(Ask sighs)

- Your entire future

hinges on this right now,

and you are willing to let it

trickle through your fingers.

Why? Have you

thought about that?

Because you found

some tiny little human

and you think she's cool because

she's playing hard to get?

This is where you take

control of your mind.

She is showing you

zero loyalty right now.

Your loyalty is

with your family.

- Oh, yeah?

Do you know how hard it

is to get over somebody?

You probably don't because

you're clearly unlovable.

- Maybe I'm trying

to be unlovable

because maybe this

right here attracts

way too much attention,

so I have to weed

out the weak offers.

I just let the strong swimmers

through, if you catch my drift.

- Wow. That's classy.

Look, you don't need

to prove anything to me

and I don't need to

prove anything to you.

- But you know what

you do need to do?

You need to prove

something to yourself.

You need to prove that you

can get over this

Natasha whatever,

move on and do the right thing,

which is shoot her in the head.

- Have you seen what

she's capable of?

Now imagine that in the bedroom.

You try getting over it.

- She just kicks a lot.

Just get a little blowup

doll or something.

They're much easier

to deal with.

- Just change the tire.

- I don't, I don't...

I've stopped listening to you.

- Lefty, Lucy.

- I'm sorry, are you

talking to me like that?

- Yes, just change

the tire already.

Are you kidding me?

- I'm done.

Get in the truck.

I will shoot you

right in the balls.

I don't care.

- Okay, fix the tire.

Righty tighty, okay?

- I don't think

your dad will mind

if I bring him home a

girl instead of a boy.

(sullen music)

(engine rumbling)

- What was his name?

I don't really like

referring to him as the box.

- Uh, Bobby.

Well, Robert, but you know,

they used to call

us Bobby and Jimmy.

We used to do a lotta

fun stuff together.

- (chuckles) Yeah?

Like what?

- Well, we got our

pilots license together.

We were actually thinking about

buying a plane at one point.

- You can fly?

Get out of here.

(Natasha chuckles)

- I should do that again.

Guess it might bring

me closer to him.

(anticipatory music)


What the heck?

(upbeat music)

♪ Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Try something new ♪

♪ Will you try something new ♪

♪ Will you try something new ♪

♪ Will you try something new ♪

- Life's precious,

but playing it safe all

the time isn't living.

When you try to hold on too

long, it just passes you by.

You've gotta engage.

(archers chattering)

- You telling me I should

take up archery or something?

- (smirks) No, I want

you to do something else.

Strip down.

- Is this a mugging?

- No, silly.

I want you to feel

the air on your skin.

Now, come out of your cocoon

and take off your shirt.

(gentle music)

- (sighs) All right.


- Mm hm.

- Happy?

- Now the other one.

- Look, I, uh-

- Jimmy, you need to do this.

(Jimmy sighs)

You need to rediscover

that getting wild

from time to time is fun.

That is living.

- I know, okay.

I want to be fun.

I want to let loose

to be wild at times.

I just,

I don't know.

I just always play it safe.

Maybe I'm scared.

- Look, it's easy.

Your turn.

- Look, I...

(Jimmy sighs)

(Natasha chuckles)


There we go.

- [Natasha] How does that feel?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, feeling good.

Feeling good.

- All right.

Let's try something.

- Good.

- I want you to yell

as loud as you can,

"I'm not gonna be

pushed around anymore."

- Mm.

I'm not gonna be

pushed around anymore.

- That was pathetic.

Louder. Come on.

I'm not gonna get

pushed around anymore!

(soft music)

- I'm not gonna get

pushed around anymore.

- Oh, that was weak.

- I'm not gonna get

pushed around anymore!

- I'm not gonna smile

just because people tell

me I need to look happy!

- And I'm not gonna put

my personal checking account

information under $10

on my tax returns anymore!

- And I'm not gonna deal

with any more of

Tasha's hang overs.

- Yeah, and I'm not stoppin'

for yellow lights anymore.

That's it.

You know what I'm not doin'?

I'm not playin' fantasy

football anymore.

I'm not goin' on

social media anymore.

I'm not countin' my

daily steps anymore.

I'm not gonna go to the gym

two times a day anymore.

That's it!

- And I'm not gonna deny that

I freaking love Nickelback.

- That's a great band.

- Yeah, it is.

- Great band.

And you know what?

I'm not gonna rotate my tires

every six months anymore.

