Door in the Woods (2019) - full transcript

Things take a turn for the worst when a small town family finds an abandoned door in the woods. Is this just an abandoned door, or a gateway to something so dark no one sees coming?












Overnight, you know what I mean?

So, you got it?

- Okay.
- Okay, thanks.

Hello, handsome.

No public displays
of affection at school.

Oh, but you know I'm a bad girl.

How bad?

So bad.

Really bad?

Very, very bad.

Say something sexy.

I finished unpacking
the last box today.

We're completely moved in.

Oh, my god, I'm so turned on
right now.


It only took eight months.

But it's done, we're home.

Only a few things left to do.

Oh, there's a few things
left, what few things?

It's nothing, you promised
me a door for the hall closet.

Oh, yeah.

And we need curtains
for the bedroom.

And a rug for the guest room.

And that's it?

That's it.

For now.


You knew what I was when you
married me.


Jesus, Ma, it's the principal.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Hello, Ms. Eden.

Hi, Ms. Raleigh, I'm
just here to pick up Kane

and I'll quit distracting
your foreman.

I must say, I think
he's doing a great job.

Ah, the work is above average.

Although, we've been up
against the clock, haven't we?

Yes and I do need
to get back to work.

- Oh, right.
- We got to pour

that concrete,
it's gonna set overnight.


Back to the salt mine.

Okay, see you tonight.

Poppy seed chicken.

- Oh, I'm there.
- Okay.

And I do need to go get Kane,

but I wanna thank you again

for this opportunity
for my family.

If it weren't for you and
the board allowing Red

to trade for and the school
is gonna be so great.

We could never do this right
now without this arrangement.

Kane is continuing to
assimilate here.

It's more, than the teachers
would like, but I think

there's a great chance,
that eventually

he'll be a good fit here.

Well, thank you, thank you.



Hey, buddy, ready to go?

Look what I found in a flee
market today.

Remember, your favorite
one we lost in the move.

My car.

One just like it.

Thanks, mom.

You're so welcome, honey,
ready to go?

Yeah, let's go.

I'm so sorry, buddy,
I know it's hard,

but we have to keep trying.

I hate this school, I
hate it, kids don't like me,

the teachers are mean, I get
in trouble all day for nothing,

Ms. Raleigh won't let me
have my car in the class,

they hate me here.

They don't hate you,
they don't, Kane,

they just don't know you yet.

I don't wanna go to school here.

Well, that's not
up for discussion.

I don't wanna go to school here.


when we moved here we thought
there would be more work

for your daddy, but it was
slower, than we wanted and,

you know, we wanna put
you in the best school

we possibly can, you know
what Dr. Timmon said.

I have to go to a special
school, where they can help me,

because my brain works

That's right and you
don't have to be embarrassed

about that, honey.

We want the very best for you.

And daddy is trading
work for you to be able

to go to this special school.

You know, we can't afford
it any other way, remember?

I remember.

Okay, so as long as daddy
is working for this school,

this is your school, okay?


Kane is good, he told
me to hug the phone,

when you called.

Yeah, Red is great,
the school job has been

great word of mouth, lots of
compliments from the parents

about the work.

Well and you know,
they all have money

or they'd be in a different
school, so.


Oh, hey, mom, I need
to go, I have a guest.

Okay, I love you, okay, bye.




Hi, Evelyn.

EVELYN: Come inside.

These swords always
freak me out.

Oh, they don't mean anything.

I know.

Not on their own.

I know, it's just a knee
jerk reaction.

It's all good.

It about Red, your husband.

More opportunities, more
freedom, more money.

Well, that's all good news.

Now, it's on you.


EVELYN: What is this?

It's a Pisces, a portal
sending for you here an opening.

We've talked about starting
a new internet business

to sell some of my hobby work.

Maybe, this is bigger.

It is,

you should be careful.

It's bad?

Anytime you open a new
door, you can never be sure

what's on the other side of
the wall until you're there.

It means this can
be good, it's dangerous.

You think this is dangerous?