I'm not gonna care what

people think anymore.

I'm not gonna live inside

a little bubble anymore.

I'm takin' my pants off.

This feels great.

Do you see this?

I'm not gonna take

life's shit anymore!

And if anybody has

any problem with it,

you can just kiss my ass!

(Natasha chuckles)


(upbeat music)

- (chuckles) Now,

that is engaging.

- Yeah, I'm gonna pull

my pants back up now.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- [Radio DJ] Hey, it's 155

for your afternoon drive.

You got Sugar Shade

right here 102.7.

This is Shock-A-Delic - Not.

- [Radio DJ] with

their latest release,

"Baby Be Mine."

- Yeah.

- Yeah, but...

No, I got it.


I got it, I got it.

- You do it.

- Yeah, I'll just, uh...

I got it, I got it.

♪ Anytime you put your

arms around me baby ♪

♪ I just wish I'll ♪

- Oh no.


♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

(energetic music)

- Well, well, well, boys.

Just when I get

cooled down you get me

all hot and bothered again.

I'm gonna need you to

run a blocker, Rudolph.

They're here to catch me

but they won't kill you.

Two in here, three

in the Beretta.

- Oh, I left the Beretta

at the last fight.

- Well, then, you

better make it count.

- Where you going?

- To play Cowboys and Indians.

- One question.

- What?

- What does running

blocker mean?

- You're a decoy.

♪ In every way ♪

- Oh my God!


♪ Betray me every day ♪

(pensive music)

♪ I thought you were my

friend but you sold me out ♪

♪ Sold me out, sold me out ♪

♪ You're not about ♪

(pensive music)

(Natasha's tongue

clicks) (horse whinnies)

(dramatic music)

(engines rumbling)



(air whooshing)

(man grunts)

(gravel crunching)

(horse whinnies)

(sighs) Sorry it took so long.

Nice driving skills, Rudolph.

- Thanks.

Horseback riding, archery?

Anything else you

wanna tell me about?

- Yeah, three years helping

a Native American tribe fight

against an illegal pipeline.

They called me Ahotamik.

- Ahotamik?

- Yeah, it means

restless beaver.

(Natasha's hand patting)

- Uh, we really should go.

We gotta get goin', come on.

(mellow techno music)

(horse whinnies)

(tailgate thuds)

- Whoever said romance was dead?

Now, I hate to be the

one to say I told you so

but I hope this is all the

closure that you're gonna need.

- You know what?

I don't get it.

Why do you care so much about

me going through with this?

- Honestly?

- Yes, honestly.

All the pressure that

you're putting on me.

What comes my dad paying you

some sort of a

bonus or something?

What's the deal?

- Listen to me right now.

My father mentored your father.

Your dad wasn't always

such a big shot, Ellis.

He had a little bit of help.

So, this is it just a

rite of passage for you.

This is the rite of

passage for both of us.

(Ask sighs) (gentle music)

- Really?

- Really.

- Okay, well, it doesn't matter

because I'm done with Natasha.

- Oh.

- She had her chance

and she blew it.

We're gonna finish

this for good.

Your dad's gonna

be proud of you.

- Yeah, well, thank you

for this sentiment, really,

but my dad is dead.

I have a trick up my sleeve.

It's gonna raise our game

and then we're gonna catch up

to that cat piss, Evergreen.

- I'm sorry I called

you unlovable.

It was out of order.

- Thank you so much

for that apology.

It did hurt my

feelings a little bit.

- You, uh, you wanna hug it out?

- No, Ellis.

I never wanna hug it out.

Get in the truck.

(anticipatory music)

(car beeps)

(door slams)

- What are you doing?

- I'm taking control

is what I'm doin'.

Last time you were in control,

you took us right

into the lion's den.

- I know.

I'm sorry.

(papers rustling)

- Got it.

(trunk slams)

- Hey, this might be a bad time,

and I'm almost too afraid to ask

but what happened to my butt?

Feels like I rode a cinder

block down a staircase.

- Yeah, this is a bad time.

(engine rumbling)

(car alarm blaring)

(music continues)

- What is this place?

- It's a client of mine.

She caught her husband

cheating at the beach house

when she herself went

there to get frisky

with the yoga instructor.

Real nice couple.

Anyway, this is a transcript

of the deposition we took.

"The f'ing key's

by the f'ing door

under the stupid

f'ing raccoon statue,

you self-righteous piece of..."


Well, that's not very Christian.

Let's see here.


Bam, still there.

(wreath bells jingling)

Yeah, this'll do for the night.

Hey, don't beat

yourself up, all right?

You protected us in ways

I can't even imagine.

- (sighs) Yeah,

well, the truth is,

we only got caught in the

first place because of me.

- You were trying to do

the right thing, all right?

That's all that matters.

(sighs) All right.

♪ When you feel,

do you compromise ♪

♪ Do you whisper cliches ♪

- I'm gonna say

something right now

that you most likely will

never hear me say again,

so just listen.

♪ Are you feeling sad ♪

You were right and I was wrong.

(Ellis laughs)

Go for it, go for it.

- Mm hm.

- I underestimated

this Natasha girl,

and whoever she's

teamed up with.

I don't know what it is,

it's like they're some sort

of power couple or something.

- They're not a power couple.

It's all her, I guarantee you.

- That's good, use

that petty frustration.

Feel some anger.

This is good.

I'm gonna put in a

call to a friend.

He's a powerful friend.

Works for one of those

three letter organizations

that we do our best

to try to avoid.

- Well, if they're

a friend of yours,

then they're a friend of mine.

Look, I wanna start

being looped in

on all this stuff from now on.

You need to start

treating me like a boss.

- Oh, yes, Sir,

sounds good to me.

Well, our friend will

red-flag their license plate

and then enter it into

the Amfer database.

If they drive past any

traffic camera in the state,

we'll get notified

immediately when and where.

- Why weren't we

doing that already?

- Because I didn't want

to use one of my asks.

- Hey listen, this

isn't just simply

a rite of passage

for me anymore, okay?

And it's not even about revenge.

This, this is about making sure

that nobody else can have her.

♪ It's not too long ♪

- Great, I love that one, Boss.

- I'm being serious.

- I know, me too.

This is my serious face.

♪ Now ♪

(upbeat music) (wine sloshing)

- I think this is the most

beautiful place I've ever stayed.

I mean, technically we

broke in but I love it.

♪ Found this moment ♪

- Even enough to

make you settle down?

- (sighs) No, never.

It's just not in my

being to put roots down.

- We all do eventually.

It's in our nature.

- No, I don't think that's true.

I've been running from one

thing or another my entire life.

I don't think there's anything

that could get me

to settle down.

♪ Of mine ♪

(Jimmy sighs)

- So, that's it?

That's how you wanna

live your life forever?

Wolves at the door, no

idea what's comin' next?

- Whoa, where's

this coming from?

♪ Oh, now I feel ♪

Come on, tell me.

♪ These photos lying face ♪

- Okay.

♪ In my mind ♪

Wanna talk about you and me?

Let's talk about you and me.

♪ Those troubles ♪

I'm fallin' for you, okay?

I'm fallin' for you hard,

and I have no idea

what to do about it.

♪ A little more ♪

I mean, you're incredible.

You're confident and

capable, wild and witty,

and you are not

scared of anything.

- Her (scoffs).

♪ Did you feel my lonely ♪

You're falling head

over heels for her.

That's just perfect.

Really, Jimmy?


- You're the one that told me

I need to loosen up

and live a little,

and then when I do, you turn

around and shut me down?

Besides, why do

you even care? Huh?

You're the one that

so openly admits

you don't want a commitment.

- I don't wanna argue with you.

I'm tired. I'm

going to my room.

- Yeah, walk away.


♪ All I hold now are

these photos lying face ♪

(upbeat country rock music)

(alcohol sloshing)

- [Bartender] Hey, how

ya doin' my friend?

- Hey.

- What can I get for ya?

- Just a beer.

- Beer?

- Hey, no, wait.

I'll have whatever he's havin'.

- Scotch neat?

♪ That's too high

a price to pay ♪

♪ For the life of liberty ♪

- There ya go.

♪ You made need a

different space ♪

♪ I'll be on my way ♪

- Chicks are crazy, man.

♪ See your smile when

I see your love like ♪

- Believe me, you don't

know the half of it.

- Oh, yeah?

I'll take the Pepsi

challenge against anybody

when it comes to the girl

that I'm talkin' about.

She's insane.

Actually, insane.

♪ The life we live today ♪

Is yours the same?

- Well, she's complicated,

I'll give her that.

I wouldn't exactly

call her mine.