I don't know, you
should be cautious,

when you open...


Kane, whatever happened?

Go to your room.

They wouldn't stop
laughing at me, mom.


Do what your dad
says, we'll talk later.

Juryah, good to see you.


Excuse me.

Really, the third visit
from the psychic?

I wanted him to bless the house,

now that we're finally
unpacked and he doesn't need

to be called a
psychic, he's an augur.

He's a psychic
you found on Craigslist.

Humor me, I wanted the house

Craigslist didn't have priests?

I can't believe
I'm gonna say this.

Can he come back later?

Can he come back later?


Alright, I took the
rest of the afternoon off

to deal with this,
I'm gonna go shower.

Juryah, would you mind
coming back for the blessing

next week?

Of course, of course, next week.

So what happened?

He said, at lunch time all
these kids were laughing at him

and he has to sit down and
they kept making fun of him

and finally he hit one and
another kid jumped on him,

and then the teachers
had to pull em apart.

And then Raleigh calls me
in along with the councilor

and sends him home for the day,
and now he's got a three day

in-school suspension.

So what do we do now, Red.

I don't know, these
other kids are starting it.

No, no, he can't hit other kids.

Well, he's got to
stand up for himself.

If these other kids are gonna...

No, he can't hit
other kids, he can't,

it's not the way
the world works.

It is the way the world works.

But he can't hit other
kids and stay at the school

and we need this school.

So what do we do now?

So, no video games, no
movies, no TV, no apps, okay?

For how long?

EVELYN: We're gonna
start with two weeks.

That's forever.

RED: You'll live.

And if we don't see
improvement, it could be longer.

That's not fair.

You know what's not fair
is us making the sacrifices,

that we're making for
you to go to that school

and then you not following
simple rules.

So you're grounded, it's
gonna be homework and chores,

you can still play outside and
draw and play with your cars,

but your councilor and
the principal think,

that too much screen time
is having a negative effect.

Can I have my
cars in class, just once?

No, buddy, no cars in class.

We do have some
good news, though.

You shouldn't think
of this as a reward,

because you are grounded.

The councilor thinks you need
to spend some time outside,

burn off some energy, so we're
gonna go for a hike tomorrow.

A hike, in the woods?

Yeah, we're gonna go to the
state park and take a hike,

and have a picnic on...

Can I bring my binoculars,

can I bring my magnifying glass?

Yeah, you can bring whatever
you want,

load up your backpack, but
we can't get too excited,

we got to go to sleep tonight.

I can't wait, I can't
wait, I can't wait.

Okay, okay, get
under the covers,

you need to get some
sleep, if you're gonna run

all over the forest tomorrow.

Goodnight, buddy.

Goodnight, baby.


Get up, get up, get up,
get up, get up, get up.

- Looks who's up.
- Get up, get up, get up!

Usually, your mom has to drag
you out of bed by the ears.

I'll start breakfast,

if you could make
sandwiches for lunch.

I need big pieces of bread
to make a king sandwich

for the bears.

There's bears?

EVELYN: There aren't any bears.

There's definitely bears,
there's definitely bears

and they're gonna get you.


No way.

They'll look fantastic.

(LAUGHS) No, they would not.

Come on, beaded curtains
are huge right now.

Sure they are (LAUGHS).

What, we need something
at the end of the hall.

That rent house,
it looks like a condo.

That's what was available.

I'm not complaining.

I'm grateful we were
able to find something.


We're ready to
have the talk again.


What if it helped?

I'm not stuffing him full of
pills, Red.

I'm not talking about
pouring meds down his neck,

don't frame it
like that, I'm just,

I'm just asking, if we need
to carefully and thoroughly...

It's a quick fix.

The side effects, the months
it takes to dial in the dosage.

I just wanna make sure, that
we are open to every option,

that might help him.

I'm open.


I never stopped researching.

I'm not hung up on vaccines,
I'm not that person.

I just haven't seen anything,
that makes me believe

a pill is the answer.






What is it?