- Yeah, the wild ones

can never be tamed.

That's the

frustration, you know?

You love 'em for it,

and you hate 'em for it.

Life's a bitch.

- Yep.

Whether they're wild or not,

you wouldn't wanna break

their spirit either way.

- (laughs) Yeah.

Yeah, there's no breakin'

this one's spirit, bro.

She'll break you first.

You know, the thing is, I

just, I can't get enough.

She's so damn- - Addictive.

That's the conundrum.

- Hey, that's it.

Couldn't have said

it better myself.

♪ I may not see your smile ♪

- Well.

- Hey, yo, you goin'?

- Yeah, I gotta go.

- You sure?

I'm gonna get some

food, you can join me.

- Nah, I should be headed home.

♪ Oh ♪

Just keep the change.

♪ Oo, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- [Bartender] Hey,

hey, thanks a lot.

♪ End of the line ♪

(gentle music)

- [Natasha] You sure know

how to keep a girl waiting.

- Well, you sure know how

to make it worth the wait.

Look, I don't want

to hurt anybody.

- Haven't you been told to take

what's yours for the taking?

- Yeah, I have.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

(cue stick clattering)

(music continues)

(Jimmy panting)

(unsettling music)

(Natasha gasps softly)

(energetic music)

(ball clacks)

- Yes, Sir. Yeah.

This'll be good for him.

I agree.

He's here, speakerphone?

(Ellis sighs)

- Eli, my boy,

how ya doin', Son?

Please tell me you're okay.

- He called me.

- Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm doin' okay, Dad.

I was just out, uh, checking

the, uh, the perimeter.

- Good, good, I'm

glad you're safe.

I was gettin' worried about you.

So, you wanna tell me why

I did bodies everywhere

and a trail of

destruction headin'

all the way to the God

damn Pacific coastline?

- Yeah, I've been trying

to warn people, Dad.

This girl is easy to

underestimate, all right?

But they wouldn't listen to me.

They wouldn't take me seriously.

Plus, she's working

with this guy

who's clearly some

kind of a badass.

- Eli, I need you to take

that big stick that's up

your rear end and put

it in drive, okay?

I need you to get

your ass in gear

and I need you to

get this job done.

- I am getting it done, Dad!

- I need you to

find that tough guy

that's buried deep

down within yourself.

- I am a tough guy!

- Eli, Eli, Eli, I

need you to understand

that I'm not gonna

be around forever.

I need to know that my

precious little boy is safe.

For that, he must become

a man on his own terms.

- This is your badass.

(anticipatory music)

- Yeah, I know, Dad.

I appreciate it.

Look, I have this under control.

Pretty sure I know where she is.

- That's great to hear.

Now, I'm gonna send

you some more resources

to help ensure you got

everything you need.

If you can finish this

without getting pretty much

every member of our syndicate

killed in the process,

and leading every authority

in California right

to our doorstep,

that would be doin'

me a huge favor.

- I will have it

done tomorrow, Dad.

You have my word.

- I'm confident it will be.

Good chat, Son.

Take care and be safe.

And your mother sends her love.

(pensive music)

(Ellis whispering faintly)

(receiver slams)

(gentle music)

(birds chirping)

(dishes clattering)

- Hey.

(Jimmy grunts)

I made some tea.

We should get moving soon.

- Yeah.

Wow, thank you.

- Look, I'm sorry I

got upset last night.

It's not you.

It's her.

You just, you need to

understand what Tasha really is.

- And what is she exactly?

- Well, for starters,

she's a superficial bitch.

All she has to offer is shooting

and hitting things because,

no offense, that's what

guys think strength is.

And you know, she's not even

into all the badass things

that guys typically like

because she likes them.

No, it's because guys like them

and she desperately

wants to be adored.

She's a Barbie doll with

a G.I. Joe attitude,

and a total liar.

I mean, don't even

get me started

on all of her

embellished back stories.

- Wait, you were never raised

by a small-town sheriff in Utah?

- We had a temporary foster

parent who was a security guard.

- And the Army course?

- Basic reserve training.

And a summer job in Jiffy Lube.

And no, we didn't help protect

Native American

reservations either.

We rode horses for a summer

and went through a

major hippie phase.

- So, you never

traveled through Asia

and studied with the

legendary samurai warrior?

- Oh, no, that's 100% true.