Kane, come here, come here,
come here, be quiet, be quiet.

KANE: What is it?

I think it might
be a bear, a bear!


I got you a little something.


For being great, about the
move and all the sacrifices

you're making for your family.

I know the house isn't
what you had envisioned,

when we made
our fresh start, but...

Is it a sack of
diamonds. Is it diamonds,

did you get me a potato
sack full of diamonds.

Well, it's not in a sack.

My own online store.

I bought the URL and I
set up a simple website,

it connects to all the crafty

My God.

I mean it's not finished,
but it'll take payments

and everything.


this is so great.

Do you like it?

Yes, thank you, thank you.

I wish I could do more.


Where is Kane?


It's door.

I see it's a door,
it's a really cool door.


Yes, vintage, weathered.

It's creepy.

Every antique has a story

and you always
assume it's creepy.

This is creepy, what,
someone left a door out here?

I don't know, people dump
treasures all the time,

look, they even left the key.

It's just waiting for us.

All it needs is to be refinished

with a little love and care.

Are you serious?

Yeah, you see creepy,
I see potential, Red,

it even looks, like it's the
right size.

I love your creative
vision, but I do not see it.

I always see the potential,
it's why I married you.

Look, it's not a beaded curtain
and if the house is finished

then I can focus my full
attention on getting

the online store up and running.

I'll go get the truck,
I'm not hauling that thing.

You're the bestest,
strongest husband ever.



Thank you, honey.

Well poured.


Works and everything.




Hey, you have a
late night snack?

No, not me.

Oh, he's sleep walking again.

RED: And sleep eating?

Didn't even bother heating
it up, just munched on it cold.

I got to go to work early to
make up

for that half day on Friday,
can you take Kane to school?

Sure, sure, you
don't want any bacon?


Or a waffle?

No, I'm good, love you.

Love you too.

I'm so sleepy.

Yeah, I figured, do you
remember getting up last night?


Well, eat fast,
we're gonna be late.

Oh, Kane, you've
got to comb your hair.

We're out of milk.

I'll pick some up after
I take you to school, eat.

Kane, did you leave some
food in the jacket pocket

or something, the closet reeks.


Well, then it's shoes, gross,
you done?

Get your backpack, let's go.


Kane, oh, I'm gonna
skin you alive, oh, God.

Yes, yes.

Kane swears he didn't do it.

Well, maybe they
crawled in from the vent.

Red, it was full, full,
they didn't climb in there.

I'll talk to him, but maybe
you want me to put some traps

in there just in case?

Sure, put some traps in there,
see if they catch anything.

ANNOUNCER: 35, 40, what
a block, 45, still going...

And talk to Kane.

Yeah, what?

ANNOUNCER: This game is
really getting.


I can't sleep,
I'm having bad dreams.

You okay?

Yeah, it's nothing, I just.

I'm walking through a
house with lots of rooms

and it's following me.


The bad thing.

What's the bad thing?

I don't know, it's just a
bad thing, it wants to get me.

A monster?

You okay, buddy?

You know, we're
right across the hall,

I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you.

I know.

You know, there's no such
thing as monster, right?


EVELYN: They aren't real.

I don't believe in monsters,
but I'm scared of them.

Well, can you think of happy

like taking a hike or a cool
bug, or driving a fast car?

I try to think of happy
things, but every time I close

my eyes I see the bad thing.

Well, can you think of anything,
that can make you think

of good things?

Grandma's prayer.


Our father, who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy
will be done, on earth,

as it is in heaven, give
us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those,

who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil,

for thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever.





Hi, this is no longer a safe

this house has changed.

Come inside.

Thank you.

What's wrong?

I'm not sure, but
this house, it unclean,

it afflicted by spirits.

Dark phantoms haunted by
the trinity of the veil.

My house is haunted, no,
the evil has an invitation,

someone brought it here.

What, we invited an evil spirit?

Okay, I believe in psychic
ability and the tarot,

but ghosts, isn't it a little?

You cannot believe in
only half of the next world.

I sense malice
from the other side.