We can rip a man's heart out

of his chest still beating.

- Oh, that's good to know.

- I get why you guys fall for

her sexy femme fatale act.

- Yeah, look, Natasha said-

- You're an average guy and

you want to live a normal life,

so, what is she to you?

- She's chaos.

- She's what you think you want.

And I don't blame people

for being tempted,

but please don't fall for it

without knowing what it is.

Tasha's a part of me,

Jimmy, and she's dangerous.

That makes me dangerous, too.

- Yeah, I think you got it all-

(object thuds)

(anticipatory music)

(engine rumbling)

- What was that?

- I don't know.

The truck, it's gone!

No, no (panting)!

- Where's Bobby's ashes?

- I left them in the truck.

- (sighs) What are we gonna do?

(plane engine whirring)

- Are you thinkin'

what I'm thinkin'?

- I fixed that truck, now

I'm gonna get it back.

Let's do this. (hand patting)

(upbeat music)

(plane engines whirring)

(Jimmy grunting)

- Oh, yeah.



Oh, no, no keys.

There's no keys.

(keys jingling)

(panting) Unbelievable.

Here we go.

Preflight inspection completed.

Seats adjusted, secured.

Seat belts fastened.

Cabin door closed.

- What are you doing?

- I can't remember

unless I do it in order.

- Okay, well, if you could

remember a little faster,

that would be great.

- Listen, I gotta reach

out to traffic control.

It's for our own safety.

Big Bear 2-4-

- This is why the other reindeer

won't fly with you, Rudolph.


(engine whirring)

(upbeat music)

(dramatic music)

- [Jimmy] We're doin' this.

- [Natasha] Woo!

- [Jimmy] We are doin' this.

Welcome to Escape Airlines.

I'm your pilot, Jimmy.

(Natasha laughs)

We've got clear

skies all the way.

(plane engine whirring)

(music continues)

This is pointless.

We're never gonna find it.

- Oh, ye of little faith.

There she is.

Right, I see a weak point.

- Shouldn't we be

coming up with a plan?

- That's what

they'll be expecting.

- So, just more chaos then?

- (laughs) Oh, you

know me too well.

- Yeah.

(plane engine whirring)

(dramatic music)

(engine rumbling)

(anticipatory music)

- [Man On Radio] Hey, Dave,

you comin' over for lunch?

- Hey, that's what

I've been waitin' for.

(Dave grunts) (dramatic music)

(Natasha grunting)

- Nice to see you, sweetheart.

(Dave grunting)

(music intensifies)

- Is he dead?

(shot firing)

Yeah, good shot.



- Ya done?

- Yeah. My shoe lace.

I'm sorry, I nearly tripped.

(music continues)

I think they know we're here.

- Good.

(music continues)

(shots firing)

(door bangs)

(man grunts)

(shot firing)

(music intensifies)

- Tasha!


- What the hell are you doing?

- Is aggression the

only solution for you?

- Yeah.

- You know we hooked up, right?

- Rudolph, I wouldn't

hook up with you

if you were the last

man on the planet.


Did she...

Damn, Nat.

Get in the car.

- All right.

(mellow music)

- Where are the keys?

(Jimmy whistles)

(gun thuds) (pensive music)

(Jimmy panting)

(Jimmy grunting)

(bucket thudding)

- Nat?



Hey, look at me.

You okay?

- What happened?

- They got us.

(rope creaking)

(Ask speaking faintly)

- [Ask] In stilettos.

- What do ya think they're

talkin' about out there?

- They're gathering

witnesses for an execution.

- Oh (exhales).

Look, I don't want to

state the obvious here,

but now would be a

really great time

if you could do the

whole Wonder Woman thing.

- Look, Jimmy, it's

not like I can just go

into a phone booth

and change, okay?

- Okay (panting).

(rope creaking)

(music continues)

- Look, there's something

I haven't told you.

It's about how Tasha came to be.

I was an orphan.

But in the beginning,

it wasn't just me.

I had a twin sister.

And we got passed around a lot.

We were all each other had.

And then one day,

she was just gone.

They took her from me.

You know, it's really hard

going through something

like that by yourself.

You know, I needed someone.

So, I created an

imaginary friend, Tasha.

The kids would tease me

about not having parents.

Tasha told me everything

was gonna be okay.

She was always in

my corner, you know?

And as I got older and the

world got more dangerous,

Tasha helped me survive.

She always did the things

that I was too afraid to do.

But with you, I have

been more myself

these past few days than I have

been in a really long time.

You don't make me feel like

I have to act a certain way,

or that I have to

choose one side

of my personality

over the other.

You just make me feel

wanted as a whole.

- That's what I've been

tryin' to tell you, Nat.

I know you got two personalities,

but your one person to me.

And when I told you

that I fell for you,

I fell for all of you, okay?

(pensive music)

Look at, there's no you

and her to me, okay?

There's just you.

I love you, Nat, okay?

Don't you ever doubt that.

- Execution time.

Oh, I do love the setting,

dark, moody, ominous,

this lingering atmosphere

of complete dread.

Mwah! Perfection.

- You know what?

I couldn't figure out why it was

that you went back for

that piece of crap truck,

so I took a peek inside.

So sorry for your loss.

- Oh, I would also like to add

that I am so happy that this

nightmare is almost over.

But if anything, the

length that we went through

to catch this problem

child only added

to the greatness of

the rite of passage

for our future

heir to the throne.

- I have a special request.

I want all of you to

put down your weapons.

I want there to be no doubt

that I did this on my own terms.

I don't want anybody thinking

that Ellis Lombardo needs

anybody to do his dirty work.

- Oo, it's a nice touch.

You heard him, boys.

Guns on the ground.

(anticipatory music)

- Hey?



(knee thuds) (Jimmy grunts)

(Natasha gasps)

(Jimmy groaning)

(pensive music)

- Okay, final chance.

You say you're sorry,

we pretend this never

happened and you come with me.

- Ellis?

- I'm not going with you.

- There you go, she

doesn't love you.

Shoot her.

- I'm just checking

my options, all right?

(music continues)

All right, what if

it's between him dying

and you comin' with me?

- Don't do it, Nat.

Don't you do it.

- Okay, okay.

I'll go with you.

If you let him go,

I'll go with you.

It's a deal.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

There is no deal.

There is no deal.

We have an agreement.

She's obviously lying to you.

Raise the gun and shoot her!

- Why don't you get off my back?

I don't answer to you, I

don't answer to my father,

I don't answer to anybody.

What is your problem?

- I'm just trying

to be a good mentor.

- Well, you suck.

(music builds)

- You know what?

Screw you and your legacy.

I'm gonna do this myself.

- Oh, no you don't.

- You're not gonna use that.

- Keep your hands

off your weapons

or she gets it between the eyes.

- This is what you awakened

inside of yourself?

A sniveling traitor?

Oh my God, Ellis, it's tragic.

- Maybe it's my rite of passage.

- (laughs) I'm so sick of you.

(shots firing)

(men exclaiming)

(shell casings clattering)

(pensive music)

(Ellis panting)

- Taking this as an

insurance policy.

(knife clatters)

Get over here.

(Jimmy grunting)

Get stuffed.

(music continues)

(Jimmy grunts)

Take this.

Get over here.

Don't try anything.

- Jesus.

- Stop it.

- Okay.

- Get in the car.

Get in.

- [Natasha] Ow.

(doors slamming)

(engine rumbling)

(energetic music)

(Ask coughing)

(Ask gasping)

- Hey.

You, uh, you okay?

- (laughs) Do I look okay?

Oh, he shot me (laughs).

(Ask gasping)

- Hey, look, I think we can

work together here, okay?

You know, my enemy's the

enemy kinda thing, right?

What do ya say?

- Am I the only one that

stays in my frickin' lane?

- Yeah, see, I know

where they're goin'.

- Oh, yeah?

- I do.

- Where would that be?

- Vegas, baby.

- Oh, Vegas?

Wow, that is, of course...


- (panting) They're

gonna hitch that wagon.

He loves her.

- (gasps) Oh, love.

- Yeah.

(dramatic music)

(Jimmy grunts)

(shots firing) (Ask gasps)

Holy shit.

It worked.

It worked (panting).

(dramatic music)

(engine rumbling)

- You didn't let him go.

That was the deal.

- Shut up!

Tasha will be fine with this.

You're the one that's

messing things up.

Tasha wants to be with me.

- You were always just

her play toy, Ellis.

- I said shut up!

(music continues)

- Ha!

(tires squealing)

- Get outta the car!

Get the box.

- What are we doin' here?

- Shut up!

- Ellis?

- Hey!