We must bless this house.


Where did you get this door?


Okay, all done.

Understand, there are no

I understand, yeah.

You should remove
this door, burn it.

Okay, I'll talk to Red.

Be careful,
be careful with things

you bring into this house.

Second one,
what is with these bits.

Not coming out?

No, it won't budge
and these pins,

they're stuck in here,
I can't knock them out.

Well, how are we
gonna get it out then?

I don't know, sledge hammer?

Honey, this isn't
a one night job.

But I want it gone.

You begged for this
door and now one word

from your psychic friend, who,
by the way,

may have visited here today
and you wanna pull it?

You love this door, you
said it was perfect.

I know.

I thought it
was creepy, you said no,

he says it's creepy...

I know.

You sure you're not

You always say I'm overreacting.


Okay, well, he cleared the
house, so maybe we're good.

I'm sure that did
it, clearing the house.

Honey, I will get to it, I
just can't do it tonight.

Fine, we'll just keep it
till the weekend and see.

Maybe on the weekend you
can get a nice beaded curtain.


WOMAN: How can I help you?

Hi, I'm new to town and...

And you need a library card.

No, I mean yes, but,
actually, I'm looking for

reference material for any
local stories or legends about,

about the supernatural stuff.

Oh, local haunts and ghost

Yes, exactly.

There's a local interest
section, there might be

some books there you'd be
interested in.

Ghost stories,
old haunts or was there

something in particular?

You know, I don't really
know where to start,

do you have any ideas?

There are some more recent
things, can still talk about

the haunted bridge down
Morris road, a spooky well

and there is the vanishing

The children.

Oh, yeah, for decades,
this town has been known

for children being, well,
taken, come with me.


That's it, she was the last one.

Maggie Bradford, this
is over 20 years ago.

And they stopped after
her, the vanishings,

they go way back before that,
at least a couple a year.

There were some arrests,
but no convictions.

And no one every found them?

Not a one.


Some decaffeinated
sleepy time tea.

What's going on?

I went to the library
today to do some research.

About the door.


Did you find anything?

Yes, some stuff
about missing children,

who were never found.

You know, every town has
missing children stories.

This is a lot of children,
over a long time, Red,

it's unnerving.

Well, you know,
you can get unnerved,

when children are in
danger and especially Kane.

And I think it's because it
was so much work having him.

I mean it wasn't so much work,

but we were very lucky.

We were so lucky, you know.

And the stress of moving
and your psychic buddy

throwing fuel on the fire, I
think you're getting caught up

in creepy stories.

How are we supposed to tell
Kane there's no such thing

as ghosts, when mommy's
jumping in shadows?

Yeah, I know, you're right.


Good morning.

I forgot to set the timer on
the coffee maker last night.

I did it.

Oh, my hero, you want eggs?

I got to stick
with toast and coffee.

Yeah, but you like
eggs, I don't mind it.

My hero.

If you get Kane ready for
school, I'll take him.



RED: Can you take
a look at this?


Maybe this weekend
we get a new door.



Oh, no.

As you know, this is
not out first incident.

As accommodating
as this school may be,

we have a zero tolerance
policy for violence.

RED: We know and...

RALEIGH: I've talked
to several other families

and while I don't
excuse their behavior.


EVELYN: How can they just
kick him out?

RED: It's a private school,

they can do whatever they want.

EVELYN: That school was
built for special kids,

kids with needs like Kane's,
to kick him out, it's...

It's not fair, it's not
right and it's what happened.

On Monday I'll go talk
to the principal Raleigh,

maybe she'll be in a
different frame of mind.

But as it is, we got to start
looking for a new school.

I'll call the tutor the
councilor recommended.

Maybe he won't
fall too far behind,

while he's out of class.

How much does the tutor cost?

It's not cheap.

RED: Great.

I'll get a job, the
online business can wait.

It may have to, you
know the contract I signed

with the school about trading

for Kane's tuition, well,
now, that Kane's no longer

at school I get a cash
payment, a low cash payment.