- Shut up!

- Take your hands off her, man.

Hey, look, let's just

talk about this, okay?

- You're not havin' her, bro.

- Come on, man,

what are you doin'?

Come on!

- Shut up!

What's goin' on?

Where's Tasha?

- I don't know.

She hasn't been around as much

anymore, now that he's here.

- You killed off Tasha?

- What are you talkin' about?

- Right, but she's gone,

you're worth nothin' to me.

Get down there.

- Hey!

- Get back!

- Okay, all right.

- Just shut up.

Gimme the box.

- No.

- Gimme the box!

- No.

- Come on, man.

- Gimme it!

- No.

- Gimme the box!

- No.

- Give it to me.

- No, don't!

Stop it!

Put the box down.

- I'm sorry about it.

- Put the box down.

- It's your choice.

Her, or your brother.

- Come on, man.

(suspenseful music)

- (panting) Looks like

you made your choice.

- [Jimmy and Natasha] No!

- [Natasha] No, don't.

- No!

- [Ellis] Get back!

- I swear to God, I

swear to God, man.

- Ellis, please, don't-

- I cannot believe you

chose that loser over me.

(panting) On your knees!

- Look at me.

- Shut up!

Get down.

- All right, fine, fine.

Look, I'm down on

my knees, all right?

- This what you want?

(panting) Sucks to be you, bro.

- Come on, man.

Don't do that.

Don't-(gun cocks)

Just, come on, man.

Come on!

- You're a dick, Ellis.

(fist thuds) (Ellis grunts)

(Ellis yells)

(water splashing)


Oh my God.

How does she do that?

- I don't know.

- I think I broke my hand.

Oh my God, it really...

(Jimmy panting)

(Natasha panting)

I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

(Jimmy panting)

- What now?

(Jimmy panting)

- We're gonna finish

this, you and me.

That's what we're doin'.

I'm gonna get you to that boat.

(sullen music)

(water splashing)

I'm sorry, brother (panting).

I tried, man.

I tried.

Let's go.

(music continues)

(doors slamming)

(engine rumbling)

(singer vocalizing)

(waves splashing)

- I can see why Bobby

picked this place.

It's beautiful.

- Yeah, we used to come down

here all the time his kids.

See those rocks over there?

The wind comes blowin' through,

so we would run full

speed side-by-side,

arms back, towel outstretched,

seeing if we could catch

just enough lift to take off.

So, where is the universe

gonna take you this time?

- The same place

it always takes me.

The Molokai Islands in Hawaii.

Locals refer to it

as the Twin Islands.

- So, was Ellis right,

what he said back there?

You finally killed off Tasha?

- Honestly, I don't know.

I have a feeling she's

only going to show up

if I really need her.

When she does, that girl is

gonna be wilder than ever.

(gentle music)

- I'm gonna clean

that money for you.

You don't have to worry

where it came from.

- Thanks.

You know, I'm startin' to think

that two and half thousand miles

is a long way to be

on a boat by yourself.

- Yeah?

Thinkin' about puttin'

down some roots?

- Are you ready for a

helluva lotta baggage?

- Yeah.

I can handle it.

- Can you?

- Yeah.

(gentle music)

- [Natasha] You did your

brother justice, Jimmy.

He's in the water now.

And eventually, he'll

visit every beach there is.

- [Jimmy] You know what?

I love the way you think.

(Natasha laughs)

(waves splashing)

(pensive music)

- Over two dozen men,

multiple vehicles,

countless weapons,

my top fixer, all lost.

Give me one good reason

why you should ever inherit

a single thing from me.

- Because I found that person

you wanted me to

find inside myself.

And I wanna get back out there

and finish this

once and for all.

(dramatic suspenseful music)

(upbeat music)

♪ Put your finger ♪

♪ In the pie ♪

♪ Make you calm,

make you wanna cry ♪

♪ I might stay ♪

♪ Might hang around ♪

♪ I might be gone before

the truth is found ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ Now, now, now ♪

♪ Do you like it ♪

♪ Want some more ♪

♪ My life is never a bore ♪

♪ I never wonder ♪

♪ I never stop ♪

♪ I never spill,

never get too hot ♪

♪ No, no, no ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Do you like it ♪

♪ Want some more ♪

♪ My life is never a bore ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a deadender ♪

♪ I'm on a bender, a

bender, a bender for you ♪