How low?

RED: Low.

How are we gonna be
able to pay the bills?

We'll figure something out.

Important thing is we
get him back at school.

But how do we even...

Punish him?

Do we, I mean those other
kids, those kids push him

and then he's already grounded.

I'll take him to
work with me tomorrow.

It's Saturday,
nobody will be at school,

he can do his math work
book and his reading.

He stays here, it'll be
too much like vacation.

You're a good dad.

You're a great mom.

We'll figure it out.

We always do.

Okay, be good
for your dad today,

don't distract him from work.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Love you.

Have a good day.





Hello, my name's Evelyn Eden
and I was just wondering

and I know this sounds
odd, but I was wondering,

if you had any information
about the old house,

that used to be in the
clearing, the one, that burned.

What about it?

I was just looking for anyone
with any

information about it, I
wanted to, there was a door.

You're the one,
who took the door.

What do you know
about that door?


You made a terrible mistake.

Okay, eat your lunch,
do your math, read,

no TV, no games, okay?


I mean it, I'm just
running to the lumber yard

and I'll be right back, lock the

I know, lock the door, keep my
phone on,

do not open the door
until when you're home.

You got it, no games.

KANE: I know.

My daughter Maggie vanished,
just like all the others.

No clues, no demands, no leads,
just gone.

EVELYN: Maggie, Maggie

your daughter was the last

I knew it was that damn house.


Who lived there?

No one.

House has been
abandoned for years.

But every story
about a missing kid

led up to that house.

I started thinking there's
something wrong with the house,

the house itself.

The house was
taking the children.

WOMAN: I told her to
stay away from that house,

I knew, knew, I was wrong and
I wasn't gonna let that house

take another child.

You burned it.

I took eight gallons of kerosene

and I burned it to the ground,
all of it.

Except the door,
it wouldn't burn.


So I took two more gallons
of gas and I lit it up.

But that door wouldn't
burn, so I buried it

and I buried that door
eight feet underground,

and I threw the key in the pond.

So why was it...

I went back the next day

and that door was standing in
its place

straight up like an oak,
like it had grown there

out of the ground, key and
lock, so I wrapped it in chains.

And I fastened that key in the
lock, and I left it to rot.

And the children stopped

For 20 years,

but then you took the door.

We took off the chain.

You let it loose, Ms. Eden.

What is it, Missis Bradford,
what is behind that door?

I don't know,
but it takes children

and it doesn't give them back.

I don't know what it is,

but it's a very bad thing.


I need to go, thank you.

of that door, Ms. Eden.

Kane, Kane, honey,
open the door.


Kane, honey, open the door.

What's going on?


What's wrong, oh my God, I
got it, I got it, I got it.

Kane, open the door,
Kane, where are you?

- Kane, Kane!
- Kane!




EVELYN: He's gone, he's gone.

RED: Kane, Kane, Kane, Kane!



RED: You know every town
has missing children stories.

JURYAH: Open them, any
time you open a new door...

RED: How are we
supposed to tell Kane

there's no such thing as ghosts,

if mommy's jumping in shadows?

JURYAH: Other side of the wall.


I know, I know.


Where's my phone, I need to
make a call.

Gonna call your mom again?


I'm gonna call an expert.


Don't try to talk me
down, you left him here.

Tried to make me think I was,

you made me think I
was crazy, but I'm not.

I know what happened to Kane.

I'm gonna do anything
I can to get him back.

Now where's my phone?

We may be able to get Kane
back, but we must move quickly.

I can hear the other side
and they can hear me.

We may be able to make a
bargain for your son's return.

How do we do it?

It will be difficult,
it will be frightening,

we will hold a ceremony,
not here, the place,

where you found it.


The place?

Where it took Kane,

what's it like?

This thing, this bad
thing, that took Kane,

it is an ancient evil.

We must not take it lightly,
we are going to battle.

What do we need?

I have the tools I
need, but bring the door.




Salt circle for protection.

Don't break it.

Try to stay inside of it.

What happens, if you
step outside of the circle?

Try to stay inside of it.

Think of it as shield between
us and any angry spirits.

So the spirits will be angry?

Oh, yeah.

You pull out the jars, water,

These are levels of spirits
between us and the one

keeping Kane, gatekeepers,

We will go deep through many

each level have different
techniques and rituals.

You must agree to
follow my directions.

Completely and without

Of course.

You may hear things, you
may see things, you may,

no matter what happen here
tonight, focus on the goal.

Don't be shaken, don't be

Don't let hope to fear, bring
Kane home.

Close your eyes.

If you hear bell ringing,
squeeze my hands.

We need to speak
with other spirits

beyond the veil and grant us
the passage to the other side.

Spirit of the veil,
are you there?

Spirit haunting the veil, are
you there?


We have returned the
door to its right place,

as tool of a good faith.

Do you sense the door?


Keep your eyes
closed, just do it.

We have to force a little bit.

Hold my hand tightly, okay.


Pray, pray, pray, pray.





We are beyond now.


The veil, we need some
help from other spirits,

the totem for allowing them
to answer my questions.

One knock yes,

two knocks,


Spirit, are you there?

Spirit, answer me,
are you there?

Are you light spirit?

If you truly dark spirit, then
you know

I can speak on the other side.

Do you know who I am?

Then you know what I can do.

We are looking for a boy
from the side of living,

have you sensed him?

Will you help us?

I can compel you, I
command you to assist us.

I command you to.


Oh my God, they're not
gonna help us, are they?

You're not done.

Do you hear that?

Yeah, I think,

wait, do you hear that?



He is in the darkest place,
he is in the darkest place,

he is in the darkest place,
he is in the darkest place,

he is in the darkest place,
he is in the darkest place.

He is in the darkest place,
he is in the darkest place,

he is in the darkest place.

Place your hands on the toy.

Keep your pressure light,
feather light.

Don't attempt to move
the car, just let it move

and let your hands follow it.

Are there spirits
willing to speak with us,

a willing spirit, any spirit
willing to speak with us?

We are looking for a
boy, a living boy,

that was taken to the
other side tonight.


Oh, my God.

Yes, he is called Kane,
do you know where he is?

Tell us where he is.

You will, you will tell
us where Kane is.


Where is the boy, where is Kane?

Who's got the boy?

Oh, shit, I need his name.

In the power of light, I
compel you, give me his name.


Damn it.

What now?


I need to channel
with the gatekeeper.

I can't do that
without his name.

Can you try again?

I only had one board, I've
never seen them do this to one.

If you had another, could
they destroy that one too.

I need enhancement
to protect it.

I never thought I...


Do it.

Spirits, give me the
name of the gatekeeper,

the powers of light, I
compel you, give me her name.



So you have her name.

This is a powerful dark force.

And the only gatekeeper to
whatever the mind intended

has taken Kane.

Are you saying you can't?

No, no, no, he could do
it, you can do it, right?

I can.

So what is it?

I'm about to open a dark

About to, what have
we been doing so far?

The next step is taxing,
difficult and dangerous.

Please sit.

Before we,

before we open the dark
doorway to the next evil,

I want you to know, I
believe Kane is alive,

with all my heart, I truly do.


But before we open the
door, I want to be sure,

I want to try and talk to Kane.

We can talk?

Possibly, yes, but
this is very disturbing.

I want you to be
prepared and focused.

Okay, anything.

Bring pencils.


The Veil has then, I'm
speaking now to the living

beyond the curtain, to
the living among the dead.

I'm speaking to Kane
Eden, can you hear me?

Kane, if you're there,

you can move it,
tell me you are there.

Dark spirits, allow him
to speak to the living.

To the side, stand aside,
I'm speaking to the living.

Dark evil aside,
let the living speak!


I'm sorry, there are too
many dark spirits between us,

I can't.

But does that mean?

I believe Kane is alive.





My baby, baby, my baby.

I was there,
I was where Kane is.


I am an open vessel, a
pie dish for the dark spirit

called Empusa.

I summoned the gatekeeper
to speak to the dark spirits

beyond this door.

Talk to me Empusa, allow me to

EMPUSA: I am Empusa,
I am the guardian

of the gate to the void.

We seek an audience with
the entity behind the door.

The one, that was taken,
named Kane.

EMPUSA: You do not want
to speak to my master,

living one, he is the prince
of sorrows and suffering.

He is glorious in his evil.

We must speak with him,
he does not belong there.

EMPUSA: My master
would disagree,

he'd rather shift the
pitiful wailings of the boy,

I doubt he will give up his pet.

The boy's parents are
here, they are willing

to bargain with your master.

EMPUSA: Bargain, what
pain could they bring,

that would suffice in trade,

what pain could they
offer as tribute?

Let us speak with your
master, is he afraid?

EMPUSA: Afraid,
my master, he is fear

formed into consciousness,
he sups on the beasts,

that quake men's
homes, he is not afraid.

Then why not
let us speak with him?

Why not grant us
in our audience?

We are afraid,

let him enjoy our
fear in his presence

and no harm could come from
hearing and considering bargain.

EMPUSA: The boy is so
important to you,

that you would stand in the
feet of pain and terror,

and still have the loins
to offer a bargain?

Yes, yes, he is that
important to these people.

EMPUSA: You may speak to
my master on his grounds,

place the key under the door.

Out of respect to
you of the living,

my master is fickle and cruel.

Juryah, are you alright?

I'm okay, I'm okay.

You have the key.

Oh, yeah, here.

You heard the
warnings, are you ready?

Yes, yes, yes I am.




It being dramatic,
it trying to scare you.

It's working.

RED: Evelyn?

EVELYN: I'm here, I'm just,
ah, something touched me.

JURYAH: Everyone,
stay inside the circle.


EVELYN: It burned my wrist!

RED: Where are you?

EVELYN: Here, I'm here.

RED: It's me, that's me.

EVELYN: He pulled on my arm.

Are you okay?

Something had my arm, I'm okay.



Here he comes.




EVELYN: Can you see it?

JURYAH: Yes, I see it.



He says Kane is his
favored and he has no reason

to bargain, why does he
have to make a deal with us?

I'll take his place.

No, I'll take his place.

Both of us, he can have
both of us, just let Kane go.


He doesn't want you,
you are not children.

Why does he?

There's something about
the fear of this child,

that is uniquely delicious.

We will do anything
in our power, anything

to make an exchange.

We will do anything.


You have no power to
satisfy his bargain.

You have no leverage.

You only have his power.

What does that mean?

If he won't bargain,
then we won't leave,

we'll stay here with Kane.


That is an empty threat.

If you remain here, he will
keep you separate from Kane.

You will never hold him,
you will never comfort him,

you will never sooth his pain.

No, no, no, I'm sorry,
that I made the threat,

I apologize, I'm sorry,
I'm so so sorry.

What does it mean, only his
power, what does that mean?

A bargain on how
to amplify his power,

a bargain will mean
an entity, influence,

a wider result.

It sounds like it
already has a deal in mind.

From the beginning,
he always did.


To get your son back, you
will endure any agreement,

if it means safety and peace.

But what if that
wasn't a bargain?

What if you were meant
to pay so much misery,

what price would be too
much, if others pay it?

Would you accept?

That is my son and I
will do anything, anything,

to get him back home safe.

Then we have a deal.




You must make good on this deal.

Or penalties will be severe.

I will.

I'll be leaving here,
I'm going back West.

I suggest you do the same.

We will not meet again.

Thank you.

Do whatever you must to
forget the cost of the deal.

Or the weight of it will
crush you, forget it.


I don't wanna live here anymore.

We aren't gonna live here
anymore, baby, just rest, okay?

I'm gonna pack up some
stuff and then later

we're gonna go to grandma's.


Just try to get some sleep.

Why isn't daddy going with us?

Daddy has to stay
behind a few days,

he has some work to finish.